v.:. -~ --~- LA~OtNY ?Em'J. ~RTAV,)MAfl , M, ,1916..- SOLDIERS'WIVES SEEK JOBS; MASON. SENDS TBEM IHOME Two Young Women Go to Chi- cago to Work When Soldiers 'Are Ordered to Arms. APPLY TO A U. S. OFFICER. One Is a Waukegan Girl Who Has Lived at the Fort Since Her Marriage. %r larle (asaktn of Waukegan la williîîg ttîat her soidier itusani, Troolieýr Luuîii Gaskin of Troop C. Mcttii <aatry, talte u# arma agaInt Mlexico, but stea os't ,îîend to ait Ily at home whille her iuaband lis rnarctîtng arrosa the barren vastes of oid Mexico. Yegferd.ay ahe Ieft ber homie lu Waukegan and! vent to * Chicago lookîng for a loti. With her weiif Helen Nelghbor, a 17-year-old flirs. Gaskln'asldier-huahand 19 vreparing fa go ta lhe front with bts troop. ecause sie feara that sie lil be lonesome Nr. Gaikin vaot ed ta go ta wark. fothgirls appeated 10 tUnited etistes flepllfy Marshat William H. Streeter. who reterret! tea f0Cn. is" onar L.ewis F. Magon.,viao la a resident of Waukegan. Mr. Mason pîrsîîaîied tfiîîî tareflîrn ta Wsuke- « N e* as'ln athoig aWaukegsn Mîrl, hastîcuf tic greafer part of her Sine ti( 11j; a to mawareceivet! et Frt ri n to tooprshave taken0un to fhemselves s vifs. Bot-h vere married ln Waukegan. On.o * .oday, the. 0f ler Tîîesds,. Boy Ma woi as ta],led u111100 10Perforai Oie geremiony, snd a mintter of lie gos- tiel was retslîîed by the second cod- pie. BITTER FIGHT OVER MILK PRICES 18 ON. >Elgin, II ll,1arçti 15.-Tic liotent àgit lu y.ara over mlk contracta *ag prediuied foday by producers 1*hen te Borden C'ompîany opened ! s bookg itli an average pruce offer Of 91.t3 1-4; a ituîdrpd jiaunds for fie six montIha teglînling Alrîl 1. Pro- durera. firougi the Milk Produceraë' Assoc-iation, dêmand $1.55. and bave ,teecn lnsfructed iîy fia association ta hold 041. The tiovman t'ompany is f offerl ng a price of $1.415 -6 for 3.6 Pper cent buter fat mil. 'WORLD FULL 0F IIYPOCRISY,1' SAÏS VOLIVA IN SERMON Attaclçs Society Women, Say- ,ing Th$y Display Hypocrisy on Many Occasions. HE SEES THE MILLENIUM. Theres onlytwo lauys fiat aoclety peatle Caun gelt their nagnes ilutha pa- Dpr, arr ordiîîgta WlIbur Glenn Vol- lva. Oue ls la have thir appendices rut ouf. aud the ther ta ta have their jewetIry stolen. -A ltothte laîîghters ofthfislest! mu g its ilu soclety are go Internai ggly fiat tiet <i titra sweet milk gour. "They le lies asîd hypocrlsy. Tbey WIt sgay ail klîda ofutîgiy thibia about Mr.Itrowntwiteîî tey se hlm comîag. 'Jheylt lookthruugh fie vin, dow andi say, Thires tial John Brown coimtg. tie wrct-ed nid nui- sance' Ad when ic tiaocks at bhc door Hvtl s'l ay, *Wýelt. eres Mr. lerîwn.i - i 't o glaî linuve callet.' 'Tien Mca. joîjes witt conte along wlflî ber jaIiY. andttîlis face vouit! take a prize al. anu gly show. And! Mra Joues salît gay, 'Witat do you titk of my batîy-Is't ite preffyl' -'Yea'sasys Mns Jenkins, 'If's a charmlig chIld. Suri a deigittul lit- tle dear' Ant i at the time Ifrs. Jeu- klas kîtowa tebaby la as ugiy ns ai. Sucb ltypocrlaiy!" saIt! Volt-fa witit diagat. 'Il's abominable. i 'Then theyll lie about their hats. Mrs. Tomnktîta a-tI eef Mrs. Trol- borwe aed tr.Tonikins vli ay,' 'Wlîaf a pretty bat yoîî bave, dear. iiow mtîcbtiti You Psy loti l?' 'Thirteen dollars aud a hit.' "And! she lied ailthfe tîme, for II, oîly cot ?,g cents. "Anti thttylie il uiness. ln Chi- cago fieY seilt fartsiau bats fiat ney- er saw Paris. Ttîey oeilt rugs tint, neyer saw Turkey. andt they sailIfOW- ets for lunen Iliaf acier saw any lin- en. Ail these lars la business or gociety will have tu relient. "Wien a man ftuatty gela ana of tîtase buitefriltes for a wlte, ha ,finds site's ail padded îîp. Site has a glass8 eye, a woodan lai, she got bar hair at the barber siop, aud when she washes ber face, '10! site cornes tu lierget, asothie rosi girl aipeara! "Tia warld 11s tull ying hypo- v'oiva's OUItloalff? t bafuture WOel tare of tie vorid in generai vas far O front enitouraii. g Ha bld hil.audi. ,O R UE t~ S -DE- cecaet the Zion tabernacle.,IMichi- gan avenue. Chicago, Sunday affer- enoon, fial they'd beter prere for the worst. "John Alexander Dowle,' ha said. "vas tixat messenger of whom Mfalachi spolie. Tie world has la face lie faef that he was EiiJah the îropiet, who was to corne befoe the 'great anti terrible day of the Lord.' The world taughed et Dowîn and! mocied him. But 1 want tuo tel you. wbether you believe It or not, Dlowie vas that propiet. and the great storm vbhich was to usher 1:1 the second comlng of our Lord ha, brokIn, and practlcally the vhole world la at war. Rulers tremble on ther firones. The whoie world lm la an uproar. The present order lm breaking up, and soon wiii came uni. vernal var and! chaos. Before the Lord cornes evary nation and! every govêvnlnent muet be 'amaabed. andi out o! t ailZMon, the kingdom of aod, wili rise and stand forever." According te, Voiva, one of tia warainas, of the. churcies, snd the greatest sigue of lthe end la the luke- lack of interest in religion. FOR SALE-80-acre Strno.'ail good lillable land; good orchards. pienty of water; located northeast o! Uhber- tyvilia. For aquick deal viii make reasonahie terme. L. H. Litchili, W&u.tegan, 111. Pbque 1334R. Wkiy-It LAY IN' TRIAL is IN NATURE 0f VICTORY Impicît Confidence in Ris At-, torneyý-Re Expects to Be Freed of the Charge. MAY SPRING 'A SURPRISE. Declared That Defense Wili Shatter Bottie CIew, Highly Regarded by State. The fact liat Circuit Judge ('laire '.Edwarde deferred unlil oext Mou- day hils decisian an the motion of At- torney James H. Wlkerson. senli con.el for William H. Orpet, the rot- laie student charged vith fie mur- der af M.arion Lambert, ta quasi thei I ietmen.t...la.,,i.. 5h. h., fetaswl as ils attarneys,, as -a vtorY. cty officiais la t a e eOgrb - Dft ti traa atlm a f!you ereraisid te wash Your taff Stat.ea Atorney Dady avidently baît! Civ Child R#_@iWblltY. !are ail ready ta uigo Up and as 80011 vbo ovas or controa.28,900,000 acres at fhe bydrant,.dontt maurylite a tu- expeclet! merely s formai motion ta Tour cblld viii Sa1Ir taIse a great as fhislsaicloue th- yack of breaking of ranchi land! -a domalo au large as' ger bovi tamily.-OGalvelOD NeWIL quasi. As requesled by court, bhe1ls position amons lis tbIio lnlule If ln grount! vîi le starlet!. 1'ennayivauîfa' _________ auiolle. iy. ood hldt 1I ePosbi- The vark of îigniag up la coasld- Mot ln the 1... Cé 1" preparing te salimit at its iy etehlétar frte luwura. ered smatter of forai and! forr-D thlaiisrisa hp ub Despite fie tact tat Orpet looka lb. cblb'Wl,. OMO .te conider the. reason iltgisexiîected fiat grouniidi O 1T r aretety, M-, clin a<ouder.m sadat carlu. a blp "@W 4b vorried if le sait! Le bas impllit con- bloasomus aise no UIMY aweef, lovai>' be broken vithin fie next tev days. Teeae via-ou l 4c u Iportdant ad Ue man, atl de tofr hm:an cnsdes tsacui-given Waler ad MuMMn -hcariday. 1meeting on Monday aligt eUillia-counting ,olinsagpla& le jr. hlm nd conîdershua acuit aoner Dlefmeyer report-et!that he -- -- -.-------- - - - - I i3-400 r p1. in. Clial mers.\ 1 ans Gallaiît Going (iver AJI Kinds of Ronds The 3400 r. p. m. Chalmers does everything a car should do. It wrings 18 miles of gallant going out of cvery galloni of gas, a mile a minute if you're keen for spccd. Alwavs there is the feeling of.velour beneath my a,ýcelerator foot, Thîis car haaýh liveliness of a spiritcd mare, with a J>ullman-like stability that keeps your back-seat pass- engers from rattling around lhke peas in a pod, which happens in so many .other light, fast cars. This able Six is heavy enough and so finely poised that its four whèelg stay always où thfe ground, with diîrection as strai*ht as a bullet. By tra nsforirig this car's supetabuüfidghce cf' brute mnigit into all-tound petffi Èce, Chtnérkiengteering has saved yoi from el 50 to $200 Worth otf fuel pet year. So it's a sane and gesif buy frdth every sla't.- aîid the smart qnes whose sènse of vnhift l½asn't M blunted hy prosperity are dropping aroùnd with their clîek- books.i $1 0,5()Detroit. ('tdnr optiomns: Oriford înaroon %'th Ihootd to milteli or XMetco bitv with lacîlttk 110 d. LUX AUTO SALES COMPANY" GRAND AVE. AND GENESEE STS. WAUKEGAN, ILL. The Swift, silent brcathing of the unique engine of the new 3400 r. p. mi. Chalmers is l'as-Wr tliaî that ot' any other car on the road. Without gasp or throb, this weird, alu. linum-lunged beast inhales a mist of gasoline through the tiny nostrîl in its carburetor so rapidly that it can spin its motor at* the supreme velocity of 3400 revolutions per minute. Hil h engine speed in a racer means just one thing- track -burning car speed. ]But the high - speed engine of the 34M0 r. p. nm. Chalmers means automobile attributes not measured in mere speed alune. It means the.- whole gamut of performance. niost desirëd by men and Women who demand more from a car thah a beltfu} of racing records. Chalmers engineers hve translated superlative en-, gine speed into the composite boon of pick-up, puise, The ersailt of this vehiele 4s won it the viZor- ous (Y. K. of every persun 1 knoWr for whom it h as performed.i tai rnerely a guesuon of lime.Ile 1 eaed the auto company was not go-' bav mde he itaeqirt te j~E~tJO ng ta 10<atP here. For tiaat reason Te pigett.Mior. an acquaint-soce that thbe ut- asbheboard d,'cided ta defer action n TC it*eaf0t.Ou!o boul reai ovdn c gaot h dTe is s r yC r!.continul, a large water main 'c. the' 10W îOrtbwut bte théPaciflo OO*.6 pettde aclew onwlch ote -aIe de-i I city limits from a pointt utarting at the are oaly a mile spart, wbiie thoe et rpn od i te Orp't Aa,(!wAsTy «' nrth end of te îannery property. mre of th e trlbutarlea of the AmÂso. Unpurchase eau bc xI.:1.i conIl A When atir-hme tfor te Iniprovü- flowing north, and of the La Platl., vIncingly.- - ment was coucelved It weq diuefo, flowIng goulh, are cioséiy contlgiOUILm th tlsAlre l'1 tiA the benetît of the auto factarY. If fi t-ey eueP.las htPresident of Commercial Club iwo ud t ,,immodlatei haste about Worth Whui. QueUatton. there have been auy rer.ý. iuaàd 'c TelisCity Officiis Auto p tiflg in tAilarge main, If ft s a "lTor@ va personé no rouillnt, .M t0 having Orpet plead gu. 't i e fart that the auto compauy realty la' genfal, no klnd. go pleanure-bearint promise that ha would l- given Company Is Coming. oMing liere anti that te contract litai you ingtlzwlively feel la their clemency. will lie sigurd wilbin a few tixys it esn tatbydyngowhe If Judge Edwarcs ue n AR LLREDYTlaGNUP exîeC.ted that the water main lm-j comtat loto a roomain ne the. arng- Monday lhe motion ta qvil tein *AE L EAYT SG P.lravemeat a ilir erashetiforward onIgoa mpte.-H ryW d dIctmenl, State', Attorneý Ilady will' ifs court i.1 thei-nextmt errîg ofthle lBe f e amcter.-HnrrWr ask for an immediafe t ,1w ie1Epce htGon i i eBeecher. borl counsel for Orpet wîîî asi . -a o-,ai~ xetdTa rudWIIBi lrv1 ia ur> inAtney kranbi ta 1h Broken for Plant Within the Kiîk in Humanity. Cive It op. iudlctmuent ahould b. quar ý-d oau ticNext Few Days. - "Mumanîty la bard te conyllet, Nov la t hat YOD du no m ueb fiao grouud that it la tolut! halte. Theî sald IUncle Eben. 'Vousa neyer aven fruit on fruit stands till yen ever »6 M tted atorny olie té, i loti Accordîug ta Information cn;eyëi stelddat yoî's doue hal a gol on treee'-IoeulvMe Courler-Jourmal. oblied o rvea Inthewhtttent ta cify uftitratri foday lia'the pe ,tm n a trilp tt paîts hall ILphoto- thenatre f te eidecý - ;tnd ent of fthe Commercial .AssociationI grapb fook sos you kin ses fob yoh.' te nare o aeent. i r edl tReLa Why Blue Vie Am BéSat. "We are entited, te know what the 1 aukegan need neot fear fiat If vilI ______B__ lue veilla prftecrv. the. complellfl. 1. state expeCte te proveoin ottr fiat ls the Ogrea lotor C'ompany, de. bacause they diminth bthe. effect of -wa niay present evidence for a prop)- epile lie tact tîtat fhe prQsplects have An Empire Ranch. tbe scorcbing ras iof llgbt. -e defna, ttreYHl is ita looket! dubtous for fie Isat couple of W. beasfoften o! "'Captainst0f Indu& ________ day weeks. The information given thea trY." "NaPoleons Of fi"nnce'snd "land I 5......&ron. " hbut .hat 5<5,. la im.eos.l.t- BIl!£ ,. 1 1