Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Mar 1916, p. 2

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B'- -LAKE COUNTY IN1)EPEN~NT, FRIt)AY, MARCH 17, 1916. aT FINE ]LOT 0F - ,SE.ED CORN COME IN AND SELECT YOURS NOW! -ON TRACKS- Finesi Dairy Feed ever sold Once tried, always used D te bvM nomhbu. -.Sea hasu 30 guet. w"7 E . A. Bishop Mgr. A.XX XXXX XA.X Thor .ii .Il odd..lceai 'te toue sllion, riday Match 17. Th. imuiç vill b..forniahed by Rapt.'. 5 rherra VTirse icet, sare 75e par ~u~ui~vile 1caopl Cone and spotdau noal The Junior choir oftbe M. E l'urch r lb. rteaership of Mrn. Ingrwaain (11W41HIOttonudeusxit suday evrnlng forth1 uneTbs haor e sseite of eabout1 ýtp@-that b*nmmnifmoted ansd doubîilea _____________________Ê_Jthe__________islicrpaee lu the future. 1 T nuepubllioh n te J sir Thore t'lob C lub .1 en eWdnediov dont. ccp, muet bu in thé office nouîat*r afiennours. Ms.srch 22, at the home 0f than Tuaidav of ech week. Adver- Mré. u1Metîoclo Mr@ ligrahumin tisera, especieliy are aked tu 4fs ivii reid a pape4r on "Tbrs.e yavurite partlcular notice u bu Q t. 0aiid iperam"su ad g0ill .ng an arta ___________________________ _ ft'uni ite. .,f thairu Mimes l.ouiosCats'r àdd#ioal L New os Pge 4 ii reai! a paper on -'Our Rigb Scbool o N-i Prday evuli.g at St L.awrene'ae Sliv~oun. i,'li-, i toiD «bae i churub ths- pracher mli ha the Sec. L. Mimes Chard'@ Psi.ging clama C lewis..<,r ot bI@1toyst aithe Mmre Bnr" Runbot epent Tmsday Theupluigsai rtemiuary, Cbicagîî. viih relqtve. lu Gray.lake. Tise s.srvlce coultmenten sharp ast7:8 P. 1 W.A -1L.k Vil. - f.,n. 'cissck Thse attendante wasa plendld scting busine.. hsre Monda.. Carolive Butterfid la upoudng a lev vemk. ith ber moussai Austin. Mis C W Wolf vitted fromhaturday1 to Uoad a.vInlme Villat viih relative.. A meting cof ih. Comiormial club viii be bpld ai lb. village hall ax tMonday Thes unday achool U gil h. rp.openu snM Iadapaiteoolg eloced for tua veeke. Mr. and Ms. W. W. arroîl ent*rtalned Mr@. Gordon Kellsy of Laka Foreel on Toeday. ____________________________________ I l Na m a »Krnis o1 stev-e.. Poont,. Iviplt.d Mlme ZIda M Bock over Suaday -~d M.iel TU 9615 koeda<r $»5, bath . o. b. Toiedo i,,lectric Starter and Electric Laghtu 1 W r lsA fo ll*htmB sytem U.Wufa >WII Autolite, two- umit type, It bus a mmjoote l pdometer sMd &atou i tc ec".t»& Ie*» unfour taches mli saroomd;non4eidao. estea. Demoistable du..m umed Wsm , -, - rn. te incudetL Ib.. body js tise latest swm*mlaedeuils, Inised la Mack, wth alqket md alumais dnill Hm e la a r to bu. pmood cf sud lu Wh"d Fm cm om aJestislab l e. SchnckHardware Co. L~RTYVLLE, - ILLINOIS hytun bdtCuw 0" dThat Yu CI'îak fuor eespnew. Kep liaking of quality. Thai'. ouradvtie.1 If you know ornIy a little about brando, you cau etili be «e!, for ibis stoçe always stands for your safety. We have-nothing that you need heitate &bout buying orM"ig. "Parnty a surety" i. ur Uapned Gooda motto. Amd never forget that bujing hem in the bot way for yo« tu b. sure. Corl ett & F'recterlcks LIBIRTVILLR. ILL. PHOQNE 30. Datgm anad Uaksrof IGHTING FIXTUREIE M bloo, Piaduifon order. Vistas. vain 1 W. a"sobave a complote platimg plant loi retniahing IVTONOUE PARTS TAUL WAUE STOVE PARTS ~1DATI~0NTIM~ ILVER PLATU sbov 10oo aMd lmciry Uoodmad MMebrd Straet. UlUlM-- FEED and COA RF ANZE.r49 JR. J.iUbeèij vile.. Mr. and Mrm Fleury fBoyéeaoffighiausd Park. mput Saturdan md uuday vlth tb. former'@ parpet. Mr. and Mm. lue. P. May 01 Evaustan, came% fors, vl.llith Mrm. May's mother, Mm, M. Melloy. Tb@ . F. Club met Wedn.eday ulgbt uith Mies Llab Rudoiph at the home o Mr and Mm. Reaj Andrews. M rand Mrsi .Wfi Peqer and chiidren ai Keauha. vlsited tram Friday la ëuD- dey at tb. home ut Chs. F. iSmala. Mms F E. Clark et rbana. Ill.. spet th,.. - f q ,.k .lting bar mother. .lr.C. I uk a olrrelablve.. 0.A. Rton a"d J. Elh Trlm e. turned ou Wedneeday f romn a ton davs Jtrip ta the soubhemr part 01 Texa&& Mm. A. M. UacLaughiln of Lake BeulaIs. Wi, le makinsaua extended vioi vlth ber parente. n. asud Mm. Lu plaga..1 C. Boyachon of Slit, Wl.. asd Paul Winkie.r af Waukegan, vere bore lest liida> ta attend lb.luerai of ihe late Chat. Baux. Otto Jedlicka of Cdan Rapide. Iova vlslîad on Saturday andi Sunday hers vih iaiolsens, Mm. Edvard Carroll and MIm.R M. Tay lot. mies Mullpr, a teaclher frcm Indiana. ls tema he B.ri grade in the Libertv. ville ochool dinnina the absence of Mise Mrs. John Dolenaiern ad son@ and Mises thel Brovn spant the week-end vlth the former'@ parente, M. andi Mm. f. Mithell au Prairie Vieu. T'h. ModermWoodmen belà their tiret meeting lu their ueu losige hall un the tblrd iaorofut1h. iri National Bank building Tbursday nght oallait veek. Rer. aud Mm. ldvand BS White enter: tains!Roy. E. J. M. Nuiisr o Cbcago, let Friday. Bey. Nutter oa0clated ai 1h. Lenten services ai SI. Lavreqc'o Epiaopal church 1irday evening. Lait FrIdsy C. H . Boyes andi sa Warre reiurnad tram Stewart, Florids, tb.> opent lbe vinter. LasItfait M1r. Boy.. contratesi ta go ta Fiorida to mnet a home 1r Oea. Wbtuali, lTh. morng mmd veningsesrvices aI the Preebyterinma ccbl lait Suuday vere conduet.d by Roy. Todd a of acun lit. ý,Non Sunday Br. Oeo. Laird 0I Geneva, 111 , viii conductthl.e nvc... l ie. Bert Sier retnrned Sundai aeua. log f rom Racine, Wiq.. vberaeh. habât apentabout ton dajo wvith relatives. Sh. loti& ber daugtr ith relatIvé. tu Bornera aud on W.dunday vent ta, brima ber homne. The Lake ConutyNational and the - ational banka eeeJWTm "atéaliomon Oamouns of the funeral Of ihlat. ilIam p. Wrgbht son of C. F. MG Wi4gli, aubier of l..Labo iouniy NationalBank. Practloaly ail lb.local bumine me mn hi ae.iaed an aameil te loue - planas of busiam next Wednamay nghs pramptily aagt ot lnck onuaccuai of ileure vhicb vwili h givenby Judpe L Gerge ). Adan at the Auditorium. L The village tarfrd lb. eprlng cleaaing Monday morning when th treet gradet va. put ta vork on Miilvauke. avenue and t-ams ere ai vork In baulilu avay the loue dirt. Ail the otreeta vîli be lmprov.d by thnm. of the eraper. Watt for Our car of Canadien Banc *.ed cala and Dakota aoed corn.. B'g tarloty. Hilgheeiteut and pure »e&i V4Slyei@g'miktir. Lter7vll. Lu.- 2%1 lest lsidey end tha service va. very [hearty.1 The rogular montly mfetiongof lIsei Liberiyville Commerclial club vii h b. ld Moaday evealugk March 20. 191Ç lu ibe villals bqAJi Ibi !I b. tbe 1&0 tait.i lut hmd ltemrs" o suunr pemsaa. club roomoa ad a largce attendamsla dmssred. Matwegof tieirsai to &il mens- bers wilI b~tIm op a titi. t.oume sud brin* a prospecive zeisheL TIsa Lo. n5 ChmmherOb @-ni thée loIloujM eya liete theU lndq.psdni.w.wuii i i famue e mmm: *Thoe. Corlet vas a visior, b -dmai i bm big fmeezhlibil of Calforta produci. malutalnod lue ou Angeles by th. Cbaamb.r' of Commerce E. aise attend.d the llusinated lecture. a»à movlng pîctureand plans t10suslb. gr-at Interiatlonai expoition that gri b. couimu.d ai Sun Diego during 1916"I R B. Swift of Llbertjvile, prealdeni of tb. Miik Producere Asscation,,-ai lte princial speaker as the Miik Producae meelting bold lu UcBrde'n hall ai Are. Monday sitternoon. The meeting va. lu thé nature of a prliminary proceed. toit for the bg figbt of thb. somcation for baller priee for ihelr milk April flst. Thoe. ubo beard Mr. Swift étai.tIs a b. made on, of the fluet taIt. ever dalred aet, asimilar umellu. 0,cr one bnndred mambersanmd friande vere ai the meeting. T'h. next rogular meeting of the Lake Caunt> Udd ellov Association viliibu hsld in their ne, hall 0,cr lb. Virai Naional liaitk Thoe latubeau open me.ilug for Odd IFWe itbieir vive. and friande, a dellghtful program s nd7ghreb- ment& having bhan arranmod hy tIse coasmitime Th. enterWalmeai festure af the avenlug vliii to mlctions by Ibo foliogiug quartette: Bila Ring lugia: bai, oprano; John U. Croeby, ienýr; AugMOIa B.Barman, alto; Aflan C Iira>, bau.; Arthur Mller. accore1 paniet. Vimtoru velcme. BloR I3CONOIICS Cen TO BE I lm BRTYVILLE WEK OF lRCs n At the huard meeting oi tbe Liae Coualy Farmen, Institute h.ld at the Libertyville Town Balil Satunday moru. log &nBd aliennoon a. A. Green, tata agent of tb. club work, made an luleret- fui addree. on the bustille of club vork iu Illlnote. ne. lid ai the dieplays of th girl'. canulng club. ai the state Instituts sud of the grl'@ snd boy@,pg Ma crn club. Tb. speaker urged lb. dillareni localilîea bd faime girl'a and boys club@ and ad viied thé Liberty ville Dome.tlc Science cub mambers pefflt ta, mate arrangeameoto lu baveib. Home Economlc car ai lb. Deparamt of- Roneeoohi S@cIauca o? the University o! Illnoie, uhicb viii ha MiDeriels il1 leu ve.k, cone ta Udb.rtyTi ,tao lirt an InterestInluthe v"rk. The offlcssns of iUmlocal clubmde application ta lb.e deprtieni at once, ailug hal thect, umo .~t taLiberty- vile andi ou Monda> the officers racelveid yard tbat the car vould h. lu Llh.rly. C vile cammeuclug Mandai, Match 27, and for a porlos f i" ea teu cr iii bu eldetracked on tbeChicago, Mlwaukee & Bs Paul raliroad, the exact location ta h. aniaouncasi latar. The home econamie car la a Pullmnan' car vith seaté renMI, OU&end. luor fittedup ma. a moditu boo, equippesi villi power mrnacor,abar mavtug devicesa ai d iniebina. or lhe kitch.n, bdroom and living roc., vitb color echemees in real materiale. This equip. ment w1li la Mclual Iquonatre. tien.s cb en: Home cor. of Ibo 5~ food values, prer4*uloa of fonds, lhe nuof vegsable esfood., cars aMd lee log Of infat, liraitaau home sanitalloa. esmus talhome décoration, IDvIF6si4 oo4aity, eelection Mmd tare of lotlitn. pereonal byglene, oasti mua>otber euh- ISof ftismot ta every commuaity. ilamontrations mmd lectue ilii aiea h. gîvea la the lova hall atout thes» rmsme lin.., t.e Steral dates 10 h. mmnouncd iater. Athougb belsi unde tb. auoapluu ofi*. Liberi ville Do)metic IlicenS elub it ls desmed ismable su hava th. von linanc.d by chargin ani simleioaof taen ts Jor.the lecure&o r but tIse car exhbits viilbate, and lb. le eSSiaatoududtoiuytlg s, oltt hi»t 0 l% P.4 ou AeciletIng of Uhbertville Losige tao, 493 A. F.&A. hl. Win ho beld "top, dei .wnu.Mt 8. 1916. Woth. AilatrMsn r odaî lnvited te h. penn. rdC iulkley, W. Md. ht ehai. P Sualp, jr. Secy. THE KEY wiih wh t 0opendis gaiewgky b mac- cai is a'SAVINGS ACCOUNT Cémontet.boobak to.dag and openuauu accouait for one dollar or iolS We pag 3% ITRET3% un AT mis IOXIE I1ilmEIOIO. IüXAS Word vas recel ced ereltstFrida, cf tb. deaih of willisAm Pries Wlgbi. à foi of Mr, and Mie,0. F. Wright cf.Liherty- vile. deathh tug «placéet s i.ohne la Herlord, Trvx. on Tlhurodow. Fin parente, vho had beau epending lb. vmnter near Moibile. Alabaima. arried lu Herford a fée, asys bfore b. pamd avay. Mr.,,Wrigbt vw obrtu luLibertirville May Alte186.Mr groduating frons the local 1bigleuchool h. iook a prep4ara. tory couruelita ih. leoit Academi. alter wbicb bh. v ernithie Univeruity oi Illinoio, from -Licbhoh gradnatsd lu 1907. During hi. aîay ai lbUniversity I of lRnoie h. mas made presideut oft thi U.sive'.lti A. Aftrleaving lii univeralty agbt lu tb. Berry Scbooli et Bomne.Gorglajor turcjearo, then eitered,< th. McCormlck Theoli Seminary lu Chicago, vbichb.lesaiianded 41 fur urrl a ear belore e h. a.forced 4>y luI heath ta, .oek a more favorabel climats, goicg lirai ta Oliver Cit. IN. Moalco, and hiter ta, Ricnc, N Meio, uve , orabout a jear ha conduuis euorleS .eubry la dua Pnesytesima chuta. Tien hovult t. Alb*qcW4qooý N. Meo elot rneuea. Lmi SUIbu mutai to ReolordTex., whsgobu loods op te be tigi el- his ema.ill. Whil. Ig BIIna1w te mariage vlt> slama th@ m miae tablas pian October 1. ill18. Tho daea.d have. w mouru hlmn heia. hs i. l&ad pavouis, Ove broh sud oue doter. a huaig umber of mIa. ive.,and Irienda, uh o e.deeply linter. matai a hm. Hleariy demie. detroied the prospectentf a very lntarmaingearoos, for h.s vai a very oluious younga a*4 un4oubtedly womld have made od lu th filid vhlcbhoh bied choau. Bis brothers are: Wirt Wright of St. Louna, Clark of Chlcao. Roy P.. Riobert M. 0f Llbssrîvviilq, George C. of! iihand Park. Blesoieri*UiaeBelen Wslght, vho le' aie home vith ber parents. The remains uere brought :e Liberty- ville Mondai morulnit and verp taken ta the home of his parents, just aoutb of toua. Mr. and lireWilgbi aecom- tpauledt] te romaine of seon aud Mia. r elen. vha had beeu oiavîng ai a broîber'a home lu Bt Loui, for saeraII siontho. arrn,. d on %ho saine train 0 Tbe lueral va. held tram the W rlgbi home on Tueodmiafiorneoon ai Imo si'cick, 1. s hriben« condncid bY De.OlogicA. Benaryofhicago'l'h. lT. bea A. Büiart. a t o c oo etrmous,.er. laid tai os i Lbkemide lacemeteiry. W Etale plessure in bringing to the attentiOn Of the publie the lflowlng figures sboVng the growth of the buminess of this bank during mne and one hal l emrspat under Its proeat management, and va, tak. thsopportunity to express our gratitude to our many Moueds aud pablng throùgh whose business and co-operation this growth bas been made possible. -RESOURCES- S.4uber 4.1%6ii........... .......... .................... ............- 1MMS Jiri2.1907 ......... ......... ............................................ A p il 14. 190.... ..... .... ....... . . ... .. . 1 ........ .3. 0 Fe b. 5, 19... ....................................... .......... .. ..................... 172,000U00 match 29. 1910-............. ............>.....-...*.......... - .......... ............. 227.000. 00 Jan. 7, 1911 ................................... .......................................-2 3800L0 0 Feb.30. 1912........ ........................................... ............. ....... 26,0 . 0 0 Fub.4 93.... ................... ............ . ......-....................................... 27 1,000.0 0 Jue3.1914 .......................................... .............--- -.........315,M0 .00 May 1, 1915 ................ ......................... ........................ 372,000.00 March 7,1916......................................................... $3 9 297 9.-65 3% Interest Paid on V~ y)AImI!a Under Savinge and United States Certificates ' IE ~aLC~lLfO~ Supervision TOUE BUSINESSQORDIALINTE We have a splendid arment of shoes in broken lines, selling at one-lialI markedpu* jadies'i m» in a great amsortment .1 stules. Patent leather, velve ton t. Itther. and guineétal.SOin in qgh eel dressg stijie mail others M. plein genuiblg heel and broad tee. Ranglnq in prIce jrom S1.e0 to 30 . ChUlreu's echolshos.good g t Wi el suitable for girls or boys. W e have thsè rly aal dles and in both tan and bls«k leather. Lad;W shees range Iront suze 24 to 7. Children's [rom lnant s1zeq te sie 2 Misses. W.W.cAROLI & SONS CO Il *wsgth Sý r!homs29 P trePo ---------------------- ------------------------ Laký County National Bank Capital, Surplus andi Profits $ 100,000.00 Total RsoP cs 750,000.00 AT CUT PRICES ihm if N gm mmd a mw V WMur H@.tmubeadvàaqOf'" ZI wml.% Houimq.QhvpeM. ' &0Fm " dCF.»& a0.06 M 1evgoa. FP~ANA cui cmm lmte s3 00 A. W. LINDROTHY -Libertyvif -FROM OUR- SPECIAI HOME MADE BREAD îMms.W=. Richardson, of Grayulake, hm. bronghIt; the irnt 100 Bread Wrappers and got $5.00 in GOld. Who wUll bring the second 100 Wrappers and get $8.00 in Csh? Te Libertyville Bakery l*w4% LAKE COUNTY R,ý»EPEI-WNT, YPJDAY,-MARCH 17,1916.

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