TL1AKE COWUNTY I.NDEPEND)EN,:FËIDAY,44ARCH 17, 1916. tn ,Cake the tîme to c to the Repubhican Cau, vote for me as candi Tax Collector of U1b Tawnwhip - but It will mea a tremendc 'lot to Me --because 1 have mli ho"e on this nominal fankly. it will mean deal toi me in. a financ That ts wby 1askY uend the 0 Republicar Saturday March 1001 to be beld at the To Libertyville. at 2:30 in1 noon- 1AMl Republi womieui » well as M entitied to vote at thi.. <Your vote pire me t! nomiflatioi So please corne out1 for me. My frienda hha cally ataured me of t nation. What 1 war (aim' and square vo Republicanis of Lii IrAdlfereice is what Don't stay Home! and have it tosayal "Well if 1 had known go that way. 1 would1 to the Caucus." Remembe the Date (March l8th). The1 P. M.) The plac Hall)' and if your1 will allow it. whe<i remember the GlU 'I DIDAT!. Nelle Grisi IlýWho "eh$i th nomislem for T.«Ce&S Tewméip e 5W. tPricos low. Fone Workamrsanj. Pague st, IETVJ ~ Pa1~M u> a"Ltel_ '>ULLC)II an&li ,,H EAVY- TEAM HAR N ESS 'ORPET DELUIED 'MRS. VOUNG WINS ýSCARLET FEVER LiSt CutWITU LFEES 0F FIGIITTO DIVORCE PATIENT ISOLATED ln Special PriceWIIMSICAL GIRLS CHiICA60 DOCTOR AT COi.JHOSPITAL Prisoner Reoeives Many Let- Effort at Secret Hearing in the Man Brought in Frorn Western :C 3 9 0 0ters-Oene From Gilifr udge's hes Intemiupt- LaeCut on to Have in ou Hre~ing Her Father's Aid. ed by a Reporter. Attack of Fever. : et a KANGAROO COURT IS HELD. IWIFE TELLS 0F CRUELTY.1 A -an who a taken slek In Wet- em Lakme county was brouglit t the outCUS. KISE 'fld' ~Lake County General homplial fla orneoutcas.à. ÀISE An inIt Orpet Was Found Court Announces He WiII Enter* nid now occuplles a prtvate cottage f, CU8 and unaRTYVU~AE 'Gutty' b Ffeillow Prisoners Decree-Wife Is to Get Ali. awaY frein oller patients, sufferilng 4a\fo in County laul. mony and Daughter. wlhsaltfvr a welI defined case DIVOCE ~GRANED. The patient le a county charge. r erae H. . u rd e& S n N r e yS o k WITT Orpet, iittiiig siore In the DVRE1 RNE. Whee o e arrivedaai the county incite- >eTYvlle . C B r idg e& on- Nn rs r S o k Lakec oufty jal lat half as Ion- Thuf., Ma,. 81, Judgo Edward. en, tution the had nurse at once îlionghî morne as ho mght be. The reason ia ter.d .decreo and grsflted a divorce bis case looked sueptrlous and hia F'ELIJI'I' 'I¶RKES ~that Iliere are ei4ongh woren Over Ini the case of Mrs.Cal 0 Onq l Iacdc e ttge whlcal the country who want to rcet word lu who oued lier husband for dlNorceonOfl et Raille te receive gspiclous§ came need apraying and pruning. LUt un do it for hlm that lt keepe hlm bit.s reading à charge of cruelty. In addition te Dr Brown was notIfIed and, Inv :il- fl you, we are expert&. Cot very moderate. their letters. atimOcey of $150 par aoonth. the decree aig i oudtemnwci of Jlm DeCelle. a manprovIded dthet the three-yoar-o'saltlvr I ergto rr soneetime. charged witle obheng a Ca- dauglitor, Violet, shouid ho given g» set eer tients isasation ma- NOW is patientsMwasbetsonce maee"J." NOW S TE booe inthe J."yards. is now out of ta the custody o! her mother. Trhe manent and lie la therefore being c Sto ordor those trees, ahrubs,4 plante and i al., the grsjid jury ha' ing falled te, two @ont, Stmnley and Roy. :ri to be trqgted wltli special attention in Ute I dict hm.Here's Bmôme of the thîncis gîven It the custody of! erfathtr private building because hi.e coadi- -vines for Spring planting. In edeIIe maya about bis lite In the colt until further order of court. Both thé tions at home were sjuch that lhe Fsi rhoIm Garden& Phone 10 2.R anofrPet 4 otsofletters and lie t1fa IIth e hidrn hn d d. O Dy.m lid Ubetyill l. Orpt ge4 lis t se su he hey A speclal nurse hias been provided D"»md Re"glances throngh ltheM and then humai sire and aiso msy take them out of for hlm and ther &ré as cotniltely A ___________________________________________________ iem up. One girl wrote hlm tinat the sight of the other In order that sebarated fraim the mest of tha'iaatl- she was stock du hlm and that lier the naturel affection o! 1he chllidren tutionabI hywrInSuhm« - - - ----- ~~father WusIa lowYèr. 'Say the word,' for their parent*s msy be maîntalme-1. Ica. a fte eel ot ut mkdry - : - -a- :- -------------- she wit.. -'and, MY dadil get you Tho decro. provde. that the biimony aked S SU ree a" tiSb we'll get marrled' He shali ho pad beforu the 151h of ssch ion, and burned that *irat tist nigt. He sald month. cfÉP A F R ie wugbni Under the terme of the decree ItlSI Ia Tra i!PA !R ~ lhe =rage tuco saidlt atlira. Youing WITT beawa'i ..- cial way. I '.j C .... 1 cornes up once lnas whie but shi e lgven custody of lier 3-vear-old e .e ~. I1 en II> dY J lu alw y% whlmpers tahim and go 1 dangliter. The IWO Bons, aged 10 and ..Dose Orpet plan wliat hewlll dû If In a private mchool ln Chicago for the r a released?" I1asied of Jirn. prpseiit. lb was annoeene"d ilat Dr. t Winl stand there. a rnonuunepto thse owner's He1s hid."Say, 'Ir to WiII Or- aned Mm. Young have arrive a aj good scose. when limsg. make shift tern- pet, If you dust. , dld once and got n rval e underotandlng 1a 0 oWho 5 ailI argsios av rote aagben dined Myself lnahbll. He maya hec sBure go- have thee urtodv of the teavs after the L p«ar siioshaveroted Weybee duped lng 10 h. freed, but lie dont know close of the present echool venir. intothe rubishhe»pandforgden wha tedo. Re cant go hacic ta Attorne.y Swaoelrorn of Chicarû,a. w h t t o - m a a . H e s >s r a e d r o t l i r o f M r s . Y o u n g . a nd W W a r d I I QS haven't a silo gea are Iosag'Iortg pe" Myself, 1 wiséhihm luck and 1 gîve Wrighb, a meecirlein. Bliea of Chlceago,l My sqtes aSff taki tewlieu 1 werêe wltneses for Mrs. Young. cent of tise ferdagvalue of gour corn.. yst akn Two eneccîfl instances of cruelty came down Wednesday. i got 'em were related liv Mrs. Young The LA vou are throwi.g -aâwag ortq cents o? everq warned." irst, esi aaid, bale pince at Portland, BE1WEEN'Y OU AND PIRE - dollar gour corn crop lis Worth bg not uilizineg eCl, p1rsel g atCourey Of!bere.. laind halmbetrhnpd e and the o111Y protection îî an ju@uracýe thse staIlk th.agaro court of the Waukegan at a late teour atter liaving attsedcd polîcy. Caution, cure and the ue 0 laitl. lust out of pill. and. contrai'y a dance. Her hualiand hommre angry Of rvnî < n lrxn Have gou Iooed imtetisem ew Mmlodl teplil 0flsmore Officiai at ler, nie said. and ehook lier svr.L coiiîre"rq, ir. 5 a efuil of the news Iv. aIi the Rame lime ,inching lier devicen May belu but thci only system of erecting Cernent Stave-Sitos? ofthîe case of Marlon Lambert and Armarnsuttl thev wore blacke and he. [i t WinI paou Ute imvestigte. WIT Oriuet. Md spillllng over. She soid nie wons11Inii a hccsutai for abolube protection louis j _JlmIs unegelal garullty ls par- a wek &fter thîs exoeripnce. gbc itmsranoe in a gond cognpany. Wue AnS kinds.of geseral oemnt work by tise dàg donable. Y6il'd h. fargIveil. boa. 'f têlegraphled lier brother. Dr. , awes- ersnBahacm n ndwl you'd bff, sial. away from the world lt-rm. set te lime and holie r¶d 1tposcanba opn n ilu )wnHa r cntrcz.Ou prmesarerigt.for 40 'diya ot idenesa and wating Pcrtla'ed. arrlvlnoe ive deve at-r t-h pleeaed ta issue you one Of île the aftel'- _______________________________ for the grand JUTY lteBmet orn e- el'eed atiacle. Sie tpsfilptfleblithe bpdy'a neiploug charge of bcrglary. hruisec and marks of vinlen-e on tie pý,icieà of protection. i ca ns-The Uane JuryIbat lndicted WITT Or. cesciof tehumiand scliiwere plaintv D R N &D R N ican - M O S B ý -e% petlentMoqgyldschaged im n 11Ibleon ie snters arester'su armeR ND shoul- ' meQ nB P Ce Tueaday. And ilbey 'ashould orter." derie. Phone 2 mayas Im, mines smie lazy-eyed gui T4.'enpzt soeclflc ccl of allegfd UBERTyVIl& . - . 112 L1 CaUCS. ISETYV.LE - - - ILINO samid it was JIM h. saw tealing. and rrucItv 10ook place In their home In TI cucus LUJERTVIÙ n£MIS, ail the lime Jlm Wall worklng re- (Chicago lait ieonth. Tie rircurn- [C----------s:u.zu: *p p** * pectsbly,smaya 3im 1a Husy' Rv tances. accordîng ta Mc. Young, _____----------------_______et_________________________ ulte siamlar toe blose that oc-I There were Jimn d Cap and MUte rrd at PortImnd. Sic ande don.dc mayand a fellow calied Fiai and Timrn d e eurnla îles'mor nei ai n niay Gir-aretur te orniance atO n thl ------"Welcl and Wili OrPet, &Ili l a cmrn "ca-fon, bbc ame as bPoie.. tr. corral. wlth a vIole month in Whlch Voung le aleeed 1in have pincliecianed 1 i to consîder the malter Of the latter@5 -balen hl'c wife untîl esic was on thc bsT E E A Echances of freedOm. IRver,@ of a collc'aee. us~~h TH RE A E ng'aroo court cidtat 0 - W_ l~Wor Wtet. a fricnd <of thel - c.-tebefrend..Y, ad fOrpt-' %ht teIq tnkI la eP n NW C O T HS houid malle a trong point ligohIcc ive taken place. He tpsllfied ta ýn E W L O TE S favor bisey wlshed te ait arouad and havi,,, heard ecr.oes c-cmleigfronte ______________________________ blow amoke and Say,."Bure" and 'h-a. 5eero(ýtn occuieied liv Dr. And Mrm. "Rigt 0" ad te lke.Vvecîg. Thenese acmen cortnued., he andvoe N Orehat 10 Break Down. eald. and leoldaN fro'eites room Onjyonemal ria w4 hel, my s rr a the hial lie t.-tipd te havî"'r Onu ne es. tral W5.ueld ~ Peeu Dr. Youiig manhandling hie vIfe ve practi- -and smre of them ought , im, and laugled wlieu' eo aid a brutal manner ,WB 8TÂND DEEIND the norni- . uon 'OU.That vau when Flali. oyermedtatie iltvase tated aetiheibarIng ihat U UÉ l l sud &a"varions, vas taken vitlsIlm- #r.cad Mm. Young have vîot lee'o O RÂ'!OSPLE St -i a t COtS enj tIl 10 eep ~~~-'.---~puises for whueth. codlg1 t*vn ogthfer for nome tlime and - - ~ wefldreSSed We payIfcauli ofendng against lits '14fe vi'nlit ct f îhe lime. AI- i jalily and effidienciy. You'Il fSud i)te of the vtND OUIfOWput u hte aroc n aiy, e adsh-ull h A m ade You n talerrerIdns t eliaalslegaaueI hi tItA D V UK O loors. Tlm Welch vaojdçeacoite lehslamae lnieboalv1riou1 ýbertyvillel I-fVUtrade With US. 'Nq 'Mke sand Cap wlbuessaps aund J univaOhlrsnnlb vas eaid that abe dld not orois apOIcPé, 0looks, UT-il go. c~~rosecutlng attorney aiid Orpet wac'u le eesad ploga, etc., the best for servicteabi- kIlIS. have a look at these mew egP'ls sp ttoriiey- The "sae o Iimrediately alter the hcarlng todav ity aid relimlbilitv. Tbey are veil i 1ih vas sentenced to nine days of Mrs. Young, lier brollier and Wih, vashling disheB. hameted away te avoid auetions of worth more than ordlnary supplive.. 4. ,,71m maya Orpet la voluble on hle reportera. Tt lsq understood that tliey 1'ou vould haie to Puy more any isme, but walks into hle ccli of cor- rturnfci ta Chicago. itla s aad that e l Mrs. Young Intends ta go te New York ' h, but rot, bois. as snon asth divorce decrec laen at M icliels-S erll etubo tetonce i MI'a Taon1venti1i' I Ieight-Weight ForInsanc. tred $-uitaud I "W sakel hl lot of~estin, aBi lo the alicged acta af crueity qutte lll J tlie tbm.. goiug over thb. Siale thîng. the senes vere taged lu the bid-. vour rrst glaceS Win e1 ~4lnwbbe ieligThe detuls of tis.evideuce ieemed fterards dugtitleg are juatwhat d: 4P141IL. We a4O lret W hy lio1te vea dcpresilng effect oun Mm. ILI&3RTYV14LL oiL4Os it wuld ou eed 0 kes g. wel- ent avay alter lie Baa le die and Young for sice kept ber liead bowed ___Pl__ a itwoud Vu a d tek« we s mld lie dldn't vant te gel mxgied as lier two vltneasea went labo de- dmes5d tis 5pimlg andjla the jng anld >es, lie was il have gone Sur-inr. cai-ed. 1 aslted hlmm hy hevaf Tic presentution ofthle evbdance In £~lm) ¶ugted d e seuh. hu Ylk, e he divorce iearing, bhlamorninag 1sets uheg just arrlved ami tisere î jn1iC hou' b. to,1 ues I t@ai reet the report tiat sateffort at Isomue wIk~1ustfltsçU. 1.-"' ame f cardibi. ise bterecoacîllation vas under way. We also 'have a Iie as- 0 Ddoeeakhl ite i W" emge teCeleeta. Touker of sortont0 o? ew Srng Mlaywood?"'Ilnquîred of #Im ÀMLET, DVI rttrnisisiig. ' sajy, îa , tkuew ber. : TN ItHeiI rimie 0f'Îk&ian Lambel'ft trouble. Il 1a14) Mieon. ciosc, lie b~m. J (:0T, A. RýÈYNOLD$ Mh 'geqc n ayT 'f4KONLD (TVMDEALER IN EVENYTHING THAT MEN AND BoyIs WEA R a-9 be iam, deflabed and walke4 la- ce (Town - - - - -e, gaoil.Hmeusid Gee, you fellows Wiukqgan. Marelu 11.e F4t s preferenci - ôc*ouldn't taktoIius tGOrt ime. street' dai an early hour- tusi 'ues crendtlon with - Oi'pet neyer icI anY,ýk'mark slip piorging « &avc$ezy a f ev bpurq att- aid nthou'ly OU1 klndofpoln you vote thî,nt wonjid cquvict l4eoc hhUS..H. er the mroke. 14ms. Hgrlot wvas i l oca~ uetions amchas, m la2-iec vas fou 'eeouglibh w gntia ei.gttlng Over, the grlp and vas la the 'mrnouncdl""lr l is ~~L CAN" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lb çiouIC' or 1Iflie didu't vanlt t l est of spiritmsI vnn.AIl14as" Wa ceteos ans-vpr. We'd plav cadalI and ileep thii t-oke came. - Dr. Budde vas ai ogp "whitmiiarr and sinokeawe n.sud ri§eAmc Once called. but cellepasaed .w.> . 9 J le 91 "ow le"i ro 1PPORTUNITlES, like eels, e liprry and Orpet Alwaya cravled under lia blan- shortly mter hies arrivai., .1d aab6an& ket nd ade ut o wusleping" ,Mrm. Haiplet leaves a husland dq iliiTN 0 h ard I.bol.î, unlesifiimly»sezed, Tbey lide ktsdmd u i a i eplg egit dhlîdren, four'boys and f- M îhroub ue ingrs nd re gs. re n. ~ £are DeCari, aed 9. nd arygirls. Tley ail prrlved In l to-; i WELL. DRÏLLING Il~ ~~ t wfps .tante oe. g .5trRM7N.,& DOLAN *ZIQ)N CITY bol", Pli...17:iW PHYSICIAN ANSU SRGEON4 speltaist for dieceseorfwomen. 20 ie n cluoTreaai U esedil and uuoe. nin eert.~onultcaeilon f "re. HOGi 1443 W. ADIBION si1 (80G.l. DYMOÔïbýt AUsT1I oas. lasurace. Rt!ea a mi Houe enting. Office in Kaiser Block. LIBERTY VILLE. - L.LINÇJS. CHlAS. D. PROCIU GENERAL INSIJRAP4cIJ OnIy the best CoamaIlvp..u LAmtyvle, IDL ph.. aHANfAN W. COMJ >18ie. ae Bôme. C'ook Ave. Phonel. LIBERTYVILLE, - ILUW=S LYELI H. MORRS Libertyviio Illinois aus. phoneousa. oise mg W MAITIN C. DDCKER 807 Wamhlnglon 8treet WhUKEUAN, . - IL3I O-ece Phone M4 lIes. Phon. 11111.-1 PAUL MAC GUFFIN ATI'RNET AT LAW. ilhertyviel..inots mD. . F.UTTUPIH..D VETEBRiNAIT UE) AaaIUTAànT T B1 9 VUTUiam I.ihetyvtII@. Ilinoi. DM N. W. $StELLENI~~ oIrPE4)Pý4TIIC Paysiià~ Gid Trlgge gidw. UbeftV1ULS tiffie Houri 10 meeli TureeI*.ysand hridit.voolj DP 1. l.. TAYLOR OMM. l in nm nauma loo 'suffl -1q.uJ u~Brud4wi. opiau t am Dz QOLDINO SEous 8i%0 U.121.A Ove. Fleet $allonaisa Office PhonoetO". des. Phone 1101.. ubier-rywille. illpole, OVe. LAS& OUVyf'l IO3AL nousa-d tic !à eam und *0 ao Sj. UAILy. CHAS. N. M1PtN . A.O LlbertYvli ni; Faro. daiem a t4ieeclitl Phone 241-M-2 Libnlh loti PU 'BLIC AUTINEIM , (olj4mt oattIon e.8 arè anctilu-san~ ed bout t.el tb a e iii kiqde of boises. w-«4 Violinisi p1ànlst a61a 3M COP 4AVE. WAWtIIME$. . oMc o voen j.DEUG sTOe Hamm & 1 mte SL n ,m. Hia OUPpefflïueN. . 55. mach gond a«leIu .b@ ýbneqwed ePon d aùd o a. u i o aublW Page, Stevlls idàl 7 N9 SI&te8 n L .69aahvI