~AKE CoUNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL- XXUT-NO. 27. SIXTEEN PÂ,E8r. UJ3ERTYVILLIX, LAKE COUNTT., t[4, FRIDAY, MARCH 24Y 1916. ONUC TO BIGÈ1T $ 1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVÂNOE. EDWARDS TO SIT MgL 1 IRIý NDIN(i TITION IN VENON RIEI> 1313 RE tOT CIIICA(iO LICENSES ON ORPET TRIAL OUT NI3 CITIZNS CASE ISSUFFICIENT LE6ALLY 'WEDDED FORVIOLATIONS Two Lak Fores Men MWaukegan, March 21. As Resuit Town Clerk of Ver- Madson, Win..Mai-h 17.The rut- RocktenwaId and Nelson, Mikel TwoLae Fret Mn ake Today wa sturalizationi day lu n InMnaig 1w Attorney Geftral Waler Co-Wekad Kar.rGy Affidavits Alleging Orpet circuit court aund beforec 3 o'clock nlon S M flaused to wen that ist coulia marriages n Wte nluzmarGy Cannot Receive a Fair and thisa aternoon oiver 50 new citlzeiis HoId Election. Wisconsin are Illegal, ani may bie gieno Lose Licenses When have been matie. One rudredti lt~y.atiomaticaIly annitlled wPho t u t hey Demand Trial by Jury Impartial Trial at Hands cf tOur pettioners ver, examiner] bIdthe MAY TAKE A N APPEAL. liroceedîfia. meaii the ini alidation o udyCoigLwVo Hon. C. C. Edwards--Case fed:ral examiner, Mr. fichlotfe bte____ I aesinteiOf10Ilioima- lon -Aund ro Puciîn ea dso WIliI, Be Called for Trial in liefore andtheIn cases cases had been Bv Delaviàg Matter a Few rnagea andi au many More froin Iowa GulvadPy aFie f Waukegan, Probably Bef ore continuerst i tte1rni f co~urt Weeks the Drys Would Ac- anti Minnesota. For J'ears Ir bas been ÔulyadPy ieo Judge Chaies H.- Donnelly r7 of hathheygoer ire, a forecmlihTer eie. the practlcg W fllnelotans Ont co. $100, Thus Saving License -Pfroseoutor to Fight At- m-ore familiar onutmre point ou vbich ______ ln nothor EtMateta corne here te -Women Behind Move to at Deîay kuovietige vas Iscklng. There Waukegan. Mai-ch 21. be mar iibcaiifl such marmîages Close Saloons Sundays. tempts tDea in Tulai 0f wr 54 uev petitloners. Atre Beamin Miler appeareti were barreti at iiofl& ______________fMario March 21, alter hearing the ai-gu- At a apecial session caileti by the %boutIUii3 o'clc n iidan a -1Mayor the council of North Chicago Laiibert. bond ln the town cf Vernon mand-J r~ j A 4~evoked three saloon ilcenses after mus case. This action ie taken to lu- poreoahdrfst og u Bulltin.WOMA T13LS 0 T ct aItbe Motter wu]vii e belti AIf~ore Magistrale Neabaus andtiea & oumc.IllMacf2t4eà a À ousla toct te utlateY SUPRaU0 tY eaRviolation of lthe Ouutay (Speisi~ ~ A VLEIILIb te pthéu proposition on the bal- closing ordinance. The tire. men Mwo.dse t.ok II. Mt-Chs Afti L nuIl E . B I lot01AI L te nrelectIon nevt nmoulu. m-~ P'L ho test theirli-IcOes lWyvtrtiie ofi menfrenc wlt Stae'. tWd~.y R <~j-~U~Judg Clare c ~ti&rd ~ K ~the i-cl of the City cucl litne oh oday, circuit vIANis emorniug. alter bearing the o" IO 9'A S SO Judge Chare, D meula cfthe oiiposlu'gattorneys, -Saloon it Fourteenti andi.Statelî taire the. thangu ef venue flo r - «roul.r- th*an et itlion of thic te ot icg sIplc ie:a ouit Judge Clair. C. £dwalrde ln th. lmis Martha Wilner of Wau- mantismua Nf. Maudte -Knoll, towu One of Countys Most BlespeCt- streets. Reektenvalti has serveti OiPW eta.. Judge'o.nneily aald ho kegan Says ice Sarnowski 'Clark Of Ver-Oin, to Plale the local ed MenDI ieVotim of Ery- Nelson ln tbe man vbo meleti jus-I tJought WB would b. in Wouea sau ~ Option Issue on the ballot for ti spea Pemna tceettohra ie busveis Uhi. wfek, probqb>iy about Thurmdy FissaUlICIl n ai Cii. . tovu eectiou neit menti. i le sre- spla*n Pemoi. Police magîstrate two years âge. inu or Friday. At tht tîme h. wlll lstai Porteti that the drys plan te appeal i eval~ ilo fîs hryrs hs v e a tii <f0,-etsaltuws Je Sruoali fome clr dn c frm tt-decsio eliecout.if Vilaon. of ti.lkow anti mcitcharge ot saoons up anti unit.]Dr. a nUulice of th. e M unii- thiChiçago. vas ýtui-tay heldte la Iis action la etrtake Uiher court regpecàtUmes iak: ouy itdJle a lceimyrc h ly metFai.UHeBaY$fa oltmi10f18Y grand jury ln bonda éf $2.00 on the Conti net decide for Borne time ;nd atilishome «J e-a bukotFox KARZMIAR' GRYGIENC -Blo seu me ustt wfti thi e t@ ln tih. caie, charge of rap., preferreti agi-atnM iIn ~te mater vould ie heldt u abeyauce takre Thuraday. 'UMarch 16, at Io ai 65 Itourteenth street: tiemander! a i-ut Mid h. voulti not entertaîn àaose. by Mne. Msuta Wlller. vIue frlHen- fintil toc loie for titi tovu election o'clock in lhe evenlng. lits death trial hy jury: refuses to pleati guilty. tien fr a contln;mnce unie..h. w»s ry Willne, 110 South Sherdan rui-ctibis Year. vsdet natcie uunl IEWTKHaslo tvs sheve ample grounds why il aiih"-dWaukega. Itolovlug la a brief hlalcry of tbe c"mbdue vt.e yuipelas volcpn cme imno ie I Wty deas ondei tril bl a mtd Under th*. exWelng ar-tThe hearlng Look place hefore Ma- situation: conmniy othe relo whiMoncameliia f Jury.madd ralb raineinent: Judg. DOnnellY vill hear glotat-l Walter Taylor cf Wauiiegau The tovn cf veruon la ati-saloon, Supervser StratIon vawuich father Retaine 1-l 4 Mcenee. the eue, l% e .cîreuitoort et Wau. sud the.lIs a a reprnatid by t-rrtorY. The vets circulatertia v- of Supervisei- WUI Stratton cf Grant Anti- Pucin, vbo couducta the sa- eg. lr.la a re"Pt, hOwevr, tt -t.' Atorney Dady- 1 tîtion askiug Ibat lhe local option township, andt big Isson vas lin t tthe corner cf leventh anti %:"S JT l'teQ Orpoue attores May 'The. oujy evideuce put lu vas by matt-r le bncnght te a vote ibia yearateiacatleouybarme-Sat strets, plcatietiguity t 'f0eU. MeHeni-y. Mr. Willuer. hy Sarnoywskl anti by a aithte tovu election. The townatnvo t h onybar et tt tfq 111MIy saMih. would prefer naaMiiemoytattecek.ia.ulL-eati1do5 ing every day at tie session vblch charge cf keeplug bis saloon epen ou ta hur Oe cae lehi. ve Ctty Time,-Revew offIce, Noi-tb Chicago. after recelilng a communication from ladaotti Oi Tetpbc udy u1t lec 10at I MWi t1me h. would entertain with Sroaivspaeil hreo h ial hc iyifreibranti forth to bia home from Wauke- lceuso vas net revoketi. 0' M- aany mcv. on lhe psttof et- 1srw' a lcdl hreo h ml hc hyIfre!brm n h ofletep iei nMna odwspse e lm My iete bt-tmg the «mihors. ltlgu-Depty Bi-lBGreen andi later lu the that ithe vet petitios vwas ual legaild arsantiâti cosqueuat eonsure lu Ota u Moenxetivoris eti ts sleuodthal $tta' Atorne Day fie-nmmprocureti bonda ou vbicb becamme the signesa atitattater clicr.vllga tloa t. ab h xctvsc i lytn otc esir t.ci ~ tî i asremeetipending a conaldera- thir ignaturen Ibat tbey lUveti lu the bellevedtie10bave contributeti te M. the- police chiefa hai evitienceuvhich i 88on aitle vîibitthis judiclai tion cf i. case by the grand Jury. Lova ef Vei7in nteati of gvlng tati' lkl. n hl uvswut arn ovcino b de u tet. Il ipoisîbiThe .<e1h. que, Thils lia ecase vilci cause ia Iei pist nd number reveevr Ick fion hpU"eiebu as Laaton Suntiay closiug ordinance. andth I la 1 tion sto where th. cmai lll h.sensationosmons: tics. vho bei-rd oet 1hrouii Aittofuy WtlciflIed a poli: flovu. il vas 6toilMeunusualIy vlgor- men vie refuact te pleati guilty anti boerd vill be deided we uo lls ekl ol hcgle inl or uvliîe -nieus constitution wasuch that lhe pay a fine cf $100 voulti loe their il- 0«Onlty viella Waukegan tiiweek. cause arnovskilalBa »IlI kuovu man tii-t Mn Knollilie maudamuantila) coultivtaiu lcs u tah ese.i aaltila ii. e . lier. andi charges of «blochk mal," place tbe proposition on the ballot, Ft-r a man of * yroans. yhe seelmeti nugheti at the ci-tis of tie conseil; C e-tgn la Hou. Claire C. ffd.. extortlin" etc., ver board lu cou- 'mat biga the situation te this vr ota ui very moeaeapaetre4<lepoiemgsrl gai-dm vas pieludIreetiandti tatfil section vllh lie Case as IL vas t-lked mei-ulug. ,mauneretfIl" énmeoite itls aitly anti deuuiet a trial by jury. The 11e090110 e im"Icelie for lm ta ps-o-,about on the st-eIl, Attorniey Pen Miller, repiesetlny 1telighl offany at~ciof the por-tcases vore conlinueti for ten tiays- aure afair andi Imparial Mal aI bis 1 claîno ie Vdâu ielt. tie drys,.arquet i gttaItiuanca vhli cme on -ifâ' Hl'evrer. de. This happoed esiieday aight. Ou budi, Vu. H. Gruel. aliPrdet layerl Mt$. Wtlluc:, .ut-r tht- Incdenit cf such a vrlt, He ai tbe tins sute tbe ci-ui v atÀhîng by )r. TaI- Weduieaday nlghl a speclal meeting if «tM MalnLambert, tircugli bis ai.ýI hbln aa'd te bave eccuni-etioun alsqI4 tva feints et lav on lie suf- bott et Lake Villa anti Dr. ftcaeffer tbe councilivas calleti andt tlhi-e toi-neye.made a mou tn l ci-eêit Mkh -h3, svore cutl'a varaiQlon flciency of thc pattIlin. Tbese points of Gi-avlake, hie condition contlnuertisaloii licenses vçre rledt. curt Mai-. 20 tiaI hlie grzantetiaàMarch 7 hefore MagL9sirste Taylor ir. Practically lie'sime. t0egi-ov orse steatiuiy ounf&cm lie Tiere arc oliera vbô damlàitaI 41ia09e Of venue frocmtIndre Clair andthle varrant vas serveti, 110v- The t- nl tii- t hepeuple vbnlO ime lhe vas taken dovn. icemeu lu oilice are playl$g polie C. lEtiards. The ora"r of counel ever, i; vas lieu reportedti laI le iaîgneti the petlllou titi net gise them Mr. Strattonvas lie fi-lier ef Mn anti are lrylug te dcstroy vu-I ne- vus manted bhi-Jutige litiards. andi cas e leuroulti Dot mates-tlla.but resident-.att-s, but saldt uey lîvetiHarriet Stanton of lugleslde. Super- mains oethIe political machine vicî i-y i-een cf lie acte Of lhe attor-neys il "seutiat lie vouas inisteti that Iluhti 0vn cf Taernon. Me held tls visor WiU îSt-tton of tnsllemide, lMra, as viecket i athelenh-t municipal antiWm. Orpet aftatiee-delay l i h erhonciilue wve.jusifiait bylie tactsovas net sufIeitMaie Dlbell cf Lake Villa, John electien. trial cf lie alleseti claver 0f1 iati*Mdtiereforetli e urilug vas helti The second i.laiaI hl o icr- antiMari-y of LaIke Villa. Ni-s, Strat- Itvas lie vouas of North Chicago sciaol girl bas been pracus-eti. taiy. culatedth le petioaa -anti vio teck ton, a lIte-long rt-ident et tii-t see- vie hrolugbt about lie ciosing cf lie Tv-c Lae Foiest buineme-on. M WllIner'e slory vossetioo- aMditttte t b el liotlhome vuo tien, surviveslier husiauianti ni-- saloons cf the City on u dtay. lThe of viiosu v eceedet by divrd ai ilUsle a«tresa, luafi-c. il vasone aignedthle petItten vers qualitieti elot- lnrally la prc.ltid birhonrbuabi-uts members.cf lie Ubiary Club potl- Ow-en Oi-Pet. fatier cf lie alleged ti f -cas vereli te pittus-Stitors.' vU -tet reedenco lu an sutiden deali. rt tionedtCi ecty coumci sevoi-i-I ee<s mudeer a g-idues a le o.a ceo u mn' ofia.anattari equaliy idtniemner n tri-Iton vas bora lun orta-ao te close theosi-oons on gunday. orici e.li-te. frnieti affidavits 1 andthle vite of the man appeaing HoeaUaoited tii- thIe slatute sar@ mculh.' Engiauti. anti came te, the laieTh e r e ]ouni"ied Chiot fcfPolice Bl Orset illeroeii laI iey ver.scfrliee<on un ecen aithîe cri-ticsi moment. ti, signer o a petition muet dive a relon cf Laie couuty vhen ho vas Luxiii mbcanfoeice ati ho vas In- opinion tii-t ie gi-idets am couti Denie. lit Ail. speclfdic rulter thian son.pu- 11 yoarsanid. Me bat lve t lie.ever structedte 10clai e l -onD. cet rocelve a fiidt mnailal trial anowel delethle etci-y ln es. lilîcal divIsIon. aince anti became one jof ie mont1 "I gave tie bays a vi-nnlng. I at lie bande of udweC. C. Bdivard& MeTy otaL .He nid lie girl vu lun iMr. Miller vos folloveti by Nr. ilhlr resecteti anti papoae-mon lunpeut inevery ualoone.por lu lie The. tva Laie Puret businbls mmbits ogce bol nt far over 15 minute.-Everet, motier attor-ney vie vent tii-t gstion. Me condutoi a liveny f lly anti ativlsithlm tii-I1 ble-- vbo supplied tie ueceeay a*Mla fne denled hlie m ar advcee aor loto the. natter in mare t-n.flre ipsinisand maie a foi-lune tis-ougi <cive c-trs Mta clameth*lie n ilttavers: t ianitina remae la ber. 1iet sevei-al supremne court mllams lil anti tioug uccosm l» luvel tà on lund"-, MA tbt Int ndetet GUROBON L. BLANCtAIhli- I liu -Mch cauid happes ln 16 minute..viciho contendeti hi-ta dhie.,%qtle laie regicu- fHe a, malmeiuyOutI LIn ci-tems" uPu-Ia CM« ber ant ai iIdeaer: aleocouiatea mach in aie minutesa,» i t-te'i boarins cn the case. Ho ocnteatidviavie ilu tlaeverii#al ii- LU lie &m«eplal e aTb*egris hsafllag businesstunLaie Fietanti Attas-sey Daty. gdi-dn: "i-I 55 k liaI lmuci as It vauld uat h. oi-mtaie vas uimet up lier a »eMt- lia ho esteu te ie loankeepers ai0oelag eciles: vas frnorly eou-*a . art te h i. lu in$.000, bonda poubieor th le remjdents of lie 10v-n bqs- va si-d of hlm T111us-487ai nîgilu et veei antitoit lia. luit ho *lep"i as gardiener t tic NeCormàlci for a grand Jury nquiry. Il lachs ta of Vernos totlîîtioli- tst =4 ati"One cf tl i est mousliieZ ever livet veuldhave sp@ecil policemen Out on @"mme sasif a Juy' shouli PL"-cma on slu on eau lieraare noue, t tt heine le 'couuly. He did more fori Bludi-y, andti t lic vaulti si-i-et CNArI.e Lt. ARDM - Hart.. ,i ii-sioli hbave giveii a legal description pple lu pulllng lie cp ff4t-' aise- I LnieIfl ey drttiira o p- en il v-»emes-cant renidlug lunLi"e ?or- The mater v-aearguai anfni-111Y0rf lius-propsity gote lil vouldltieh.ciai and ti lei troubles tonIan i -nlplaces of bmiual . Deuffito MY van- Mt 1tm t celfioiathliemont -I 13,000 possible in dtermine .si-oly v-bei-.ori-ms vieover Ilivot lu the vicIs- lug lier ap.uedti l- icea,go0 hi-t The petihon for a change of véneu cogl aims l la a ase éett ley liveanti maiel possible l te ies-s reho aPeul hile lte. leslu iaB i casuoet complots cf anuilualîce." s-ias fm oulc-s»I 0 à Ol- xtertc. Obckchup on lie valldtuy cf the Mag. alviis rusad le -exteni i alWplng en]Lui. M<su afui n ti iat ho4.êu sfonsai Ple1band to evsrybod-i-ui.veiYbody Tuant-y marnlug Lus vemit 10 lia ad"aefir nd m eIWttr ier mayor ootii Fr lo-. lite point tii- theislo0 i-ia."tira. Moalcupi-opiet025, iaidemDini- sal couit iom I5 ioaas,.daed lie bai-d fer SarDOW- lova es-i lua a mlnltrigi mratier BotvoN auslupet-uleer. ai the bosasi6a" atirdetro lhe Pi- 0,1.ain l aitsD axwl.u* i ave hlm is MiewtrI-thon a intdial afier sand NiMa'NMr. SI-i-Itou serveti asthie &M s- , priet=,Or 10 tus hle loc0» lulieu-o lu*" ei aatnitin ' and i- s-skia>. Knoll iiad no rigbt' te sanue i-nYperviai- fi-cm Lahe Villa towsip doodU. ef o*pi-ojuilce bho fn b A ttomnciMartilt Dechai- aneaid juticiai paver. vies tiihe Wdon on Slt«s-iîwoascrei-tedt our yeMaum çmmcnemt anti vilS et rbl 11; aIs i.. m BM sutlandtTffluiboi-di 10gel th@face Ofiva uf cleaUqM t. mgmnrsret o h eroyp ahi biliaft triai. tIi. jubeta duat hq e»bat iaimd lie pint ttii hle tria bave ticoed t bave a township soltaside IWAUCONDA VOTES The petitei-et-fa"ies' tt li r.3 MW* 15t0iid, asyn ieh5 Mit he1 arecouru Of cteu i te @lec- loi- lieu. pi-rtof ILb t n ront-a thlie ndlCt 5Ilauthile 0150Vsiedth tio saijury sieto g a o 8 M ion lu casetiev **eidO Sft*ri-v-ii-iAvon prt from Anloci antipast lus mid court; ou lie fia 4" 0* Ni-lo, plate suly. liat lie oigIialMeilionvau falti. fioutGiant. Mn. Strattens Udlct- F RT W SI. .s -«dut tat lhé hnoviwle uti-d p1>1 0-1 flrnawa .bas beau a iienia1Od' On tiheallier baud. lie conteded h t rou Mae ila and sson vuas O NS I eS i MedrtCss e em4pu-nr edrasi s thefrtalaset lns- h ~le moter vw net allcved 10o s elai fi-iou Grant. Bth have heen ulffh u AII «s the 171tii-ey cf Magai-ýorhhCblut-o. H-vsCiy Okou lbeballot aBt Iisime tin uIIl ra-alet he subaeqnot terme DI The grant leg of tie» ange c f unies- lie proviaus admlnlittiS vaultilie Impos-sible te do go ltleranti 101h ver. to continue represont- YO DMW RT vasa. tiaea net moi-n luit tie mca s oPter ÇhiltlasaoWvasMayor. Ho satino Content vault ieh.noces-.iM tleu- lovas au long i-a liai vlan. wiii h.e icard ti -IWaadOe'< orlil ary if lieIssIno lakept off the bal c iae 0f thelrgeneral trui ti A The tev-nOhlp cf Waucanda la te Itaciford. -"We have ne ltti o f lot. papulirilyinluheir distliela, h@ve a bigh mettent. aailng a cance of vnu fri a ae1dIII'lIlfi Mr. Welch st-i-tpd ta reati oloIns Mr ratuseniw otts ThvtranModbyapl- cauti. Oui- clienu -nof lie 0011- III>5II JIII1IlU but vas bate b te ut, w v idai M- irto' euvscltu h oe- nMuiy yasln lam liat va coulti Dot rocelvo a fihi-a oiti Ioikedtthle malttas- liaislg ant ihe vas t10lhe renamd- titimaJorii, by tiei- vote, maie IL ant Impuartial trial at li# banda cf r gç IlN ourh anti vasfanilliar vilili e de- ant ihe vas villlng t1"0 i. At the Psihle te gso a aa ti plans for Jetai Etivai-tis. but tlita mcldomo alWs5,. A es aons lu question. lHe nid lu-I bebanquet beiti for lie boas- Inlutlisthi ev 10vtonship hig igcntcianti au- Mtan tii-It Orpts altoria bole@ cause Mr. Wech bait negleted ta Wmttisgi-uEuse' rec tuiMpg thoei-e acordingy stops wvIi iebot-henu a Edwads u bg pejulee lathl mo- vtale lnhl@pettio tht ton re entsession, Mr-. Sîratton vas ose cf fast as possible te couply viti the trmmber AtfoleI-v I r u - nô incorporateti cties or village. !u lie lat speakers-. -esali: - "1 au law anti gel thobuilding unden v-ar. lo eruu Per one WOl fWn Te t-Ibeml t-r ranl ingte lovuf etrosnon lho voultimos «0nca vhome terni expires tlits piing The schoà il lIlie ei-ected utntiei-a IkmnàPotrcomt o s LipsIbisune m, deaîe.reprtlb emurvrrtg, he pelillan, but Mdntri unot one- ut thesO vihotiaen*t $20,000bond issue. te sun 20 neara: Camps. uum@niedept he i voutld pve Mr. Weîttii bave tla asudoni at tealiereturnedte te li bard: 1the site Ia lie Hulbard site. 'The motion vai giane by Judmit, t thelack0f a sufficient I -Ol 1 trwic oUdh ol uc eriebl Coe1 Voles-a voerequiredtiet vote on Uv-rt vtiet oti. -n te stocfaffces oulti pievont tho estab- lis iuetltloi afCe-vlc es li e aulti o letre h-ibcuIfos usin ni i auIvsa asti ar it juriadcfrliendithjeia liO tfilcf le cmps 1Ca. D&A. ouiti allow tue wvit o f muni-mua. fourquesiynsandahe lateswu.a Mdstrite it tso ta er ata slaretii f tCilcaga v-asC6 i- p.4 Mr. VoIci amendai bis PetilOll n- Andtihi, vot-nsplanfleti.aeudlq fllova:1 dibtimann ser ekite &,Ce retanico be v-Ira ofmhiag on. i.F. cCIff a- mdi-e iltithe v-iil vsa lauoi. lminb-ck i vlottpposlttoii.but the Proposition 1e purchase site-I14 *batii mserlies dAls-onPlen ll- jutan goeiaq«.li aM . e aat - nMs-. V'yeni bd subph.ui-e 132 vit- Iatervention of a greie Oatsi-pve-hoa men for. 133 vomen for; 114 men ai tiit il ~a ual eceuny la aovl of the M ndai.ueilnsvia veeprOiMr. luho cciha pioventlaIboheuoCouIta cutinuoi antihe vem n agibet;«lt-i fo. 377 v-ttiiy Utes st ni Halr e sO illonMeFartyhrtn.VP vtIn o. "" taleiy nluse lie Mat- onossli ai al loveti. total i-gainaI, 177. bât pjdf ~îOrntetcouti li-r- nuai t oi- luelinls osai-I guai-t. tei-vershi-augit ta à( trial. bat tho Mi.gatnvs-mmb- t rostonaOocbudl-4l thelvea iM i-sudimpar tial tiIlie- i-ni lion viii. l il Upebabillirhy.10olalan 012f the court Madetelluus- tlie ommit@a ef lie 'susiesvison-iimon anti 129!romeantas-: 107 moisanti ton Ua fru-Onyly noCentrai tiailngplace. st n saib. f lthedry@ v-Ici te ai- <ounti arn. settleniont p nt r go60 omnnagi-lesttotal, 374 for; tom d"_r& dm sa Cam aulL1R liartmou,*Mrslu- ffs-<fmlie îeei"iof <Judge tI- l- i. inSanace. 1He vasIlrm&n of 167 agalust. it l in u ko tract liat Juas oer frtmt».mt tmCmCampbar ie-11-MU o 2 - i v-rs mi o propose la aSm tL -du-nape e i .rd îî -it Ii ie smce.tireto-lo ecut asmcmtte e-dsle11-mnat pea& DnÉo ali h cebrfla~I TIFUL mu nt î vaiestoalite- tan f out.Jugaptasd.I*w ase-ttom juli 5 te Asaust 4 0)- EUL IE9 GIYEN vco--toal 372. Clnoa ieI tnu ofCot $*1 lie adq, OSS làfet ii-Au$mm. ise i a euui i bas tieen bftQAucia lui-n Bond lissue, 20,0O eYer-I6 __________________ lu.51Ati-on Ioa'1* mS.andvi le - $*pwamuI4ibellot ete itui-oral bld Men asanti 137 vomai ts lm mes sutM mat# halbWthea ai 8tagi-lt.atitModeait tria thé. e--kte Ab. «,o «W ev i -<ses 6wv-men aSline-tehl oUT39; te )EATH TO THREAT EDWARDS,ý Circult Judge who la made vicllm of a threateninnglatter. 'If You Free Orpet We Wili Gdt - You,' Is Death Threatges- - sage R'eeived by Edwm'd Through the Mals-Fedu. al Authorities to Investigate -Writer Informs Edward That Orpet Is Guilty of Mur- der in Fîrst Degree and Ne Wiil Not Live to Do Anoyther Girl an Inlusticè if He Is Freed by Courtor Jury- JUOGE ~.Letter, Dated at Chicagmi,. JO'C.C. EDWARBS Mailed at Galesburg. Cireuit Judge C. . Edwards Monday afternoon revemi- ea "death threat" letter whieh lhe receivee'a few a". ago but which lic kept secret so long as lie haa the Wil- liam Ompet case under contideration.- The writers of thé letter, there being three who sigu their initiais as being thie comxnittee from somte society, warned the judge fràm,. rnaking any deeision which miglit resuit in the fre ' ofe Ch-pet. They annouinced that if Orpet was freed that t would "get him," and that they also wonild " &et"th judge. 1I cannot imtagine why sucli a letter shouid have besi. sent to mie " Judge Edwards said. "I don't take it vry Seriously 6ut neverthelese.I intend to turn it over tote federal authorities to make au investigation, as 1 don% ' think sucli a letter shouid be tient through the mal The judge says lie bas no means; of knowing from. wbn the warning letter came. It was dated at Chicago, 'WUl the postxnark was Galesburg, Ili. Thua may prove a Yaiu- . able elew to governnient operativès, who doubtlew willhe put to work on the case without deiay. .FoI1owink is a coqy of the letter reeeived: "At Chicago, Mar. 14, 1.916 "Dear Mr. Edvards. 1 tourb e mtàre-4ltric i avoy much put ougt, tihe 'Oini deciln'for ithe 4efuma' y«u huv s- keite I i.Lert-Orpet; case, ud &U banve - Cided thu ti are 916!4 r ID u thli I.p& d you do show yourseIf. Xe, WtIM i o aýU guY of murderin rt degrewftout dUbttsumua i sufferas ho had his avolhoart do. If yoci aré thi cause of 'Wüll'belng fre, viht punmàlset our oni! hope ina ual if you hae daughter abs wilb lio theum,,ed. as that of por I Lamibert, "lf you fres'WMe 'ho WiiinoverIlve to doa- o)ther grlaInjustice for ho.in a IIy jl asume as your name la Edvardu. , arlou Lmbuui' 'parents May, b. poor' but tli.t la no ula pi l should be tàrrnedfu. "If you free hlm by nci letting -hlm aad trialyou vii nmmr bae but a tgv morecamul ' youramif for vv l gsi 701110. Iton u y Iau nov-but 7Mvernit "TAàI The envelope was addreuud as foliowî:- "4% Court Homs-Vaukega." SThe letter wus maied at Oaiesburg, l., on U 15, at 10:30 a. m. There appears to he no question but what tb. 1ltter was written by a woman. The writling la not that of a man. Circuit Jutige CIi-ire C. Etivaida has ibeautreatenet uVerMi~ - v-be recoîvotdi a i litreat lettis- The letter. recaleti hi hth frnt auonyuous vitors v-hoea-it- attorney. i.hob a lattis- Me e net isle, lau ase lie ver 0 t ehe-. aPa-et inhO ho tu an adverse,- deciton lula h ieliamimone -lian-ui eoplviii Oruel case, auuaunc edgaitu-I lbh@bitture un. 'me hiir«ei "tireat cot-ineti Iu lie lotter, le unt ual go tn lie extea t or v orr7lng ilu andti laI heohi-mabout bis lit onîti ho tin segr rdocidot edtott ho viole malter drOp ho didt doti vhi-t V.. vitiaut turi-ug the missive aveu ehi hon.'e ucteloett- l elie potoffice deimi-tinnt Uahobet i-I EdvSs »*vsthe mutt e s-st plannedti tado. recelvet. 'me lIdemn ieho. 's-ie ltIer Ibreatenet me for scmo see. hoveve-, v-bas-p mV pu possible decialan 1 migil mate lulaih te l.fai utbrnlàh ; i-pet case,*thlide saioltohay. laioê "1weIi. a change of resue bas havi m r-anteti andtihle Ma»e 0<loUe i-s-I I tuwu! m M bande. 1 lisi hat I $hall Igr W JMW IJ néi-e lie Ibroalut St lu inte het-IT O M I 'm Te luise iecîire. htu-thîiîavua T FM T SleR1 M ;net thea-l' letter of ia silai-u 6tbs-utenslu at-u- o ebasreceivl i-sdihoser's tii-I uthiug Ove-msa R oy Wbosler anti Job lm MeïkP. 1:toliehe tiers. Hle ailnalaplces nlepedceUtla tit-i atiih e v-rites-s mus et thidrtan, bralie j-il Susisy i0» Ilieugil liai cash eoeroe hlm vil n«w olus enins cuàbhle s-ees'vt Tt deveuloiooltIodai tin at th Statea la-sin *i mlny Mselloni 10 Athos-usi Dsty Andi liai-iff os-IBm Id bave s-etve luihonleltte". VUt oo- rerdtatu t.éorpet <ou. 'm0aesLIludepecte s-escPesI-"l oh-et im i-imitsa ttlu bis Seter 4Mi Ut l ienair.