Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Mar 1916, p. 10

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VOLIVA SU6i6ESTS NOVEL WAY Of <iETz TINO EAST QUJCKLY~ Declares if Earth Is Round, AUl One Has to Do la to Go Up ami Then Drop. MANY CLAIM HIS REWARD. Overseer Reoeves Many Let- ters From Person Who Dis- Put Fat-Earth Theory. Volva lias discovered a way of get- tilg te New Yorkc or te San Francisco that beats the fastest train or aero- Plame. The Twentleth Century Lin>. ted lan't in It vlth hie new plan- bt thc choIe thlng resta on the hy- pothesla of the revoiving globe the- ory. If the earihl in't a globe revoie- Img at-the rats of 1000 mles an hour, thon tbe«Inventlou la off. At the zi- On tabernacle Bunday atternoon vol- Iva delivered an aidress on "Mol- cm AstrOnomY, Ag it la Tauglit !n the Schoois, Colleges, and Unîversl. lieS, a Sobtie Lie o! the DevIl; or, the Bible, the Only Rellabie Textbooli:' "If aIl thîs Ntuit tiaeY teach lnthie collegea, unlversltles and seboolq about the wrnd helmg a globe whîrl- ing et the tremendous zPeed of 1,- MO0 mlles an bour lie truÉ " sai Vol. lm aait Yeu vould have ta do if YOD wantci ta go te New Yorkt or Ban Francisco, l0 Juiltat* go up in the air ajIgueseRa ta ty there llNew lYork or San Francisco came . round and the% drop down and you'â be theré." J If amY on, canulned a quieker cay Df traveling tien this, then ltva bave IL. If lte rPtatlag globe theorï la truc, tie bere la the aîmplest meaits of locoeon *nown toenman. Only b. huret0 drap down about 2o mles eait;-ut New York, otherwise yon iglit land out Ln the bey. 4 toc ceeka a«o Volîva afferci si,- * 009 tuosamy>(Me cho cculd produce prmf thet the earth w as a vhirllng 811b. HeBaeyae ebas liai severai rPlies cWlaînth-e $1,000, but au Yet the proof cas ot satlsiactory. ',Wl404 1 was inMelbourne, Austra- 11e," Baad DOwles auccessor. "I of- feed a lrge nauto taany onech -nild brlmg amy passage of scrpture lu favor of doctors. surgeons. or druga. I got a reply troua a min claimlntg the uaaney. He sald tle ma- sage that referred ta Goal talclng the rt) ont of Adam was the first record af a surglal operatlon and claimcd * the tnomey." Vlisa praducci abundant ovîdence -- te couvince hie audience that the carti cws a etetionary Plain bouned by lee, cîth thîe north pale. lu the center. For instance.,lie nid that the MSSIOssppi river would have ta bulge go mles ln the center teoflow the, 3,000 miles if ce aliowed for tle aJeg;cd curvature of tlie esmîli. Ail W49« he aysose" Its level amd th13 river could't possibly fli 4: hlli atheicocnter and then drap Iita the Atlantic. "If tIare cas lot an- oter scintilla of Proof that the cartî la Oat tien thec'tact tht the River NIlP 20i« 1,000 Miles clthoijî a fai. ôftu foo,ýt lat ouglit to convînce, amy anc that tUec cle globular carth tiiç flp ca' aek or cflies. Teurs- la i mlrllnlus4vitîAbls,4îes. tendit e fr 3,00 Iclîhout a fot SIf tlh qarth Mea'gbbe, oc- dlgtu te calculation oi scîIet- flue, 6t ouid risc about 600 tfst lp b f c~er.The, suez caut al I'100i ý0«_ ad tiere la onîy a faîit i Ç# lucbes in the entire lent or th canal. Tbey'i put an enM gae lthe Insane esylumn do coudanse 1Ioallai one inchi for 1h15 supposedI curvtue'0f the earth. In aunveying 15« essIS Or allrdeda thec liaba gurefaMet cl111flot aShow any nef-1 erda le theUicsuPPOsci curvttutre uf *Tkers le no such thimg >nsI * The cen slmply be tlee a a» r 01sIl vision. The sq>n tores a cb"%WPk ath eroumi thce «rtii, and thét la ail liera Is te to hrao vby the eun disappears la becauseo f th i fperspectire. if tMg >e«rt awef a globe jeu caudi Dtc"0 thie Polir star sautb of Uic equator. but fuéOnMaty degrees-o.outhtiscoCn be doe.. 'Wii la Tt thi thlb. outi Pole" boots no vegetatian? At the Noahi Poe they have berri.. ami potatue1s muSc-dilferat ailier forme ofr egela. tio, but tbe soulli pole la abanlutei> vIthout plant lire. Explorera who have been lu the Antaretîc say that tbee lanmalifethere. This bert Dot the _ucrptural tory tha thti carth la a plain surroundci by lee and no Mau cen get beyond a certain An Empie Ranch. j W. licar oftcn of ceaptalns cf Indu, try" ialapoleons or finance,*' ani -land bac-na." but wîat titI, la impoalng enougla to fit tIe Australien cattieman who orne or contraIs 28,800,000 acres of ranch land -a domain as large as Pennsylvane? Odd Phrases. "l'o leep Ilutt a top' Bopms a very mieurd phraae.T ilst a corruption 01i the Yrend proverb, "dormir countîn Cne taupDe," to salaep Ilie a mle. 'Jusi tbf, cieese" ta an Orettal phrase Thé wcprd "cîcese." froua cheez, Hla ionstsae& e. ana *"tblng peste Aîwaya Wlth Us. "Wlu a l arge crowd la trvlng ta g< *oqO jf aà bal"-iglis a centrai: EfisiiCW eijor, "dld you ever notice b q* t*e bamie n the ioorway t'ke te r WI~t~-Kna~sCity star. dda lft a bave fouud radium 1. r V_-a Sensatianal cha rgea invoivlmg Anerica's pitiful lack of ingredienta fer explosives arc stirring the Semate of thc Unied States. Developmami* cf the lest fLiv days hava eg out the. tact that tlwilE-Uaild absolutcly depindéet oS I=lg countries for ibm bases d'unl taea plogives. The. rivulation of actuel conditions la regarded as lie mont important developmimit up ta date lu the pre.- paroincaa situation, Senatora ame saying lier, la littie ume ta previde fcrtificaticnsbi9 ens or aven mor'e battheships ilour oder supply rmmc out. The.kein ed O f Interest bai bien nhetted by£cabes revealing lia fremendous use o explouives hI thi pi-eent war, espec-lly et Verdun. In spite of efforts ta keep lhii ua c situation secret tramn *t~, 4-' IWER LEAVES U. S. WITHQUTý POWDEU SLV'(~ -the b--or rathèe tee gmtlefaet lsmi, idçoemged the Myera bill r br tslu-4um am e tii bu 4lejesin the.pubic n,(:, S 1 ýJU51beisa, e i th U.Former Srtal'o a ar -= te. on. esc orlm rv~ 1ro4eboumgly e nemi far pasan' Th r egsS fer tz tii. Shl" i MIOther prominen' la h et- pssage Of I o il gh. - 8'teiititeir approval tl' *tera "hi bol 0fTehauems, - t nsevaetion mesaures. One cf hSIEMr es. o erT sind 'thth*. SVP oupeeaof strong oppostiin MU fr lst4gpowr sies thein PWWte dtob.ertalugroupe cof pv demain ttowdbg Sena- bigtomg uM hich .qoe have a f.r ~ t Su make s Mdwnar opouîng developmneet tate for expoulivea right et home wblch mgUt lid to cotopetitioti and 1 takig aitrogen from te tii * n0- Poel> reduction ïn power priv-a. Pte- tJrough water yoîer, vithout tines, bankers, chesicts. «aking louve ef anyfzorIgs natlOIL businesmtm aid others îho knox WIU Neige. Fmdtlar Piiem -thé pmctacal ide of the water powe r thed. nldg .United i . «buelmees have told congreasionl iiidepeij~pnt jhat the reano.- .America Mgpl gf, W" est= = -,peniinng inlstresea tuer ea't if endl, 1 the rason wliy auventy percent - tcn ii.f = r'fatlzrby upyour water powera are running tmg ~uaper ouM'y-, waatesbecameeeti.present le 't lmmediatey open te way for rheap flot offer tiermsep whicb Aimer-, power for a multitude of oter ur-inestrs rewilling to put tharr T at ito these enterprises. Pen->- prpoeOUeSue.aeflting egilation, they say,will. if political.Te are regarded as not tir. th capital. oaly an essentiel pat othei "pre- Those ai charge of the igs2" eredneaa" program, but also as an say they are encours ccd c urgent economical necesty. Presi- over the letters that fairz "' dent Wilson has urged legisiation other citimena arc writiiiiz u, to unlock the Nation's water powersj Senatorsansd Congreà.>mcri.Li ta -use.. Secretary of tiie Interior J of these buis. "s- f s ILet Re.hae I»I* z eff. or lu1Sur.± Doit. rac.bcbecobe a place of, pilsrim, ae ue ohe, ipeople" Who go -1tucon. timpjite witii respect the dwelllns wltere, on Ilacember 27, 1822y thie Il- igatrIoam M asubora sceee of 'ÎIV«11. b' Thé great majority ce the ftr*t4hsa riveri comtue0o. fr0. plina orf mmu- taIn,, bocaume eprip aare tUoi Most abondant, pe;rPetully ted by the. melt. ho, ef the lawc a &adglacloe. Tiley boxse slmaet lmvarablY an easteriy di- reb»$Jo, thh Watwar-bouad atreame IMlaS few là nempiier, and et very eub. ordinale ranli. 01 rivera fiawiag ecnt, we bave grand exaemples lu the st. Lawrence. Orimoca, Amason, Danube, 0999"s, Amnour, YAmgtac-KlUan#s Anclent Dettiory., *DetlatrY.ouea tahbave been pra- tlesd on titis aide ef the oceaa aintost m eoarly au In Europe or la1. I lal quit. Iikely, Indemi. thatt he art of filling teeth wMas Ont discovered lie. At amy rate, proeClumlan skulîs froua bnth Ecuador and'Mexlèa are tui evldence havlng tecth .îlchly leua witb gold and In soine lustauceR pro clouasanuet. Uncle Ebeat "Wiiec a mac teIllayon what «ho Wietlq do If he vus sonzebody elze,' sud Uncle Eben. "be's generanly neX- tétUIn' toaeacompisb a. mmuclis ho JLo.izbt It. Jet- by beluin ii. wn seif." 6' .1~ lie Wand àM- of Lake, Coun.ty Just off the Press and ready for dilivery After montha of painstailug labor and the expeiidituze of a large amount of nioney, THE DAILY SUN has had published a beau- tiful and fuily compréeesive FIVE-COLOR MAP 0F LAKE COUNTY Showing the names of al1 acreage owners, distintive township and section linos, ail cities and villages, churches and principal streets i cules. Xvery road h tu e county is plainly nwrked, gravel roads, sL'.h aid roads and dirt roads ail have their dinstinctive mark* r, vr-~ ~ laC<-a Tai 1 LL. lji Let us Deça t~t Quth gert T~e1~df on 147 OUR Corsetiere ewil là 1d to cW os"anàapo itmodel for you letu rnees for in tii f1-11 e a oilH)(1 o-any foi-ni. Redfern Corsets ar'a "Seoc 0 r0 I -qi(tjl f l fat, strii-ght be-eanîd abdonienî- Lit the,-coPs+t Ii4tt lt the w'aii<t, ilot tighlyib ut Inîîst outiiîce it, théi latc'st fashi#~1 e Wvaie î-onfili-t w%- <'ail serv'e 1'oirOv(rv <ot'et eomfoart, There lino u1ciibt Init tliat %-1111 hi- dtlîghted %v ith a Redfeî-h Corset. Age,», *Priced 03 up to . qLààÉ%9 Ilihi 'i ~ t' r-,' 'I e jA,.fathbuocua~ o 4Oe$ over' boav 7*=t~WpprMboZdat thd,*îîï; amtm tr e&wi olcUd at bètliobdi. This ftnë new map can be seen at TE UNoffice aik ti. pice is$500. 1 cIla. parent the. dg The. Was t t iseSl iay te the 0' phospi lnto e bave t phate would twice, phate cen rt dlg ce dis thi don't1 liy or phospi bellevi Wihe Mr. L _wrltteî feront been a ton w we great hld t have days trance that l didnt there. the o ihere * erattn lier Mayn froua ber cf andi1 mine. comn .ept thtnk go i 2 latto are 9, le si -Was there along meafi w hat tu, tel our ( no. laid was 1 as M He 9l bmild raini tbey they Wf and scout Steel 01 ti told edîto tlioul and was. one fal origi ty, one fore- why Hel lente 18 I said as Wou coul Seo Wai the lni lac] whz age Che wel ,tot Pre tac yet Cal eV we se the' pli au li ni sa

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