kýd C9ntinues for TwoWeelis I~ A RemarkableColiection of Dresses Depicting the, Newer Style Features For Spring and Summàer, $8 Dresses, Very~ Special, Only $5m 1>ietty îndeed are tlese dress.«'-sr i poiti is anid taffeta .uîîîla1ui voiliiîiiIliols ih i mi l.< îî Ne sai >i ((Is anîd bits u or ku ig i Laïwn <& Cotton C4allie Drfssps, Speciai, $2.98 I 'ieslit ooking "Spi-iiigy" t h al iili<s iii plain coors i ' a iîîuiîî ofa pi ctty (0ol' $15 Party Dresses Reduced to $10 Itive îsolle 4114 li iîg aillay of Il <1(5(5so i<l i iiIcolor et- 'it' -so beaîîtitîil Nsi' ledt of tai- 1' i s ami laces as 1<> iîstaily whii Other Dresses for Street or Afternoon and F-vening Wear at $15 to 45 111af ii ata cves is .ry'rî ;it<rii>eiîi Iî>>tk ofîsi]s ania if-'.AU kimîus Z110 colors here. Children'sSp 149 Coats at $1. in Two to Six Year Sizes A Il anr. ven, beau tifil ili styles as well«aS calei. (011v I a>l l ila y ertty tcoat is of blafck-aîid-wîi te c ilIl l hit. Si'/R5 two gto six. (oats in $izes to 14 Special $2.25 TI - iot îv îîîiînîses lneNN d > llu-l' l uîia lstyles ini li ing iifie serges, t .Sies lUp to 14. Extra Speclal- WO'men's Fine SURk sweaters in Values up to $6, very Speclal for the Openilng ut Ooly Girls Dresses in Sizes t o14 Underpriceil at 39C % W'e havcx't qiioted the reduietion on theso dreisses buît vu 'oîiwuId have an awful bard timc t>> duipliate thein at double this price. There are plaidis, checks, stripes and plain colors. Children's Dresses to 1L75 Special at 1.00 W'e lonestiy (do îot beieve sucb a fie tisi>ay of .$1 dresse ivas ever of- fered in iWaukegaiu lefitre. Ahi colors, Iime iî Nud'vith laces, bits of srnocking, belts a ndt littlc jackets. ChIldren's Fine White Dresses, la sizes up to 15, Specieilly Prlced at 01.50 to $5 i Au unuîsîîah dstinction bas been attained by tlîis sto>re in the inatter of children's wblité dresses. Ucre arcetiozens of styles in littie jack. et effeets or îretty lace, ribbon and rnbroide7, triminet. Spring Waists, Only $1 ally Srnal Price for these Walste çjiiu.: iii \vhito, rose, niaize, mie green ai ta%î ürcti I tn ts \ilite .ail-over embroillet dor- 111~ Waists, Speclal 1.98 ~ni 'iti ln tiii iilk waltttuuln flesh, rose, maize, white Lt olor,;. NUo a good asstortment of lace irimmeti ta: l 1e mew raiy and black Jap aik or crepe de :$2.98 Wa ists at 3.48 & 3.98 tti liS t>s in relie(le chine, gorgetto crepes, taf- ch, corï-:I fetas and variouii combinations ln the or 574rlutti ion moiti approved shades and col- ntrimminrq cit comblnations. They have high or low mbtnation. nerks and long sleeves. y...Blouses, $5, 6.98, 7.98 aists or fleî le i cines with large lae CiOu of ga gtt repe andi taffetas in ahI 111 1 llundreds of Wond.erful Values 1p New Spring Suits for Women. and Misses at 9.75, $10, $15, $20, $25, $30, up to $45 Gabardinke and Sergne SuitAis n to C _ $15, Very Speclal at 9.75- j*!9 7 - ,asuîail pieîe for a suit - vsialli in- d<eil Ii w i lui show you saine really haîîdsonîe il ý>dvIs iii g t id serges anîd gabardines. isa varieta of styles and eolors ta cheese fron? i anul ail sizes. The suits are inade to seli for $20 Sufis at O,'IY $15 A t this îîrîee are poplins, ct., in styl- ihNorfolk or loose cont nio<els ini plain c dors or clecks. Al sizes can be hiad andi thele is a libeî'aI se- iceininiial Sizes. By Special Permission- $27.50 Wooltex Suits $22.5"' Wooltex suis eannot be re- i (111( t or solti under a stipuàlated I~pi îe wNitlîoît the manufactur- ( (1 ~e's conisenit whivh we havese cureti. Sport suits and rmore conser- vative miodels can he had in the înost teînptingly pretty styles anti colors. Other Fine 'ýuitS from $25 to $45 Si1k suuis, eioth suits and suits of taîffeta andi serge combinitions are heve nlu undretis of clevor nmodes, fairhv bristling with fash- ionalîle touches. A notable feature of our service is our guaraîatee of a perfect fit.... Ntlw Spring Styles Iln Where' Wefl-dresa3ed Women Nfet Girl's Hats and Bonnets ât 19c and 50c A îist élahî rate display of things rîew iii lit- Iile gir1s liais ai1 bonnets is îîow assembicti for Val ~iIiti>ii1i Jitllprices. ________ Thiîe are strawv bats with prctty rihbon f iinhiiigs and nel cl itle lbonnets lhandsaîie- l1 di î'uîiated ini varions ways. SKIRTS! 200 New Spring $2.98 Styles, Sreclal ut Vie said "S8peeial, at $2.98," and ini tIîo's tiîiec %\ ards la a big story. The chief fi atîure is the fauvt that these skirts are po sitiv e $5val- lies. UI sizes. $3 SKirts, Special at 1.95 A bairgain extraordmnary indeeti andi one about whiieh it is not nccessary to say întich -the priee 'vilseli them. $8 SIIkS$kirts, Oni> $5 TAffe-tas, serges, pretty i>tipins, gabardines and poi- ret twills are here i11 plain color-, or stripcs .and ehecks with the new fiaring hip cf- fets.All sizes. Ski rt tValues :up to $15 Opening Sale Price $10. These skirts surpass any- thinig wc've ever hati in bcauty as weil as value. Ai the , latest matorials arc abunldantly representeti. Hein's Çrs epalrtnii, nt Pa eputattén fer Flitlng <Corsets Cooefortably and Kightou We caîygfive you better corset service anti show y il mnore styles than an'. other store or agent cau possibly. show you. Here are severali itdividuai corset modls-accord- ing perfectly with the eurrent lines of fashions and so roinprehensive iin size range andi details that alinost every type of figure may be suiteti. For thue very fîull type of figure so designeti as to give a more siender appearance are corsets in ail sizes. Mediîum anti slender figures '.vii find the most corn- fortahie andi perfctt lifting corsets are here in the fa- mous "Justrite" branti. Ilave yoîîr cor-set fitteti froc by an eXpcrt corsetierre andl have it right. Corsets priced frorn $1 to $10. Th4e 1Opening Sale of Spring'Gloves at 45c These gloves arc a 'vashablo leather fabrie of an -excellent 'and most durable grade. Corne ini white and colors and, ali sizes. New Kld Gloves, Speclal $1 The Éinti of gloves that nover soid for less titan $1.25. AUl sizes andi the mnost 'anteti colora; spe- ci al for the opening at $1. 206-208-210-212 N. Gençsec St., Waukcgar., Ill* diluce- sale law- f ailu andîu v4'i I1 I thi ighai ery I ýxtrti ;ses; a il! i Il> i set SiIk Coats, etc., at $3.98 to $10 Si 1k, gabanrdine1, seru'i. pophlii5anîd ott >v ru t fabrnes are f;tsiiu(1iîîei ut> iIl( iuosi l>eeiitig îî,ats for the s mi a 1l peoplt von 've ever seli. arnd er wa die$ a: gandi mne blai lhe àpe de1 and rn lie~ ars rs. Q ,ý al