Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Apr 1916, p. 4

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LAKE COITNTY INDEPENDMNT, UFRIDAY,APRIL 71916., Lake County Independent Xddiional / 7ewsChu(reA eroirce Waukegan Weekly Sun 0 f Cier<y //e lMehodist-lîptscoval. Office Telephone N'umber 1, Libertyvîfle Exchange. 151 Services DextSuciday wii be hid a 11911W a& the Pontoiieo at Liberlyville. III., as Second Clase Mail Malter folow ndyebool ail zrades -ýn-ôr Lak C-unt-B«rd f-Sperv-iore-P-r-oèednge Mr@. Byron Clby bha beau. on the sick 10 o' ciock; prettcbiog service at 1 omoirPublicaionfrLkionyfor fSprios rceig list the past woek. o'ciock a. in. and 7:30 p. in. tby 11v.1 &DwseyFia.AvrligRates@ Made Known an Appication. M.adMe ar io iWue E Reawm. Spocial musalsboth marni Mr. and Mr@ Barry Oisoeot Wauke.and eveing services> Alil ordiliy tu *11111CRIPTION PRICE. S1.80 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE «SUspet over Tuesdayunight borewitb vited. _______ - - lre Oleane parents,lMr. and lMr@. E. lE uiiowne the Prince of Pouce" viii i Wi T. ............................... ................... ýi £dltor W. Butlerfieid. Iosbeîa h <wrhLau e IF. CS MITH...................................................................... Manager I& ài WEBER .. ................................... Resident Manager. Phone 11694j Lew Schanek. Jas. Reue and John titg et 6:45 p. m. Leader. Miss Marie ___________________________________________________ lmberry leil for Minneapolis lat@ Tues- Prestonm. A cordial invitation exteude baa day aiternnoan on business. Tbsy returfi- la ail. On f h bges aerbussofCisgl ent ed Tbursday morning. Thom i'i ii ho a îery iportant l o Ono f te bgges paer ouss ofCinagobasiugir I he officiai boiard oi the M.1 'aUces o its customers that ail prices are 'withdraw'n Sunday Mir@. J. A. Treptaw and litle churcb nez% Moudayveuirg aI8 «'clou lm«diri afinal readjustment asa esuit of the jump made dangbter returned home icrnm a tvao u the chnrcb. Alil nîvuere urged t --'~- aas JPmouthas vieil witb relatives ln severail attend. ri' of paper. In the meantime printers must make cilles la the sttofa Texas. Mr@. E G0. Choir reheareol tîiîi week Friay cvei Se bout of it and take their chances on work they are Thmmermau., a sMater af Mr. Tceptow, ingalu 8 a'clod, îîecial work fc tUring out. Sb@ i@ expecled ta reîurn homne on St. Lawrence Epscopal. -Unday. Sev. E S. Wie. Irieet iii chorgu. It la a fact of gçeral interest and importance that the . F. Ký Bumstead, oublipher ai the Lake Boi>' Communionî. exi*vpt loI nutids County Diretory, le working on hi- 9PIbln montb, 7:30 a, in Waukegan schoël. board .bu practicaily decidod to have i»sec and will ho rendy for dellvery came Cburch echool 9: . > a. iii. *tuo achool buildings built on the one-story plian. This lmoin June. The directare wil eHo ay Communiîîî lot aîîd 3rd Sunds, telu Une wit.h an urgent suggestion made by The Suni re- tissan&@ail the tns aud cilles ln the Morinu Prayerothe SundaysIlla. umland inan important mv toward b better county have bad o hollby %gravtb dur- F.vening Pray.r 80V> p ni ann ete ihinad mo of- n :ttl Ing the liat tbrce yeurs. Miss Rowena Special service Frîiayseveniig 7:30 p 0 moit ter pro i'O s..î wlll colecl lhe data fur Lberty. Presbyterian. MsOU= from fine for the cbildren of Waukegan. It's a 'ville. _______ 10:00e Stiridav mi-hool rpesr" ve move, a stop ini Une wlth the advanced theor- ChMECMritn ervdeavî11 ii.- p. CO EIIkL CLIJB'S CrsinEevi :5p i Of the tiras.. _______ OUSE-WARIMIQ FRIDAÂY Evenlux service o:30. W.U, to date, Lake county farmers have shown they NiIRT Bit SIJCCESS CHtAS. R. BEHIRENS urna andie a situation like the miIk problem in a business- __ 11k. and no-ro'wdYismmnanner. In-ILake county there have The Liberty ville Commecrcîi Club took (jJ" IA EC L blen no outbreabis o! violence, threata, etc., te,,enforce ruawMc u ofeLlbi haTboe newrc ubngER thejir demands.. The farmers of this county merely hav owned by F. H. Ju@t, test Fîiday nîgbs J~ "nmabned away from the bottllng plants and let it go at lu o mauner which i iil go dowu in the ZIj'j ARE FRAUDO anosià l fLibertyville as ouaeîof a& For whlch Lake county residents are grateful- the biggeot gouhcringiu ai professions. pateful to thlnk tlat no scenes have been enacted 'wjjjjn mon for the vurpose oi iurberlng the Charles H.fBehrens, lait, ongainl: Unpagra. .i advertlsing LÎIberty ville o and wearlng bis hair and beard la' mur bordas. such as have occurred in neighborlng COUf live town. For twa bours tbe niembers and untrimrned, whoae frea'clsb s] pia>ced "500" or samo other game, and pearance causes passersby ta turn ai ______________ ibse wbo 818 not citer ibe games caitli stare ai hlm, again bas brolten Int the nov and comfortabi chair@, smoking thelilmellgbt. fBehrens cornes outI The favor expressed by Judge Domielly to the plan of and cbalting avec affaira. bsqitscuini inCt ee th W1h thie closlug oi the c a i fthebIQuesclioinZnCtyle *Swing Jurors from tâte jury box rather thanl froni te lub ibat ovenlng a number ai appîlco- prese bis vieva on the legai. or rai] -1b0ý of the couaty"' should have an influence mn bring- lions vers recel ved, theoapplicantst . r Ililégal, as ho cals lbem. ciaimanl , ngîtbeir duos and admitted ad menibers for contrai or Zion City. Il wonid nt bg 8outýa decision to mule a change along that Uine niiofithe ue posperfui commercial urgeais ho canisldered atrange tbat Beblreîl ZaI o eunty It inthe more fafrlway; it in the reasonable -aton Ibis lavu bas 0,cr haboracd migbt entortain bis own views on thi uibfiniteconfines. The toal member- aubect-hts appearauce shows bcha 1vMy; It inato promltscuous way to do it. It certainly per- ip baasDo reacbed 128, about 125 opinions o! bis own alang certain linE @W lb.pickcing of Jurors at randoni more than the other out ai thal number being prssent nathIe'-botltIlai the unosual course take m bi boo& Behrens ln exprcssing hirneeli tbâ im haedepty herffsectd t pik te WiteDotai al tbe finleblng louches ta, maltes the situation unnenal. = m2 but of tontimes whe re ey miss thoso that should the Éline club morne bad tissu maode b>' Behrens socured a double sheetc *~ thea a l aborcra, tbe membeca couIdld abon. !oolscaP and then carefully wroi Tb ~ koand pick those that ohould be mzssed sofr bste réc ea haoy and barmanlaous effect day.. bis own viewa an the subjec a~tfSyops Ie> would praduce wben completed. Aller be liad done Ibis ho appeare *Uni__________and Iliane wisbed ta folio w tbo glauces before a Waukegan notary publi o! ('bieçj'iî \~îl ai tbe membere sIe ' volked &roundavrlab.ruhoteatene Farmers iii the vicinitv o;îu'e ît wlfi le 1iu< ý 0 haki..c!'î.w v' hile tbey vere coted the roliortenî and lb, th rieof inik t:udul:' ît<à .p>Lt riendli> game, mnua eheppy tbaugblt paid the circuit clerk for recorl ie ndvilainous practices. At several places on the roads cauid have been "ecn under lthe odmiring the document in the officiai arcbli ~adng o bttingplats he hae pace pckes wo yes. The bcadquaruers, as described nOfUe county. lu(rg tobottingplans thy hae pacedpickts ho ore lu IbeveScommue, are mutose a- lit bis document fBehrens iret se lutèrcept the producers willing and anxious to deiver iugiy aïlaptable for tbheiicede ai the forth that ho is a member of! I iikat the old price. ln sone instances the pickets have club, aud vhen il tbe clubu@ furnisblugs ZMon Restaraîlon Hast and la a de bfkvebeisonlucalled itl li hoane of the con ordalned b>' John Alexander, tt Motented themiselves with egging the drivers of the wag- nsçsI compileeud best appoieled club fire3t aposîle. ans and turning te ak In others they have over- Lrm le ohn u i> iea I He next proceeda la charge lb; turned the wagons, spilling the inilk into the road. Farm- Presidenl Note L. Maier, in one af is Wllbnr Glenn votiva, present headi ellm as a class are oreryan eseratV ., * r n o bappieet maads, adcired ts the lbMZon church, Daniel Bryan.t ai oruri ati on ra _v. i-e r otm clulb on the prospects uf the club'@ greal John Levis, hésate o! rnaler fi linois milk-producers seem to bcecmulating the bad uiuence lu the ipbruillitug oi aur beontI- lions and conlenders for the positi. - eyxnnl whih wa seta fe carfa li lle -il>' and exprepfued bie wisb that hcld by voliva, are Impasters fi «mplp hich as seta fewyeas go by some of the tbe members heome active in. tbe lulîfilî- cisiming te be the scesr Stobaeeo-growe's in Kentucky. -Milwaukee Evening Wis- ing ai the pnîgram for a iggcr aid Dowle. Coli .bteter Liberl3 ville, nov that the>' have He chargea lother that tbcv lia, o permanent home un go sud Ialk tbing fraudulentl>' recelvcd litlîe and avec. The preident l dliid bis remarke ferings ln the name of the church ai Voliva as the sucecssor of Dowie lias proved to be rath- bv lIug Ou sevecal ofi the members for that tbey arc practicing deception e? succeedin gettingthe spaceon the exrsiu nIeprospects ai Ibe club. the rnlnistry o! healing by the "l fiat liedocs't Te fial mmhoralleon vs Au Arnyng on of, bande" or "anointing" w: nlewspapers that Dowie commangded. Perhaps it is be- Paul Macilufu ben ollowed Attorney oafl B. H.Miller, Superviser@eB . B* Eger* In conclusion he charges that i cause he is predisposcd toward the idea o! flatness that GI. A. Eta.. and John M"Cormiclt. he denounces as a popular fallacy the belief that the World EacofbF te peokere vere uuuparing in ordînance or marclage ae perforai j.8 . helrcannplimeiîts about lthe fine bond-b>' the tbrec men mentloned la vol isround, and is revising references to its sphericityottatrin a itu . ndhtmrrgste a a H oulics4ulüarer or te cub.performed are Invalld. of the hy-nns Sung by bis congregation in Zion Cit Y». e eeeticre onitepopd ern isn esn for ha cu init nthe substitution o! "terrestrial plane" for "ter- a Teenlertlnucmniplvin polunch b ebrgcncen a vna rea s n frih restial ail in he "oroatio iFvmn. WThtevr th Iuiminugsbout a buoghe i opop corn usuel document and vhat be bopes restial al]" inthe Coonaton H mn. Whatver hevbicb vosprelpared lu the model kîtcen, gain b>' il la bard ta sec. Cause of lits action in this matter, it has gained for hiim' a ijemides bandimig out loande of uicy apples degree of newspaper notice to which for a long time lielias and frairrant cigaresonwroua Lena B. Jenhins vas divorced rc a stangr. ut wll hisunpad averisin hep The dict or son Ih cubrou aEdward G. Jenkina ln Kenosha F been asrne.Btwl hsupi detsn ep-lpueo er hntecu om day. This vas a romance of the g& hif Did Brother Jasper, colorcd, even derive advan- w ili ho open lte he ebers every day rison ut Fl. Sheridan. More Iban and evcinof athIe veek. yearsaugo Jenkîns vas a trooper tage from bis assertion that "thc sun do move?"-Milwaiu- Fart Sheridan when be met Mmn. JE kee Evening Wisconsin. M.EUCOOSRVC ins who was a Waukegan girl. Th 14.E.VEPERSEVIE eere arrled and Jenkine contint -- AS ARQLY UEDEDln thec arrny. His motber la saaid ho w <e as rlding the "cochions" an th,, WSLREYTNE e weaiihy, btti tact dld fnat ke TU ETWO 0F A ÀMilwauiee Electrie and ho vas heid-it. e se evc lrEae unhthesoldier and bic ietgte CRI3 0F EIEliT iThe Obay' parents have been ad- wbic'h vas given et uhe Lilierty'ville Ni. lcstlllcd that ber soldier bnshand CREW Of EOHT ieedof!hi wherealouîs b>' the po, E chirch test Suduy .iitvri-ru w,,* saerted ber aI Pittsburgh on Septe BABY oy B NéIT lice af Waultegan, and it la expected oe aiuhe most delightfui giccu at the ber 14, 1913. For the past lb: RA V ~thal they wiii camne ta Waokegan ta- ehur h Ibispsasai. A ver>' large alidi- yearc she had made ber home ln I U&UIIHJ 1.113 libt for Iheir yongsîers. euc. wae pcbseiland est-b noînor tif! the noaba. Mra. Jenkins vus awardcdt The boys were ln an cmpty box Pu-grani vosmugit beautii>' einj îed. coatody of the one minar cbild a car when arrested. Theoîunotrnni give..%voas iifiiliîw>: a financial seulement vue made1 _____________rOldBoy Pipe orgau-Mrs '<i.ra E' iiurtirid. tween the bucband and thbe vIte -Vîîîiuî d 1'au lac, with piano viaus te the avardlng of the decrl CatuedatRodot- ix hut Bisbop Charles P. Anderson o! S4oprani> silo-lire. Lilal i lt', la liv ing at Toledo, Ohilo. Slip Past Police. theie cP diocese bus ln Waulie Rndùng (f Scripture-ltcs-T, E Re-au.________ Waukcgun, March it.. daughter, Mra. George F. Bayer, vbo O5výrtiir3-XlsDir nilACIO A Two f a ang f elh bby ounlil hcr murrîage hst April vas iReading-Iirw Orpha Harding wilh The. oiiiîrýigufd vilipi citIl ut vaos! rarn 0feil et a>' bot MilsJanet Anderson, Is cxpectlng teaeaccîmpouimeut by &Irsa>ucoud. auion lmii rch<srd sîreet,lýiliert.vvi ear ndi ver utarrethe ixon-,-tsai shartl>' rom Engiand, spendlng Xiilin andi lrinot due-tL llîd on Siitiirilnv.- April M. *dOlni-(iO'iiii caped, anc b>' catchlug a 'coablo'." Jthe aprlug and aummer vilb bgr par. Tarsitc ilAh)o Ilu ipevth piano accani- 2 oiikp ti. anFo uiehihl gui Mar on the eleclric lUne, The baya an enls.t>.ihorlly fier bier murriage te aimeiit b>' Arthuor Miller. rauaisuilig cfdi nd Id lidiig. 'mci sested, vho nov occopy cois n .ç Dr. Bayer o!Toronto. Canada, ho vas ;(I-Mr ,llWip'iie jaîl. re: (Iennylsent ta Eugiund, where abe jalned hl- i"eîlude-Alrs. llurand coakiîîg si Torvi 'esa sh. BANNACH C'MR g>shortl>'Ilu udlng hmlm n ospît 1 - Xl,t.Macagon ropll yBny CSI, a c ok. AlmostImlnredlately he vs NORTHERN GROWN SEEO Fred (riuE.t uline 13 ycars, lives aI 2561 Stationtrcet, "vol lrorn Ilîccetuathiebase bospitai edCc, ediaaaeuouGrd. OIE Obicago. lu the Dardaneilep. Sînce Ihen Mrs. Scdear owbee lmesd elc FRANK WASKIEWICZ. agi- 14, tiover aac beow-bir@.d oeeorandnds a h Yoam. liva-a t 2149 Station strpeel - e asbentrYîng te gel back te wbal yuî, ued white îuy stock le coin- I anyoy oseso id Chicgo.Iis country, and bad lis'en passage Ppu is. u.eds are scnrc-e tîîis yu'ar pacer horse, wltb a white blnd1 'Fe vobos or arete b'Spe on lbree shirîs, ail of vhlcb have and wilb îluloIcr> i' edaevlh vas stolcn slft veelt ai cW Dtecive has Meyr, n em 1 een calicd Imb mililur>' service. She o icI, gî-erniuintliun ail iested and pieuse cetura te or catiltbe No ploye of the E., J & E. raliroafi. v tîlIlu Engiand and bier parentsexo-.u- Pie riî- riiioa Fl. FW. Chicago Police Station. Phone2 One member of the gang tl i ikpect a cable tram ber del>' thai ah.e Sclîiitklc, l'hou,' 23:l i. 29.11!wli ««o7 of their mldnlgbt ride ouI .,f ls ou ber va>'.____________________ oelçagote a lion reporter. i "lW. kida Jumped de freight aItIth lra O. A. Nelson or Loon Lake CARD OF TI4ANKS.Ave> ink Eradicator. A eygaad va>'ta romove for j Dafly Thought. W. move to much lu piatoans. vo warch by sections: we do flot lîve ln aur vital Indlvidaality etiough. "ep arel slaves of lashion. in minciaud in hvart. If not ta our passions and appelte.- ChapIn. To thePublic 1 again wish"É'tothank my [riends and thèse Who SUP- ported me so generously et! the recent election.1 *% Respectiullg Yours, 4; L!W !LAGGInw JUDIiI3DONNEULY1 FAVORS DRAWING JURORSFROM BOX He Asserts That This Plan Is More Satisfactory Than in Geting a Picked Jury. Circuit Judge Charles H. Donneily la opposcd ta the provaliing plan In Ibis district of "drawing jurars frai. lbe body of the county." He ex- Pressed bis vilews an the condition white In Waukegan a few days ago, ta disposeofa motions In the Orpet case. Judge Donnelly contenda <bat the plan of drawing al jurors lrorn the jury box la rnîch more satiafac. torX and would Ilke ta sec It foiiowed In *Il cases. Eacb regular Panel of venIremen lg exbausted In securing a jury and alter Ibis happens the court, actlng under the law. Intructs the sheriff to sumnmon a new Panel of jurors frorn lbe body of the caunty. This means Ibat lie , ta go out and pick up jurors In a bit and miss This plan does flot work out catis- factoriiy ometirnos, for occasionally tbero are compiainta thal the sheriff or bis deputies are flot careful aboat getting venirernen wbo are unpreju- dicod. Ubder the plan suggesled hy .Judge Donnolly and advocated for corne time by the maJoriiy af local attor- neys, lnstead o! sending the sheciff out ta pi',iup jurars when a regular 'Wael Is exhausted, the circuit clerk would proceed ta draw an extra panel lrom the jury hox In the regular man. ner " i 'Iheae venirernen would bp served la the usual manner. Then there could be ne complaint abo-it any unfairness. In same cases il has heen the plan, where bath aides agree. la baxe ex- Ira jurors drawn fram the box hbut the plan le qulte rare If the names were drawn fram the box and lb.' ludge ordered those men brougbl i<n fortbwitb il vouid be passible ta lPro- ceed witb uitIle ]oas o! lime, Which? Anîîoying),, tiresome trips downstairs to answer telephione cails, or an extension instrumnent at yoîîr elbow? TIhe value aind (coflvCfiecfl of the service Ps clouhicîl by an extension telephone in addition to your main tclephoiîe. The extension in- strument cain bc jpl.icrd Ii any part of the house desi red. The atiditional înonthly cost is small. Chicago Telephone Company A. R. Andirews, Manager Triephone 191 Fir,. 77W Palk" of 4%urd Foodi I"* I The Food You Neyer Tirxe of A cereil t' t hlu s i distinctive flavor ail its îîwn- roavîtirtaîrnaîthing you have ever r-lel bcor-yet a perfectly balance: I m(. . T[liýi. jl îh reation of Dr. Price- îlîc fam.ut-s."'f i"Ispecialist-a corn- bination ()f grainîs that contains ail the element tof nutrition and energy in the proper Proportion. You'll like it, too. The more you eat, the more you'Il w~ant to eat. IPgceless Pe-o(.t-SîSas-ng Coupons in Ev.e-y Package Try it for breakfast tomorrow. The exclusive Dr. iWce Pure Food Store in your towvn is TRIGGS &TAYLOR Telephone 25 LIBERTYVILLLE ILLINOIS LOCKED IN CELL WITIIIN AÀCELL; KEY ISIN ÀSAFE Alleged Swindler Could flot Escape From City Jail Under t Present Conditions. James 0. C'iffitbs. mlning promet- er. and alleged swindler, ban bue. lociccd in a cceti within a ccli, andte key to the ou1ter cell bas been lockedt op In the safe at the police station. But two people have the combination te tbis sale. They are Thon. Tyrrell, police chief, and Walter A. Taylor. Thos. Tyrrelis iInstructions are, 'Don't unlock the celi unlees I1amnn the Office." At the request of the police chief the bonde under wbich Grlfftbs is being held prisoner were increased from $3,000 te $20,000 late Saturday atternoon. Mr. Tyrroil woid makl no tatenhent as to why he b il Laie this, step, except ta say7 '"i have. looked up Griffiths' past record. 1 belleve that he sbould be held on a bond mucb larger than $3.000.' The bonds were lncreasted upon recom- mendation Of tlm» stato'o attorney, Dady, Who had consuitcd wilt the police chief. GriMfths daims that helein noeeut Of the charte. Hoedaims cat (ces- sar has@flot been swtndisd out of 10,-' 000, and that Cessar viii gel liat which ho was Promiscd wben the deai vas mnade. Cessar dlaims thal GrIfitha mierepresentl e xltlng cou- ditions. GriMfths says that if he goe ta Jaal ho viii enjoy the co¶npany aif other mon of this rogion. lu lhe meantinethelb.promoter 1< living on bread and sausage St lb,' Police station. Twice a day ho. ge%. a bal loa!of hread and s huni. of sausage. Ho la isa servod water three Urnes a day. "He la a weil educaîci man, and he Is pastedl on lhe iaws ofthlbis and other states, and ho can convine the~ average man that ho bas nover svir. dled a man out of a cent." Rays lb, police chief, Wbo heid a lengtby con- ference wltb the aileged mwIndier on Sunday mornlng. Ont St a Timt. Tho modern tonden.,y imailgrades ta toward the deveJopment and olewa- lion af the lndividual as a unit, IL ie the IndIvidual that counts ln the bnci- Boaworid, wbicl. ban lu do aslehy wltb the uni.. L; he foi ha vi au da, at wi ~ 1 aib

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