LAKE COUNTY INTDEPENDItNT, FRIDAY,APRIL 14, 1916. reZig Zig Tag hNus TosW an d Guatu.d Portiand Cumnt You'11 know one of the best grades of Portland Cernent by two marks; the name Marquette Portland Cernent and the green ZIG ZAG TAG (mneans tested-and guaranteed) Groen Toa, ON EVERY BAG Marquette Portland Cernent As 13r//iii ti /j'p)rgi,.ids 1 Made by Marquette Cernent Manufacturing Co:. * le CHICAGO. ILLINOIB LA BALLE.,f LLfl6OI& The Quicloer Way-Telephone Save the time, trouble and expelise o>f dictating a Ietter-avoid waitiiig two or three days for a reply to corne through the mails. Turn rut vtur telephone and sectle the matter in hand quick] ' % nd iatîfactorily by direct crnversration over Bell long distaince lnes. Chicago Telephone Company A. R. Andrews, Manager Tilepboue 9 901 Fence Prices Going Highert. BUY NOW Cost moy become proldbitive. Special IOW pruces on extra heavg rire Ieocuog. AMIERICAN WIRE fENCE Coi, LIUltTyviUlE, ILUNOI I MAtR MAFi. CO. Designer@eand Makero of Liéhtin.g Fixtures Sn us bdlon plaing your entier Vimatomu Ulc@nm We mina, have a complote platlng plant for refinimiing SHOW ROOM AND FAJJTORY Second and Orchard streete LIBERTYVILLIC. - ILLINOIS TuLEPHONZ M55 NOW 18S TEE TIXE TO PLANT Leonard's Lawn Grans North Shore Specdal Oak Park Vulvt Chicgo Park&. Shady Nook Garden and Flower Sued POR SALE BT LEONARD SEED COMPANY 230W. Ki"st a"Ik (IUNE FAMERS ORPET WINS TRIAL DETECI MqILK COVer DELAY; COURT SETS ERED BY LUMBER CASE FOR MAY 151H (Contlnued Promi Page One.) rangement lailat the contract whilei Patten signed itrovides that le sil receive mlli fromn noloody but "union men," ihat Is.,nmen wbo belong ta the miik producers association. This ar- rangement arovenisb is accepting miik from a 1fev farmers vha tried la keep hlm nupplied wlth milk durlng the tleup. .Nîr. Patten selsa milk ta thet'tti- taga resiauranto and bis re'hlpmeniir wolil resurme today inde-r normal ('on' diions, Saeat Antiocit. XVilth thadjustment ai Lake 7"il riclo, comee word that a slmilar ad- utinen vasmade at Antiacil dur- Ing the day Tbur-tday. There the itoxhani company and the formera signed urp the same sort o! an agrer. reont as vas reached loy île Lake Zurich people. Accordingly. milk deliterles vere resumed et thp Rox- ham plant ibis marning and h vwiii le resblpped vhen botiled to Chicago, One Comany CapitulateiL This embargo placed on the Younrt- or plant ai Gardon Prairie rsas lit t d vhen the company signod up ai the Increase in prîce drmanded. The supply of 30,000 pounda usuatIv received by ihe Howman comîiany f roin Palatine niseuct off foliowing a meeting of 100 farmere in Seip's hall in Palatine.,aet licil they nnanimoi- y attreed flot ta slip ta any dealers o refurer ta pay $1.55 per bon- dred jiaunde li'olloving the meeting ai Palatine Sheriff John E. Trarger assignied ten deputy sheriffo ta tilat teWownaend Barritigtnto protoct farta- ers vha bring In milk tram Lakteand McHenry countiest A deputy guarding one a! two wag an loada o! milk being delivered ta thoe Bawman plant In Palatine loy fermera tram Long Grave was dragged tram lte wagon and disaruned by a picket. Other depoils ran te the mans aid and thle farmer Sler veuh the deputys voapon. Today a delegation viii go from Palatine ta Grave ta induce fanmer$ ibere te oIn the stInke. TELLS 0F THE SITUATION. Shortf E.,.J. Grfin reiurned homné Tbursday nigbt tram Barrington, vibre lho vent toben a calilvas ne- ceived that plckets in the milk strike were threatonlng ta make a deman- strotion. The aberif! aays there vas no such demontrotilon anti that bie lias beon pledged the word o! bonur o! île pînkets tilat tlere nu li e no troublre. The sberibi tated tht' pîiteta for saime time mter le arri'.ed ai Bar- -ington before le rr'realrd lots iden- tity. lie civ tIent stop tteverat nîllk de'alersitnd demenîl t0 knowr there they toore going. Il sa opîteneti that tîearly ail of tilera vere going ta tic c itîzens' or farmers' ca aporative e oîk plant et Barringtan. These wagonsl nere îîai molestoti. One man refiierd ta stap andi a pickei rusbed ou gral- bing oue of thoe hormeloy île bridle. He van dragged fully tvo a rds i ile thie fermer plied hlis vhtp ta the larges and alsa ta the pînket. The latter flnaliy ioosened bis ibid and tie farmer proceeded. The picitets vero varneti ly ile sheriff that tbey hati no riglai ta stop the farmers In suclo a minner. Ho said thoro vas fi a hiorin ialklng ta the farmers and soeking ta convince îhem ibhey sbonld tomn baci., provid- ing ibe farmera vere willing ta stop anti talk, but ho said thet violence vas nai permissilole. Last Big Chicago Concern No- tifies Dr. Robertson It Has Signed Contract. DairyMen of tue 2411k Producerr'1 Association vlia bave been battNng1 the Chicaga dealers for an average1 sommer price o! $1.55 per 100 pounds1 o! milk !ound iheir victory complote Sunday. Officiais of the Borden com-1 pany. the ancelbig firm whicb beld out1 at îlhe-'m ilk strike" conference on e"i- day. notifitetiHealti Commisasoner Jlohn Diii1 Robertsron o! Chicago ln île marning tht t heY loat i gned with the farmers ai the prîce demanded. Normal deliveries iiroughouît Ci- cago wore resumod this morning. Means 8 Cent Milk. The Borden prico vîli remain at 8 cents, as wili thif of ail dealers ex- cept possibiy Ira J. Mix & Company. ,Mr. Mix bas eald ire muni raise lis prîce ta 9 cents, but eame doubt hag heen expressed as ta wbether ho wili stick ta hie rosolution. "I dont see boy ho can," said Healili Comminsioner Robertson. "The Bordons. vho have JSot sîgneel. han- dbe 20 per cent o! the mili that comes linoChicago. Bavman bandlen 25 per cent and the other dealers the re- mîInIng E5. It viilbo pretty bard for one o! thom to keep bis price ai 9 cents wben the others are chargng oniy S." Plans MlIk Llcena LLaw. Dr. Roberison nald be te "golnig rght ihead" weuh hii plan for fram- Ing a ciy ordinance or saMe lv ta icenee and regulate mut domlerjo "There le ioo mucb lost ~o nov. witb a procession o! milkmen from various firma climbing the snuire te eacb apartment building every .norning," ho maid. "One miliman te ae building vould moan enormons economy. --The dealers are viillng, and the farniers are vIllng. What I vant la a commission to study the whoio miik probiom and propose a plan. it's foanibie and legal. At the Instanceof oCunty Judge P. L. Porions and Assistant State's Attorney Runyard, Circuit .Iudge C. C. Edvards ssauod certificates of god moral chiracter to (3onnty Clerk Loyw Hendee and Horman Lltiilde both or vhom vlah ta ipcme members of the Laýke VouaI>' Bar #*aaaiteu Tise>'are te graduas emnttho Kwt' College of [aw tleUrine1mg Tag (Continued From Page One,) bis face watching Intonti li ai was goiîîg on before the Court. Af Chicago ltbatographcr tried ta got his iricture n the court room, but the sh-rrif pre- ventod hlm. ARGUMENTS SV DEFENSE. Attorney Potier for thterietense siated amang other ihings as île cea. son for wishing a continuriir r-of thé case- until Jone 1 1-That Orpet *am nnnocent of the charge of murde r. 2-Tt t t.arIon Lambert commit. led suicide. 2-Traitithe.atte had futnished tem with the o mes of 66 urîffesses reho noire to be caied andtel lt de- fete had flot hnd time te are themn and determin. whnt they woufd tes- lit y to. 4-That many ofthtie oithesses b lin called by bot aides are Wisconsin unlverslty studontni who are averse to coming here white scirool In on. 5r-That exeporte wiro are wourin on tite matter ot poisons, etc., teill not ire ready with reporta before dune 1. 6--Tint the evidence produced at lte coroner'@ Inqueit was nfot convinc- erg that murder wa ommltted and ltât there vie no reasacta expect lte grand jury te, lcdlct Orpet. Mr. Patter argued that evrîlin a civil case Il: would net lie lrr'ason- able feasak a continitance for c) 0siiort a perlod tond that when a roung mnii was llghtîng for hie lifo. lot ririîd tic gïven thaf consideraiion. "The strate doesn't menionth îe nomes of studenta Who ar- tirle called, oraid Mr, Patter. addîng Ani vo have leen unable te confer wlth them te soc tobat their ovidene' oîi le. many of aur ovn vitnesen tut ho willing ta come alter scilool list o, but von't do eo vllingly noto. "Our defenie viii ho that Mrion La*mbert committed suicide and it taken lime for us te prepare our case. We shai prove that William Orpet la Innocent o! the crime charged by the state and It viii take tonte tinte for the exporte vho are warklng on poisons ta got their reparti reody. "A praper detense requires the care- fui analysin o! poisons and libre are many angles on wblch wrr are work- lngý -We believe the defenar-esîltiot prove Orpot ia guiliy and ne ilave a goend defenso against the todivtinent, it le not our desire te dctoy the case eacrrptlng that wvo vînlo tavae a mraper defense. 'Even ln ardinary cases of iveil ac- tion, aucil a deiay as we arr' askltîg cauld flot ho unreasonable. Wnhy, the evidence lefore the carotner., jury toos fot convincing and filer" toas eto reaxon for us to expect on niitment i ronn the grand jury. "The evldrdce wikh vo are fa o b foro"-d 10 meet le att circtimstantial. Lottdifficulita ocoonteract and re- qbtaring expert work an maey anglei. We oar many of thc ttdeeto ai the unvecrsliy yul l dny the aIlega- iotus mode ly file siato. but tiley don't toant ta beave school ter come bere to the triai nov -, Jutige Donnelly-'-The court bras not the leaet dispasition te farce tilata e speedy iiearing, I1toant ta gin-o you ail the time nconsary for a praper defense. but i am like mano ilers- i don'tIlke a trial of ibis nort in tire sommer, 1 am willlOg ta wor'i on thom in the sprlng. fait or wînter. but the summer doesnni seem Sust the tîme ta have a long. tediaun trial of this sort, That will ho the case if vo continue ta dune 1.iirrw would May 15 ho for you? Patter-That would cui us off a manili and vo need thetime; tvo bavc earefully pianned aur work and vo neod until inne i to geltings in shapo. If ve are forcod ta trial nov it le an injustice ta thîs boy, for tirere in ne evidence ta show ',bat ibis girl met ber death tram an outalde agoncy and the defennee edourne te refute the cbarged made loy tle stato, No doubi. ibis boy dooon't reilsb niaying ln jail ail summer. Judge-tI don't blounr the boy for not wantlng tae tay in jjol aIl]etînt mer; If 1 vore in tiis Iriace, Id 'fort the same way. Patter-if vo bai tt-e cioice of trylng tle case now or io the fal, yod much prefor île tatI lut that would raise the qurestion of students heing unwiiling ta came bore ta tes- tify. State's Attorney Dady toit that tie defenne dld flot bave sufficieni argu, ment ta have the trial delayed until lune 1. TIES BABY IN A CHAIR; SPI3NDS DAY AT FRI13ND'S 5HOME Sevoral days ago tie Cicago noe- papors carvlod sMortes about a motta. or vho bled her batte in a chair, thon vent out siropplng. In tle motberes absence lire attacked the home.,arS the chiid vas lourned ta death. Thero reaides ln Wau'<egan ont wou»an who did net reod the noe- paper s.ccounts of the deatb of the six monthb old cbild ln Chicuago. This Waukegan voman butt a few days ago tied ber child ln a chair, thon vent gaddlng. Il la said tual she aipent a big parv oft the mornlng shopping in the business district. A greater part of the attortnon sie spent at thoý home et a 'friend. Sile retnrned ta hor homo lite ln the aftenooni, and thon prePared supper for her man. 1Bure the neiglobors were peeplng, .and at 7 o'clock vbon theo voman and 1ber huabaaîd atoppod inta an auto for ra "loy rid," a neighblor naced lnto 9the street and told the mother that If aisbe vent Soy ri dini and lot ber child 1111H iMuluiiI U.1 Supervip.ors Report lrt t I W- nicýterrî,I i--el la s ari Nre11l , 1, N , nir ii ti . TrC, r'ra S' "I',NV ror M K tOA - irl ier.eîri.9 rowrî orti.itertyvi.tiie,.4 1tir, Kriia tii r rl.'r ote 0f T ' l urrfr' r T E ' 'l,î.rtc tr il i I L Tih et r e i.a ,tatnir t ' yrt tr lt tFI M'r 'tri .1 t, , v.r~rt, r'7arir-4rr)' -pr> yiirrr roitireTom,.n ittof rrt ortir I ICl'It (irtruiliantd ttaatc tra r, 1i. ii10' c an 1litNtl.r ~araî.rian hkt heg irscal cear In i > r'ii.etIltrerr i e, Il t ie r lr'rtter.irrrl7eina 'l'ii2 ' t c it tday r"t 11cr,,h.ArIl ti, etoir , 23i11tKt ler. toiryi teii ' ltig thre arutu riA, iitous mon aîrd et the ' 21 ' ' r t,, r 't>air' irrtas-r -.1 e.inrnir'rmei isctiral cear. threamorrnt 2% trt,'rvcutr ,r tîr ta iral ài ,-i et Pircoundi rec etrlid tril wut sources " f5iltcrtmntrrtrr rrr ilE reriertie nîrurî i 9txhle lundi eplened 28 MatPetit- ratre' t andi 1bcat IrourrD' t oîerded, durirg said Mat I1I'rOe CorintrosRiratldoit onSri fris a e nriritcai air ierarri Fr&'(I leri tirtr reoaitr b rire rtrK l'hesand 1H.R B er rrrig duty tir lil.E teste .ltiirr rar, c M 4rt dipoe" artel ce. t i t ng .tateiient 'Z51 pet i-.Iletir raiireceiinglo - b ir . hlm eri'rltd ir'sa ,rctrt tatiment af tire l 7 JtE Bnd. it.,rarîlitriteaet1, r5t w ...onrt of prubtir unîdso rn tiaid at tire comn. iiMarri, I e nti tewrkand erarr 2W 00 Disnrement 0f fle tta] year atboie rtated. tire r, It.kge ti tiaCt , , ari .H70 a.mDont ùjc ,f ,Iruitr irdir trre1Il d. arr otir ,etrtnIrma tî [ ie tmitre amerrelt.Tri1i ..VettTt. epeeléed. anrd fclrrr ocrrthi,'ir rirnded. mestroauscere'<îr4r6ir ti set torthrIlu aId tatemertt _ H . eSulrer'ieoe Totrr l iriiarrît liîti.ccFondsr tis erreliet iid ereri tito tor.e me. I srt .'ri.r11ird .. 5 ý ;6 filr9 ta ot ACrrl]A. 1, 1916,lier ArITUi.iTiiN1 Y"H Sortie,. .jutice of the Peare. TtlantrtRiitartIrrie Fîd erNirSu rerrAt>ttOSWIIAT S17RUiCE8 rertrriît.,74 29 i E larrXrrTottta r ân to i iii t " I lortit itirtie t ii An.tirr utb nilic ti'irde. on.irarnd ai tire titbririrr.c ....Ci2ur, 6 colrmmneenrit ut'ire'hai&1 erar. erre rîeeîetire '28day cf !.arrtt A 1Ir lIS 334.59 62 B larî' ilioit 4047 59 Il 'ît. t1r Rr'd teour detinri t 207 ____71______ Mat. Z; Ta. fr.., W-rr 7 Mat , t trogtac nilrtomi tc 5246 H a] nt...... -'l o BLIND PIQiER AT? HaIllItrut. .... ... . Y Bcalnc ter .il ....... ,w' Id!UUîfIf Ff~ I&îr Tirtat11,1114 rrrrt./ Osi IN rillECOUR r Frt ank err ae f l-V r, .1eîtifhU r' 'un 10i rar e. eto f etectlrrr... -,William Wilson Convicted of P1l0 ertie . rIetlr S. liteea lrrt..Seli iqcrinHi Rs 0'19 rite. .dfleetou... aurant at Highwood. tI) C. J. Inetri, ictÎte Lu 10 R od ...e. j t IlThat prospective blnd-plggers in 19i Aar,.. Stafford . latiti . 9 luWaukegan MyepCn einyi 24 Roi,. Itrliil.j ute DIrtf ilrrîma:fpc 1n-en0ny 24 E-8. Mrrtlrk. cciilf rirttoir : case tbey altempt ta operate lorre 21 eiiet'trritirierccîrrîrîrîr t0 alter the satoonago outiorf 14 Prritrr'Sertie.'r*CO', igt.. 8 O40 Ol'a ostîw pi otn a May GoMi01Crrent........ . 0 nNa ,wi hW pi hna .1yi Pu Irili r'r,* Cilient ... 3Io aleged Hlghwood blind-plgger was lmL eatCr, trrdcîieriret trintirrti .0 0ordered flot only to pay a fine ilut te Z5e A.JE rri Safrd>lne . .... 0Serve a sentence In the county jalI. 24A. &fo( mu,0l. 4- Decier & Ioid cîtr5r .iTilaaction watt taken upon the 9re- AURi A ltaltirnd. mouluelarrî...... Oe usto tate's Attorney Dady. 4 'er 20Pule ie o lg .... ()T henaneofthe blind-4lgger le Sei thit 8W. K.Iravn1s. ardîtti ' ' 1 he conducted a restaurant at Higlo- 8 tyril Merci..itirrng O r Jilfi Ege. ncitiune....... i 5eoiwood. but that he sold tiquor ans a s Wn Pertion. commîcîtîor- 16 (A sideline. Judge Persoa fined hlm $50 r W - . Dtiavî.ieaso... 20 5 2MWlco. commluier........ and conta and ton dîys In the caunty S .Wlrom commslanr.... 16 tor al. Wilson tirt viii serve the ton l E. 8 tdhire iraeauC.. i7 ïi' ayin the county Sailiand thon muet *10 Legal Adrîter. suppi ee 2afoi eleet whesther bec WITPaY the $50 fine filE.ZLtDevi.slary........ 42 Otilcjr vhether ho will work It out on the 29 ARo. Stali.utor. th ritr.2 01 road at the rate of 81.50 a day. Tt la Dre cl A Sbtaftrrl.anlni... .... 5rue1belleved that Wilson witi raiethe 6 Public Service Con. ient. 3 46, Money Ifif In i oe ed n 16 Putirie Service Co.. lhurt .i t9 ihi aert0d o M 0A. Stafordaitor ..... .. o3u6 Whllo the atates attorney viiiE lormaire no positive statement villo ce-9 tat en13L btiryril tomber C.. iror]i 8421 Ili A inteflec lanitor 3 0 gard ta vhat punishment vii lie met- I 21 Publie Service Co .laet fi ed ou t te bllnd-plggers In Walkegan.1 22 NertirSirote Gai Ce ai 0ho basdeclaredfilet lie vili ses that 24 Libertyvtîle Sasr &A é.r.e t a 31 A. Statte. laitot ..... . 0 15 the law la enforced ntgldly. The pou- 31 taire C.o lodependet...... 80 lahorent administered ta Wilson ta- Fn't 16 À stattore t. ntr- .. on'0 19 PuieîrSerice 0Ce. Rht 2 41day, i athought, l awarning o h Mat 7 W. A Letetiaruiîr ngrilrir - part of the states attorney ta pros- * titertYve Ltutrb,1Crcoi riai if ective blind-ptggers in Wankegmn ta A te Ff Lant.eeirate. 1 00 1 show thora vhat thoy may expeet ai Ir Puniii'Seriee ,.flinit... '.M lis bande, Itlaisbelieved he vili lu- '4 A.Sa .....lri "'. 4 00iet on Sait sentences whorever the '20Iteat Advutir or .. suppilie 29 1" 28 fILB. JEter. Superirealare 4n 7j iaw la so applicable. Vi EF L. Dvi. commtsnicrr.- 44 00 ___________________ 12M C M Wllrcocmmienlener 16 90 2>1 Win.tcen rmul0lnr '0LeelI Mercis.' aliiltln...... 1 2t H.i Eeriedrtts. . 1i 50 28 W E. Datte. airdItin ........ i W1 2t lireter A&RBend. sîtirilie M "A fi B8Eger. îurili esr..... 25 rWork turned oui smise day aisruh 28 E. D. Huirid. ier M 2459 -irn. Prices Iow. Fine Workmînship. Total traIttot. ...r. 1009r7lSpragaao St. LBERTYVILLE sttel.1cf lilia Ctn our îtLae r Toton rftLtrertyville. BRIDGE VUNDOF SAIDTOWN. Tire tellonixla astatemeolt by H S. Eger, AT' T reer uf thre Round riSedge Fond ofth Toton f Libertyille. in Coun, yauld State afore Q__ PZRJ Raid. of thre amount 01 rond anel bridge fonds recelrd anrd extiendeel by bon. urlna thte fi" year lugit cluRd endtnun tbeetitTuenmad, ho April. teint tile fourtir day of APril. A. D. 1916. abonn tirhe ameunt of rond miel bridge fonds on irant atthre rommenceement of saddlYeux. tire ametrot 0f tire rond miel bridge feendi recelvira andfti e htt ures recelviel. the amenn of rond anti bridge fonds ezirended amie for lirat perpoes e atendeel dortir e cear eolits ai alereali. Thre saiti Il B. Egr. beiniz dut, suoro. depomerand àac,.tirat tire follo.slng tate ment itila utiaribeel Esa acorrect astitement ni tire amount of roadidelbridge fiords on bandi attie irginluoth ie Ssci> cimeairoce ateel. tIhe aDmoairondimielbridge fonda rieitanti thre initere item ubicirrecel vitiand tire amonlt ý.epond. aind tire pursinse for wtficirexpendrd TO ENJOY YOUR an@et fbrui tirsait aroiemenft. H.11 'EGE.R.Tre.tre Sotsired anti intorteiefere me. tlrr i4tIr IISTER BIE dai ',if Atreil A. trtiis19wii6 LYent H Moris. oftreelPeave. , t2 tte ecefinairy ta have yeur etaNI.. Elut9i, ED n vri) WaT n )UCrisrricar in good order. T.r1 sureits Anrirtri0i Rirdand srdg onds being i odcondition binyu liaitriast -iretireofthtire orror auto to olîr ehop antd have es rcmedy netrr te tireit..Tiestie le ALitil.d e4th ayxitan pu hrennitirhe.ndi day et AiretJiAS1.1..9664 99any ileit hîtmyCXir at pt Setl10 Rcetred ftrrur rlhtrueert tax.. 28M 19 or ari litgrirtiîrînîing orrirr. Mat i,:F WI. Wtrrrter Tri.&tiR rB t 3 "yorcr CototDtG]yo att H itan . .. .... - cjs 1 -o ilfrjfrtti e e itlî of îlie car anti r ylise, of Arta KR & Btl - _12 15trcf i rital rer trreri$11.574 B oar2 i.9attvtrt I rîtat Ira ..r..trot ....-646M 69 1,1h ...... 4147 5m i Ct~ ~~ -L 1i,.11iV.iA't ui i lt iUIieorS t C. Viîe. erealiier...... '5 Sa m- ---m- -"a --%W a _______ILS___%p___100__ i T 'ltm ireai ttrnt 15 ou DR.GOLDING 3 t).t L ester, batille rgrave], 9 . 75Phlone 8 H IT - r1 t. E. Leterirling grav et t12il NT S .1Wn Meirmlan-------------1111LIBERTYVILLE. ILINOlIS Boni 8loS F -1taBp H. B3.Scirrecir ............. i O er30rstNîtSoui B :Park Allinson. tiaiuloic ravel. 7 80 __________-Ofice Phono 9J e.PoeiiJ F. E <ivern. airnirit rel.. tfil67 , P o» M 'r 30 ruler. eccapung .....3rt. - - 1LexMylJ4IUhteoi rFrank Sucer. laerapint tir,0- >W.. Peterseer. irera3 t 04%i rr B uler. tempeetileu 14 04 S~D.9 LSIH 5 Wm. Mebcln rvl l70SDEWIST. iW.M.'" 00 aynx Lp&nt ..NATIN" "M 6 Rob. Niîioîev, iraîue e rivet St 60 IULSCOlAInLSA. r, A Nciole,, screading grave] 23 25 BoROiIC 12 à. 2M. a"d1i%0 6P. M. Il, H. C.. Sebrecir, nxck 1aBurIn - DAILT. hii------------i4 i'21 Paon mac(iuitn. legai meS ru au 4b,17tEO iNam Il Fred Buibîry. 'ercatrnif -. *21 tan lrt Laite 1Co ravelUC. ecanvel %r.% .11 t, Frank BotterOiel. nrarie i ltAS .STPE ,& 0 20 A, Seineertt ie01e). i lei Frank Hoyer. seretircux O ~ ~ gHEOAII '19 tur Miller. ncraplng Ot' 1& BT5IA< e00*GO 3 Hraceti l"LUmber Co. mteri 14 17 ", i- Pes Utjv«uGCe 112 H. C 8iri.1117 racnt . 48 t Join Oarrnn. bridge rO.te......L 10) :.D D 2 ToerecVictor. eeiring .. 23rIl :1 A. M Ofailegirar. upreetie DR. S. eL GtSOh grael ... ............ ...... 49 75 IFrank Hoyer, eepalinu bridge. >su pt*àlme miOAem tI l'au) Duba, repairieig Mai. 12i80 0 HC I tri 9i.Pz~ ealfgrn 20 BETWEEN YOU AND FME EVZRY WKCDNU8DAY ONLY J'eu Pa""orLoieàO.,eai 12 4heol 22 T.M lurray, repairf ergculvetJdth poetion i anineuranoe MROE VL D W 31 B. t. DavI. otS on rond-BnOF3o VR O!L00U SO Ili W. H. Stoder. lospocua... .,W 4 30 y Caution, cure and the use 2W.aRouer. pe&n« rael Wof fire preventing and alarmîag PUBLIC AUCnONEEIMG 4t Fred Itelfer. seraplnt-....100deviom maOlsei abelio but therrnson acgs Il ien Vamlerverf.eottln tilstieu 13 0m> epbttea!'slnme otc.l arln ie i 16 Frank 1001er ............... 'et bs<>Inîpoectiaa m s lséii nds of hoises. waguns sian safoi ssli or L8 Guein Brui.. repairin bilge i5 p Onb î t . jaieirrU s ai ttUiimes.,--'"- im J. li. Bond. bauft« 5 ýI..-... -ltM ineurance in a good compan>'. We HNYBN mt .1eo. Elfering. haounB e ravel.- 1767 hleis18o48 MNCr a 10 Llbertyvllle LoMa. On.. Material 1944rePre@enlt sch a campany and viliiP. 4ou8 ZONCl E tiPaul tioba. iraulini gravel -W.?.. in .J ola.buiegael. 40901 p1eued to issue you one of its PlHONE 1140- 10 LW.etelP. 1d Fra rterl .... 1policies of Protection. W i.L3IAD il 0t DUD~UR :: IovN ooI 13y .. 457 19LIBeRTVLE Page Thre 1 Buttait»M Room 11,1 S Stevens Bk1« 17 N? t&at st LL Me Penra 539 6 c h i c a: o DAM ONDS WEié LL.DRILLING F. B.l puyVEIl teO.. beotys. . HEMANO& DO0F DIMONDS -V 45 calls orenii M o erehad 2 W sra'ode Ene ervicei. ee argmeniet fosurato. a T04 N. Sfralat. on.ultaio. Bonnale go1tu 6f p..t.ut .u. ZIMON LCT .DE HALS CEE SOnIIIy ordtuhesut omai. 2> loin OZ* TaamratMe. ooL Po frigHal s 10 Pl2. toi p.. m.LB LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. U bertyvle -Ilienois4- eghon N W. COLBYphm LIBERTI L ILIN2 dLTTORM-AT-LW LiliErtyvNie- .ILLINOIS Raa. Ph ho 1 geM O2o Ilon 1 PAULIMAC DDOCE ATTOfllEYAW LAW. tile Pho, lnois DE .. Phono 1800- PAULMAC GaUPPff4. UboftyvtIoIllil DR. N. W. S1IELLENBEROER OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Old Teiggo Bldg. Libertyvllie, MI. Office Houri 10 until 5 Tuiedaye and Fridayn anly DR. 1. L TAYLOR Office in FinatNational Bank Builia gioum:-l to 8:80 sud 7 go 8 p m. fledebrilu inBrosdwny. oppoat. Para . rotvili. ioilàl. -. 1 Jmtr