Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Apr 1916, p. 4

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Lake County Independent Waukegan Weekly Sun Office Telephone Number 1, LibertyIlle Exchange-@ saee ithe Pototfice st LibertYville, Ili. aA second ClatieMalilMattet Offiiai Publication for Lake County Board of SupervlSotrOCCêIngs lumd Evr Frlday. AdverttllflRâktes IMado Known on APPlicatIOfl. SUSSRIPIONPRICE, 01.60 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE W. a. SMITH......... ................................... Editor P. a. SMITH ..................................................................... Manager M. J WEBER ..................... a... Resdent Manager, Phone 169-J SHORTAGE 0F? PAPER MATERIAL The publics attention in called to the fact that there is &,.rlpus shortage of raw material for the manufacture of #ëpei, Incauding raps and old papers. The coflecting and sa'vng of Rags and Old Papers would<greatly bitter exist- ing condtions for the American ]PaperManufacturera. Somethlng 1k. 15,000 tons of different kinds o! paper aad paper board are ma.nufactured every day in the Unit- ed atatesanldaare proportion of tisafter itbu erved col eused over apain lnu mre clama of Pa- por. A large part'of it, however, às efther burned or other- Vise waated. This, of course, bau to be replaced by new m erlis. la the early blatory o! the. paper idsrpb ltstty w given to the importance of a lgraga. t in of ssuioely leus'lmprtance now. The attention of the. public inunled te Ibis lU the hope that practical remilts may flow ýfrom 1. A ltIle attention to the sa'ung of Rags andOld ftvmwin eansenune elif toourpap.- ndustry and aAanigda inime u pnnerles f te u l ofnew mater- laius.sure o upI>o -An -adequAte uupply of Ram aud Old Paper la of vital importance tI.1theiltigPajer uadustry. WILL YOU maELP Thon saeyorRaps and Old Paper. A loto!dres in paper stocks can b. obtained from the. Board o! Trade or Chamber of Commerce, Chicago., t ha& always been a by-word that "leverythlng's fomed Into a union ,,,w excepting the fermiera. But It cannot b. cald any longer. In fact, the farinera of northern Ilinois have put the bg "U" In "Union," for, they have fornied anc of lron-bound feturea, one whlch started out wltl, a rueh, one whone power of getilng what It wanta le such that lt's bound ta win emt le the long run. For forming a REAL. union these farmera have shown Gempers "carde and apadea." Waukegan milk dealiers lIeve some job on their bhaudt à they try tohove the priceof milk upto 9centsas they have threatened la likely on Wlth Chicago stick- Mtg te 8-cent price, "1therels no chance" for Waukegan âotwlbutors to do otherwise-or if tii.7 try it there'll be lot o! new inflk distributors lu Waukegan. This search and seizure law which is now bein; ik o! for Minlois seema a harsh one at first, but if the terri. *tory declared to be prohibition is te be KEPT prohibition it wll need a law o! thi.s sort 'to make il 80, or else ever] "Tom, Dick and Barry" will be having an assortment oi booze in hus place where hie will dispense it at a profit t( "friends." Thus, a law of this sort would ,make the taau a precarious one, *and would help make the co=nunitl here and elsewhere where thé die has been cast, te b. wha the voters have wanted it-perfectly dry. It is now officially admitted that steps are already be lng formed to launch a crusade for a five-mile dry zonr about the Naval Training Station and also have a "searc] and seizure" law enacted by the legistiature which wouli permit invasion of places, even homes where suspicici might rest that booze is being sold, confiscate the liquo and punish the offender. The establishment o! this s5 o! legisiation would give, it seems, ABSOLUTE IPROR] BITION, and that i8 what Waukegan now wants!1 doesn't want any half-way busines-it wants the. entir abolishment o! the sale of liquor and aiqy illicit sales wï b. mnore precarious if legisiation as now being talkeda la put into effect. And, as the people by a large majorit have declared themselves lu favor o! prohibition in Wat kegan township, the. legislature can consstently looke the matter from the standpoint of entire endorsement( any action te make the securing of booze in the communit STAl EMENT 0F THE OWNERSHIP. MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATIC ETC., REQUURED BY THE ACT OP GCONGRESS 0F AUGUST 24, 1911 01f Lake Ccinîy ludependent. publiheai weekly. t li.bartyvileI111. lot AI 81tateOa i ilinole, tounby aI1tLake, s. Before me, a Notary Public Au sud for th.. State and caunuy sioreaii. tvers al>' appearvil F. G. Smith Who, haeirligbren Soly evitru aca'irdlnx to a Iw.depu and sa>'. that brAse the Odelurse Manager, oi the LakLe County Iudependeuti LIst Lbefolovlng Ita the béot of hil@ kowledge andi hlilef. a true tatement Lb. ownerahlp. manalgmt etc - ai Lb. aforesîl publicataiona for the date iabc In Lb. abat.. raptian, mequired thé,Uap t cof Augoait 24, 191-2. cuabodied in l ec 443 L'atai Lavs and Regulalîions 1. That the nampe and addreeses of the puhligher. caillot. iiinaging 'ii anS business umanager@ are' Publiahe: Lae Caunt.v Publlehing & Printing Ca.,. W'ulogan, Ilini. laoagfiug Editor: W. j aSmith, Wankèegsu.Ilîlinole. Business Manager: F. al. aSmitha. Waukegan, Ilîlloine Statempul aif the )vnership, Management. Crulation.. Etc . required th(. Act of Congres<f A ilguet 24, 1912ý. LibertyvilIe. Illaois. *2. That lb. ovuers are: fire names and addrea.eofaindiadnl aonr I a corporation, gîve fiL name anS the names sud addreeee. of toekholderei * ing or holding 1 per e-rt or mare of the total aMount af1a>.Lî LlieCaunt>' Publiejing & Printing Co., Waukegan, 111. W. J. Smith, Waukeghaî tllunole. F G-Smith, Wsukegaliv llinl. 3l That tic knoavubaudholderê, mortgraffe, anad atler si-urAL>' bol halding 1 per et lar moareaif total amonut îf bonads, mortgsge.. or i oerctfltie. are: 4. That the tve paragraphe rie abave. glving the ame. of the ow toeiboîders. sud ecuit>'boISera. if an>', cantain flot ouly the lit ai .toeklic t. and meucait>'boîtiers as 5h.>'appear upanthie books of the campan>' but &aig case. tbd tockholder or secrty boiSer appeare tapon Lb. books oi eompan>' a. truste. or lu san>'otherfilductar>'relation, the nain.-of lb. persc corporation for vlom sncb truste. la given; ien thatt Lb. alS -a - p.araph contain statementa i-mbrsAn aitfilant's ful kuovîedge anS hlefj the iremota3c«sud condtioa@un ider vhich stactlioldens and eenrltv hc wlio do not appear upou the book@ of the empan>' a. trustees, boldstock seert«l.n a capauiy tl> aler than ihat ni a bons OdSe ovuet; a .0 thIs alliant ne ressontLa elleve thsta a o ther prsan.asocatiountor eorporatioiu bas ltreit direct or Indirect Iu the @aIS stock. bande. or aLlier oesurlea thani , 5. ;tlnlýavérv«e number of copie@ af eac4b ime ofa this publication sW SI.tjeUc#*ei. ghtt "so obris.tlpalS aubecrihore daing th ot psee.elngtAe dams shovu abore Il-: IThie information la req fImem ilpublIctions olu.) -aP 0. . SMITH. Bon. VMg S O*en tpa.uM bblti beore me Lii Stb dal of IprAl.1916. ~'WEALJWAYNE T. S6Tl1PET, Notar>' Pal porlai. etood for, years e a dAn Laké county. Ii te sai tlat lai no other famly in the county e three aistera or brother, 11v- ýthe cae Urne liaS cges vhlcli total those of Mns. Wlnter, Mrs. ey and Mra. Brown. the fimneral, Wednesday, et 4 ,k tram the Conner home, Flair- place. the palibearere wAll lie ewe or granduephewe of Mrs. Wlntez .uoag vbose are: Nomma Brown, Guniee; Bari Corser, Chance Stidkney, Benton; John Ott, Chartes Brown, Bd Ingalis, Charles CraDo.-if Waukfflu. Funoral public, but burlal private at Oakwood. Rot. GarvIn. the proect aupply Paator of the Waukegan Chrli;- than churcli, oficeistlng. Mns. Win- ter'. netlug place la besîde ber bus- baud vho d105 ln the 70'o. 1 Xddfo 71,9fW.,A ~INMENTOFAÀ PIONI3IR RI3SMDINT fi lIe>111wu ~UN her i DRlQ DITITl fvIYÀD ON ould1 ha beneeloe* TRUSTEE3 D13F1RRFD1 - TY 1)131>TItISÀ. IeM. t ly 111 the piact veek le eome lmpraved. _______ wcom Donald Watklne, a former pintter on Wankegan, April 11. Mis. Phila Wlnter Dies at the nepheu the Iudepeudeut force, vas a visierorem Jute Persous of the county court Thured&v. and*iudges Donnelly sud Edwarda of Home et Her Daughter, Mis. F. . Bock and daughtor Zelda went the circuit court field a meetinig thîs Conners, It to Chcago SundaY te attend the tonerai rnD i t vhlch tbh dlscuced the ____ of J.H 'oeippointment of a truatea frruit the 86 SISTERS DIEU WITHIN VEAR. OIJ.H. eoe@. ndvard fnrtheo aafltu7rYdanage April 19, I1S.5-Mm .ChIce The ailler. astA directortof the dsatritt. The terni of Attorney Hom- Brown, dled ln Waukegan; would Libertyvîlle Commercial Club htld & or Cooke, who was appoIutOdfor a ha"p been 93 In followlng July. meeting at the club rooma Wdkedsî two-yeoar terma expires un Mlay 1- Dcenher 27, 1915. - Mr*. * ughtý Mr. Cooe. t In underatood, 18 . can- Charle Stlckney, dled et home In mrs. jamen Jerred vas calleff te dîdate for reappointrnut. Senton; would have been 82 n Atiacb Tueselay by the deatli of ber The judges dId net have trne ta go january. nseter, lire. Wi Hunter. The funerai nto the matter verY tullY, so It wasS ^prit 11, 191-MArs. Phîla wae field Thuradda ternoon. decitied teý continuel the meeting te Wlnter died In Waukegan; vies The vacant store lu the Proclor block May 16, vlien Judge Donnelly roerae 91 on March 21, 1916. boe ,to take up the Orpet case. At Total agles of three eîsters, 266 lei belngr remodeled and decoralied for that trne the appolntufent vllih eae Chas. &. Magon, Who vli more hi" nmaie. Itlaj underetood that Mr. yaa barber Sture n tlcthe building on or Cooke vilI lie reappolutod. before May trt. The trustea of tbe drainage distrint Wsukegan. Aprîl 11. J W Brvale a cos Uphieea seve orfiv yersbutahe to d,* Mre. Phila Wlnter who for msuy J. W. Brwn la t clou uphi@ »Ot se"e fo fiveyyarsbu hntedsyar bas llved wltli ber daugliter, drink paror and pool room onî the tritvas organlzed t va. neeàasry Mre. Conners at 211 Fatrview place, Corner of Milwankee avenue and Sqhaol for ane of the trustees t ate 'the street ln a ley day. and Mir. and Mre. pliortor terme. Mr. C0ooke 4mew the closeS lier eyes lu death at 'tbe ageofo Browen ilI mate from, the roome ovor two-ear terra. if reappolnted now fi 91 yetrs at 9 o'clock ihis morning. the pool routa ta thelr hoine on the woubi be for a& 5ve.qear terni. The Leu% than a month ago. Msrch 21, coýrner of Hnrbtt Court and Thîrd position pays $500 a year. Mns. Wlnter celebrsted lier 91et *etreet. There are reparte that the Ibeeoe odyta uda ingbrthday. At that tin t ie relatives building ta he vcated by Mz. BraonUp tlie boundaries of the lSmevartsin Auo tlioaed reeleon fauktegan mt w iilieooccupied by an oUtider who vîll the district an error wa. .mMe n de- ou oes ardeunco., sude therecocat opaen a tore, but the reportsecaunetflot b. acntg the bloundary lins, between0fsio ilemcre e.. adle tforocc- irertified. Uie second and thîrd wvrs. <brIOn alan aIl tho m oeiheb ssra The Lamax Cneoidated Bottllng Co sUeret vas gven asthie divASAug lUno eltr h l iadnae enlhe. of Chicago, ha. Purcliasedthé CIY§s n ii dhaebe hscl Deapîte hon proxlmity te the cou- sprins pnoperty froua George Moore. laPoouuty. DaviS Jackson,.as mem- tury mark, &bo vas, accordlng toelier one orlfficere of the Company vWs ber of the board of trustees, va. s ueetdA the Mon- boreThudayloupectug the propèri .calledInluand explaiied that MsJa vatr oespd rsedi Hetated thai It vas the Itention of etreet le the dlviding fine. The tvateu LI adte great European var Imoking a test of the @prnce lu the near treeta 1 vers Th".. 1le correc titan other mouilleraof the househoid future and that tIi.eCompany mayt ion vas made. 1 She read papers dally sud vas voil rebulld th plant for ltaovi. manufactur- The appotmeut of James Hayes paated ou City affaira. lng purpo@eee The representattve .ald a. intrnatee vblch waa made a year er re înceeh vas 17ad eLars olS n ho &a. not ti berty ta malle a statle- ago vsi confirmed today and hie $2..averhogestatcorne tas 1arren ohld ment a. tei the Plans Ofi th.eamO[pauy. 500 bond vs. approved. II.ter ahe moved ta Newport aud thon but tbat If the e p rings vere a. good a. cmete_________ee bcha îhev expecw dt am tte r. Ltbertyvillear:t Wukgwhe b.l. Hipeople vould soon bear of a very i- nerad. ýportant deal. LIltIYYILLEilAS Mrs. Wlutor sistere, Mra. StlckueyI ly lb and Mrs. Brown, bath of vhorn dIed h,? R EM H . U but s few years sge, vere aise close NOT 11L111 lID 111 to the 90 mark at the hour of death. C/irc/z 46,rvces Tho carne of s f amil>' of lougevily, - entfPtTPUIt anSd n. Wlntor llved taelie one of MI 1L K ITUA ION Wauegano-if net llinois-oldest P Methodis-Episcopal. M L MI A I~ pioncer ctizeUs. Ste has liteS In Palme Suoday-wîlI ho ohservod neît Why Y1e Brothers bottltug vor*is Wsukogau for aven 50 yosnc Sunday, April l6tIa at bath mornlng aet Ui>otyville vs.not deprlted Tlirougbout litse Mn. Wînter de- yl eveulng. At il aclack libers vîli ho of its regular supply of mli whlch fi rlted great pleasurluncsrlng for the spécilimuneasd te subtect oaitherocetvea tram the fsrmers vhoare vantacf lierin sud hon fnleuds. sermon vîli ho: "The Face Agiow."o ht r.Wnesejyd gn Ellre. Cryâtaî F..sIonvîl allez aeolo. lu, memhers of the uIArtyville localofWJeM. Inrs ejed gd th oenngth tpeclal munie vlli quMa i Pod er ~,v. icuehealili sud thst évs. for man>'. msny betsioaiteco elctione by the Junior corthie àwers came teansuagreement vjth yesrs. she wvs. h hvne fr nua DaldThopen u Cicaawil teassociation regardlug the prlce ta novu, sud the gond destede nee- e@inca eolo The @ubWet of the sermon lie pald for mi.copliddrng erriec l î~, '- aiwi tf Lae" 'T'b@ On the 30th or Match. wbeu il lie- Waukegsn wyul ho rememhered b>' ber *.t Iaa...alu..idecarttd. evident tbst the farmeurS vould frleuds throughout thelr lites. Mrs. 'Aan a ladtione and Clase" nit bsck owSoytmtheir deterini Wiiter bas suffered tram sstlima for W,î1l ,li h ujeta heEvrb egestand te stick together until the fac. a itimber'ot yeare.sdlirdahl iîmetig t :4 pm.Leader, Walter tory vould psy the prîces for tli traceS ta this alliment. yo Libb dy înIiThompean ai Chien'vhlcl te asociation bas set. Tare Uer grsaughe, i-a hili 'y w iUlI lgt. Al are itnvited. utathers signeai an agreernent vlth Canner. of Chicago waa ai ler lbed- OtelnýigbyLbhe Suadav erh'aol the farmera b Lb..effeet that tbey ailde eai the bour o! deatli. as' cre'lier t a ili t. made taxt iiunday, April Iliii> wouud psy the prîce vhlch the asso- \Vaukegan akand an Eaèter Suuday. April 23ý Thie ciation demanda, subJect ta the action ln -County Sleue '42. k cfferinuc la ifat WegleY ina.patitaîl dLake ao, the mlk board, lut& ahase haxadq %ra. Wiuter sud lber sister e it' Hi Buflorphannge. Mre ju.a )tàvib* SIan- tino powver lias been given ta hold out the datiglitere of James Yatesaewbo tdav ceaooi lasse wiiil anve charge i the agaînet the big tmllit concerne or te came wlth hie family from New York a offering.cmro ienLhtem u1842 Wh l abe was 17 veaseof, St. Lawrenlce scoa.age. Tbey iocated ln Warren iowa:- lIa-i E. 8. Whlite, Pripet at-liarga OFFICIAL COUNCIL PROCEEOINGS shlp sud the îollowing year Misas le- f :1 ;lî: m o hili Titeshaewnpr oa1 re iaaiitiiod l'riiiiay at 7.30 a a-Iick iflia Iti n- 'ra t "ai-at~ r'.-aip abr, na e W re a, Iri.. eervice,' Easter vvl . fua.a a~a- i amdil lsuceaý-ifuilfor mea HtIy ('omunîionia4-:30) anil tin.a naayears.e Id Cbildren'. serre(c- nt6:45 a. te,'il,'a, u .i i'il ,., aM-tir' i H. W i cr lias iee t îed l( Di-vn ong N i0na).tmnrulnda ppoiaa."u taaîna Ti i), a.'mny ears sud thae agcd 'idow hCaO Presbyterian. na aa', il iaid nt aiga.'ilved iavth ber daugter. Mr.Josel,"» Or 1t0:0 la. .suaIdan e-bolaîîlfa'i.aaea >ad<rk'r i s .Coiti,'s . While her hn'alila erm)iteia Ir Marning Service Il aaalak rnl anai auýlîtal la I la Oa -111 aibcheas always active Ii he wri.k Thae tapa'-for tii.. l'branuLadeaoair tta-eof the W. C T. II. sud ne ac'r nleetin suday eîa'ing ailI ta.' 'CouS tiainial 1lafLae i-t aI'ti I i1-1 i I, 'the charter membr the i' aaIi s ItPa ee t.ting.' and how tea have tbenaa taanieurei s-a ndaal rirL'v raj(ia, 1- nla-li. gan uanion Iin wlaase iit-ria, iei a'V. [reAlwïm" Tor wil e pecsl Itui.a ndsouNciadta.'eacceptease raadlitianiia smo4 tardent aorker. re Eveuîng service 7:30. ai ai, id! aatltialse. liL i-sa tpon tihe aiccaBioinofIllaie - _________Tih.'fa lý)ia i i lw lat us erra-,- ari' In, ' desî o l, ot ' i tr IIoaia iat Nirte W in- lîl aaaîiI liii tn LIa.'finanace' cîlno u iii-.'and ter iaiijlieartsiste a- r sfil i -i 1' ta'y ni ofrde 1a'd a mo u ationaîa ail aliainaid end-d thie tuuierel ioeihi'r althlaoîiia j BoY Satae aiîa' atid, Alvotait t.1 %ira. SLli-aney's belat-afl th i v a Publai Srîiae Ca. power brunia nouee Laugooai Tia' tact lIai' ".' 3D.............*ar 1(a sstera of the- a,r" fe rI eaeit 'u R T LIBERTYVILL Mr bet, t,1, h A. Kliîi-aiwu ainIry GiaetttI dwh a ai ler w*aa j ofJabu l'ester, police, .......... 4 100 tadwo ir dalti.! iy On the eteuing a! Frtdsy, Aprîl 7, Oea. Il. Trrge, strecet r ok 'a.... > couaidered Quit. a remitile<ig 1t Iluthe Liertyville Methodiat church A Eruclatan, treet .tark . .....Isg Thue.vliMr.Wnes ,g h gemnasiu Ceasarei Sharke, s tenam lnd.pendeaat Times PrintliiaeCoa eud la marked o! a iijiully wbOh oaI-, tram Waukegan. Seeated the Liber- supplie.. ---------a tyville tovu tenin a ne a! the fsnt- BertL Hall, si.ret work ...... 4:1 1l CN est baket hallgarneever wtnessed X1yer st1e wok .......s.P: v2 as 12 ta 10 lu lavar of the Sharis, E H. t arlett, @temps ......... 4 I00 lirîl whilie the Sina . a 24 ta lit, vitli Juejeluu4.r, ttreet waarla.... au.. ! 40 VIL the SbaRks au the long end. B. W. sathîlabor ............ .0 Th_ Ilue'ups: H, B. Eger'as. ...........i. 5L @(ln- Ceasar's Sharke (24): Hayeas r. f.; Scheala Bardware Lo., maie la l17 ne.. Huine, I. f.;OSayle. c ;Pester, r. g.; Jaes aa.),drayltag............ f .I1Ri,3 and Hul, . g. P. W.tnne. abot .........- . ... 50 t ai LberLyvilIe (16): Johnsan, r. f..-i betytîlte Lumber Co.. ue.. 4 50 07D Morris, 1. f.; Flagg. c.; Boyed. r. g.; W. F. Franteti. cîal i......... 038o laon Protum. 1. g. W. Lnycack Ca, repaire ........ 1K Field goals-Hayes. 9, HuIse,. 3Firomen, Mardi salary....... . 20 0 tJohnson. 4; Mrris, 3; Flsgg. 2. O.ELsrtrevn 23 -___________ublictierv.jceC, Piarch Iliphi 126 30 Public Service Co.. PO er matai Notice o! Spoqacl Meeting for Increaie Marc E.toApni....-----------.. 6 fi6 of Capital Stock of Keystone Pint- Laie Ca. l'efrita., gravel-...153 29 iIfflI'LM ing Service of Llbotrlyville, Ilioi. Mo èS >' maieadSFiger that F. W. urv.i. d b>' Public notice lo e eeligven that a Schlalter b. ebbted $1.11 anS F. C. 0 J IILLUeUî speclal meeting af the stockholders of Lang $14.80 fon ýerroueOO OOC aseD met. By petIiI the corporation, Kestene Prlnting Ser- Maltot, carrneS ail vating &le. s, or vicesai Lbrtyvllle, Illinois, vîli blSh bld Mareai b>' malo and Bart filat;elie ovu. et the oaieof aiead Company Ili the ire and vater commtte@ bave the lOr.e- Schauck Bloci,lau the village of Lberty.- laddern eut aecordlag te thé-"taeuh-. v'ille, Lake Caniy, Illnois. on the eith mîtteai b> the W. A. Nicbola. Mfg. Co. FrTse day ai Ma, A. D. 1916 at Lb. bour oi Motion carrild ail vallmmg a.FrTrse 7:80o'clock p. io., for the purpoeoo. f MareS b>'Tius and ~ that Ure. 'Vote [or Turet ,]iur, consldering the questIon afinlurea.Ang Julia Sbanick lie rebated r1.00 for nver oblher the capital stock nf idi corporation. %t pay ment an tel, fest of vater miain. vblhI sine aud place the etockholdone ai Notion earrlsd &Il totlflg ayé. r] CHARLES H. Ký said corporation arr reque6bed tualbe. Maved b>' TAlc. end Hart that tue 4 uere, preseut. liremen ho allowed thie ne. ai a tanafor iders Charle Fi Jarrett. practienetrip pur moutla for «ix j W R ENA NI 6, lu Fred EH. auman, mauthem a mton carried, ail votlng aye.El W R ENA I >f tbe Rose Bancal. Mated b>' Titusensd Eper that the u or SOC3 Board of Dreetors. grading oi Mandes Ave ho Udft te th.. 1tvîa aMtrtcommttee vltb poaver ait. 1 A LH.C R a. t,, Elt au rrrRL ilHatnEa>'R.'E eiders NORTI4FRN GROWN SEED iloteS btrmble ni d Colins tîttheb Rave you investigated the possibilities of a silo ?? Or have yen merely asked their e price without considering the net Rain. Then Think This Over Ten arces of corn yielding 50 bushels to e the acre wilI mako apuroximfatPly 100 O tons of ensilage. Âllowing 40 Ibs. per head a day 28 eows cati be ted loi, a piriod of 180 days on tncese 10 acrus. ____NOW _ _ ean vou tuake your corn croîs ao any fartheî' or actually produce as nmh bx' auy other miethod of feeding?? We manufacture the cheapest, the mosu durable and practical silo on tl'e market today. s lT'W(LL PAY YOLJ TO INVESTIGATE! : MOSS BROS. Phone: 227-J -- LIBERTYVILLIE, ILL. * ECIMEN BALLOT .LÂAGE 0F LIBERTYVILLE LAIE COtTNTY. ILLINOIS Election Tuesday, April 1Sth, 1916 VeCet PIOP[18 Ion 'AISER [HOLAS .ETT RRAY tec -o By Petitlon For Truste iVele Io, Ttrecl DCHARLES F. SMALE, Jr. "WILLIAM 1. COLLINS DROY F. WRIGHT For Village Cierk LIJULIUS A. RPO For Police Magistrate n- .11 'i'iî l lJlýa L M 2 a . ia Pure Bred Percheron 6o&lio Bon Lawrence, Nol ~~ linoia*Stallion Registration No. 8340 'We have! just'sold 0 another yearling colt by Bon I:;rence for $405.OO'Lcaeh. This colt weighed 1647 lbs.'whenl221months»old,'and had smre noted breeder raised him'he would have sold for $1,.000.00. Bon Lawrence is the best draft stallion standing foripublic service in 'Northern Illinois, He weighé to-dIay)23Q7lbs. and isevery prepotent, being strongly bred ini brilliant blood lines. He will' stand at Rodney Farrns, one and one-haif miles west of"Libertyville village. at $1 5.00 to inSure temare in foal, fee is due when mare changes hands and when«mare'shows to be in foal. R. B. SWIFT, Owner J. B. IIABIERKORN, Mgr. MR. FARMERI Are Your Expenses Devouring Your Dividends? i . - IF so __ _ Edi l. Mr. dey. Ease Kahtei end w lien ai Mie- friendi sliby 1 .'heap. get it Cca Urý eon C S onde Rd. w tliefa cla W in plaie Heti nerr Thle let icem Mr Md rm ifil The for b fairly Ch. Liber sui, Oh r, y 'a, V r

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