Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Apr 1916, p. 6

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LAKE COVNTY INTDEPENDENT. F11DAY APEIL 14, 1916. Pagre Sixi - -- MM .PERSIS B. WILCOX SGLEÂANINO FR011 FASSED ÀWAY AT BER I ___DOUE IN AREA, APRIL 6î I & 4 aTtur@day,. .pril Gtub deatb clalmedunI- *~. ot he bet kuswn eldery lladimesand on1e By T. ~. SW AN ut the fils ti ers Iilh-a .-tfrqipari -t Correspondent and Agent Lake County Wh-n lire Perms 8 BWleox ____________________ j___ ge of 80 yvrar. 5 ujuthe baand 26 daye.M Mre.E. . i.iîsianî,ee ~ie ~ MraPermo is B INilcox. esaiden uDame MmF. . Wllsbasbee qutt ickHuueweII. ivam boru ut Norwich, Ver-fil oua pomet eeî.mont, on. Io10.3~5 Uaevino lavertIn lI M . Ayusle - V eUt lestseeek l Diarnoud Laie and Li bert.yville tOw11-w Chiago with ber daughikr, Mir@. George ship for more thui 60 yeurs and Bar- Id Boss. rlngtu'u sowustsuP for about 1-5 vê8r$, M lir. *ud VU. C. A Hlapkie, of Liberty.-Mmlire lcox bar! ju.tly eurued the titli ville $eitd ib 0 Fr. Kiug ansd ?ernily 0 of Of utthe Old 1;ttier%"'tli ibis Bnalel .section or Illinuio. lier fatbril arlly i Tom gerretuues Tuedaytram~u ovd tirereVermont ta Cock rouet.,, To igredvsturned bis faher lumall ' ~- i ibe caris 4'o, wbre the deceaseidi igadd ii it i te n Mv gi-na 'yoIlig womanbood. lu 1855 19&D.uete l marriage to fR. P. C Deaie Wel@,. urbaid traçeliniz for the WIh., when Mtr. and tirs. Wiil--ox L Arel Comipany, wa.. boli a ew deys etai îýed their tari bomis near DI&a- ake and replded there about 20 - Mms Mary Swan le @pouding the week ypare ago. when tbey moved trto Area, t witkhr son Ber$ and tensly et Racine. Lîbèrtyvîlle townohlp, where ile madew Mms.Mardie itzthoilsler bas returuesi ibeir hume for tbe remeiing ysars. from a two weéks viit with relatives iu Jta the borne u!tir. and tirs Wleux Cbicagu. six chldre-n were borti, tbref of whom Om o t o n uetpuler sprieg-trne survive ber departure. Tbey are,: il. SportslIo *geting stuck iu the mud- ntWlcox and E Wlcox, botb reslliug in Phpu pecorner.tAl andi Burt III ofutHouper. 0 Wash. ier itushaînibaving 1,isssed Ber. J. Suil Catir, ut Firmout. lu ,si wsy'about four years ago. the di- J te vWitngwitb relatives IDlu iisviciniy. ceasesiluavt, usunufour msuters, liro. Mmr. C. B. Alvord bas been vioiing Barriet G(idley. uf Lîhertyvulle: Mmr. c4 wihb ler daugbier. Mrs. Wm. Stahuke Lydia Richards, of Kirwiu. Kansas; lire. ) in Chicago. tbe pasi week. Feie Colhy, turnserly uf Ares, and tirs. Mm. Lydie Richards returuesi ibis Lucy Rdmond, utflM% Pleaut, la. we* tuber bomelu Kirwln. Kaus. Thre areealsueleveu graudelàildreu andi Chas. Enant moire]lest week to is one greai-greudchild ufthfle deceasesi. new omeu Lbeni vile.Thç deçýea8ed uied i wtl the M. ýE. »ew ome Librtyvill.churels t Uamousi Lake in 1855 andi Mu. . P Wicoxpasesiawa aiberwas au active. fathfnli worker lu the homne bers on Tbnrday Aplll th. e! ter cbureh for mure ihau 40 yeare. or dure Mn Ulm"saSor!@semonuif. sng ber resdence lu Diamonsi Lake.' :She Ms. Henry Matissi.Mm. Chas Fooket retainied &ai ber facultuee unîrupairesi tu and Thomas Bauuard, ot Palatine, vis- tise very end oftIlle'@ jauruey.E ftei wttb frende brs and at Libertyvîlle The fueraI servit-es wore belli lest Mo""- iiunday afteruoou. Rev T. 9- Ream, e 1%ë 1loahsket baltoléru pullesi down paestot of the Liberty ville M. E. cbnrcb,a te fctins.during ihe Vagit veel inpreeches thse sermon: Thcre vil e very tse MeW gym. Let Friday niglt ibe large attendauee. manv being preeni PariaI'Bouse team froin waukegf ain om adsLake and i Lberty'eIlle.t -M i hmandi vesdeiseatesi 29 toi a1. Irnermen loouk pae ai Diamonsi Lake "Wguise va. a gond eorneandi tst âailcemetery. the wey. On Tnssday nlgtof titis week- Usliie bol o a rougis bouse eonhset CARD OF TI4ANIB. trou DeontLekebh a score of 14 to,2. Wewtiis to eplee unrdslcére thankg A. 0. Bals h*ivlrg grot satisfaction ta ont neigîbors andi frlsndpq for their wt i 1h ehaalg and pressing. Lmeve blasase duronathe 11Itandcudeatis oi i011 sait or ekrs tIth im lfor a triai. ont mothrer. We viel IBOan 10tbauk the 26tl douais for tse fdoral offeringe andi ta ________________ tbank the elugers for tber kind aassist-e _______________ n&.11 C. M. Wiicoz, I - ME1SOI E. Wlcox. t 1=BaenaDocker aud Lara Langui- daur aiofLibertyville afiteuded churclih - Ê hms S,,day andi visiter! i et e. 6rahbe J W. l'osier, of Clago, tas guesi of, home. J. Rouées, ir. Saturday. Ref 1Car vas th gueet ut is leaugier B. C. Oet, ut Piedmont, M., visiied 1 unr. Ï. Duo lest week. bis moiber, lire.. (iOsi, andi other tel-1 Mms J. L. Chamberin @petsevéral ativerbere leist week. daly et, Irving Park wtb ber sisier, lir. lirs. A. Loweill1s very 111 et 'ber hume Ahma Famuswrtb, recently. bers. Prot. John VanPlwo tfuîoivl't ed peu1 Reani taýmily, of Lihertyville, hie patentie Wedneeday andI Tbursday uofspeut Sund: eà; . M ae ltweek. The ldes Aid îli meet wîtb lire Eoen. Brainard @pnt tise teek end et Craue Tbnrsdey aitereoon, April 20tb. Weuan w#bblhielchier Berriet. Mm. Blshop tilt lavoir the cungrega- Ur. and irMe. IL. Donc vers Chcago lion wth e solo Sonday morntusg. Vlelor Bqnday. Miss Herette Lowell, ut rbicao, Min Bélrtisa Kuebekerla borne front fas called bomse by the Ililuesutofber Wbealn for a teeke vacation. mother. MmsVaoBmltb of Ori» lake called on Mns. . arletisopeni the week end lu beecld. Um rat Lusk. Burday. Waukegan. Mm Ch» eVan Hor.a o Paatine vis MiesAnna Loteil and Will Loveil, MMiet athé.homme. of H. C. lNeyer and o Chicago, open gunday at A. Lo wol's. PeWelle lut Week. 1Tffl wti be no choir'practlce titisGJ M R 5 ',.~lIel.;aDfrino1d ~Jack Loltwoosiandi Wler Neyer ei.I. Bttaih building an addition to vers MeRenry vigitors daaday. 011 Acholser ietuhsed 10 Wetoa ie .BIend is .Sitra *0 mb@Molliuaealiter opendlngbMe va- Wei Chcago visItons tise fins of thse noma" home West.1 MInI eyuls»daufsly viited thei.- and Mmn. L. Merlan are lise proasi laussee elPabfieldBurnday. parente ie baby girl bol April 6. Tamk ImbUs epet Monday in Chicgo.a The Misses W. Kieiner and C. Grtb ______________ put theisel utbe week aiWm. Peter'@.. ThL.. 5. A -...u: ad MlnaW gU05 PRAMR EJW Üm . HCoounmttbliaweek sud t9 tW aSmeof bar on Wilt aesdi amlly la Mm. Wm. Bock spent several daye l1a vel itis ber Parents ai Peltisse.1 iIeBiE. MaldentfBigla the gauIcfbsecoais lire.OutB ge g*degéWeek. CS. md Ira Reed of Gleriew spent @Md" vis A. C. Richarde. M.eas l msEl Ihseetisek t fMInus- 4@ieeusvlng reative, bers ILBI cdlsoe la servlrng an jury ln 'Waeim ts C eeI. lire. uss. Spiegu visibesi ber dangli- terat ,e.kliia Pari moae. Remay Laubbe lh very "sl sibis rnany freneal hope for a spssdy recovery. ly *,luIqbNte lndepndmt , ieltes I tt fi nuisandirelatives &roundl boesBunday. Itememben, A. 0. Scisermen & Co. C"arr afuît line of Walpapeniin stock ton youtu seslect yotsr-needs frinu. O An epidemie aifueasies le raglug uer Kenusisa. in sutis a virulent tonus tisaitva odeaihsbhsadulte-have nesulies Inlutue lesi 24 Sonna. Scisoals have been ordeied closeS andi other precassilons have been taken ta pre- veut the sped outhtie dissase. Tisînir chilsren andsas many grotis pesons are saIi ta b.oIiinov one -man teu InJuresi sud Bye ts- ers haS narot sscapeà thon ibree locomsotives colildesi t oclock Maon- da# morng la tihe yards oi tise Li- gin, Jollet & Estornn lEFut Joliet. Thsomas C.Mulle. voeran engneer, tws cnisabeiabouitishe lsibevian caugisi botteen thse cabs.otwtaou- glass. His conditon ln serions but ho tini lise. SMkLLkGONSWLOE We renderthie Som 0prompteffirdes. MWd courteus eriew hte dmpefeon wIuo carrnes a emb U ccouaI a we do te the large inerdiant or manufacturçer. We treat everg custooser as il he were the ody oaç we bât. WB WÂNT YOUR BUSINESS! TH1E CITIZENS' BANK UAETRIS BANK TOUR BUSINESS H01E" Sek38WD.poui Bozes for rouf Are.. OMinois ~1 Tiser. ilt bW mervice every SBna aferpo, lMr. Harts ha. sntea miflsier lu hie pl4lse. Tise mary trisude oftbd . SarIs tilt be pheW 10ern tisai ho.e gsttlrng aongv"ry eili, but tilt te oblgisi 10rmesla.the boopital for MnM Byron Dotes dieds t ber home Monday morflng. flbai Sd in lpoor "aths for a number of yéears. Atet laye ugo mibetok meealee wbich vas lise direct cause of ber deali. UedamuEB. J. asd R. G. Marrie tare Kneeha visitors tlst T.ssdey. Mrs. J. D. Murray wt a W aukegau FrIdlay. Mr@. Leura Wors ansi dauglter Laure vitesi tra. Zimmermanen,as-.(juras, Priday. lire.T. R Wilhy andi lire J. R Cornes apent Fridey titis friands lu Lberty- ville. li re ichioser spont eeveri ldys la Weukegeu. 13-11Y ThouIsi. -ý A groat Pei-t of tise aptinesof lite eceaista ot lu Bgbtlssg batties, but lu &voldlng tissus. A masterly retreai la #Aib ltaelt a YîLoneellow. DROPS KD>EN- ROUTE foR 1014E IV O t tir ansi lre Ed. Rizeuibaler. tut %In risutas, are vliîuug ut the- hantei-1tJu. mien InsneMacodie, ut Chicago. vas lue weekeud guesi su t Is Ewanor Next Sunday thse toltovlug ili biei-un- fmuid Is tue Sb. Paut'a Evaugeplict hurch: Alviu HUebl, Frank Reckdee- walsi, Henry Petereon. Oscar Edotransi, labelilieu, Elle Boge, Lilliau Scbvat, i Mar y Bohnseus. Louie Blank, Florencet tiemau andi Clara Stickeis.r tire. Riy Lord, of Ravensvood. vie- r ied ber nsotber..Mrs. C. W. Pettis, Tnut-- dus ansi Wedu.eoday. Mn. and Mtre. John C. EndUr aud !di-. Clame Euder returueu borne Suuday trom Los Angeles. Cal, iser. $bey have beW- fr the pest tbree mouthg. Eues Anle Duity, ut Chic-ago, vlcitesi ai lus home ut ber tather, Thos. IlutlY, lusir lIredua Donllug. ut BOppoIS, 111., Vin-f ited lier aunt. tirs John Sella,lst wsek. Emil Frederlcks andi sois Marshall, ot ArliusgtuuHeigbis, visited at the boneie ut C-...W ettio wý A. ihluig le lis Srnilivile. Npçw Jersey, on business. Misseliabel Horeuberger visite.] ler1 cousin, Mi@@ Lillian Egori ut Ch(-ugo0, Mondav eandlTueeday. Miss Hermine Haunehulsi entertasined4 the sesing club Miondas eveuing. A snad accident occurred un SetuidJaY evpuiug, lieb25. William Ketling. eau t Mr. Henry Kelliug, wu@ killesi by a ,Nvrtbvesn train ehortly elter luaviug lot bIs home foiea vieil tubill ueighborm.i T'bu tuneral service vas hbelsi Ou Wednee1 dey las$.t eek lu the St Pali'Wchuret, et1 D,)rerà, d.ansi the romains vers tuterred 1 n the Deertisisi cemetery. A@e the do- ceaesi tes veil kuowe, rany people attendesi the tuneral. LAE ZURICH Meeurs. H. Delfer, B. C. lieyer, Aug. l'roelicb ansi John Bute are ou jury et WauksgnibIs veek. p. Leonard ut Barningion, wue al celler lien une day ibis teck. h(mmseAnea Frank, tiabel Hetter aed Msyme Hokemeysr vers Palatine visitons Sunday. D. Uuonsl cTagant le now et the hume ut 8. C. Herreis. ]dise Myntsle BIter @peut Seturdeausan Surnday et ber homus bers. Ume.RossPrehus returnesi home Sun- day alter speuullug ae tek luChicago, sbe bas securesi e Position 8asBa LePhune operator lu Càicaga. Ernesi Ooudinck epent Sainrdey et hi, hume Ders. Hais vonkingat CiYsiAi Lake tits tise Telepisoue Company. tis. Witbemens leppmeier ba@ been very lit the peet teck. ()ont feu Ltu attend the, dance gîven under tise auspices futhtie Lake Zurich Commercial Aseociation Eester Muuday. Meesce BuHnry Boekeirnen, George Mess, Roabert Rrodhay ansi. Walter Kuesger vîsitesi friande boes unday. Mire. Wm. B. Elcismen @pont Sunday efiernoun et Arllagion Heigbte. Ernesi Godltsck was e Chicago vieitur Bunday. Mise Rose Eien is now worklug ai the Maple Leal botet. Mim. Elle LýaDsprsct bas been visitlug Several teck vlitb ber unother, MtieB. Zopb. Mrn. ans ié. Wm. i.Haîtinlsn peni ndayv visstlng ai Arlington Belgisis. paul pasâu vas e vieltor bars lion- days. Mr. and lirs. D. licUarthy and daugis- ter Bemie ansisou Huier vIited ai tbe tenusoriArthur Brirgp t§nnday. Miss idMaret Zilodori of Quentins Corners sasiorking ai tbe Lakesîde isotsl. Mn. ansi Mr@. John Sefllder andi dngister Emma, Mr. ansi Mr@. Henry Btssschlg andi family epeat uday ai the berne of Mn. ansi tie. Herusia Schnueider. Mr. Bauilesn of Palamne, vas, a Lake Zurich calter Mondas. Mn. and Mr@. ES Ernst ut Barriogton. viled et the home ut Mr. ansi tre. Carl Eirnet uDday. MIse Dorotby Fux ut Chicago, le spu-s- luge coupe ot teeke ai thse hume ut r n . and=M'n. Frank Clak. Mis@ juatine Fox ansi Mi. Frank Cark attendeS thse iighillishooîplay at Pela- tine Friday affernoon. Misse Elcacai ansi Julia l'ai bob part lu the play. li. nireMi. H.WOodmarn ut Chicago, vers lu Lake Zurich Buudav. Misr. Anna Uhltilisi SIliehathe guast of Mns. Dora Blankmnbnrg durlsg the ammen moutiss. 7, Wm.Prebm, Jr.. le nov vorklug ai lisheEGolf club for Fred Baeebins. S Mr@. phiip Young We' llilon the slk tii, Dot belug eble ta, ge ont oaIliedi. VETS AND DRYS DI VIDE TUESDAY IJONORS IN STATE Break About Even in State on Number of Saloons Ctosed and Restored. Complate returne fr6m Tuessiers luvustate wt andi dry electians gave bts face and frieude of thse saloon uamon to dlaIm satisfactton ovor ibu 7sults- On tise basis cf saloons voied oui isi rp&efr tise oppoilng elements ýrke ab6tut even. Tise drys vere must elatedi beeuse they ton lu 80 ie cont of tise citles visicis vent dry >rginalîr Ivo years agu. The vets umitted tisai they hasi expeciesi to rgain many mure suties tban tisey ld. Summarzesi, tise results were as ilutws: Saluons vuiesi out iii 19 town- ships.;......... ............. 176 etoone reetorsil in I., dry tovn- ships voting vet .............n 182 Dry tavnstflps votlng ta remain dry......................... 70 Wet townships votlng to reusein wet.............30 New enirely dry county.... 1 aonnules taken fi-uni entirely dry lisi..............................2 Net lues In number ut dry court- tlcs. *............. *........1 Counties nov wliinut isaloons..52 Tise 19 wtit.owntips vicisvoiesi i-y oihl r its the number uf sa- loon. dniven oui liu eacb vere: Mo- ine. 51; Waukegan . 46; Mount Pu- laskl. 20; Dixon. 12; Avon, lnclnding be villages oi*Graysleke ansi Round Lake, 7; Gretton IHuntley villegel., 6; Grisisau (Panama), 5; Anuevan. 4; ual Valley, 4; Sullivan ICuIIamu. 4;Orlnles (Onlansi Park). 3; Saind Ridige (Fordyce). 3; Rutland 1011 bente). 3: Brooklyn (West Brook- Iyn), 2; Richmsond,. 2; Sprtng Bey. 2; Colona. 1; Hantlansi. 1, andi Silver Creek. visicis bas bad sioage baisses. but no lcenssi saloons.. Plan Legal onutest in addition tise drys Intensi te in- tîtute legel PrOcesinlgs ta bave Irv- ungion totpzhlp. Washington cotsnty, Isclaresi dry. ansi lis il saloonsa bans- isesi. A dry petition vas filed, but ise iota cienk refusesi toopittise saloon question on tise ballot. Tblnty- rive dry votons vrote lu the proposi- tion on thse township bellot aÙd de- clare tiseir action vas legal. Tise 15 dry townships, vicis vuted wet, togeiber titstise number ot sa- loons le eacis prier te tva ysare ega. sudic bcsnov yullibc reetoresi. vers: Bloomington. 78; Hennin, 30-, Carlin- ville, 17; Manlius (.Nlarseilles), 15. L.oc'iport, 14; Nokornis, 12; BlaIre- vile. 6; Painteau,. 4; Vîrgil (Maple Park). 3; Heunepîn. 2; Bear Creee (Palmer), 1; Edin (Cedar Peint), Aahkum, Campus ansi Cardifif. Dry Leader '"Sjsfa' "We consider tise reaulie hlghiy sat- lsfeciury," saisi E . J. Davis. Cicago sisperintoudent Of tise Anti-Salouit Leegue. "Thse veta chose tisufield andi made a despenete figisite, recover bait grouss. "Tise bendestfilgisi cenienfisiarouni Elgin, tissus tis e taImporteS beiç frous Cicago ansi madoe adetermlual effort, but Ji constinues dry, tits an lucreasasi majoritiro! aven 400. Neani> overy tutu votiug abotesi an in- creasesi dry majority aver tva reens ega. Pnoabtr tis e vos viiinevei again bing up tise figisi lu Elgia, Freeponi ansi Docatur. as afier foui yeane tise nesults outhtie dry palicy art an saiaatory and n ceux tisai ev- ery one cen ses tise benelite. Tise towns issli bereettar be lu tise samu dlais tIts RackionS, Gaistiirg. Jack. sonville ansi Monusouis ansi more hec 700 other totua vsers tis e os havu etiandones tise flght." Robent .J. Halle, secretry of thu National Retal iÀLquon Dealers' Assc claion. commented on tise recuits trom, thse vet st.auldpolnt. "*We gaineul as maury net salooai as te lei., ansi te eut dovn the nuni ber or dry counitios tirune,' saisi Mr Halle. Wp hasi iopesi te vin Freet pont.,t>ecatur. Elgin ansi oiSon dr: cilles. Tise dry usargin In DeCaLin vas se large tisati looks as tiseugi vs neyer vauls i vn it tiack. 1 raibel expeciedth iait e vouisi loge Waishu gan. stise saloon keepers vers over confident ansi voulsi Dot got busy. Ir Malins ibere vers conditions that OP uraiesi agaînai us. but tise nesidents c1 tisati cty euh l Sil e ale to etsie tise liquor tiser tant fe t dour Ji Rock Islaund." KELLY'S FlT 5IN su nEwCOURi Washington, April B.-Atu~5ent isegan tfol In tbse -uproine Court Il tise case of Thornas Kelly, tisa Il ilglstlng extradition te Wiflueg ti ansten ta chsargeof otaiing $t Mt0,000 of publie fuis isy 1ta ire r rtenses. Argumenta tire iseard oi lKelly's appealfrom se IOaction Ofth'i Unitedi Biates district coust la nortt era Illinois, tisicisrefud osterele hlm frot u istody of Canadien 011 cors. John B. 1Mille?, CiicalO Ato ney, spoke lon kolly. ponltise pro' nei ar ManliOb8- AIMOO W. Buikl« et Ciicago appeeseld. A RNO NA'GEL ILLINOIS -- ----- - - - - -SS -~a *000 PERCHERON STUD %Me .Lioena No. A 11201 iRecistered il Peciere S.ciey of Aeeio) Bred and owned by J. Medili Patterson, Westwood Farm, LIBERTYVILLE, - - ILLINOIS Wsiii stand ai farin the seasun of 1916u. Service fee $20.00 to ineure live colt, or S 10.00 cash et time of service titis retorn pivilege. Westwood Peter je described au foliote: I oaled Jnly 23, 1912, Black titis Star, weight 2000 Ibo., stands 21i hande higis, and thse beat of feut and big dlean bons, and se a sure brueder. Westwood Peter is the best Percheron Stud in this section of the Country Breeders vil ad drega: A UUUS T RADLOFF WESTWOOO FARM Pisses273-M-2 - - IURTV L . .. 1 I M M--- ---- ---- ---- WîII Knigge Llcensed Embalmer and funeral Director St. e lt b»e248-W. R." d.esselNighi Phas 238-R AREA.ILL Theodore H. Ouret. Presidesut. W. B.S mitI Vice President. F. W. Cisurehil. Secra neaysd Manger Hon. DeWlit L . .Gean. counuet TEL.EfflONIE S1 SECURI TY T1TLE & TRUST CO. ABSTRAC13 0F TTLE TTLW GUARANTEED Cailltal$125,000.00 WAUKEGAN tel "us do youlr, lob Priltg.ý AT DNNI3RTIM4E Louis Pekti, Residerit of Bel- videre St.,-Faits Dead to the Sidewalk. wauketai, ApnIl 1D. Louis Pekiaj, a carpenter. dropped eaS neer ibo corner of South VUUca andi Ubenty treete wlsle enroute ta hie home et 427 Belvîdere street. dur- lng the noon boum today. Several Women living in tihe nelgis- borboad saw Pekiai fait andi they lus- medlately caled for assistance. Ha was deasi then thse rst ma-a main- tter-reacbed hieslMde! Huart fallure le believesi to have been the ceuse af deatis, althoughIt le stated tisai h hasi two botties of beer ln bis hande when sisas over- took, hlm. The bottie bad not tison openusi and frlends dedlans he had nfot take a drink uf lntoxlcatlug lquon lu sorne lime. Pekiai hadl womked lu assletlng ln the 0 reetion ot a garage building ou! McAlster avenue ail mornlng and,. as was bIs custoin, layed down bis tuais at 12 oclock ansi departesi for borne. It was thile enroute there tisat deati ocrîsrred. Wben bc efteRbis home ai 7:30 oclock this mornutng he Inforsed i bs vufe that Se migbt not came borne for dinner. Six veeke ego PekiaJ sui- fered an openetion for eppeudîciis et the Jane ecAlle;ter bospîtal Ind bel wa.a dlcharged frous thse ospital but 20 agu. Dr. Cunneil of North Chiscago performeel the operation andi Dr. Couneil viBttesi PeAlaj et bis hume Satnrdey nîgisi. Dr. Caunel Beys Pekiaj atipearesi toSe. lu thse beet of health Saturday considenlng the or- des] he besi tasseS tbrougb but a fet weeks before. Pek.laj leeves tbree chitdren andi bis vite tu mouru hie demies. Tise remains vers taken to the wbite & Tobin undertaklng roome there COira uer Taylor viii presîde et the inquiet whch bas bsn est for 4 u1clacis tht, aftensoul. Pekiai had madelbis home in We* kegan for several years andi bad beeft regardesi as a bard working and ln- dustrlaus ctizen. He le a usemben eof tise Canlenters' Union, havlng issie a cerpenter meny years. r Does It Run On Kerosene? TF HE rnost important feature of a farrn power engine today is the fuel it That, more than anything else, determines its usefulness and economy. At preserît prices of gasoline and kerosene, you could flot afford. to accept a gasoliýe engine as a gift, if you had to use it, You could better afford to pay a big premniumn for a Mogul keroen.e ne- See the Moglw ork on kerosene. Ask your dealer to show you the difference in fuel cost between a Mogul in any size from 1 to 50-H. P., and a gasoline engine of the samne size. The figures will surprise you. International Harvester Comepany of America Mlow lk«e *meen"e are seld by THOS. McBRIDE, Area, HIL Monolithic Concrete Silos CONCRETE SILMS TANKS, COAL BINSo ELE- VATORS, FARM BUILDINGS, HOUSES, STORES Every agrit-ultural peper in the coun- try, every agrlcultural college, expert- Muent station. darnotresiun agent. ts-sen.. and waork.r for sci-tSfle fern- lug e edvîslng -een -u nrioe-tu.-» Anis-- can farmner to BUILD A CONCRETE SILO Tu have ibis ails, meaus the couserva- tion utflise wil.Ie Corn Crop-elbsolute netesetieoi. The mu@e rnclusive e, ideuco lme suOpinion 0ut Iue Who have built anI test-i str1u"@ ores tî-icr-te. The ouly silo the frmer eau aflord t<) luild le a coucrete silo. Aheolistel3 tIre annd teter-proaf. yuli uot btow idutu. nu houpe to, tfleliteu. uo repaire; ILte taiotbulli or place@.. heure rannut go tu pleces as iIIle lst tors-ver. - BUILD IT IYOW Vour bouge and barn ut Conu-rebe. tlue uait stop. CONCRETE FOR PERMA&NENCE T14 This VA Dred S Thi ,SU river uam ai1readyi tsiont-ilwaulscga 1011ev lng tere adi- without Improv breakw lienS8 tenanci Chias $30,000 Celui diena. illina contint Waui The oî local bar parei do otiser av ai thse ai ln candis vork vis shortly. Tise pr barbon il cuit ta I lef previ barbon, s betten ith test deep tieseuili tise bthi Tise hart test deep As sool largeceus tisrougb straits ai April 20. at tise R te tissu tIR flot dredsing fet tisai seelug f0 nat be d, iirotsniatilu shoisisib delay. IwOI El By Pa Each en % More campaig ison ths eveny do te coome place lu tise teti it tas -t sistp Wh imlgin. Accort îedryi -tomen couse t, bouse ce tumen thse sain flue dry. lion ta t tbougisi eîrlug a They i vmen s5ecunesi cause. ployed a campaiS voies., theus ar cannisSe vent ta tise boni fan tise they sdd that if votesi d ainasseÈ clucts oust tbf lhat tu, thieni. ai sidsinet Two 5i loonkee canvasa tisey sel sentime fort tel Thse t of Harv tord r( LIBERTYVILLE- -L »--- cu- ! ILUNOIS

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