Amoue and Oak Street - An to Be Paved With Visnfre Comcrte. OFF A N IMPROVEMENT à Rock-Ave, S. Jackson St. i4 KM to Be Payed-td Pave South Sie Streets. -WONK 0F IMPVT. BOARD imilition calling for the paving 9 May Street, àStt ayenus, Lenex lv#Mu andm Heimboiz avenue NwP*q ater public he@rHng la held. bewltlon for the pavlng of Glen gSU& avenue, South Jackson Street .4,iuth Park avenue abandoned M» roperty çiwnera objeot. itlor adopted and public 0,used for the pavlng ef ;..Vnue and Oak Street. Ioln adopted and public caited qer storm water, anetsid South avenue. àWaukegan, April 1S. feUla of aimot general objec- the proporty owners, the ;?fo! local lmprovCfliOfta at th' ,eheatlng ln h onicam' il Îbiday nght votud ta abandoni lifflyevment for the ,iaviuq wlii Swidit of 3U fout Portions f t1 avenue. Spath Jachtsonli 17 S.uth Park à%*enue. 1 1ovurn livng on Southi i5@R treot, hcaded by . J.1. eUmt- # romnitpd a petltlu,,,represcuit- Utéa"ly the entIre frontage on N *% jequeâting tht lthe pla~n o IMibat Street be. abandoned as *Wh<s eft roperty dofnot feu] cpr'duch an exponhe.ait t Woolcy. who'objerted tu th,) »Wlp. Soutih Jackson Street. was f,omsto have (lIen ock ave- ~.T. 9. Moree also was "ad led te lgt et the oh' yher'e wore tew who did ibot 0the improvement. Otharsil wine they dt! not dealre that they woulî.alkt tat 'i5etnt! ail the'.way ta the , shtd of merely 10 the iWtacks in case -thelociltyle- proceedlng. Onerimn Ami d ltavor of runn4g'm isereiy 1ote hl gl abeo ýjt=itgbIe for a taw *ut0w Beca"tseaof the aimbeOrnt ii VuIret. The reaolftl4it for vio raquet of t MM oqn fito the Pavement. t. eyerai thousn flid Jbave liatutoconlie ont o! igalroemarnnt Favored. *wnera living on MaY avenue. Lenox avenut lavenuec were prosnt Is1ain numbers but obh < ts tonprovemnt were lacit- flo romrtr ownera hale ha"t ~tt* iaIt bey welcome the SthavieSpavait treets. The tmiai by the -propory À ert wlth reig tad10 oprob. thre probable aont Of as- for propeity wblcb alî-eadY $pavait streets. etr. Tbrtr 011e person present wbo oh- t4lié pavement. The streets Sp avait to a wldtb of 25 tact. On -tof e!comilner Durst , onwa pue an id th~e q-l te o r«el o t 0theeon.00 aaie prsmteit and the pavIes o! South' ave'. market Sareet ta-ifilhl street ~pedconcreUte ba uldi tMaiaiso ferF the oifz HroilHIII ut 10tire cd Marlon street. atItram UnE , aso! mgrlqn street talthe !MAll*ter? avenue, aIset invtttg of, a s treet -fmni aWaet. Udvidere Street. Thre ai çet o the irt Inmprovo. 314,O.52. 01 thc aucoe IratO- ~tt the esatlmateit cot la $23.- ;'Pire publie haaring waasSet 'Ct WAUI~ .1 FOR $31, PÀVEIENTS A Remari4ble Suit Sale $22*5O .$27.50 c pî*tlaItictilar wvoman wvî1l find it easy t<> (1<>4se a suit to lier faiiey fronti these two woii(i l assortiuits of stuuiîîig ncw 7' , ~~garwnts. ipes( 'Von ill îîot only be i-pe dwith the heaxutiful style of tiiese suits, buit the extrei - ivalu.e whielh they.represent. and serciges, iii navy,. copenihagvtt. sitifd, litis- siauI given, forest jrcdn anud 9tler shades; alse t4uits of hlack and w hite clieeks; lariiig fîlskirts. \The $27.50 Suits checks. Ail are (l(sighIed iii the very new- ".W est stYle, and i howîî in the o i)<li loi s. Dressy New COats of Beautiful Fashion An exceptional -offeir of the sinartest ucw coats for-I1, sJ)rilig. Made iu the fullfiarÇ-, liait iwlted anîd oth!r2 2-.5 0 dressy styles of Callot.t el~ ~aPit Wsc, îo>lIserges Z Z_ and che&~s. Sand, resed.L, flBýy, (JQig, etc.; priced Misses' Bpoit Ooat8-ChiiehilasWomen'a Coats, $9.95-Coats for in plain îvwhite, stripes aid. , çc1 s; sport and dress -%vear; belted and also corduroys and. novelty iÏater- tiare flodels of poplins, serges and ilIs; stunning in design 598 tvlis;cone lu poptilar 995 and trimiifg ...............sldes................ a Umaraaoluitioii was presentoil ipsit fr the iaying of a itorh, 'dtgin »tar Street, Markçet ;j" BOUMiravenue ta ta'<e crs ot"s water wblch always bas îýptobiem whmIst ibacireit upon S treet. Thte etimatad coAt L'ipeeent la $2444.36. The *~agwlii ho bait on May 1. 11* ppESipES AS CHAIRMAN e Cn greaatonai convention of ieana of thea Teei district MUd la Chicage a fis Tnty- 4hea"qurura1845 Irvtig avnaot 1,0 men trom Ect heing present as detp- %-IL Mller of LihertYviiie was ju obsirnian of the convontion C.Cnon of Chicago. was bvreWaaS lected as pres Imwportant business vsthet ulius Uapa- ilimoluon endoralng thé,luI- 0f oagruasseaFosel l#tsre-electbon for, Ojnwer o tire Haw., éq-i. ý - .1.- WWq4à New . Neckwear, 25c to $1 1)ainty bits of fincry for the neek, whiech wl a(ld an efferniîiate cîmarn to inilady's appearance. Collars of lace and eînbroidery, and exquisite effects of eîîîbroidered swiss. Also collar and cuf sets of fine enbroidcred swiss in a varied assort- nieut of styles, *25c to $100. Char mng Eas ',f M ANY women are going to choose their Easter apparel to- morrow, and a great majority are goin g to make their se1ectîoný at Rubin's. There is ucli in fa'vor of buying here. The various as- sortmnents, unlimitcd in, lati- tude, preselit a variety that loans to shopping a certain delight and 1leasure. Our styles possess individu- ai charinaîd distinction; they arc authentie in desigià and csscntially practical. Qualities here- areý of the nost worthy characte'r; pricos are moderate; values are un- 11sual. a- Eàster Millinery of Rtare Chari A largo and spccîally pric, cd assortrncnt at- Olie eauireadillydisceMn the îiearnless Of Easter by K.-single gliîe- ito our Milllnery Par- * lor, for the inniensit.v of the dî suggestive of the oc- IDistinctive inýodelfs, newly ~~ereated withiu the last few cas are here for Easter se- \ h ~ lection. Faseinating in design and gay in trinuning. Iljats for .~Z èvery type of face andjesture. Distinctive Hats at $9.50 land $10 >'Copie4 and adaptations of the mnost fetehing hnported ratioîîs. Eaeh bat possessing au individuni and distinctive touch; eniblhshed with costly triinings. Continuini wiih added Varlies. he-. Great, Blouse Sal e Four Immense (lrop at$I(l,$ 5 $295 atd $, An eveut f marveloDus-suûè- cess, because of tho mnatchless v alues it offers. Blouses of exquisite silks, coxibmnation offeets, lingeries, voiles and other materials. Fash- iou's latcst and mbst fetching" inodels. Simple and elaborate 4t3,lee. Four.,immense. assort- tuents. .q'-À Blouses at $1.WOO Made of lingries, soed volc. cr:'endie. ,apid novcity waistlngs; h1g'ý or Iow n.'ck. dozens of ou ylcke; regula, $1 0M "'l* n ues ... .. .. . .. .1 0 Blouses at $2.95 fh-orgette epeut, crepe do clias, taffetas, pussy-wiliow iiks, tub sur .antI cmbnationnAfl 1JyVil IHurry for Te "se Ester Suits These stunning new suits have an extra pair of trous- ers which îieaîîs a]- inost double the usual service. Rich uovelty immx- tures, plaidls and <'bocks, in' hand- s ;) ni e. - colorin'gs. D)ouble breasted orfolks; 2 to 1 years; low priced, BOYS' BLOIÉGS-The weiI known K. C. Unes. At- tractive.s ervlcoable matertals; large asot- 5 ment to choose irosh t................ BOYS' l-IATS--latest stylesin boy$1 mixture f.. hata; opiendid selection ut ........... Gir1s' S1pring Coats Pa~9 of yuthful1desigu ikîlanil three-qua- ter, Iangths of mix- tures, .ecks and gol- fines. White pique or en*oi~;'olarand b.f ;6_tQ 14 yoas tit ~f1'TrImmed Hats ,%wlnnIg ses tiý pheùethe young lades'Oa ancy. qhLP..hIsaaaintlly trlmmeit' with foen imà md =si i > i;ecellent variaty at 149 tv h'hoetlx s tiflilîr fegli tbe'v~q I faaht.~ SOQIF'SIL.l ipo 511 Rose be o! pq'me thread sirk; beaU- MOt. lid:guaranteedto 0give best- BW#.ýrbtmo a l the epualty slk. witiI liate gar. Uý tby ,1- tsiret g boot;ilal val; ~he NorU~ r* ro L. ffi.L,&JVofl d7 .'ons.1 OruDanents play a very ýimprta# pai%-in tlt, ap~eraceof a lay 's hair. Te'aeevrbeeu so popia-rW as, now, and Our si1oçtion 'IgMq nover béen more attraetivê. - (onibs, Ghin Chii Pins, Barrettes Mnd novelty effects of î'aviouis shapes; &et wItlÀ Rhi#dtone.,; 25e to $1.00. - -t.- w s oi. EasterSye In Modih -Shoes> and Punps inuno11he footwear are fashien'; autheti- tic mdss aceurately. defined as in Qucen 9maility t4hocs anîd Puxiips. Wornen choome Queen Quality footwedy, frm their leganre of stylo; thrir gre of lipe ; tlîeir perfect fit; they cornfort and their aplen- did service. New Quecu Qu ality shoes are in 'ail' the popular styles, leather s and clors; $3.5{) to $7. TMisueena miIty Pemp as ?ictmd 14 a model bf refi-ned beauty. Desiigncd of bright patent and soft duli ki.d;,sizîî- pie ornamentationh -at ingtep;' haif Louis bhe ;speeial value af SÛR * Frodis Lowered l1wrice $22.50 $.50 Trhis collection of afternoon frocks bas been fornied frorn several regular linos that have receutly bocome de- pleted. They are garments oiginal- ly selling for.,$22 .50«.COMMi iatious of taffeta, and Gcorgette erepe lu styles of elever origin. Full skirts, double coilar effeets; nohby cufs; lat- est coloring8; $1950. SUR »ad CIoh Dresses Attractive new styles of silk dnd wool crepes, crepe de chines, erepe meteors, and wool poplins ;'effectively trimined and àhowîn ln the 1 0 favored colors, special .. j Wlde, slains mqdeim of beautifUl -n4W dWngn plaitead effecta. yoke affects, tailorad atraip, and buttton trimmêd. ail the new shadea. speclal ....................7 5 Choose Tour Liaster Corset ý*it lhe Greatest Care Thore is 110 item of woman's ap- parçI that should be more- carefully or thoughtfully soieted than tho cor- set,, for your appearance, your com- fort, and your he-alth depend upon it. -We empioy trained corsetieres who eau give you expert advico re- garding the, odreet you should Wear. They will fit and adjust thecormet te yopUr individual' requirenients.- This fitting service is gratis-it ill a priv- ilege we, offer te itil. We indorse themin' auei w know they are construced along fashionable and'hygienie, linos. They 'hivÇ th feigre a neat, shapely,. sty- u.&a pet lih ppean e. TheY are cond-arfo îê*,id ive o boter eU because they do mei&"gi#Al n ot bind or retard muscle movernent, stylés nd sizes r deep, fro .breatk mi g. , het,4,,. IL & G. Corset% are attractive m màtriàl' and -finish, nd'jied't~ yvles at the Store oI £aster Gloves Qualitv Is thie strong <huaiiwhiclî ne make for.ahl our gloves. 'We handle orly the best niiakes-gloveýs that fit pcr-fectly àid give lasting service. r4jagatr.a Mald 811K than th-"iagara Maiit.'ý They are pr ilcare!flUy taabloneit, sand cmlnalshaden. -2Claup; pair 50c, 75c, $1 -Elbow Lengtb, $1 &,$1.50 Blouses at $1.95 6 Formnrly piceit at *.é0 and $3.00. crepe de cbtne8. puasy wi- low Silke, tub »Ik l ingeres; wh te and leadlng 1<5EU Bhades .................95 Blouses at $4,45 sgi alloId for *J of teautitul stilS, is;~ .lp~ coxbnation mtraq elIegantly dage mil i' 1