Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Apr 1916, p. 4

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ý'ke .County Independelit LIUTYIII Waukegan Weekly Sun TO VOTE T 3ECT Office Telophone Numnben i. Libertyvil Excitange., ~Oab a tse poetoilos at Libertyvilie, I.- sScnd Cia ese Mai atIer NE BD IM 3S OfOecii Publication for Lake Count>' Board of Supevi@Ori' Pr ceedinbl Ig.d sen> ridy Ativertisins- Rates Matie Knawn on oApplication. Eeto tT =JSRIPTIOH PlrUIC.60i PER YEAR .STRICTLY IN AOVANCE The EetoofTwnship High W. d.BMITI Reiden Manger, "7"o School Board Is to Be Held 5. .S ITM ....l -.'- ..............manager th ........................... esln ManagerPhone 169-J ______________ »MFlI N NTAVF A PART. The frequency with which élections and primarie8 are "oeùng mphalza the necessty of a change ini the law "uMo maes these <aya legal holidays. Because they A1 1 l hidaya banksanad public offices close for the dbyau-#Ë-e pub-ije-- accordingly is much inconvemiencêdj hocauso of the law. Speaking along this Une the Chicago DlIy Nows aya: "This community suffers in more ways than one froîi -the useless burdens piled upon it by the present systern of holding too many elections. "As Tuesday was a primary day in Illinois, and as uBder the law primary days, like election days, are legal holidays, ail the publie, offices were closed, as -well as the banks and the board of trade. This is the third holiday ixnposed upon Chicago in less than two months on aceount of politics. The first was the aldermanic primary of Feb. 29 and the second wvas the aldermamie election a week ago Tuesday. Three other holidays for politics only Supt. Blair Sends Word Wom- en Have Right to Vote at the Special_-Electuon. A spucial clection wil hi.e held lu Lîbertyville township an Saturda>', Aprîl 29, for the purpose of electlug five members of a towuship hlgh school hoard of educatiou. This wll ho the second special eledtion ta lie held lu Libertyvilie iu connection with th1e proposed estahlishment of a town- ship 111gh schoal. the first election havlng been held April 4, at which Urne tbe people voted upon the propo- sition of ustahliahing titi.schaol, the vote beiug 159 majarit>' ln favor of establishing the schaol. Thei womeu of the townshtip vili hi. altowed ta vote atthkis and other school electians &Ince a repI>' ta Treasurer F. S. Keru's lutter han heen recelved from Francis C. Blair, super- intendent of public Instruction et Springfield. The letter fallaws: April 13, 1916. At the M. E. .chxtrch ext Sunde>' &il serviles wiillhi. centersd upon the "Great0 Ramter Thsmç". o0*"Titi. Bissu Christ.' la the Bond.>' scioul, preeching sere., Epworth LÀwigne service and thi. speeiaic musin b>'theb.coir the iGreat Resurre tion Tbought wll be cQIitiDuSiiy promi.1 mnent. At the preaching service et 1il o0ciok"sp Ia mugic wiil lie reuidered b>' the- cýhoir ad b>Sire. haton, soloist 2ev. T. E6. Beeni w Iiadiioinisterbaptism ta eblîdren and receivi . w îstubers loto the churcit. The subject of the sermon wiil ie: "The Resurretion sud lthe Pince Prepared." The ehurcit wili be beautiiolly decorated for thpee service, Iu th.evi.ning titi chotir amëi4ted lt> Miss Mariou Taylor, harpîr.t sud Arthur Miller, pianoist. wiîl render e program of Eseter mrusic. . Tii>- -anuata "Thte Easter Pralsu" by Csrrn' H . Adae wiil lie given b>' the choir. The program ioliows: Cantata-"Eaaier Praîse ............ Carnie B. Adams i"Siug Aioud Unlo God Oui, (Strenlih',..................... By Choir 2. (aj "Terefore My i-ear is Glad" Bsa solo------------...... .Mn. H-eath <b) "Thon WiilShow Meihe Path ai Uic,................. B Choir 3. Pnayer ........ ev.... T . E Ream 4. "For il We Believe", Alto Solo -.............Miss Madolyu Zook 5Offentory-.......Mrs. Lulu Mattocks 6. Jo'Cmeth in the Moruing,' Tira MPsesKohi, Ream and Mr. Duddic 7. ýarD Slo Miss aMariou Taylor mfther continuuace ýwas taken to- FILED BY COUPLE dla n te case af George esava. James 0 Griffith, alleged swindler. Theodore Worts sud Mr@. Sophie Griffitha attorneys failed ta appear Teewl ea tcinýd Worts just naturally "agreed te dis- ln court-et 2 oclock and the case was erwîl1au uttr s!o &grec." .Tbey did flot care to go te coutinued until Saturday April 22, at lte request 0f the pd4poner. Griffith" the empeuae of employlng lawyers te is alleged to bave Vwlndled Cessar secure a divorce for them, sa they out of land which la valued et close bath signed and (heufIled l l d in_ __ _ __ ci-lo d O d cuit court here. Under the terme of the. agrement Worte gives hie wlfe Red River Eaa1lj and Lote $200 as complete settlemeut. She ia inraofTebw tg rmaidle t Vole, while Worts effi ,,inrei 'IclîoW&I at'.ft i remain at Round Laits. Mrs. Worta eU Vh'th Iturec store "Il acknowledges receipt of the moue>'. (I L)U i Site agrees neyer ta contrect anv bills wbich Worts mlght be obllged te pay and that lu case site ever Recures a or Iterest lunlier busbands propertv. prbsladu. At 2:30 P. M. lu case of his deati h hewalvpe. her prbse n p right to the widow's dower. Worts. , - Terms -CASH. on hfie part. agrees ta the fact that gisuce as a wife. It las nu of thie JU1J corn most unusual contracts ever flled lu the local court boeuse. Pr c f North, Golden Glow, Rid' WM. MORGAN-, Prop. FOR SALE-Five-pass. Overlaud, late S. D Yellow Dent, White Cap Yeilow1 LINCOLN LUSK, Auctionter. unodel; Nlly equipped: lu fine con- Dont, Silver ing, and Ensiage. i.MLLItAseef dition ; tires good as uew. For quick Mo.tly Northern Grown and tests -MJUDACTIO NTIC. sale will sacrifice. Appi>' Wm. Han- *er cent. taiUI^TO-NOfE sen, % Lewis Garage. W1tly-lt ipubliceRtic, tu bemlby gvnl Iai im >:. 'iL 1 t..' Beginning May lst Classesor Private Instruction, iu Shoithand, Typcwriting, and1 Business English Speelal Suamneér Suaneas Cours for Tsmdsans. Algn Privale Tutorlng of Grade Students who are delinquent because of sicitues or ollier cans. bîRS. GEORGE E. McDONALD Sheldun Scitool Anne.aLO ARFé,. - - - - LIOS AUDITORIUM Wednesday, 26 I April Apollo ConcertIL COMPANY Cheuýraurith , of il i t t- Evervirtiet ttif s fr0 .1 l. ij tir't. it Vair ,tV .t,mi Itn i. trre r itt WATCH FOR THE BILLS ane cure your tickets eaiy at Lovell's Drug Stoireli. Court ut L te (', n ity et -. '.1 0. $2 50 PeBU. AND UP :Heet idseceased. w.ili atteud the :)uoay boden umit teC ,urt-Htýin ,e uWa..5.qas Dt. l not. eheosCiii Cler attl t-'q .d a ,sca F. W. SCHIII CKEI Lam.tiutsllIttt iottiîd f.- adjudioatlon. Lake. StresS, Ubesffl 0,111i. MARY itEkTEI»,xi-.Àmni-î phOsîî*5B.W'Wake9a. ItAtlltt. l14. i-b - - - - - - - - - - - - - -b - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - To our many PATRONS and FRIENDS that weJ ýi have just recelved a fui) and up-to-date linc ot 1Easter Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Neckties, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Shoes. And ste wish lu say furîhiur iliai ts lae t ti sual lo-- ff l "Everything for Men" and nant youIlel e re tr o Lot.-mr n 1 , 4 spect ont goods, wlhcther p tit has- or flot Il is no trouble to show inr r ids. (hi r rit le îrs Satisfaction or Moneq Back! J. B. MORSE & CO.1 PHONE 14 LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. are to corne LUis yertdt lie Utay i Te uei riut x Mr. P.S. Keru.8 "u Soe h-h('luidr June, the day- of the state aùid courity prirnaries inSep e~tvle D Risd"Tnrsl . rs i *eb and the day of the general election, in November. Duer sir- 9. Lift Up Y'our Heads 0 Yc Gaies', temsbusnsr yýrwl ccipldb ul eko Jhave received your tetter of th..................Chorus Ths usnes hi varwil e ripld y fîl wek0f~ listaut. The equal suffrage law 0 Io.ïWiâ-*Extal Ther.ë" Soprano -political holidays. provides, amang ather thtngsa, 1m olo ............e Day aia Eto P "The provision makiiîg election days and primary. womeu may vt u1 qesiu1.2:'TeodiSwy o ua se".rus Ssubmittedilu any subdivisiyoto 12. Ala sla . MrShow Lauraa aysi ilt ri tt.A Sehool district ie a suhdivl 13 and Piano Duel ............ law. Redueing the number of election days and primary SI? W1tibthee meaing of the stat 3.HTaylrsdAihnMle das s otsosipl. owveth lgilaur a is es utrie aith h acto In lumind. Woal-.14. "Chrisi thc Lord is Rise Today"_ as i nxt ssml. wvr h eiltr tisss ratrle vote frmemt H ruNo. 156 .Congnegation so etWinter can 1rlng about iupruovent in this be af thebor of education and 15. .'lac .ib odGd repc loi tmakes an intelligent effort to do so." ust'l ahî d t u .......................V.. inal Chorus Chase site. ta, lacate a site and to Is- 16. Reedinction......... .......... Trained DogEBites Clerk," asaysa aChicago newspaper se odsYours ailcerel>'. Chraîcrt: Mrs oiJas Davs. bed g.No tatwu1A,'t bave been half eciFn . G. BLAIR, 1 Coitr rs ansDvs bealng ~w ecitngSuperintendent. Si. Lawrence Epscopsi. aid interesting as if it had read, "lTrained Clerk Bites Ater thee members af the board Thore hi. efour Aorvr,.s Eaeier do DOg.chuoe, amang temn a presîdent andi Communion wiIllieicIt-brateri et 7:30 tilproceet i sltthu plans of selecting anti11l o'clock au, thtre ittllu'a One thing seems certain and that is: The Orpet t-alOn. or more central sites which wil dildrnn'sfesqtival st 9;4f t wii Iven. la gong, o t Lake county more money than any tral tiien h. voted on aithOe saientie the song et 8. Titi mu-lt unt Il otelock fili a The polliug places will lie open italti- " r. White n ili ing th.etolo yul give way and it'a to be aflght to the finish, tramn 7 lunOieentorulug ta i o'clockin l parts iu tie ti.enedi-vu.s ari Agnus [iei. ___________tOe afternoon. The firet precinct Thei entheeu il iei Banîiys "A watt' up Blooinington, which voted wpt, bas fcurd thit rom -polling P rcet rlbc In the ouw mneall înu The enhj'-iAt r! rutoilt et,,, rmluui>n forin prevents the usual qt z , rct. of o â s ~' L tor, , uti rîr1. . iilie 'Trîun.pli, ard ttt tEv.-- 11pligplaces being tite village of ons-. "Titi Liii.Eveiasitrig. The Bol>' rIt »maB a referendum vote may be taken on the saloon pOLiing ville. Communion wll be c clotnatoll Eamter ardinance after it is passed by the conmiasioners if 10>' Huterm Tue ed t ini.C cnof the votenr rquest. This bas given the rejoic- FOIRIER SCIIOOL BOARD étered Rester eve et 4:31li dc.k. i wets thore a little acme. Teeve-o odFia ilb _______ R=ELCTE L ST AIDAT Ltauv and Peuiteuttiai((fflee t 9 oclock, If the adate won't pay the wages of the meni whom it seords lrom tti. cross frt ni 12 to:3 p. lu pet onu guards when the foot and mouth quarantine vau Titi.annéuse rool i-leion ilà.Ilest and ait evenins- service et 7:30. uablshed, t.hre seun no strong reason for the cmuty tieturdaynimlit rtheboi horues Presbytenian. uigit. The county had Dothng te aay about hou h voter. 298 brallots ling ctat. Titere 10:00 e.nM. Sunde>'srt,iio were eabtut aritquel number utfîcen d Morning Service 11l iClocnt Quuate shoeld bo maintamned, uhat the mon should or Womnen votera ltu show their citoici' for Christien Endeevon 6:42, p.m. àoidfot do, but now the state cores along and aya: opres tn fment bers ut t iite brdo 70. i srie 3 -Yeu foot the billh. Rather inconsitent, isnt it? Ast noue u1thte candidatebât i ileld _________-petitions te.blliots vwere bleir. te Wauconda to'*nship, iniplanning ai exPerlmoii ommeof aehperson te>' wthed lu vote àe <fGaster W sh agiclurldepartment as a feature te, the iew township f-r and this eupd qit. ai[itof ton. Mai chool aboiqt te be erected there, has set the pace for voted un for prescettO raab teioe othr rtouns of the county. It is a fine ides, and should be tintp erteeiveti otlienvotes For tueiiers of productive of Interest and successful attaininents for the th boart popeuar iolid ati wttChas.Thoc t-r ste pr av boermo, lint. students. In tact, tbey ahould be aided much and encour. F. dmale, ~oe of the' lormor &il trbers utiî'triteion otfttîernu i aged in the matter o! acientiflo farming which today means p.-sident aînd 12!) orInn mbuier tif titi our itoople in al walke tf life Tii nomuch to succesaful resijits. klir andur te L-t hitiheSt îariiate pt>rtûd iof ime. whiiîteNet asiit- aetîrd- n as Il W. IdrlieN , formîter premidetritf d glir iti'tradition utIthe aem e IR abott i bht oardl. alto re-,ived Oi 4)ballots for tri loe Arc nue tui Iîrget ailroftrtit- Bo Avon reaidents, the wets are to contest the recent tî-ie i u rrtinlr( h better imîtuises andi i'e te impotuti dry viotory, aethey? Wlvv wolUa1 " aebeêr*.. i r lýirertîitdîte rsnîimir tiîngailted ti 'iese weeks ilftievotton il are ~ ~ " î~~hav beet stranie l i .î tir irrt'-h more wirtltilo tlitm-sand gît l-i if thia uhole dry-wet flght should bave passed off f the itioarr, ieIre r-"rt-t ts124 viotes for 1hLt U at lg ir'utget erhe neither aide rnaking a flgbt to contest the outcome. It rnbeitrt'1 u i - ît utt.ttt'mu itran'lv would b. without precedent if it did. However, in Wau- I nivs ivet. l e v.rtttrls wlrrlrutît- iUor. wii ni ue spor adti kegan, the majority was so large that there isn't a founda- tItan tne to rteand lere. st.ix slîntt-er.ments o! c i r fr tr. lierarg iii tus- whltfor i t r m oîte bor d lite- adMein i-0 aw i rît ,l idrfea- i bIe u . r tion on which te base a cdaim. for contest, another singular 1iairrîorxvsî-- rrltibun,,Te Iit v. tiier, f inivol n ites liuitnler thing when oie considera that W'aukegan is such a large 1 t rit ite anidtso ri,, ttr ts- bu chus riur liî Ini, -uiert1 nso on.taiek>-on ut'lii-rîptîr ut tr reie w thte ilî plac aidbas ad sloong~o ong.For President o ne. Thoeir-lt-c mconue dollar andtrhlIe Attrne C.P. arns o Wodstcllia thovtalpli li1lity_ ....... .. .. 19rturnm arr- niore titan raislerturv. Attrnv C P Bane 6fWodstx- lîi~tlîîîît usFIli Itartu Il "Coneidier Cliii!voni lav e inth ie smallel t hat into the ring and wil be a candidate for statc's att('- Paul G, t '3 ~2 cttel irr., .trtay Ahi i-t M 'ni rt-o . .......t....... . 3 .andi 1 sth, itii', t euon tiat ettulti li ney in the Republiean primaries to be held next St'Pteîn-i f F sît'd, Jr .......... ..-29 piceîd onttof itïi tvil rîunnrîcs. in a ber. iMr. Barnes ,announeed his candidaecv on Mouiday of Si tti'ritrit................t ..... . ; tittinand ycars, have set in t i. I For Twa Memnbens of Board urder thti recuits tif iteir I'arning anti this week and is nnutn'crnent ill a '-arin thii w'e bnël(swr i at i.s a bic. appui - 1 :5-r . 'Sial-. J r.. î Wisdoutt Thiîebcnli- rettdn papers of the' eouîîty tlis week.-Jlarvard Ilcrald. Well, i Hn' z 0osîrie ....14and inaccemsifrte, molitarv. inpatîr-nl or Vi roltou........ ... 48 Interrtup tineneed iY tri- quette; but lite i.P. asoute lawyer and bas been in politics in McHenry 'i~', îi .. . -27 tons-lt thic tti.- id nut nucoven t', co11uty these many years. His knowledge of law is reC- tPeulIG. Rays...................... ... p their homou frioud hi. iere writlen out il, SFHMarti................... ..... itranparentî wordo to us, tite siraîts-erp og,.... as second to noieini the dbstrict and as a prose- g .. t s...............13 ..........Iqo! anter as-.' cuter of the neighbornig county, ho could surely be fear- CIrer une îîunîîrer ,îîîîswretorvn Th ioti- isasefllows: leus and determiied in everything ho undertook. HR aynlbcue ii nris ite Aio tiet frienda in Lake county wpld ike te eeo him stateos at- etdidaem es l-il tu mark a enfles lu Atton-Overlaud flied. .-~o! ~ cuny.frntuof titi-arresnNu anitten ,matins- Bennit-Tlie eWatt. - - 4fXcerycuny he belliiteluvlid, hycouenis t.e u@ uel i..!(oTitAvtr buried tir ltrballotste urown out,""- itetin> No doubt Oe erVoliva suffers mental -. ltnt ns0g- îurhnde Iter tCanfield-Tite Sent Twis- cause o! the frequent fracasses which bis brother engagea ordWti the sctoilelctot lu and whicb soute people are wlling te permit toi caSt Notice af Speciai Meeting for Increase Culum-tluldeu Wonten reflection on the overseer. But it sbould not b. so. Voliva 0f capital stock OF Koytone Prnu- Daviesso-Over Paradise Ridi. ing Service of Libertyville, Ililuais. Evans-Theit l'Il Camee lied lu itou. bas trled by every meana possible to keep bis brother Publie' uttice is iteneli> given that e FOote'-VallOY -Rond. waâdkng traigbt, he bas given bim jobs, ho bas "atakod .-eew meeting of the~ stockheAdr 01 FreusenItuaeeof Tetdîs. hlm," ho bas done al that a relative could do for ano the leuflrctnyooeIl inti dîli ier lai irite U)GrOind bitP. -and til ho bas bad aucb a bard subject te work on that e ti th, o-ordatticmpit>lu il)te fHaFkt-lt---tiventtinee of! 'trtnka. ho haa failed and periodicaily, St-lant-k Bek. imri tue village o! Iliirt. Kt-h'tl! i ieAn»'s heh aie n, eidialthe brother breaks loose vLt.taire ('iirît 'Illinoit.oiute sîxtit mi (Aîtrt e ati"19 and gets inte trouble. In the past bis escapades baven't Ill%*rof %srv,'t1)l hil nit tro litiir (ifi Mo-tFalitt-eldi triAss been mucb more than fiat flgbts, etc., but in thia late:t0îrO2ider , for tliti-irurpoof t l'Iijriol-tTiltrt>'. Mr te cmase h as done sometblng wbicb no doubt will be re ui14t-to-IlaI @mtnl.t'f'irlti orortion nt t'trtt'r-J.JnelDavli. garded as very serlouE in tbe eyes o! the law and it does wtl-I lmeitior*re itestkhodt-tif e Pre- Sidtite Mill »om as if the eider brother bas done about aIl ho can for Itir îmatitaarqice o i re-)vdPs'le but ~~ ~ a.rua iluarles H0.larrebl, fos-etE a n d IToile )'ut bb wave buhe later hu failed t apprecia>e. There-1 Fred H. Blaunan, Os-n Part. fai *Qe ionee may be "b'Ms brotber's keepor," iu the case 0 Rose ileuman. uinnai-Th' iietlfr>'. il ctiBord of Drector,, St4tt-teIli 0'11e>'. ïf bia ad mauy ethors, the one caf't be holdon for _______Tarkinston-ISeventeon a l 'd o ab eac he h l d u t e beat ho could for Von d5fl ranch 1 00pren we. weltor-Rl , Advnture. dospicabo acta uen be'a oue tii.Wood-Writinir on thie Wall. ýî; bbS I 1 Y trOghthei,17dsiendont. Yauns-Alaqke Daja u-th John Vot. The Energy Food in Purest Form Oaîrnea-the efficient fuel for "'keep- ing Up steam" in the human body-alsu a huilder of brain, brawn and bonie, be- cause it c')ntains an abundance of protein, phosphiorous anrd lecithin. ti7neFpas», of Tite exacting standards of quality and F r# Foods purit that made Dr. Price famous, are tzhe same standards that are followcd in the manufacture of Prctkas PIiwI..Sarisa C.uPom iSe rvePackage Thse exclusive Dr. Fr1ce Pure Food Store in your iown is TRGG &TAYLO R Telephonc 25 LIBERTYVILLLE ILLINOIS 1 y

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