PA»Six~t BAPTJSTS CELER BRATE lOTI! YEAR O f CIIURCII IN CITY Large Co ngregations Attend Important Historic Event at Waukegan Church. 'herite h anrttsersary of tue foiidi ing of thte Firut taplisl î'iîîrciî'ii %V a ikegaî w as iot-eried by lIwo -' siai serviirpsSuday, Apritl U. In the fInornintt h ie orcliestra a,,tdthe- isblurintafirntsiting t-itial ut itti-t'anti 'Mir. tuant 1rettt'itci siistorti .t sr- ison . inite sce itio t'chirIfur- niciteti sîeritît ii jaît t nd t' , Rt-r. Prank I. Andrson 'of lii guav'e a forceflul auttt n s oit Tii t' i tici inli Action .", 'rite citngrgaut lois a etc large 01 ou to ocasions. in brieity resicwing the hiîstory of -te citurcit. Mr. Iligit stated tat if was founded on April 15, 1846. Thte iraI pastor. the Rev. Peter Freemaa, W~as sent to te tuais o! Little Fo rt by te Baptist Honte Mission Socief y. The first building was bath aIt 411 x.~rft Genesee streel. iii 1849, Tite period trons 1814 tb 18-d9 -as cliarar- terized ity many short pastotrafes, and airenuous efforts oithlie part o! thte amati metobersliip io maintain teé Work. Stili Il wac i titis period titat the lresent bouse o)f worsitip was erected. if being dedîcated September 3fi. 1866. A fribufe was paid f0 litose wbo made reai sacritice and iîung in wliente way was tnt alstayt, brightl. The new birtit orfte riturcit came, î«icording Io Mr. 14gb. alt tise rou- lng 10 lite iastorate tit 1879tof te lies' .Loreni T. Bush. Il was ite wtî awoke init a targer vision. Dsring a littie more tItan ten ypars. be anr'ieut wit rare patience and abltiy. and unîted tit- chîîrcb fur its task, andt mnade for it a largt- place iiitelilfe of te ciiy. Thse growllî and sUccess tînder tite recont tut-lors ls alltos- ible itecause o!ft' soiid fîundalion laid by Mr. Busit. In tiniintt of Ilie lresentfand te future. Mr. iligli taid taIlite partl or eburcit hadi beit but a îîeriod of sink- lng roufs ilto te soit. and tai the lime s-as b,re 'for a greaf extensive work. The citurcit bas a iiglify Gold- given mission lu keep aive i0 thse bearUi of men te aense of te pres- ence or God; tu beir realize t he greaf * desfiny of iis cty bil is present awakening and growlt. Thetelcosiiig uîpeal of Mr. Iligit for te citurci te be coitsciotia or ils re- aeibililY and opporttinity, wae fr-c -- ter, and more for<efully spoken ln t he evening bY Mr. Anderson. Ha * lielt for a crlurcli of true democracY: where the individltal could apeak bié mind and make. lîlmeel!fit, but i where ha meied bis lira and aiilif y info a great organlzation. Tiis or- ganization bas te taSk O! evangeliz- 'Ing te worid-hiinffifLg men and ýwomen to, a personal knowiedge oz 1 %d fathin J .eas Christ; It aiso must ',.educate. in'te largest Possible sauRe. thoee whom fil wns; and ilmuai thange acciai conditions lnu vie tîct eY r"~Bye ad tiswork mut extend a~ round te whoie world. Lvn o ibis rour-fold objective. and itending aIl efforts ta accomplisit ail Parts 01 IL.te churo i lll accomplig tfs pot * pose in soclety. KNOELK RE-ELECTz ED.iEIS $200 RAISE IN SIÀRY ON M1ON. Board of Education Re-Elects W. C. Knoelk as Superin- tendent City Schools. ,ï Va'akegi. Ap lîtu u Vu llians C' Knootiti asi-letci-l siipecitutendenttfuthlit iltu lu hi ,citoois b>stise boarîd of t tuitatitut muonday nigiti. aud utder tliteruscis tut te uitw otrat wmiici t asticatt'fi Prof. Kuoectito 10t-eiti' $3.ofqtlier annuna. Of liaI auna $1,50 O iiiluite paiti iy te city schitot)s, anti a lit, sain by te township iigi gcbool. A yeiin ago te boanti o! educaliaus uheidedti hat il wouid bie aaleP la ite riglîl dilrec'tion Iotavue onte mant st-rt-eus te lcau th ie two tchutaI .iystems tuiainet> , theac igla ecitol antat itî gradi' ethotoIt-In liasl yean,ýt wor nahaut uc-t î-îîtuyed lo tiltte po- stions. tp andtititttht'esc tht-i41 Oliver Titompîsîuîî tatist-ct-utassu peinntendeni at thte iui-si otls aiti Mr. Knoelti bailsers i-ut u sitndt eni or pjanlila i ulu('tih st-1t00t. Oliver 'flomîtuon resu-r tut ut lsli- tLion ast sult-riiitu'nutt-nlituthIeur'il tirbools, andi au reît-d a luýtlt-r losi tienais au pecntinlett(utif ii.s1it te Pacifie coas \V-'V. Klitelk w t- lmmetiIalely etutei as uipî rit-ii ealtf btOlt yst'luit-.and liei as gît iii 12,80(p a leur, Thisityearlit'heîboard nembers sali-utto titi! Mc Kuuoot'k 9 iot per 500uinto 1 su;eriutenu thla, wu'L ln te cil> uaid bîgi stboots. -S-tt. Knoeik bas matie more iba good as superinleudtit-to! bothscisool systemu, and me itlieve haut miltau man 01rbistaqualifications andt e-et- tive abitly aI te liesio!fte sy temste standard o!fte mork ln botit schools la ralsed material!. Thse ventura bas pros-eu a big sucreus anti every member of tite board believes tai Mr. Kuoelk bas accomplisitet auoeatitan itd been expected of hlm." seclsred a maembe' o! tite board tu- day. , MRS. URTON DIES AT AiEOF9;WAS à 'I à i qi iW Y l w rcY1UI NEW C014PANY lIAS TMEN OVER TERM- 11I Ir iA Y nnru ÀN EARLYIOJNEER I1AL PriwrKiui Mr.Ait' c'tle Erwin Binut, motiier tf Manuacturers' Terminal Co. Mic' 'ý'dward i.L il of Notrthli t- "t- net, W%'îîkegaîîi. died Sutîdut at' Files Papers of Incorpora- tht , utk t t- l'pionirestîteiition in the City. Lur iere i, demise foittin id a t Wilh the fiing in tise Lake counfyl htro aSis susluited 1tiisdaY ui ot recorder.'!,; office of te papers or iu- suttimateda aicknpssofl1îtttittuu' Pircororationof te Manufacturers Ter- natu r, i mtnai Comspany, il itecume known 10- -rD troît tiilleti lt"t i ' ay for the frtîntime ihat liselocal tttonet'rs 0o! i'lîiu'o. Itas'ii.o ît0lît ,property of i-n Corn Products Com- ttere an 111.7atire iii 1844 41tt niar pany, ortginidlit taken over ity th,ý ried Itora ceIturion,. a îsi.i tiWaukegan T' 'minai Companfy, hua htsiness ilîtaticf taris ('tiltcîaio t itý een laken over by a new compafly. sitisequencil> .bt-i unîta t.. t1t lai iTheercords show that the new com- owner Ini M ellinrsv rouai> .pary te tncarpocaled for $25,000. The 'irs. Buot o îM11 tît'ie tlIille se' . incorporators are: H. V. Finkeistein, frst unme ilr !St. anîts citordu . WA. Rogan and 1. R. Myers. Ac- Chiicago . Site ctme le iake counîrv cording 10 lise stafemneni of Mr. Fin lu 1856 and itad resittetin \ 'Vaukeguti kelstein, thse new company has con- since. itracted to pay $130000 for tise Corn Deepife lier age. site bad made four Producte Company property and have tripe ite Pacifie coast, te ast one paid $40.000 on the contract. biang made alone four s'ears ago. The purchase price is tise sanse Funeral Tuesday cft 3 f rom thie Up- whiethct ie ieads orfte %Waiikettat ton htome, Interment pristite. Terminal Compiany conlraeled to îtay. Mrs. Burton was born 1n Cambridge, Coder te leris îtf te coîtract il let., Auguef 5, 1826. Hecr afteor, Isaac was provlded titaf lIe terminai comn Criswoid, t-as oue o!fte pioneer set- pany was to psy a stipatated aosount tiers Iu Illinois, itaving moved luChi. on ti contract price ai certain inter- cigo lut 1837, wbeîî that city was but vais. Flitre at aoy time lu meet te as mait village ulthte mouto! titi payments wben due, accordhng tar. Chicago river. Su unltavitfug werethlb Finkelstein, wsa sufficlent 9gluO & maud streefs aiid swamp lands of thej for abrogatin ite coniract istanter. village titat Mr. Griswoid ac00 madei He says any moaey jîahd ont tîe o' hie way tolite preseni county o! Mr- 1 tract would ite taken as tjqiàlutett' Henry andt acquired an estate of 1,000 images acres. If waa on tiis estate taI Isitia'Tite Wautkegao îernîin"t fi i(d lii daugitter. Aire, wau united in mar ina.ketg.od on Ibe pal meliuit ir.s niage 1tuiHorare Burftona of tlitagt-orotitis year' 51Mr.F ,e sittatt M- 90s,, 194.4uT-tt- e.r.tut-t. in -ia- th îae uti...-"' 'tsso MJLK NOT RESPON- SIRLE FOR SPRFAD 0f SCARLET FF VER Wcîa&eÉa-n I87.f,, site and lier tuabasul remosial dP ite samne ils>'A 'oup ,t'le il dasi tkoai, MiIL .auuuu uulit-t-i t S titi tît . îaîd t 'tiiit hri rt' îrno o Wiatkegan whiere slite lias bticu t sur a lîliuioti %stas fblit i t itrci1t ftat' li-r latis u 't lie ' utss i t s în-io i l i a tt 't'ut 'slî Dt tr, residenl contlnîîonsly i h the e ti t- ournt itere, at-kingtha t u 'te i 'ni fInc a i tItli, ils r.t d & NI t 'l t"iI îtt-'tt t l i i t t l a.sw,, i i. "r' ion o! four vîsits matie to thie Pacifu,' lroduucis Conmpanyv lii't' njorut'ufrotrîtdurikine tou tteda .Xtedilit-s M1l it l,lu' tt tr- i t- coast 10 visit lber dau tier, tt s. J t'C. cattieing fi lie rouitract, Itis de'sli ~'t i ay andiTi hui-ut Il su 'utitIrai Frit t ioutrugei iliyTh',lait i i tat t. ut laines o! Seattle sud the famil>- il tht' fact taI it airtatttltatiiit -tIiniorning aui tI îil r h,' bitain t'uses hlai.' t "tirt-il I .tut'1.ut1 te laIe Judge Il. Wu. tîtodgeelt i Loes t- e lîTei-ouirut-s'uilit-ear arcumtsttlt the Gables,(o:iiut'r (ut 5h îrtdu i rad eea a Angeles, Cal, lier lasIt-lusit inte ouate inuujntîon jeiion ilAit lober.t andul 'usttiiitîiîiit'-rles I W wiesf was two years agu t-ieu stut-"We immediatly focnsed a cotît- I iuston ollbiitit. 'thet,' rtîsus wIl sade te journey by' terspîf altitought, an! andt incortioralsd for ' t. ,'s tente 0o k t itwi tIrnipltn U R Y FUI 7 years of age. Sunce ber reluao 1sumung s contrat-t sumiilar IoilituaI9'% akiug placei'lii' c' lit-tt -atday, E RL OI Waukegalt, qe tas faited gradîually tri te Waukt-gaua Term'uinal Utsiupttit ,silt-f1tm1îtn1u-iiuttt ln ul O R IT U an uiItepasl year bas blunTta'he three Iucorporaiors are poitIiii-nttai t b'ilut tl-trtlit '- confined' b ite botse and mot o! the>li te only pjeouple who bave e t-steIa Weil Knswn Here, NT I IT H ime tu0lber bed because o! bier feetî' ilgitstlsrsti ts-( O l'D' Mrs.Aulmauttaitet Iai(ta ,IIII condition, hiast Tuesda> siete-f lcis Company proîîerty or th it-taus't abotut eigbt bor utiite >îurs ugo E IA.I~E I f rered a stroke of paraiysisansd ce- laclurers TerminailtCompany> .' etneapoilitus îîîaîst ut tite matused ln a state of unconsclousness tîo every dollar of capîital stock a-.,'1ottdpI Barranisota lb,ît'ottiShueridant outil ber end yesierday morning. tere s net a share of stocktifor sait- coud. Wheuu i11W \VaI',iet-att hieutut' W'riting irnitClîumbnhus N Ni DeSpile ber advanced age, Mrit. TisWauk-giaui Terminal C(' omîa wt ~~kutow s ut 'lb, acrisuîiitlliti'rslucrî' ill tiier lits olliiuîalidi trt Burton ball a mosf active and relen- tluta ws o dispose of $2211Otttt w',rttu on Genese tît-vt-ioPt-'itdi. tht'a t a iiuui ilivtuur ieadqualuai". iiarn,' it-e lnemory. Site neyer lest lier in-ofstoci 1 te otal and itut siti'luitî'"npied a stnitar postltiona aîtdl1u' l'a it' assistant usastertf I nu k unit tereat lunte questions of the day. tors.'taus. 'ton iiireadiiî pt-n ntaiuied It-re untlt a yî'ar air'o No. :. ting st-rt-tv ittu it Prsingt, but was lever inquiriug about the pro- ceise te ditlertral plaits under wbit-luiIn addition 1tobitu a tait îted plan-' coîuuuaaîîinta(ii Meirt,. sa r. " gressive movements of lita rlfy and we are operaling." isîte iotoa smn isuu.uuatyf oui 0dal oselt nation, Site wae able toi'intareat ln As a s'audet-ile artisIt lichatluatunl'a t notunîaitus. tensely titose wito were fortunatel tlent ahicisumadle lher a star fromntiteI' Ica Wait rt-ceived atu ýtlieritt enough t b 'now ber wit accounte ouiM U R M AD iraI Wlitlennie Kubcisky, a localilber busbund abit-lt t-ss muiicd ail'ut ite early life ln Chicago sud Wauke- M 111VIN Altz violinu puayedisite toured ftiselargesl hinîbus, N. I .on SatucdIAplntx gan. Site was one o!fte iraI parleit ities la lite, I 'niled Siates. The art [le informedi tts relatlvés Ilit\\'luit jouera o! Si. James citurcit, Ciicago, ~ ~ 1 known as "Salisbury andt Benovu! kegauats lita i ai ust c-It opi a- te mother jiarieb o!fte Eptecopal MI'NItt ..S JSJi.>i5 scored a trenuendoas hitt ittret-er'ift jtît mils- trip mb tute intertor of OlIt citurcit. Site bas alwayes been a muaost'w appeared. Nirs. Autmuuutu guaveitp tise Mexico, andt that ai the tinte o! adIt active and loyal communicant o!fJ jf ~~ tage cartier lt order taIa se migttuen the men i isit commsaad w'î"' one of te organisera sud offilcers al ied 10eNMr. Aulmanti uatout a year truîcks for tiaeir second triphalo tIlu- the Oakwood Cemobery Asacat9n Tise case o! Marderoissu tiacoogian antiasliat! ago Site was s member inierlor. for wiich site worked uufiriugly ' againuf lite American Steel & Wire of tite Waukegan Woman's C'ub and Mr. Waii laimaialt e meut frot tiI te rity took clver tite rare of lb Company wastt 1 bave been git-en a waa generatly belo eut by att seau Waukegan anad Kenosita uearty frIt smre. Titere neyer was a mot-ameR t earing before te sate intinurial koew lier. to deat while crossing 'tise mountaItus for te advaurement o!fte commun- board at ite court itotate to<iay but _________ huit îitey sururti when but a fcm lfy atong social, cîvir sud ecniesias- itad to be conlinuei because lise mem' miles acroasthie bo rder.le tioes nto ticaI hunes tat site tid nol ive iter- bers o! tlise board seere unable to ar tebDd' UT E>lil iof alîy, narrosescapes front self uosparingiy bbte ework o! the rive., utLu snul knowrias yel jusi IJLIIN UiIU U9VNEI deautuor o! uny Iîcrowling esperi same, ahe thbiet- seul camle. Garoogian wau c ite îleadviIed Iiuswtfe sud lu, Mrs. Blurton s deendet f romt a ensployeti aIi ta- wire nil sen lbe TAItEN O parents itaI lie bai suris a cold that famlli taI tus bad a mittuahotnorabule mit dealit. le ib sald ieoihas e ,eti IlKELN; SON INU lueet-antan't sîîtuk. tudtî i dit-tit i n- u and tistinguialied record bot lnstairrushed bu'lssu-eu a freigitt car anti iaewinlewol i ln al andchrci.Th Giswld o Nw 'Iaf-ri linder tbe state conIPf n" - Itote talute Englaud acre amnuthie earlieat sel- aion iaw lits relatives aut-,tlutlild ATj CITY IHOSPITAL If is uuderstr"od 1tiut' t-Nitu' tus i tiers I li teMassuatîscîsets colon! and Io damages wIli svtttlliquaI ibrei.intris risosad iiiiii gase lot eoecluart 1tise stalean e aîi -urt' pa Lins 'or tsiuttuis tant auutt iistois IlutIlite t tîîuc ',l'lie sec'ond i arooutettati tt i urt î 'u i l 11, it W utk . \ rNî 1i tui10 ileýs s uthi et t'oîî bi otu oft nus ugland. lîîstîîtjî lr.i ast nuttîohtit r tit t-t ý tir rtiii t tt If un t-tit %ssu ce î> tli uo, * %% rt'iliuty w'tre riloadî'd ou nurit k- woid, was a tit-resvitits usiose lililu t- t itu.,I Iý a, îîîîîî utt'.uih ut ' i l t uu ir slît and >uuur n oiiiulit" îtt t t i hît, us, ttit i, l rI t'neis filt otIl iin te artsinnpry en t, glî' c 'tuiii r' ha.îs b-t- ut ti i i'l iam, uute -ltk iiilieut if >îtut sstrt' ulth'titt'I 'tîts toî iiuits, tii se oft-- thhuitluuI«(lu titi uord tutu lt-atii "'ct OLitent'front ti ut uitti t c sh a t all a uply or au sl u- îu(>f-î s îuî'î' i rît l utiit t ttiii fuir s'ecu îuir t' itqSuc tt tuin u ".-tattiýh i l,bt-t tht ,iuit-k tut s i tL- ni t ht r i i uis t lais.- the i' tutl t t l tsut tt' t' goto . ' tu al a l . sli w ai _________ FOUtLilaIN DYING Iltttt itut tuttIl piý, nilOcO mI u' (~ Io" ttti I' l ,tutoi t 11-1 ' l'Iw st-hit otut "I i idurilPOLICE BREAK UP CONDîIION AiT ! . u1t1tutiqIituct-ti ~ hlut' rît" il lit and , ~. thi i îîtîîî'îu il, w.1 ilit t1IuuIt' itht ( i ti i l i it-e puit' touiritut -iIr f 0F STAIR AT hO e illa. -fzlit i u t)fi r t N ut;'ua tlîidpig Theiii BANDIT GANGi; EET o! f injuries he susi:nedi n a al V E E D E R F . S L A T E R 'thi .u 'h. F , ;tI.i iitid gN M F L A E down a flightt o! tairsaai a itoardiug UIIÂ a1E'l r id' i lsi tuiî'k ta 1 aiuai,.prl1 housea i912 Market sîreelttis m o rn- N , Ï~'s a i i te tîîtiipig kî'sîtcn Fotur uîau.îtuuîrs oethlie btitiani ýt li t e Lake Couuly General hos. t iituett tily10tt'thae- t'ag 'uî ta 'îerrue ltci>b pilai at noon loday. Tise remauns N1 fI/E IR V ituud $2.> aîd cuisi ,and i'tut ' etditgin lafait-t' uhrinsts l e ltir(% were r4,saved to te Larsen & Hoti-[j~% -îctoi -tk tsiii i [and underaktng coome, wisere an lu NEWlORt, titi t-' li'. Ifon ut- des utol uy t- Io atel.w'lrtslt I u ii queslt-ailbciseid by Coroner J. L. a Iifil.ilidusntpyIl Iearm i.wr onidil bth Taylor, o! Lihertyvilie. \t>i(-u r i' v ti. fît iroî t ',i intutti su iiihealiolteil iait', i'> svltt )ltit-tlast nicitt, atd 10 t-ave Ibot- - uit-tut t-ut of l iut. uiFiv idu> lit-, huurî't-' d then sellibe fonti. iwuu pets tuefýotîr boy>s gavee liîo Jiî-Pustwac't. a vwrt' utitt(intphîI t st-tgui N i. t-t-v la-riil is maleîi- 'o . rtoultubis fiue la a juil air, 1liii' i luitf tuit'nameuoftifIeir leadtr. lit-t- in a i--ine conditioni al titi'Lak e btutiti t- iit-t n l 'ar'ai r . I l al ihitM lnsntiuilth a c lu tl (1leu 1rt 1 ospitl as liii' nisutbit ut 1 lîu t itc Ous t-gui 6" s c'an,' go 'arms. ut îij ot ' hastssinî'd aben lue feil and u'ului' l Wukennwhti i tta<1T1 fIDTh'i t otir boys who nere taka'îî !n dei ligufaî tairs iiaaitçtrdlng h tin t-tI ers, e1c lîîî'iîî \ ' itue M IAf jj3 j'cfI.j t taiti>lasu nîgitt spet-erotundet i) ItîIl-t ail 2 Mar tt' îeel gati it 19hanti for uhîh itsusstorlESb> llaîenre E IHicks, atîdialler lise IeL uruaiig 'trout tluiglulu iatuîr lt (,il atua- ut ti'tet-in thi itlt- lie- T UUT IIE . splienritour tlaey ment-sweaîeuî b,. flt eswIei tt us au ix 'ctock li ~ itth;s"l i nien ero! fle ite l r in-îu I L 4I IN U J1IAN Thos. Tyrreil, sebo surreedet ln gainus aîoruIncltrani Rts'iiu.lroçiietour t' - uuitiSti earu le tisur-toIlli te me o! the leader of tl oî in bieltac oitîuse'. bud Plt- l 'ili 1utugbtc istt'uelgang.le ilu sîblentoying hisliherty wack tyiuig in tit itrtinst-ou' candi- hklit ir, o! Riltsrside, t'al. fornettriv ait Watkegan, Atrii - tu i uexetd ia b iI eb tiel t taht lit oit Pt ait u ui rard 't i tu it-u n'r tthIelie eAlisier scîtolýut i l tîn du t se petd th tle illi c iigit utf t-hai ru. Itîs î il r tii bs st-ea u tt' sot io Satr tt 'lu i u t rt- isc oIt ils uai s f: ota, hi b uts.ul las ai ti 'n'ls- caId, aut bloul w us ittait fromntlis '1ht-tu Tht- yoinîe'r Mn. Stin -sow'iikgttttsmrin aI51a..hos cIl~~~~~~~ taluu-farttuuh'tiutt's-ietun tititiseedloilitit tr s'I hena elen Doroty, 15 monthsu aId Tise boys wito con!essed 10 eing lfe redi i racîur d tis i it i.iot taI ""t tt'ritug taul ocl dagse fMr. anti Mns. Russell membens o! the bandit gang andt mb- liteaI deaicIl utdso lu irtuiti, autO 1an utit l ui s ce.u Diî'u n attuenauolriie fo! 132 Cietafufstreef. gave te potilicteasme oflte boy thaI pal ilr(si rtiiii h t u itsr. idtîenti inlt- kîter ls a sset amuI'.Titece are seven rases mto sent lunte tire alarme s ere not li, asht oiei ' oilteidlortir tut a s-ason t-orVaveatît of acarie! fa-ern bte rily, but Ibisibelid as pisoners, bt t itir names, îlemasrt-mOi.ilitiOttt ~ lc t- Nort,îatenu.ML. Staiter foris te finst !staiity. Tise funerai was te names of teir parents, sud titeir Lake ('ourtl>Gi-utrat hosltali Iili te usîu -tlt- m a uatr !tt'blu bsmrnu.bigpry n reef sddresses are on file aibe po- poi'epaîrot, andt tr, A E. Bron wams eutît-uiuaî ".t-ai! of îîae xvaulran îaîîv arroont utfte nature ofte isease. lire station, and fte Very oexl ime .1 maitte lucto reuless the.iti-rine'- tutu Miss Stlar mas pnomiaeuut .uTise Wooidridge itome willl remain luntaf a false alerarm1isrerelvet I t 3 ~IrittcurrhIs unut clvic t-sont during lier nesi- quananline for several days. Thte mlIi te rouudad up. Wanl. For Bale, tt ada u Inte N Iut-u u îaukegan anti hus malt' quarantine praveufedth ie motberrom Tite police rialus tiaft ey bave Bot isoc peronmfrientis livintg iere 10 sehom sitewiteqatsteuding the hurli, but te fater given up thse searcis ror tise leader o! DEPENDENT r'ach 1,M Pesn retuentiy. Site las egaged luswitooiImito ibas not beau lu quaranIu wai ' thea gang, aud tiey laim tat ite mili weekly. work in Califoruisaai preseni. permItted te0 atfelid. be arreeted tonlgit. SZig Zig Tag Mom TesW d 4Guareted Portlend Cmust MRS. 6i. L. ÀULMANý PASSES ÀAwAÀY AT HOSPITAL SUNDAY Better Known as 'Cora Salis- bury,' Club Womnan, Talent- ed Pianist and Composer Waukegsn frierits of Mrs. G. L. Aulmann, îîerhapts bttipir know ilas "Cora Salisbtury," lier name before ber marriage about a year and a half ag0, club wumiaîi. taiented pianist,( composer and vaudeviile star, weref sitocked on Sunday wlien they learn"d1 of ber death ai 1h(, Jatte MeAlitter1 hospital ati 3::W . aiithe agt. of 4ý years . XIhilte i ew had knlowii of! ier 'criicai toiit ion tise niajori t y or ber !riends cdfli toIt iow she ,v-viis twaa Ilii. Aiihough NIrs Nîtîiiîîîîii at. d ~' alitiig ror oser ii ta r, lier tondi liai did flot lecomt'.'alssertous otîti thle deat h or!lieîr 'ilthlie eariy tart 0f iast Novenilttt iirwr inotisîr tiadî lived wila ber il 1,NIi 'inniiitutt , w desoe toîe blr aliswî1'ughttrs îr, lIte iîad îîndt n týi i i ivr owiilî 'J ainohlie osaî i u iiQiioi mtiter durîigl .ît iiiiihs ot lier prolonged lliessT ' l', "hie'ok iiiut niothera deallii .tîkeen th tulie ticser recoeti 'rt-il r' iti t She lhadtsou gl i:o nîi' uerah' ir iteaitit lutsaniiariuuis, loui lier choit- est friend s reali,î'd îiîat site was re- celvtng no rtelier. Failing 10 iltiprove under fte treaftiiiiiii Chicago Mrs.1 Auimaflo and ir iîîsiand, a chiet petty officer at liii Great L.akes naval1 training station,. sqt tiiii Fond (lu Lac,. Wis., nitere sit' rtiiainedl for .six1 weeks improviar i'onsiderabiy. Site1 and lier husitanii îeturîîed 10 Vaaîke- gais a week ago Siiiday. lirs. Aul-É murn becanse ili tif îeritoniit on iht' trainî and nus ieînîîîîed 10 a botlt itere immediatels îîîîîn lier arrivai.s hast Titursday uighî she wus remnosedi 10 the Jane NîAi'itrlostittut 1'n- der splendid treaîtit lit ',iit seemed toc ittprove. iii rr ttai i s t.anîd c ose' fiends we rî' iii ir' tiret for te ent n hichicrnIe rsiîi it"Ilsitliy snt ing. WITH THE ZIG ZAG TAG Citl Physician, .After Careful Investigation, Thinks There Is AnotherCause. Waukegan, April n.j Aititougit City Physician J. C. po- iey baaîiteen conducfIng an Ins'estiga- lion lie bas been unabie t0 trace the cause or tite seven cases of scarlet fever that exis8t ln thosclfy ait thse present lime. The ract titat titi cases are scati ered oser tee cure city raiber than iteiîig round In soniui' itarlicutar iocuity ie what makes Il diilictiit to arrive ai a correct soiu D r. PlteY ail ilrst t t'ared tia t tIi t 1t 1 t-ra ses of te tisease iighl b s tli (i ii tîs - tu t ii lt t ords. ;lii tit-n' îîighi t b tia'cise of th iti ut'tast' un soefiiifroti tt'siilk i, lut lIng slitipt'dIo \'aatkegit If titis ssirt' trlie' il tiiiglt ii tant frr it" fa(t tilitItilt- ilisetiotlitas'- tutu 't)ittr Lait iisttii.ation i tlt) t-t Ili(t -ttt 'lots tiat tht- thomîes tîitît- ii' &W -tii' t appearî'd take tîtiPl fitni di, tri i t (Ieatetu Oî113'tiî I o f tii i ' :tl' l les ta- ' îîik frirnt i it'. salite tt Tiit tdispotses of tht'tirirst latintti'. iîîîglit be resttoîîeiiîtt "*If i.s asery tiausîtai ad a rulter tuzztiiîg 'itîîatîoit» t)Dr. "oieY admit- ed toduy . f ni reasonatity doit s inced. itowever, tai liie'disease ma y lias e ien sîtread b> sortie per titiwiio hait a 'ery muId case-su iniid. lier hiatos, ltaia physlciatiiwas flot caiteil tut Thue tatietmnay have heen sick for only a day, ;terhutis ont> liait a day, anà te cause o! tile iliiess was neot diagitosed. Soih a situationt. bowever, woild not prevntl thii per' son from crattering the' diseuse gî rais witerever hi' weîîl Titis sotltin, in my opiion oî u tm s tit b it blort' i one Io drais ait the jiresent lime 'ih,> chaixes are that we' tti tr witl intdt ont just m'thio il was flai 'tusei lihe tiretaî tif tht'e ltts t-.uîr î ît('ttthe'e, t hi TeIepb~one First Before takingl a jouirney out of towfl t( talk to a distant busi- ness acquaintance stop and ar- range for youritrvw over the long distance telephone. 'Flic practice of tetCIphlflllI first" saves fruilless trips due to failtire to find your man when you arrive. Chicago Telephone Company Teiepitone 9901 20 DAYS IN JAIL FOR l'E SUNDAY DRUNKS, TAYLOR Police Magstrate Hits on New Plan to Stop Sale of Liquor Here on Sundays. I'uakegan, Aprit 17. Il 1,1 ttu iii i uk. uont titi t Wa'.ilt-c A. Tl%,uu tir. lustui' aîîîîîîîîu t-t tis ait-r'iun htî at tri ant- tufun ut 'l-tb , Inîtlut(>odNu i juil suo t-ittsarn-sIt-t un un intosi v atetiuonuillloi ouite Sabtiattu Thit mornItinao lesm titan six iii teo digular "lowu stewss' ere ur raigeu befuire Taylor on dcunk an]i dluacdt'niy charges. Tiey al lleaàdu guiltyty1tlie t-barge, anti a pick tuekt COaî"]dtl(îttut-"outu l Pil ttuttinkut t-i tiI îbeid itoelitid uîîy Ilext payday"' l'Iil a ia nte >5spîtîti'ut1tgi t - 'lipis> y ine tt'y W"i'sut'f i bat-t' te borrow thie nuoshv" Titev mearanong lte promises Taylor receit-etifrot inti' itiut eit itat ple>adeti guil>. Titey seere ait tîlîecatei, andti if ltey are mleu thIeir word te ciuy miii gel te iti-- by te first o! Mat- Every oneor 0te six haut beesi ar- realeti no lesu titan six liimes turing lthe luet year. anti alti are unsong te olti time resideofs of te cil>' Affer prorurIng ttielc ibecîl site firel fhing taIlis e uin (Io is fa searcit ouftliseceporters for te eim Remnains of Tennessee Busi- ness Man Brought to Wau- kegan for B urial. dît d I l h. ni , T.NI hi. enn. Saitî l~s. st, s, I lot, . tlow- '. t tnt t.i'e ,l ou'i lit' foîit'rci '1iî i 1ittti tît hten S-.t ,;" li t' tr , l , ,;,, hd ured shost ,rîtit'îs i îot-indristrIai ite î,l Tt'rthl 'h n ast thtti hotîr tf hi, deroist'hi' was rt'gard,'d as, on(' o f ttI Iost lnfiluîcîtiai antd lllosî t 'osîwort h ) ho 'nes'î men of the soiitherît t ty Fr s cars b' t-onduct- i-d ('1t t eo ithet' hg( 1rî'k businesses in Mî-mjth t-. roi 1) bat i itotofInd" 'ry lite "Istî'd naterlaly by bis relatît t' 'ast i tl' l(igbit't-î or 19 yî'ars ago Fred Cub- bins wa'. iîiarrled to Miss fLouiseîlies. iey of Wauikegati, wtto was tle daugbter of John tlesieY. tThe news of tht. ieath or Mr.<a lbins (iflttaa 'iot lshock te lits tliai f"ît'nis itb F. BAU RSTOW, %IAuUFACTURER 0F Marbie and Granite Monuments Cemetery Work of Every, el Description oCorrespondence soiciteri .Dont puf my naine in, pleaei f you do I'Il (do 'titis' or 'ltI' slit II G>ee St u susi requestfilIedseit tamelicegs" 1 e eé The ludependeut leade aLIl, 'Waikegan When you use Portland Cernent f or roads, bridges, houses, %valks, silos, trouglis, look for two marks of goodness- tlîc namc i"NI arqtictte" an'd the grecîî ZIG ZAG TAG. You'Il find it easy to handie and the finished wtirk ivili have a iîîe color and texture. Tag Made by Marquette Cement Manufacttiri'ng Co. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS LA SALLE, ILLINOIS jý Toi