Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 28 Apr 1916, p. 3

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.~s-~-me~vran dftIA V A PDTflg- q 10 . - ------ p u sz:; Bon Lawrq wNer1588' t le irail f4. 340H wi Minois ý%" No We have juut .ojd anotber Yearling cOltg4b Bon Lawrence for $4050:a .Tb*.0k weM~e 1647 lb.. when 122 mnt-haos Od nd corne nOtbreeder raised him'Che woulu! ayee, 4 fi$1 4000,09. Bon Lawrence is thbe bestat stallion stsnding for public service in Northem ilinois. He weighs to-day 2307 lb.. and is vmr prepotent, beini; strongly bred in briihant blood Ulies. He will stand at Rodney Fat-i miles west of Uibertyville village the marei foal, fee igdue whell1 tand wheii mare shows to be in fao R.B. SWIFT,, Owner Il. B. MASE me. ône and .one-haif ýat $1 5.00 to mutine imareehanges banda oal.* RKORNMgr. ----------- -------~ MR. F&ARMER IFr or Expenses Devouring Your Dividends? 't *1 IF S Have bu fu .tiartled the powbllia01o a silo ?p Por hava yon mrly adSketlwir price witlioft conadulunthe netAqan. Then ThInk This Over Te'aMresOf O= v iolding 50busfie18 to t" aBoreWM lmake approximatly 100 tousai wo! u>isAçS owtDg 40 lbik per head a&dy&WSo»o&» cmbe M d for a perlod Of, 190 daym ou thss 10 acs. ___NOW cm y~ou mm" your coru c&OP 9goany tartbar or aotuaUy produes m mch by M~Y tbS onat01 f ooding PP f W. mmigufatli the a"oP9194 the mout duubla s=4 praoi l ÏO On the marbat t""y. -Il W LL plAY YUio IJtOIVTIGATEI I~~ ~ ý - LERY.LE a . . p mu :z:m:Iff~0 i.:s::s:0 n. PERCHERO~N ST11JD Westwood Peter- Not 95168 S«et.Lice..No. AI11201 Bred and owncd by J. Mediii Patterson, Wetwood farm,' PLIBEftTYVILLE, ILLINOIS WVill stand t farin the seanan of 1916-i Service tee $20.( to nmete tive colt, or $ 10.00 casha i e of service.vit-h retui -privilege. Westwood Peteorin described as foliova: l"oled Juiy 23, 1912, Baak viiih Star, weight 2000 lbe tstanis 21 hands bigh, aud tie besi of feet %nd big clean bon iand in o sure breeder. .00 Westwood Peter is the best Percron Stud in this section of the Country Breclers vili address: ton273-à AUGUST &RADLOFF -WbSTWOOD FARM Mt-2 . - - BERTY1 (VU.LE.1 ILL. Chiés beri Dl, 14 serVe cor. u regli vas lun or Iý fui Tb Dew: quirl fto fa il vaig liaI nont moi to IL vax 1876 lav Wi jong 187e uer lo twce l tia, Ehl ele an of tii -By bo Fnc bel ter WB Hl Po fa -t t 1 - - - - - - - - - - - ln ~ An opportumtg to save moneg if gou doont take advantage OU IH eut spedul sale _on extra heavy Iendog. Peices are . wag 'belgw the market. 'W AM ýRiçAN WIRE FtNCU CO-,Q- 1il le', LiBE sic abai baol dLD E FÀP>$5 JAMRS INQ IS 7 ail & al I&T rif i ErnIft ri#UÀID 1 - If. ~OS1NIAYÀ INANTO SY )REMlOST CITIZEN PUTl A1 ÀCOUP . ilttuued Trom PUOOle-a Had Taken> Optin on M 134 sptesmed that they had ta leave LandS tl f Eighteen kel suis educated lu lhe publice tNR Ciao st ai ges Lake, but attended «ptth> o. Wsaoneer Bl raltthle r'taught nYtuhofWoukegs ad NSsth Chicago bad the il ' ote aughUes oma bn -ta'oei cptiomon &a evsn-biock itrD I Nul and the euntls fo A li forland luaOhiel townsvhmip and had yesoru and diatriO-b-1 hoolrnilteihtfo.the erectlon Nui FqAri, liet iitl luh uidin tes'eu k eslops tlitttitis Tot ~ 101018IaO8U, u 16451 latnd la ta ula j# lte mile and an 145. It! et tr ii.laeof the olgiti 10. m iel»men have Tot Judge Joués I.erVed three yeara andt. 'wol Bw un tenant' lu Company A, third able te, estthiBh cios upon the. bt Illinis anatidol guad. lHe ad we eed the. studY o01 v lu 1870 Thte Nrt h1hina0eTimes-Revlew rh, n a muer admltted tu the. bar. HO says: -Naorth 0h10.00 tla credited byoni y attorney for eight YO8t'suoithe 'dry B at' a ghl one ot theat l4 wa elected caunty Jud<ge Of recent couvorta. btL a8a ailmotte f In coaty, aud retlred nt the close tacttic city cotisdi viii hi'the test bougi o, otter ou honorable andfit.f at or Ir l makthe i.City saloanleai. West rvice of 16 yoara. Tliere are titre. fi4i 1Ülaks and parts onil lie vas22 years of &goeof four athers w-gla thfle clty limita tory td.voted hi l tunergen t lnthot a us ai Mfor sOlon purposes TO gan edluratolit he is ltrict siîould the city ecundl grant licenser Flel [aadto Wp k nPOILlsfaIi' to the sotoonlceefa u t tîjeir next ln lire vue dvoted lu seriesotu "This part of the. City, which bilds iuntl'y and ta fîttem f ai ur ta becom &anOsis for the bene- Mari in tie 5th of Septeuiber. 1864, fit0f moatokeie.F the- city trea Gra e enlisted iu the AiM f i !thi. ury ond tiry veto .atia of the recent nom, und he served ten iontha. election, liens uth eie tremle western E you provost duty. lteturning end of Blghteenhstreet and In th ke county aller lhe close afthec northwest corner of Shields town- lots le tunnel,',taugiit achool andInla aip." . But? te eniered upon the study of The North Chicago Paper statel fori wlii te Lot. Hon. Chus. W. that the property la lust outsîde lhe. cey, wbo 'lied wvile serving mlle ond-onae-ail t ilwliich surý couuty sol its circuit ludge. Judge rounds lbe Naval Station, but the o 16 v as admitted ta th, bar lu saloonen whq soeured options on f rau and for o short turne ws a port- the property leur%"ad ay Ihat the In rf Charles T. Bochus. a former l la wltlrin tie Mile and one-eighth I ltorney of Lake county. Sub- limît by just 42611. clob: !tly he entergil Ittabusiness ne- A surveyor via 40.1 t Inthe land proI la itb Peter Plmier, naw of! Ne- fle morulng-Bà* luw ao hue f ront ave, tthe pantnerahlp contlnuing for the nortbvest corner of the Naval * cars. BIncetint lime lie prue- Training Station to the nearest point allouae. oftle. sppaod "wet"strip of prap- rom on tlo t 1o! January. 1867. erty and t.hen .by lueamrent. found BSo( in Warren township h. ond MIas that the saloOmke.00ahadloslaittheir Burcvw vere unite inta rriage. effort ta cantintuu r intrade i bi rus o native of Jefferson couuty, locallty by ex.actiy 4M0 font. York, ond lied on July 7. 1875, Thc IlaappoItd aaloonlleepers, il g one son George W., who ln a tesoid bave foktfitald their options $30, atructor in Detroit. Ou the gth anld pow bave glvea up their figbt ta for, Ày. 1877. l Lima,.lad., Mr. Jones continue the saioci busnessin aWon- le Roey L.. Klnncy, o native of kegan ond Northi Chicago.noa îlty. born of Scottlsb parenlage. The s&ioonutýl it la said, had plan- sont thn marriage, twÔ c1ildren were nul a big surprise fer tbe drys, but dro -Bon L. auI Louis. their surprisbiew up lu stoke ta- Pltlcally i. van o Repubtîcon day wheu the aur#Oyon made bis re- aDecember 1887. until Deccin- Part. bl 1888, lehe bld the position of Salooitkeeeri of North Chicago Noi e'a attorney of laee ounty anI wene confident ýthe Northt Chicago city AmS d six teruis os eîty attorney, -3f eouncil would vote tg) gratt 111mil- 1 iegan. <enses. sud it #la allgel liaitbtey - bal received the WMOiisel support bot of a majorlty of tise aldermen in thelr on figh t forsalace on8the north shone- LD THREE SERVICES. One or twa WgikégBfl men figured In tei Waukegan. April 26. tie deal nd. 11the?<.ýrIl loue Opttion asinesa amioclotes oandinrembera money, It la saïL. -Uri te Lakte County Bar Ansoclation foi te tait restlug plae today. The. lbearera vho ver. uamed by theto ly of the, leceamel ottorneyverc: bac. H-. Duret prealdent Security -b Lk.Lakte couuty nulli produScre vwho, les . Fsmer.coulr Piet oan ont la their fight -teusure a ilosa uamner isile lrtNa llgit dvstce lu the priteafof al arn L. Clarke, meoubler Bar Anso- propoied Plan Of the Bordensa Con- 60 lion. densel Mut Company tu rals. the Vllim lUpton en. arAnso- price tramn 8 cents a quart ta9 couta. p inembr Bar They say thât tic Barde» and &Il ton. ellier uilkdmaners are iecurinl s more 01 .Isi. P. H&Mu4a meoiben of tic titan a fair nugin a! pritiOun Mi rAsoclotiou. und thol assen uhaithe ii.picola as tt'lOe ve. hldut ic ouernisedl it viiilie merely hecani e i. leoucesou ert al it the Jouz delerscenuoffer the slgit benuse ;'dam On I Obsridis rond thât y are paylng a sligbt adavuce rtly befone 2 o'clock liiatter- le prie ta the producers. Du vîi tith Imunedlate relatives One mll'i producer via lires vear th, 1friands tu ottendance. Tiie pub>- Wankegaai calleil up The.Bilamiter 0, Inueai al-vie ~-~ reatOlIl)F a itatemfent liai theoi. lcu'ean fanraiseticewashel attheareta lucreane thc prIce andi PreeMi- iscopal churci ut 2 o'clock. Ali .1 o 1ev igures ta show that dealiers ilty officiais iucludlng mont of the. vii are changlan 8 cents a quart for W perviiors ere ta attendauce. m 'ar gtt %reough. as-R lie membens of thte Grand Aruuy "Tes e alers," thia W paylng 1.5ar- el the Repubie bad chortered a Car, liblndred. pouuds for milk. Thene are ithey couducted tiiefaunerai selry. 48 quarta lu one hundred pans, r mat tiie grave lu Oekwaocomere- Bail uti 8 cents a quart "bi. mean i Tii lie xJdge - as$3 84. This la a profit of S2.2119Oh u 13 ry.Thelise eJlageJouies ws100 pounlus. 0f course, thisita the. nember of the Lake Couaiy Bar expeuse of pastettntziflg, bottl434 and olelatiou. ond s monubler of the llatrtbutig.but t he dealers »TaIO und Army of ltheReplUbli. goal ýIig Inarginuof profit left &fter oa Rev.Howad aOsteroMclted t tey get tirough 1ev.Hovrd Guîer oficute Lt Aceaodilus la lii traduge. te, oservicesa t the ions. and at uiquaity, md Élik furnisbeti tbbe#oeers ýIcopal .ciiurch. by the producer il rîcher Ilu buttenfat titan that sald ta the couDup. la tg chargeo thut the deaiers 90et the e t ce hc ON DIES;DAllE' «Ithdravu troai the â thrb rataluS the.profits bihtien thon anotel t 1ER IûliTSOO LUNE3BRAK13'ý IN LCAL IO~PTAL MAN IS KILLED At 3 o'clacit Tueeday mornlug, Wol - - ,Scott, eldeit sou o!fa-a Inier by Frank Doylan of Fondl lu Lac, Wl. ai natme Wbo îlve est lOf Zion obrolceman ont' ie aoo Linoell e- ly. lied of pueumoniaanmd compli- Iveen the cars o!fnaf relihtt-uh aing- tions ut the. Jane McAlIster luosp i'ng iarthtlieur Antiacb Buate or- lng- aid vas lnstatlyiYulled.ý, ai. ~Itle belleveil that the biheken Wien Walter Scott closeil his cyce itumbled aven o pieu' af PlaIRIWUon aleatb ils teu-year-Old uliter. Mary, the.roof of the caranu llU eaiong %y wti a high: fever cblanether- ee4l>tvoen ttiio ocars. HIS.4d7y -s - -DUY"Maigleti, and n«cu au;dihl* nthe. same bospital. Sbc vas sut- owu crcv pIckel up Ithe remille ia nd ring f rom tb. saine disease-pu- carrrled tienu ta Antioch, where Coro- oûla. .uer Taylor vos called ta preside ai the inquet il wshsopwu tiat liel S»9000O.00 FI<URE MAN COUNTY BOARD Acres Northwest of Wau- (Continuel Froi Page One.) Q îanS F iur n One of the etc. lainarden lu get ut the e'ca:t Ii ales of Past Week. On motion, lb. chair uamed Boîn '* Incas cf lie reconler's offce for low, MrCullougi ouI Whl te as spe- weet eoîîug April 22. 1916: cisl 0omiltee vli paver toaoct, lu ier of conveyauces. 111, conîarrlng vîth the ilats commijorion iuber ai tans. 34. and reliront! off1iais ou the subvoy. >l number of instrumeuts fitei. Chanlas Luphain, lu charge of en- glnieng vont for the St. Pui. â& ai amount of boani. $89,335. driene thle bard. H. sild their milstbas hu een bnlsk during tie Plans a ntatvely outloed for Our- k nd bons aoave the average. Mue Provîle for a four-track snivuy. se follovlng une tic more Import- Thème ure but tva Iracits Ilusea on doula of tue wee'<: oe te Ii.lne ut preaclit. but thue coinvany SWaukegan. EmmaS.Frse la lcoklng out Ion tue future. gt tie Wm. B. Pmltii propenti' on 'Iwo tinla of vialuetoeeiloh ou ;t Washingtan atreet, eut of Vlc- crete, anc viii sel, lhave beucolt- streel. for nominai coumideratîon. illdered. Tiie formes icaît in asti- oblas Jensen bougil the Mary J. mataI ai $30.415. tic latter 130.270. 1 pnoperly on vent aile af Caro- M. LoPhun udmite tuaitite ralîroati14 plate fon nominal cdfèit*iu '39W'f d ~5e F. Beaublen bougb' theiJua A. uuaaoacy and tue board agftel tuai t ns, isi praperty annnt idsiloet lt alto vould prefer it aven steel. Tii. In avenue, vest o! JackidO, for subvai' Providen a 24-foot space fer tunai canîlderation- teaini Ulth aO le-foot vaut for peo- LUBENi- %t-ber M. J. Sandail bougit five vie. Il vIlr ha 12 teet in the. dean-- luI Orvna' Subdivision ou South once. Tic board aljounnedl il c ricbk itreet tram -Anna M. Lindecu May 3. 'nominai conideratîon. At Luncheon nt 81kg. Onty coi unI Elizobeth Wenia bougbt At ucon tic, supOIWsig veut ta àt on- nanth ideIcoa!Ravine avenue thicre'kilolge nootu vies hey vere m Freai S. Erskine for, $525. fluensiof counil oflicers andth teE nNorth Chicago. Johu unI Frau. presa. The uffoir praved a uielîgitrul ka Leinait bouýht lic Endnltch anc 'througiiout, speeches folloving Offie aî werty ou vest aide a! McAllster lie boa'ilalet.BS eue, %outiof Eleventb atreet. tor Oaukegan Township. Joseph sud À.A L ýZ"e M.ÂT &1 A LI >inea bruit bougit tic Meldratom ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 L _ p !134 ocres nortiveat of Wall- STt~1K ~ ar0 Charles A. Colas, osdrtn %000. This le the ald 'Blly" ee n and la one of lie filuent piace. Co cd ro PgeOu. nr Wouitegau. G.. salI the tarin CnludVIo u n. te years; ugo ta, a mon noned Mcl- aight luuel ou cuultie otl lai of om vbo salI ta, Coîen. n publmisatoni' that,-aIoderai lu- In Lakte Bluff. Clarence A. Pilllpa vteg atutlaihin& 'menA oosunaal ýugit tour loti au .sjouth aide of training sciol vîres aatien, o»d in- )rfi avcue Iran Valunteens aI ta tic acivîtieof o! ugis W. Piier. meresfornomnalconidogtin.cils! cerntanti secretair t-e " .- entr fo noina coallraton. manIant William A. Mortl. e i In Laite Forest. Banioro T. Mecimtraliingstation.D ougit tue Chas. U Honder propenti' "ifInov udt-bIn about tue matter iUuiversity avenue for $5,000. excePt lie staieenta made In us a Lewy A. Goddard bougit ut elle. by a nevapp&er reportr," lho salI. .'l an se cfiilily notlfulng Rg ?' sale t e W oifolit proPerty Ou nSilveetri. co sl Xi onerl t Mg~ nlverslly avenue, nean Bllm veu, iungut7. vboso ne W.vpMiMt )114,600, la cogisectit vib-u Un iIlgtwo.d. Ana Donahua tigitins. amon- se . ur 0 tlM Sd1Tr nght 100 fiel ou Central aud- Blgh- Oule Ciilaeio usvaIupr noie the toI avIlible froua Lewis A.PeO&e brout! 00«04 tW e léo Ih* ie «M Ç - w- 8»» L. raiola Vosstipegê@ ' tai In Htghhmnd Park. Thom"as ndil edTéIiau wM .srne sale~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o FamiivbuhaiMta fHugi W. Plier hul beoisarc mo le the Ida -Paterson Pmroety ou by men viio sxpected te fSud alec- bail> kokle uveTuefor $474j5. ttical itt enita capableocf tâtinS At-fred M. soig boit a lot inonf lie oEuOaO5S re*m t. ýigèoo PrkgÏ&viia.o t u te Great i40wl55muUp for Igovcl artSublvllou ve the - use citItêt i 'Ital i f or, irl. dfron Roy, B. Plugen to! $2-"ea Xv 4 ~~I& ]IL W. Hicher bbugit a lot on EMai SithJIJI X51W - ,IIVI01 -1 osce. lcs, WOs ndan. broutJuia p. Mon- n Wl*.r bila M for SfOG. "Il poéelà6trIng *Ms uio $ Sluu . Coduand vite and Thon- laiaUe« a alM. tbo ILSerer snll wife boughi a lot vhudt lrlulmU' u 'v u0....dan ron aImd LindelavenueltIl il viMci la - ron Margaret T. Braca lonr $4,000. anan 0i VInalulu Vau Vilot Ineuil bongit or *» ocict'&é Ir bc Wlllnsepnopeniy pu West ailee *tbig, sudINb bB 8 vics iei cokpXet, >fiietidgu rouît. norti o! Vine Ove- .ewhi ti ch.gbia le. for' $8500.chre bhaielm FiI*U'd A. Nevini bougit the El- 19eL. anti Nevins place ai Zin place and Deepîte t-ebe tth" Pat11*arde. Ral ay a en e fo om n l o si.niaI the charges an u q g bl - ullvy avnue or nmIna canil-Intention 0f1nnlggil ~I> u a ion. nev sapp e r. a l Ia rticle 1 uiA l > In Ltbertyville. Arnerlcan Wlre 1115the, »Sens , tuabprIiti s PiPaI. rence Comupany bannit tie Rainbov vas pubUlsiiet! i te«bouc lliions Kfg. Company pnoperty ou flt on Sutunlay, treet fromnat staf Clemeut for $2., RsLJNINIEAO 10. boulIenon, Englaul. April 25.-Augue- Ona A. and Nina E. Nevsop bug .'tno BîrreIl. chiefr geonetary ,fanire- lot on monti mlde o!filin court breia"donî.aounçel hitu. houaO. ofrn- V J. . Tnlggi for $1.000. no to dy uhol grave Iat rb nttei . P In Antloch. T ii. big etue ofthe broke out lu Dubin yeterday.' lHe - week lui Antiocis matIon vas tue h vol- aldol tiat troope iiad beclu seunta.0 .ulay flling of partition actionus of ms aia nt ~ tcsta te hctra ta tue estateoraIWlliam tion vwu nov orWill lu-hand. 181 01 W1eela'e. ou entate estlnotod ai close Minuter Biri'.li salI tui12 par-' toi $150,000. lu ail sons 20 due"ssu a en11. eoeteda rerelIe vounlnlb b'tuhein.c&$inrbances ver. quell. Wiahoal neociied an algneemeol Mn. Bînrell Ieclrecr tuai lith~el among tienselvassnul tins savedth teve.lpsaîau a!fr nla estile cutensîve conte turaugh court liffereut parla of the cliy of DùbII;. actious wvici vould have come.boit H.ea,0 nounancel liai fout or li' the uouai cours, been feoir. solliers bail beau illed. leHo 1 p Charles W. HIi H ouait a lot on liat possesion aorueoth e 1 .e m Park streel Iran Wsllate bira for beeu tatou fonclblyani tht, tels nominal conaîlertian. graPitecomuliaiOIha ull ue0 . i, Arthur B. Edgarn honnI a lot aulu Inte coiib4e of lb. di, i.Wow*Y J Fox River rool fnorn W. W. Wannl- Mn. Birreal. s iefs aýrite! r uer for nomnal couslderotion. tlieCtugiou lse uluand a~ In ZMon ÇIt-y. Florence M. DickIsîn-wov6vlInh ~4atos so u bought t va loti on ac i aie of c oat n imIDI vhs a*~ e 8a l - t4ài. h.i-ï,ikmuai.monntii o ~D~d~iI&1 met-i *o88 reo Mlsm 0* rogosO. R!NARY nomninal eonallertlon. uogi-o o u tuswtes Babil. Un Wintrp MHarbor. F. b. No- vision ut Honi u« At" I S. oplo tD" p% ris honnit tva ols lu Koiiog's Suis- ota formoualoelelA. diviaion train Clarnce A. Jeune fer :UpnbsrounIJohn Murga" iiulist $2.000. tue Wst propanty lu Huineevillo for n Benion TowflshUp. Pin. VleÎ 1.0* Cemetemy Assocaton tce t It -t 30 In Eta Township. Wni. C. Pr*= i t-ho D &mrealu nortuveat quartaer otml¶8 boilglt tue Depplupjm'proponlai luonChimies A. fuir ofpi mua fou'Ihint>Subdivsion ut LaltZe lJu $18.00.i-far-19.800., IuVatstT4wr4*tmtp.ViorJn ln ubeItTowusahlp,. Iýôbiqt Q ob iteer1soàut~.4.~~>in ar bouft l-te Autog Uiet'u~ o!7 ~ t-o »Mons l 2t'011 *lI t Page ~ee LHANAN V. COM: Attoeryat-Lawv ksBous, <otAve hos1g- rvvum la- omt.Up0 .tbentyvttts - l" S. mon $n AI'IOUWP 4~ t-LT. lZooe~wU% libeis _ 4 N _ 1 L

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