tml egdfl aiesadfg i 'FA.ItIVOchroL WUlanStolDian ChateAurreIM., Ail IL-A hull, en ena _7c 'e n m & mm 0 Iraed at theo slght l a odi! kl aJJ JIV ~dFWd84IlUV Ho~a.woru by John l'ba fl G..iS. chased TIIEoi>ETc SI3 0L0. rauk rJlluu. SYS C.IIJSS3LI4th, man d griiIIte death as F1 ~ WUt ~ho tried teI I aco. The byll 8 Naa.O. ison. T .-Wllder. C. In orne hTPOed ~ ~ Oi f 4% pbr*r,. filmeoi> From Wo Be i'y animal t the mIsagi ater bc Makes ThbPredotion -je- 1omtot Lu Ay NL. lfb 1 heL w.d ialloar ta thue gmUd. Phalle foçe Board Eleotion. ýtO.onto og Rueray lit: ad liuutheaaw.- criez brouiht h.lP, at-» hebhll was 27 ARE -FROM WAUKEGAN. C. P.. BaiT. <j Lw lB cLEAR TO RUSSELL.ulie gbul. ELTMEB SAT DY Wewpot: John Arnwo«r m..o..Ville: 0111 Waflaconnuu àe.1 i Lbrtyvilte Wi aeOne Of Milk iprude.. Wh. *UPPIY he Pànet for May 15 lHat AvIl PdEtitwhhaL..ouiie i. INe Bavs e eThinks the Time lta uiircila ttemu»IlofWa1Vgn W5LL& HurdtedNanes'Added dellI, lItMonde. N«-rR Off WW nthe Law % inPtSooos icTis Stae mit nsd aleiuiWatum t ehe OeaymRtal e 4 - -Kraft 951 WMdUCo- I On Saturday Libertyville la to elect umay he. prectplitt*too Waukegaa an be n usehovu the Lake count>'wta I:rnr mlfuoT. WII white the". appea.s e b o mre RCO townshp blih sclýIo lboard eotesd- May L aitIiouoh man* ai tÈs Producê mes fein iioff, poalbl, wll ho ~' ~u.u lma ra~i ~. ~ ~ cofusou anlb. art In cOnei iantmbor. bu, toasadaxp duealfuai ccep -W# Imm Whron bamr Vatri Wu-jjnilob . Hanl, Magnt Norton, 'g«» perufondeuta o hlgbvays lu a nmusekng ieeectin n f to teme Few Esti on Pre hl aolO h PlinOreto tsechrg i unou P nd, . 1.Tubr.cafUo@a te the. vorkng ,ut a of'bg mo" aiHomtVil nd t thepropositian the produe. $ag Marion Lambert. Circuit Cterl hkdo:G oeH. P UM ciOMI. ù i, poI li poputo w as ci t1*âG OId a f "Ne atter vo la electe L iberty-ers ha"v put up ta the dealrs: IwMM e o Boeiiway, blindfolded. ou Tueudày - émn.MUu BOi* vatedon utat h recent townsip e1 aWht abondCOt Ieof WvilI beh wIapa hllwI . ndo 15 asItri OSn drv henins ru M u blhL.brtyvige: rank DrOr. tie. Chauis l Sunty uperin. sedleu i1,0 icsiie ém he eero ti 0na xne. bbbd pmen W Ir Il 1'rIIk taIeuiaitof blwau lu Lake cauntY. JURY COST WILLeg LARGE. ue ubyu iesdl rcli lvOIftw onlsto the ttl¶a Il etet-eWntem ýth sprise ra u liâtndo 3D= h b tKn -ci e l n ltim. the uew township ilgh -11001-1 I yl orMay 1 . who puy tiseprio do. iplui h »I p -bauilael eor e liDan.n ii e»ty suplaat AiltThase C *ith the predlet that LàbertYvI0 ifll mn viii veauyl4 W r 011 dualmisexpie E4- avu the Onat *panel0bofi43e6hou luau aAlbertr thtoomlng mlimIUS lb. WuD.rfd.Iribele, OrMitea W WO repualul Cae dmtheyJu- tateor ai 1 underetandimontia, numol>'. $1.25a iS-puni t oims Wuia .l pm d of 31 ad 0lipt at ebsadh boIZ dy.urEl I R . lhou irl o at ho am mes are the. dfersul ors WNI k i le the vlh of the people 01 can, those Who do net Pei' tho et ,àk ai r h 'fld for yI 1t. 'The lttr 14adi.rc indwaatMayhoZlacm o jo tb ~wovi ecnthe )aW. He hie taken lth malter op DeputyI Uherif ElostJL Green ha. Lîbertyville, sud I can soUers youvw thtwhc ps Ofteata uoslteiga whtthelstte ofinciaI, aud i svating mde te asortillI. aud i ie asbeen ta 3.0 IIbtdsfuriul ' l odtOtfa hi aliraoI-liçhp l e Y pnrde tal 1 ldaunJurar l n l u u Vjq word irain hem. aVpy.lro lth lathuu er lJ,*» murertralbid u esrsluLoh WI eorduatahiewy i hluilug, affirmed biy Attoreq L, P. liansa, ug ltu lbertyvllle tissu It vasîslu opln >'positve powOnS bé« og~iotewowy Tie nm ubpeuedta eIrton lmÀ IE c A B er diar ta veri% n, of W h a t it twill taie UIM eulreef ta Wsukegn. That the farmera expert thse dea tsIlua Y na favoil " Umd MM41 The 1 meh solI oe n il tbu repot od nIs boli a mittwo rio sas r i vte . Q e a fio 1 ry lut1e lflB O - Ths L îbertyvîlle man lutlm ate d h o e t ts i ltm t m l v d u fi ifo l eo o a e vs i 04W. "M k g u l E I Rl b l I r q i o a o ly a I ase. Thom e m g sfltus s po aIl.It iSt building l s c e aper un L uber -t fr i s h e uxpre ssons ho rd tioo t *ig 0@1114 Sure are 27 lus tii. spoclil 100 vote tomest te aballsh the proposition lion te kuo* 'vIibpy epeal:. Vinle tissu tla lu Waukogaa.Hoh OolEWnoa.Atê<h Mna>oofSaaslog'dt* t iirl ta truuu ahadi a et t ie came cge ttit a hsting sYstet a sus nttl one or theoofficiais aof115* f formesa au,0. A. eW Mail a5h apell ouue: of!ots .. tm on iii uuir. alt le m so iuý« staieda" lai 10 purcent Aiqor ia«iàlocal eald: -Tiey ail bu v, 1Ma* il il à .Joée*ww Useon L I t.C. ourw foi*'WI thoi ta ,POPIltOnots«.ngtrue, t l ooliied quité lu that Miol tYty h"ul I MI le*O*liane 0p5 it ,ýada.Ti ài IL IL A.5.Crov. IL J. ReOack. ÇO<W OsM!1.4 R. Mauaflol. .~. saja hal le luiorwotuau. a lisemoat igty Antkadisbo. n o»d a 4ei! tovp- iCi lethe @nfUfS'~**&4 owol:Ioul lroa. ~ gpitj he III te mousa hat 1hIlugliacsuriOeo h ot-6ý iii Autboo Vrauk Bock. John ~>.,upreo, - inely for a unajaity et votas cul viliibave ba lui mani Yeats, sphgsulia u its Gvai 1Ivsaae15 ai hsy ~ Si h a Franki .Bock.u hJohlse OgV- eM yU- l g Wa oeil lhcutti i2,00p. id g0ftlme. ai spuotuaco visa hveaIthugSSW l AWIT ACOUT D~ISlN.on the oue propoeltlon., -o8ferars20 Kcbveireman »o a lu niiimOusd stary ii cooal h uue n bc'! 'Thei cnt icte wun$.21ai . tver$feur .thL. Ionrilm &unt: Malt Glooson. JaA"uCLenu.towniihp la 00SO=edb. mis. a la entitlod ta a dars le. ubleiin La bertiville doua nt poosee ê W u!ia. (ie rc a 12 u .roo e-aaâ ~ M Gur la : siuG esseBrohn.Wlau 13, ooo 5 nt a hs t bBd~ mlug rm hu'rban utdone isy tir neigihazi ta lise yhtfY' WiSkqsid ualuia voe ,S.wt quyder - RuIlna f &*mmmeifl C iwt WIand tbat the PMlI tax vau kUOe out. They are alvep cnapr mnie. nartis. h'lie rcera se ake a ~a .ro~uul' 4 ipl Have e&i "' ««- o '1 nnd«oad thal ln a u*.tovu. Ititaîar teasasumue1hl1 the maJor- o i rdseaae alaOan Av u-'r el. keLubi K Cot. N " ~May 'S. sblp%vh.thie propoiton aireadyitiy ai tise venîremen vili came'InOan PiO"ut-WilllBurke Wh-ovaasla -araaer 'hodw<1$ rg Mchae CuireMike LuY. ILdB No on un »géottar-H. B. Vut, -thse mli y nnw balla-~d baeu ,kuocked out ter. vas an- as distant Pointe ln tise cOunt irsue--J al efi "u fW Warren.John Dldel, lmea MeTho deculan a tise othier vote on Illu Inshébullef titat thoy ean be seeured l n an effort teuA .WI.osIslr whu ý Waren: John Ama. ais n - Tedetliso h«rse Coura t ~sucis a vote isad la ho takea everi secure menvisa mai flot have ibeard OR. ult in a;ea*ii vishe IWhsléd au pe it_" 1jie quire. reg~a in g thevOus aca t i io ei t 01 eloctI n " M r. Rusell nid. "Bachs e a a m cis about lise case. As & f iraeO Rlo. d: ' m ng t o e moa u ld '4osous. A. IL Benoiict. VIalkBurke., elociaus i yprovo anN Imprltast lt aooc opaolinaeaeu e aet s ia Aal11W 1,are: Dolen sud BroucIirCaO-isam a produeeun n Wu»ausa r MatnBrunet. otta Caroon, Robentfactor lu tise content of eletou Ielukkl luotfral<aieval veise eat o$3o a d u & aALIIU4 oh perative Bainy. A"Md ',jolusionBut 1 vant t tex la utis A. awolt.G. . Frierb? o vlu t ltetov ai&vo. A ulesafil le voted luaglais. Tva lisausandlvnrmna$ a R. Hallavoll. T H. Hope, J. P. John- tut lhe vote are aoflihe oiolit lim liiltheoits rps- allamn»M $00 vahu e trs thY.asit fvre1I SUar d sus aabohe ieth : mon, Peter Kil eBn Krstan W1idel 11ma1bvusai &ne ou lan la epmtblng tIsat basoullived 'Ifsaundl venîfeenlvtis an average mile- Son of Mr. Mud Mm-.Marvin saunezthe ra tId bqu bsé Ot ,t&e vise ara*eo t Iioet w !u 11a tnoctison..I unMay have bbai ait âgenof tel ralesenould tn1h v also. Il Lyon, John Lermau, A. A. MIlMI Ise4 =a iounte trentàoft ha uouus.I sibv unaluea e le ol nraotis-BorBy hInBoe andi lent deelded visaI ho viii do.e i. - erace«t aejiof o!Cheo use. Nelson, B. E. i'ettIc1@r, oer lea. tagetiier vitb the ,pduirg IIIt eercego. but I vould b 0hi*.00 Hie commeit. "I caaiotuuuerstauid th sand siha *ansd deù alee Chim»aga IIIa Rui.Charles atelnkaip, Tsomulo terpointu vhlih-gre t buad ~ lSutt uac lta vus.Wisou tise jury inalli le selocedl a MassMla sfll, thàft m1voldIsg rinpl a Rrvid*- 1Jpar- fflhn. WillimSoult. Jobn TaMs- ote e originsa PM jgjg* nuhderodalmost luap&Ualvo, Ilhiiik soothe me iniii recetTv~B CU a e, $3s .pa.tia ~ OS okaea P5mJ i Un.George b. Tsik, R. 'ftadobeld sans luaeOffty court Wd.vAn in honme u lot fa dt e. j«pthe<lamekn,.is tId $6aaa'SI ~~-~t i.'~ *.A oii io-duu Ila. gu.Ma apstvo . a-v eve to u*1tllAprIiit uoS iihooeeitrl 29i ln h 3ue. ii vuu inauApoém dt$35aeu oaituft.itts. atiigpai1.Eth aa su otnndlete $10Mfor amonth. liéc n B te bu""ue plt~< <a tasanté. utin *0i $sI eado CapelPMMM bir - - Dian JULuIteNu he rral e 4" e b su h lii J. M. Il F ra"miBaDler, te M">kS. NARTIAL LAW IIUU»LIN. .Tisem ata! Oftise prealdlng JdU. à 10luaan&i $Ms ias i Pu r ~centsa a uou tisq n-POrn4 1£ ani. Boubou Miller, Joha Noe, h andLauldon, Ail 2L-MW 1Wb u or, the. mvral bahut s a ad theirsOab à".&.0,î 11 lI , s agw8I Iuss.h O'N el. C. W. psuoau. Johu wioit su»cauae amoudeil clases, là been procîlsiedla the 014' and comm- e! th Jury are onu sa ?ev of lmthe ri bpn.t hmlt a*totm "t4cneaAbse-u Roue, gEr., moaser Redlug, Mke btheil on: oai fublin, 1h vas axnosnceod iseot. Iou !eXef« vsci Cate bc austoelareh visoinlt ft- e ieatS a uea eao u w 6»lM«afthneau.ryag1 ýouldi, n. Slovou e 'a eaw' heHumo omostOA.T Sassouent up teaneeveral thousausd del ol-emetafieuan s ewli ar out u atrve' .Wbyir st@ lu mIfr'aoal on" àdv somo o! he teli mité Wbryli: ereBerotd ai f teBT'Tspe vetoavto ane ai ComoatoDbia>.frenBias tlare more. 1moni aletnrberin e misant mtait W paysus se? or-le.ainte roigtt col, a Ito t1 hlGanT pIsser. Jisu Ourla. valiiti of te vomonu vte o tm hv80leda Db11foi ela At th" it wIl vii Ojcoit thse coiit hal! a olanpoe, ,sId an. Wait- - 1.5_ paiu?-,l en eWàkgnda e Petrhall.gE.<o peitn a e am ao'- a nSd EUslaid. Lbrty hall, isesdque.u- onmuais ta have tise case tsIed, bore keganite viii bu that mucis rucher, Jush OCpIennsW eiapi te, l voiswe î vey aut lte bu" - b . -,ter* of! tise Dublin rebellé- and M a."1h vauuld ta go te some tiser 0003- if (George K. Speer, mie aviser ai tise ~t iedsrc oaes»ine h a Cuba: wlllarp Meiter. T. H. Roi- corduli. , - peIwIhwucpue yltfritwl e e eeot e A aaa 1Fl oipn.l ucerladtug"atefe5hlry "v s'ë tc .s iq e h sflolisn. John Itogmlau, B. A. Scisoel- SEOND-TisaItishehietit autiivi pton' G-ae, htheascapurd i t, arttviihuave ncesai a pi aiaî Il ÇmpnyleîucesmadesdtissfavrtieCrhicagoii hven I tse bot her mV a ilieso! rateiskerab"oda scarIo$ > tisems.have bhou occupleil b? th 111111- t=t. reidettueses for tise prose lu a suit ho hasielied lu tise supreme val.Igs ahv uvnaea lnaafrCscg bpetu bV or, Fred Wolff* Ild lu rme suihanuedl ehy ol aed»*cut lib, dktietrIh upplyiut Chicago. the tisey voulil bave t hç its ioa$h~ Els: C. B, fimaili. uguah ?ahlmsui. ver quaranîlue sno Ut u thé -d-' ai rme iu~tSfano ucto iîeiiîcuu aediss-cut MMai a Jeable lteihaut bie mllk ta watt. Versn: isar. Hn., rauit vr. ~ueenod punlttug <ein<O tseBouie of!C'emmona.s. teputealu'ed toes Iteî had beon oblilgud meThe sanay Film Manufielurtug 1*eatsgo is8.3cnas"isîreili$25hee b. ICl elud. Schlei. vote sud, putng tisesu iacitln 9 ret-aIlithose cauceruesi lu <ho movo- tea aotiser county. -Comipany on buisal! ai George K. e ,juel u fho vere ehlpping sud dealers, viticisla: W estCerffeld: Jaohn Struker. autn. e rvaii ve <ho vola Nejemont, M. Asquith s aid, ver. hing ta povmpesd nt e s>Juat ltb& t*igteoilcs h a W.81ueh oapheideut. a of$60,00 sbIPPug contm 10SToal 2 ensa.or Ia* Daortiold: RlsusiBrand, m. w. nussalioved te break quîreatino -lm on- itou Cents .wha8WSWV .t!atn li - mueifor ls id besrliosalant o!*6,00 iou-iipacshl 0centsl or tewëmrdu Boehm, John Cord. IL W. DI. Rnu ionte 0vote,. o leulbrsc !cnre, -14 conta or 18 cents or 17 cn.l hl hyWUIaI - user Evans, - George R. Joues. H. P. TMIID-Tisat ties upreocourt lun lOu. 011,aBI.* April Ias -'rite uOETut fmraÂaocgbblfo hemebuss fra teCi.i he'effe f-_t jeppereen, W. .Huudlei, Afredl a receuldociion raii1h51 at wmn u ollOVIuIS<telegram va oelut 'fo! Sr, Chaplini contracteS lu 'De-cage distriqt'lu concorned. lua b otin ~t1,C.,A Larson, C. . LareliM. ScouIl 01voe Ilarnd oiillaissiou-n 'casher,1914 ttrosu Baronvicesfor oboruheiscosin erme Rj. McCaffery, Alfredl lesn, Ilye n and tiat hi tthe saune -«WI loi l ieuenantfor Iroel sdtedl a Y*** * serM11,2ta & ve he4I aer on astisicago obu'psn'aimrmig -Plmr.F . ubi.HariN.Rn- tboi coukl olu thoehnballet rtheDubin: -hsituation la *sOatiaf Tis e otii Sciboerd o! 414 mouluà, vhonho became, faOunu, l nore for llahis h, SItaonrIe wImt -he! Plmr, MP e. W. il lia SsehN. .vo ,voéa liel al pto ur. tari_.&Seiiies roui s aua O* tre, met lu regisiar meetîulgluti 'dusie oe u atatvs»~ a eu a vtt n. vs' g t'!t A. SI. PetRer, B.Taello im ~U.E-ia hleu 0vmnpe.Reveai Insurgeuts bave beoa n.uis q oftian ai eetmi uot. datiug tilmJuno, 1915. te aboiidn-t vo <et the»-sam *Aet<. a~ *ai*' moe tate t vte thn soam ~ k11d.Tise provincial nova la rsa- itaudrtoi for.hya a M REGULrrtdSI.4fi o~te outalif tboux uis. * S. Mltemmexil M tiseexpration ai theold aise, callus la Il ilu)Chicago SEgt v<fra -éo EGLRPAE.thoilSlvu i~n favor 'of the tbSO* tor- a iSuofai110000 for etaM a<*it «»Mlio o*41gvsê~'. e <. Cinlu luMi 5h tor Orpet e.e:going ucittalo 10 atnomute 000ta ______ ienTise-Nouticisoal han ieitou pcuro.. to a ve ua flir prke- ,-*a4, t t l ie a,# Seaon:C.D. lupei, ohnEdgar, CiOw tblis om«ebaabout<h**'W- mtelIytlu< ta craioss cu510,il-oeupor a kinudier<ateib lio .rin: C. . Co-vl o hn .ll-lte-u .ç ~~ ~ ~ t -evbuilding thoravOIh o $ tUider tiisagreentnl tle Papous centsunion tise hiesa.pil.. aide their=*iotula>' under ï bock e GuQy fielsa, gardmel kmp10 - .,1% énufaw. g gtulu. athéosi l api. me teai. 1. Oi» um uloi $1 itt b, a a-""txel e a".loch: Lau' 'l-u555 ' hl --tise loble. - - . b>' ow t.s eoo tstujan l I<eand îdld net parItieso4iontuâ.ilIuia i ,- Oh LnBarthel il, . GîGir.glthe t ésiea for-vo y «ara - er $ an sush a erd 110 *is Attar- M*Wsideilfi Norhbv«Ue de. lvàl ue te.ti * 00 gSi daiYM, l or s te de téaeaiSalr i.itla i Le. Hibiendori N CJanseeu,,wR. ~Te eta am rWe nfltuiitod« etickoe. si J0. W"ll*b ul tof 5emntantuî -- of' tisebchOD.- s uua oilisls'.O~k Grnt Tuenas Csale Gare ieS1U!P5~ tip_________ra cllifo b' ~ L2, 10 CPt suoat Gr nt C D e Man R. Brieans T bli Gie o fOuOOS 4e«ar' ogestu#l.jle hom >' gaavlat. vise-lldWei**lm Jonse, Antn Ks'ig, elu pareon - fa ~s tuess ll4~le ,éimu. te!e ts'inus M '4 _____________ . r-I.