Shows high'tcsj for 'dermiination We Can SUPPIY Your Ever5r Seed, Want L LOOK OVER THE FIELDS D. ti th. oud Depet. lie. tise raes Phono 47 'F.A. lsWmp, Mur. MachineryYou NowN Maed D" ANI AESVLLE Sinik- and Tw4 ILiv CU LTIVATORS GW OOD8T AT MMRIG RI ~S canck Hardware Ce.. --- - - - - - - - ALFA, SYRUP The S.trIbngtqf AIfalf a For tqbeuSC 0f oicaaéy Try a bottie with youir neit order Goriett.& frecteri£ks HL.C. Burridge & Son Nu rsery Stock FRUIT TDI n"ed, kpraying audrufling. Lo.t us do it for I -you, we are expen, Coot very moderate. 'NOW IS TU&- TJKB to order thous tteffi jirubs, plants and vines for SprtDn plautr. FairholiflGarden& .Phone 102-Rh DmesdPld oUiibetvs. DM. te ils do Votif jbPhtl Q»end sud atrm of Ughtn.~Fixtures S5.5 lsisspfmhas 0 r ider I hiis*a -Ve aMon have a compilets platiuir i piput fur ,'-eiiu"ihigî SHOW BOOM AUD FACTORY -bon went p4ubi#;1. R8"fr4mBseda tà, Dsià, . hm-InIgto liet cfthoeoniv'.hii ib i principae ered a weeksit",uIiopal fol' nt the bssrfleld-8bteldsTownsbip igi Ù11 LMoiber , us. --%éL eoo aurday. ?Tbe-prinelpale ver* h rt v il Over s t M0*pveand R.bekabs guestà a1 thi superinterideut Of lb. ý0"W itded a l<4maiesstvcs in the if. E9 gblausd Park Blah echool. Theamut- edurc Badi, e*b. fierT. E lug vas called by C. J. Hanua. s»" Seau, delivered a& oe7 appropriate uud- ueris.rtia01 bili ebools. omd MIf Mr*. j. Sa"eerêturnu-d ta oecoals et Oak Park. Re hlias liW u __________________________thelr home la EVb4affl ondav alter the couutv a Week luspectbug s',hools f j .~ XX XX Podtug n~1i-ha wseat the borne of aud getting acquaintad i i sebool. vyiren -prutMr. and M,%. Cý officiais. Ater i talk,vwhich vas muet, ~To osura publication In the. indepen al <, .;- 1e utertaiuitug, lunch vaw served la the det, coqeymuet b b . WO#Me nolatel- T4,h g-a oiLp fte Fagp dining robin ait I;i. echoo1î than rf4eavDeet saihu ven. 'A&O0e Wo- i-ehm lar uii<ills f the bre tprovided by the domeetie sclwdoies tioësnespeciaiiy &s i-ere t k oèrâ.T.E cae iirilda a th.- h ment.About tWenty vers la attend« pericuer otie t ii. .ect aiMnT. EThe o FrdaMy Vepper service vas bld eta Fred Masu la out &gain alter aseea ug e a oi ieu of- éuhe U ME cborcb lait ttnnday *fternootv pueumýOrià. lMont.A. lBf ( thurWer it-r M.a vury ineprogram beingrenderýd. Tt# Mours, eft iurdo$morrhq4foratiendance vas large. Tfue musical l'h.op«ttn vas perfarnued by Dr. Meridec. New Banpsbire, %ber@ tbe ubr erslralPrldM. C. N Stphes. iiisped ti nmef i teirceonerLoin Mattocts; "Jerusalem"*, Junior Joseph Y ore, or Denfield, Wb* bei- ean home. Tbey vwMbu outmil1 October : choir; solo. '"Q, Divine Bedeemer," Mins husiem Tuesay. Dir. 8. E. Grodà4sai i3bIeago, wbho bas Oertrgde Mtlaek of Lake Bluff; piano Odra. George ,Muàlka aud chldesu are au afflu over. s XoiMedug store, bas solo, ."(jentie Nausts" and "GIgùe" viitlng nt lSimhrt. ttvord "tia u hI emt be able ta Arthur Miler; Ofle:iory "(atotie-Mlg. Mr. sud Mm lm Ira i f Round Laie, maie i reuale vi" ito Ubewrty ville no," Mru. Mattocis; so&o. "JSULerlVe Vere vistoe boe. a&y. for frot faut10 te ' este, a- lie bus 01 NMrS U ml,"Ms alaci; filiaelld l~r ai ie -iseEnonofRo~jbweM< to, DovsERWran«pgoinre, to 9r& mi"s CueraDigueof C"~Palig,fIll. (Gerad Seblïo bas patcbamde «d c "ira1KagL Mlr$. 146atdk. Ev. 09ent Sa wldlUsfilods isrs. resale,..prep.rmtl a berty.lle itie T. E. Beaux eoedai apraver &ad pre- hui Prkra asbo vry t. viipasti veek, o0» c 1111 lbprehassbeing aonpeed the heaedlioo. ble m*»bu om rx ek itb . Parker Boa peOetY oWionFirni Tb@e aianal oameacemeni of the poenula, it.oo onishegain. etreet a 9an doiir ie Margaret rieu- libertyvilibigli enheol i ii h.hoel4 m -ÈS G. Cleelandunadeuveet a saseel Wnéey prépert? oît lebowotreet. .Bat the wadsof Joune luaitheAuditorum. eperation on hie nse Te» dey esViir. as« vere mode tluosg Attorneyv B H. l'h. idsevii b. delveredi by WilliM Mr. @"d Mm . R. Eger and chilldren Miller. *Mtir .vto Clao ir. Levle t. RntBuedmlbe lue Plales vitis el- Everybody l'aie Bte-lt is lIreetoanuoralor of note sud vas nmuet faver. llivea. pay for hev« jowloW takeu carseof inl able rsuslvsd lu Waukeg an sd tater Warren C. Mass traoucted lthe e mstt$. 1m 5lçe< Scbanck, naar hi lovas lu the puot fev jears Orand Rapide aud Springr Valley, Wl. ie-loie sSocmriy oft* he Ladies Au. fpeeal moue ivl be provided, and LUe Let eesi. nsudaion itle iWol aiornia, but Mise 5Ca la imuakiug an edrrîtohavre a tiret li. FI. C. Bradley ai Pt. Wayne. ld., gl«sM Sciam boas'thsbooks sud clame commencemens. On thursdaly, ,iited at the harne oaUmianonApply villiit~e i. uoaer.or baud it t Ni-s.Jou.i. he senlibr elaes vili pressai a6 1Willuur Meredith, wvim-stresearr, Pis is à"udruw. .Mi.r6oiy ham Mi 4etieCri- nt Delb, pout ovar duaday viti ber parents.,Mi-. and lire. W. B. Cari-. Chas. RHanud sou and J. A. RLoc-hes- baclutuf Prairie 3.iew ver. 'isitoi-5'bers the iret of the vsek.- Mrt. sd aMr». Jaune Hajea entertained lis iatter'e sister, MIse Clara Taylor of ifautgn. loudan'. T'he Misses Ellsahetb Acenneman aud Jobauna liors of Wakean wve ,visitai-s beib 8linday -k Ur. and Mus. EL. L.HallofOak Paook. bave returuued tu ibeir far«) uarth, of tova bu *peund theommer. Dr. A. L. Beau of Cimao ipent Tues- day ind Wedommsy bei-e wiîb bis brath. sr. Bi.n. T. 1;. Beau and famlly. lire. T. J. Daleon of Wankegau speni tbe latter part of lest veek aI the. hume of ber mothe n. IMu-. d a aso. Ur.aud mtsGeorge C. Wrght have novai #rom lilgbilaaPark en, the HysotI bouse on MilVakesavenue. Mr. sud Unr. George Coper relui-ued -ou Monday ailwuiSue fromin Anlonlo, Tsxe, vbers &boy "Met tbree manclis. Mrt. and IMe. rack, E. Overson and ean lets the lSi-sIetithsevetfor Racine. Wt.. v boes$bey "Iviiimis thir borne. master lun Chaccie-r FaÈUtnMacuffin rslurued on Suéday fromn Pitsluuig, vbere be @peut a week ouilegal business. 9. J. Hener @peut esterday and @un.- day viti hia vite lu the.Waukegau bo9plial, au vhliu lMmre. eer is a patient. àMrs-W. E. Dicker recived a islegram from Piava, Mantane, on WVedneeday stAtiug that ber brother, Arold Obiicb. le Vev loy. MinesBelen.- Wright and lire. ueorge C. Wrght atteuded a meting'ai the. Wetminster 0.1WstaI Blbad Park Tuesday aiternoon. The dance giron ly tbe Shiryl Girls st the Auditorium let irday igbt vas largefn' atteuded. miny ont of savu peaple bing prent. Dr. C. Il. Galiaw&Y h..' heen confinai ta bit homne vltb a severs attiok ai ch. qeuîfty. ne Was able ta oesume bis practice oft Wsduésdy.1 Dr. C. N. 13teplus le attending tbe 1111. nois Homepatblc Assloriation convetion vbîcb le being hî.-Id nt ItnUnftel suer. vaqd. l;bicag.u. this w eek. The Preabyterlan Ladies Aid sact.ty vili bave an al day nmeeing ai the church Tbursday. May 18th. Vitors vilcome. Pile ut uni atu nouu. Monda F. C. Lan'g anud famlly Soit for KeasasCity, Mo.. wbere îiêfamlly viii mats ithir home, as Mr. L«tg bas bne 'trausferred ta tht cty hy tie ralroed. Clarenc Bayd ha. nceptd a poeitien au driver for the bMerante Dpllvering Co. Chas. Watèe, ai Orsystalue, Eau tatu na cînular Position vili the coI3 pauy.. The sêummpr season for dances at tbg Libsitvîlle Auditorium vil epmmeur bsld every second fflday theref !qopke's aichetra viii furui the rmunie -fo r ti es Jusi -eeived eatluerloita.1choi. Xbmlibteoagrovu Àeed oud tlug pota- 10.5 wbch I an ssllIag righi. P. -I. butr.Pono 28fl-R: $Bol A: Rod lius aenrdst athe dance Io liaby thoek 11.&OWrtv4jF 0, 'o.KF, ad Lpole Oae si.beTe . John R. Tboitmeu ieo onwu@a bigt tarin la leibertyllle tovnship, anud iës the ovuer aietrl o ssarn in ail the. pruueiple cillesof tis Unted iltates, bas purcbsoed mo fines show horses, Bltton Forbesai"d larféa chi.-, fi on Robert E. Moorslaa uf Lexingtalu, Kentucky. The' bers" vre ehipped freim LexIagton Mondar. James Coliey, vioa a promoted teaa mors roffpaseble peMtailn ith the SSt Pont ualraadIlu céar tRapide lova, t.ft for that City suaday te taie up blis dutSies oedey. un. Colley and @On viii mve tol.tdg7~ U.Mr. Cfofys suceeai aus ePlt4etreet station la C. J. ileber. vbobbes basa station master ai Fox Laie for thaellght menthe. à nubsr of nespe»rshave been rSdevedai 'lis ldspiest frein Uri, amu l opki» tas1W. Clair. Grand Para&e, EKiuorm. .aglaud, whielb am abuout ths aise ofAalesmcilnagestee's. T'he pspbr aaeuMI af mllity plictures and a&B neya eve etsa.abbrevia" 4as macbhspossible. Thei.pers coaclst of froni six ta tee. pages. hl re. Barry Hopkins Ia dau«bter oi Mr. uanti li.- Bobert LIIofiLibertyvil le. The dance Rlvin by thte B. N. A. Drill, Team on Weaueday eveaing vas atten- ded by quite a large cravd and everyoue reparte a very pleesant tirne. The hall ese derated very prttiiy vitif the Rloyal Npiglibor colore. urplean»d white. T'he windows ver., huuug vit purpie aud white etreamueenad R. N. à. pannlants dee.onatuld tbe stage. Tii.tearn put on a very muceeafni drill vblcht vas heartuly applauded b.v tbe daacers. Tbey doterve mucli credit lfir their vork. Muaxic vas furulabed hy the Haphe Trio. Contractai- R. P. Engelberry etates tiat b. bas ordered a car foailtobte ubed ou th# streets bei-e, sud supset th@ oil ta arrive the tirot of next vat. lThe oiI-wil h. <af god quality and h. fity pp entaphait. It wili ble paaed ou the streeo. while hotan rd a thue ollis dietributed the treefts wiiille blokadsd for about iveuty-futrum.e. lalow the eoh ta îoak Ilu. Ti4.- treet and .ley cammittee viii superviw -the plsecng of tue ail on the ettreets. The ail enu cl arrive taa soon. ai@ I4 diret aised by the bigh viuids bac bre,* se menace. Laiutrg - ze , orfr . <1the bauqult rti-ra uthe Hotel [r-ie Chuceo. bave inn recived bei-e by -ome othe Liberty. ville persoasprei-srt nt tuio recent ban. qi ai1ithe Illinouiis ar i- uactin at wbictileadoi-e itouvPlt dellesd lhie mueb heraldted speech un' i4epai*dasse." Tie plcinre shw* e i-local gsatloenu matai ai a tahlr- îlmost dfirsctly le front of the Ex-Prpoudent. abon* fitteen test fronibe s peaker, 1t In oui. of the bipkctrosever isiruri o o samaue au as- seublagep, the féatures of every man suad womn awbo did ni have their baeg rtera.d t. the machine bAbfu y e.i L>a easii y disitinguichable. 'Iso Mydtlc Warkrn had a et&* ".op. ltion Meting Tueedu<.v nigit tau vicb, 'lie vietriet Peputy, tMre Keqpn»ai -Gbeeo--ies-Prisfuenad delIese-or 8uetlteon the m'ai-Ioa!thse 41 à 04Maorai egbt meoh'.ere euotntlatcd Into, *a Wogs -and tiirteen sppllçalOas. voes aoopted. Aiter the, nseiltg 4aqnlsg asindrIl ured 'in aniSipIj. Wff5iefronu the Lake lor til emkbtba loeamerabPT ers l brosit Sè*ý tbon WedueedY.Wè tho sura ual i m&ati ibW 'Nember of thé Poderai tema IDLE DOLLARS <6et gour idie dod«ua epewa- ount job by,, SaviopgsDeparimeut where t , ii er gou a steady income of 3% COMPOUNDINfltREST 3% lake County. National. Bànla, capital, surplus and Prots - $100»Q0.001 ,laL ade plàk. ,lai e e ina " i C3 as O.*S4à.M lA~sWlTLIM OTHm tbsir work is mell under way. More desails lu regard tO ecomeucement week viii lue given "atr. M rs. Ja)eobie Vulr bus. rsoeved a - Ltter ftual Argst Kuckuck in eme, eqaying hie sisier Mamie passsd saa Miaich ltu, atersan uperation ebîch S LI they hoped migbt heP. ber. Mise Kuckuck toiti Lberty ville lu February a of ~ f1 tbis year for ber aid homne lu Germ*uy. as ab@ wanted to h. viii ber relatives m - on aeccaunof ber ilueuwse, v 'l'a e F1IR ÎR grovwin marseserions riglit aou. lihe eu v. lied mate ber home Witb Ure. Voier Tdhphmne No.. 50 for about elght 'years sud was veil kuovu bers. . 4ev monthi bdq es-liv lag fur Gernuany oe' ubmllted lu qà operatiola l a Chicgo hospitod, but lut bealtb voold nôt imprbve. lu the brotber'e ltter ié siated liai Mss '-The Proof of ithe Pudding in li theKàicig" Te<f Kukuck afien epake af Mm .Vawv 1&MA &bv.bý,:4 " b â saping mOb* ovel mincfor. ib@ .ryii dpeudent'B i; aslid1da vebe y pwv by:hunaud ureatuent receiveil ai berbud and satlied o Ustomer. Aak auj Umer of Uies. U lm> J,,eaexpr@&»od ber deep love for U. Vowier. I ~ _________________________________________ d.e& 4sun or 11W&- 4*r om ezmn~em ~por .qdy 9cSulis iw 90ê m=44-94 fit ly étLIM I For T1hose New Cur Ugo1neôf Swiasat 12 cente Sorin, Voile, M[arqiiistte, p1aiui î4,boý Lace and Net,&ai new dhiB 40o, 0 Rea3ýdy mde net lace, rznd$t0I $4 '00per pair. Cretonnes, ii newsba4er, u4dpattený11 <p'S ------------- m