Mulda SNP, in Sa Hand. Cook, b.ead 01 the crica In ,'qý Pd a eaue on -h le Ibiks, dema~nda e ather l*b. tIti' se. ;o Captin Oaci na- - enunink abovt the 1 jwhen h hoqajd by repUcO tbat tl She hati a pair 1rhis touchoi4tc eteers'cp.b m ~ter tea alclio ilgh him a DbSWOf, ictar that'.l e woui4 ralday.' Ïd andi Caltain boy taunnins aoL prder te maie cre « thre se lwbT pde W xc au fle ta blague.'*cap à gtt rme ta, aut à a& B par Wem . ru aikiànOgIIviiae ' éOOtbin tea sm à adota'tl ~ miel~e. uerry~"5n,> 1tqni e Cld eiai a cmir«eb- abs ug ivilbe ocuseca = uave ai afflaita readhise see. et eqthwS «tulicagU blu ni1aUL 5-Y« t cop 14jm-4ié meIemxpletely. Anl tiat 1Lialm &» t. te te oupreas vimy alyct, ltlas,à vou bave ore tien luclifeti \M tomis "-Ricinio fne>Dbc<itci' TM.IuNot iluee.ry. _____i *tb. aeaectcdot ld e lai agsY lard vi.. sic làtelle jber wbat tbs-Utia btg.y W aotftck met 0taprQ- gme~t.tie a joe.' PISE s mc tae i for ffl WAYS to %ecure thë, e ct' resuits hînpoltl7 ràiuig. They, are (constrnàettid or ye&s -of mse ie $0' 4digned thatý they -are, -orfiamental i aey yard. The Double -0oop-,,4M-id Runway, as 1 %owUý--00- .cupy approximattIly twel-, ty rsire feet when,ùZr - ed complete, praviding ample spaee for ,tw $et- Attrcotlwcin Abicaronc. Iuna 6. leal i- Ib "aetlt d 4 l. IlL.. tits apali~b. 1~mr4membr Àçc<4igqt. pstofce mployes ah.~ ~~n Va aa8i-uttnaer au regt wtu#ni . do1 thOe wrl=holp 1WauleMr% u'oly 1 nsuaititIlliaap- W'.IOIher md othars au a goot lPactme g Qndeec oe m piatte te« "vjenu l ie ad:1w i pemut wol£m ltaIthebir olIdren Tie. 8 111< aPPef cempn'mcuta bkh tlitie chWci' ~~eantatina o. wh ba;c lulrm >.tall . ou b. poui- e'.nckcanght b.- u 1d Icafnotbl'tiMrne wda"ti tor andi train tu aDuol ije do nfot cers tu give ver tb&t 4081k would tollow. ýtrlà nelmeritati, but "lftt-af mitercear4i a son" lýut be adouiei cjldenumell o lie, ata rt W4 t ealloired ta aul- svlUgln Ou tic 60«- Tic jaultor >ecmibetheir pi.rents are bac te 4aclithmiSOCOUMetlm cn .1mtura "artIt flir ciudren ta ad occasin ta viat tbfe 4de aroubid' the door and vaîc thora F, im .andi 1 know that sathey do sa,.1I-have bail,, theni çi for them lis praetFca1IY 'ok d;gcru'At me viei 1 bio blOd ' vasteti. Butj1 do Ilium th#y mnt mt do sa-and tia une ahauld atcp an teicamee"I cas trylngte0 protuct tt autething le dons for tient ta mai acideut. EtU'tie parents arcDMat "This cmse o ant lestnOlIflK houlti O&* ofr them ad se«ld baw childireu andi Parents that <the ~ 1~~' iauti iab ui practie la azauadlnhly dansaroia." s ami ùnw MI The Coop and R(nway Sections are contructed -froni first quality white pino and cypress, dipped in brown ceresote stain. The Ituîway. Fra mes are lltted iwith one-inch mesh 'galvanized poultry net- finig which not only keeps th7e chieks within the Run- way, but proteets - them frein rats and other ver- igin. Al metal 'parts, are gÏlvanized- dise M0W, -çay m.oumng oôthes.. st advan- &.&e sports" elemeiit hi nier merchiandiae anais » <tloringa 'and lndsomè, i styles in ail lines a' wenen The 1"1now y sporti dotlif tage-and Ilaxg<$eleet black- stylsi t eoin ]A twB 0Aim os hi t 50c. plàîn white uind the new stril Sports blouses for won and awning st$pe;,belted -or. 1.00 & 298 vesto izes and good Pr ny lw akirtai tadwhite i good- ~ looking styles.- Z Mi At, P-98arac attOl0r diromWoàwù's dtlity white and lbom n MM Oum ettxi c atZ beautifully t1 W4 Ut,~~ rimiçtU~~tlIdeepem- 1 Wiabargain . the like of WW aiyu are seldom offered; flaring coats ini serges and exor7iWOS At 50.50, .7ô cnd $14.50 arm o0604 bvet. aou evory stye, cuor and fabrie. The 4bât* hccipwandi wondÈrlet bargBIn$4ý OW u e pe&d.41," »". -ât aI 'fgalt~ev&ietheati te. *cocdrlC atbe M ts-naIWb" Xnia ilol theasd of tJtêý 8ftooK Mdaeigei. oe R:tSa aetet «lu a ag Mpcc iai. J. Robi- acet the tcaehere ooiw' tu u U>two te.ceors esIntius **nu be r-, the ior4 MLtkticrigolar' ge nicoletters wel Xe tvo leachero réalset 41 mat ine lga thuj' voutti Mt cnmouirlv. ?héY de- ow ti bau10take Any ecrd IMaI wiel ia at" liaIticheruignA-l bocs tanderatIler vete aêt I. e rk nsa ~the bb- bca ue SIteili' ervices vil neo aI the tic clg i the. prea- ~jac 1u OrWO Any section of the Coop or ~Utnway May be swvung open for feeding ind - lcainug, by withdraiwing oulyr two steel r4~as shown jî inte illustration periîlts tile uIse of a rake, trhc~rhie pyyîp*e of -ckaîîing. Thoin a mtary Lo qua I - stUindpOiit; tis oulfit -has AU fastenings consit tof steel rodspassed through sew vées thus prgviding a simple, effective. means 'Of seeuning the -corners and likWise ferrnig ,at erfectly-hinged .Joint.- 0he >ble V-oop _ sdI ] ýunwày- .sow- na y be- or-taken.down. in less titan two minutes 'withôüt'tl4e - aid of tool and,'when dismaùtlýd may be p 4ored awày 'n ap-- proxinýateIy ôn"righth the spacérequW çdWhefl This specially piiced jroup of sport "dresses in new strîpès and the combination- dresses with striped egat and white skirt. Ail sizes; special, $2.e8. I qq -T. ooi Mi Dt. binLMd rie.4plc l P"ab-491mi, »&,Pe.. lclMmd inc atra lcsc 'The -Wasu oresus w uoùef large seléetiôon of plrettyrv linens, lawnisDroden' vo etc., The 411k 4re8es are sah in jtri end erepe de i pretty laces, exnbroideries '-'ribbo»s. They have been i -now $1. - amuon TUaOLY ait LZ tei te eos*ar%;eIe 's-to 114E. I N1B tic i dli il to~ .Ourt ikL Z_-