,iîilri. 7*ztý W_ à ;» rtt>t lit &M -ffllo », q* eLz iving néar W&4"orthl IW«ý .40 tu tg i#*"-emâ,today on 4,4 eulb *b train trm OM44-- Ydeb«lym ormt "04 4 Ï4 . - "M" » ' 'bom bt , bondi, touk Xaýý,tbe #te t ildz ,ïeibt th wg tbe *e 1)GýVitàl the Li" iký-X4Oe- He tb. tentimonsp te be or »Cr tb*W 'throé *oe» ffl tectiees and cKltey* ,,imt mit tbomt wp".. 1mte utw'ttmot 1ý 04,V rom?, 'Orw . - :PM épd me en' "Y", m lien thiil,'Ië w l or bfflw d'omth. rDet enticeil 1>001% wm be rem"m t'O wais- woode a îwcýO ut wbore bu" Win Aétof c 41te, Ai the openIAU dt Jh* *Ut?, r. ux leu. téW 1'ÊL-ýy was Weil ln Wauk 'dix tô ewýý "of taie he had develq>ed au 41109 indr DO" yain m le. show# 44VRTi t:ýý"tM1tèd *&tes W*1 #"e > The M^tegg 7, é wuèst 01 -on: Wb nik ffly obi» Vith Wr. ue cau ý, yçu ton *;y direct 4 thm you tlerqate».d ta tal f ubi OMM about Nfr Ilmim *v«r tell yçu n'O poss«WOIL olvè --and 11* bl" 20; Alttomey a more effè&lve t"w, _ýu là-, it "q tg» *%m 1ba DW lm i e b«138 op *",*W tl=« talking-to YS al Mr ton the timém his otud turned'ta;-elee'- A.-4 IVAB!tt hm bom wheu, the iooxtn& out nt. ftv'and ho thopOt lié she makemotiome 1 7 î ber alje d. «&Wt& Il . Il au . J)a". d ba sald, 'Itbxrs ton b4d eoOd th h#> -Aý-1 dowt remàb«ý the mon caitbe earried-o«L-: doult roinembei. Every 1 Oc Q.-Wlien bof - ýQL-"Dld rqýoçmbw makins - ore the »ry Igelge th ýjipft Vbm verme Jack- ver* -,l'ou aokèd lis in out et the pum" ab" -tac to idu? r', AA met QýýwbOe#à t» mme, rè-- Psr ca" 'on, IM4 <>inch blecbed mu». P r n i trèf-t -h e-loom -lin, note& for.ità,-Rrra, esi»Jook a JblmN ooft lit qualftj( for q»xuqr ion w1y wr lue l 15 ai at thia, sale, ;a for ity 61 id bea A good uâh tubiffl. "jy,,'bl"ed; exý= t opr«de - % net grade, _y,1maý1'14W . for TbM As, the êrade that -beffl'25ë; Fwe ga bëd fim and, belay and M11 bleaebéd; op eor7 ."ial at. lemt Ind BkhTed bock; Qoçç, ou WlAte voile, aloci q tu ue. Of stri pwds terns- aloo phdn *Mte- ewh tinctive lemtion; J- front. I)MI40pmwbd ot.'w te and solfaity mmeilob î y 1 uw lue e1p, 12 4 y1ep;ý e ed in fflk, Tor aêébge,$, -flue mear, etc. did vabiei .50; seédâh oityýýofèli d. i _ke 4Mt4i','ýU01»d- for lts,ý W, à-üd Yfect W ýj 0ý from 9 bu. Samé 1ýý Mèffibffsý bf-, tht Wh eý* 'OMM jw 1 mai ce:V »ftl4,kio or e ; and 1.1- »àgth. "Illue.