Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 22 Jun 1916, p. 5

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Plant YOW lOrdoNw Mo WAlTI* IT GÔW . W~furn m=6a 10l* à& Ouï Lut Lto odC GOING FAST Luek £mmckj»DoWeiIu "e* £omb" MEAL aMd thy nover othor. Tvy it. LM Phono 47 tue.,. eva by tosm OU dOupuLmt. es.t e.20 ions E.A. ishop, Mu.» ~ss:êSS55S-- --------S.S- ts tht easiest thing ~T 7 7 ine the world, if Yom~ pay a littie attene-- A weIItlutp.todate sutof good mat"ea gain you a lot M, this wolds opinion. Your we h*veaul stylesi la "h reaUy fine miatedials -But 'K.epnu Spuc. is up t. you. Cm»ina, W. have a fualn e Of MicbaeIsStern 'Suits that surpass anythins you've ýa s&«n -and at Most W. carry evorythingt tat Mon and Boys wear. Sh in l mdiosvarioty Undqrwear ." Hats and Caps Neckwear anmd everything usually kept la a firit das" Clotbing store. SPECIAL PRICES for trade froin a distance. - Yours to Sve, TpAr REoOD Lîbertyvîie, Il., june 22, 191&. FAIff ,M ARPENS M-. C. SURRiDOgE & 39N GshustDy-aed Rd. LwiDVTYVIIJ. Phuoe102-Rl GeraniMma 10 oh .0pèr dosen Canas0Soeach, *1.50 Ver -dome BaitoD Perno 500 ch' Ha gBaskets $1M0 *4iu mad 11.50 each Let ~ do y~r lili P inÎlge *be rt<vÉ ,Il1e l You Rave News of Local Iuterest Oal Telehone No. 1 W W. Spafford o! Autioch. was ber.. on busiess Manda. MIes Vida jýlalsêu utMlburo, was a vietor bere Monday. A on wau bornelu 1Mr. andtidlre. red eaumu a st Frîday. Mits F. Il.fliagelliof ut ob. wan a vîitor bere Saturday. A tiaugttr waubore lu 1fr. audi Nr. tinolpb Voilier taet Frîia>. *Lcuise., te daçabter nf1fi .K Vaguer, 'ak1$.wth dlphberia. Lîberlyville vietors Oalurdal. lle Emutgene Chitna o! Atiocit. le ependlug the steak bore witb relatives. - Mr. and lir John Rutonof Chiciago, @pet Mondia> wth lMr, aud ire. FÏsd Croker. Ja. H, $wau, ntaoayer of the Loveli drugsature, le enjoylng a 'wu weeke * lgHlen lent>' of Chicago, vielleti bor grandîmother, Mire. M A. Protine tii week. Waàlter Smith, wbho bas beau lu thte em-. pi of Eý E. Mareb, let for the army on Soaday laut. M ce. leabella Chitnu o! Antiocit.,pnt sand Salnrdeyayldflest wewt relatives hore. Chris. Pelereon and Fred Kuuck bave tuis weok porcbaeed Doge cars irom the lIee Moor Co. Mfr. and 1f c. Irving lJuddlee o!f(irays- lake, epet iunday a-it MWre. . . Fuller aund fautif>. Ilutit Carney i.. ruuiug a wo veeks vatatioti fioi h.r .lotlesutatlitsFoulde MislaIel arison suiertaineti a "Yataif=r :udefront ott-otovi t atber home llen uday. 1ev. Montanus of Keokuck, lowa, ccupieti the pulpit t'! tbe Presbytllan churcit lest SBnds,. lire. Atiolpb Sadacit ni Citiago le fleudulg aslow tdeys et the bomne ut ber clater, Anas Appli. Fred Buttpcfieli anti hie lrieu1,lte Wotiae flemly motoreti ere frOWirAu- tiocit, lust Tuseda>. Baverai relatives snd inonde front bers sltendet te funerai-I! Avb Smiit at Graylale un Tosodug. Bd MCorulel, Edgar Wells anti Gordon Bcbaaeh atesadodthebtrap shaot at Round Laite on adoy. Mmts.John Baritour en ?orlaiang ber @inter.,lMrm.Jaekman ud daughter Irene of Ftzgeraldi, s., ttis weSl.' 1 A, Ravisa Rarioturetrelurnot Obleago Monday mter spending aeveral dayestalIbi C. F. »»mie4o«». . A. Newom bas eod blesnow bouse apv biing oecteti on VEl.Court, to Lois K-oblnts, Ilut Mouds>'. Um iss15e Bpokm tanoBerea, Oblo, le vsitlu dthie issesMarjory, Marlon anti Jaunt Taylor tçc Several wseks. -.1jý mmd lit esynalds bave arrivei bote front Pakiant. Cal., antibie are. aecupylng Stou -homeono Park aienni. Miles C&lrd s*dberniSe, Varolîne But- terfielti are attendis«tegraduation ai mies Mary Obacti at AucUin tiIs oveulug. Fred Id. OGleaof o opemlch, Ulit, foçSnerly of Verno, calisd on frentis andi relatives lu tlb, locatty te Iret f ote veel. The Lîbertyville Garage hma tdeti a uev Overlanticar tu isîleservice. J. N. Bernard tirove the car out fromt Chcago lest Fclday. A enubter ut local bas bail fans vent Ia Weiokegan lianday 10 attend a gamo ']betweu the Chicago White Si ant i ie flWaukegan City Igare.. Ref* T. E. Reamn eatteudlnglte open. lng aifllocktocti District tisup Meisngu st aCamp Épworth, near Beiviore, for The quarautine bas iteen litet iront titi J. 8. Hyatt home, Mm'.. yt and ber on lisving ;eovereti fromi a pro. t raclt i omsof scarle l evez. Mie Vva Travis lait tit. eel for *Cristal L"ke anti Woodtocl fat, a vieil * Wlîb< friands. . e pet 10 go tc Wlcooqnln hfore ph. retaue. Umss artiet C. Grinley, Isacher luine Iv.netO1ý sebcil.itas artîvote'ber@lc "en spuite svmmer Vacation vlthbe Imotter ailthe homne f J. S. rlIdley. 1%'e 4Epwocîh League o!flte M. ie_ tbiurét villi buia tiBrawborcy fetival st Prislau's Grove on a.'eve , June 24 Everyooe le cordiali>' inviltd. 40e1 For, gooti qoality POTATOIZS et remeonble Prime, Phonoe 286-. F. W. Banudancet Barne> A mannea, Myet'. comret, Wed. eve., Jue 28. Evrybadi velcme. - 4c1 mi" 10leving ?ak ta ulti erdr.e AW lman W . oçbert a-lpiewb sent aoul«ootwek o wf tfo ervms brother, Hmori Doobler, resucned to tbidi bomes lbagasfter. l'eau., lest prliay. Lucien Bllowrortii returnvd on Salur- day evelng feorna Gene,. .New York, wbere ite bas beau alteîîqing Hobart college. ne le bomne for 'lje cumuleri *seation. Nic. V. a. iebols and Mrs. Ida Bennett were Unlto4in flarriage at 'the là. E. paràonq* hi Rer T. E. Resa. lu the Rtuallotle service rh ring coc. The Christa» Endoavur Mlceion Study la&e viliirest on IModa>' evenlnir 2<111' vîit MWesDorothY 5-baDe. Al wbo dostre 1010jotasthe cdaceare urged 10 attend tt u 4ig.- Lest Titusui aleWou' service o! ire Encdors P. Woodiu gr" bld et tse bhome of the dec..a&ed soulb of Diaafond Lake. Rev. T. E. Reant conuote thelitesrvies. At lte levea o'cloek oesrie lait Bs.f day morne M lte 14- E.- horcb aine1 ciiltiren vers beipteti hy Rer. T. E. SeRe ntiBdsavon new [enutets weco tokon miotiitheeburcit. Mark [f leworlt bs acc.p.ýd a posi- tion lu lte civi l$mrgnoitig departmntui of te Clago MàUlvaukee. Eetri t aÀ Highland Park, wbvitii n charge o! J.. . HyaofLîbertyville. A cooklug demonstration was gîren lu lte b&sorept. of te l. E. churcit on Tuesaî atteràoan bY two gectlemej botlhict.y ladies- ver ceent. lr.A. L Trevis vent to Waukegau Saturd"a. mli 1111.daught.'r etrice, Who reetiy nndoswent an operalon at the itospital, i'etnL-a boa.. wilh ber. Site la greatly limproveti lu health. F. E. Ovarson of'i.alne, alto bas boun viâiting bere for seteral i Ws.lft for Roland,. Iowa, an lionda ia t.bIs car. Mirs. Ovorson smmd ponbave 4<en @Pend-. ing sOonne ulit relaîl,...m taitcy. Annomunemots bave Weu rKeciced IsPe frout Denver of tae marrlage of Mies Juotîno Wlre. dangbiter ot )Ar. ant iie Frank E. Wlr,. wbo foru.prry reiidet ise, anti wbo mowedt 1 ieuver about four yoem &go., Word vas Mpâedetibre late lest week frot AthburMiM«etfront- Motresi, Cahnada. ite. ho mde a lew tisy vieil. Tite cst4satw4jh*s he inteut vii seve f hWWRs ib.k Bsub cilles belote reiurulng homo. Titi Modern Woodman anti Roal Neigihore wil bavs a joint bualusas andi social meeting lu tiebIt al ouigiti. A fine. progrant o! entsctalunteut bas borD arranlgedfoto10tale p"sealter tse hosîeos mtlng. M is ReseeBond spet Saturda>' anti Sonda vitit friende lu Viticago. On Satuctiay evoningtsite atteugd dte nom- mencoenl texerciseaoflite Oicago Cousrvatori of Musie wblch vere bolti st te Autiloclum. Thes Alpha Club sîli ,dat vit Mn.m ie BoRuse neel Wetineoday', Jue 28. Ail momitere are requested ta bW proet an tu 10iriig lunch tor a piele nIilppet. -Atumobikes wll leaive front ir. Croker's houte aI so oclock. lic. anti Mre.Fred Crokor, lir, anti Unt. Loo Buson andi Mmce.EtigrWil., jr.. atteudedth ie veddlng lu etotrday evoung o! Miss Prleeillia Bwakiton n Chiclago, ta Johb Rusto or Woodstock. htc. Roshton i.. a nephew afMir. anti M ce. Crokter. A number o! local people vont ta lghlaud Park lest Tbureday nigiti 10 attend graduatlnu exrdes. at te Bepc. fllt-Siîsîe Hlgb erbool. Titootram Libertyville 'rita .ere radatos aret Mise Christine Smiith, Boyard Fiagg anti Marshall Waldo. AOD, Neson fbas gong 10 liarrîngîton tao' a wek lu help a frienti lu ies bachot @bsop. sfte'r whieh Le a-hi ao lu DeKalit lu tale a six weeks couites In thel)eKalb Normai. Mr. Neson le Principal 0f lte Deetioldi rammar scitolanti bas boon ougageti for annther RumoIl B. Clark o! Uritans, fl.. who graduateti tram tLe StateUnlvennlly lest sgeet, vleitotihi@ <rantimnîber. lire' C M. Fuller anti other rpla&tlsMloutiay. B@ Ml Tusoday viiththelite11h Cavsiry flltole National Cuactia fot Springfield front where tbey ex pedýt t go te, Merlea 1%0 Haiter Mliz. Ca. bave compei. pettilng fl)lb.. Indirpet Ilgitina esetent i ite Preshv terian choveit. Tvu Sun- 4*7 ecitol classles, lb.eC. wC'a andthit Bunshie Club bave dtiate4tihet. i- proveient Tbe vauiug ladies are ta h enammende i n riviti lte bpauldful Aitumo wbi,'b nid <o mitterlally ln itoautifing te chîin,. lT.e W-C. T. l1. 'mli @pendiTueday' ,Iuu. 27 st Lake Bluff Orpitanage. Tite day yl ha e pent in ttewiug and mtundlng. Everyona le expeted la Isrlnu r atown lunch anti ewch nëmber Is r..<iîxelet 1 faate 150 dozpe cok ieefor te Pciltrei. iTbey wyul leave ou.te 9:20 car 'uinte m ioring sud exteuti an Invitation ta suyomeo wi wtbu10go witltent. * - ne od'v.1tiig Md 5Macon i"et co mittees ai theý (lbautauqna s .oatit bave Iaunebed the caîn palga for th year e bautaiuqua. The fBCI thaitl reglar Bdulime neral admieiooi sea ticket,' vhlch le oiti eléeewbere t $20 le ttrlngtffereti t $1,50 witîb,a resetv moft st aOc textra. is llisng a lire demaud loir tiectîs Mca. B a. Betier ai~nnyli vieitlT.g aitt b.r mon, E. .1. Heti baving beeit called bers by te mrio lIhep- , f ber da'îghter, whn litod Chicago, The. daugitter died Tburoe Joie lZtli. Mrà E. J. Ficuer lora-ta conditioin at Hahuaeman bo.pit follniu.g fher olwrPti.)n on-tbo 1 tout. ShV bas had Iwo tranuue 1joue te 16th.: 'Iuesday alterna.,. the l.ibPrtYv' towu boardi composeti of Supersi B. B. Eger, Cleri E. 1). Hubbarda Juotices W EF DavîeBuadly, l RF. Mn.y beitia pect n»I Wt'lig st th". towit for lte purpose b! diseugeîng itupro, mentâ tube medin the bail Tht.hAs deelded to have tbeentirtlntt'rioroti building retircorateti and tu have àit beatinir plant letailed. Tihe work v f>e let î t on bide fpud ali bld. are t6. Thte V. S. Dpartinent of LBbor ine e. loig W eeSure men fur the barveesi fiel of Rang"a t once, tbrough bullet lssuned by Il.'iTe@ bulletin@ 5titatt frore 85,000e 1040.000 moen are unee for te wheeA field@ sud tbat tbe folio lng wagon wlsb board wil bo palti Roneafarmers: Oronary bands. $2 $8 per day, BWckere, $350 t1085 da"; EngInsmeo, 85010 $63 .perd aud morewith tmoue, $4 to $7 per de Any 4m wnebueing more informai sbonld comunleste t once wl! P. MeltrIdu. Blato C'awrneloitir of Lait Topeka, Kausse. LasI Saturda> ..VeingqOve11leeu me went lu llrB3elaL... tlwrp lue>' al.ler alnineetalent play "Tihe Villaeil;e ,awyi given by the <rayeluk. CI.apter.1 local 5ereans attéudu..g etate tut bail wae packed antiflint theay ia ou..of 1! èbebet hrne talent pay St1 bati ever aî,teuded. The Grayae Chapter le rager ta put uit the. elmep lut Libertyvville un Saturday nigbt,J 1, andi the local Ubapter teili ni definite detision on thte matter of! hi log the play tu Lihertyville t i meeting tonlgbt. NOTICE. lu order to igive our itelp extra lime off turing lte bot mout. tite untiersliguot viii lose ltoeir places o! busess a% uoom Saturtisys, iteunlng 'Juli>'1 aud coullnuing until sept. 1. Ont patrons are urgedt 1 do tit ratilng ervi>'ou Saturtay, or If possible, lte day itofore. Liitotlyvlle Lonober Co. sftu W. F. Frousez, ir. ladspémdest roader? BU ONU. *'Nember of the Perai Xeàm be yawm>i NOW IS THE TI&K-; not tomorrow, neÏt week or ne>ct'gear. but NOW. If qou sMort a Savimp Aqu e dey #ou wiII oertainli, be more iu4oïewr dent tomorrow. SOpen a,-S*-vmiga Acvqýp* 3% INTÈREST ON SAVINGS 314 1 Lake County National Boni Cipital, Surplus and Profits -.*l10009 Total Resource, I ýA LL YOUR NEEDý 1by per In the way of eatables-areý bese when. bouethm or day ________ lay. Lion EST FOiR THE PAMILY HKALitH BUT FOR MEW FAJIIIY PURSE nove W W t aa t b~05 o u th"at titi ese W.eau'! do I ie peh mi"us s chamns ùr Coltt &Ftecte'i1cs; er,, -UVY ILIllPO~R5 ~ 'lie - th1 t 111.y, -BU*LO YOUR HOME FROM OU PLAM We fuculeb yu lree a complou t elor ln o s'isule n~ mmt Ailtlite materlae,to buond boustesare sçpidb sB a.ysvs ve witit yen homt servricepossIble. Our systeut aves Tou ail be ual orioswbon bilding. Ne deiaye mor dleapplatmouts wbeu trading wlit Us. ten'.>pioge gr lumber on baud andi an exoasalued betote boylug. Ail us for t*e plans of te bosutilpl bouss. ni Wh sh" va hualima of desn. Cali, write or phtone: W. F. FRANZEN, JR. Plans fumulssdfrce-ffos usbeto urs tidh-b» tky fl e . 'The,,Proof o! tii. PudulIng la in the' ut4g.t pendent'asdiauIId A de have bena péewby h»m satlsfled cusitomero. A& any user of the .lit -uuJý on 5Us.**qInp~ oergFi w a > eifls LE ILLI MOis SOMIE SPECIALS I !RËOM THE! GROC!RY DEPARTMCNT BROOMS-A special value that oihers ask j~ 35c for, a semBu lot ai ........................... 8 PRtUNES-Nice, meaty Santa Claca's, gooti size,,per pound ..................................lU FIGS-Calilornia white figs for siewing, etc,, freait and cdean, 10c per pff., 3 for .... ,... d SALMON-Manarch Brandi, a eplenditi ced Ciiok; seon inlg 30c. 1 poundfiai cari for............................. KEENSKLEENER-The new seouring powder. Lw =Sitting tins each ............................... SNIER-S TOMATO 80W -oiue 8 ne Ses smc ra dimeomu uge.l ap soap, witen yoýu boy 5 beof Gd javaui. W, W. CA1J LL SON S -C9O ilw qm ý.-- 1 -,- "-Mb-

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