E" rE. hs1 iflfe boVh"ble Marion aàkâd ntended? wrtn oer a1T more. My reply i4-'No, i - dont 1la that there was no. ofmy m. riting. l turne&on my heland w *way from her. 1 got quite a ditane rom whiW*b. a;"o then turnedarotu-- 1 dont knoW w W» .de etum n qw , ut diii Int acktp «, e~i»ý. Zremijbrg ThenIutwhçl h âr )iêg aiUY- and I knelt d6W~ PT o âda vmh top of ber face e rw e eor bin,a13d 1led it down towaih**l Ttien 1a h o rW her face aithep 49on er banid, inthe palm of lier band, le wa lo andinthe two Iînee formedby Àq otere mvs owder. ý'8h. had two cÔ wbile I waz tiere. Aftcr ~'ea*l theie w a$ disbarXe trot» the nose .4t liai-ail (>Vertti wbeuide her and «Il over her lWýftreiëff onthnm1w. Iremeiuber my express- was uno %mxrr, of comre. "hl *as dyijil &very shortly after that 8he was doed. After'th twt e ither a slight Mgegor IM"V P~ e e t aqv.~. *1 hete ir*@no lave. jev etseP1i 4 hub oie d qtait On.foo-Jul~.*I~ive giought abct4t-rdo nottUinwaa-an p .d'btotItiof I know 1 stood up-l4Wftrtat-1 .tood snd 1 can remeinher thi e s è#i U*t camne 'ov6 -meIt'Waii just like afog setg.doW' îover .fpur baü ani. absotute înability tû _*4nythmg; tbere waà anuph..- ut.' dadening et a P»ýsm§étho ht. Z.dn t u tIddttthat except that I weât Off to tb h besa, týwar& iFort Seidan. TVh t alI. contý1, t 'ut Eowli .1;abt me .W5te8 U f i ugth~~~ ~~~ lb#oaUa fdvt +ëltJl, ii70totN"WW O *tm i*Abe ise xl ia e " sd by w i w. Ma I.It bi t. se e Ilows 1 tbré* tre rotlteoie atrn d A- - i h vtto tlO& prërdous -o-nth iv t-d 10e1n * b1mý&&fOu vl le tg , M~ t a nt eut t omt> Mm*e mât.ii»<y . 'la the on sd Ibtntutt o t- o.Navallin ZI  id - IOOttbGIdvilef wa'a aunsWcourueIn isWd l,#,n ,iiit te bu4e t#l1*0 enDuirte 415fr <UP5*tfl b 'boy la a sexuelduput àn aven mordiet ooop'u trtietii bylute tsl-Ïa miter rtotsn isib bi loebl hm Inte alitIt -1oe.andtion.BlU'0ifor 4 4elgirl cool es bu VIb=tie O et vi whU'h. itethlm lntea4iu ofet er chat" y l«dP proved thi "Mvso 1 u tiipneu -et trtAnbr-etII > Ne.,Ietugii lot tatien et Norm %egory g ot watevr it u*ozo, viiibu- ce"neh eis aal militoret verel tuteu vit eprtg l a tlute lie I lahr Werde. tie; mti StAtli viib iereuidsuvppfer- tbe s-iave petOItmSSatu, Enth 'tien w tethe tir. Wi Iof Lake. iStrong EDSECY. Woution of Lm Is WF Roade Ai. ,elparts e. xiembers e niai Associa- 'te day andi vas delto iislnes't and sicompt by A. ýt. tht' Round' .laIon, tIb. ta ue). Iten- Ice presdent *nomrations bu of 34r. Ma- a-au lu faveo -If id Mr!. WRite >th timk Mfr. ea vacant by SMH. sepretu xkam a retary. vue amiseun t.« the meeting te le tbreàR To ftd eut tfiat viiet1 haul tu the. var Pt. mid ond , Wbat vwu n4effl l good moail. andi, thfrd.il aocigtbou coul andi valI cur te is cemry geai ns 0e. A.,QuuLM .super Coolauty hhaya. itniitememeting ou t oe , epermanen od. Opokuty'a experlenci 'Mr. Qutan e dvocated feisandi bond issues. ti u v ast by taxes vewtinet exet to get of 1Metgoodronda. et(OLoponty md 'l or obOte s. id mrei.1 pntbree ve *-~ >seugit out Ldo ,fl cMo f ýt-Ot4 u-a ud4 bufiL UIa nnounes, 19"74.421 brilgo' reom 1905 #1wwain ravel ax1 et'iaggood mreisby >'possible and egue 14» ty od bond*' d"retht t1 eesvey gonds i ,çiauthLe be' anti thatr I pemisneut chW k cunty," eaid. ve in 18400ot1 r«etL" Cok col ),O0ê bonda teJ ' ,Thé.county ah iihu5iOry whie0h #ws andi ail th il tisefuel. Th ,. msey toeaen aI4j»g and W expresnew 't' D5*M m n fot il (Specletl e ii.'Sun) 1' Walbmmgtos, tuf. ZS-t ebu officlany anu ced ar. hat, the UnItfd âSate. mWO* u fla 10~ dered t6 tise Macicnbpder., iT Twero Hm . Dmeafl Tbe ciea tý .50a uuia et *1. ifte.d~tif ino lm.m te b" am antioho'Y toetdmoiay liv Ant trlnIM «4« ' *iw »ta Mnd aur hu e * Io."- Ummtoeet the uistuitIf tor@ ncoia. advlafgta.~ m.ers tbe *vs offohibbut->' o et Tfm'fr -' t mmtes,, -ame tIV LKWAGkou 1 Wl i. lit. tht. ing*# wen vue -hm 5the. ator? totOby ltu twm =y. a h&b baIfot ola tb*'drin ,, g ne-U~u bail. 'Re aid the mmlk iwxouq&L *4 II~O y oÇ * the.wréongaide o e ,& 14 fl uutiare 13 asne Ad WN*Iat eY« -TM ab le toeted bis hem but tbo 0u~ ~ "* I s- W~,sîSr visa *1 sua Ulpii the veçon wua ntcag< ietb i vite tt. e aager p- d', tg *le*ttO WaBsthe waeoa -te *bt"e~ te _ * b «ç xý haadelIand ul u e hodW.OW.tb-oe driver turued thse vam4 a at Mdiroeiex,'ý PUIk._____ 'lonpet * ]Birokcen mluii uttaçqveu«attqfld *j« i Ble"# ie 'Street Oum* litaiio. a*pt- viile Warrn IL Flood >of ÇFýnus lale; Of or he sau to vas gelot M a e ree a $dPeoria Uhio, vek eat dugt » Co- rtoof peed. ýTitigo a Ouaýu4' Iy tbbIg ate:t vention et thse ObVrt -et Hénor et' d "vr wti ays bu v gelmSux nt'ip.o .wO *bkbi he a l .ity for tbf, dlablot ~thui1 6ale a~ore t la~~~t~i~~1 or~..; ~ À h mle mnupm.ebour aydth sitoem t#.gom romds: Vlratnc andi Mtats Md tondu and asatà &qceudj e bond Ilue, ant,. tb*< teutieu.. to culverte-fflW brilgue te stand tomorrow as well es tg du.,expreased 1 u I plse 6ebto isulld the necedsel et edequet, eartetlsç'I cealtion. badinng op.iong tit lant oss Ilueau . b a fIiký nue " tbAers anti bli.p niul ueiuig minpu anti vel. las gutedtb t thtéa uU»O bsat ý botter tek., up the . bond 41A,' permit, tbi.e spO-ta te« tUWma4 sus on tbeablot or bp W.ti ,t# -bd ufa te itb 'ai ponlmeI. .Wpi pt "dl siiperfflg lu tlielr ppe,. tafflu by the ciAtrmnn, 3g. et1 'Wauk Panrvis«aIusla ad' tbes v.. Ut ge- bis um elidie 'I', raed Otit pq~plePro~vu, te be.Wb e6big wuo I' "e. beiimol It vilook, Ae attaciip Int lu thel b.Repubi tinatia for tiuq0b180 ~ - bis up fi Oo n ram eut'et-tevn c*Wlela* Wth. Orpet triai TnuuSe7 «- jM 'Îl her thînua "zaw sadteç tp DM up ý Ltmnyswordt-und 2 Fbdpi v. ST~ omit# th l* eSt igs5 t Ià lbaorn tg0-»1V jougsa. le= Aa1 41 toked b> Plade t. s rUde tto e »« mr ibm at Madiom on, the