lofthte. mIIItÉry floorng conpM I M IEE BOATI D j vhiahtmActory la ttuated on aln 'Street below te tii l. WIflWIK ~ The oat ast lequlpped uitii a de h«»sepower. six-cyllader Chendier -t-- mgine, with self starter lA" viti dm A cyrsbl.moaytrlm sp.d auto steering gear, Mr, Muller took boat m ~uring 28 feet Over &U and the boat to teke Blf,. viiere lie vajuod etupars f $Se) agmakp is home, early Wrtday afer crush9d ta pleces tu the. breakffs et flortngI. i,, oarly eveiAga noruli- tbe Lake Bluff Bathing- bâch lait esoeru let tomea on Lake Michigani S&turday moring viien the. bot and wîthin tva heure the v8V95 vere bro'ke traits mooring altf Mile off vogilng hiaj. SMr. Muller sud friends shore. 1 mde semsal atteuipt.s te a ltucia The speed bot va. the property orsouler boat and get out te viiere the Frapklyn Muller, presidet andiowner valu"dbhast va. mored, but tbey Wti.Ne I Hleis b% enouâh to be Gov- ernor. Bis ereoe fits hlmfor His characterý is* without- Sblëitish. His position is knownm on publie questions. He does uot dodèe or trim. He is not raisinb, false issues. H1e, aspires to. be.. Czover.. nor-not a party boss. 1*11.1 -lia euh Itteuapt. The majo boat 811ied vith water before the sien oud get It outaide of the. Mullkers.ndbis triends remalned on the. beach nearly alilnlght. About two o'çlock ln the moraing tlie boat broka tram ls moorings, anid acon it wau ounding itassu to pec onu te The bull le a total wreck, but lhe engine vas saved.- ,,Mr. Muller bought the epeed boat hull tront Harbor mater Nidl Larsen inho porchimsed three Buclk bta at Mchgan Cty at a recetvership sale. Iiidepfeut.r rui? E N1.- lie Stuè À%mmFo Business imethods lin state Practical men , i state- posi- Teti state'departtnents in plaoce of one hundred. A revmsion of ourr tax laws. Fewer state jobs and lower taxes. The deve1opment of our farms 1and live stock interests. Protection of our industrial Hlis Samin is, consuc4w workers., tive. -i He la advocatineasues- I otthrowýitib mud. Enforcenient of the civil ser- vice law. Full suff6aýe for women. He is presentinb his ar*1uens to the voters. He believes thèy w111weiel the issues, consider the merits of the sev-. elrEd candidates, and .judlâe fairly when they vote at the prixnary, Wednesday,, Sejtember 13. W.,H.. STEADI Chairman Camp i nmuttee. 103 Tc M ln rotal lK~u f LasBe- ina fêfo(rWeek. Busqineba et thé recorder's office for lb. week en"ul Auglist 12, 1916: Nuimber ocdenvoyanees. 103. Numnler 0ftoas, 24. Total nuiber of instruments fiied, 127. Total amntâut of! bans, $6178523. Buines b»s beeii fairly briali and loan. heavler. The. followlng are the mare imporltdtals: Iii Wauk*g55. Eml' H. Moulton bought lb. Willam F. Stinderlin prap- en>' on Murim lsîreet uînder forecige. une sasle for 110,676.94. Frank 1 Bi5tSk of Nilwaukee pur- cbased the C. W. Pencre bouse on Nortli St. Ja1MS 'sîreet for a nominal, consideration. Clark W. Chandlen btughît tii. FuI Sh4lan houpe on ,Norti Ilica Street oforBI4e i on Toa. JeOMe bougbt thnee lots an Masena avenue and ickory Street ftmChanci 4G. Watrous for s nominal consideration. The Waukeâan ctty scbool district bronght 11% acres of thc. Peahady tract on Qien Flore si-ne and Wil- liamsStreet for ,6.5 Peter ». lobason bougla 21 loti ln Kirk'i (lieu Flore addition at Green- wood avenue ad Sheridan road tronm c'. F. ingalla for a nominal considera- lion. C rus K. an&d4aY F. StanleY bouglit the t)eloer ProPert3 Oun st ide af McAliter avenue noir lIavila avenue for $3.000. ln North ehicango. L.ouis F. Mc- Clorman bought 2% acres an., lie sat ide of Marquette Street adjalning lhe Cffeaga Telophono ('onîcènv'î praper- ty. frram M. IL Husacy fori $3.601 ln Lake B9luff. Leona C'. Mandevîlle boughttheb.Fignior- ;pnpfry at the notbeast conper af Scranîton avenue àmd Sheridan 'ami for $3.000. ln Lake Faoret Clark W. Chandler bongit the Phl.Slieridaîî uroperly on Scott Street for a nominal conaldera- tian. n Hi-ghland Park. Grace Lane BeardsJsy boughl lie John S, Stevens praperty on Ravine avenue for $9,500. ln Llbertyville. loin and Uzzie Faust baught the Barbarie property an lbe South aide of Orciard treet for $1,350. Abert Smilth bougit lie William Carroll proport>' an Milwaukee avenue and MeKnley avenue for $3,50l0. In Wuceda. John finie> bought lite Henry Davis property on the veal elde of Mcltenry road for $2.500. In Lake Z4urkMqt. Fred Bueitching bougit six loti ln Pair Oaks subi- vision tramt Abert M. Fox et al, for $1.200. In Sarrington Carl Panter bougit part (ýthteMary S. Nieler properl>' an L.iberty and Williamos streols for $1,- 439.30. i ln Hait Day. Augual Gewecke pur- chased lie Jofin A. Christ propertyvin nortieast quarter section 16 forth et village for $5,960. in Antiocli. Aithea Hadlack bought lie Gideon Thayer propert>' on Park treet for $1,800. In Newport township. Jobn A. Wil- liams and Daniel D. Battrlck haugit 120 acreseln sections 24 and 25 tram Alfred Si Paten and ('yr«As G. Foter for $6,000. in Warren townshlp. Pilp T. Sheridan baugil tse C>erW. Chan- der tarni of 126 acres l a sections 27 and 28 for $13.000. in rant lownslp. EIlMY ID. Gobel bongil 87 lots thi 1Mcôrat'is ubdivis- ton on Cedar Island lni Psts L e tram John F. McGrath- for bA0l In Benton township. 'jO'.a eBoor iought dv.'acres lnso t tquarter section 32 front Cyrus K. Stanley for $4.000. Tite Chicago. Nrth Shore & Mil- yankee EllecI rie rallroad 100k tille to ltse property of lie Chicaogo & Mllvau- koe Electrie railrosd for a nominal cansideralion and tIa fidItis by- lva. TIhe deed contland $1200 11 revenue alamp-. THE BOYS F'é M ETO 5 'Te variau, cammfttges appoinîid by tse Fos Park Comieajoners are wa'lng long haurs $g ia evîr>'- thlng aitapesi ta give tLiiMohsoldlers. their vives and familles on. of th. beut lime. éer rhad ut a reultian is- fore.. Bo far reports o! urogreasmade makes titis a certainty viien te vils gaîhér aI Fas, Park on Auguit 23 atnd 24 for ther annai renlon. Ai bais besîtan..seei.Command- ant Moffet oflietu. val Training Blalloil hai gracious!> consented 10 $end a bigad, of recroît. la lite uark on thte mornilic Of the second day ta give an exhibition drill for the oid *dîdiers, alîo the naval a 'tation band vil! play' a caderlt roni 7 la 7:30 lu te eveniat ,on thes tiraI day. TIpe Waujsegan Coammercial band bas alec bren engaged la play bath day. of te affair so IL ta assursi tbat tbere vil! be i-ent>' afinstrumental A qutartette will be preenî amd vIll enlertain at ictiervala b>' singings sate of the popilar as velI as the aId War sons.. A "caîupfire"' meeting ilîl b.. iteid b>' lhs tes. ,fte danci' pavillon viii furnish et for ail uha cars ta trip t e g ftantastie. nMusic vil!l be fur- tlits Dt stopplng la aid thein uhen nished by Net ans Orchestre. Efforts ar- being made la hbave Senator Billy Masoui here on one daY la dliver t1h message of citeer» la tiisvistlors. Yott cn ea eol 500 eneaWek. ly through the IndePendnt.' The n&uthwe "Nq The sbaffe.wid.ýShu IJIho bodî* m thes*Mi" f"rm thêBi.mà V" bu"lkPma mm 4hcl eb, hu cb t" soeht l. au à& h ibD. somt fer emhn te éail Aies Nml de â ua Ie"~mulyh. evsthe .!-b moe a"e Map. .MW& sgW" a w!! W" dm sauh ausat q * e '"W- =-52 Hut~aÈs. ala Onk upt- hBoUT.. h.plihjesîeer hew..m h a ! h.m et au4 hw b. ee 7=21 "1Len1..ise mai mmeaoah~taqa, ggygr. Ir hem.M t m» h. .u.a -~ - * hpeeqê~ 4q.W hu~ awe~feo ~s macs.-... -fer Aa*laU. AN!> SURItENBI3RS PREf «. TUE SELF TO 'S«IEMIF MIIIPRO9UCERS Sîxth Ex-Saloonist Had Been (Conttiud ?rom Page One) VisitIng Friends in Lake Zue- tact that nelther Mr. Putnam of Wau- ici Duringthe Week. mmer fth oad otWe gaon 11 Waukegan. Aug. 11. 1-g hlm. Mr. Putnam liadt dep rted la catch a train butor. lbhe vote was Michael McGuire, the sixtb min sen- taken. Mr. Murph'e 010atnied that tenced this *eek<tb the county lail out of courtesy' te J ake county man wbn Judge Pere:ons ruied an theli e .lepped outside no he wouldnt violtios ai Iheanîlsalan îvhave te vote, but h. vas nlot In the violtios oftheant-salon awleat t ackward about expresstng de- came bock le Wankegîn lat Tbursday elded approval ufthetii c and seeméd evening and bi.s morning at 6 o'clock parlicnlarly bitter againat NIr. EPvift, preigented lhe shériff ai tho especlally au lie irecited the ladt that county Jail. And n0w tiere are six the president at a Lbertyville mect- 01 them lun al. lug. poinled hie f loger at htm and McGuire, it deve loîîed, wenîto Lake made personal lnsinuatians hilchceut Zurich early lathie week and thatlihrm te the quick. vas why hie wani i court inhen lie Tihe exact vole on ouatine SMr. Judge passed sentence; tlt's why h. Swift vas 23 te 1, tie TOlin volin had not sbown up ince-he waa ont agiait, Mr. Meorarity, of Monetka, there visiting triends. but hoe vas ln deniring te poslpone action. touch wlth bis attorneys, for. tht. The. action taken by the board was marning Attorney Jorgenian adiittsi1 tho expulsion of-Mr. Swnift as a rnsmn- tisat he had known *Il aien vire. o:t the milk association. veilci act here In comîfliance viti tl ie tîs adent inhicitlhe liaitbeld. demand that lie apîlear by Salurday Juil prier ta Ihii. a vote inas laken or tortet lie $500 bond. McGure's ai taeinhetiier the chargesanmd tate- sentence, as imposed by the court. ment. madeby Swif t Were detrimont- wae a fine af $350 and forty daya In al ltelite toteresta atftte Association. jaeu. The. vote vas 22 ta 1t In th. affirma- Gel AppeaU Roady. tive, Moriarity again voting no, Attorney .torgenaon la vorking hara Swift and Vice President P. lJ. Holt on tie papers in order teafile the ap- of Pleasant Prairie, Wis.. who pré- pet! and appear before the Appellale sided, did nat vote. E. 0. Jollys of court In an effort te have the court Marengo did net val. on tbe question Issue a suporcedes by hilci lhe de- ai te uhether thé charges were det- fendants can have Iheir f reedom pend- riMentlita the association, but reg- lng an appeal of their case. istered In tavor of expeliing the presi- Thte detendanîs and Iheir cauns dent, are up loarmi aver the posItion ai- Farmers te 4sar Detali. sumed by tie states attorney' In forc- The case is exiiected t lbe carried Ing the men te a liiwble an ep etl betore lte tarmer votes of the was pending. Mr. Jorgensan was ?'ery eghth inenatoe-ial distrtet,-McHeniy, emphatlc In bis position whea lie saud: Lslco and Boone ,comgs*e,-in whlih "it In the first lime titat a state's State Senator A. J.> li6a of Wood- attorney tn Lake county Ias ever in- itack là opposedi y 9vift In a race sisted an detendan's >going te lai! for the Itopublican nominatian for whie an appeti uasapending. The lie stual snate. cusjam -here and elaevitere always Cali Swift'* luslpeas Attitude bas been ta have the ment ont on Imprper. bonda pending an appeal. There have Aside tram the talements, credited been ýmany saloon ints oni!to.St ýWitt Wih iitdrectars xalnlalned In the point, but nover btore bas sncb vers detrimentai ta the saesodition, It a positian beon assumed by the pros-' wam chargod that Offt staled In an ecutor. In otiter words, il eeema tair article in a tari journal. liaI ho bts and luit te permit men ta bave thoir heen soling bis ownn illk at LUberly- freedom when they are aaking a itigb-! ville far the sane prie. as lie recelv- er court ta lians. on tse merit.of the'ed thrse yearo ago, stalIng tlut the case." tle Vst hmfrm purchaping It couid fnot afford la Wlvu VaitThe. Ipay mare. Ùtirectors said Ihat this la Wtvea of the. men have visiied tbemno t the, proper attitilde for a min1 sinoe tbey ver. laiii. One waman t ake who led the association In asc vis sn hurrylua lu theb5 li last ev-I cegsful fight for higiier pricos a we nlng carrying a snilcase. wbtcb inas [monthe aga. go loaded that site. could bardly carry No attorneys ver. engaged by ellb- ItL er aide. Régne preaen'tedhiseévidence andarged nesses vau W. A. ode Lut., a former drectoft WC, thal h hetril 8iêtt 4 statenienîs chrff*ý Llbertyville andtbtts, . question ln isi21:d but%>t= statoineats vire delrimental Wlj Svift a prepa.dmanwWi ID bis doeuese. HIn.f aered _ resolutlans, adoption or vhiqb. have dlaiemad the. pslciOaic14 againel hlm. IlIle sai, but thli turne& dovn by a vote ate1lo Swift Males gpi9 t~p la hi$ hrIef ho rg be sald, bai leen saisi %a ,a 1npvia againil 11nlviU*alo ansi 51 dent qf lthea e tIotaU8a solation. lelI the, raluig oa atS i tram the farines fore marketing coman.Y a 4 tbat he bleved a les would benefit the faruno lie falled ta, convince lte. i1 uho favor lhe co.operatLkve 5 compan>' plan, 1h11 hi& ie tt* vere nat detriniental ta thé luwe4f of the association, astaho vote x*1 minutes later siowed. Accarding ta Difector Charl4o Patter Of miel, Swift tntimate4t ho migil take tthe malte, latco "The dlreMe",a' lt,,tb*tt" Ë eiation bai pe *W- "fka àat with Mr. Swift ai hheheai," be 11 Presldent Swif t oDened the me.! and thon ttirned the chair o~e Vice Presidenî Hoit. vho asividet Director George Brovel ut Sy"ia an attorney, an ta theo coui. u5t hearing- PARENTS. 7 Roy Wlckér man. arrMet Forest Salurday on the ceý ducing Lent Hagy'orde, 1lSpmfo tcr accompany hlm troa Miau MInno..ta Lako Forest, tld fe~ h oo tahe iigrl tron ber bo~e cause ber paffints abusaiher, Wlckerman, vbO ba i e=en IOOl an the ArcadY foa n iabb el.W'u ounod hy, Arthtur Meoke'. W%%4 rted ln Iowa eiaht YMMsr8114 sob two clil!dren for anotht F"U vham ho tg aaid to have OQi ta seelt vark l n gata.ý 1 A depulty ahevif bok Wtfk»O ta Mlarshall. Kinu.. SundRynl##.