Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 14 Sep 1916, p. 7

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i, T"i~~ *~rdr1~Utf r JobWork I AUsrlmve tspu pplicadalOn D l. Wite spent téfe$64mo, 1 week wfth lu i a aiy nt MmàîOf. 1Wlq% Cordes Tanise ofthte i)ruce Deug d4.$ &"ia ble t,> reurne bis dri»lter due 'Illamos everal deys. C. J. Wigts$ue traeaated buoine Iti Karie Coun* the fi rt *,he week. W. l. i e.ri ad 'h utofChicago, oest Tuesduy ettab o10uoftha iattWe' mother, hrsMm u 'ol C. b~ii~ltpîat ustime lu Cbleago id~'2 p." W. NI o sv lca uoFr the tirU of jé" on bosiness tripi tu tcwago :y Waltrfi8 lB ay - tX>e Plainas, W ea l41à brothe, Charies le i~ntl v mte Min tage Pir W 1w5 , P. D. I 4r bramas.e In Chcago >Mdre. John Tuele a*4 daugMqs returri- b. C. VI.L'e ters4,u and wie o Chicago are spendlng a lw daym vlsiVng aM U* J. P. Shrman bituw , .. J.i Lonuabauigbtwput tO.o îx Laie <n businenss Mondy. LAMBS CORNERS The Warron'n "i'îî.ry Ammlaialori willl Mset VVedunedayt firenooo,SqOpt. 20, witb IàxA.Muy Law i. bi v4L Ae >l, dey- tag .wovk 4&W 4û»-asa,. bdc. and Mmc Thoniîa Champny c and hire 1, 11. M ilr. Nty Lauab. Horace Vofe, Etusi itr»ostelAbattëddsd the tiro. James Sneeei' andi chiîdren crient lest week wiib Mien Nelie e.. Charte@ Rffinari returrued Monday aiteriomn lt-ton a ".er.rI weeks tamit nt Racheeter. N. Y. IUr. and tirq. ( harles Oartley and Mmre John Gartiey vielteti at Mary lawi' blunday. lu'à. fleby llok and ths asse S88«P attmed.d 11wR. N.'Ameetbg at Lbrty. villest week. a Sep. 21. Alinterestetilevlted. B.ier. Thon. e.cOnvera aist te home .end In. John Howar-d on Satur- ening. AIl preent report &,âine .oaeltrnj f h rilonce on. &y, hetvâg geo*,t &pblo vs Bondja aeroon. rHaman andi iamiiy are enter- r air 'atlsmlbn WASHiNGTÔN.- D'.1.,sept. 8--ec rotary Danigilanan addcesa lier. to- n"i a! thse 46tha anmul mer-ttri ai tI;,Catisolle 'Total Abeblsenoes Bcéty ai Interi Ina eac euu 'rs ief ia _am Z iet tta abtti. *errnlu detttrcî>,to the navy mit%, tMr. Daltiels asked: *lhat sa>, yo, vill your rttllrod tuets ln ydtr pocaeu aapaou 1 't~ tht nalroada' iouid Isue a n t clublionseasanud t. aiowedt t e luUsh a vIne mnsm-of 11ier aufrit il~ you nal dentanti an or-ici l ýbing sBach, Un arv"" NOTICE. 1 wiii maks idier very Saturday munil iusj*her noIc. L. C. PAt*S, Qlst&o. l&rý Phone (irAalake 88-1. 51c2. »OYSand Gls BUY YOUR $chool Supplies - 'and text books at' ST4!E REXALL S TORE jet new goods aisti,elsaiu ftock LCU VILLA W% 5ý*r*petGonyo and daughtteru, E<elynbi ,YiqtIng,'les' mptéb, sho li vers fil et lSIS #:xa Lalte, b" obs~h~and fMens ý,b4x appée g #,4be Cityfone EREIL ~ ~ I I se bà l bc h"s. Resrruted Locket,, With Pie- aý tlu ,sde t tures of Their Pa,'entâ, Re- ce atend. veals Secret to Fffliiy. MADISON, Wis., Sept. 8. - Roger ~ lst eskitbNautôn. a University ot Wiaeosni ins vedwtbgraduate 00w 4 ceident of Globe, ber ru. James King. Ai. a icvrd(a u ie rain be b ni, #dy afternoo u. witb wliom lie maried in e years ago. is bunl&Ia i iNlbqr Hé leaves a wiif hie siter. Ilow ta straigitten out te and titrees i'lail cldren, wbo bave our lcluk la il-jr lite star>, le the proli- deepest sympatisi ip ibetr lerevenenst. lem witli-it làworrying titem ta dit- JdÔ Kôeltra and-imi eiîs (ry-tr'actioni. lake friende Bundsy, N ~ ewton, wliose ceai, name in Ceorge 'IsChoral sa'tety *tarted up &aela Porter. waa the son of a Parpenter,'I[i TU*. y igist Bter e vacation lie tu Spokane, 'W'tus. The famil>, cas poor ussaa4wUW Most at'i cibool and witen ibe fiather was jnjured by a opse!mu>. ceduï eet4ýi fait irom a hadder, lttii. George was %r Ch. (oer and sun have tpaeed in aut orpitpnge. A few-rnontha _ýaré id é1hl cii &wud later he cas ae.opted b>, Howard New- afUèra <ee sp ent sNt James Atwel'a. totn, *4u moyed ta the eaat anddlits ia~i~ re.*i:Mithel i> t~ieaaparents ]ua iltrace, ai hipi. woe r ~Suaday viols t4mthe'i His adotsted parents gave hlm a * ;în;-:bw à84. ond education. paylng hie xpenses taa ew da:s-rore. at Vie 1Jnversity of Wjccaaan. Afier leaWng olege., young Porter, who metrgeitut acrommodate éw rbolttiig iaftaken thte name of Newton, re- plartr. eMapsr- aghtr-i O R urnedta tothe Pacific northwezt, andi Mauer .11 dowiu éai 151' riof 1.nR.becauce engaged jinte nsurane huit- broke lier arq i. Sb@e won tak«U taVo less. Wakan t4u have X-ray picturea taken ihlllngnPrtai.Cele anid lu doing nïceiy. me t fils s te.î i, itms EIahetît Ptrtâ', A son watt borri Sept. 2nd, tu tir, antd t4ho Was atididing a girl.i seneiuar>, Mi. BIert (jall«er. Bund nri$ept. 4th a thute- Tht vair hicame lzeatuated lauglt.r4o tr, anti Mcc. lt-nuî<.gIsiger unti. .antd ettirely t.nurnt of'lie rela- Chbas. Hanes and lanily have mu vet i t tejh iil- 1uitr-ei th-r.-, werpne nts itack tii theta rialler a tw,, years! rled& alîsenoe iri çenotcha. a a nn er Ig.irýe9h Mis@ Val Joue@' Who lias@Mient the day, wlIilp'%crning trogh a atI>d paut i àÏWt'w îe.I re rnk. Newton foind a long-lostiloclÉt Cýluau bin1ouj. reborned to.boe-hî)me in! st,.lHe pried ilut per. andi fonttithat Floîridea lit week. i t coiitl!ited a tntyle lilteness of lus hisrm yruiond Sb.rwuidin l recoveritng icrents glien hinî elen he went to cicely tram ber reeent op'ratlar and i 1 lite orpttarigag-' in 188,1.Wlen lie entre humte front bhe l.akesidc ismepital t iawe i t'tc lii lite fe glie faili i e -ii. awa>,. Uc. anid tira. lallmtt hiave 1",u enter. The picrure was onte of.lier own îainl egtitroue or'.ll.' wile andtItwo latter and moîlier, taken yeans agr sui. ,î 'hiiagi titi t lieu weeKg She had lnown ofai' rother, twe or tisree years lier senior, tbnt hlatineer r ~~ipr RO E A S1 7 w ht haa ecemne of bim . Tise rurtrr. ui,nrc sîoucIntel, nt i-.. Vie tbreehliigmahie &Wau ln uOur reighborhood. Thers are etîli a few mors job@suad then they will begifl iing sucw Johin Straban, Sr., wan on tbs sick lest Vhs pet week. a" ije mne hettir a$ I >rseent. b«»h Mis 19dran matf lutocas Te te- f4utý tis tes u tî.rei ttOéI elo : e 111 1 osouwe s elàt. ed: Pudmt, James Revoes; Vice Prou- dont, Allen Dxon;dSretary, lOrs. Lenora r. Mrrant ie lire. ph tir don D)onald e ~lng b tifiaî esk A. Dizon lu tlnlehingiti s ebouse anti vben It tedonsebe viii bavs a ne rip- C.Nrtbadà anl tr @m Bu sQwiWblU4ancm eob jne le C us isbegan vork on bMe hous. Mimr Mau a ffl j G! W b a t endla irenmaa ndWàukean.- r ndU.D M. White, Mr. and Me,. H. b. nta anti chiltirsu, iise(lun, Mintpi, Mr. and Mca Ai- Hughes anid dugbter, George White &nBd Mise flerIlua White oi titis vicinît>, attendetite weting of MIes Ruisy fugieý t..' t RI'tld, Wis., Thure- Mr. anti lra. J. B. Darntasu Lad son Willis of ai lss, Ili., epita leurdua vîtis li. andi lra. C. E. Darman. ,Àres ù"d IEua Iving art attend- tnp; Elgi âchoIaI AnUacis. Saàri-y Ker oiLaki Villa, torescy ai llIburr, vbo vau @bot Setuday vam butioti at Millburn centtery Tueeday. ->aMuoWehb vi.lted elahlyes ai HIWG1ans Pu at trday and SBuda>,. Mr. snd Mrs. C. E. Denuan visiteti lrlends at Hinutetile %Snbday. WINNIPEG, liai., Sept S. - The jury lu thé case ofileBodintonti Rois- lin, îûÏrmerI> P"rer'ie ' ait'i i ravlnc andi tva members o? hae cabinet, Jotn- R. ('aidwell,'Mlnlustr cf Edutattosi, aned J. H. Hovtien, attorne>, genera, un tiseir wa>, front Arizona ta Emgenie, O)regon. ta visit tltein parents. New- ton's adopteti Parents died lu RIeetis- hurg. Wls., tinré.0yetarsa MibhAel Schmitz, Aged 76, la Found Unconsolous in Bed by ~While waikIag freux ans coom la nosi 2. daîJineih ' tet Deer 0edPiçklchalz. t~ eureti 4con- Irtri.uffereti a faintina epeil andi fell ta the. liner. He eut a émail bqtt deep gais in bis f bi g_.f. t tb wound. Wthe inJury vas dreau* , 4d bq a*. ~açeêpigee ly.~bis orw4. ho à 4 an ttva solo ent , i'B t to-fn n es w i lis vouiti ike for .heki esy die. CaVered (bhat ho vas la an unaoib- aclouq Mtate. Dr. Devis vas aummon- eti but tise ageti resident ai thse villa&* tIlet t efore tise doctor neacest lit Scbntltz eience.. The gleceased vas one cr he test kaovn realdente o? Deenielti. Ha rt.- lireti front active lite several year$, ega, but prior loa tI tinte he vas en. gagmti la he generai cantractîng bus loess. Dr, J. Lý Taylor, coroner of Lake Coont>,. affIlated i Itise inqueit ieid over ltecentaine early Septenther #, andi a veridet stovunga t Mr. Scismitz hati tileti aicerebrai item. arnitagea. Arden Store, te ires!> aie camp le. cateti at Lake Bluiff, ha aent $40,. 000 thiisseason andi nov lu $4,000 i: arrearc. Acrden Shtore fissupporfleti t> lte people o? tise nart shoItre. A coin- mittue tram eacli wu ea caasse10~ teritorn tthe sprina anti rocelveï pletiges of subscriptlons. Titausando af Chicago poor are glven tisein onty. oUUtng ai Arden Shore. 1 -,Th Tia un of $1.000Waa earnei> for Ardien Shore oncamnpment frià sthe, gaà,den tete isehd Wednesday evenlng 'ÉM te groundsa atjining tise William Gaiti Hihitard. Jr., ffsiate In Winnetka. citangeti with consplracy ta ds!raud p E-Aballoon free with eve-ny tise Province ln thce rection of pachia- Gen. John I. Stithe. civil car vet- îidýnts puyahase of Rexall Sehool muenti uldinags'itere. reportedti o eran and last survlving memiter oi T*mblet. tJudas Prentiergast îestenday italltse fainous nililtar>,court viticl tniei i - ~ te>,vers unabie to agres. The jury Jacob F'inz. supeintendint o? the An- ORUOB DeUG au. vas immetiatel lseissed. dersonvIlle prisoit vas huristitits ai- loi-faon aI Rosebtil. For yeara te - ~ - -DEPENDENT sah SW pur»"a bMux iteniW le i l e scauatisoId. 'f Se.Tisai B&ve« Y.Ma >"weokly. lers' andl aailorsî reunbi. the Hotel Morsinie, M'ightand Park, on thei redtiton ln rates was hrought ptcsfiy Tliur8daY nigitt. smed te be t0e a, Ij tise Waukegan oflicirie fetlt conri- e as ud -'intg dent ltat a unted fronit would hi. pre- in thie Circuit ('out. cept thie mIserablu PlIttance offereti by' sented. They were miore tihan sur '*Seen hlm. i shi thes Worrths Shorelîss Company,. G. F. pised wlin Highland Park xre- wt'sme.idt GOodnnW< lsead t--ltt ,;= .-mipsny. eti a villirigness tea aeopt t-be g a t' mreI - dn' offéroed t Ûuw Ï-et g ets m mpany'gCa a ffe<u, andtheofficiais etI r don'bt iik îî we prtlioussnd fieut Oter the cansump. Most of lte olter comntunlties by ( iL.ake F'orest. li - envoicing an opinion,. lent sulent co. net wanled lier,'.1 t'on cf tise ftiet 2000 ert.Tht l8, a sent. ciliiever rettiro.' %ai consumer mut Psy the full rate for The gas comîianys ofepr ivta paent thse fIrst 2,000 feet used, and then get allow thse tresent rate ta r-mal- h0eu e m r- . the benefit of the Iawer rate foc gai h osmto i'gide 0 X use inexc« o tht aourt. ceati 2,000 feet per inontit. Fur ga, route to- lite L.ake uaed excse o tisI amunt. uaed la excess of iliat anount iiiel Iwhen lutera-lewed bt Waukegatî cly officiai- vlto attend. affer a 50-cnt rate. Local Ilfias Ttrame eri eti temeeting conl-ndeithltr clia tel talttisiflot enougl ot a c011- dliseolint wtuu!d do bt tti. tod a-r cession on titi-parit0fr te ttimpatt. ite Itowers werr th Tise>,pnint ta thse fart tisai the ave- r1I eauti tub asters. Thtl te big majas'lty of peott t n 'ii Vtk.e age consumer does net use ov-r2, Iareo hi-r vitit to the gan do flot use lu fxre.%s ut t ýit fi-et 000 feet a montis andti huis would d,- itlti chût] cas hurle aof gas per montbt. ' rive no beuefit. Once pirpose sçrved bt- i ,ineettng Mqmbere of theitii-itttiii t4ueu' peopie relurnlng taa he formation f m ct "y titey cinnot undenstanti wliy 1 Park ssci Sîiday os was. on o t iloi l Iut' Highilandi Park rliauld have i*i--r01 lies-athe heaviy v j soc le-tv comprised af e t-it- -tjet readyti> a accelth ttm propomitîtete flice lalor markpd m the dtf!irent citie aiontithi,- norttlte gas canupan,.. t iiey do nt chargv.i iecratSce sitore. Aitbougit. Wauiiigatt ite tatI L .as a :;,Utuirp job- 01i Wau-îh ara ace i largs cty n it orati ito smdkegan but front i tirattitude it a lair eny atChhlie as larjes ely i te oganzaton ndplain te ce titi>didti ltrecette the ways egiiotff althoustlIilt ati more rettritttttatives consîdi-nation tliey sgl hav ere.cewcier- osephIine Da lreseot titan 'an>, cter lv. t iwsa celved. go th- eftetery t lgnored completely la t ( i tîofit- h i(il)hm affici-na. Those lac 1téeair,:E ERC TTth iae ari Prealdet-Mayor Has ttcii> liga- JUVIIYII4 E potcen, cita gave t>i landi Park.d resael Vic-pesdet-%IYor'.. t. ,e;. ATF X LAOE 6UT-- çaUsi bfrethj la. Laie Forest. Th VA KAImcttocards fei Secretary-Clty Clerk E. A. .ar' the murder charge. ren, Highland Park. IJUL AÂcocding 10 hal Treacurer - Mayor Runmnel], \Win net"s. Collage Was Owned and Occu- Counseer-Attorney Sani liolmes, pied by 'Dago Franlk' Lewis, Highlandi Park.>. a Chicago Rlesident. John Hart, Pres. George Goodnow vas present at lte_____ meeting andi told thse offer whih bthe The stummrer tome aI Fox Lake at gas. company vas vtllng ta nake, "Dago Frank" Lewis oi Chicago. vas eaylng It vas a botter offer than tisaItcompleiel>, deutroyed hy a dre. whiclc' Fb T U made ta Bitte Island. He assertuti vas dlscaveroti Wetineay night at lisat wvilthieb. ele aof gaz ln 1915 atout Il o'clack. Deaplie aIl tsafif -migbt have houa bilgbla tatit la net coitld ho dons hy thse tire dprmu huat nonv heaue tise coal of laber andi the ntany veloutesvisa ver. bas Increaseti 10 per cent andth ie an the. grorind vibii a short tInte price.of col buasem gone op. tiseaottage burnsd ta the grounti. Mayor. Hastings ofai ialaad Park Leawis, Who long wau a weil knowvl at ounceaald lho thought te offer charactet lu Chica.go, togetter vush madle bY the *es commany in fair andtihie members of hie bouseisaiti er8 ho salit he ýtisoght te cril4c oughtt a"ay vien tise tire braise ont. RESOUI ta atocept it. If mayors et sont. aotis In fact they left tise bouse ail 2 Loans and Discoun otiser citiet vere displeaseul- vith tise . o"Cick In tbe aiternoon anti tad bt!d Stocks and Bonds. offer tisey made na contjîlalnt andi no cause to returu. Tbey ase3ertBilngAcnt titere!», lent aslant assent.. jthere was no lirs Tnft turning ln tb' FBuildingreAcndit. 4~ waa practicailî a laut s tgt for place anti they cacenot explaîn t u1ïueadFxu laver rates no far as Waukegau ls origin af thte tire. Expense.------ concernet.i. Maya Pearte a"i Oumn- fhe cottage ltseit is vaittet ai $2, National City Ban ntlssionere Duret, Orvis Md't 8wayer 590. IV l* inI the contente were val- Chicago. vlso attestded tram here Wére unant- uýd at f quIul.$100s. e'wluable musical Cash Items-... Matsisnlaexpressins lice opindn that l tntrymeAýg and.»er w.ieré amqng Cash tise gaa conîpan> sisould àt a Ilia t thie artic1a e etrayei., rate af 90 cents per tho"d*nd feé+ Tise cottage was ldoabed near thc 'Votai- -- t Tbtey pointeti ouItishat tise proluoeed Squaw Cceek bridge about e<n lte eredOtioui ollered by hi e company i houndar>, Une of Grant townsip anti amiounts ta no ittie and affects so tise corporate lImita of Fax Lake. fev people that fi la xracticalhy Lewis hati ived tiser. coute lime ami vortbles. ainona men Is knawn as the 'king" Au a reiult aif te strenstous objeea' of Squtaw CrAek. jtien put up t>, Waukegan elty aitdals I Lewis gafuired ranch un&wugbt put- It vas decideti ta have Attor*ey 11011>,ln Chicago sovecal monthe &go odog . D Hounes ai HlghIsnd Park, énd Casti«-J hen it van reported that ho vas Miasianen' E. V. Orvis of -Walkegat la. prontînerut figure lu tise aid leve. go ta Chicago next veek and apýpear district there. .0 before tise public utilities commission SIÈM R ta Bs for a continuance of 30 deays. j hoct Theu case against tise NorthiShione Gag Wisen we a iiy Thoug tboy ADSTRA&CT' Companty la gel for liearlng titheir rev naéigzn vi. lýe4 part ai net week. Insîllo of te tethient asIf tlisy vers vitl Ibs vlhteh viii te asted Iîtlantise plan tZh ttev iIlVo15D ~ W A UKEC niakis, clliifurtlier Investigation andittyct elnrd-ote isecis rosaine o? tise statements ', -- Y ' t1 A ~~ made t>, Mr. Gootinaw. L - Plan ot Association Tise Norti StorO Association furnu- eut ha. gaverai abjects ln visv. on, ut thé prizicipal ones bi4ng ic pramote a clouer band of sympatis>, tleen tise Vanions municipaliles. Tfise rokulationai'flte automobile seti traic ie one o! tise purpases. An effort viii e matie ta mike unul- faim apeeti restrictionte hrough al thte nortit shore cilles so taI auto- los mal, tnow mat chat 10 eXpeet. A unitarm tax rate le another of tlue purposeés saughti. 1léulaîtlorn of sewer Mnd water prnhhtems aisa wilU hé itrought np and rettuedies sougit vhere ts>, are ds-emed necessar>,. Thes beilef of the members la tai mucli con he accoenpishetIif te of- SciaIs ai' the different vidies wiii wor'ý togetisen for t-esolutiton of llritr vqIuf lrolinîs. WANT .90 CENT FLAT RATE. Waulcsaen cil>, officialis are flot st ail pleaneti over thte situation ttat3>eis; tievehopet ijn the-igit to es-re 9u- TI 4IIY CENT , Waukegan OffÎoiWs Stand Pat oq OemnandjTit Fiat Dis- ont ýc 9de on Gas. GOODNOW MAIES AN OFFER Ninety Ceittftur First 2,000 Feet-Hi~md-Park Mayor Favors kççpne . If Waukegart ebàelvuu afiat rate of 90 cents per thotisild feet of gas it will not bu through elupport of allier munelpalitie, *long thse nortli shore for the spirit of thse majority of cas- cutlve whü attenfed a meeting zt -7, ý- SURPLUS $500.0 cent gas nu Ibis oity. In i'act they d(efî g fit rot admiJre the attitude takeit by tihe IIRU ' officiais of thetenitieer fort -ihore cil les. WbIle titey miake no diret U ~ L chaDgea they are lnclineti ta titlnk of the ather tiorili shore cilles, fnis.- biy laghiand Park. were entlrely toi O P TS eager t0 accept the Proposition offer ,RP TS ed by Georke F. GCpodnow ofte gas'iDoNtW n company. 'DoNtW ni To0cal Officiais have filt riglit alpne Do'tW sud have had nu cauise ta chângel 'tW nt Hii their mind, tit the tnus consumerai to Our Home, here as well as in othe-rrcoimunttie-c along thc nontit sioro are Pnltî-I i?,ON WAY TO THE a flat rate of 90 cents per 1,000 tee." This lra araté given i nany cillesIFte ofDa ail over the state by diferent gaa ate 0jDa conupanieu andthetti conditions bers' route to CemetE are. no differeiit thait elsewhere. The rieedb mere tact that there are other riiieî evewdb whlcis hay thé sqame rate aq Watt'e-' gan, as enumeraitpd by tir. Gaodnow.1 Frun'i Lainhe, rt l.alnot taken as sutfflrjî-t reuSon why t -ar olii Suitîi, i grl Wauklegan anîd ti. nril shore nor-teîimrtt-tt- miunities ,toiîd nion ilî h rit e t n, lc ir tion titey arc asking.1 woods la-ýt Febrîiary Prou tte attitudie ass-unîed ytihit, boy rhorti lie- dit ailher north shore riim'o.0,-îer siledter'.4 ,,,deus EEN WILL gin hiq freedam by ?eU1 lit his hour !he III iaid to fie en routei ICE TRIAL ir"*tweehtprsllet to See Hlm-I i m rsas M8ls ernX1yer. t à~ Jm to RetUrn molthr waii with !dnm ou the lmntfnn D, Says He. ~ ti~i ii noM{b~t.a~ U afflthat ah, lias lieen seea h IECEMETERY. rit iîîît Lak, Forest dit àg the pa3 ,w days. Girl Was En- ery When In- OVERSEERQUIlýy ySun Man. ofhp ni' ,S . 10'LMANIA wiLt r oaks !Il[ielrn'.s FALLIN TWU irgeti wtil his t i- ut'une ,nan thaý ttkq Iiin(i' WViian ilOr- au~ iSI jury ntc;ý sain \oliva utlit te n.-l'e riy 'toht'îirici Tiia stàè1twlul nuid lay flot tand etTtiiewtva ersýf '.t' ui'nly tti<i< 'it!' BdthitO -o Waneertt b sin lm. lestv, for LhIe Oteraîtor àittUtB i-erretin ~ti-) himelf. cWb* itoîsa t' tiowas that lie fý br;lita and s tei'sianghto tbi)614r 1 donit ihinlk lie hn flie thîîall he-t-un n-ril m1W' ti'e êstt.W id the ikrief-stikk- îu- 'al te r cieÇ o f tt-rhottO for fi-ar t hat Gm1Y ýamhert were en W;11 wln, F~orest cemetery it[%t%, a îîroçiic t ai,"id y The Sup ~ yc j (it taire à for btia fille with iiOwerE, T.îirat liaui omi tie fragrant and w-tl1:t iayýTtty1'r tr trip uteant jtvst fe\ 'u:îe ftu- anital , 'oj i ýtfant 'Plut where their lu zt tewetaYv tlor-t iley -w.l 'be ait îed.Ruttti. t t t' ila e~u. g rom Ravinia m,-iî ilý, jitu a aflernoon have no- i ',-ar lreetIimeU velled woflB anI .:tI îkfrlthhe, Unli itled mlan steppinu loto *'e i htI 4part station. They anid,«'t'nt glati l'ni liere. ýýtt as me Car. Tbey ai- n ? I ptir,'ie fttiu eitlàt ar at a point npar ti1Pae wsa r, re vcr. Thi.tleté* 'avis reilies. To " r tlâ h-l iy 4. Mt' route Paaesa h 'Ill h-f t. Z i 'tt 'saiiît d FI was josepitine ro7,r t'h sta, a nti'l e-i. p lia. asmiate and com- e'd odr te evie, ,~l '%'ail sîrept.' euh! oi,va. p!t, an -d 1fiber tes-, Jury whïé ich n so GrkaywiAi. in ilOp t it titrînywl en n~ iI Oret~nOvertuer cdaimrs Rouma»ia,,w f ld reports front 1,1ce bt umn' ad u1 George Avndeson, Vice-Pre. E- . Webba.Uaakho of, Roun gePtenib& 12, 1916'i - URCES UDLTE its.. .$74,M90. )Cý ital Stock......$ 5O-0.,Ôd . ...2Z=OoS.p~ndoh- ures.. %,O%.S lu Ti-dïâT-,ccits ilç of CCerýificates of Dep&it.ME~~ S22,524.99 ....$141Z56629 Total ~ 4i2 E. C. WEBBER.C4* erst. Prouident. W, . . &yutli Vice Presifltis e W. ChUeÈMl, Çacretary su and gr Ti44' .êO&NE 8l [TVT-ITlE1-& TRUST V~ 1S 0F TITLE TITLES GUARANTI) Capitul $12iffoo.ootfd ;AN - - LIO1t .1 -l 1

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