BAD. TA%,,00 Meir mye %1 V mhy avne hu. tatluret liie u Our tax lae a C dam. TII.Su4m j Ob. tbeywe " cOêhldem Iwgau b bps ave blu ep eccente go au lp- , a»ia tbe. moe mea~a WLU £ ute mre dm eti Je-, i ne ne ir à ot.wp* mtauu~ qt f iqq'it*t à* et tube br~llyt i eeu "tobro hitek ae 0'hOMal, -' qPirfflü , ISutlu and dis *" *b at. alnÉmt t. a. Rt uuv rbô*vs1"u. e 4@pt0ts . Mtiut r u m-- Liea et 1111011111& abut dot goee ~ lo te~e wau c èt O'r * poist . plsTb@Ie îolo mtu ~uteretUd m te tIaLe I fri~ fmta0M. wité la e 0,I MogBjrnmm * W li a Il,- ott ww of fae mot o l lltut eu&~r lily.1*1 absnt tt rt e otherd-# la tftadu, » Itat la e .My, the legia latu, b« U ldtdaf the. dIIermu Ici=t cfpmomtat* accorditug telit an~d pL tewenuto.eue i*$&iam Ti. l .iMî muiimn almply re- uwovm.tIti ruuttlortrou,=the . atitudem. but cutiesate eroO p crit. h R«affect rod 1tmt. 1,sueudmut tme". Tu althe eAodueu AIýM«eb MIBer- C. lrrom moiafler 414,idate uhen tua Weccp shah l bla - Mtii. powem c tbegeer$4 LU mam v-eur tii. sUbet Wtwts? tURLiIO «0fpenonai prpertr shii lu a. a comle. a nrtttrieNd go tber aàd test et Iutidi MeWor tho ciluu- tics di nt-urlu; proied, ho--ve. tbat pw, t«s ieviui "map.i ptrt m 0ut ie ues ate p#W tmg andmipberty et the m am wtilm thejarlaBc tooi th.ody im. trou .imtom mal OF tom gi« '*lW. a"d eh slie reocbl. lis the. gâri moeiqLt MW7 dme. efTb# atou aut~u&. aI É raS. e leit#».ett ~ey-tOcu.ei à-eteetio à étle - ilùcûeasmegdmenL Aftor guot. lut tIi e MMWPcf tliecoatu tot le affictud Ii ¶tment myi: hwedm r-t-Jw-- va _byo ta.. ê ~àMn $~. 71.. A é»Who0au L 'ocele ut mai t aeeQWiit a eonvenleniee. ~IAbk perstp- '1heBe~t à ptie~~O~e theh~oevS' àtI~ re alivays found lu. PI >toigl Revlew patterngs" ~ Therp lia& rtôfpro0iseness whieh is coustantly c\pressing ltselt mn' the deelpixet 4pornoti o4i a store uli the *openXngof Lié fali seaii, uthis developmcint is n~ eovn 141 toan- aeJ4u4 of supreihe importance anud value, hrmngig advamtages wliich are char- =C~htic of thehig sOt4doalsi nerchandisinig. 1'rîf f oîrprbogêse and developnîent veil be foillid ini Larger ýStocks, Iligher Qualitistte :105and llLtv9.Ii rvlce. '1 A Côpr~ensve h4WIg -of the Aimtîmîni Styles ru. Women 9sàud Alisses' Appareël are arrîvîuîg w ith e-to'y express- fronri thé Eaàt, addmîg voluîme to aui assortiiienit already Lt is a Showixig oquali> as autheuttie as it im ipil]de varuety. and im rvpffisoîtative of those modes whvlieh hbave reteved forcmost en- dormuent d~ the -style crities. Ch(-ver originatitv. is cxpressed ini tie designing, of each garmnent. Wcare,cikoùraging selectiuîî fro,îl these early uneis in view of a deieed onitruit sure to*exist bctweeu the preseut prie48 and those whiceh in*rkêt eonditiýo 'i -ll eolùpel ask as the seasoni advanees. w Clôth Su-its, $22.50 to $55-00 Cibth Cats' $10.00- tôo$60-WO T~VATDrms Skirts, $5.00 to $2.5 New Cloth Dresse, %&95 to $25.OO i êi. F Just arrived, and e *x- treznelyt chie ini design- 'Developed of fine Geor- gette crepe in white and ifesh; .dainty emibroider- ed design i front, and tailoted stitching on col- la#r and cufs,. At $4.50. KW 5 PW 'l4 AN SXCPTI0NALer l3eautiful, Iustiroua taffeta s8 p0 ils, ion in the popular flaxe style. .4 Vi'itOfuM inýrouÎeng sealloped'efets, stiting xMi and- trmung of bias fold8. , Cornti M i#gandy, fre e Y and white, l y :w M~ad a ful is: changèable colo6r$. Finely tailored iind »41lk walitllne.. mil "M-Rcz,,mi-r7. -Ibemutiful showing of ane*-fl gured, inateriàls for ove ra e vý ,cei, aide, drApes,' sereens, cusfhiba, boxevrnS * ~.ete. IuelUding-7 - -Mecer1~.~.p. - e C Ooth, ~ ~ witlhewfûrnlshiugs of a-xiy mcm. Yard ihoes pussesathie dort and qualit, O ilerCri Is<eNels, 25e t. % *O edthein 'for sf Eeg) fal etion iof lncw îîovelty designa in èàxu fle ýlack and tan, as dinjj, ninid large patterns; White, ivorv and Egyptun; 3ý L 48 in- t; $3.50 to $8.00. clies %vide; yard 25e to $1.00. Attra~~*Ie4ti niaterials in ricli alitiun. ëoloriug a; a eIetywieave.4, and plain gabardiiýes and pup lins; â5'iitnlieý, W*; exeollent value, yard $2. $6-Ia ~ !%rd .$50 A quahtF-eapcdëUY recoinniended for its spiemi- did s u, 6Ichoè die and repremeuted, in handsorne pad,. ýwstripes and plain sha»des, Bifl ~iuW~o~ P~1-Sho in iiail the. Iead' et and eyeiù_ Shàe 40 inuches wi e mi rich finl4ih; ........ ........ mot4~u Oondu*dby -Mis-ne Au experieneed èematilf diréet frlont the LaCamiUe Se >Thîs dewoustration ahon4 terest to eveq -woum~A±u. ec&Ai able inifoîxnatwn mï%, I ie LAT~ I.j