4 , j ~rprpeiL~I eeds -to supply W»4 It is another one of this store's specia semiRSevenltsL uraa ed in mpf=.*&£nàndwakaby ".Ô"$ i~~it P.",W 41, ý-i P v help té..,kJ rtheposuvr s ollh rhey are 1o0e, flaring modjeist* the>1 ib*t-dà&b'ft"M >"e quality 5 r- , 0 iiiwe y q ides YOU Win iov 'Warmcpntortable bebstj e wofth Mly *t29; iVMrW.6I$ t 5O72-Inçh ceç4l,m a I~~~~~~ Il*t.~cb~ sym fblUOWuMy Biemes of fine vite nqaIty leî iii white, flogh and Lily -mbroidered and !ýo. *ît'x ae;tes î 494t1.. Inolief inthb extenslvâ vàriçty ofina- se tein a t# ~ obors;Q to mnhe li i ,Wqrtb p1r$ .5»,>WM104.. 'W4NCH COsTýUNS VII.V&T-&ýn £tatv ~5l ed S v f0ll tabb; » pellY&M.. ..... t "S'i SA~-8 nché0i . W09. Q*IC~qAO b4rUIowdre~ft.I~ih' br* *5.4OqpI a~,j iacd. :àtPg miiaueftO iuIàe r iW . St.. .Z -oun anl; the tgt%0QIO .......... Paits ~I~5 *~I~ glM ogtng le l "k - ~ ety i idnuÎs. = 1 SStreet and #fternoon r4ietd.r new, deuigo. ,DevelopeI pt è U.woèI serge, iehtaffeéta and eep i 4nq alao ecombination of BsLepew nMtfieta; eftectively trhnmied andacpmoin ail shads; special ......... .......... andl rana Nhmna nnt4 are olpr modela 'nipinch nma 'jIel 3e k; madie of the Z 1 tynitee r a sinihandsome The overcoats are designed of chin- efflu la ngy and blue; regular length ani martlytyled i The inacfnaw ain attractve cOlorcd plaids, a~i4-ztusW~llu~*4; 3t 15 es xllent, values. I~J ~I4 ~ A 4isrm~ 7 il ý 1-t - "., ont 'i AIN" ............. bt