4,.. MQ f mig agmIAeadmintri 'y »aU ho sumrne opsijiÀ ' tiOn .oto nattuonalOitien. lndeed, ae folloge,' 107»1 Mr. Lundqulst J.U COB&«mti PouIr orkd acivél 1.The norcement of strict non- DL J K!s e Iown ep W#ýAie "do .alnastct netrai.it -a rosit 1 i.~ayDENTIST tW w .w» vorbel$or an aucceediug ln kl. 2. No LayctIaeshw n tSui, N.O RIDAN RD., WAUK£CAN Are 01«4oiqlui* sbgl ta Place an emlýaro on tlan by tbO0bd1s States. Formr arlE~Wsshlngten et. Chicago arnjdaiqnmtion 9g te to 41 ý iuX Epp"w tttaOft.!Aninertun ___________ Vatter edf h ~v t 1544e. This vas due, la t heo opnio4 mmlt a'd mdp secrets by Bnglnd. la utrdouIt t ort1Ipmof air. Lendquiat, to -the tact that 4. toiso t tsellure of AmerlOanI TuesdbY and the W85< m the br«therof Fous, Eugene N. Fosi, nncui 4r aCarTmdý on1 bra o tIi battitoatotS.s~ Iola résident of tv conipelea whicix Amrngas ,himý their homes TnosdW eveni. l are maLnuf&Aturig vir munitions fori 5. stobPèue. lclltn 0 m diio t lai A V Sulb s1 vs lu Ngland. One o!f oss n4pbews, B. S eetanfi fiw charge or tIi1 regiessut safoim te a.fos, la a dîrector ln oneo0f the 6. Yre. inu doation. à Ilat bt thé W~uanflyoungmon'companies. f7 b eçtto !a Maolmer îfoans &ot tlea astrauge thlng,' aaId, Ut. 0P110o! 4O'd éh 0hdistrict vithOUItý Harol Wacdausa..LundquIat, "haw the commou People favorilaem. Harold Fine. a! thoelUnited Statea can vote for a ý 8 Cboàie Ji iHughe-s for, Proi-I Alexander auhb m"n vose farnlY are engaged in a'dent. Wesley osisly, given Iflduatry, and expect that man 1 9. Dfes t cFoues who bas beaua1% John C. Ott. taDnasa&DY sort o1 législation vhich COEKI&w8I Cbarles KilInn ~~would affect tht idustry ln any u . 1.lrt caiticu."Here vo have a reprasentatlve of1iNNTCETR A I Herbert' Mmesna,.sud, wo'se#ntlU, i Publie 15hereby giron th"~ Thaniai Hoilaa&. ::flgtIng direeti>' againat vbat thon-. 1 1111RuophM U.I INTY - Ito a c .lob - 1ht» mt¶epag ios s anet»da of the votera of the lotli dws h keurz0 he"'lautI TPjmeso îmteii@n @aI uai o dt.CariHianmar Lundquist la the Inde. ti lt hve alanedl petitiana for hlmn Mal. Sltb's ndquars doSat edent ao9blioen candidate for tu avte put intplav. T're.may hawl atn heCnt pe. Mo~awslahl~~inus. O ..alv. a nuges bal cases vhore rePl'eoentatlve Ig~~ .i* ty. at a W8iubaws,. -- Mai. Sn1h1ba 1, yr aben an de, tro aeaInwppr.nored vhat.-the, votera vautoè, but ta ain.athte Ou . utS.treti! M ~ ~ ~ ~ * Wr& o h #uanb##4n a o r a long tinte Sasaoeated loeaentm-ycssveoto.Huo17*l adC.tr Open Sunday-10 te 12 A. M. me. o j ~g4t~~g~ lt~ Ii epotig eprton o nl-representattroi *ent put and fought on bH fJnr « the ca«mpaigu1 standing thoe i #b serger'» à Sons, as well as the Em- agaînat vbat 1h.>' poitlvely demand- 11.vWer Ipoeo"o~~OINEEIG 1tg i ý~aat aald esate gré &Woc'u miuuueat vark aI luos erson-Brantlnghae Company, large e '-t vlthon$ 4 lhm er. H ynwothat ail Manufacturea ol'farmîug Implaments JMr. Luaddulst bas, ho atys. afllay. U md~iéletdtopeetLieT - ex 1Ia aon fila bis albce -that rf 551Dthesanie CaU>t for Adjudîali «! theu n 9wg it. bave lad the o-jMr. Lneqlat in air xeple'« atelei !Fi ht'ete onvoSSIAEK voqe, itnd ua u s nrAte wau-tan # Y. of Vose attorney.theN WAUKEG a Uhie foMui uanufactored van muni- A icIi.I Kn te aîtr lfitso imigrtia Wahimm- ...Oct. 30, 1916., a o 0t f -glet tryttan sd lntemte fPe mlmo vy-Nov. 29-16. HI". mchpUaty&on miwote the United States, the glvlng ta_______ PRCTCA.NMTi llIlY~muitpcuartyamuutai waothers the sanne chances 1hat .be hlm- -BAT AT- For >'.raa"on.ta @0, L laow hlm. lHe la a member of, many' self bas onJoyed. Mr. L d itFOR 8,1w«-Of t ces -f jand. One * 'lsn bt <st ru, ~* huas.~>~P>~*stands dîrecti>' pose toC » levs !Tyo~Grave. Ad- " £-yu hegau how ffls feeSwedlah, Ç usotical o>mwuul " bckua-ly o tb grm Md 6v Society,. secretar>' of tke itt anFoks. The latter fongbt aisut HL Tr~ h- ~ake'UE.M N OUI Ar and OI &MW u mot ftl 0. +gqW o«.Hel io e free ntru~y of foregn bor Peur . kt OSOUS *~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~i 515ndsrnlmclop*4Ulgg odI.Hol Ioae- I. to the United States.. ____________ 25W sig 4- 'c17 t<Dtthu 0 5are tÇOO& + ber of VO.danf Lods., 1-L -0. 8., and 2115a mWashingtonlirSt. + bliIu>'and ivel. D01thlafIlor & orthli Motor Opuncil a! -the Royal ______ ens" a Mr + oi mnuesevrytin M +A.Wulst, "le that vhere somne forai go ~ $ + tev mf einut evr orem Tou +borni Âmerican bas planned, perhap, 4" a~IglY feL. maintaia by yeu ' Hie pdaltlon on nLeutrlity--atlll one for years. ta brlng ather Wus or hean N SD YAN IR ". piuirsl alïd mental ett. lI at + of the vital laines af the day, bectuaia father or motixer Iato the ne,. lkdE uàS PE!De , D NIH ". It Io yuur condition ;ud ron vii 4.of the Pre«Int administration'* lAck of opportupity, tii.>' ould suffer 4 .ÇRSTUDIO 4sono fSud tht Il becomes sa, and4. o!fneutral1tj la olne 0f Pranoun*ed from a cruel dtaappolnament. If thoen lnsý oosatR1soaIeRae * tat on re uotnaly l1115 4 fr0beu.: ho 18 for the stricteat non- iter coaners could sot pas he Liter- 4." >' Dr. J. Sth iens 1e a a tralit>'aon the pant of the United 5<cy Test at Bile Island, thon tho>' obWork ". lecture le London on Pawu S+latteLom. Amena FIrit la 13J&SIsban. would ho barrod boraver ftrous the 1RSP ". sud Poulos For ne5.51V' it ila +,He bell4veethat blgb handed PI-'linltedBSttes. .Thisa vould vork-a - u.supplies ". woudorrol tu wbst calent o«r 4+ racles ai Oreat Britain la aelziug the terrible bsxdsbp upén thou5anda ". ste orhoallI co b. ttered la + Cut7nl States mail, lu rlftug our di- jerhaps millions of future citiseus. P a olig * ha a.'D Hoerado. ploma.tlc and privato correspondance. It would ho au out and- ont Fiolution ............ 4.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~l uhsisU I. uruso edn ,melng ,our traie secrets.and our of ttIfret principles of froodona toi lt5 i0 1889. +. tu ebItI atIou the mone. 4 4. Tboe sec au the Ikmpld v -e * ista o! borelan custonsera, ahould b. vhich Ainorica -jtands..1Iam* aes »7bi h50t.. Ii Od + sud tm hug ib ls ole mm la Un0,.stopped st off. . Itel? opposed ta IL. Myoppanont, 0N.g pS.MuayBd +. prted; d i.tiitom 00>0digéerant +41 Sea* casaattention ta thé tac t tat Mr. Flau, tnled ta setloach a vicins i beluu' 4. ~+the peei o*amen of the lotI îsud <hic t tiag IAw974u'Gee j -9Gre z ~ci4 <chffer & Mar. Vars~y Sx Hundred T af stadlàfrironle of the greatest stylê 1i&as eerdëveIopédinovercoats-youth, eneîr- While, these overcoats are -designed 'foryoupg men, many older men w'ith young thoughits andt youthful looking .figures like to wear* these. models. Here areë some of the ý Varsity- Six Hundrèd - - varieties. beit back, single breasted models, sombe withvelvet col>ar;, ail the- best fabrics representedil Varsity Fifty- e nve -, 7'r/ke Very yaunktn Anpd thhI*' .W'F&I I I icllý YOu tiL4. w *hk The Harriêy Next te the Cet lýd .0 A GOOD PLACLib i. Robert McDoeý, She Fid~bmtheuonIy1weshoel «I bave oeu Q»«mnQualtSbi a ersagYa hend lia coulibe wom &à lday wbW s 4 ti0 tw a"i lb> e ep tL* âsiungé n th" a u th ai." ym lu isW ana.Voimces ti. peiams Tho0a" a MWoeraau oyu th 'blleBoet Sése-.~ ~ - il _______________ Waukai.wa. DL ~ 4 ~ ~aIr~~ 'e Ina -.Aiiotherreakb c sale. is planned- foi thi,, at Rubins-remarkabe fo tq-e excëpb"o4al valuesô< 'ed dthe splendid..rangê q, stùnxing newistyles to n*k Syour selection from. co& Stu anq of Jidmu OoQ gren, fi"~o; lo w a ttracivoe It7wVw Lowse -laring modeb . that bangig , b paeful fold4a,N&oteiiters i4 tw é I ~ted failhikn. Have 2rge O9Ug8 «,e rtibl deeg ; M y-' eË * 4 m m ,*i~ 'lu nom 00:1x