'v rn..c.fr-a Sautome"la aêm E ta lu ig60m& 1 Md go 1 im by lusi m d i~ uau rw ,3U' cool AÀId -,hc.ISfl VOIT mé a~.okq.*f Vt ~T#~ 'tSSBf w.. m~... lot' Pv- .*o~Ilo.th "t."- 5j,. or, OPA Cô. *Ru pms' WAWVZ b. W~1sSwi IUOO sua i#.ceo. i5saec. p**0 0f s~~flL'Pb.as ¾ *"~ +~fr4+ ,+ + Vian joqp ave 4«d or iAo,.tI "rt Ongw a oG . %l.altu. sa, 80 à«« ta ..t, 14 smeelo. 9, *8 uoeth 14 b *8o" le16$bleus.tyca. OiaN dp& imipm ha. »Ttei a Wust9Cou go W. )iççw@iýsi1w. titaot lut tu maoi % soeü m10. Uicldstova. uhlp, 444 U1 *O U. . - - - Atulialta Iibl mad i IId oIL4*01 0. - sw u. Ulg. lot Ca Lue L4b8 bt to, . P. ZâWeu.lo. SOu Wsu ta», ý4 $W. U -T. Sbt.é Ak .aP, st p4n, sudwtfe to weD. Cohncute4#son1.wr% :22:t, ê ' 1 W-Wm - _ rkh wiab - - piobo14 - 1 4dm1-, U 4.u, Han tas*wbp ycw. iim e . i 5*la Us 0 M liS qu MI tJ - a 04 ', -À u la th. at eUabwwof jus 0l .or i »A b d<5) a 8 '. l a hkspârt et tb. -metantof: ti D01b.et 4qwnof muma 1toww opL,àesooMý lu «M ài meo omi doqwml' 9M907lu S bo Fia 1le aob DOW.dKt WavîkeNam. UiGol.,Nov. 1 A. F. e.blen, Oolctoto Vo*pI.s4 W.uk.gaa, ble nook- office IuI~. one ot the Grosk- ansNsla the Many Ycars Ago: "'11 1* not go.inuoh op- portiity that 1* Vaut- ilng thi9can, ym -moil Mme tofhe bkl Who 1ro the. ro% linthe middle cirde Ty.ay - .1 4~ m .'th& mto te xb0oùkê1