w- . . .: s. f M»a Bai blael i supomi elow rs*U4atué%VIN we lbeser vG iadhssg XjruO.Wbhssul 0glsas1vlg g.. slii T5*pS sle, te trip te -bap-- HaoiasI vu, Mr osuobimo lST e bis v6y bock st udfbaledsesdai, ivea byrs.m MNýIsL.8P. Mtnas tsludIo. s uêirs.W. lr.âs4#Ms.J. CWlbbvWWth i Mnmd umomqlwfl Xi etiae l ~~ ~ w5Q*>*UahPm t 'o or VI 15 Ur.t ~ot aluwis ls uki't nt" 4be li* s.ersMaevataS i7 p~ 'v tire C. W. Tabon wvesl o oeCaao petOts ti, sd rifosi.Oberlyv il e br-a T»d eh. Villa sdAtobwCoral lpl be .dmsaclteebra a lla Ob" s 10 *e Mpâm givenLf. Dolas opbta'. bwTsdes aveu l'arairm L'rmoila fuibewsi vslatUdpa 1511e ai l -ie. 0.* d OI.vsulCi ýI' Purai ud AWtira J 0 Plfoa t lv - vursmg v.owy. "a amtgeisksbasketba ellisu e #MW ItWEhRW aud issu Last ulgbila *»aie!4 la 12. fui vIl playltse lU&MrUulaskImo Chcsgeuti Safray SL.Ckrfield vas aCtaopesesgor vllb the. formie's grandSoller at A bose lad tic vay uhroqgb a pral. il te 00 venu ef vire helen frout thle ChIcago. North $bore sud tuau- bas.ulectrie EsSieal power bousa at Cita Vlev. UMounel Potiemea pven- ppe *011 Judge Dalaa. vi bell Ar- -M'OI& 9a4ov.. 40312forti 1roy setret oseoqm tw $!and juryfor 5155 ibet. 'T¶Ieyotb sud 'vo compeaioue stole fi. iborne and wagon sud carie 'tse V**tib thte praire nuser Rele au DvOM avanies. -just souti o! Bvan- OlOi M dhUt a ire 10 bure te Inu aton tram t.LvSysoon sald be met lLsdov on tie vmaou, sd bine drop 'eram sud the boume retarnel lb Is aneia r* awu te vire vas tu e aI Quwmio 'Winl 1bbea . sVictrola in oirhome tht. mnasI not , inake the Whole [7 a praSent by buylng ,trola.? >in and let us tell yu ~*.eay pappnt plan -Wshow you Our lin.. RtStoret Cou. totutthe bagas, st Prfdsy nit, Dm t. suiBd #et asfine oluer suppar and sil tihe good tiitnos that ige witl fI Ito Mms R. G. Marrie will entertaln the lit. Bat oemetery soeMet on Wednssday, J3sc. iti. Ulinht««sted IsvHsd. The Ladie' Aid onity in ut siwita Mms J. B& ContaThuradsy sternoon, Dec. 21. Tb@. bsakpsoctablthe b coot houam tlst Monday n.gtgiiwtrsàly tUmded. Ail euoysd tb. profls..vrymiîci. Tii.0 bbktsaod wett. titis Rallierrecoied fi 869.75 fronm the two socable. à BavoeraI Bitaedflbthefunerat of tir. liolind tu Waukegau Wednesday. c 11. 0. Marlis and "Dly s"d David Muanite sd Mm ~Lairs Corusand famili mte Tipeheflvitu; dianer wIlthe i C. M. GoçubsufBmily la W»akmg». .. È. Corrne "ad faanly qent Tisais. gvlns wtth 8. a. Hunes sity. Mmrs. R.A. Rssveetsteled ber"dtr, Mr@. V'onieasn d "Diy «aMItr. aad4 Mire. Werdsu Wilby on Tbaukqoilng.1a Clara Effinger off Waukagaa, - le P lug B 1gw <IBIs wth ber aliter, Maru. B. P. .lver. Masý J. L. Reddlug aentertslusd ber rmothet sud swsr tii.latter part o!t th lîr. and tirs. Oaklna have returnsd ,romnt bsir visit. Mir. sud tirs Robrt fRnutr s"d Mtr. sMd Mmrs W. J. Oliver snd aun ieu p Tlnuktvylng nettMr. and tIrs. J. D.j t.'I shIlbols digi t uiejan.Mcltstr1 b"sIn :"th f.uimfr soins tlaa. Is. s,, ùoû bilet Onoit ntm. Bail»Or 34= nebufe ho, Wa wa1ýtu5 outu. Uool orwbb.Iz g iitI* home foîkerewtr te 12? "mau&4£ fl-btas tit- M &wook vwtb tir, suad tMme.R,.Li - 1% ldsi.d ery catefouelbue ibsu, IL C. Campffl sMd tvo *oem *WI *euMfnltserou WouhssaTbrs.- ter .ai TaS'Nb4fft bmfqsu wtir.W suW, . ssspenl sue dsb. .tMr. ÏMai lir. A.. SaLa ud A4abtsr speme lrbii*W **M'vi*iMr. sud tirs. OaiWe to imet "Park Ed. Miss u"sb4hr c99 ftllsd Pal*, viaiid #edusbdsysed itnday witb tir, sud Mm&lu. NarIà". Misslubi OlaM~ofGain s, 1 spaev iVdjs viii >ber sunt, tirs. or.. 4a for liluelt, HiL. visisviii Mud" Wfo*0 nlais. Mir. à ire. U lm vhw SU 8w sumami c ?og Dm@ e junipe ~* e msauto u'tb la Miotion sba.rsosh' ira, asiesteet.aoubis boul. - ' et SI. borne orfber sdeter, tir. tuEs Dasoonela Sevion. Mia». UmssLýavrsne vs.. augiOtar ofMm B lie.vuss 4ot .1 y Ïet i lc.Urlebv "à its tbe ubûuc omuegFrld«ê uombla. R«r. A. W. SBford oMfcltsd. Palbm bsrasmr rlalveln tbJevielaiy. Mis« LavreucehIem sa *Md,' nouer, oas doter suod osIer relatives to mounzi bne B. . Bascon scaopautad tbe reilefr0.tasabsta tirew au«sd dagbter'of Waukeàa, MissLucy Dodu* of""in, 111, tirs. Id. A. Davson of MordN, IWI. see Bm of iPark Md#$, mtis. J. lFulton sud sou James of Uskeam. attended lb. Isui o!iset lmLd*ree. Mise Alfas Jaaplesoof o!rwyn, II., MUe lmis an,. Jnsoëlof KeMO" a u tims Jessi.lgitebea lof Usalesua, ers e&Ws 1 ta hé ome ai thir tber, Who fa ssriously UL soo. JasiaogfitFrida sud broke is up. *aleia a vevy serions coudi- timo tir.sud tMms.JobnS emr, tir, &ad M#& . .A.Ioupen sud M. sad tirs. 3..LBonesr OPUSe Thsskegl'ionwitii Mr,& sMmtrs Chas. Gorbau lalu lauke- 0". - - --- *- Jauge Garri7 cof Mach nonago, Wl s., %Mit suera is awitali the John MEtiienger faneli. tiars. Jobn Rowand Mfait n ieek wile iisugtug paperand hroks bar coller bons. Aira. Auna La"b tat Wsdaeed^y of thia wsk for*lomirda On spmnd the cinter. Ber nles., Uns Mîinto of Looc Lake, vent witi ber. MnUr.sadud trs. Rmer reu of Wauk,, gao, spentfiuday ai U H. UtIuls's. tir, sud )Am .Boeinsuaof @toux Pals,, S. D, are vlsltit ibtbetr. 1. T. îcbrpy'er sud fauiily for s feu' days. sitar Bilsuding ii theNtional W. C. T. U. convention. 1 ME suad tirs. LH. Itiller etetalsd at Tbtqdakilug irs.gale Lewis, tirs. Mlary Lewis and loyd, Ur., and tire. Oso. MàeOllougi and dsaotsr, tisAn sudmtirs. ..Pansersud sons, C~hart ,Roffuan, Hury Wsdge sud Um Klnnsy of Waukegsu. Tbars wore four Isnsrslt»ofciths Lewis family repos- smeld at the uatbsrlng. Tbsfoowit *puualsslthb.Wadevortb oebot nérs x0tler abseut nor tardE dur4îit Nuvember; Julif, Ray, Aidaà Taylor, *dmound BartiesIt.Myrthe lmqî Harnièt Ray, Evelyo Ludstedt, 1lllidred "àdke, ri" .3ut, Lelrilleallô&l, MW# <Iguce for lte trot irées nonthw e odm téllave: tispisabsa90; Octobsi 95- xvsaber 95. Mir, uad Ms.Poserentsrgasd com- pody lIon cblmu go eBnt"y. tir. gpouqsr speul ths Tbaskmgvfng v"atlon et bis bhot». laWùitdda.1' Wot bas bas, stàrléd on the mv josslob" Poster, Who ina sildlsgube HolyBmwury aadsmy ai ceii.,Wis, vue homus for Tbmaksgvlg. d9a b flgof te HIgaoç4 'ab 7m* & Svns huitis" yUlha"O ï. îo t I& ýl" a f ~AN~jr Tubuai of Grayslabe vas a *Mni,@'eban led. lr ddo» 'î brother. Dr. A. 8. 110 . >- r Rave 70* #Pbt#dptione fOued ea, lb. 0"il h»t*alPare fDrapsOuly. 'Bbros*t obf d oicaga, «peut a go*6by dW*Iabo artte. vlao id a lau'daye wilti~oUV, B. Bie. Ealhiwr et-WLlh.rtyvville wua esitir ber. r Gua.' folw lanbd fsntllyeo! lsting soeU tWàuqiltabhisetotibers . mmre.40!p** P iy<d son Gorgeaue .lisgc~~u' laps vlitnrede lu Mc. Dsweê4.d son off aomi t.., vMaduIt~u~iFlryTbusdy. Day-l l!*PoxLake vas aObidr MN *qtof tirayal& ae a TL Iewlît.op helk flot. Jets.Dos5ss'oi iorti Chifflo vlsllsd Dr. rbwiy euttieledfrienés Lat 9»el0"*Oeug Store fnl our pro- Net* Rloil su d temiy speul Sun. day Vt vlbiWWslb fMcîury. I. IL Oris voua Wankegan canear R&p Ptà$Uoek vas a caller iu Liberty- vill MosMay. - A1M" et à.1 hisago vas a huoilus fle ty~éW~rharfield theirsanumal stasiios T*0@lay t'mafng. Ofleecss elet. ed u*, î BaýCrtruda Litviler; seiiý Wk ligcaudwms; sar, 1obpl iiý-; lierden, Vero Davis; Sdoilal. RPh iI, upervisor, Lins - dtiud J0*epbAmaun ent Sueday lin Uivauha Bail Converms, J. H. ZKo@ ansd Joba Clefveland wvese Bng lte lui of Chies. go vld8oisuts vek., A. &, Colebe ttanded the. stock show ln Ciasgo Wdnasday. DERF" Mire. M. Djtch and ý'Ellrabti Sct o f Ocouoaovac, Win., gpont saverni dsps et tue hanta of C. B. Baste.. Misene Grâce Sable, Amunra Rockan' beci and Bestrice Carolsu roturned te DeKalb Susiday altar bavluog speut ubeir Tbankaegilg vacat(on e ai hmnes. 8. A. Bale af Jsffarson, lova, le riait. iug ait th. honte off bie motion, tir*. L. C. gote. Mies MaSIe Horeuberger la apending .<varal deys with bar cousin, tirs. C. Bent of Cilcogo. Mr. and tire. Bates ara spondlu sa veek vlth thaîr sou ai Bervyn.' Win. EMgr sud daugiiler speut Thurs. day et Fred Blornherger's. T. L. Rua'. had as. Ibeir Tias. glvlpg g"ste, Mr. and Uti. Bd Ituasc sud lsntîly sud tir. and tirs. Romain Binyker sud son. Harald Vaut spant aaverg days wlîb bis latiier, B. M. Vsaut UmssEleanor le spending seversi days uiti Mies friea tacadis of Cicaga. -Ries« Clara Aborna of Ciago vas the gdmet t MBhe isberger over, 1 va.k eud. Tii. Ladies tileionary Society off the Btg.'Paut'a Cbh i iilmasS witb- tirs. '1 eIIThursdsp aftinoon. e Mi.. ,P. Rom mei Ravea a Inaiebso a upbro!fblneda Bsrdai aftemaoon. *iés.Sarah Adami, sud Lois spi ite en sd vîti relatives la Devesavool, af.A. e. BShermn S su esitig ber son &Oourunn 0fCbicago. ~IpYoung Peple'# Lsgflutth lit. PW's obunci vin mes d itehébousai àWâ-trs. A. Pâmars i OMl S deWU tisson of ProirisV;' Ir.F C. BW@nt pedl15t till è$ EftaIPark vith ber usUghho. Wm. Hub e Ie*uiu5sg be tirs. eo. Bute àweâg; lova, sud Ms.H",y 0j sud Io. i. Allaldt en v.4-," t:vIUà't"or*wlrl. xP. *;O Woud Have 0 g4f- ý4"nt H *st .~ toMeody Tiie Waukegan tilgtasialAmoql tion, aethle Decenber îmieelu Iql moiaday atternouitet h ome' et 8.8 audobir Ericuon. preldeaiL ethIe s* soclatton, outllned an extrémély & itreuive proprain for tbe vinWef motis and took a delite, ma*& 4 severaf -tters confroutics 1be ut the. preeent lime. lier.e O* of tae tings wblk% tse assoeis don L Voted their approvat of the plan to organise a unitsdch- Mies, and coordinaie wort of the ciaritable organiaions. . 2.1 Voted tbat Chanlttes Cup - mitise of the Commercial Asse dation b. ased toea, si eompelltng olaiuet iuni"d And fatneas. to -08 Bnd M T the vages te, ubir ascIi faatllies. 3. Voted tu pplita opolal commtttm tu lay ont a pla= MdA OAcertatn thse probable toitet Wse Ourlag. aW. 'ctal surver . of lhe vWhii. cty. T"a fotfovtag con "Wtse wuas usmel:E. B. 0o. brecbt scrtarpoat the. Y. M. Q~ C., a UV. '.j. W., V4uto. 4. The. aecretary. Rev. H. G. R1gb4 vas lsstruofd 'lb sebl a letter lb Statte. ttorney James G. Wlci. commendlug bine010 bis staud on law eoroameut a"d pleditag tu, ina the, bearti sup- port of fiheutinliters. as tudivid. nainansd auB.nasociationt. la t work vtrici b. viiib. callod'up- on te do. 5. Voted to A", the Y. M. C. A. to arrange a Mther and Son ban-' quet for nexi yar. Mir. Gobrecit Bnhiouuced tiat tae date'for the. banquet has beau set for flday evening, January 36. Paver Rock Plie. ln dlacusslng the unlted charitfe sud &Mec ask.g the Commerciat -As- sociatjon,to Sudaitwietier or not fh M legalt W compai dellaquent bnsd and fatieru tO vorl and bave 1 tir w«"a turned over lb thoir fuullteu, ths neinltes poied onitat ibis pla fa fotlowad la sou. clses viere errnug husbanis amre pt to voit on a rock Pile. if possible tiiay. woul4 hIke ID lqee-some scaplau put Into effect bers. Tiey tbsogitthebaffect of sucýn s. pla" would he a poent tue- tor Inasmuch as ti vold prevaut das lfuQuency ou the. pari of bainde and would furnisb j% somre of reliaf ta, familles vian huaban4sdadd rr. Social, Survey ln edvocatlng tha mskfug of B 50- ciel survey of the city the. miniatems &aid tbey thougit iffuci would ,bh rained bY the carry-ing out of sucb a, progra.. The plan consals of gai- ting exparts te Malte a evass 0f the Cty, sacqring frou the dierent fam- ille, muc I nformation vhich coutld ha secured lu ne ather way. ,Th,# vauld be au aid ta the charlîles or- ganizaîfon for Ih vould show cond!- tion, as they axtial and vould make t possable to wvon out a solution. The committee wviii Sud viat suci a sur~- Vey w«,ul4 cou suad tien vili report backI h' hen wvIS lie dtarmlued bowl tae necessary fands eau b. raisal. Commaul tMr. Woloh. The ?linistariai Association la more than pleéased vwiti decisive stand for lav and ordar taken by the new staie'a attorney, Mn. Welclt. Becaua. of teir confidence lu uhrlaw enfor.. ment progrnm ebu bc utlined tuap vlhhd te, tender hlm thair supoMt realialng tiat to carry oui bis pro gram t 0f ork thse nev officiai vin meo isauy obstacles. At tse close cf the meeting, tirs Bnissn serveal refreaiments. The meeting provsd t10 ho one of t eont productive held by tih. association la soais.tInte. Word wu. racelved by the iouaty clork's offiS todaày thai t theate iics4 of equaliatica bas mode ad ebhltgasthUe toui or personal prop, cr7tax of laie Ocilty. By Uaiug Rawlelgli's ýe n. P. COMIIm 1 i l W.. U TIÂLLY and with the sanie feeling tom, times. Mr. Welch 's stakement thekéfore tee timely, it is important because'it seiipl on everybd a o hat may b. ex regime; it rebo veis inyipoiblëe intentions*elh anybody mây hvle I ~ ~à, A bmg cà 4i n Sgm. Gmn.uIs. ~'o Il Its here-tb* probl«.m that - s9lution-what *0give 8W invite your- attentio6n. -tý an answer, if yout h proposes articles that. pe definite fuiction niost,*el that represent iiitheir - dc finish an artistry that p \Percolators, Grils, Toasters. Mugs, Curling Irons, Vibrat>rs5 Ir many other .srlsaiop the occaCsionand certob b. m Extensive lUne at Our O.ISPLAY ROQM Public ýS-erV1'ke. Coi of Northér.nim",~ 54