Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 7 Dec 1916, p. 9

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VOL. XXV.-NO. 12.' PART TWO LIIBERTYVILLE, ILL., IHURSDAY, DECEMIIER 7, 1916. EIGRT PAGES $1.50 PER YK&11 IN ADVÂN JIbs nfigutsl ii in u lsaplcainfor memberahlp during f, M R IÇIl i ot taire a dollar of it. Di4 this 15O OD U À FOX LA Ei XE WÀ DM H K he fair week of 30 days thereatter GR I'show bin to be dislonst? Peb DEAL AT MUilLItin astyeas llyui T ER PAYE WAY T y. wnleIItIlILAND PARK 15 LAIU3 »M;FAIRÀS e etd n aterony~>o i prseu ogoaded by the falliflg, PERIENCINti BOOM;PORT Rfl~URN aw? of apparent friends m»d kaow- j lW E lIfITT ~yE3J bWith a number of miner bills ret o laU s igtisat escape eentait the 0.11' way. IU STF RPL d, the annuel report of the trea BG t =Iud have leit that iressury emptY mrro ,k OnyPi soi LadScoIisequeflce as lal burden fu tien, matde at the annueli meeting on tebnae oboerdneeday. showed a balance on Rather Interesting and Signifi- t hâ5~d ts beènnmore camly con. Leon Hartman Plays This Sum Residents of Western Lake Wins Over C. A. Avenul Who hand of $1,441.09. Thte bis are 'o Figures Show Prime on~ cant Lette From Ame$',,,ldered -di certan of hie tbndeimen for a Five-Acrd Tract on County Enoouraged Over Has Been President for th~e 1 be paldI lmediately and a aubstan-' Are Beln Ktd ow Counsel Wight Be WMr.tA--'iaP P o j%,aeîul SheridanRoad. the Prospects There. Past Two Years. Th~e treadurer'e reportfýolows: spite Wholesalencms., for Purpose of ___rn t ECI bave bea. etSUi tintes prasent tg s Çash on hand, Dec. 8, 95.. 24 Barricades. Mit In uaraveling thse matter ad>venrt L RO AFN HM. Fox Lake, thse bustllng utile village WAUKEGAN MAN IS, 0O0. Gate and amPhitheeîer .. .4.8 Tt Libertyvîlle ln not la hýaïlM tn ho taotgewcuId haepoaiduevfo experencing quitte a boom, a boom Membcrshlp tickets, 1917 ... 173.00 bad shipe on thse coal stuatw tly hog p o dire bavespanl u efor - - sdetsde lae t akig W B.Race entrance money ...647.00 many villages and evenmoe INTIMATES SOMEONE ELSE ery dollar. Business for the Week W hihradns elr emcn .B Smith Not Renamed Be. lnesoa........775 MADE anyAtimes Festionsare sale- kBWasqui te.acitîfid senlerai appearance.775 S e o nornimessauesfonsue as aIIgFa e Cnieable building !as going on and caus aeWa o n statesappointees:.. ... ,7.6 teepat tte ntf3( conernnghieGea-l 1w Their Average. iioather itatecotta eimrveaolices. Nte.. ..................1.2U mpny OfVis Sans AmesHas Sufferled elle teat iwill ate tisat 1 havb ne mnthe mrare cottate f or o ets udîm.-.. .......51'0Cmpa. so disricutafeeHtht He ftur o!d inr tdetat thwLaencuntragicudeRcesf ...8.63.5Ovile gte otienepeIton.4 Illinois and Thus Cir.ou-suect f hiesoins, the wrlter and thé week nding Diec.2 96 Àel etll aîgl eVr ua rbter kontyaein f* reanlume 2.430.40 keganenteS. vetdteSaeb uIv M.B« ein most etrongly advised trl.ordbrîght.nIn Lk. aes. ... kneucat h etep nit g teo. A1 aoym asitnteertay The tact tisat -Dr. l. V. oFrneyacounty as lte Fair Association, f0! Labor .. ....................971.45 litLUbertyville bard coal la i lng tatue ofLmitations?(&MIilmont strongly of tise bllet t cf ottise ecorlty TitI. andl Trust Cont- PhYSIcian, andl Dr. Hens'el;erg, a den year 1917, at the annuel meeting halii.;Advert"asg ................ 724.04 lns $9 andi$9.25 a ton; lifan albsgis keWi; adetybin IOpy.tit. ave ofeed uP ofices In Foxc In bertyvllle. wInning the importallt lSp'edialattractions..........98S.50 nut coal selle for $8.60 sud 8.11 leteay en bidfr oml Smi stakefu vas m delt bye l it P5IIY. Lake leadi to the conclusion ltai office oveïr C. A. Avorilîl.whosa candi- Note and Intereet .......... 1,249.20 tont. Thus, consderlng thse tounty Trtasurer Fred F. Amos te la any one vho le lu toucis vithMr. Number cf convoyances. 92. thoce men venlthktefur'dc evdently thintnk. wt the futurà. ...........d567arte dsreenyevietVIl F. unt pecutlmçta htpesnsol r o Nme fIas 3 of Fox Lake ia asoured. hecause tdetlhdd o metviisth alance on bond ...........1,.... *9 maire Vie a ton lamethan itn laett terLgkel c fmouenOf theeI thats ths t prn snd t ry b Numer f lBit' are estibllshlng tIsýmqeIve thc-re aPProval of a majority of -the te gare. l tiWs latterîenelom la ofthse tce ng h r eturopsud.s ai r- Total nuniber 'of Instruments Illled, ulti an idea cf remaining Permansent. members of tise board viso Attendel Total . .......810,993.91 O h atro t ol- eritila roubles Whbclrn recipitatell I think tisnt thore are tUrnes vhen 116. y. the nmeeting. Avenu is as erved i m Mr. anti Mre. Allen Peacock of Lake ititted the price tu Il sli'nst wo ef l. ^Ase sgcisrgad vilent- more rosi justice in doue by thse Pulb- Ttla Th flcc,88142. igae ut urve y f tise lanti al notdehfo two becuand,aporho w.n e.Woo istok .; r. eroser pe« e o- <itium sblder tng mwinbeeu ksigNïfl of17. 0eunty fendu; wft lic proaeutor acting vith lieuency. ( Ttlaen f IjU,6.5 n üvyo h adaottjntdfae u-c*e fapu iorjýosok l. ebr u.ddohrtig he M' teoe ltm aview 4 "feeling e.ta If kt a.mitot blatinglMr. Delly, wv isedt Du"ie"ahis ubeen quiet durlng thepointte acroa ridcih roms otr. EnIitg. butnbeaerfe l n tisosé e c. SRihmo, II.; Bits. Elr n luLbty ethvice et traserr o cmabecs e ut Is do w t i thofat tai rtie eek,basshavlng talion far below or indications arc that Ibis Improve-. man as prestldent cacis yoan. lcon.I.;ir.Jp 1860Sti.14 f i wlsere h.oqueone e poentatand Mpiblleslitteremi le better carailcare thee vcrage. ltn e loiyh eludrwyI r Mhk old2-a i usr of Hebron, Ill.;- Mr. andi Mps.iBut. lent year MSlisam*re forwba or tieane l Sow).Real ctai. bas bec,, chanzintvotescet. The ticket which vus Wet ielcoek. Wilmot. Win.: r.bugst at tise Mine for'11 p,.g~,isng.moretoll'Bae i sisvu. The foliovlng are tise more imuport- bande qÛite frequently of late a. electeti for the ycar: lieteeahd«m»M nteTepbic are proue to criticise % - ami lMr%. Howard peacocký Wllmot. visareas tis e ar lbt cot 8440 ht111ar whlch Implies wfth -n. esatre o intnyson'n et f h ek r rn tinty of inferenc. tiutSai ed *Meand' tus te provent adverse criticiam an Improvement being conlemplaied First vice preeldent, nrwElft ociorneis,a Oliv e Nus. i ra rgig iare te m Fre Asesacualy on Slttsd ollkals are pitpted t ae nWoukelln. PltCisurch orIo tient made by Bill Nlieman o 7-o r . Adret~u. Ju, tboirnephW , Oiver d ed tis a fn erl h.aider isi the f thse embezzlement of county fundet quckly visait a IlttIe tise vould pre- Chisit Selentiet of Waukegan took cago. a manufacturer.SeodicprsdnWlamVi- aueaTedy.frgtîgei rmes vetriednms roe eredttetoterpopryo eg tt Tise Commerncial Asqociation maeutekery. Tise mystery has beon eolved! Mon- se«ten tisaiI..ertyvljle toit» Ha% Fred Amen been living in tisevaents, rief triknms roeatisedaannd l atvienu pro m Mty J. Lisstler.fl'riy atterntait 2 oclock andti hey Secretary. J. B. Morse. dAYnîght tise Police recelveti a calmuch to ha thanistl for. ointe of Illinois for two cf tise Six pantsn re tiknrltie u eGadaenus.on aJ.L ete.a taklng nup several mabrems o! Im-1 Treasurer. -J. E. Tnlggs. tbat a mysterlone auto hall bea eR l it nRockforeî. vitsa 80-ceatst a Yearetisahat h as been aay tram Ciol Bsbases.cobugtPracewt eato ovllg a- Laire county sand hy 50ouditg haLcir- Very' incerely. ailcBso fCscaobuitpnac is ealnt ilg a- Al o!fbise aiove are fron Liberty- standing on itRdgeland avenue Smne ciseapar freigist rite, itheInieial ->the_______________ vlle excepnlghMn. Vil'bI'y. visa livell Of the people Inthet*isaigkdàMtuood rangea iront 810 tb 810:50 a tais. -uvicis he stai v isait 5ation J. K. ORVIS. tise Lliailleete proantr OiMreo yc8 tenq -cutvneds s tatuts u anmation a________ ida of...ak ereet for 82,400. Iln Fremolst. tbougb t ilntgist halons te à beenit Mmne applies etI mad for eitliezzlement la et o ecell~ Paul Soderqulmt iscugistfIve lots ohnU Board o! airectore, E. W. Butter- sales. Twa Policemen vs el~ Sailntia permon wiso bas been lita AfI1IiIIIII the soutis side cf Helmholtz avenue, M14ROH165i IMARRIES 1field,. of Libertyville; Robent Rou-À ~tise secte but tise auIto baidimappear-, tise statess htiiediction for tvo yearm, net0f incîn tree. tam acos *Anea, D. C. Putnam. Wauconda. Ueo .eti. Today Il vas leaned tisai tiseau- its chance of enfoncement la gene? ss , fLnonre.reonKaobW, Bergeron, o! Liberbyvilla, sud ý bIobl aonei1 CrutCleZk -Robert avos«!N laNSERnVAI(.OR Ja b !j00"hit oranoinlcosieaMN LAKE COUP1 r W. _Chercisill cf Grayslake. L, . -. ltockway. Mn. Brockvay ihallmovedti teWaIikega nd=itt lBmelnitartusnb-usae utisaÀha j tiA Ej OodstmtineInl.nsdeaW. ~~ E B. Smih and Adams Titus verj loft 1thé auto standing beslde tisa road businesi collagle.. neis A planin s reurutaLak cenicandidates fur luerniers o! tise bonni on Ridgeland avenue.for a short tm Brute Steveus; deputy coob, and paY up the tvanty-tvo bondenen* 11YM flAST Bert P. Riddle bousIn a lot on tise rd rcnr s~ namcsa aloi.Monday ulgisI. vio ait srvn4rabut860eh IIKVEE aII aide of Vctory etreet just cis ouuday. ecember ib, thefor members of tIte ___________ te paytop tise balance due the countyR .Higis oftheo Waukegan Firlst Bap rndte nasonbtth- &fien Âmes assetm tend bSean old aud et Claytou qrect frornttise Lyon estate tiet iri, ulboanrdrnag MssM hî e dtsenarres onl tickts.hpy ~ ,.~- .- I- for a nominal consideratièurdtieesHc. bIe ou het e onth e ve -.tikts..q yardus.827.06?j Sn cfAlfbiOe BigaWho Peter W. Glass boulest a lot on tise daugiter of!Mrlinud ins. Elmer Hook la a Wauk votesa. W B ith lu litpossile tisat Âme t a tl"as Survive(1AndeonvitIe ri-f ouaidele of Ciapel Street, Souths of on1 dsatlsitLk. ta limln.tkgotma.e tu ShapeWtoiioltgis andtreatthetronnEli Johns ud Rhymer, Youngeet son ot i-. M.Muislse. bise uew tain pneaidlernt - men Shpe te do thîs ancttisai lI u soFleoniio. Wshntnstet fo .rb u Mna. Fred Rhyiner. visa aiso ne- lat manager or tise greenisousa at LIS-4'..- ut..thoeto< vult b.satsSot asit - ,rIlI Ptiton. Wcollî or ona nominal considarabion. àale at Leon Lake. The yaung couple Vllea. He le saiti te ha a bors- notteeS icalcotupon theo prsonallyi 4mi S a .5 . dry rtise at AET1 ICIPTNproperty on Cisytonit eteet; osan of é- J.McCanthy of Wadswaj, nieuP wilOyl eideaer u asuir up Interest eus~,rauou d tarnilt -fiende cof tise bride and groom. Mr. flttise csueation t0eill tost aisîl aeSmnsRthey vrtiseil Howvevr, W . . C. A., for a nomntal consideZa and lins. Rtiymer wyul restde vith týe ItY. uumtrtes ttiilly dont dit nPoints «i Childish Acta as Evi- tienc-d-,aat frteprsn. f iebmbr l1)oe o ao-- eg8rae jona it isenaqset sat tdene Tat is ugent18 Johen J. D9nseY bougis thea Audrev Tbey have a huit o! relatives andi a sllgit change tn the aId hy-lavg - 41tuy sjoiy lns Ln te iliusàd era noe ht o he Budet s tnglto isfarlecfLnon iendi viso exbcnd congratulations. IantInlutise future aIl personae &bakl a statea attorneysys tise eyldence ______ suof o ltrheto - -- -- _____1 lalu lsuilicient. avenue.Su, fFoetavenue, o (The statute of limitations ou an i A petition bas beetfIied it Caunby 81.600., entbexaloing charge provideu tisat Court azklug that a conservator be In North Chfuce o 3hn5 Shervin pur-- viser. a defendant dosaonot leave tise'aipointed for Amisroee Bangs. an 86- chaseil tisa Charles A. Blecehard piroie-. fl1JL tats, tisat he làImmltune from prse-lyear-old Civii wax vterait relidissg r on tise nortis aidae!fTiird streetL cution atter twa yeane la case no ai Wauconda. Tise pelition was illedt oai f Marquette streat. for a nominal - A~F prosecution la stanteti durits tisat pii- by a esunviso Soya be feels tisat tisore f J riod; If ho le out ofthe tise Sa aiy o! amntîmos vison iis fatbe's judigrnnt conideration.y tisa ure, isa absncemue hade- 0 o neybmaliens ia net as keen as ln Lake Bluff Katisanina L. Garagisty ducted fron tise tvo yeare. TIsus.if t Caboulotbe and ho liv.. lin tsar tisat bougisl ivo lobs ou tisa cornter of Short - "e Altenhd been awsy froeim the c issfatiser yl ha invtiàled tlct, dai s odan osavnefr e tour years but isad ieen baci bore n log tmre document vhich in uldaprive an odadNrhaeu rmG Minois01 for'tWo yeats, ties tates Case lmu cf bis 11111e fortuite. The case Tucer for a nominal coitsiitanalon * agaitat hi. la autosnatcally droppati. vIlli ba tned in County Courtne InbHigiswood. Joisu C sud WIIsalý - mes' dfalcation vue nscoveredIn ls louday rnornlng. mn.Briattbuillolt nts 1910». he Ieft Waukega.u lu hise auto M. Bang. la one _aftie beel kitovn it SBrhrtbuhtt ose h u Christmas monning. 1910, anti nav- old reeuitants o! Lavke county, bavlug nons saida of Liewelyn avenus mrou an va ""e since. He in sîitu, livedi inthtiseulme vîcînîty fon many Maiaise Anderson for a nominal con- haeiuis t- Chiesîc, scId hie car Yeate. Wiscn thse Civil van broka out ldeUption. aïe thon bf it furparti uhoovn. A b se onaeofthetiserat toesuitit d In lfigiiand parit enHrua laosrssit bail beeoim sueittiaptvou as àmembar et lho' farouo. O"gtsbougusi bie KomInaukpraperty of i shear riiemrr - ,*Wa suit ise as ta hava e az r asg 41h"regiment. He vas capturedH atitl C non éd Chrismas monting, but ha, hallisy thc Coittederaesi sud vas unton. acte on the5 pst aide of Shserian lit-)t>luate enougis tu bi Sent 10 the Au- ?çxI. Ravinia. for 836.00. in Stephenson -Letter rro. rvis. deramnll prison. tise horon or0 Johnt Griffth iscuglt a 200. foo t a * Tise tollovlng ltter fr. a former wis arw kitevu te aveu't he sc on tseeat id ofStoris Mveee vali kuavit La&e couuéty lawyen, wvio -bilnreg. o h efs"o t onsame -durng Âmes terre vas his advlsr Aic-rtunt 1 .ke couaty b Sha et <fSheridan i-ced front Elzabtis la valiser signilcant andl cxceadul aue for a while and tison vent ta J. Brown for a nominal consudenaticu. lnterestin,3: Ind ana visera ise lived ton yer3. BenJamin Loweusltayer bougist 100 7~ Chiscago, Ill.. Dec. 6 1916. a..ssg a coinfortable litli fortuite feel on tise nortis sida of Llndens rs- o fieampe«iWne Mr. Editor: tisrougis lie tarmîng tadustr1'. Borne YNrc1ircýyu a oe 1 bave been intorrned tisaI au anti-lime ago ha nturitedti Wassconde nue, nortis of Beach treat, iront Heurypnd nyçxha cia bas been prntod inue cf thse sud han Sean living tisera evsr aincs. Behrens for a nominal cansideratiols. Waukegat papare commeudatory lei According totieseomathelis e vion- ChIsrles S. Roberts bouglet 100 faet ursec *frM ;, i1oý seen. but 1 arn pieueaciethab orne- Itend ta indicats tisai hie jutigmentla o h - .aieo RgrWila# itr- -keslcto h thhsug bas been pntnted concerning nt good et &Il timn. One tisin avenue. veet of Judeait avenue, freinpotctonbae ro hipi t tist la ntIun&avorable ta bleu. Wittcle iapoisteti out la tise cl mn'se 5nt 1Freiserg for n nominal con. ColU>R UkwjL -. Uthe. Ravins been eue cf tisa attorneye dealre ilsbSa dean sisavan. hla salei mieration. * N U N f U . Unolavv- ua orme M for H" s.ti.~end -forMli. Amen tarn famillar vilh thea h often visite tise Srber abie ha!S' In 1Lbeatyville. Abneor sud CocraTay- mlM OfOhAs a__ tthele « Sd ti n oas buisa dosai limes dad a o n og beoMeR iunbî rp kitoviatge asseet tisat ha sisouti ne giveit a siava. - er iy dis te stMaR Ccfilpridret, Amî canaîd eriandois asenatona more ba coitidenai ,ulSty cf a eints hteies ieo h' tre mrenadNemndlsi snainlsl-hà nmmmnra -liait should any of yeux roaders viso IRE TO NNfT for $3,000. ixig tlîat iîli attract great interest'to this remark-af U.rairnu migisl ha placoi launchange oe! publie HRESOLN O T Ot- ta oneye and frontvisa.tise nomos .) WANDERED TO OUD HOME. Augnat Krumy bougisl 60 feal o able doil ccentre. Vm part thereof vara etolen. tata Tue*un athI lFrank LB lie e Suths aida of -McKiCnley avenus u bo-a Truc t le a linM. Ames vas tel wbo neides mt 3002 dS veu.î~troImmRobart P. ScIsitasielefa n som- Ilundîeds of doils, in every imaginable style and m«eIcoVi Ultue o! isoffice eposibie for tinZOn City. notiftet tisa pfelicetisai a l cossideratieit. chara-ter, go into tis event at notable dfd money anti lis returit but tisat fgci boeneitud rig visicis te hâ elat tie&1. -n senton Townsip. Pina ut 'yetei ouhre of eight of the hundred offerîngst. doss.iot makien hi.stla!or a dis,. 10theerailitg ai tbis.court bouse. bai Oeetsy Astcalis110kbita-t W bestoillen ln his absueuce fr0. Uteo - elgeauy of us, upon reasng court equars., . ise dasi soneoant M serasItanorlhvatquarter Section 8$ Ï" ar L% .11 II Z C 2k, char. 9.11 hafr 1.75Y 8 1 W Ivoud boletechnlcslly the poIVce sbg#lon calidtise poliça frotCharlas A. Duehi' foranoil ,sbukWdrt. of a crimease cocu e iai i dciiefe 1 efItl& hborilsg. cils. atond se .erattIraon. - ematie, on findtitts t lange askai t tisam tcf.asai. usspi fQ ùre aits vhcis thusisvi liatiilsL ô45rhqr a0 ford in Grant Te-rnlp.A,1ta9 Ul . 1 vs r nolls viftiy ln * -o4,bi tuui ts soe l i eisý"lA tp.m elwerI et At1mi a cil9Ic a urera fr thJe H- co hIrth 4*Ueo 97Lcem nM.

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