Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 14 Dec 1916, p. 13

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Ibe delighted wMt theme re considerable by buying doili, both te thilag 'for IoIokfy crowds r a Christmas gift for every- frounding country AT A SAVING! W > e xist this>season in every inport- Lt t10 Nwol(-produetiofls are limited-eosts are ,#tocks vaîiot be dîîplicatéd for love noi- îuofley. e. assortiîieîite are new, fresb, conpicte. Ouîr store a [FANS I-Very S#eci1 at 25c and'50c At 25e and 50e are many pretty styles. Pretty 'Osrich Fans Pearl Deads as Gifts 1.00, 1.50 and -2.00. Special 59C an4, $1 Hanfisome ostrich fans, tbe Ivery'new- Weela there a Young VoMan or pst. In whte, bine, pluk, yellew and misse'who doezn't 1lire pretty bids and lavender; they are cleverly made and ornarnents for ber neck? Tiese beade wili maire a very excellent glft. arc very pretty lndeed. -Look for the unadvertised ospe cial values. for aiîy womall or miss. 75c KNIT GLOVES for women and nilsecý4; coneln ail colore and are very good looking, A1 at ..... ................. 47c -$1.50 KID GLOVES for wOmeO, ln tbe most favored colorae9ood quality leatber; irel eew- ed; special at ....... . 17 suits Io $18 Serges. poplis, noyei- ties sud lmported mix- tures lu good colore: 'mont *Il ies snd now styles. $9.75. 35c KNIT GLOYES eor .bidren, in ail sizes andi mont' ail clors; -land look nice. speclal KID MITTKNS, of gnod quallty wit soft, warm Ulnlng, in ail izes for children; very spo., clal at.................. 47c Suits te,$25 dabardines, ' fmported noveltiosbroadltbs, serges-morne fur trl-l- med, botedsuad ffarint effeta ailMis $1495-0 Gifl she wimnte "sa I Suits te 27.50 Broadcloths, velours, novrellie, gabardines. cley- erly nuse ierth uer col- laeand ud ufs; belted or semil4tted. S$1,6*50 Suits to 35.00 Suits to45100 Here are ânue gabardines, veloursmd Suite ai broadolothe, velours, etc. Dleated effects f~t j beautItully trigpVQed r ita' ln ail 1199Isl, martin sud *o1. ski»s£lO colores ..... 250 IU~ au colore a" mm«.e WVe Feature Speclal Sýles for Stout Women s---------bsmu: - - - - - - - - -- - - u- - - h - - - - - - - - - - - - «'The store of the Chrisaai Sal kad Mulin Ue 715c Corset Cov'r Woxens beautifully embroldered and lae trmmmed corset covees lu ail 1.50 Corset Covers Handwsil 11 crepe do chine and satin Ivltb a Pro- 95C fusion af lace and em- .ý I brolderY trmmming. Mi PETTICOATS of good soit Inuelin in nice styles; prlced...................49 St.O PETTICOATS ln fine grade of inuelins; prettliy lilsed - at ........>................. 7C 82.fl0 PETTICOATS, elabomtely -trtmmed, lu Jai ses ; speeial ........ 1.... .... *0 $2.76 PETTIOATO rlth beautifu deep lace louncull--20 styles ...........a... . 00 03.50 AND 04 PET'rICOATO of the flatmaterials; handiozr ly ftisbed............ 2098 79o ENVELOPE CHEMISE lu ppretty styles; Il Ile seia s;.......... *....*. .. 50C 01-ne EP(VVOPE CHEMISE ln fine uslia. wbite 9 1r fieh ..... '.*...1.00 $ 2 Er4VLOPEoeIsMIE, elegaut- ]y fub os iý '8A -5 .t'... .. ... .. Tbmas pretty oetcolored ptticoats wlth deep fancy flounes, insateens and ilk finlsbed matertlas nIl tS to $10 a t $ r$*O51<Pticasa 29 fair style ranîge and many new colors. $50 Ûjetio t t$ ~il ,tO 1 ,nng,# tThe nîwwost tvIe ujand ot fafvored eoloings >,esttUýrices ne j..ÂWCXust ,becaus y ou'l11 be sure that you have the verv , WOOLTEX, KORRECT and SUNSHINE Soîly in Waukegan. Take advantage of 'eRIALS-.-Cheviots, BoIiv Cloihs, ïucIe,.. VeloursP lushes. Velvets. have literally I .142DRED)S of stylish swag-. ~gwonî.en aîid'misses and more conservative ilertible collars, plain or fur trirnmed. - x& flarinig effets-nlany plush and velour v.Wifp, Kther, lstIer or Daoterj wt 25.00 1 cnes to 35.00 pattons for Gifta-- To Please - MostMJLd TIE5 eria1 50c 'à 75c beautifnlY colared Persfian. trlped and fig ured patterne. Extra quallty slks, speclallY prlced. :ehave te mail <sagIrable atlye. cIolrIlIO Ie.d BsuS, ta De roud tu the city. They are ll good full lenigiand rldths and al color- 1plain or etriped. 1 Umbreufl Prio ther Sectio!n I br Billbooks Men's Houe at 50e and SbillbookS ritiaMn ael fgo and bllfold lu 65C 1qoal0,ity and ail colore t L c ad25 ............. ln gon rade lhaleet ...... t. speciil .y dairity styles in littie speciaily prîced. tlace snd rlbbOfls. rteut of dresser and torchon edges rttngs at 50e; others, lymade and larger, at ed flotiiieps and adjustable waist, bands. Other Handsouie SUR -Petlcoats Very Speclal at $3.98 and $4.98 Many bandsomne styles ln plain and fancy colorings with pretty flounes9.Al sizes at elther price. The quality of the s115e used lb posetively the beet. Boied. thelt make very fine gifta. 0 Asil for Merchadise Bonds, ]KNITTEM8TS-Caps, searfs anid sweaters for children, girls and women. Shown in scores of attractive color coînbinations and very specially priced. C1*'s Bath Robes, 98c, 1 5 %f200 laI sffColoe, Llght adDark, For Boys .ait Girls. *AU Siuesi I A prettier or more appreciated present for the littUe folks canmot be, found. Soft and warm; ail sizes, and eithey lhght or dark coloringa.j reat Xmas Sale $2 Wa ists at $ WAXSTS! W.STSI WAISTOI!l-i every style and themiost waHted I riais, nicely finisbed with enibroidcry and pretty edgings. The city's ;st assortment, at $1. UISTS to $1, a trifle solled f rom. handllng, vcry sPeclal, at 33c i $2.50 anid 2.75 Waists at $6.75 31111 & Lace Waista Styles galore, lu ullks andiother uer Woudorul.oeotioý» are lteu.. ln fabrics la rihite and colore. Hemn-' daluaty Georlgette crp«,kea, s r de . stitcbed, enbioldered and fancy but- .9 eùdchOionansd lace comiduatoms tons. - ~ at a.5 nd 4.00 Walots $&*850 and .OWItt n5 cee de chines, becoma- The nucet. bandsotue rels and - 41Y àtnlhed wlth lace. band elnbrold- 90A blouses eboun Ibis motIon; au it lesN £1 el7, etc. .6 35c BKA3&ILRLS. Good Stylos, Ail Sizes, ît :83o 75c Bt&Wsis. beautifly trimmed, 50c; $1.50 lam & emb. Uimm'd brasI«imp 11.50i 75c MUBLIN aOWNs for, en; pretty styles;,ail sises ............ $lmASGOWN4, ci muema bu nelette; beautiiully trima-w med .......... ......... $190 00W NS Of. crope, MW or &»Bnelette; very as soane .............. --Cblldrea spurues nad bad445i5; spe i at 25C. -Barrette' tny o'r planlie,3ne aul ô" -PLATINOID picture trames; àUoasilb. abie. Sic ta 4IL 1 -Hair brasSe, orlied ilUalt7y.2 ia, «c, 81. -CLOCES Of Ivory Wflm7 spUlsi,. S .Otie and $2. -Mirrors of Ivory; Oàpedal at icl, Si. -BEAUTY FIN SEOtSa1*pretty bomeIS lc6 Sc, 25, ic.- 1 -WOMENS SILK HOU3; very special et 290 to 81. A PRACTICAL OLP-t Serges, stripes m styles and colons SKIR" TO 1»Ia aM q.f. and wanted ftb"; O, N4" cood im s mep. T&t., e boit okrt va In l town; prleduoll.- Wond.rfgl Lot at Woodertul to b. sure an si15,, velours, laePlaids. an OUJkMsad dsr rocd. Ai$cmlle $2,0 WshaleKid -Gloves at $79Pair Women's wtashable kid gloves in-the mo'lît desîîed colors £ extra qîîalîty leather and îxewect styles. They inake a ineîugîft mnateri greate :m:z~m:u s aas s sm ea~ :zauusm~: u ------ --- . ----------- December Clearance of Suitsï, Values to $5 . EXTAORDINA2Y UIDND - and you will find many aieable styles, good colors and fabries in the assortment, but not ailsizes. There are many useful tbinge that are likewise I~III bautiflul and givepuch service, pleasture and dllght ltbe passossor. Piret on tIbs lt l a SUIT-give blv TS-er" ansi Il Desses! For Chddrn, 15c&33c The 15c dresses are 25p, values. The 33e dresses ranged up to $1 formerly. 2 DRESSEs for chldren in ,lmesup to 14. One snd tro-plece styles; ail colore In atripes, plaids, checks sud plain eaI...........79 SERGE A ND COROUROYý DAESSES-Worth up tgo*M;ln good nie range; desirable colone; pretty styles - very specally prlced. a t... I ocîT ....... . M IF-, 77M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .7- fi

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