ViITMàSI.wla a ao cflie 15Vbi bsat se ta th$ 111«k avfultrmody. proiridng for the lnured sud for tbh*s Attirgti cly lu bis nlght gown, a 0and .b"- W«chglltI'I ln bis boire fuitJohnnte ahideti by "Wh-n tbe ruina coIOlNf ite bis siter»& comamauti.anti ttw et off ,,,11go0inatl45twth pttclorksSnd tl Scrositbo bld la ogorcfor Ibelp- 3 #Ik su atterlit tu Sud 9dm bodr or Mrt Jones, a hale snd hoglthy fer. *al'm loftoIL» 1."salti one big husky eï plir, who lîves &b»;sa *alleC"~s Mumor Who tood poiWUnq b liet» pth, $çSqEul l'tOp ç8 o4 "iflf fronm the ýM o hM, vas chere ho thought the bady ivouI leb n ',Wirn, la. t wau so1 t loyd -albened f rom bis, y 4 o Is a W 4 pas 11 The reporters taîketi vitb tbe res- th S.adto lrosphowevet. LlOYd a&«h liilme ,-SIM V la the, ml cli" Tliey taîket i dtthe formers ~o ~tolove the siter ~jofor of theo ffbors nu*th airepnoi oheelo ~h W~C~ 411bow hopetbo h1e r0prt114a11,v t *Sioa& a c4,aegrqId 8g ¶ U b 0 WMe "e 'Tichiltiren vere ot ett heo lo i u @cswa ftoà"" "iWreaient them te Bob Lyoule'm p et iu evip. i is * aiole la LibertyvIfOW» spoko up Mr Pftos. mbo map. aw'u iesi. Joe Bestel. aàther bonnet ookin; th go.vaeuxoihtu"a 1la 1km~trmer vito lires nam lbhe dli" 1 111li lglthe b. re Vas the Bte follov. homfe vas ltêrieved y lie report là ls-"g Vaste 1theblie he iagirl MWv V#icOl vatlata pull ou hbts-lla bar gts*sr yu en.m*a ed nr it> as irooorMo_ 70 0 pair eoraiba " Too horrl*ylaig ho hb poot buli o uawmdin abis smooL Oea lu ls bd, «art Jones Itarhti1tellyou liat the voik of teoi*dren th or bus ouhtrtcied arme Lay ever the Umte ese asinthrnie. 14Mr Bd-I gus dth Mît, aimetSmliaay 'b isy qfflq "0 th@ lepeghoson the prohiena vith îhtcb ho tall battIs-Ai ,W" sot csacloua. Imoke bai 8111",1 poas. Tbey vil aIlbo needeti. " II tancJ, m~ue, MOa.te Ih. Little fllo's LongsMW pthati Mmta soutmd Joues to the. porson vlaosé At the bous of0<Michae*l Lyon'& Lit. ~"-~s ~llUm qa vol. wlohlai h«4 ccuj4 ave eeben n ibroagh teJOhu. theUicYoUD &ter vitO ha-i «W i pt la deaipoir vlieu lie ravinSthe upe" al Swo. crascd lthe ie lidla is bo esfot. smiovo. ie e wvrt vrttideatitllaIDa am"Cours n ele m. as et te wtilbe Uicligbttiltg poinhei ot te cf lts ffets.phis.8hpalo i an.Gr o ~ . deifris asu tonos la bis pmbxtiwag vuà gagnh lie caili o ber banca jst UIil. Sha ealbod Jo. Pf"anatU. Sî. tounti i lUn ttse gi rrvtindou one baud calleti erery home vîthiti a raius of "i ail igit nov. Irve tut Bmse L maiS olr hues 10 lbhe vndal. Be- Ivo mlles. tiev ciatheo. eer sald te young- j foretaie passedtIch ilti oott10 bar ITben lire Joncs aarted 'off saros stur pointing la a pair of bloomer bvotbeÏ ù Loyd the tuodrs d 100'Iloids la ber tare feel. -On the vay jPonts vitiel ver. muci tac00big tir *»os plutlmg loftc at ber fallier. to tic Madule home stle came across hitt.w Te Iis tour mie dos not ko 11eJîne oni a a eni "Pertapi you badil etton upeak vîit b vhetter ho 41.1 of tic tuushat vountiahie. bkeep Up wlthuiche we set ,y the altier elsten. Bbcaneaulli mu or wbothor the iro vhlcb tati beêliMert Jones,.but ha va. willlng t a11ite tacts." sugesled lrs. Mtke kile t taendti be itpasued hie Mort g teao. Lyon. soul on 10 Ils Maker. Whou Joues reachedthe Uic thIe Bundllng Little Joitnni. lit th 'e 1Plaue, Site ln 41imab. hause las a eettlng fmnuce ai car. tle reportera vent la te itjn.e ffce «taile theo 11111. girl 1.00k tUicdarnes. Lisevîse Uic bouse next doar Of Robet lyatis. baby f be«lir hther'm armeasnati eloglng to Gorge F. Roberte.Li LiUttle Jotttie -rang te bell. and c Mtsnbithie stle. 1 caugît lire and bhi tm e thle grounti. vten the doar openeti te abat by tea «"tblauket," shoututi - Lorna 10 tiras. Madole'altired oaly in ber voman vIa tai responded ho tae b«ertre. "te bahy'o cli." gight clotites. aocoted -of" clotblag 1hnock aItte door. L The beaus sof lurden thetat ot int furnimbeti by mca vbo lad respondeti e"ccnritta"sliM.Rb the Stale vere tablai cf theli tigît ta te oeil for lelp. Site tank ther,1 rt Lyons. a sister-,n-law of thc deai t robes taâtthIlnfant chilti mitI a costa. but ber limbe ver. bore ta te man.E -ksplWara. The bora. blankels veekneem. ttc voman vas carietita te 1 'Thts a hntile," aidfte reporterc lbnvn oser the Little tom. and thi: Joncs lame. Thc chltiren walking, ta Mrî. Lyons. "Hiailtla on chilismachkbike the Christ chilti. vas along aide tte men vbo carnîcti their! ta hic ister." buiila a tusager af strav. :motter. "Bleus hie. Little beart." sal t îe Tbe flidrela vere makng plans ta Wbon lb" .men reachedthîe burnlng, vomuias stelletoch lie Youngs'cn carry telb. eitata hoIe hans. vbicl building teip vaî nectietid. @cbllI.'IDber arme.r sbsol dMtinisalfer ova. Thot boutae dron bai neacueti ail or lit.tast re-' In te living romn, Uic reportera vos Mm cummor boue of thc ovner, mained. Tbolr father diletila the lire toutitiLamna, ad 11111e Era, Toros la of theeIand ber taitler lad tleti. Butof bic ovunilîng. i lb years olti. lut lun ianner of speech thèt tras lImposible. that place. ton, The chiltrea virekeph ah ite Jones andi lu ber laya, te remiatis oie af bai boom atuketi b, . borneunatil daybresk vbe t ley vene'twice ber age. * Moton FiglilOff manioc luntilotiInho rga andti tken tIc the 'Papa vas. oh. no goodethecl.p.ut litvos tes Ibat the motIon ap- home ot relatives lu 'Ulertyv- j 4per table blent ilst. Wly. ve com-t pearoti an the. seene. Wetier thea Daul Cartrîigles Saveti Lite menleti on lis bebavlor. You kaov, rab wvhIhll fr1on ber actet as a àre- iThot Providence lstat'venied tab Pa u od ldarn cross viten ho stnmllàve. or vitetiter eslegainai ber tsave tle Ile of MW .Matiole seems vantea1. anti te bai the d"e' stmrngttram aller meana te not 1 ltkeiy. for. ln lalklng la a reparler. qute frequently. Wly. at hlie 'tnp- k kususbut týls muci han beaun ega-' utIle iolnny laid Ihat le %api bis lper lable îasttightb. htewvas as goal * Iei. Thc busbant's efforts ho brother vere reccntly playltxg vîitbas cake." saldthi euttle girl. divîstheUif Ie afler %lot lad falied tle gun mielleansd taItley bah ite!I"Wty, le toak 1111e George laba teh cesse te heart acllou ladl falleti. abat out cf anc of tem. Ttey retura-1 lis arme anti fet i m gruel anti est 'Phe mothen sareti ber ovu Ilie. Nat -etiIL ta t1e box andthUi chances Ibus! talklng anti cbattlng vith iteu&IL oe.u. f sufficenl - sîrengl 'o are tIatI le vunti vîlcitloah effect 1throughithîe moal. 11t t b. uenine; oIe vas carre nleth ie vmans8 breast conlaincti noL tayed Up Lato trmuthie boule Wn a sei-contiouis *abtlIliSteSÂ vas morely a blank Pp i o o abdu i n omditios. anti vas troppe4 tatalte trt ge. vlt wading antite pow- u'Papa tO iti at50 ahot ut hal us lreghof watr. Fer seconds, ifot,tier. PTun, tle question ln: 1> Pro' lires betor.i mtlen anti le chiltren notit«s.tho latter anti tle malien idence direct thiese ciiltrea In th i but ient nlghthaf er ne anti Lloyd bal cf Il. ahiltren vho lay asîeep la lie . taok vbicb remoyedth ie sitot sud Lat. eutc o nllglt osl bei-taon alove fought t Ueir liatle 1or tiretod lIat that partîcularshlddntgoahlle-om svs jer h]mesud the voulu vas te sie- voieto le lb. anc unetagalia ttelscsa.î nsîtr ot fe Mor. gali sud uass &fier ho lad vw-ulu h1n a 9ltt'SmY' W" retlned. Us kiti. vent up ionpff te buerocch et Walter,. iiti Wrote Le tton1Chîltirm taire, and motier venttlata ber fis uaslsc attompt bdrIve boa' beati, lis. Mdial,. morne day ago aftarronvhrGerilaulpsg ugior vs- te'. A4als sdrainbr dli te' berbustanti tti Layreatnet ho kL sir wMviiiàa domn faa erdelho,'ber, siote ad l et.stene t il vas Uie'lit lime that I saW Papa ooagwft a dsir Xorbu eath be. wOto letOr.Sheses.8ilItalive. POisilY sot, the 15.4, for1 b« las iiai. nknown thobhlmls (ecanti atdrosset IL1hta ber cehilti es.Bcdnlba iehnh a mio yasbody vamsupporteti In prt if tbld Lamathat ste bai InitIes thialive vben 1 rescued lb. baby." palstIr.I*, y & across ans viticli bttS w vitheUicrumark: "If anything MdPlne sqd * noa tract onesumai 10 lips ther aifthlav oer IbSppeuls 10me, yau openata adPant ned lastn. 'Thvom btleli 1tu hs cross lettei-h4t hlls ail about wvt lYOun "I gusa htPapa alapoti Up ail ara vIli a desht-ke cluteli ftlion las satti ln maklng hie tîreats ulsît. lie wvas BahIn bie uight soya Wby the manlac loftIber lofore glaUit me." ve u l ytga I oi u dol vas hon portion la tat known Titat letton vas burnet ln the d evsmlciagta abgbool Whi bis neck. He shahtiimueif, ofrtaI Ptbiy ht Iouglsel vas dt. -1bîob nuldrn th.ttnbouse. th1. V:> Her cituhby chee; thc rosy hlooni I devolops that Etivard Madale -t cu ber cheeka. anti ber amile. Weil,!cas pennilesîaet lte hann of hbts hait wvlU le long remembeneti by tle deatb He vas tial oniy vittout any vnlter. jfunde lut was in ddt Up 10 bis neck. J-usl off the slttiug roo n ate He hadtieie promisory notes vîlcI Lyon' tome aItLIbertyville le a bel- vere peut due, anti onth tifret af roon. liarcd le feared liat te voulti be "Juil shep luthiere and look ouli te jorceti ta gise up the lardti e farme t led." suggested one of the vonien. for te vas vithaut mOneY ho psy the Tite uoUnlth edlay Uic fuimof as1rent. vitic ir as due tu md satie. baby of lb. family. The dut lwau Etiard Madole tilcd a vielli afi aleep. Il vas but s few tours bu- clrcumstAces. Ho vas wvitlmightt ýtre that lt h 4 t *a tri irn forth -b. tormeti a vlctlm of bis os- cars- the tiret gs o tifMe Atten bis ter- îemsnoma. lut luch playet si ast 1dm ile nghîtan hie door aifticatit. lou ic hevery ipour of bis fatten's "He vasJuet ame Iimp Ua mrg. We death vhen he obeutield $7.000 ia diint expect hhat te voulti lire. Tva aiaaey anti a 150-cre tract of land. otiotrs vanketi over bu for louis. Thc moaey andtihie landi alîppeti anti but 10 minutes &go Uicy tld us tîrougit bis ingera.' livea is vite that te voult i lIe. That's why le andti bs own kW cannaI hel l oy le are happy. Tht's vhy ve cati nov bat lite maney andthie land. Matiobe aille. Tbat's wity ve are nat ear- wae not a drnzking man. Il bas bee'i lng P round these rmoins ith bandi- ai of hlm tSI t e nover histeti a kcrchiefs ln olir hants. Tha's îitY drap of alcaliollc liquor ln allsl lite. le are tankful. lTe ciilt'o motb- Ho titi nal amoke or use lobacca ln er~~~~~~~~ viibs;anibrItaravil sur fa. He vas an ladustrioul relurtiedtuh ber arma Ibea sto leares man lut bis labora titi tot lrng hlm te tospital. Tietehll usntaI e1r$;"ace. condition la flot critical, sud lta H111 body lm ngat been laid ah reat iter citidren in111be able tha asist aI At lie,g"oueot « biàs- ylwIVto- et ht~r led saie," salît ans of Uic vomen bhsie&wuboitshanti tiatiti ili have< af Uic bouse. chaarge of bis- uaOre su-ie. Alla s ereue in te houseeof Lyoni j"Jiwanî biu nopew ob aMadol% tiay. Tite anly »oseibio t'tptla jof EVaumbas 10 lakp otaff aorlte that coulti come voulti follow the1 honorai srvice. I1va»pt lim tuho ave deuiailofte malien of to cUtldwsthe remalas itaried vherever te ees lut taI vil ua cains. Ttc &utne fil. Hi lte oniy nelativo f Pitiant anti uticles falrly &atio 5 chilldren I îtt. iesides mysei aÏ4 lte cliltiren anti eren nLov ley vaut 1tu ta"i lien>«citale5 acr imeuaat. uthhaho aIl ha hheb- bornes, but tlie - Si' 501charge. Hi aonc urothen lires iW Val. enout chidmentio sallsty lithe- itoauiandti veaot oa erd tram m-an. hlm tW yeara." ald Uthevitiol. "Jusltîrce dayî ago papa Ol1j Mru. Matioles oMtilon la much lu- hs Inaunance no if anyttlng hieothle letten on Sunday .îhon île vas ed there wouild be mcney. You knov Iperpalîli latait&e ber ovu ciailtiren ioney vau îapa's chiot lamry. There Into ber arms. Suntisy vas the dtin ras ttc notes thal ver. itat due, 1 I ime that Mrs. Madobe sav lien ci- I#inh lIaIthere vene threecfthem idre aaten site vas placed la n a A-ý and then papa badti t lay the ret b ulauce. mthe tifarai. You bnow tle ren vo.»lThe ctildren rushedti he bedmlde noue i arcd and ti Ihbd-*10to e Sali wlere Iheir mater iay antiton ms-ny b hý P.ssllY h. vasposSeussdOftILo ade- Fsther Cheerfui at pper prs h is bi efrdat i sire ho make sure te kilt tle chl- Matiol. vas deerful ut sufflron o ot.TeOa ia etrt tM ores Thu»dà nlgt athos li Ut eenmater missei ber. 1 knov liaIt ta dr.5.TNe dSa îgîl IthOgh l bai bou e a aid because shee ld mceo. Tb* I4 140 'e artedWona try CroissIl day. He etattedti vai Yov ho er mauscitn a rry n lmm te the chiltiron, teli te baby on bis ettm leplldtetiuI 1 vas not 1mai liat vas sent on I 0 îo"ffl P ora of bis vite tram te £ap snd fe i hm.*Hoelas Bo happythci boMie ta lie vafenins atn~l out >y thlia tILornas asît ber motter aller vaY. LUtIle Johnle, anti 1 guess iliat i %MIos, b ard 10 figure out.tor', 1s110supper: "Hoevas tirneti nie toulght. Lloyd tati helpet imhlm atipulistik velgbm oser 200 peutats and sme o ar'tho?' -tho vU tfrou teenmd of om ofo!tle aplitoa' tcelreali vult h li He lad heea so cranky Il day ta$bollis, sud tai emptietiouont he abat.l eOl os ecre 0 300 l20. Mi0.the B oibiebs a i oa ut for that tact motter *votaIt ha li15aaf wva a slbiht ms. 1.4*.5 g ut1 ld mater b vas glati te vas tiest. I ktiow ste vouiti. for the doo. pqoshalo 140 pousis ah the niost. 'rhusm. gte," sid t.e gffl. Ion aya thal the îouad 1lahbe t tusV o evas edoîed 111h mperbu- 'Fatl eyer tirank, amaketi ar vas iot matie ty iesd.t Miîn strengtl vitile inthIe tmesteti uioveti, for liaIve muit lyegIr. b 'I khnav vîtIcaused te vounde suis,51. secis evident. ciroit."concludedth.e 11Utie elan.. iiter Ircast. Il las the coioa vatis Itvas later boonna tlat it roqul' Nadi 0001 CiOpsanti nat luliets.- Papa.yau kaov, putt od ilire men 10 lift Mn. Madole tla ke4 he ow lie rops ver 1h15liste muze of thiegun rnlgt againd t * the ambulance la, take ben 10 tle ihou- JeSi' andsti it 4 as theIr falînre motîer's breaut betore he paillaihele Pliai. vtct causai ber latter ta becamo ti hggr." Wbenth ie inother pelled hermlf outI mormothee il saitit "Ttc cropm "Are Yau gladt hal your ppigiI ef tho valen tank aIe l'an to, the place voescou", theC orn especlby. But. desti?" las asketi by the reporter of *vbene aIe les-rd ber ctlbrenam olces lie lad a lt of debîs. lHe owetimon- tl oni. MotrClaspe Childi'en ey at heUicbak anti Roberts aivays "'ai glail fIat mamma aW'lt golng Lloyd met lier. ThrowIigloth iteisbai to tare bis. mimer l in aneIo loblves my manias."repliai - aMa &bout ber neck te boy broke vbether wvo bu earned it dv not. It heboy. twt ' laohere Evenlualîr te loti bis vas te dets Ibichmate ietm Ion- Thec eill rýet fMn. anti lra. Rd- las-lier 10 vitere tle ehildrea ulooti 7. Hlstiltvo cale lalely. one liat yard Madv"' Such beautitul clii *effl about tletorn of thie itîli tad tiIs taîl caugit in te moyen anti tien. TIe,, al possese culy hait'. bW4 Is picitad been rescud etinm vilcl vae hurt mo Il lad 10 hae*hot. itlaisthe coP. oathIe ripest grain one "rtAn 40h.île olien tylng of coauntic.." even al, ri l anglng about Ilsoîr Y Mater tilti ot ask aboutthie Befoi'e 9 O'ClockIluthie raorslngt us necks 1h r' in. j uei acof Bitlcal pic- ;aetât ghSe tild nalspcah of lIaI papen bai l ta represntatlvu 5at t res. ý,ê n* ouso f deati anti of teistrictu. t lans on,'ondInbthIe living rooni ý» egreamt iearing ber. Suobo 11111 cumieti from tb. buralua 51thte Rab- '. ,yonq home, l11111. Ira in uh Wber srmas tiemberi. 'T@ rata of lie 11111W bai-Ille 1 la hi" sare olti-cravbotitoi ual baniporotheb. nls u h is e-t.te ap of lb,, vn1lter. OlO« il i. a go« lte forts 10 IV -ah vshtu *ahbiua » bu Ina fton"s ine aIe telti % gilver ""ýt 4ýf-lad it Oi as àlits bun. . 'cola qltcbrat higitly tu ber 1t11efMt. -*.lm a M od" bt li Thle cïrurion vue the". Do. verO .00!" sitesaidt 1La, "ý%q4 Mw- sv 1b o," 9h. mM that vbeU ha threteaed 1 a" 1VIRabsht bor sud tS4 çbllrnu a.4l0* n -1 vou't do fi,- replieti the littho par mucb atteninto l:ho ta*. mi cite, but the @MU* e cgare the wrt- thouglit 1e0415 flot man wbat ba er w4wsç i nltrer plece. moiti. Vbe chiltirm; iêa= e iftheir fatb- Liat night 1h07reietid e the js 's lot, SS. destitude. The cloties 861 Urne but k Boosueutiat sftog àfT wrm yereOwen thern by blffim s ot to boti Madole staretiQuazru44 ieslbejo 9Md relates. TheY did snc- as usual. Both of thom arcu. weQaý ,ee l "avitnme undervear, but tut thoir nlicbtgvas. lira. !de* le àaalkebagot wo out ln the rain. tau 4h. bai no var*« . et th 0<.« SMxclidreui Survive She 414 bot me ber bimbantiOU §dwm p 'I*eves. six chiltires tbegun. lier 0Irut ita i. msi ia- pnM im.The, e.14.14Je gercause wbe onleymuiie * 'lsnI a Ue ~ 9 C>~O U tmagainat ber aide ami l ulotil aigibor naldthaitNorma vas aao. 5.btefcsmo m isaço, Initia 1rnbmsor tirlvlng a kfl*1 0 motoUi MW *SkeBei 0*" MW ttu*.Om0» ibbor itiirntuio h m" ft eive ýt am At ou5 *00wasdegurture fue li ai aol wa'wbubort kbe"oU kO opelia wa gatlyto blwïI,. pladod, ber hesd uuir wator vmm <Ie fo Ibe doempou edmonmtrated » a- ii 1w-s flomcou la nie Qff ja tht orcfl 1O boeom malous andti ugotifor la la Waukokîz lieow e air m#& lia undoubtetily voulé liSe bonm ü* eUy dnb# 91p int sO ommer. IDCoroner Taylor whett questIoned Hf iy fa g ktw li mummaear. about ltheniatter laid hbe bd. nct rot lnes owdateofor the laquent Mepoa toknovwhowo theboycould e a~oUe ~ eL Io d fougd, baut qu e mared the Informez- thero vau no ompeclal burry 0&amc tion hat h wu "In n a ass the man who had perpotrated'tbê ry et Waikogan or NorhChicago. IntoaIlub'd ad. HeIrmi. e olo Lloyd was,ài smut chilti. He la alotob&U he 4l Uic Tlnqehv fo ld of 14 y«=an d appears 10 bo an tibelvdheoqntwl t WdustriouaMaii$bt goungster. fHe b. held unzil lirs. Madole la able tb in Dot as co uamous sa bis lster tsiy Lorna, 1wbo in but 12, and who prob- Ms aoel ltro ih o ably vii bave the vorries of a fam- lie Calitain Ike Lyon& of Waukegsu. y on ber bandes for tr yers Why Others brothera are: boer brothqm and sistera actually ,- The chirred body of liadole ws worahlp ber, anti veil they might, for recovered from the ruine about il but for ber bravery and the self-de- o'cîoc< thls morning by Undertaker ,l ase exzhbtad last nlgbt, thiey tua Jullus Treptow of Ube rtyville, the would lay in death witW their latier. remains being nothing but boues. After Tor"a cornes Jobutie. John- aie Wn a boy of wbom any mani or ONCE A MAN 0F WEALTH. maman could veil be prouti. Tliat It vas feaT r of aa anti fot But the cuteut, oveeteat membera lear of is Goti that drove Edivalid of the famlly are the. two babes. Eira lMadole ho Uic decti. of ticmeratton anid George. they are called. lt>rtm rnnng vben be madie an lra's f"wpxrlocka were pianed 'o atmpt o h is vlfe'm lite ant i 5- the top of ber beadinL much lte sarne. temptedte 10tira nia chitren 10 death fashion taI a ma rried women doua i lsUih belier of lmmodlatd members soired, Misa Houü, lie superlulenieat. PUa. repliodti th~le uaw~re of ie7 round Wdlicated tlus 0te lb thct. 'lium, Illb ha ntiat 1h. playfuiloat of thoe lads may tare beau tle Jamana of savlng thei mole'g ite. for, If there bai beon W éabatlu the vouati. # wl bave boom a Usr mm tisouIt W"letg " wube But ti the b0os-remous hâte &ho& imbentiuallyanti er a*pufrooe? 131 they.ete aflo begbgturhi< mk-e limIsw~s- t lp ,upbar, sr- rive a the coSq$ong* sa *a»M bopue 4ay hg ri~lt atl %9,hr sno ltaI tbenefos'e tb. vOIlti"iavs lhe sh o oIf ho *" retiia obél ut Lor, il vouid» aot abo»pf~tt #A&d "a ltai pg. culai siulP« hed top of lhe la Ibm box su thal l vas lie OntI ose plck.d Up by *a- dole vitea te starteàte t Ml bis vie? cet* on Ail RIOM "Mra. is-tpw o lagelais on rery UIcUY," sait Dr. Foley vho la attend- lns ber, sddiag. "Iio larcry teryons nd la WOMnyUs a groat Osai over h.r chibtiren. Hovoyr, vw tios't expect aneàt gserions trousthe vounti anti W] the chlltrou. "Ob. #0 muat leave titere," eaiti Mrs. Vujéeê Biace bis fatl>cr's remaîns wort ta- bea boos <ho debris o tf tIe Lloy lia ref mmmd tbbave the piles.Ne ilompula ftho baos the ara, and trom Moraing tatil nilot b. vorbs about the pw aceraor tho covm. the boss andi the liorsia. T» 0ot"e chilures Msve been gis- enbqesmby mlghbord sad rolatIvos. 14M ansd lber IS.sotb.ld broth- or doegu are livingt Mi. unad MW~ Rlobert IjOUs of Ubortyvls. Lriu-buak mi. uboras a u.15 la bis am *Mn tear"MM bop lia Wal b lbls OTalen ~tuppM-' = b B r lmig e - à à bv.M "w tho,. yesrilliving t 4ýO bee et Willim Darbor ta 1»- Norman. lte oldest, vho le mail to 11.91 of yolbo foyer lua amivera- mont bospital atuas.l»,bau not leu bi tç1msiao the tragc4y. "Ob. *9 hope thikt b. là Rot sic c W., itant Tlh.eSu» 10 make an at- toupt t1 netmt talc ommualcation w 1h htm,' ssid, lrs. Robert Lyons or Uta- efllvllle tâtée. It dovelope tbat 14ormen lefI bis horne at the farm montbs anti montîta &go. Whoa ho lcf< hie motber cx- tmsd 4a promise fronx hlm th&, ho would not enlt Ila lbhenary. St on aftubo lott boune Norman acceptsd 9, position iW Wauiogan. Me 414 not -bolti that PoelUon long, for hte Iefh WaukegMn anti the nult that wau, bore tg Iht'm Whon obe Iourd abouts ]A tb4 helw ber b.droo»q oh. st@a dcr te qultestaI r4t aandtl c0oioti Il vuslm Gtug up ah. caffl e t sa. brother snd ronstap hie timon 1014 thom ta 109e stairs. Arrtvtag 1aI -the, Ihm tountItIllocha. *tte i~ th. Ulbe ,bs-ad 0et lit the uppvenroa nit wldov âade thiCta aI osth li.rooof a ean-bte ïd- t be liepeowd. Tbos-vbI sohe le lurait idoa sf r1 -p thal s-n 1-mo*f4t as posulhl r it ah. urgoti k hoolh inite, bot"e, #M IOit eue. Thle brq*q - atrald 1e de 09 o 'cldov antid 4 blas the* loù ïai matie barway lru île brother lyl.aom or Who laithie mastnd hinilcif. andi vas souïr i ,I dames and ti suie. tOr~, Use baby ste r* ek anti wittout an&sr is14 Rffl. bki h » h4 ipea 0"j# Titis fam1li'IV reoaly loti au llioy bail mogéilma iN#w Mlid 40oouu s- pa) lqge te gel b.ip tro*k>aih* A dearw lIllt fuOp,"i1e omes g*i l i oUS- May 1 *m l o ici 90SuIO your lav«gMop ii- ho la cosnctiouti ith y Tom svery ruI!'. luA &dvanceii" ROIb..*.J "'-"" "" âmiutes lIer lay orer the ecge of th$ *pv ltai te linors tlO ihlW'en am, e know loy le vas galug ta mâ%e euds led vithI helr arma tlghtby cilchaed au , r14i1 I foui me.vii geîon aw Met. b doutlkscî,lbut b do knol about hbein malhr'i neck. Ttey an lfs-otMUy s-ut viilracover unOM thath vs lsa hantou Osv. 80 ugganadtikisseti their mother ex- uoMetilag Unlomeen Snov sets Ia.» lIaI le tbld mazama 115k w Woiibd cept 111e GeOrg. (;eorge islie eDr. P'oley aléo tatetii tho bo. ail le deati Iaide of liree dsp's.He baby, but Ih montîs 0 f age, '5MO Uief l 110,04 lo r. v o e*01la the sObil bu atten madetie nats of *O nla'. L canid hbu Isto lb. motiter'a upmd by Madobe &agai1nat his vIte, lie lur. O ledît fot eoae asemt.romuiah ite Jane lcAlister houpihulilsg f the lollefliaI lie th"ory 4. Wo dIdn't warr, hecaus . aS bmheyoungsler begaa 10 es-r andi i ranc" bibi ts pepen liatIIL le. tlýo Ibouaht Ihat Ipapaeloveti us. asnd vapoetllrelyrenfuuodti o lot bis motter parhlculan 1abol itîbcitlad baeon tliouglit tînt if varse came ta vorme taie Iim loaolier arms. plti <ofsit y -lie boys, vhi* va taIt te mlshl ili hliaiscîf. but WO *',He's atrai. lHcdoos not recag- usai ly Mai01. as 51>0 shotis vWte tld'l even thinh ofbils attacklug aisebils mater. li' bas aeti s0 H. says the vounti sows i4o trace qt mamnia." alti 111e Verna, tmany stnangerosînce Frliay hbal heosaI h avlgga pouetratoti >te llib, i New bars too. tell ot tîrcat ha luIdoesn't recognize bis ova p.OPle,'" ex- locks mereir lie îhe eltI ram poi'. Etvad Maole ad maie t 1hem I pline ilthe nurse Whb 10 lu caing for ter or watuiag vounti. but tlaey o nol aIUilhi tI Lb 158Mrs '<adle musaclai vomIles liaI voultihole lit Mr$. Madole dd t aldiscuas lteSH T19 AO S respoasible lu entrety ton ttc deel. 1tragedy of fflday. FonrnmanY Minl- HT19M S They alleged t at Uic mati ant ivie utes she ]ay an ber led starlng ah ber IN TWC> ÇAYS' HUNT. vene miamateti. They cdaIm that Bd oldest daugîher Lorna wbO amergeti vas a tard îanklng anti an ainein.tra rm te Insane chos a terolUe IniWueau e.8 loua man, anti anc on tva of thothe î~eYea Of thc voËi. bsdole Charles Qialo sud Henry Woen vero not bactward ln saylng bIaIteodit ual thiani ber "dasaber tanrué- dort i'eltrnd iome liii oisit vas aal given thie support liaI a mati cul;g 1er chliltrea. Ste matieon, fromn a tva daj' hunting lrtp ner of bis em peament tshaulti eosîe by allempt but ber oycmBilae ithltbetsars Lifilbtiabbut 250 Mile. son 5 the woman le lad Is-heu as bis vite, anti a lump rose la-lber tace. 'he, Ohlcego. Duslna the tva da&s the '_Wotiin'Talku 10 Coroner - ecilttben pet.,lul 10 minutes at Ibeir ahot 109 raiits. -Tlicy trouaIt bs-'« lita. Madale la tablng ta Dr. 'Psy-j mother'é baosdo. :tvo 0111 casegs "d a lisiof hubaloes. lor tolti af îcreral quarreis Ibm s-udti,.. Where la Lloyd?" sako thle mcli' oina ail bIaI th" ces-bd csrr bier itueianti bs lait0f bs-lu. SMor sao.tle Odiltinon ver. prepa u "W vto74 ralîfls ii evor4l Bqulaos ssi ber bosltani vas I-toampeffl leavo. 'flore vere eonoparblîts 1tmo t asti ready la quarrel O oart sobii.!3' "S ti heb. ar," replioti oso 1 ýmf r" for ltheontire «.. Carmgle ier.V le nom Ionos: connbtitu5h4à cevesg lie mon.a Peroqus-Il(.1k Ibe M" hourg jather tie Iragei il pentula ta the itercait *05 iysar-oia girl.,tWho tipnmo tic vorat lragIeethot bas i acitd 'fn Lake couaty b"- fatherleal anti lia tIlab7ýed %hi tory làa amcml certal i mssr- hoard of bMsho vas viht h,'aay on the Iduean bottier. FORI IORN BAIE (Continuuei rom -page one.) ttc prospective maliertoati the tacot at lte tume. "0 $ho1 ln Iheil Thal th. stahameat af 1Mu1e Jobn- nie lisiole liat le anti bis brother roc.silyremoroti the 1h01 froge a ahli and replace thelb. ubll iW 1h. box and tbal thie pas'hlclar ubeli vas sudthe b.shot atla ViteoIl cazrect la tiaî the conclialoat of dur tartan asinurses at the hoopital. The reporters for lihés psper alose- ed MaisImportantppW.o! iftas- tien, troulte cdlldros Wni4a> y. In- quiry ntIthb Ipital $avaIs cIaI Dot- a pioe of! hot vas fouati ln the vouandatthel.idateslaom liaIlte cotatiIl lite voran's lotIlirase booketi more liko a serere burm thaa a rosi s-to: wauad. **Does Il appeur as If It vas a black [aheli îlieh as tiret ah ber?" vas ow 'w Ir Cd 2 99 ti 1-1