Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 14 Dec 1916, p. 7

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LB~T1Y1A U»BPENDRNT, TUC "~AY, DEOBMÉBEB 14,1916. F ùÀPemm(m AT raysiake E-dltd by F.J.RUCE PhOn. Il Orders aaoen-for .Job Work 4cvertslng rates On sPPllCAtIin ,C. Thommon end wîteot Fort Bill, wate (Irayolake vîutoret teemday. Mmi. Chas. Tonliedbas been.uon the siek flot tÈe past week. t. Q. Lopgaaugb orthiUblao, epet a tsw das witb bie Inother rectly- johD Tu&sie@pet Snndayin ClfagÔ. MI«. Anas l>aiber wa» fa Cicago vill1or Sâturcay.. Ses'our a ire hue ut Xmas cauti.- ILt id Ufferentt(roui tbereet. TiteRelaflhtOre, DrWçe lrug Co. Sberrill Smih ut Dfiter, Muuouril spmni the week-nd lb' relative@ ut Idainesvîllssud rayslake.. Dr. sud. Mra. lradale OlUhîcago, werO musitsof àlen ML.acblan ut the (uge- Mem club over Synd&y.- It Ethel Mlbrg ut Antioeb, &tsnd- qi thes baaket bdll gaie lie StrdÎ Wby not boy hlm a Kodak, the gîftt Om1 - dde to the auod tirne st the *onieft. The kezail Store, Dru-v [)r9 C. 'W. Crary returned romi bio bomee ln 8Sreýtor. ]ILI, Mondev.. . n. aud Ms.Oscar Oloar the proud Smte ofa i .gbt pound baby grirl. Tb.a Tribaugl Club vyul give a da- u t me 0s do.u a n.Dc. - 20Jd.- Clive un your order Dow lii brick le% e5mu - ydle will ot be dleappeinted.8 Th. bizali Store, l)ruce D Oago- Irvig Boock le attending the oh, It" st The Princese tuday. The hedlng lady ot the show le an old eehéoleme ot iirlis. emr store la teamilmg wlb*Xmatsomif- *oeStions. Hverytalng up-to-date. The h«alstore, Druces l)ig Co J414 Keuon @lpeut SutidÉay sud tMonday la chÎeago. Mis. C. A. filler bam organiW dan orchéotraet '*aueouda. The Iret ap- p«aram 01 te Orchestre vrai et maturday iglit ua: lbpcommnnltv noués Tb. eDtertitiumOnt given ut the Con- gtional chureh lit londav evanlng by ths iLadie' Aid was a ns"ouci -c. Mise. F. C. Wlilbur snterWanod the 7100 clab lait Wedueeday eveiona. 1Osom Janom basket b*Ul teain wue tb. »mie lu atutrda iOtlgb acInt Mis local Hfigh gehool isainlu a *core ot 11 t 3. Tbe G(rayalake bary welghti wm e IbS<u trou the W dain Qnad. si i àummenou818to 14. The big 1 liply aohev Chieg l mu. Xmas Suggestions IIO'I< POINT - glectrical Ap- KODAKS-Eai&trnau lin.. FLASH LIGHTS. COMMUNITY 8ILVICR STE'RLING ZSILVER POCKET KNIVES. NAPKIN RINGS. RADIOLITE WATCHES. fINGERSOL WATCHES. 013W? LINKS. STICK PINS. MANICURE SETS. TOILET SETS. SHIAVINU SETS. CORRESPONDENT CARDS. sYMPHONY LAWN WRIT- ING PAPER. LADY WINI)MERE WRIT- ING PAPER. CARLETON CLUB WRITING PAPER.1 AI)DRESS AN[) SHIOPPING LIST BOOKS- XMAS BOOKS, CARDS. CAL- ENDARS. PHOTO ALBUMS. PLAYING CARDS. PICTTJRES. MIRRORS. COLLAR BOX.ES. SAFETY RAZORS. CANDIES-.An exceptionally fine line of Xmas Cmedy-both ini bulk and boxes. GAMES and TALKING DOLLS. TOYS. CIGARS, CIGAR HOLDERS and PIPES. ASH TRAYS AND MATCH HOflDRS. LET US SELL YOU A VIU- TROLA THIS XMtAS. Just T oiv.d a fine lot of uew records. Coins in and let us play them foi YOn., =SIIOPEARLY AT= TuE IEXALL STORE "l%.Store That sues You Money" riRUCE DRUG CO. LAKE yViÏAWOANLNE Conie and esounr large IlI.ut Christ.- lIai gitte sul>able toi evèry member utof O flU uiL aff tbe farnly or triends. Liale Villa TO MI ?IP DAU6lic PharnaCv. 2t0 C. G. IcCÂANDLIiISS 1 . id. Bamlîu vas i ttbc Ciy on bùsi- Correspondent - Agent TER'0F COONLEYS Me.a~dte~E. . Wld sud audie. e, w.r hes dob Miin(k, i.z i i..î.r sMVI ieê Waukegans, Dec. 9. 0-a' r . "uni Mary l'llekçy, the eccentrlc Lake tor wa*gastsotr.~a.v~în,, cllee Tureii Forest dômitlIc who wss placed on Satrdyiih. ad ~n4.. S~.Wri.RMr@..1AîtnciqoeDiw trial for lier flflity in Cousty Court Mshpnie l d gltârd Yr vejelina twda.- erh Irm. IPJ. Meyer. .at Wauksgan. today, might and proh- he ngoId cmesewa liy m, .e1,V. r. trer,i rucev Lake,. uns a ably wopild have been acquitted of The ldAy vtk lircoe. O - éet MOZbuiiineses listîr hr hîrdthc charge 1hlad it not been for ber Bz'Rmlin Artihîîs'lire.eWiC. Jayanl re ~flJ~ ! ausgn.'lhncsdav. aINauegtili iiIiorown dcamagîn.g tcatimony. Up to the Jleltd IteIr m twirbes à nuy. \îk ,> il rîh d y. lie aile was jtlaccd on the stand the - àd iari MeDUAai @peut .Averal iicase agalnist ber was not Cry strong, dayresnl~vlbt41eVîieriud. rmdaI;uury l .jr*t but the jury ,Mnd apectators sat up aiérte.Ca. lrte' ranUbdto i Fan Dru to cdand tir. H. .(rtand took netoie Whcn the defendant bon1 wby lluési nd diaNuê Sool1# fiotofdt Vaikeguu 'brhnrday. admtted nec, plan to kldnap Aile, bomb, ItaseandMis SelsSpul A ~complote une.ol pire 4rîîge eIàth te yonngdaugilter of Mr.mandirm.. aesstg lu thte borne. Ceili Drng @tuore.rnîaL oney fott Mm. 0. I.iBeaU lChicago. rlelted lure pMositieleL:BleUe eisIInd trieffort lu h I et revenge on themn for finclea a 1V.'dajwlat W5G (aynlake Tursday. wronge. Crltmm sezercies vilIlie heul ibe C. 0.Braluard spilit Thiîrsday in SvritntsIwa ee ettp M.E.cnrb in.î, 'tiîtna C.aHiarvard. b -y wtn«saa that Miss Hlckey bail nouai. Fluyt Culver ut Lake Villa, wgwa etfdtrte.pani agtee lir. Johu Mitchell ot Libertyvîlle, busin)ess esîler here Tbursday. etfdthseplndtog an vlstsd friande ber,. lest Wdneedy and M. Wagner ot Chicago. spent ea evwth Cooney. if was States Attor- attended the meeting of the Ladies' Aid day. here thiee ek ioaking alter hie ney Welch wkbo hrougbt out the daia- socleey aetlMra. A vry's. sominer bomne. aglug testim ony. Iu respouse to bis Mmr. 9. Thayer entertalusd relatives 0.G. u i. ea: the St. Ani bospftal question Mi", Mickey adrntted that trm Autiocb lait vesk. in Chîcago wbere ie la receiriiug ruedîcal ase bad ptanned tu get even vltb Mr. Mmr. Chai. Jarvis bhm very kndly attendane. Coonley. doa'ated the use ut a ewlng machine ta (Our stock ot dingo le cotuplete. Cash ."How dl1 you Plan to du that," she the. girls seevng CIs«et a seool lor the Drug store. vais Aked. wrLâter. GI. P. lieneban sud vils let tlîis ee .,Dy talng the matter loto court," The Jarris hotela eClou.d for the for Florida vbere tliey will %pend the was the rly. winter and Uli. Jarvie. Mie Elizabeth vinter moihai. ..But suppose ycu were nol able to and lirs. Jarvle' tather bave etarted for Have yonr precriptlons Silled ett h gel Justice there-Ihen Whit did you Florda tc @pend lbe winer. AMr. Jarvbi t;a . store.pian to do?" the wu' aaked. vîll maite bis home la Chicago for lb. lirs. Oea Shuber rtaited in Lbertyville "I vas -otag to kldnap bis daugh- next fev mont bs. Thuredéry. terAilce and laIte ber away witb Frsd Crbb bai ree..iy moued to the Oua Pock ut Wninconda, vwu a caller me," vAa the repiy. "I would bave Arnutrug tmm usan Leon Lake. bers this vekI ritten letters ta Mr. and lirm.Cocu The Round Lake garage la neanlng ley and 'madle them worry as thi'y )curnpletiin. It vilI be uperated by have rmde lue orry." - MLBU~ IHenry JIensen. Mises Hckey was rcpresented by Frank Ssau vas a LibertyviIIe Attorney Geoige W. Fleld wbo inter. ti. and Lir. Archle Webb @peut a ew, eller Friday. rogatéi ail wltneases and defended days lu Chcago thte pawt veek. We filî ail pre*srtiono with prire druiga. hlieclent' i flterests. Mr. Fild vas k_ P. Dodge of tocbetor, M'lela etay- rThe Gas"Drug tore. eapthméturjsdeso n ing it vlbhIis hter. lits. (eu. .iarieson. .1 R.. ... . - -apa Ii>'MstupI.. -o-_ -_ - ta afelet br in the cars ut Mr. Jamieenun who brolif hiq hlp rn.oently. Mr* Tukey ot lerwyti, IL, suent a f1w dJay@ wth ber sont, Mir. Oeo. Jaàmiean. Mi&s Aile Jamiegon ot1Ubhigo, id @pendîng sometiiii. wjlli lier tather. LeuStrangis is litinr rieudeanad relatives ln Chcago fur several days thle week. Pscy Book attendsd the stock show Thurday and lriday. Mr. od is,. W. J.W its otWaukegan, celbrat.d SIer 40tb wsddlug sannver- eary DSc- 7. Many relalives and rienda trom this vlclnty attsudsd. Mir. . A. MlMarWouva Chlcago vilttor MoDday, alio Dr. Jamison. Robevi Blepbens le attendlag Bueluss College in Waokegan. A. IL Stewart returned borne Satur- day fram a week's viit witbbiscbujd'e. 'Rev. and Misq. A, W. Safford and Mises Foot. are Cicagto and W beaton vuetors thîs week. s JesseDeuman le lu the hosplaliin Chicago Cone aid sesoui large lUne at Christ- mas gits sltable for every member ot tb. tarlly or friende. Lake Villa Pbarmacy. 2t -ZJ Ths Ladies' Aid wiUl gi vsa Bazaar and ParcelPoil sial a:the cbrcb Frlday nlght, Dec. 15th. Supper and progras wlll bs provldsd. Evesybody corna. Mi» Maron Edlc rslar s Sday tromn a ten days vIst wtb relatives In Chicago. Thors vue a @mal attendance at tbs 0. L. P. C. Thursday nigbt ab the hume ot S. Barris. The Ladies' Aid rnet with lire. Henry Taylor Tnssay ut thîs week. - Mr&. W. Scbreck and Lloyd. wbo are 111 wiih searlt lsver, are rsported to bs getting along ntcsly. Mr. snd lire. E. Harris attended the stock show -and vsted relatives In Ausiîn a few deys lat week. Mr. and Mr&. 0. Gerret, ,who bave been ln the erpluy ot E. E. Mrsb tor corne weeks let Mondey tor O)wen, Wis. Mr and Mr@i. (lrdiner lalknsr bave returned from their wedding trip to Niagara Fs. The riende uof1ev.- W..Pierce, a former paatur bere. ean have the pleasore of hearilag lm preacb next Suuday nlght a: the Lbertyvîlle M. E cburcb. Umie Berha Faulkner le viiting frienda and relatives near Basecrane. Redu~ce Your Power Buis By Usiug Rawleigh's IlàiM. P. Gasolfne Engine Price only $25.70 I. o. b. factor)j . p.00.90, roporlqu cooleal, gr=npistons. Srop O" craul. Mrlls.leeoimtetng rosi, -à desîigu. 'Oscllàtlugmantifto ILm gnaranteel 10pnlf15pst cens nib On 60 ~ ~Frelby lié -IUAWLMIH MAW passegers Siaturday. tandlIng-adilsion. Walter aHetianutofChicag. v as a, 'Up ta tat tîme I va.4 thonougbly entier liere Saturday. oninced that see as sane and th*.t Jue i)orll'r utf 'orth Chhiagu, spent tbere was a determined effort t. .1111 Christmas Carols in your home The mntrels who sang of the «iding. of great joy" in the days of long ago ia upplated by the minstrel of modern day&-the COLUMBiA GRAFONOLA ýThêeColtimbiaGrafonolatruly bringa etidinga cf greatjoy" at Christmaa-tide. There is ngift qtie iXe it,no gftzo welcorne, na gift that could brýnff a more Iastirig oy.. Thei Columnbia Grafonola la the "gif t supreme"-a gift wbich mcxce dreams are woVen,which brm*gs or plei.sure day aftcr day, tlian any other sifLt you May give or recei.te--ancI it is a gift within the means 6f ail. Prices from $15 LD $350-cri -pecial Christmras term#ma T A IrMI WTY TA .5121 A VVUffA di1 % Buuday wvkh Le>' Benvîrl. 1 ralîr-oad ber -toth A, Ins&ane aylum " hbue-1 rLLKbIN i VJJJ.& rrs~isA IH IM. U I [ W. A. Roing of 5Antiih, usas a ealler Mid attervards. Il ad quesioned beresonday. ber for bourg and bad brought ot lins. Marie Davis is vistng with ber wbat 1 tholight were the complete parente, AMr.and lirm walt"rWiii. detailla Oftire situation. Nôt once The entertaloment gireni et the ()Para did she latianate ber plan te kldnap liou»e Btrdav night vas largely on. of AMr. CeonIey's children. That attended. caused a serions douht tearaIme tu Mmr. BuP.Ler returned hume Thnreday my mind as to ber mental equfli evenlni rristhe coutheru part utft*hi-in.L" e fI5IIUPol.A 1d stae wer sh bs ben iiitig riedé Contrary ta the accepted opinion, for the put lew eelm. MuMisaRckey Made no démonstrationt A i U TO its ýhere-the problemn that annually pr.s.4 Ed Brown vas a Chicago pamîseuger In s uyrtrdavrîUtourM i liouday ~~~~tnmnity. It took the jury froin 20 ~..î ouinw i'O gv The Cash Drng 0torecornere acurnplete minutes te baIl an bour te reacb hA SEM R aA ts lino ot pure drus. décision, the case Wcng nathar close____ " 4 1 A s el i visite Tueday. exept for Mise Hlcey'a damatng BD-,<&CEIII!AD ed ors Th@ lolowing vent Crs Chicaga luit tatement. Tburoday.orne ot wtior attended the The plan bad heen ta try the ma- Medicine-at AndersnHOMe Uv. sbock shov: WIli Aimnn, L 'vietIent hi a commission of physiclane Was Not Labelled. .1 .â i Litwller. C. 0. Br1niard, fleury Shober, but Attorney lelil obJected to thiIs _ invite your attentin. They za, Angest Heneen, Arthur AtweII, Marat, course and upon bis request a jury of The acciaental poiSOUÏlng Of two Bueon, Ben Martin. sx mn 1a selected. men et I'rernont Conter as a réeit an answer, if your', plan of _____Dr.__H.__1. Davis of Chîcago. a weil of which.une dled and the othér bZd known atenitt, bo clalmed te have armral ls elt etwl MIS. RICIIARDSON exarnlned 26,000 patients, testilld bv h effeci. accordlng to',YA f h i tm s P e ~ i 'C~*ne3 u,. Dr. Daniels of Waukegan aiseeo canguore cars lu the lsalllitu e0fr s AY NOT libmt;I L testlfied for the State qui expressed bois e nilln. It leaMi that it jeuse ~ ~e.~saqthe' belle! that she la insane. te quit. an ordnaayty Sng for hoe TO u Dti lAM ESIt The case wasà contestsd very stub. Medicine te b. Plac lu'nu =labeil- prop .oses articles that perform , hornly as Attorney Fild saw teai led bottle. u to th ltcit ttlb The Appellate Court l Said to thyt Miiile llwe tter yl to v- et telhomaaepla QueinJs ov-t definite function nmost efficÎrn *,1 Have Ruled Adversey ta Her it vas the. second tInte a petition medîcine la teobe glven aud coniler. t a e r s n i h i e in a in Raymoud Estate. lad béen filed lu court "eking for the ed that sumaiient. t a e r s n nt erd sg _______commiti ment o! the servant teoh iHd t hl- esA bathtisu vblcb cotaineS lIe lir. oh ltcbrdos. lmmrl saine asylutu. At the tinet hearlng P. bores mediclrte attse Richard Auer finish an artistry that pleases Vole. ma& flot ha able te o ClIcOthle L. CuouîeY. vhoÎlIed the. petitlon, S800homen t FtrmOnt beau lebOffl $1.500 damages, Fhich yens avarIeS agreed to drop the case ou condItIon t.e fatal polionlng woli not have ta ber hy a jury as the reat or Unijiai Miss MIckey romain away frotu taksn place. As It ves the msdiçýne treatinent ah. received et tha bue"n bis prernîses. Titis she dld 'not do, vas placed ln a botle wblchbobre a Electric Lamnps, Electric Chafing Dishes, of the rail-ridera. This possibility de.-_ _________________ veloped wllh the. report thst *p A* and a el aga be ileil a secondl pe- yblskey label. The hottUs vas kept pellea Court bai nuled edvero*sW b ttiîon on a shel lun the closet ybsne the bot- Percolators, Grills, Tasters, Shvlag Mmn. Rchardaon ln the dlainq SISIESI île contalnlng yblakey yas kept. The the estata of te laie Mra. *I'II. fm ' EMedicine happeued ta ho the sain Rtaymond, one cf the defendats la Cij'Ni. 1F1SS WARS ' Mugs, Curling Irons, Vibrators, Irons and 1the. Action hnooght by tse vctlm or colon as the Ilquor snd tbls made Il_______________________ ethe. famous ride.ON AT H V I e quite easy for Anderson to masUam thr acsoie rnorae t As A. rout ofber expérence et thé ON 1IA dUIdY II I1d. mistalte. ______________________________________ )bandsof th, vomen vIgiantes, Mmi. T 6o q Androl eeoe Rchardson started suit for damaffé. ISS am '< ~~ Wi1U~ dno.Itdvlp et the n* recelving a verdict of P,500. 1PDKAIqLN I U I us May ol oeof thee ul-the occasion and certain ta bc welcome. Judgmeut could ha entaee by the_____sonlng than dld Fred Wagnor. ;t rcourt Mfrs. Raymondd ied-. .ing- Dispatches fnom Watblnxton assent vas tbis tact that caused is deatb f ment cannot ho entered aginst a that Congnesamun George E. Posa of andl made t poesblle te, .5v. the flet b sad persan mo the court sîttersd jua-ibtis district. togeter vltb Congruis- of Wagner despîte the tcthIat bis Extensive lune at aur *ment, dating t back go tht it voali men Cannnsnd Mann, aiseo f 111. autedate MUs. Raymonî death. nota, led aunict UpOn 'pork bar. condition loked hopeless at the. atart. AttcrneY Pope. repm.satlng t s mo rl' legslaf Ion ln the House Thura. A daughten o! Anderson tolda of heL Y RO M Raymond estate. eppcate frein tIm day ta prevent the passage ortae fatal iucident. She Mild that barly I P ARO M action and tok tse mater liote te Omnibus fisherles bill, vbîch calla â ber fatber takentepîO,. ApeltCourt. TIthis amerumnài fer an appropriation of $890,000><toe a ntepionttn P b i la eau te have enieredAu e, sý et- hnild batcherles ln 24 states, ho became se III that that b. coli P blc ervice C om panl tlng &aide the Action eot the Iowor Mr. Foas lntroditced ai amendmeut not stand. MiII waa-gîvon lunte court in dating baci the pvAIUM.t. cUu the IcapprOPrlatiOu te $500,000 lov ta: It migbt neutraliséte t- 1.- of Northern Ilinois The offect of Ibis. It te $Md, uiEab Addlrectlng -the selection o!et.é tat the drng. Ten minuta ie ties the antering of JU4$omt M MRr hitcberlea sites ha loftIte the Burean h aa rub wstrnr=y& as Mn,. Raymond la adoo pcdi. Thi iet 3'Isberes. L.ftldag:Vstcnapyi th, judgment vould floti> j15b ciao Mr. Manin celleS the original tUss- clan vas aitmmOfted and 1b6 vamat etl lb. othsi- défeiittl but noet» sg "pork of te vomt spcles" tse bouge 16 Minutes Jeter. At the_______________________________ the an fM. a<ad ."ie M. Cannon sai te appropria.very &tart he ead Il vould ble Impos- ut mdthat o f leAe tohes lu. tier eofntion.sootert an sat-aîl ble te save tbe victints Il!. became Théodore M. Durit. PPesldcut. W. t.«Nseu. Vk ils and Ia the ciii?4»it*u about Uté country. le bad taken sncb a large dose BAnd F. W. Churchill. Sscretari and Nageffr fi-cm wb mjudgment cel he 0011. 11LItrsecf' ts congresemen beld bécause the poisoù lsrea4y bsd enter, E E HO <8 netLi. 11t tisala not the tima te tIi-o, eS bis systsu. y bnUa amndettevnIgiWy money on "pork.- Tbey loint.d vuu'v .* eue5su 8m j9 kbrenght luto Couty Court fer setM4ý ou bee emonsy coud b. ent Lakte Fornt Ile consldertng the U93sa UR555UM £ & *m 5u E C Wr imet, Attorney Orlm for lits. uuchbobtter Advautage. Tbey beld . ~ ~~ sa A a ~ - A v~ ~ion Le aclio f 8, . tsn.mniin cumaue f bloodbcstuds, (Germen police doge, 0F r le TILSÙ A NI au posInIve nstuctions bave bea W 1 ethèr the '1l0t vaged by Mr. i m $ 1 ,sM - y- elved iom île upper ecurt. Pous andlbis collupanes wvîlI beor lly of purobaaat sitintastoassntt ____________ auy av&Uin h ual novo, lnamuch s i s .ef Walter licGuire and bis meut W A U KGAN~I~ The I n stut f la es , tc Democrata bave 5lM 'n ~t b cVII laceS 'biler.e tycu- iy ¶S~.geeueve ait.Atthe pressaI lime. I le" cltolil.yMyo a ltyn cvis It ~~~ ~~~~t final vote n the bll Wplul hot b.'efvos iedls #y 12p- wt kly. R her vaqènc! aeac. tIOh i Mc4elr laor th iedlews. inc.lt1 s-'ar lsalut UP0 1

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