Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 21 Dec 1916, p. 11

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~îo~i 4e~î' *1 Q 4.80 I t. 6" Md A o8m w-'"--t eI mebuowu y-m meub"aMb iftIMM A. T. White mrviSon B 4th$ Iàm tl epl'U64 eun ucan*sI 0 toflovlag report vaàse -ma" or liiDomis. lae Cmt, et cfuperylbuOMs e u1916. s i Pwaman me saflst oftubie elqiipf evrw»:'V 0 or oomhittee. on VWCI#flàW ou wouidbecgisave -to 44804 lib bave essiunmiodut ltel befors thom ns sud e ** pnynet cftithe'ui dm th Ieh* le etoi te. oriers for the «Toml ainous esevewa llmfLW~ MW ForMut àAIwnvel1 Appley et aiv servies .m .' 5616 Ott aPndelu%& - .......... V Jrei& ses, lia & Frsefltqko, ment .. ... ......... IL Docker. dllmfl............. mwlaorti. sumpies.. .......... isvu «d .. .. i 1'.mv pai, Jr, i di oIeý.. 'J~ ityjI lIjmber 0Co, Xroue& col. .. . ........... pit solfuuture... c m t»lvreC.. ~r.. ...... .. abosa.. .-..... sevcs.......... fumutune nul peit.. Mr,Owh.nda mm enl tlemen or the Mt ths pe- §§«dcan 0fIupervaDS: esvPeTor3c.mna qO.vi6j O ia- eror Crapo uuevei te i .. . . ... t t tbnt ther have 1 aainedal usffutel hoeeieu .0d thp fe payment cf Lie tenur- afle. repaisuston dock.3.0 21.00T bhcu F. Lkin ea c. rupIallfor.............3.80 erse..............21 p m b m . ........... . 417ý à Plie 9121oî*&as 0 -61 AUl ut whlch la eqpedtulY, eu*i Mot ae o4luille ls ake Cpulr, m. ~<nmee F , sad AUovaid ' *d !ndstre" * 0V 4*lêtiodnsn 9. ... .. .. 46.0. la Isa he.................1.0 Leae lamecandse1 ha. andIO Md" Nases.8. bave umfWîrpf AIPUit.m±lBtuent or th V a u- *1 »Mf e ai W.8 log. e 0100 m =.teodtàt ... 1.1, ~ *D d al~h4outit ... 10.00 bich NVOtwh8t. and A1owet ma~a ..i~UÉ1 i0i6 .......68.40 ...... 5.00 %md fh-%m~1t. 0~e ~ua" binI .....14.00ro illélWad d ppute 4urovaumdeslgnâted bers- *4àsadbe ihonvention..270,m bow ot amblance la *hal l e of émth lnludbe esuver 30.00 onaructlà. -.,-,- - 1 à d it t oiiosi o,ýi" Naines. For Wht. d Alloved. ........ 60 mi Ua etaoisi Board or f mercbndlss. titis *retiolution b.,accepte d o 1.1 1*nen & Holîann, 04. R. &87'iO o Iw burili.. .............. 20.00 tPOU . 74.5 52.801 Ubtofibu rtreprt.. ... 10.001 't, Ait. Olaimed eagç l o4 o0. ;7*0 o i.TP .~.. ~Wa~~ ~ .~. sbpag tptniq: a Covention ... 41.70 lf POC5"ueLui<55.;. S6.0 g o, tjrqtèr & Co.. ...... 18.23 r 8aem#pla Rond Outit.. 17.08a io dk ibg . ...... .5 ht 4 lme ........ 5.00 Tris & TayIOr U;da ,8 mshoio.. .......122.07 tlg# .,- MesP ............9111S060 merchanisé.. ........149.26 for th i stat ,f é rslhr:calusd $1769; *30.3 tfrf*% At. Ci&ted.'1 8Gi........ P*BMONT. Ntmtea. PW be.and Allowd ...u.B.. 8.70 AmI. CllnlmediAit- lDi A lU NamàLs.For What ad AllovU. wor iate tRod..$34.80, omhttse àUwork ...70.80> U A. Mhoela, Alton fl1)pI.,Epil A. eeIeUý 054 merohnndias.. ....... 10.4981 konstat Road -484..00 ý ý.mlttee work ........8.20 ooelMs, - Fox 8tâtéi oa 510.43 woketille tOad..10101.g3il WAUCONDA. H. G. Gosile . c..i e aao, orWn. Aint. Clwoe ce*,0* ïRond -. 1442.41 D . P4 i ,_ Naic a ht-and Allowed. UfoIUmb, PotS«9 Ciment *Goa0 oo ~ MrustCIRoad..140.99 ha. ....... .........1.L0 fuel....i».............43 Umm Ge t . . ........ 7.3 tei 1 21.40 Iconvention ... 41.70 o VRO.AÏ.IL. baoei1. W 1; :da wwU.i 1110t. 0. 40 . vf......13.20 .T. 7pote. >, B.' 4 aA.ile 1~ i.oce;cllel1.0: w Namis.. Foc What and AIIoweel. A I Ta ed ..........v merchdlse .. ....... $ 71.80 wnmrad oitt 1.50 rFU l. J. H., A. E. ....o..... 7., meoada.. .......S11120.42 > vonr oa4 Joutilt ... &.71 Frei .o -A.. E. Sovilei. te ~ worh....... 42.40 *592.39 von sroo"im ......5." Js,8. F. C. Jobnoton Davis, A. B. Scoville, ng Convention ... 41.70 DU servlcei .. ........... 3.458 W«&- rad outu ...38.55 )Ney au A. E. SCovl1eý. ............. p lorkrsIàtt. 08 il service ...12.00v Tota . ................ 01355.92 wokýI utF Ail ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oti 6f8lbi epctll u.i-Pio5.84 Ge-. B. ,1.50 Ail ofwhlcbIo repectflly su;nltýphnaçkwv.....s......... .6 téd. : ur"". u.8.00M.T. 1*UV,, 1. W.Holdrdge.Philo nurgesa, t i. laWs notice .... 1.50 A . C ira. WiorRrov onlt... 73.86, . .A. mortia Qi A.8 Bres. 1410illo BnU, dMàge voit ....... 15.00 G. T. NeCulloui. wonkIserc# ogtt.4.71 MC. w hseje, Ii11 94ffousn4a"th* PMiil8um#s0t Omntt" voit ....... 1.50 Gi rept . c bis dand adopti. 1 vort.90etAilot 40 .00 Milxluore,350Q Motion carried. P#Ilo »ugns,5 , ' . p5= g............. 55 a worttut0, 1kI os ......om4 outA..g ~f~~IBam flnl 6 .'Pbillo Surgisa, ,otLG teeWork ....... 14.40 Ga RoaeThat the. udt Sinte Ait Paul Ir ,W ourt orlos .... 18. 00 Gi iRod th"f Lake Contibuns , hail t uii dioctt .....47 J be lintof Grave[ or Cruahel tone. Palvt.....2» i Sueyur»art bsréa tItut.,..... 6± fgaO$Ut 6a ut s ~ii êR~ wo, .. ..... 17.6io it vmof n utte AWRom. "W oTnM Board lnpr*vemsmt ofta Publi la-Paul e ...a o Thot the publie anteet Paut l '. 0% .... l.4 e improvemsmnt au a Stnta 0~.0& U8.... 0 os theesection of publia . 49,170 w, oit ....... 1.00 P. ïpuni on the pubié enul 4rstov,†††††††††† onk........ 35.113 P. as propoel 0fo . u .......5.0 1 Route No6.& "14 Paul .iV~e. ...........7.0P et tb. end lor the. vot toerond ouMIt .. . l ,i >'ypvrter Co., eonrnel for as Retion C. lei«Philo urges, . i , .. . 1.50 . ou ~of th* olOitL 6.GWllli t~ttn 50 th.01.C.....In............tte15.00etlP. aiong Mid ROM" n :::: on4 ::ti . 60.00...1.0P Lion, . 4onlç nqd outit.... .0 p.i.stî .. 4 ceuias f*er mthe FIn ro . rpattél . .. 17 1 c art nt 0.. . .70 p& o ron d outit... 54.00B.C r a~te1~28soth elhe r. In rod ot".Pal alOt .. .007 W iva ouiit . .. . .00 HenryJ. heeh l.10 t~ ~ ~ telhtal15Y85-188 5il ' id............ . 0w outa...îe........... 19.Y id .1e. k tsa.d netmfenv......ev 5.00 C -1I the s Kig. . -oi.We 1 , e<~O*1êir uprvior!1 e or fle evie.......... l.3.00 & ý= .d.uât ..~.. 38.006Davil4YTifg ~ e, nove 60 sjour 958, 119ond 1910u 1 6q- ount esbile........ 365 p. 18. .87~J 8tE.darbOU (l.. Atg M4 ad JLGio e#mei galotie 2 s ... 41.06 Y.0 erOeb la.18. oi %r eviebr 00o.aJd. utid tNa66 r i eitouet a i d wà i L E. Ttnl aiovôl. ............ 27.40 Comsso0i5teg. 11982. e...1 .0 t uall01o .. usventrbc with pover toacL . nuNao. orWrt ei. rins wit in t«..ys. ft. da.e410.0 . 6sean gae olin........ 310000 Equol O4 f 0ouotyh andl d r y ae 2~L .74 A. . oseR, 903. 1l9ky vte bong6ca.e11 fo îI1pe Wses....k........ 14.0 I-d" ; a m lK951, 198, 111 1-AI lqoelch g seet full e uh bylnwpgv te msevices Ban I o Re- C a 20a.0 Tko ,,YtdhtAe a sup a vstnt view .. ............. S 8.00 H .Ign "0f th10 jÙ alÏ Br es, Cm- (pai by annnfs 1. ...U t3t.t polq«. i uen othe pugbli 949 1133, 191,11 . Moi ca n s, idMe*t, itet ês-lUg al oitk XIsAnld ft.R ouyb loei o 10.0 * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~or of Re-0 uilsaierfveices t>wrtn...,>.. 13 .Àm ..........-30 quarer crqel0f 80610 13, o ..,,.1 t).Adam & C., 396.00ee DavidtesYoungtu 86415 ~,otiItn . anfdb ~sppisrn ott.. 4~Im4lvn ote; IL...40 Cub, Ilezendngtisu alngj pl ie-.1ondnd>gazoline;.210.00le 414.0 I, jo*M Badcl ý« ý fI M. e, Strattoli, ThoSpson, Wehbb 0 Bupenison Cmapo atovel lI4"th 4o 3*.-R Jayn a eallovel an »mmended hi 6h. Judiclari Cois- 1.110IL*1 b6 aubwbm eto;»omt fIs bor lad lOMteUtapOt h%@ vas presented: "%e 0omntr'. se. c1m1râsimca mp tefesaor the pot Issu oreestO hibei àuntu t0 the sevenal claliants, te_ lamses- P r na., n. lovl JU .....1. n, 4- CIe~ o.. hom-a A balotb" 7.1.4 * .Debes n..ce 46 * eaelopen and l Ias..3,0' gay ikin, UnWs *lotsShOP, inàéo4ose..... 8. ten rafç eke ce, Indnt prtnloIlog re Proosslluas ad f0- tics. solhianka ...173-04 F. . Pttlibone à Co.. F. ...0O& .........$1. F. P ptti 1 & l. F.t Peboue & C.. bnt urn s C... *ý'**' 1 uple..........L lest-m à Isin.Co., P. .ett Pbo. C. T..V. Murply V, on bsacpe o dpe. à Mtion eanred e . ............ 7.8 Al o ha Cou lant>'. ssumi. tell. ueriorSptme tir. ~~~Chairman.adGnlmne i Suon o i r pervisons: Motri o ltee nWnkga Th oil h~leie t report uhat field Eavs of Ilinol ilsa re~ie Bordthefn md rvecors, etembeay uonre Uhrmnanuletleenn tthe oard oa f Orecv issu oded : Maillevem and unts ta 6h.Pour era havneimans, &H ta-vît:nm me.r Fé o wnt. ou » tAllove Atterile deBrou.. lueOrO8 o th no"iat............he 0.evea Jas.vit AndronirSna met... .............15 2.01 Bowmnn Dairy Co.. MIN ................ 41.89 C. U Blanchbard, C. T. oba, jas. P. Kina. John Olcsete. n2idsé solocerles ............. 84.0 1c. . . ..... ....1. Q C. oéq. J. 'C O............ mn, d-M 4MM 0110 fu .............. ka Amnud,ý "e ........ a c No....... dû. t'..-........I joli% - .......... .ins............. 1s ........... . S0,Af r Orb e............ 5 T. wee fui.. ........... $ 'eut seev* ,q~ ases........... lJohn3~~, .. .. .. .. ..

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