'ou~~y's ~ig IVkIV W~KLY 4 -NO. 15. ~: PX TWO LIBETYVILEILL., THuBLSDA&YDMECEMBER 28, 1916. WQtJR PAGES -- -'-i $1,50 P~-Y~~ A Taoe.. i k- a 1__'Wibae au e . 3?L% I4i WW. thi. yen. Tas nai mfor tmr*t tite Md tlvu mlromsb. *4k. Omuty are Aouidmfbiy Me th". lat ycar. TM e vest e 1the na wOlbc p«U byUnix 0 pée»W e. Ti rate titre thii m -tu IS. Th biglict rte vi» mit by poupving asluscohool Etc ~t 1146 407inlngxxiallovln The *wg*livctable e, beu the t.x , *14 abs a.oeiuan. 0thith F ata for lie maJrltY ofcitief 191. 1915. 9Cty........... $.01 $F.87 I Farcit......... 7,76 6.91 à - ine ....... ... 4.74 4.50 btai m, tii.. 10710-20 928 * Ic t. 108..9.85 S.«1 ImW ... ...7.92 7.12 qN of &tioeh .... 7.48 4.32 wltullt......... 7.42 .09 «W»o. 1>1.1.44 .... 7.91 7.97 Cbxge. 0t .16. .7.14 8.15 eas... ...6.65 .17 Wma.. ........ 7.01 6.01 MM Dteri.d 9.089.43 wr BéWGe Hve Straots ui With Sb"oof tlae. Whiecrauiemq 1 tbw hm. M m 1W meuti feury autNecil rea lot it e valingen ta uI wwcet Noti hteandcobroe 40 c"-. Tih.e llppeny ituciwci) he eau..8% Oi¶nneiliamet h ajured memhcr. 'robably neyer cluce automobiltng 'hec. general hart thé ruadsemt olEtcpry a tey ve.today lu giegan and cI-ovt Lai.e couty. h vriter >dravt cmautomole tg Metyvt. taday. Via Fiv" PMQ and à reei Bayr oad am'd Roedamt. Tht ý Wau Ont Mau. or te*. Ecliy. lt otme Ir ia moeuidbave mam ,ý4 the vay tien by liaItante. »-roIh.ci via BuMe lcp--Wcnt' ~ , trttaaiWauieganvane& ,Epf lt aa teavms arid nautai bl t-l Mtft lutii travelt#t. Many Kt*mo« tunel coaipetely r-ud. g *hm en itdrivera vert exertlng M. If teday paace vithaut seri. W affldents ilad coliohbàIt il vi» h Pedetriana ok tathe street vith h 111f geso Wttoe plie' i Mr. Dain awrklag en the. Ana. Hutebit.ces igurem cymac E. Dalla, the nteifajulptor, in ptting tht fipt.hlg touches on the colossal figuré of -Ane U ute.incon, )1,v nglancaioneer wonuan, vich iD bc placed in thé Boston publie Iihrary. - Mr. Dallin's modut fur lisa igure wtt the late Anne Whitney, bersef a famous aeuiptress. Mica Whtnaeyvas a lirjeul de3ýcendatnt of Anne Hutchinsop and many artit havaecanimentcd on the reinarlralle Ilkeufec between her and ber famana w a Èw - kNUnitd tte. vili have the opporlu, L~!Ji5a~e55al'ta btcomt trainlu th le ue of ~T I3xPffrS UD1ioaiofotha largengqpltn ICapl. Otever t. recagnlicdAià ett lfrmed MEnt In the &Mryon War Deattta Ws hg iat .ubjtcî. Aihougi COL teev ton euigates141g Sobol rs headquarters w vintaICulver toBeTagh lsc madeniL Culver, lad., mntit ar HIOKLANDPARK INCLIJDED. Incrocheel. Coniplle System to Be lnaugurted Here- Tht*Wyoilg plan embrace inter, la Similar to That Known achool compttion and t t. expeclel as'Womngp~' tat cades onorthr linois seiooi Wahingon, D. C.. Dec. 27.- Aiî tablithel, and thons ai Chicago, Kan- studfuts of teChicago higbi cciooîc sas Ciy, and Washington, viii sban . ein active c6mpetitioa for cadet 5005 vill have the apporlunity ta oh- îonorz. tain mlitai-y instructious. Unlîr Steever'. direction vill bc la eeponsetot a requet by Suptr. four ileuttnants and atxtetn strgtanlc Intelident Shaap of Chicago, EWcretary of îiô regular army, ail piel dmeni. of War Baker today approved h lan iTht 23 Chcago hlig ceholi viii take I tetint ai tn ofthece instructors. and vilî Ittail ai-ny alicen. to carr ci l le< *paîmete deta»ont la- Il ont. Capt. E. Z Starter., Unitd raprxmtî t v n 9laisai-ny, vio onlgnatetl l i r polaeyt w n tming Vpla .ready ta go te Chiio :ob i sa., witis a sefant i atanti rin the 'The Wyomng plan la eumcall rcglar army la establisi tMc 'aev ligeiel '00comptitton and &Ili mdct emrss-en arguiielto bcompetitian unati. It ws lame toay hat001etsloffleit taite turnnabout choclagtich pl ans looneltoay that m emqtul>trs ai theirnunît., no that cceh Plan iaiin taardthtn~it t.lada up oi an equal number ment ai thé "Wyoming plauratan. i inian vailas in Chicago, but alca intih.> afif "Thietre va» scalungnuits, titu- Oak Pari, Elgin, Roceiford, pyr5eprt, Hfighland Park and Waultgan and try drill units, traap leadershiip nuits, aiea lun Kancas Cty, M., have beau cchlarship unit&,fled i Ong unit.. apnroved iv tevar ltpartment. camp anid field unit.. COÂLT4 TrK INffl JÉMP IN PRIE J4UAPi1 Pr 1 is If th ta dg fil fo a1. dg CI tc ci Predicted TbO,~CoolWiIli Ad vano. A Wt25 Cents a ofYenr. Is UP TO REISt COMPANY. IfT«Advance Prioeto Deai- .ersi?1:.PtM0i WHI iHave to Pa M rs oCoal. akeaDec. 27. Tht~~~~ prdcto o~ al viii 1ke At tht. bour file Impossible tu aay bhat the price 13.4 ,aoti p for a unr- tainty, but Itta imnoun that the oa! diaenasire cÉpeuflasan ad#affl thc irtt of the Feu& 00 It vould be Weil 'or the concumef e bebtPrepared. COaIl a celling tram 50 cents ta $t atan more luna&l thc neighboring cit- le, but as WaUlflatI1bas tva 00.1 dac4a this t. gtvm ne the rcacon*tor cheaptr coai ta #aukean Ail the catI atored. ln Wauktgan today t init *ffty or te te Coa Companiy. , ut for 'tiat doclç Waukegan vooeU haoteculfered tram a osai famine. thc officiais of thst coa campany bave said that Wauke- ga n eed, have no fuarof a famine. Thty claim tiat oftly suci of thtir stock as canot ho aold in Wcukcgan will bte sipded ouf of tht city. - If the Reine Coal Companiy advaiicetheUi price Si Jauguary fBrut ta tht oa!dea!- en,. thea the dlerst. viialvazice tht price ta Uic cothilmera. Tht luit time an *dvanelu the prict of coal.vaw»imade tedealers dld not unov of jt-until 10 or 12 houra before tic ncw meahedule of the prices wvt inta pIfect, and It li. nid tiat If sa advahct ln the prict t. made on Jaaua;y Oral that te dal- crs vqn't kaow ef it unIt! the day bt- *AUl other cilles of Iminai. bave cuf.l fened fram a abüttaseet aicatl 4-e-'euoecthec. tweed la close dam osne or tvoa n Uie schoot bUildop, but I it'"sl tic Waukian dealer via took t contrat tram the board of education viii ho able ta MIiiiit contract for a Ccrtainty. TWO MI3NjWER' LOOD WAOONS; PM LKE .ARIST ToiE Urs. Fannie Gradie CoMpains to Poice, ChargnqCruelty to the Anrds tWankegan, Dec. 27. On complatat of Mra. ftannlc Graille, local clulb van, tva tnovuers vert arreted today for. leilng ivice as muci an tbeir>agOni as a terni fbarnc@o.uiuld ui vith thetrnade ai tcy as Uiey art tolay. Tie men ai-i-eluI vtrq: 1011 IAMOND. Pieýeld sotgulltY.1 fflel $1 and conts; rcfused la pay the nt n cl ams be viii appeal case; t. out eu bondi. JACOB GRAH[EK-bttr pedler. An- rccted ou tht Waihingtoni strtect bill. Oinâ $3 cnl cooula; paid nt >d vas HÈLE T~LJR'LYE 9MILESM TR1I'OP TOe go-et ~A-~s IN Clarence Wetzel 'Left C 1r bridge, IM-., Tuudy4 -Alrived Here, Satwrday. TRAINS SiORM' 8BON. Nat footacre but vuanv ClaÏiae unday froux Cambidlge, Mous., rhera be t. enroiltd as a laiv tudtnt at the H*arvardl uuiverstty. Mr-. W"i'alief thle University laçi Tuccday nigit for Wqj*kegan. He -huai-ed ont of thc fautent traina out ai Bouton and chanta hbave necciéd bit. home hue.nat liter than Tiuru- day aflennoon. Tht distance le' avq 1,110 milea, but tht fait trains, av* aga 60 milean houx sn IL Qtale 1 ' trifle over 24 houri ta maie the- 0 Nol so viti Mr. Wettel. it averagz td but anue miles an bour on hq trip ta Wauikegaii. Thetrant" as storn nobad, cnl il laid aven aI t-f tala, N. Y,,o, 4nearly 24 hounf. Mot an eùnle vittitunnel lu Buffalo dur lut alL,that timt, and Mn. Wetxtl a-- aerts.i twaz a veTarylot of pasuefi vwhoý lefItihe'train on it0 arrivai la' lias cityr. -Met tous f-papnt 6'eIa for sirsmalI dausinti, md deçt_- -7 le tai hungry enouhia htmoe~ ta bave Blyu il aIhioe bautiet nunlier. Tht train, vcs ualy lineet laIe lot Chicaga. aed Il toa'e theIq over anenchouri la 'niait 37 milpesi ont -pint ln the noad. 1fh9esnarvas p1101 searal test hlgh lu camte piacéc and'il vas _& cammon sigit ta e &ny nunher of traîna bll up by Iio unow. Even tht big enav pioqs 98 tht ralîroal eant tuci iiln ifts 4retaUttarh'suit vac tr»e4 tab smdeile'wltcIr Taylor'. court »I0. 1 grya sue tht etdlgf . Atb i nt Pearl renled thceiifli 'fer tq lie round it ntctccarjî te vm ie tIt4rredecoralu IIl mol 11il i pleita do the van.r iflc, 'teotdc thst Qoi4hfrgtoÀi .t e Umm~*~ lie va oncueand ho vould ueptay Win.Thtrdccarti" vorf vauJJi Ail y o'lao a Glîrfifor ipa,. - cal-ble voul ta no 't WenPèprI dtd not pay thc bUll, 0 *10 Wttcn starttcitsuit againat uni and~ l a lir la qrouit court recesp lrlmc-*ne awowded htm a verdict f ai *1.. je o* S- 'Ticattorney for, P« et thaeUicima e I t M lia Uim t ývfflU mt'aP$om tke epetcs'u odu start mats"e. -qui ms timei.' on.mef R& beIm Le* M *01 alit 0.TlT ANb TiqufiW Lcr.etTmle, . l -Illaewl impie Ula. plie., 00tine, uit laitStrustt ta Tuie actual beginnung ai caet voft' Hospital Work for lrie libtrsttd. cRU' inuofficilswee n * u »n« UU"~ -_- m.- swalki vhlci. lu montIcaca, fr ciclsudnsol.wîîThetwtvateam avnerc veZs armted ont laborers 1t& dlg onItichetrati. Tie for ighachoolatudntsonl,&Wttsfoo1 on Uie dlinintcars gave ont M& Deoer 23, 1916. Antonio Voeu it 1fl re 0f Mdotecal sucaltic contertuce wvilciCapt. SDOYer Ngt aLr ticboys but tie girls Ras y Police Cuiti Tyrreli aflcr Oin- venevtm tht train arivel.ta t l. 's picentel the appttranct iviihaeoifUt hcaaan W eili havea. chance ta Interet them- plaint bil becs malt by Mi. Graillevision point, tic paens r aeo tca d ta Havai-AmidsLcalot 8 ovenelriver. school anthorittea on ttede"s. selves lu tht vor'k. Tht vgoci At the Whoui Gi-aid tarted ta drive up.tic titi evemy article of foo1 là thé e - lt eci-10, lBord lu Lac Blu& .Nortih Tranln Mo crnpuleovy 4 illulbcchleily &long telite of aeuppery bill t thtic epotviUi - ils tian. Mn. Wtt.ei plans ta *pend.ls - o. ao TiSocwii R unocse a-led Crouad iarit al& id t ihIi-4 agn lelhî it iChi e r istimas vacation pintaI titibig -JO,' A. 11tte, B.D. Hait ald vtts ~~il CIICMiO ~puioy. evey student ad lb ,,saer1the supervision ai thiit tvaMn.. GincIta pied the teanstec uig Nati Caunty citeel.-lt.0,Mut-ICovse bl inajasn fasoiahcbenvibie ittn taitounarthn The cdtt cssesmaY b. itl etti.spite tetact tha thteaimais vert 0S.? gobore c -cul it ta C. ÀA hiccun, n..A.1jun, i f ît yoming plan ia folattî ,,.-or durnsa;or cttr aciaal haut.seail not oti-ong enaugh ta do tic vank. îred Ktck, ose af the farmeiri vo ia Wlshti lot 187 except vest 70 tedt uoosIt r itpact fetStai I gautinve i ientnbos altuietélocal shool sceiculca. r. Grolle calltd Officer Tyrnell. Rt vaskilîlel by a train atet 'eVîfla Rptli".W,:D., $10. cadet- vork dont r by tent.. lTe aulttneevt icvn cmellGiiit n aci isvaon Stnirngl peni nCircuit' jout. Thîstn aldvite ta IL.W roûy'h Mn. ca M itn.. 1,în ar vo traiinglty a a rt ig .lothe ________guard wvile rchel carriel ev«ae to ta tke an examnanalanso liaI h.o*ILS partti, M.adM 1I Cok fol fwbgso ul . f.Roberts ald vifte taC. A gevealenti itreet buaruth1e tIitel tatee, nanti, titsetlu af beer Up the il.1-int.is va armé. coul secume is nat2ri-liation pancri.1C Wyoming and Washinviaon, D. r.eOBJECT 10'WAUKEGAN Dmpn balabout 1,500 p-das His case vas continuel becue Paul NIMgtmen. 'Vent100 tetlolai159 E he peutsî dy i nitkeao tluttheis an d.parttent weuld BIGHe decici-es bia vagon vas nat pvr-out af tht sinteeaIct int jm. H. E. SOutive cal vifs tu Mari turuo ta taite up titir poil- pitvldt aoompoteilt tnslructore for lie la__suay______arythueP.____"tretelpt uh - __wonk In cny high achool wvihotvlhéd Milwauee, DeÇ. 27.-ClerIccaugert thOUc Supreme Court before ho vili and contitest quarter section 86 tu Vous of atate- rftet -basbeen cer-ttuely teundetake the work oany t. ntingacast the las marage pal thte i 88 anl cote..Evemy boy aldgirl Intheîî cate un- 'Derecl tavncip. W. . Il. h ilsisbrotitr'a famUllbfris requeite have oon4c mb 'ie oWtcf rIoaset, Illnos ltallng le livorces fol. Mrs. GadlîSinsista il 8 lc hgtindt h iecampuloory achool age viii Vina A. DcîenPot et ai tO MarI Tlsey art an thir vay ta De thteectcryof var, but u ne etelfer lotnct.b aktan n. ttcly nsaic cble o itenhaetagot sioitv yan on-e-Wcu-f, 0tcrplusotvet1- Mrt. v~ro Itave. iii bist fin tholisé equeste tbas ben fgnn Mo. E. FIsoh r, via elapel ho Wau. tic Madison on Washngton cItrett#111 cmif tie recamenlatiana ta be mai. »Cittpa 30. Elt townsip. Q. C.. 1%=«,testiii aflernoan vhere exc*pt tht.. numed bvc. gcvinau 20,. sr ion ua - The Elliat tr ÎFbueth.lta~b h iiasS.b ecc- .-B ie a ie igdi la -mi. -ils future home. Folleva War belles* Pl**t bauq soan Ieoted her anultheie ior Milanice Iraveled 10 Greoat laite cation at Sprngil bits teck - aqJCane lots5 acal 6 O"Mtim ,W :balaiWhvo 1leemployij tu Tht establshmnt o a mltai-y trais- jfqràÔe tb uppblrt hetf -su son. Theo1 laitBaurdar la play the nval trtls.- ekaced Iutalav. Raling lie -Co> -4Afm*i.W. 00 ielioat.oesn 'Îpo ii agl lisiçs alv iulergy demanlel tiat inch runatar las station teala Tic euagmat pulsory &ge limit tram 14 tu 16 ytam IrW.1. Sandra- and vifet0laIl. L iiaspeullas hW. vto t henbarplan a49PIcI ly tht van colgp W,~ =alegs bc maie lolein luWlcco- écoehYacporte oa. 07ta 20 ilu wla .but unntof, tihe IcIItive me»" neWgilo,19 acres la coctlocis 9 &uaS M p-Foit Waoittop Wia. th i. ie#ele nt of a ciicsrson àx. -.--a i ilaâeby.-lteamscIllou vîli urge. . cub>a<tevulaW. .D-=09,0 à J.ong Lae ta lys;l aii for 111.388Aýi s thc ucue ta ' e LsIp amW GCMdie7 feS 4mL IL au*mit botg UP1 tios Ut fer Su, Uz= ri Ie m vie- 1s* l~ - ...................................................................'-.--' -44 -1.