Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 4 Jan 1917, p. 1

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Li - LKEcougrY. iNDEPENDENT YOL.~XXV.- NO. I TWILI ~GE8LIBERTYVIILE, LAKE OQUNTYILX, THURSDÂY, JANIJÂRY 4,1917. î»ANSINIffî 19%eIn~E' OVER 4 M LLIONS;plas for the.nev i, Offlsobol wich a tb.ieconstructeil at Rendant bave bain subeitt.d by 4iAI~ IJ NU 1ALFA. J. FlUber & son af Chicago, archi- tecta. s»d are being examinai h T. ......... -A. simpsan. rouuty superlatendent t ~ g s IEup ~The. proposeid school in ta b. ane 01 ~~ 3 lOU te i.mont umodemn la tiieentre ôoonty >ftl G ais nviii iii af a dtfforimt ltyle et InarcMWtature. Nthiin tbt wautidsd - -sp t .D1w lans v ry .full» If hoftz[be SEstate brou bout st [m Baw ndprovde for asckal tuat Lalce ountycamesn 'up ta the modem Mmeaof cou- Lae-onYstructtan. b. vili approve the planis f l...,. .... and rtura them ta the. archilsot se (Sy A. K. BOWE.) tat the flnab.d plans eau b. drava. Amelsamt secrtgry of tha Securîty apectficationie made snd btde called -fr TItI. and Trut Company. for Ater the waruing of the. contraet it ni W» circuit Court cleik office ban i. plaaned t tashrt the construction te -hna sya place durin the year and vitk as nomauathe vestiier permit*. de Ms. Brociivsy and bis staff bave bsen Tht. vil! make it possible ta bave they ruai dnntng tii. svenitotnrsii» fechol completed by the [tinestthe 1111111t. sboël terun Bizts neit lail.,i »Mag tthe yeux endlng December Lake. county t. vaply gettlng noma ai &WUl,1 cses ver. 1Mois which in-es ciioalstbat nng wtb the best » bill for divorce; 62 bi*aofane ad twa.raam eboole tn the state. 1~oelnara 16 blle for partition; 24; Tii. Ioadout seiioOl ls ta have tva bui te quiet Uttis . rooms. ,A @8-0111cia recorder of deeds, Mr. Btu.kva8soffice shows saone veY"rhi- l Mortasasa. The. tota aunut of thi.I I3 NSIBLEFOR uafflbais$4,040161.38. lui campan-'le us vi t tyear thee bans show an' fhi bomm etaiment$500,00.El ATiI ur FTWO IEN n liuy lnt.resting deals vers record- Coroner Jury'Finds Crossing, 1- a& liftla Impossible [o mentiqn alldr Was Not Protected and No eff & gOOdly portion Ofthtei.transts fIlo a u " s k f e ac r is s u B ell G ave W a rning . 1 »Mon., or mprtn iam. A verdict .vhlcb iioid.s the, SSa ne! 8 IaIM IMW t snd Laies Bluff and the' responsible for the. ieath of Nred' M tmeilae vicinty figure la pauiy (n- Kick. aud George Bec. [he tva Lake Si lirsu l" m ongirthaun beingVile men kilei Chistmas ove vas [ha Svlauda: t r.turued ystorday ati.ake Villa. 11118brtJ. I>ltullI bougbt [he C. W. The coroners jury touai [bat the. YWOO planit a UM Mi"LSiv-rity mon met desth by accident bat the.SI 49*MrIeuse fat 46 -d mithé. Durad jarrsdi i nitis tae[o lune t i grffltp f Iour and oui-hait acres en ibsîr fading that the. raiiroad cross- 11111011111 rt &M maiDmavenu, for M w hwn the diagthsUe vas f I t protectui and [bat the p B Usreli bou#t lats OlyWtous 'g liuvw amso mAiia aIl ma MswUvuiorae avujua ot vsuila& Thei. osal» touai [bat [h. se- te rese .M.MCormlck acquirsi gineer did net have bis trailn ln con-1 lie Usiao estate of 2&- acres on 1111- itrol as It pass.i aver ithe crosalng. fer aOuium SIcaasieratlon. 1 lennmday mormtng, but because of h isba Griffth boegit 50 ares on [he, the tact that the. members of the truancé <[usm afhy ron.d aiiinngtheisBreva-! %wrev ver. o n lisinta ogive tbelrb ter dotate tram Fred M.- Steele for tsstimony t vas continuedl until yez- Willam R Strlin boght .2 terday atternnon. lu order ta b. pes -~~~~~~~~ Wilao.Selngiogtt1 nt aithte inquest beid tast Suniiayla acrois et Spruce and Wenona avenu.s moratig,.4soltant Stat's Attorney for 110,000 and 1 1-4 acres adjotiix John Welcb drove 70 miles In an au. for $4.000. Alred J. Crton bougtht tomilue~ thé. Keliey FIttgerald prop.rty on the! Thei. ituieseem calied who make Green Bay rond and Laurel avenueLaeVlatirb,- for 1666. gatic in proclaiming [bat warning s, IonisePtucoffs bougbt 4 1-2 acres bell at the. crasalng dii nat ring. and a on Westminster avenue tramn Thomas, [bt no wurinng signal vas .gvenh Byrne for $19000.! fromntthe angine. Tby testlfied *tat, Wiliam M. and Kean W. Burton thie train Nas traveling between 40 I >oegt the. Madelîne StonA Grave and 50 miles at the. time of the acci-1J property at Illinois avenue and Sheri- dent. dan rond for $18.000 and aisea 4%, It vas asaeiiaown tbat the freigbti ;seres train Jane Granite, for $7.000. Le station, the water tank and aeveralý Roy A. Godard bougbt tbe Woolfolk treiglit cars htd the appnoachtng train1 propety on Unversity avenue for $11- irani the viev of the tva men in the' .00. automobile. i$amy A. Huýbard bought part ot The, firemen tromn the "wiinees stand7 the. Dovney praperty ait north end of made the tatement that the train taga for nominal conslderatton. 'vas paaang tliraugh the. village at a. 1 A. Volney Foîter bougt the Dove- rate af apeed vhicb he etlmated ea ey praperty on Poplar and Washing- 25 miles an hour, and [bat the thrat- *ton avenues for $14,000. 'tle vaa claàed aithtitme of the a-'i Stanley Kei-th bougbt 8 acres.airi cident. i west aide of Shieridan road tram the, i testlmony va. In vary ace vlthL >Vanderloot estate for $9.000 and ath-! [bat of the eugleer wba maiewtiet er oosiiratlan. satateunent tiat the, [brottle vas open - Otaiey F'lqd and vif. bonight about1 and that bts train vas traveling ai a »8 acres on Sheridan rond lust nortii 1 rate o speei be estimatei ai fraun 80 aI Laie oreet. ih a frantageofa ta 3E miles an heur. Iýb» test on Sheridan rond and 2,- Relatives af the. deceased plan ta 60 8eet deep fron McGuire & 0cfo bring suit againat the ralinai coin- $ *6.00 and also bougbt -the. Wolf pro- pany. Perty adJoinlng for nominal couchde"- Tbp tat.'s attorn.Ys offIce vas re. ffl& presentei att ho laqunt by Assistant tb l eeood tract north Of' State's Atta)rneY John Weicii vbo as i4-Èfuft Robert H. McEmbree and sttei the coroner Idi egamtning the. e'e wls bought 78 acrez for $163,000. vituissses cali. g .I*baa H. Dontnelley bouglit 10 et tbe aortii for $60000 tractRM nulsu McCormick Blair bought 26 for $U8.366. Gerard B. Wlastan ATPfI u t 89 acres for $168,708.25 and iIA L'IiI the nov country club basAT HEÀ M 4.36 acres for nominal consider- au 1i«ace was th a batu- MLETINO 'IN ZION .&mongtihe acres .vest ar the. rail- rodi ami one [ho Grson Bay roai and viciait>' sli during the. yaar laclud- las the folvnt Pbllp D. Amu aegirei the. . J. OIson farun of 156 mWez la sect$o4t 17,, for $100.- sN, iea 6 1-2 *acre adjoiing from U . Young for $16,000 and 8 12 ' roun D. W. Volts fer $35,006. B. Johnson bought 6 1-2 acres ana 17 ami 18 fram [be Young for $3,200 suddAMeie H. Wil- t par t 0fhli saune e.ta * arle H. Rynol s bong it mriasauth of lie Devey place 17 fromn Arthur Meekor bar àoàd Wlson sud Caroine D. 'b lte"aciaon Green Bsay tde C.ndell Or 2,500 parsons marcbed5 march- ed avauni a barre! at the.aal nlgbt meeting at ZMan tabernacle and as [beY Paased a sacrifiolal offeriag vas dropPed ln. The offerIng this yaar la tu b. deroted ta ZMon schaol a"s- tem ani It la probabli>sae [o gay the. ccatributioa vent inta the thoïa- Thie meeting vms a uectidd uesae la evéry va>'. At the. afternoon unst. Ing the ALtteniance vas not large but but b>' 8 1ciaci. Sanda>' night [haro vas s ràa uience lu the. reat tab- ernagIîa swW comlng tram Chicago. Oui. ~ st estare or [hiev~nang as th ~a ihe-O of th[b.Lord tram l-tà qaiab, delired ai th oed StI; 1*ioa eufcensulvon.. SIC£ M'S »13 SIDE; PÀTIENTDIES Ors HiIda Jensen Exprp While Acting as Nurse to Patient.,Saturday. VAS II'GLESIDE RESIDENT.., Vithin Two Hours After She Breathed Her Ls Her Pa- tientAlo Ded. The. Utle village of Inglesîde. near ai Lake, vas the ecene Baturday lght ai a double death of unuanal atures. mnarklng a striklng coidc- vunce aofviiere a aurse dled sudden- yas sbe mat ia a chair and, .vltiln wa boure. the patient she iiad been ttendlng, aima paased avay. The victime: MR$. ILDA JENSEN, agei 47, nurse who in well lccown tn vilinIty. GEORÇE JACKSON, aged 41; weil known lveryman of Fox Lake. et Inglesîde. Mr. Jackson biadt been sîci. for a ng time witti tuberculoli,. 0Of late ils condition bad grown varse and *verni days ago hi% wtt. teit It ne(!- ssary ta engage Boamebody ta assist i carlng for lm. She iired Mys. iensen Who bad been a close attend- at ut thie bedlde of the stck mani. Saturday evenlng she vas stttng longlde the. bed of the patient and lits.EE111,110 104 YIAFIERNOON My@. Wm. Msuié of tht. city passed away Mouday afternoon &bout thr o'clock altera&vaek's lne.. with pneu- monta,, ai iii. buun«of ber @on Leonard on tli oid àMenoisa arm a l.w umiles froua Mrs. Meuisa vas75 jearm old, bora in Old relat. Getinaay. She èime ta thit touatru! sons 47 yearo ago vlth ber buuband sud est" ion [b. taruaber @on leonard n0w lires on. Ten yearm ago they moved tu Lhbsrty ville and livcd on B1gh streçt. Mrs. Neunman Mles to uaoura ber demise.naniter-Mrs Eggenaii of Lake F'orest andS tour obuldren, tva( daugbtere, [Irm Bd Peterean of Waukegan and Mr@. Md liveet of LsUrauge. two mous, William of (irayslake. and Leonard of Libn-rtyvîi11. r. [Ideumaz.'o busband dled about aine years ago. Funeral servicés were lield Iroun the Germau Lutuitta a cuurch tiI. al#.ernoon ai 2 o'plock. beiug coudw-ted hy Rev. Buerg-r. IIELD SPI3CIAL SONO 'SERVICE ON SUNDAY NIOilT Prog ram of Sopg by Choir and Congregatios Was L.aet8unday eveining at the LuItirty-1 ville M. E. etuurch a Mp,-cnal jubile. and1 ERYSIPELAS EPI. DEMRIC AT -POOR FM;_TUIRE DIE As a Result of the Crittoafl Sit- uation Stro Qaa die GREAT ALARM IS FELT. Superintendent Appley Says There Are No Nurse-70 lnmates Are Exposed. Thres are de"d end four more are la%3 critîcal condition as the reault of an sptdamlc e oferyspelas whili gripe the Lake County Poor Form a t LIbertyville. The 70 lnamatee of the Institution &H have-bec exposai andS s strict quarantîns Ia belng Maintain- cd. Ne n.w Ilgaas wil b. recslvad WUtIl the lent vetge of the diass has bec eradicatud. Yboae who have succumnbed te the glissade are: JOHN DARLING. aged 50, Mion Clty FRED WEI4REN, aged 85, of Oser. field. NATHAN SOGARD, sged 64, Gu,!. 0f the tour vlu.a tI are crittcrl 111 of the dtsease. tva are men uni tIw ar vainc.Tii. condition et thie Poor Farm deveiopei taiay vben an effart vas maie ta send a Waukema mlan ta the. Institution. Superinteni- n.nt Chrles Rnnley informned Q,,na.. iNDEPEND"E,--NT IANDWRfN< DEEONSEATED MED, IY LARE COIJNTY CIIJU Three littIe Lake coanty girls. the. ME eldiet of vbom t. savon years ad, bave been slected ta give a demon- JJ stration af haudwritlng at the. Na- tional Commercial Teachers' Associa- tion convention vbicb wa e iid lu the. Hotel Siierman akt Chicago tht. v.ek W. À c Teacbers e ve.Pressant ram aIl PCloa af the. country and it t. contder.d co quie an banar thât Uttle tots fru ta R là~ %» toty shoiild, b. silectai te demorkitu-ta tiie correct manner W841 teacbîng chiragrapby.Dm The. cbildr.n are: LUCYNTIA MILLIU, aged 7. Que FIN BBIB IEMILLEI, mged 8a%. iLake. MM HELEN GERMN. aged 7. yu . W Ail tbre. uidren attend the. Mad- Harbor Cm den baaol near Ulbertyvle. Ail arawt h texponents af thi IPAIito m t f wtChicago. lag. C. A. Faut. arlibfaterof etha p My, system. asserts praudly [bat il venuM vo« b. difficult ta fIni tire éô2hldron t la . « the. entire conitry vhO sare sePro*- ficlent wylters.te e LucyndaIa Muer hb. app6red iat po* large conventions boe a"ibuiaa w.- o celved national attatim o mm e aet qit, , lier wrltliig. Thisvau a yasr or [vo , sgo. Her peamsauhip ba Smpvod mâcli aince [heu. AY adt ui twb- abs tor of penaip val! MIUMit fl proud to write snchba atifai hbad. e» URS. M. S. KIJCKEIb DIES AFTR BD3M, L1N111UNCONSMIOS ,o; Wel Known Resident of Wau- .. 8 . m kegan and Libertyville Dies edli New Year's Day. lM Mns. M. S. Kuckeoran, af! Wauke. TSiM ftsaD w- rp.e * fati icUs sel fi *1k mli a drs. Jackson aise ava.near ai nand. ong service touk plae. a large congre----------------------------e aue--- gan's oldest residents and motiier ori k«PUiI N iw Ù ýudieuIly Mrs. Jensen tbrup br atonatînt.ervt.Ti.po Isaonanaithat the county tarin 13 àerYN Ldedl ana o lbagon eIbc.gam ms eng theand erv rîcT u pro-unien the trtctest qusrantine. Wiien Mrs.N. L.Mayer. Luetytîle lsd i Vbn Mus a ckson aruube ock rm aId oieulns. y n , y h lnMn. Conrad leanuied of the. condition lber apartuient an lhen Moon Jaoun be t brpas co. being partlcipated i yteb. sali [bat under no conditions iWaukagm.N,3ew Ymars dayil.ut7,46- ih co oudlirlire bi aid hi.aSundar sehbool clos@ and hy the. w-nild bhai.totabaveay nev n-la-tathe ev.uilng. Mer domino v10» dis, bi vay. ' ,congregatlon uatsablce [ta eieic 0general brea'.ing doMu due ta ci old tis The emivomn vs batiy tkea Ry. Reanu bad ebosen for ibis srvice lnqutry ot 8upernuteauisnt APply ta- age for Mrs. ]Cokervas SE- y.eM rom he ickroo an ymne vblch bai mi adied chartu sday. nevealed the tact [bat th e tt d. For tvaveu.M4 y a.teraru otci tlmt [he shok the. varieansdimnscleaded nicely viiics iteiles esoader ati n oo aeh. h nMr. Jackson bai bai a serions et the. spirit of tiieserviee. Rer.Rette.,ve et upon hlm. asotbta~o ti nsio n hic vInten and depte &il efforts ta a drap ot vatar %ace Thbwdsy l: Thus. ille an vasdispa ahe ho rea t hisoymn e i t vrsaout adprevent. auber Inutates cantrectedi t. lant veek ap te ber deatli. W*#iy relatives otf!.lrs. Jensen as ta vbat b. rendened. Se fold of one, hhough it [t vas not ubathei latter part of last lu.t, just a vesi. before alle piait bm be W bai happenci. Jackson'a condition vas not sung, vhieti vas very near tu veek [batt[ha epiemik becani, deui- on, abe became unconsciaus and bai and À UeIr.,. - jontinued ta grov vas and harely Lbertyvîlle people, it bsving been wnît- ly. Botb Behrens aad Regard sue- neyer rall.i.liwutlese »M Ladtrîui su reatve.capua,! enhy r ErITa~or vble icva.lucumbed the. latter part of the *eek. Mrs. Ku-zkn vas bomn lui the. ate ble a"M lst I U theunselvea on the. deatb ai Mrs. Jen- initia. Bei@ e o f ,the. general sec- ..Darlingdiled Suuday. lie hai b6en aI NewvYransd miie bai benuman- on the. nlght 0" sen viien tbey vene callei ta the. bei- tarie. of thie N-tî ier @elons. Lir.,111ouI>' a veei.. 0f tbe four wbo nov iei ta M. S. Kucker for 59 years :k ot h" [balis braistWi lei of [he ali. man and ieb. as thon Taylor is a relativ,- of the Taylor 1 a.- have the. diseuse lh la iearei that at the tino oof bis deatb la Wankagan peara[o bave be reathing hie last. He dle vithto Ili-* reejdjnizter. leasi tva vil îlie, on September 21tt.189&, Mns. Kuci.- Tirftoessa Jut two beure ai the paasing o! ie 1lncluded lu th, jrograiuu vam a Moug Darling catractei vhat leai.navn er fommerl>' vas Matha Melvina QOg- viclu u rarealtmlbue I urse. For saine days pput Mr. Jack- b> the Suanda>' t-hool claRs o! Mirs Jag as black. enysîpelas eaid ta be mach! bin. Mir. for many yeara ru braussias bsdy us oth an bai hein ver>' biand hie death Davie. wblcb aîî;earcii u the.prograue moa'virulent sud more contagions Ila atone lu Waukegau. He vas the. hava beauen e. ras loked for durng the several for Chitruas i',-. lbut for corne reagan [ban r. ,-dfnary erysipelas. ÂI[hougb fatber or Cal Kucken, a veil knaya Durlg the. 40 ygrf U heure pueceing hie , paeeing. The could not te Miicsi ai thai tint- bis reeience t. given as Zion Cty, lie'resident who dled ceveral yeara MSo, .Idd almo After tic regular servie a lello siilived aisealRtAntioch. lu vas aven I .Ku7orlavstee hlrz hock ionsequent [o the death ofM. Mrs. Kîknlae hs hlra rop xArbu. Tii1>w ensen natuu-ally hastened hisendo. meetinîg vas,1deManid ioughuutg andulfilm and isie t that the autborittles: Mn. Mayer of Uhertyyile; Lte. ci nemoyed toa he uj.t Mns. Jensen vas the daughte-u-of! calice vere cen-tO A large nuuubr ut Kenosaansd Antoch got lnto a coni- Chicago; Hirain of Waukiegan. Mr& unfiertakinx rous. .%I-s. Peter Johnson wbo rnis the reuaiîîed aIcîî fotirwi.-union ieting if tro.ersy. Kenashe autborltiee assent-, Mayer bas' [vochilirenais as maise W. A. Clay, mati08*M .4pîîncott hotel. the. ElpvortiîI.aiii of tic MEitour-rh ed that Darling and bis vite vere, Lute Kuoker. Thr. great grandchik;l- g aMd drh Mrsla'Krn vi ou-i-rs Mryand ithe Christî îia.vr ,f tii.Pre uapers and eaid that the autharîties;1 dren aiseasurvive. * t Wintbrap Iarbor. ucd Mrs la;,_onwa foniýrl May ytýinan chîi.h ret li.imectiuic viteaer'1u . nlocrhbai sent them across the Mrs. Hucker llvei vlth ber, iaugn-stand at the. 1asa 4»e. avejustienf therenceavlng loneien orInterestlng am a dine progrant vag state fine sa tbat tii.>' vuli net have ter Mrs. mayer la Lbertyville, for 18 14 aoug e tabisbtu" and til nienihers if luth 'frte spo.Th ma-M inelitlime ehe bai been a sîiffe'îtu-oaita pa>'frthl upot i. a-mnthis but a yeax ago expressed a de. tho causes w" loh lai: 0t asthina but it wa4 not leILt ilat thee oietlek, anujiai-.% thers mtayed outil ter î-nded flnally when the couple s ire ta couic bar' ta ien aId home lu ýFridy of Gins ierguboz.' almaent bai bai a disatrois effect atër midiglit toi "fi ati eh te ld ear vert sent- baci. ta Antiocb. Darlln , waukegan. via diei as a sisuit çtl*a oîut and spec t1wi.- -uear in,-' vho vas biladt, vas eenl ta the Poor j Funenal private at3:.00 Wedneeîay'. e he vmsaswuai-Il enbrcosiuto.Wlntbt-ap larbor bont ru eu cueittln.The lîriiraniu .1 tht tm-n irii'e [arm. yula hie vire veutt l ive vltb Oakwood ceaîetery. 5'riday Morafnclamr George Wells Jackson wa, thieeaon îloîwérelatives ln Chicago. I ocordiaU tu e-a# of the late Vncent and Louise \Viatte Organ Vilntary.lMr@. Iulu [iatiiii'ko "A hospîtal vouli tue the praper guson ver'.M Jako - ' Opnig Antbeiolf raise. .. Jy ilioir place ta carle for tiiose vii. are 111 4,000CAIRS CON sbusn Td b a eLlk Eynîn viii.lyiniiigv--------------.... here If Iluver, aivisable ta tako muci us tm ase e P CO&IIM MA JfM I the Pastuir and Cour.ation1 a contagions diseuse Into an inott- S(NtrO . aen uto.bai i14DEMJ1NTION .....-........-----Pontor tion viiere aiber patients are i.ept," S16As [beEusau&tEs. w"i'0ip CASE OM OVER; 11~'" Lord',Prayen' Chant-.. .By Choir Superintendent Appoley sai, "for v.igtaot zlea y Ofetry,........._ ...._. ....b.. ave no nurses liersta tai.. curnof B4D Y MMoi a eea a5tiotbi5"1 QtRf 10 ý ERVCE Autbem-------------------...........B>'Choir thoeandnithe otier lamato. vilîînettuot wu bcol2a trai,1 QUE TIO . S RVIE BrpuniVrnlnDrt------------itta inger ta assist. To combat [b. reigh Tracs Botoon Rnd-ut f« l ...... Mrio Tylosad Lloyd Taylor epîî,î naeuccesabplîy niose vbo aeFegtT osO we od A 8erSs Hym wih ymnloy .............. Ii o te dstnt hold e egrat- out and.Milwaukee Are F111- tu"na ' ai iokrA #4 il. De! endant in Action Alleges No so---------------............MIse elen Clark ed ln a contagion vard but ur insti- ed With Rçdlroad Cars. , Than. for soms usse Summons Was Served on Sa"). .......[.IMrHE Ml Ring lngraham tuition nlbt ovtla full taoyoerfiow- Bien400ai ,0 rtb ason lie stepp*5 i lel Her Personally. M LasTr...avis,........r..........y . ry Ing vr oueleaid ae ewen40 u ,0 lhn 1 thse tMisAs 9 t Tr Jf. islteuya ry-------------ag vr onisIle acpaclty. aIl consignai ta lie Bigl, Joliet aidClay a'mvl = ý The came af the. Lai..eau-est Watar HTain vtth bZ. sEasternu Riroad, are belag beli by bing hlm bP [ha .oSt Company' versus Maria Vance Boy. ToeonSolo---------......David Tbomnpon ta allov snoe of [haie vbo are lU of lie embargo on svtci trucks ba- tion af drafiug bila iS Antin ....-......................The Choir thediseane ta occupy the. nomelerooma tv.eei Roadaut sud uvaUUkee..Tva Frg-usaa vea fura'd for, earin a io co nd nt olgay mora C vioy ..... titii.heotiie 1 d plurable but uniredan ia fty cars ar eldeoui the Ppei [baçuIhaw*mi inor agnCo ut T actonva îsîgHyo ilîHynloy bre I. nothing 89,else ta .. neunder svitcb tracks at RBonut ansu c ahetavmisdis W" * 1ng.but as crtInen ...................a yan ouXigi Ing, ut w 50cotnat a ueatoa that lirn-P4î Mattiieka the clncumstances. Wo i a "inanLke net biudrede but t[bausanisoaIrenoue.thb. 'elsa CkU* day morutngsataaqutinht nurse tramn Chicago but lie bas retura- car are beîag beld for the local ral- mJutina tis s lis06 s bas arisen vth regard ta service ma> ei haine. W. are takI.lg cure oaite[b. uss60. lie settled. a sommons an Mns. Bavunan. hepatte oatie e 'aubut t[b e ied TiIascoti uiiosl h wo%" SwuW lisowA' poton a- hecas culit mafiios fr heet cf fs~* l Tho vaten company vishes ta cou- vas nt at home, ami the summonfi eMprt nnig"Allies. Msny are iasdsd vi[booppeu' Se 11sf. Ha demn the prakvay on Green Bay rondi1vas sorved on lie caretaken, Mn. Dr. J. L. Taylor o! Lbertyrille là udoierpieea eas aiabst* = 4 t"=i .otbt vte ai ia> ielaId'Bavns, tiirougb hler attorniey, a et-carlag fan -thepatients but l abndit- suduniier 00iela canalaiua is 0, tiene. Mn.. Bovunan bas contested'ai ha court [is uOrnng.[bat noe51km- csppedl by [he tact [bat ha ta botgru the actian. Tii. vater campany r' ni- onbai beau ser-vaiton ber, snd the ahieta Isolate [base vho are In. .J sdE alra ait im W M 1. ri centi>' startd von. excavating but court cOnItlnuei lie case ta e seSattur- Supenîntendeut 'Appley saI todar haudia [ha freight ntit [bey reoselrve Olisn [o.k te wshalted vl>,nMus. Baviansoecur- day sa [bat the. mater of vietior or [bat lb. bolies thediseuse vil! lie orsi rn h ra ummo h u mtke ,A ed a tomporan>' injonctIon. The coin.j flt the, ummnons 'vasserrai legalîr cated sbortly un [bat conditions lissarlnrais[bt ii casetl 105! ise pan>' thon started the caniemnatn anbihr t at ii uy he insttution can b. r«dJiuted. *"Mcptiatdvii Wont&& U procedinga. Ifit îta1.succesful i-i con- 'been apoanasi for today but Munirisacedt ivith ossis. fi*i119114a1 iemning the. prauertyfi lale catithe! Iinstrncted.ts came bock nuet Battur-, say .loeua uco ndre -e belmg iuiso a dup e lta b1 attorneys fr the campan>' plan ta day viien I ti anogitth[e.cane vii cain inonias!. tbt ti. ujuntia b.coai fo tral.Lake Paren[t died Tusmday .mora- sm5$becauuse lbus wovu -.Imlpose Côme inî>adak i. h nueio aray ra.In8- He hai Uvditute iciu1Y fbl to et enoughb"os ti ru Whsu the. condamnation cason as lInepenient: Mare rendurs than &ait ae FOre5t a grastunaur yesr..00 e faaistaffs a-in à ni~u flied a court afficer vas sent ta serve, county vesiUies ombiaid 1. - [sarisavwiov sud »aOsI. chitl4rsm. -(coiaued. Pipi), t- -- 1< TYVILLE Lake GoulU y -s Big Weekly GM5asGeieW*hW@ ui@ .ComlCosbhd WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN 01M TO EIGEI! $1.50 PER YIEAIR IN i 1 T-

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