LInBRTYVIIILE INDEPENDENT, TnURSlDAY, JkNUARY 4,1917. ROAST BEEF ATfl A POU»D PROM THE STOCK BHOW CHAMPION m $,te .to 5 p.rn. %%è ~ *MaU"BiBankitic per Unai seen insertion " 8e. Phonel157-j. Less then 5 Unes, Ustvie Imola __________________ -25c firet insertion De. E fl T S DBNTIST- 4qqqqq.....+. %<$RtIE$. M D. FOR iALE-Rlcb dark eclrai S. b. Rhitode tsland lieds; von Champ. cup ab rser Chlago show 1918; eo broi Kmssauaidfr GIses for heuvy egu' production; Rpýcea reaecn- r # e. e *rI. 100 Llertysilie. able. ]eq. Demlov, Liberlyvîle. Plions FOR SALE -Brone T.,r4es, àtock wol 'i - "'É . I£M*VL', M le- Ilpi ~~ FOR iSALE-Three Boiters,,1 twù-yer- __________________ aidani2 yearlluoga. Plions 797-Y-4 Moneysunk Parai, Deeflel, l1i..1lca *IW.4T M10UQN FOR SALE-4brut 20acr. o! good qý oë4.Vi%'b*2A le ar ertapt up la lrgie sisoas. ~ elluIs~ Hyiag .1.0 ralsed large cots 1 wîîî maIl com mi As Capt. liais of th, Grea for a Th( liat i navn, by th bat. car at thE awaî( tover powet man only acte «TI 48 m rolic of $1 trans adrs Frak anlal, Prairie View, 111. ject. î 1ý,, l4tt Wlhcn the grand champon stuer,lbut Mose Greenwulc lot narDetroit by t Favoite sod fr $.76a ouse aded his deflant nickle aftor hlm 8*- Lietnllls, IIIFOR SALE CHEAP-18 "Star"' steel îbÇaiîîîaFavoît, sîd fr1h.75a ebye nd un w dvr 'as lie stood in the ring, orsCk 0:"17 pud, * ý4wîn110 *58 a aanbhions wih mangers, and 2 call peau i e eod o'te"9to sold,' uoited the auctioneer. W ires train ~rle$s sy 10 l.,s4uare,oscar uned. Aiso 100 pair , went to te automobile City to p e- eaeh ,ýh living," nearly seven olasa r to parade the grand vhný piponso. ApplvAlexW~. Brebuer, Lake ,unid for the hatituoft hsgougît et a price of $1,960 Vor town À-*I4~Mi W CMIY rotuit, Box 98. 16lSd 'j isfinas baby bef. Many citias Christmnas rib roasts that je a Uýà un ______________________________ out Dietroit will eat the beaf. loue figure. . fu tNeyer before L'id a beef steer Not a kernel o! crn had b! 'fca the nom. c% pô"lm. . .. .. . > . . . ++ 4 + ++ ig such a price, 81.50 a pouadbe- ito this Calfornia chaî.iàif.(ý. -"" cao .1. ICAT S A I + r"' the nearest approach to it. Boy other grain than barley. In 1 'î. train U*IWYViLL.t, - IMNOi ~ E TAT ~ rîcofo Iowa's Baby beef contesta t wss a Heraford sire by a Short- _________________________ + FOR SaI.E + ~o opcn-eyed whie the bidding, born dam, stali ted b- an Abardo-ijan LYEU il M)*= + ++ +. . . .. . 1. ' -ut 5 cents a pound, jumpeU herdsmaaý, Alex iÏ.Donald. "The LYELLH. M$~Xi ani op. The sale was ms.d for b.t st afever showa on the conti- AroaXAI-LwFOR SALE AT A BARGAIN-lly o lniewrýity of California by Clay, not wsthei daim by the liw.d of Libertyvla Iuis. borne and arait ure.Property stuated .'î&Company ina.jout aine -!-,- victarlo"s cIliege aiter paying raounnon Park Ave. 1 nîuire olJohn îLm '" gouiqks ldv.h. '~bute t. MeDaal PhU lons le]&. O2w» Phonae it Ttt _____ ____ PAUL A uam FOR SAt.E-ýNew bouse in Libertyville. NUMBER 0F MARRIAGE LUCENSES QiRANTED IN AlTOS ~~Addredss &care uf Independarît IY14BRE KS L L E O D ;ur, RA N fAiërtfVUW, 4ý»hFOR SALE-7 room bouse on Sbu Park R Villn" te ~Ave. Ailmodern Improveinents Reason- 96VRASALRCRS IE RA N _____________________________abls pries. Lyell H. Morris 47tf ~-.-..*------ - UYffR PROPOSALS MAY BETH1E CAUSE Stret hoes fi, mle r ret. Draon& Autin The numfber of marriage lîcenses la- as a result of-the triai advertlse.d It ILLINOIS UAbertYvîlie. 3.1 ued In Waukegan during the year fer and wide as a retna Green and Pb=680 -1916 sbows a phenomenal Increase ov- made Il an objective point for elop- »804 i'4ORSES SOLO, bouglitand exohangod er the precading year-la tact, t es- ing couples ftrm Otbýr States. Second bahabrness and wagon& tablalteea blgh record. Oue bundred A comparative list of the lcae Casib or teris. N. . L.edd. phons 4 nlnety more lîcanses vwere Insues tis lssuied durlng te varlous moallis aod lhutyvlît TUyear than lest, Ia the year 1912 a shows that durlag two methe only SeW»Mid tbotyrllse.7t;total of! 1,5322 Icenses were granted. did the' number of licenses fa» behiad The numbar bas been lncraaslng each that of corraspondlng montbs lIsa ~eol. +. . . . . . .. .. . . . year with thte exception o! lest year. llvad uop -b its record as belng the ~ 11LINiB 'WA TED+ ven t fait 56 over the precedlag -ar. As usuel. thte montb of June ILLIOIS.+ A'TM +"montb af brides." for more Ilîcnses ~ ++.. .. . , . . . . . . . There wera some who thouglit Il vere i9sued that month than during PI«lriVK marked tbe decline ot Waukagan's ftny other. WANt!O- At once. 'Den ta cut wood populanity as a Grétna Green. But Foliowlng la a comparative liat of àtAC by the cord. Mr.). R. C. Holaoîob, Arsa, the récord altaloed tbls year shows licanses lssued. by months, durag tbe nwrutw i. 6plthere vas no basis for sncb ealbe- year 1916 as cornparad to the number __________________-lier. granted durlng rorrespondlng monthe While there may lie nothlag to the la past years: SITUATION WANTEO-Married cou- old joka about young women taking 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 I~IV pi at Position On tarin Or to ruai advanage of their rigbtu la leap year, January 94 134 108 102 88 'e mmiii tarin. %W. J. Rutherford, Ingle. the tact remains thsat the flamber of February 106 100 Ili 75 102 ww- 111O sieii. isci lîccases insana thls ysar vas geatly Marcb ..- 118 99 74 99 75 _____________In_______laocescf îst yoar. MaIdens yull April ... 112 141 180 117 95 e U$TVLIWANTED-"eboean aquaînt.d vîtis have ta do consîderable explalning. - May ..-. 164 151 160 Ilil 15 TIsea i atUli anotiset vay to ex- Jane ... 209 20Ç !187 157 161 tsadula imoi, capable 01 uarnlng 812 plain the. matter. Pu tIhe Urne the July . .. 161 105 124 129 104 or more par ,onth. Flie opportoufiy Orpet case vas on trial bite tier. 'August -189 116 155 160 128 tou, 1 o p perm-anol d profitable werem mny ragi-et)eeking couples qUpt. . 196 136 162 146 138 sU. busines. Station gil Co. Ceveland, 0. vho mdi It a point to came lbersaand Oct. .... leS13610 159 152 121 lepi i smrrie4 istead. ot galng eliswhere Nov.. 163 125 116 165 117 -O-In order Uai, they mlsit spenil et Dec. . 115 98 122 156 298 toas a daylat tbletrial. Thon, ton, - - . - - Ni SAE~'f~ 5 thse vide publllty giron Weukegan Totale ..-1732 1542 1899 1658 18 Ab hg unp m M" À 109 u eMOn Dec. 26 1916. Nivard Smith andiU El I11 A E W JN IUIIK L1~~1 'j vifs t John Griffth, part lot 12, inT L II 88P TE T NTW 3V O TI 1* , *jeLaie Forest, Q. C., $1. & D L N George Fraser' andi vîfiet ai . L 0 18 À I ÎSI T E0 O T Mary Billet.«est 70 faiet lot 320 Ia Lake Foreet W. D., $5,000. (By OR. A. E. BROWN.) banredsi sxty-sevan la tIse generai hon- Louie H.Rabo ani hubani to The.,paBt yeer bas basa a most salis- ptal, and 21 tubercalar. We have bail factory oaa for us. for the reason that 17 births. and 39 major operations. mac -. Bissa andi Pred Kioatai, lots 14r 15, va bave béa able ta o Onkot many W. bava thesaie, nurslng staff, heail- 00 .O 3t.- and 41 Bocks' addition to Anti- of onties 1at vare started ln thse ad by Miss Giadys McCane, tiet Ire 1V13e cYb W.D~ 10.yeer peevlous. The one great, funde- liai et the time of repotng test year. 0041111nEeie ad flUeî1 or InVidZ. rns. ilhuma tdR.mental Ie aseubeen tauae oy va vîli hcertanly speaks valfor our W Bisushaet 'a R.coulil do the most good vith the lieut sutrouuitiltgs. W. ndoo .1 avfiSoutths 26et Oo expeaditure of monay. There are maoy poor people inth xtIureU1 lot P. Broplsuy' selu to Fox Not mach bas been dore, la the past county who au yat have not hai bene- Lake, W. ..i., 400. yiar latIse nature o! improvements fit of the splendId service tise county us h..~b~a ~ _______ vth thse exception o!t our drives, vblcb heu ptovied for tbem, bat as the la. have ail beea Improved wvlh ctushed titation bacomas bttet mayan eacb 411E'I"I UItIT~E9atone. and vitis the aid of thse county year vi hope to bave the opportaoity ýi.o hare a0 liplatinLg 6UIUIJ-.?ILE roai rolling outfit, tu that nov va o! catiag for many more patients. pliut for sudnahlns have a fc systera o campletai Wa agein axtanil a beatty Invita- am0w BOOM AND PACTRMBYDi~lI~llf drives throughout Use groundls, vhicis don to tise public tu corne out and a qucdM rbr tee i.)@ . .Faaide greatly tu the appettunci of thse viat va have and wvis e sare do- Orehard d gr n rancmuh tu the.eomfort of lng. '~STY1L. - ILLINOIS I 1 i i n iIA ho.'sn icn I.A. ID. BROWN, ?EL~~1UOME ~ IW5~i'~ f~VYY We bave, &Hl told, 188pain.Os pentne. AU electric ca"paybu fiaitl e> P jft a national guard regiment lu caltai ait thse tate prison lq 3110. il efforts ~JMN1 l ~ ont for ver service, a reberve trahna 9H0 Of ek MEN ae~AtonysA~ ~ t"~ .battalion tu 811 vacancies et tise front clion tu substtute it for' the. puumt Awaualîshah hoorganisedti o0f thse national vathetiof capital paislelmMrt by L M IRIY gitar reserve andi b>' ,otnntai enlist- - toswan Miroclil favoebly b>' tise FAÀR ms aa ' Y ment. ~i5 cei iel *uafie a ta kuIat the et-Drfinq Provided For ~ ~ atm?,~ti~Wa 'ttfftRglain If for un>' reason," the order en NONS INDES oda>'lai prigfeld, lû" e lu esto- fe eArpro- tinues, there saIt not b enougli ne- 14i hà ohle. Im llyýkojg1t lt w haoneet he aq-serves or enollgi voluntar> enlUst- or .kswoeo me Offpa.ntiei-___ serve battallons At prescribed tor'., claiu« bat boienla. fevor of subtt- WaubIngton, fD. C., Dec. 29.-Every ae spffient nunube: 0fetis ai!en iâfor écu tne. ISU1 »h* sefycut Springfiod me> a abie badied mânle cittscu of tis nî-.4 prê ial o r~edb' t Pi Xrou mnY-Merso et.1tueeassocia dil tates betweeu tise agis of 18 ad îitidant a tisepeerbiedatrgi Otrl. àt to#far thse plan sda ron hee45 luaSei)table for service in tisena esrui ai tepegr-dtteg ky r » ýltb l fagk buhechange FM ltio<uaauurd elu vas' ti».e wlv t ay9 cf ~ ~ revil eot suPDMou .uther a" o canqb>' ar de. M". Bsan C. WIlson. à sister 0ft ~, la m tithse aIociation Wiiin & p ntxteuiso.,m > i use 0verkL- Nias Helen Ctlvr etLake Votent, libs iw* lor 01110 e, ewfAs tMe stateidu'lsMet-.«.titeuâ aiMi i i oduter tItOedhd ot St. Luke's hospital, Chicago, aaIeslieff8a,8 Wednoday. Mns. Wlson va boia - vet o er es i- h e *,iitqer.i Marly tva fanvetan-Nov Tos 90où,anl e ga NM t» boitonetM %e 11 M VMO ai~ and l b he& , a nli Utt cf lai LT~~ ~~ tIe o as aserve. The beys eau M ENROLL c e JjJ oule th ie Naval Training station et tise cloua ot tise oboul yeas, anIC T O F T CIJOOL SUIJfffS tlce seansen. Theywiltlbe af=~ddB~RAD IA2 ;CUL, STIUMNTS ~ tse saine coartesles ais are extiode 1 9 #ÂÎIW AS U. Se . SEAM13N when tley chance thc boy cen rosIgn I api otIcmadn !t a appreatice searnen. In other word. ra aeiNva rllgsaw we are nov In a position ta offar tise may iman be maie a r.par admirai a&ý ~mandant Mollet Gets Pe.-scisoo boys of the Unitedi Bltqo tise iordlng ta rUniors la naval circlea gis. ,iisio Fr NvalBoad ane training lhal vi-de o o.Wlio tetday. The reporta grev out of tihe issin Frm Naal Bard enlit la tise Day. to Enroli Sohool Cadets. Tisera lu uo question but vbat Capt. trent session of the admIraIt>' board Iloffett la thse greeteut aicocate o! ln Washington. atIse rasnlt o! titi acticlblas of praparadauss ln tise United States. fle Tise report of tIse board Vjts rut-, ot William A. MottaIt along the balleves >that the tUme ta prepare 113 ommandatione for ýo! "pteparcdnese," any member lnaimnao! peace, and because of the vri ho higis school cadet corps caa an- Initeet lh ase diuiplaired ln thse pre anadp l ast Saturday to Secretery Dais- as an apprentica teaarnaet thse Ipaedness movement fitla fnot possible tls. et Lakos Naval Traininag station for atty outh o! the statis ta go 1ito A t Washington Il vas sali no act1O* a perlai o!f flur yeers. trainting for on@ or mard montbs eecli bai been taken. 'lae cadet yullotetlia !orcad toaen- 1YeRr.i atMofttdysa bthea, for servica ln tIsa United States Capt. Mnffett has aiso recelved par-t 'p.Mtattdysl htlele yand the requirements eaforced mission to open a hospital treanigi no officiai advices. the gavernient are few cioot et tIse Great Lake Naval treain., f In station, and tram 1h18 date on tIli NOTICE UF ASSESSMENT DRAIN- apt. Moffett, Who a c <ommadanît ipprentices seamen vbo cire ta lie.- AGlE DISTRICT NUMBER ONE IM 1e local training istation, lias bean coa mrambers eof the isospîtai corps GRANT TOWNSH4IP, LAKtE COLIN- triet permission by thse faderaI esn do soGI-q takinu tIse course IhatT'Y AND $TATE 0F uILLINOIS, 'emment ta enîjat a coe, of 5()0, vîlIbe off -led ta them nt lte 1 NOTIVE 1-s HEtEIY (il VMN 'lO AL, ,s for trainingu at thie Great Lakes 1 nstitutton. PR(N31NbR.T.Dtitte ir l'n .~to enroîlt'for sT FROf ~'lE$'it~ ieTsr io of tour yeaia. but tise> bave: TARPOUCEMAN ii~hi~ , 'i'~~re %'~ vr te resIga as anappreatice si-a- SSAi .?sstmoriginal âïassssw.-t finidtle' catir. Ae. ilet an>' hour of service. TIse USS N MUOMOBILE inlisesatI o u o ri. raqUlirsen h o'enete- TI RE AS M IS SHOE SO LE. ais îna'sestî,rîîe vear A. fD. 1917, I.os thsi.: frmliay ri open ianda lylng %,tlilin rDrainageDohmilea musetwoerlo mttr ri Fora et or no tise star copper of rns erve ai least Ibrea of the tise Laie itorist iepartment hane n jNuinheroéin G itrant To.wnshlp. 1Lite-' nontbs-for wviic theY havae e'- Policeman Walter Sales. He bi" been tOuiitY and iltat4' of lliool, and tise id. Tise boys yull tacelve a vagi'as almble s a ele aon a honni do& Isei f 4il I> ledt'. lb.' nderoigoe&. $17.60 and iJl lie suppliai vîtti ad the îsldM'ty vltb vsi h.o stipe Treaar'.r of sali I.ti-r. tnt Iiin 0tlce i' sportelon."about bas wroUgbt arnazernent an lise i hOnn t.. llint. l'n or- beto tise >Pt. MaffttîtIl elatai aver the pro-ceuntensaces of lise assembîi multi- -t Thse paver plaeainlahli@Ibands tude. ai Joe Divis vouli a>. 1 Firsi duy of Mari-b. A. D 101, and lu lise I0îvy ispartmnent nov aaabt"s Nov comes Il. He a lIsoBles >ls 1 istauît of? sîci payient thi e éew#al a1t taie 500 boys betwaen tise ail. shoes vîlli automobile tires! Irtrt fI@Iad lOpa ahich s@id tisiv of- 16 and 25,' soi kai'p them fl ,*"Titi- isghcost o! living can't 5car' ,inotaliient aiti "ail] aiditionai aesea ainu' for oaa or more menthe wo1 men," sezzi'e. "I used to lie a dhau! ment rpmaîns uniî'ald. sellbeso(li aecrd- Lh yeat. feur uni I1 stîlI get a finselimousine Il arn tati that the' Waukegaa i re hi'!t. 1 !dund ont tise coblers ara inai to law 1. p~ay the arnonat o saId nuip hîgl i-cool cadi-t corps uîsing paper ma I jusî laici ofena bit In>saîlméan en-o.t sbcrs close ta 50. As a Meaîlt If of a huntofo automobile tira. t gavoirýtta tht. ;tirt am , anary,. 'i D. aaction of tIsa navy deaertmaent I!a plae laeFred Bpirghomn-heus on lb.' 1917. ate tisei boys and Pul tham la ýtiri' dîpartnent--and thal's wbat le E il Wi't,lier. Tréâsureir. inng for any aumliir o! moatits aitak1ag hlm 30sa a7 i>.-î-28 Jan 4 11 18 CiNron le PF you are a farmerpoesd of some sale-m ihip ability, you -may avail yourself of your opportunity to write 111fe insurance. .X'Iie farmer lias a good deal of spare time on bis hands at cer~tain seasons of the year ini the same way the school teachers have during ' the vacation period. Both classes can and- do solicit life insur- ance and. some develop into"big produc- ers. The farm er Agent can tallv crops and stock and get close to his farmer prospect. H is journeyings about the, country -broade en his vision of men and thiugs, improv. ing bis knowledge of farmiug whUle doing good to bis fellows by spreadixig the doc- trine of ie Insuranc Protection. If interested, cali or write. JOH-N UODOE bistrict ma"ager. AuCEA, ILLINOIS Phones-Offici 162-N- ltu#emo~'9-M-