Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 4 Jan 1917, p. 5

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LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, TIIURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1917. -r-m -------------------- : z:: - YOUR CALENDER is here. Corne in and make your selection. We desire to have one in each home and have made an ex- tra effort to please your wliole family. LISEýRITYiL LE*-LUIS ER CG. Dow% by te l. 0WDepet. Bm dm* 2tse0 yaurs. Phone 47 L. A. Bishop, Mgr. IPreinventory Sale!J Perfection Oil Heater - Smokeless 12 guage sheils, per box Heating Stoves at Cost Odd shades of Mixed Paînts, per gal. Boys lce Skates, per pair Laies Ice Skates, per pair 600 pound Weightless Scales $3.25 75c $1 .00 60C 60c $11.00 Ais. my edm ritemsamistâ bhem Thee pic. ame sharp reduction. and you ame invit.d to comee aly in order to get »Moe of tii...values. H- Bu E GE R HARDWAR, PLUMMIN AD IEATING 'Good Hard Goal May Be Scarce but il you beave your order with us beiore you ane au out Ge an FPM Your Order and keep you supplied with good liard coal W. F. FRÂNZEN, Jr. TELEPHONE 50 IBERT-IVILIàB SAfETY FIRST HAVE VOUR CAR IJVEHAU LED -.THIS WINTER AND AVOID TH-E SPRUNG RUShJ Rate" for Repair- Hav VourCglnders Rebored tHave Vour Batteries fixed Up in REDUCED to Hève Your Beaings and Dit..- 60 Pe« Hour until lereotlals Looked Over Magbe Youar Brikse in Bad Marci 31.Coïiion . r ýRemùember ""A STICËI N TIME" LIBF.RlryV.LLE 202 ARAGE Phome 202 AM., Pag m ena.gsurof theq The ankrit t,! ltet i %%mm r, '.îm4 Tu.'sday ,î.oî-htbout ifiiht tbree te terpar t fluit t . k , l,rlîaviuig tit frot <.Nik.lîîttiîi tr 11iitr l 1-i. stoppîed rià .-r an,.,.-f1 du- th ii.- Lul,,'rry ft rruî.tttt u-'grlî.î tî1rq v l e -ler partoiir t'u-.'the iruf hta tnl 't tu -ttseîthve t ;, 0toIu. iruade lits w46V ri ,atr fali Uhoutu.e 5-ar l'hé- ttl,.-'us olth..t ~, 'Ir,!le t' K,'îto tht.- îillaîz. luririg thoiiightt 1 t .tiondu V niglit l'lit 'mai , .,f l, Tht leit tatedt hitir lit»', v. r lt t ,îit t h-rg Ne%% ermr, thle h teir' i,î n l e Kettosha -l iandti hît tliey ng z isîtîle".C rife r.-.alo,!bni-e,! îd hit ie iat-I iiie X appe-L iL g s ti atîl r.-i iu r til -tIar h -ý.tift a If You Have News of Localchi tiret) anti Mianudi Nirt .1 Geet(ril- pro.-'orumien tCdu1,îîtfronîti Knn'îa 1'lait Interest Cal Phone No. 1 ovwe-ro In Evaiî-tîî-t N.a ,'îurîiDaya oéehdir sitiN tLidj. wep hat ne'. f falititreutlîiont Itrtîl tuitii- Martital tchartlie 'lait, *w.ii t le J.1). flatrmhalilt. luite twîtrFier, Pull lutîta a rwmets yard rieur XXX X X (XXiXlXTul vda f tiis wéek-litT.E. Lambil'@ ('trni-re aitit a bîIiî-taiod jr*e Iteani wu'icaied <o (ltin, e.I'Kulij ot',îî wgninte fpru Ili.... L Protitie 1liar-it een r'ery oeî' tis witer-e lho ornîerly sel tias jlassItori tît oit i8urerterg, a mar ti)rçlîîyed week lenduct the funeraieerv,î'es oîf îue othe lt ttiafarni surti(f tîîa t, wu.- arr.Itl 1) . Ptna f, Waieola isifd Id wttermof hazplae. onday niglit iîy .artlial Limberry on Il I. l'tuam t!WaI r. tî a nsîtdn d seilrâE. tAt î.' oo at]dag the echarge of aî'ernpitig tî llirtertaln ('!) J hereSatrda. ti. ad tis E A.hiisî,j itîti iauli-the feruily for whom bhe aorked,îplot ait %ir. andi Mr.. W 8,. Mcf4laitrt pent Ne-w ter, Mien Frances.- returriet]in Tueodtay a time when the famil'. hall a honseful ofl Y.-arw at wauî'tula eveuing froru Frankfort, li . ,wiersempn. el si t,1aereuni W. J.&Bliiite tof L.ake zurîî'it, was a ttti't'@peut two weeks witb tirg Bisitop's froni Chicago in thte afrerfiotîn witiî a cal-ýr hAre Tuemuiay.. mother and other relative@. galion jUg and a itti tilieti with Giui Strang andl C. A. liiller nf Gray@_- The romaine of the laie Nrm. T.. A. îvbiekey. Arrivîug blie- lie je saidtu t falle were vîitors lure Saturday. Reyntolds of i Oryslake. were brotigitt treaitd" freely andtihle,, wenî ltu hi. hi.postio ' ~ for firtli'r-' place of sruploymtnt. Shortly alter- with the Merents eiverlng C ment 'uthe Lakeoide temetery. The ward bh.-entereti the living room ewhere The ibsîy ill sebol penti hsfernera] service were beld at the bomerne uthe famiiy andi thegueste were amsembled. moran atestleke.ayvactin.eobegsan togEst real entertaining (?> anti mornng llertheholiay acaton. The tdance given by te F. C. H. Club the mani Oflte honse @tondth ie manner, Dr. L. E. Golding anti famuly were at tite town hall New Year's iight was dieplayeti about as long as heoi'nuld Crystal Lake vietîtroe Nw Years Day. attentiet by a large ernwd, ail itaving a when ite celiet up lte Marshal. Not Wlliard Reeti of Aupitin @petit New âine lime. Blapks'si orchesétra furuisitet wishitîg to have Suunnrberg arounti any Yearse t the honis of Arthur Presîrn. the Inutile. The Misses prinigi serveti longer lie ias Iriducecitu lorne Along to Mir. andi lrs. Adam 'Iltue vioîteti rel- tlie supper w'iib iras very Ille,' Lîbertyville on lte priirîtise that ho ires atives lu Cicago Sundtay andi Montiay. A stiecial musical eutertalnuîîtt il ho ing tsi have a nieiturîcli of drinks§ Several oif tbp-young menfrom Palatine giiteun dt friday eveitltug. Jatîîîary 12,- He wal given a trial bt.'lreJustice Davis@ etteutird the dan.-. bers Newr Yer'sat Ileid M. E ihurcit ude, Itlîe Illsptts1 fTueeday morning ant i lieîd $31anti iosîs, nigitt. deitartînents of tit'e unday cholî,- Titsitrio b h h'paiti andi Prouîtoe'd Ielr îî Miss Blanhe Trigg-.- as c'orlined ta etttrtatument wlll t" lite tt(ilite iîseu-- tOUi'tîîîlî an0ter drop, lier loýtîîîe imt week on actount of tertaitîtneute of the atrtt,'r euti '- - illuesi 'ittuas Hidileson Iulat'e -<ry tut.'.VESPER SERVICES, NEXT SUN- Mr. ant i rm W. . 1Firlîî.ze eeprt \'s' w t aIet wek gettg r DAY îNEW AR'putMBin l'ear a t h the fIt rr'e Itareute ilplut-t' lfor tllieire r tti rittt a it t "NWhR' NMB Ne.Vîilîra ilt,'. utt'ttrted a le rtîttîtti 'iaitht'.. Iri, Restautran-ttueiletthur(Ii il îtî,"ri*Nea girl fieruds ut iu tartl îarty lu't Frit ii tp.' tetre tau.Itt , tert'..tfir" ',ar rul'r' ,tý t. tîl rlî e'% . ps r 'i. M art ret Davis antd Nii'-i lu, rI itlo y ,FI,, lit tîl1917 aî- t. 'u. ietd prîtrl urîr loi'. t .-' ,ttîrrîîtttreil, Il . 'tî). lîtaneetîît. î~e rtAda Ca rie ttî.' ti tîe lott'tl factîîry t t tîti tue loit'. Ilî lgettrî îît ,!tti'ebetu M. W. Marvît, tf,! 'Ulî is. - as the gnest oif Mr. ant I Mn.jF. t Trtpp Fririay atît Satnrday. Mr. andi Mrm. I ias A. t'anhîîrn of Higilanti Park, IPt u îa.v at te Sanhîîru home. Maurie Ely tif Aus-tin iîpent the' holi-1 day. at the hottme of hi, cousins. Erumaj auti Ethel Titus.e Mir, anti fMr@ Claude MeKentie enter-. teineti a isi r ientis as a dinner Party1 8aturtiay evecing.1 misemarta î ioyniitan of Rogers Park spen'juday anti M ndav boer. .'bi M I ss ily B u h. Lora, , five year oid danghtusr of Richard t..1ofA rea. dieti Wetie.tay ai membraneons croup. 1ev. andtitlre. Edwarti S. White enter- baineti a party ot elioet frîsutis at tbeir borne on New Yeare svenlng. Mrs. Gordion Kelly of Lake Forest, vis' lied ber. anti atteudeti services at SC Lawrenoe'e tthurcb lest Snnday. Mr. anti lre. A. Bueseanti taughlers, Mises.Olge Aile. anti Elsie.- spent New Year'a wiut relatives lu Chicago. Saturtiey moruing.- the Foet of Eplp- bany.- the services aI St. Lawrence'* eburcit miii begîn et 7:30 0o'clock. Mir. anti Mre. John Mitchell entertaineti Mesdames Wendiand, Booper.- Avery anti Bemln of Laeke Villa lent Fridey. Thes Woman'e Guuidwill muet et the residene ofi lre. Lulu liattocks on Thnrstiay aiternoon, January Il. Paul Seller wbo mes hitten hy two doge white tbey mers fighitng fast Tburedey, I le i.ta go to sebool. The W. C. T. U. wili meet et thte home o! tirs.LIi Elm Court, on Tuestiey flernoon,. Jan. Il. A weluorne to ail lire. Wm. Walronti anti chiltiren anti Mire. 0. A. Nemeoru anti littie daugitter spent fast Fritiay ln Evaustori wltb rientis. MiessLuelle Sauborn anti Foydi ihe returneti home Fritia> evenlng afler epending aweek wîth the latter's parente et Jeifereon.- Wie. rite Ntuses Margaret anti Carolinue Sauter, and tir. and Mtrs. J. A. Cobtllo ant i tIle son of Chicago, spent the bol. Idqy's wirb Miss Eniui> Bush. Marlon Prestoni enterlainpdt a number of frienis et ber homne Thuretiay nigitt lu ionor o! Miese -ille Smith of Lake Forest, formerly a teacher in L.. H. S W. H« Appley.- ivio bas been ick for somnelime la rèported very' loir totiey. Gaugrene beving »et in one o1 his feet. Thte Mystie Workers of lins Worl i ml Jiolt installation of ofilue et te town hall on Tuesday evening, Jeu. 9th. Thes Iranhoe lotige ii do lthetiating. The DelIta Alpha Clau o! the M. E. cinnici visitedthlie Lake Buff orpbenege Tusetie>' aternoon anti matie thera e donation o! :05-00 anti alo any presents. Reinceti prleeslapples et &i.hlcke"s Cash Fruit anti Vegetabie store opposite Lihertyvifle Garage. 1 &11 Thé Haw'thorne Union Muutay scitool meanue 1 #tort luli te NewYser rigitt. They invite jon 10 attend Ibeir Snntey sehogi servies 8nntiby aflernoon et 2:15 sharp. Uburch eervlcee 3 9'clock. 1ev. Montanus. a'Àt1- on. itiwin gus d .lat.wd itthie 1ii ofi~rua tite'St. Pauulrair, ei 'tI îrýe atenîany N.- 'eirrwattewrlug, 1h rîîugtlî,uîb.hevillage urud flt ît nu p.pýi, - en. aslep iteutht' noIse 'rut" luce. 'Te Firmt National Baik Nas ae ue- ufi oeeful tîider for the atidittîjual $15.00 bond Issue for the neir iigh Scitool for !LIhertyville- noa' ithe course of construclion. The j"rsl Nationsl bld mes on a premium oft $305 on an everago maturitv o! 9 years, at 4V,%. There were eigitt other bitiders. Biehop'Grlswold la ta lie lustalled s a sufregan Bisitop et hcagi et the Episcopal Catitetrailnl Ubcago on r.ext liontiay mornitîg et il o'cltock. 1ev. anti lro. Etimard S. White anti several otber meiubers ofthéIb St. Lawrrence eburcit have plannedti o attend thte ser- vie",1ev. White mlil h. lu the Prace.s- ion forruet by the elsrgy. Senelor Rodrtey B Swit left for Sprlng. ielti on Tneedav tîtorning wirbe . ook tue oalt of office Weduoeetay. The Senalor miii remnain ini Springfield for about e meek 'o aet"d Meetings of senators mita mil do primlnary work. The Senator loi ex pected itack home soine time nezl meck ant i miithobn taes i famly b0 reside lu Springfield turing the tlme te Sonate lm in session. F. K. Butostetass luintowu lest Fr1- day tistributing sorne of the ropiee oflte new Lake couît *v tirecîtory wbiithea net iteen prinleti. Tiens em book con. tains 1485 pages. embraclng a list o! ref-idets ciwsilietinlu eties. tomus anti village@, togethpr mlth miselleaneous lu. formetlon,sec rot andi enevolen tsocleties.- churches.- buildings,- etc. The btook la nicely gotten ut) anti le a credit to thes county lu wbtchi tis lieing cirenlateti. Lest Sunday v e'ing et tite Prestiy. terian citurcit the dilolîgue "The ChrIst. mas of te '.ationg" mas given.- it taking the plauefelte regular service. This dialogue wmretîdereti lest Tuesday evening at ltoNletrinpter Guiltimeet- 7ing iteidti t tit' Manse anti by eltecitl r.'quest it wir, rpeateti aI the 'hurcit Sîîndav eveîîiMýTtg'iere mero. a flamber oîf adMuitiou.-itI te original prlîgramn w'iih mes b hllîy educational an,!ver>' weli reudereti. Tite. Mrry Malre hadt teir Ilrislmasi parly anti dan-'.' t the Audritrrimlest Tbursdey nligbt uwi It wmsone of ltse mos-t pleasiug parties of theeeaemn. Thte Auditorium was heaulifully dpe'orated mt festooninu, belle anti sprays anti on the stage mer. 1tri vsry pretillvde-or- atedt ties. Thte eictrlclIlgittraye tbrowu on the reti anti sîver decoratione la tbe hall made&e poacrtul eflect. The attend. eucse t the tence mes large anti every- one beti a most enjoyahie time. Lest meek'o ee srecortiedthIetransier of 180 acres lu Grant townshtip from Thos. Mitchell et ai to Margares 9 Mitchell anti Frank Stanton, glvlng the coneideration for te ame as$17.300 00. Titis amount ira. lu tactte conlders. tion pald for an undivitistihal Interest ln lte sItproperty. titianiael veina,- lion ef tbe tract Invoived inluthe transat'- lion boing $84600 00. 80 acrs o!lte @ame mes aflermartie coldtie1J. Seeiy Grldley anti 0. Carroll Qridley foi e conslderatlon of $14.000 00. A Oub- division plat eoverlnt a part o!fte lest montioneti pareel. te b. kno'wns e£ver. brosse subdivision, bas been Blsd Ibis meek. taehn't tttin lai..' u'tnty, r yl te aI tige tiwrr nîuti,'al prîterait tof! igi itr-ler waiiui. ia'a* i e ceitei<lly aptire- m'ater] hy oitrr, of thte litt muîec.'T'he publir hoth ln Lîttertyvllle anti otiter 'orilmunities le most cortiially Inviteti to attend. The -prugraun folio ire: 1i. Processional .......... .... Mentielsohn (ai Three Preludes ....... ........... Chopin l b) Bridai Song .................. (]oltimark Mis. Fiora Durant 2. Solo-"Fear fol Ye, O lsraell ..... D. Linderholm 3 Piano Solo-Prelude lu D fiai.. Chopin 'Miss Elsie Wriskapf 4 (ai Responsive Reading from Psaier... Rev. Ream anti Congregalion (bi Prayer .................. Rev. Montanous 5 Offertary "'Ave Maria" .............. Verdi Mis. Duranti 6i Piano Solo-Prelude in A liai .. Chopmn Miss Elsie Weiskopf 7 Solo-' The Plains ai Peace"..l3arnarti D. Linderholm 8 Posîlute-' 'Marche Religiese"... ......... .m rs . D u rauti ...... ilet 9 beniediction ............ ..... TO «IVE DENEFIT DONCE FOR THE IDOLE FAEILY The Modern Wootimeu anti Royal Neigihours wmligîve e henetiltdartes on Januury 18ti to10b. g.ven for te Medols temily, the lodge@ lu. have bobhthtit Audtoriumi anti the Town Bell for the tienees. Alil musiens who ilii play have volunteeredteirsuservie, andti he use of the bail andt he printeti malter ail mil h. touaist, the pieu helugnot to bave su spendi a cent 4o titail lte mon- ey taken lu et lb. douoe throngh thtesale o1 tiekeis eau he given tu the family. Titis ammomtance anti the cash subseript. iîînm to anotlier lun i talien ber. turing lte peet lire. wee-ks, elucuid lie a grellt hlp tu the family. An (Bd Poli'dtiece mli be given ahtte Town Hall anti a Young Foits tdancse att hieAuditoriumi. Th ite llotts mi'lis SOc50efor gen tlemen anti 25c for ciilticen. Tickets antiresuru pases miilb. honoreti at elîher hall. OU? Km i 'and hv You con also begin with 1 or 21 the frst week and Increase yourc amount each week. NO CHARGE TO JOIN. In 50 weeks: cents or 10 csn#.5- deposit the sem* I-cent club pays $ l18T5 2-cent club pays $2~0 5-cent club pays S4O.TS. 10-cent club pays $LMT.D You can put in. $1.00 or $200Q or $1.0Orsah w'ii-k and ln 50 weeks. have $50 or $100 «r $250 We odd 3 per cent Interest. Corne ln, ask about It and get a'.Chri.tmas Bank- ing Club" Book FREE. You con start TODAY--STARTI fv' Capital and Surplui$50.0000* rons .R&PIPr tIÂR and to t] them for their ronage during paat year and for a contirnu during 1917. Schanck Hardware- USERTYVRLE - . ennoetie ilued.or a mixtre ed w gelibles. atones and "afd or othet sait- ! * . able material, ta whlch la mlxed a TOO LAT -C " mli proportion of lime orar erent. Owing ta the. graduai settlng and bard- enlng of this lime or cemtszt, the man. Wanted to Exchange-Vrt'~d cbangns lrmm a semlftuld to> a bard. lu nBigblad PïÏI~jj1 compact substance, as bard au,.orforwl qipdput7o harder than the. beit buildin.g M~i o rn@ Uquppblpitr o ere iiroduced by nature. OilMm otof reM - , - 1 * 11Ingltid Ave ChmWoDL- Our Annual White Goods' SaIdt Begins Dec. 28, and continuu through the entire morith ol -Jan. For the past kew months we have been making preparations for this sale'imd we mu sure you will (mnd good values at reasonable pnices.. Liter we will add some iteu,. which wfllbbeof internt nlnihe White Grie" lin.. A kew of.1ma things, look them over and note your necds. Shaker Flannel, 6 , 8, 10 and l2cte Wool Planne1, 25,35 and 5Oota LÂWN 15 and iSots PLAXON-plain and striped. EMBROIDERY-all-.over, bandings, insertions, flouncing. IÀCES-edginge, alover, d r esa tlounolng and walstîngs. Canton Plannel,- - 10 and Il Emt. Wcol Flannel, - - - Od INFANTS KUBLIN and FLANU Garmenti. NAINSOK and OANBSfitýg derwear and Infante deun BXÂLL BÂTTS 12, 17 and *bc%%. LARGE C0XOMEP R SI M 8SL1O W, W, CARROLL & SO NS 4 ýmýi

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