i Ion tuowu leoin deep etouslog oven the. atutdeatb aiflire, Mike Jouien sud Mjlr George Jackson. Mir. Jackson had beeit alling for omre wseks aud Il waa Cor. rdaliied that i sta, bore cas oser a _____________ - lose, but thie death aiflira. Jensen cas a cimoking surprise. ad 'an ulirrie w,.re in Mr@, .Jenson bad beeu belpiug ta take hý cars aoflir. Jackson sud caai bisbilied- i sud eiter @-pont liondaY ide st thetimeotibhie euddon desth. Sho haît euflered frot stumafor dmnt ime Rossel @pntt he lîdstesud in a fit ai roughlng died of argauhe tr. aad lir@. Tonaitussl. heurt ltî"rè-bdut eleven e'Ciock etur- i. efsWedeedy fr Iday aht. luatediste aid cas ad. ua leU r es wi farjob imnîstered, but the doctor upan arrivai do wer cho wlejuiabout s ald lire. Jensen hiîd died aimant lu- obtr Wo lrt bou atsu:iy. Rer -body, upon Permiselon 1gOnd icnter. granted by Coroner Taylor, cas then ma! eleMBride speut renoved tu ber home uer a: hsud. Cikeganu n the &nut. sbo,:y 4aften .tdniabî snot.her file toing m, Broeecse pasa.-î avésy sud tca aif the toc's 4" iy a nuniler ai ma5î iteou lul iîeneé bad lft ne. But Ostaus cre played, aller thel,- .eeds ciii lit, long with ne usi 1 emnt$ cere serVed. Mentury,, t. rahot gave a prty at ýTunesdy thee twa hodlesreceived joint p ôns. on priday eien. fuserai sud bhurlai services. At 1 o'clock getowd gatbered. The the services et the Union churcbho irs «Og1se ~iI-g gani,cars ory impreslve. The Bev. Young éGîîmWimoul. Delicous ofloItgioside sud liet. Evans ai Lake ruoerved, Villa OM"clted, Ret. Evans deliterlng a ver>' forceni sermon abous "The Mater »ý_ Weaver." Excelent music was furnîsbed by Mesadames Danils. Bondicks, lieusn. Slierwood sud Wad. nn ttlle Thé bodie ere laid ât res inl adjoin- bo sd leodea aslog lobt u the Hat Foi Lake remetery. Tlmrodo7: eseln. The Wooduîen hu'lsl rites cere co- Ip sled on tite du.tsd over the centaine aiflMr. Jackson. b~~ITh ~ i.floral dlepla>' cas ingular, beiug ell" '4as > 'b ome Ideoil" for bath persona sud very Kte, 1C. Sumet. Wodno- lo 'ibmpilibearers for lir. Jackson cere: bs b e ""09iltg isera. Loe, Kîmbail, Hendrlcka. C. 0. $1 1~? ~Lanilas, Librsan sud B. Wlley sud thoe e :h > *5eroP st Laie or tte ather cece. Mesure. Sculy, gathep. lueâmare, Soif, W. Kielue and dNI$ <Ios 'f £ai '.eb . 4.t.. f i MeReny. castbe loi f ,b 'W"" Fanerai diroctor. ýh*rMRS. FRANCES JENSEN 2 I 4ISe ~ ~ IliMy. Frances Jensen cas boru lu Mor- S" ounty, Kenteiy, February 18, à- 11876. 8h. cas marrled ta tMr. MIte '~t !'.; Iccormckcodled in 1907. lu March '~ ~~'V llDiS she cas married taulir. Mikre jeons. Sbe lived for a number ai yesrs tu laChcago sud .1gb: yesrs herseInu 10gb. ide. On the ngbt ofDeeemtier8,l916, *bu srnldeuly died otprgauic heartiallure. 6XI.BWedess a fing. bueband, Mlue Jeusen, t 'h boas uta semouru ber ios, anc dangbtav, lir@. Nellie licCormick John- M- 1@0tamn; heoilqu on aulia, Peter Johnson; 1ev fr~ . i3d~i- randebiidren. France@ sud Peter John- ~lses; làud mauy incere triends. ,e*Wrdt te .hume Olbseanlt here a ad suoday morulog, &WO came ta giad- lad iets. Raymond dw. l,mus epeut New 1b«r brot her Frank jowfkd fi lviug a iili bronechl ipneu Il ARRESTED c,&y*ý lu Jan cas thie punleli- 4Mtstere to onue blue jacket Ïtbe Gret Lakea Natal Training fin 1»,, -sttemptiug to flirt" cith fUsn'iet! comen ni Waukegau. rbe em-udt enlisted undor the name X. P. Johnwpsansd lie admits a ibM o in toxicating liquora. litait. Joitusc go: drink ou liqi- r W" b1* isl ad brauglat ta Wau- @W tm Keookia. The meu dia «W qoat otlilquor sud theu tleey Wdot ot cebate thte bulle ai ln mi-lug ct thtie )n thse main streets the GEORGE W. JACKSON George Wel@ Jackson cas haro ait ewige L&ýe, Ill, . liy 29, 1876, sud died ai bis "Sie lu Ingieuide, Dec. 81, 1916. s W&s IIIouiy six cseke ai the fatsl diseas.alied tuberculasis. Gearge wcm ouse of th elght ehidren bru tu Vincent suad Lonîse Watts Jackson, who have liotb passod tothe Grsatiieyoud, fi @peut bis choIe lis at Grass Laite mun4 a ie came tu Ingeide aot b welve y.-srt ageô. Ho cas mirried De.'. 8, 1908 tU Idary Ida Tweed. Beeldes hie cidow he d laves ttomun, one seder, Mre. Henry Fadon aofle ,W is.. sud sît brottere, r Adam oai Rîngwood, Ili.., Mithael, Elizah, Hkfleury sud John ai ira@s Lake. and Wüillam of lngieaide. le cas a uteubet -ib ohoInglealde Ml. W. oi A. aud Fai Laie Fins Departaieut. CARDO0F THANKO. 1 wish ta :bauk the îuany frit-ndes ad uiglhours wbo su kîudiy iJsimtted ue in thet Mînssu d deatti QI l uy bucband, aima for the mani beautiful floral piees sud excellent numuie. tirs e. a atkeuit. CARD OF THANKS. W. saut ta express ouv appreliatlau o!, the kid asesistance-..asd tusu>' exprsn'. elqus 0i synîpa>y i he eceut htreste- tu ut ai aur IovIug cils sud moter. We tbsuk the mauy cho seut flocons, thase dia sang sud fievereude Evanse sud Young ihu. spttke @it-b corde ai carn.. fort. Mike Jensen, lire, Nelile Johnson. Plahormen bae.Sait. Mains coas: lobsterfIshermen have discove« hulia the lobstdr entera a laoter trap throigb the sense aI @%git Mdt not through the smelliug bait, sut! aren ba stlng the trapa cillifrei fish aealed i l iss ars. s rau acroasaIca dam- tebtopck up a con- ' the tco camon. Tboy 'MT"E INDEPENDE T < m docu" but they did C- Lake couti'â grestehi ceesi- pes. Tiet to coipen MD ly necepapen.Q re.t. The tca salions & ir IT' Gl- boe- ltbs. Oua ai thse M INiNEWS a mu oaf ler acqualt' IN CIRCULATION im aofte lumuitiug ru- ' INl1PRESTIGE ne jasita.Tiet iiend 'M T5 I1EADbur more persans mer aid calidt te po- 'M than ail other ceekUy japera ' Lyos arreotet!c»of a@'MluLaie cmty COMINND. Q â. ater iscape!. '@ IT COVERS every uook sud! ut ta pwuM itte muan Mcorner ofLaeconuty EU» ' dut naIls te gavéra 8@CAUSE people KNOW Cat. ta '0 is Msa hm bovglt 0- ieep poeted ou LAe ecowsiy Q nu ISm ta nmdudtad 'M neca, the>' MUST RAVE the.(9 eaUitbat!»0 litereet M INDEPENDENT. Q0 0 i relussd the boy 'M WE DON"I' HAVE te boast Q mother UCie v. M gtSM @ aun circulation - everybadyQ we wM ciiprove ta MDtnoca, evembaiy Ôaneedee "-" te týq Wa beibsi quit 'M tiat ce stand THE EDR-' tbsttlw "Mitem 1 ver Q0 o Lae c uty ceeil =p.per. lieiC d mai l oie Ums Clara EnIer e.tertalned gundal eveng lu bonor of ber biIrihday. hir, sud lire.' Brt stu are the prouà parents of s baby girl bora Dec. Mimses liabel and RIda Horeuberger enterWaied t aNew Yars oes Party Suuday eveniug. lilsliyrtle Reld of Glenvew, cas the guest of Miase EWaor Itoyer 'luroesy. J. C. Ward oi Chcago, cas the guet of ie daugbter, lire. J. A. Reichelt. J r., Modai. MAIssChristy Mlclahan of Waukegau, cas th e gueit oh lira. ileichoit. gr., flat wee. > Bdi J. Rapt of Chcago, cas the guett o lirs. Lydia fSayt Snpda. lils Helen SchleeberandlMoere Ethani Wiltan, Himer Theruien sud ltalpht Peterson wero gueste ai a skating Partyi givon by lils Iene liacadie of Chcago, Monday, i&sse «race behîle sud Amira Rocken- baçh rturned to*DeK&lb liouday. Nr, sud lMre, Lncoln Pettie are visit- Ing in Dtroit, MIr. and Mrs. J. A. lefebelI, Sr., ce- turaed Saturday front Hauston, Toesx where tbey have boon vlitiugr for the pasi twa asseke. MIr, sud lMre.Frank Sean an sd sou Jeromte af Cras@ Plaine, Wie - are viiting lie. Seamau's Parents, Mr. and lMre. George Karcl. S. A. Hale cas the gueet s: the home of R. C. Kent o Waucouds, lionday. C. J. Davis la vietlug at the bomne ai John Aid of Cliîcthe. Obia, thin wfek. Lois aud Edus lielintof Chcago, cere the week-end gueote oi Misses Vers aud Vida Plsgge. . . Eugema Wattier ai May wood, le vieil- ing ber grauidmother, lire. L. P. Todd. lils e leanor Meyer eulertained tbe W. T. Club Tueday eveuiug. Louis Rommel of Wiuupeg, Canada, vleted s: the home of hie faîber. PbliIp Rommel, saiedais ai &hi@ csek. Mir. and Mr@. Romayue Stryker sud ean AlvIn of Chicago, were the gueese ai the home oi T. L. Knaak Idt ceek. à Mise Helen Schiuîeber cas the gueet af ber cousin, Mies France@ rnî.ld oi IChicago, liondan sd Tueds.- Mr, sud Mrs. Fred Horeuberger cere given a pleasant surpris;e dinner Satur- day oveuiug, lu bonor oi their twenty- 111h snnlversary. lire. Pilip Rommel returued Tbursday -frontfaesoas, Maryland, cheres a bad been vlitlug ior oeverai dase. Mr lieSarah Adents sud Lois are the gubets of lire. Fred kîmbark of Chicago. lire. Aunus Sherman le vlelîiug ber eau Asten ai Chicago, thie week. lir. sud lire.Boiesre viiting s: tbe d bome>of ibsir.son Cavin of Berwuy thie I- week. d Fayd Ouuckei sud daughter Varoe 0 vslted relatives in Oaleabarg last weok. it lasers. Hanl Kreus, Carl Anderson, le Larry Muibke sud Lester- Staugor gave s dance lu Andere)ns hall Saturday, tWhitney R.ckebi l ulderwent au su-d tasle et the 'Uiiraity hospital Hauda' e le doiug nuely>. Wili.am lieliehI a lo aone, lacs, la viitiug relatives ilere. A Coogrogatiaual meeting ai tbe Pres- byterian cburch cas ht-id Sonday eren- iog ta couelder tht- resiguation -Il Rev. C. K. Orchorn. Rot, Oceharue lias accepted a t-aIl ta the Firet Preehbyteriau chureh aif.arolinville. fil. Miss Ida Kuaak 'vas elerted igaulet lor lthe remalulug t-burchlt 3ar. l*-arveld t lt 4:M-odai fur Etilng haut. chere lie bas ace-pted a pcitionr as a toeber ln tht- Colloge aif l'alo- grapbî at Elllngbani. li. and Mi..c l-t t tu., I.,! sud Sou Laray artIvi:ing Mr. aud tIrm A. Gunekel oi ljaletljurg. The Rosi chjldren are ill ;virh the measies sud wboaping itougli. Mise (iadye FFletchrbt(il alf, cas the week-end gueet ai Mise Elda Elareuhei. ger. MissRuth Fl'ater oh Chîcago, cas the week-end guet af ber cousin, Mie Gloria Bleechamt. lira. Albert t'lappen oi Chicago, cas the guet of ber parene, tir. sud tIrs. Henry Segen: a fac daisalflas: ceek. Erut Oceliaru of Black Buvu Caliege bas been visl:iug hie brother, C. R. Orebaru last cesk. Mir. sud lire. Rd Clapper aif ibermer- ville, core the gxuesîse at the hante ai Rd Clapper Mandai. lire, J. L iîbeo)an smon Joseph af, Hlighbland Park, ct-te the guesteaiflMr@. Addie Dhekey Tue.îleby. Hait 0ay CongregeiioashChurch liaruing ervic- 101:80>a.nm. Preaehing mevic. :04).The Padtar ciii canduct i cuIuIulaiý,u The Vernon t (,.îl Cut) ciiimeet Bt the honte aifMr and NMîs Fred Bcetroeder 8aturday, Jan 61 litj JTnti..'.Pastor. DANCE AT IV-ANHOE l asquerede bhall gIs-en by Ivauba. »Lodge lNa. 1011. Ni W. %W aiIvaubiue eM. W. A. hall l'i,,,r'ola, veuing, Jan. Il. Mutte by Rapk..-.. .rcî.esîra. Ticketq 75ecper couple .tilIs.r extra. 19Y No Mtenae. «NO. Clama, outs:tripplusýg se iat dois s»« Sicessautlly mess a bi~e ý»M >aNZFT RVBSDÂYýJAN1JARY 117 lon to Lake coiinty-7 sald 1Mr.Wus #I3L~) S, N ME»in commenting on the matter, a.ddimg, £IU>UUVNr. Brundage lias eointh ASS'f U i! jj~N. county 0f Lake for the tiret timo l blstory in the matter of an impotn UR I4JO ILIOI,@ttesJob aud 1 know I sal ifn: gremat Uaviug renttd niy farm I'will offer at Publie ERRELIOI, 1Ilesue I wokig i hi ofic unerut nyresidence o the old Irfish tarin located iii sucli an able Mau as ho." tuiles south east if Graymlake and 80 rodai north of PhilU( Afty. Genera Brundage Ap- It la recalff that Mr. Brundage did poins Chirma cf ount ..t enter the. race for attoruey geIplatforni on Centmi Committee. ral ufitl -*ary late iu the TcampalguAR 9 1 17 Centra Commltee. and lho made a whilrlwtnd campaigu U S A ,JA U R ,1 1 IN INHERITANCE TAX DEPT Wlioents almaded c n aocu t hie at 1"o'cIoclc sharp the followig property: Weis WiIt Work Out of Chi- flold but. despîte thoutact Mr..Brun- 5 Hoad Hoiss ~ rwclia nearly tiOw, 1 j*b a cago Office and Handie as chairman of the county central 1 bay mare 8 yoars aid, in foal Deore coru cultivator, 1 J"ha Doop- Lake County Matters. committeo. workod lbard for MCr. Brun- 1 b. own golding 8 years old coon planter witb 80 iode of w61r%< - - ~~~ý.dose, wlinee persnnal.friend ie lias îJbDeeteoîusaih~ Attorney William P. Welae of _au- been for a long Unesud tlie attorney 1ga edn ( er l onDeeasci kegan bau been named as assistant st- general thnhlan gven him a fiue rec- 1 bay colt coing .1 vears old roW, i John Deere Sulky 1h, tarney general for Illinois, worklng lu a gultlon lu naming hlm to .this of- bayrgolding, 12 years aid 1 Hay Rake, i Dain Hay 1066W~ the nortliern district whlch Includes. fice. Hogi 1 harrow cartt i (Gr$" q~e~ Cook aud Lae countlès. Because of the many large estates 8bodowDoc.rîyhr,.d manure opreader, 1 John Deff W Hi& appolntmeut was made known whlcii are flied lu the Lake county7f. i tgu tus tl-ê1 gaturday aud came as a sort of New courts au a resuit of the weaîUiy tovone in about May lst. 7 ct. itbtr . tmuek, tinsgond Year's presont to. the clialrman of the nortb shore realdents, the position of Cows be ac,1 fail 10 good sp I '- Lake oauuty Republican commltteo inhel-itance tax overseer for the etats 1 i ilotein cor 5 years old bx rkw.oa ,,l wlio, whIle lie aud a few f rient!, kaew l,a moët important po«îiý@n. Agit. bx rc Roà,ýtit « Il was comiug, neverthless lied kept jtliat's wlat Mr. Weiss llkoly will dfo Grain, Impiements, Éi1. sets ferm aienes", 1 top bagp. tlie mattor quiet until Attorney Gen- aluost entirely-look afler the states 1T)eeriug grain Irmder, 1 I)eer- t. bay fork ropel0 wtous lh~ oral Edward Brundage of Chiicago lnterestsInl these 'bg estates wliere ing corn binder, 1 Deering mower dlote? mixed, about 900 e muade lt bfftcially knowu. tlie etate hlan a dlaim. 5 :. tcut, i Koyptone 7 ft. drill Swedish select seed oas, U UiM à MIr. Weiss ls named assistant at-I Mr. Weiss, wth etlier state appoint.- S 00.4datahet,1Ky 40Iakeicr, bu e use tarriey geoer to work un Inlieritancot eps and ofiis, ames office oun ihgasstdaa- et oy 0 akt -raot1 u tax niatters In tlie uortliern district, January Stli. stone iIlt. broadoast seeder witb cor-n, i stock oâte straw. 1;0in out of Ilie Chicago office, to includo! grass seed attachment. i 1 anesville cane. work iu Cok and Lake countios. Be- Timesa Changes. cause lie lives lu Waulcegan chances' Poor oId Osto meaut weii po doui. Tems -A Il stînis îîUder $10 cash, ail sitîme Qvrthat amUW ati are MIr. Weiss will be asaigued te but ha waa horribly ignoraifit of tlie handle inlieritance tax matters in 1 propiet105. lising sdvised 'thMtb years tîme wi!Ib(l iven on good bankahie notes beartu 8 Lake caunty as weli as ding work lnU tiM buildings lie well conetructed. per cent iutere4;t No gooda tobe renîoved Ulitil settledbfr., theChiagooffce.ilit you should liave ample ail cllaisgu the Cicag offie.sud utue rais. snd a goud suppiy of MIr. Brundage. by naming Weiss as- caskis go tht you cao eait for ffl 4M 'O N ST O M P r elstant ln his office, lias given Laie prices, somethiug that will redouad to J H TR F jt1 r p county thie firet assistant. attorney mour lionor. your profit and your self- Fred GrabbeAucionmee P. W. NiewhoU@e, C" general that evor corne ta the caunty respect.» -Me bhid Hoboken ln mind.__________________________________ since It was formod. In tact! this but we Americeus do our farrnlng lun said ta b. theflIre:tîme thst a state North Dakota and iKansas, wher. the CM@t That Dring apim&» ~ C abm F nn~ MI ofie !relImotac la cre ,vat flourlsliotb not nor peepetli the' It. la not rare giftt that maie m C aha anne ' offce f rai mprtae litoe t ask above the ladly ground.-Sprlug-. happy. It la the common aud simple THE E!SM LL ON U!om Lak conty Mr Breag lves'n iel Reublcasuad universel gite: Il le boaItb a"l F«r saitby I'RED CLAUSMN iRiveuswood aud thus le lu this, the the glauce of anushine lu tihe moSw* AIE A b «mt igmoh 1i)t cangregational district and liasl ltIinver, h airthe kindîuothe tat Ph~es*.52. ibertyrvM1a. 14w1« recgnied clin cftli uotliruQulte a Crowd. fleot us on the journoy; il MU ble 1part of lils district. "Te Gadsby famlly st-oms to lie only C, word, a emile. a look; it la The Job ot assistant attorney gen- rather numerous." -So iltale AI- thesuadnont auy arity of blessima oral lu the Inlierîtance tax maltera la thaugli Gadsby owns àeeven-pasaen- that are Goda goutie art af making W iIl Iiàuge a position of Importance aud reepon- gor tourlng car, whenevor tlie tamily happy - Morrizon. sibility snd nalurally Mr. Weiss là pieiles lu the country ho lias tu maie_ . Licensed Embalmci- and elatod al the recognition glten hlm 1two tripe esch way. Birthday Pretont. Funeral DircW. sud Lake couuty. Ho states that lie! For blrthdaye tdie latent gift tea a ______________ wiii continue liaving hae office lu Wau- Daily Thauglit. moire rtbbon bra,-çlet wlth the InItIs kegan but will sien ilkeiy carkIin tihe The sweeteet munie laeflot inarto or oven tihe whoie s-ame ecrawiod Store Phoe, 248-W. ChIcagco office of thie attorney gener- rios, but In the. human voce chou it setoa1: i. The rîibon la tiod lu a ai ou luberitauce tas mations. apeaks ram tn 5Instant Ile tounes Of ea: lîttiele won the lucide noftte Ra* e é » sd NimbeP~. 3-it 'INaturally I arn pleased over tlie tendees. trutli sud courage.-Rmet- crust aud fixed 'vIll a tiny gold clasp. A A IL . appolntmeut chichleI a flunec on. AR A j SALE Pe SATUENDS P'S.tENDS a. m.6t Going Out -of Business for Ever and'Ever xWEBER Uee Entire $1 "aWomensi Z jles, Dry SIn fact ev Gold Medal Flour 85c CROCKERY uidred farItitcles Inludînt i dlbes clatiem. leai, eltImudys values 3c tu lit- k'0 st Ladies Coats & RainCoats Ladies sund Chldreue caste sud vain , 0515, values sop ta *11 onue iot: %bile thet Ilset $1.00 REMN4ÂNTS AUl tlud u of onn ood.&bout 1055uy&ýd%2ro Yarýdt ec'nml 2c u GroceriesI ibId Medai l 85cac o 1 t4%1Ibe. wthu.ooorde, -S 5c Packairea DUkec * Mixture Tobscec i--2 103 ban. jeai-rsuap S6-0C ZS DEPT. STORE - ROUND LAKI RS & CO. SUCCESSORS. OPPOSITE C. M. & ST. P. DI E, ILL. EPOT 15,000 stock to be sacrificed, colsisting of Mens, and tjhildrens Clothing, Shoes, Rats, C aps, Orocer- Goods, Furnishings, Hardware and Furniture. verything carried, by a, general department store. The Worlds Most Daring Attack on Prices A perfeet laîidslide of gigatit-e bargains, thousandH ot dollars worth of inerchaDdir;e from the worlds bestnanufaettrers wiII bit thrown to the niercy of the four winds. Every stitelh of this $1500 stock is on sale, positively nothiug reserved. Wtt havei nstructed the clerks to seil, iieil at any old price. cost and pro t will be forgotten. So on Saturday, January 6th, at 9 4. m. the store will be one grand blaze of wonderfulbargains. Comle early and get your mhare as the orders are *'Raus Mit Era" soli out the whole stock, no inatter how great the los@. You cannot aiford ta m)is,. hls-cale-.vu dare 00: miss il, a tremeudous eianghter of modern merchaudise suc-I as tbis section of the country nover bas meen, No fakll, no subterfuge, but a bonatide sae backed by aur liherai guaraute ofa your tunuesWorth or your mont-y haek. Relnmber sale'alerte Saturday, Jan. S6sud everytling cii lie sod tpmuely Your Own Prie Mena Suit&s Boys Suits Ladies Coats Mode otfi»b. oriteda sund testof tusterlale, mood select- Latent styles i l&u oale a&Il heav'y mixtures, attuai values fou of coloreatmseuP to 1r7 colora, values UV b 52.0 to $10. clotini out price vears 55 values et oo * $3.95 $1.95 $5.95 Men" Overcoatz Ladies Dresse Dining Chairs due ecays.Molniesud (IIOISE) Oak Sing chairs. ui su stulosluuludtOnevluos t Silothey len. acstu. el t.5.0vles ls u (Jisin on aI855 su -values to 82»0 loelng ou$ et aI $5.88 69e 79c WEBERS DEPARTMENT STORE Hwidreds 0. f Other B.rgaimAU CGo 1At The .Samne,,I Ladji Shoe l01w lut af lad!"es retioe hase, Dot ail va]. ta $8 wcile ti sud cbld i dîzea, but bhey lust 39C NMNSPANTS Weil stde sud tylStia u 3 82 .alumsat e Iron Beds Iu single, 84 art'l m Ies, îc:ua]IlY crti 82 76, the> go for the stusîl ont ar 77c mess he&VY bIsck ovenall 44 si values ai Groceries 50GIoden Rod 'abu 12 B9ap 21.4 elue out 39c OoSsdTgnîhe-9 lb I I 1 1-- Te&, eni Cran iu for iiOvad Lutheras ew -u, " à ýiw im. MW croît!01 r se jacket min bta*the bur atteuipi 0eup bo ér uw liestn Mning a ih *9 or ebi mAm. but U t l twm bw im$mr .1