iIàDE~ DE T Lke CoultW iwO9a 9h eb W .AAKÉGaNMWEEKLY SU Cbus n m 46 à W W.éU ilCwz 00hs xxm.-NO. 1. PART TWO LL:BERTYVILLE, ILL., THUtRSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1917. FOUR PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR IN-A LANDTOSOMTIN y INCRIIASES 0F CITY FlEURESSIP INA ÀP JThe WaukannetnCo Inluded in the Deal T#A ST TIONGVES $40,000 TRUST DEED s Lolita Armour Buys -429 Feet n m mw n Fç WtU iij~r~ struction ta ezert ther hesi effots 2ý ç-otage in Lakt Forest- 1o IH ti"iwaton lbas beei fttroduffl et Il irae flà%r uclf dp. f T U U 1 j aen trainng staplons whereby a *I li JulUtr 5511 &~DV~Iment oihet blaber positeu may Business. og the'recorder's office for ho secured In advance o thoér*mplo, the week endlug December 30, 1916. ilf EQUALS NEWPORT. tion of the reguler perad of four Number of conveyances-78. Seventeen-Year-Old Youth Is cai menthes'training provided thee' can C.onsldeed a Compliment to qualify for advancement lnaeaeliorter Number of loaeh-17. Traced Into Lake County but Efficienoy of Commandant fimie. Under this plan IL la pousible Total number of Instruments flIed the Trait Ends Here. :P WlhIa A. offet. fr earecruiTtatal C pomoionanof loans-l174.275. I TOO K BOB-TAILED HORSE. od - l~ncealfted Dal auonie ti. t Business ban been tairly brlsk anl col___ BYD Hugh W. Flaher.) oehîfteuseDine ans abiéve the averege. Th e uavt department ha cmpha- It la alto planned ta give rapid ad- The followlug* are the more Imnport- Charged Wit h Havig Robbed to the Importance of the Great vencemet to Young mnen wth train. ant dels: MnW oHdBfine Trýainlng station lu à signal Ing and qxperience.,Iltting Lhesa for In Wauk*gàn. M W ad Ungrteful. au -tU* by lncesaing trai ,3 0 a spécialsaid une of work. such ne5 Thomas E. 9ray bougbt 4 acres on- t $$Wtb aloten o apretie sa.co habens, yeomen, electriens, southsaide G en Flore avenue troin Sheriff E. J. uiffia Or Lake county ,"»M ho bssined to that st4tioua for muziçiarç. machiniste, cerpeuters, etc. AileSith for $1.400. Jie ihSeif9aio eoh o durlng theoémeu"g yçar %on viti auch qualiations vili not Harvey E. Turner and vif e bougtt loinedth Shlia m anbtwlï enoaba 4glesotihe training-*Wêtou ai be requirod ta complote the course s house on east ide Chntaut street coan uemnhutwihlse 'Qlt Lattes e place cf squat rank of Instruction hore being promnote.l norti af Sewerd street tramt Jacob until long after midnlght Tuesday evç9.ta, the. training station at Newport. but rili hoe advanced immediately. Goldschmidt for $2,50«,. ntng, but despite the 'tact that the sa L, L hich. prior ta the establisb.- The navy department'ennounces that John A. Sutherland aud vIte pur' southeru part of Kenoshe, county and ty n!It 0f the mddle voest naval school tiiere la a particular need et, present chasod a lot on nortb side Rldgelaud the uorthprn part of Lakre couni>' lSjoed the reputation cf beîng the for musiclana, 'Yeomen, electricians, avenue east of County street train G. Préioer institution of its Ii<md. This and hospital corpermon. Twn 'ekC ogr o oîc ere scoured thorodgbly, the 17year.'l OÀI by the. navy department iu In- The recrulting campaigu startcd et consideretion. oId boy who vas chergcd vlth heviug ah t-.orps'oted iu naval cireles as menlug Great La&koe ton days ega for oMeiers Malcolm 8. Pbiip bougbt the Wau- stolen a horse arnl many altier arti- Mtheti.départaient wishes to reccg- a.nd mon for the Naval Réserve force kegan Investment propcrty lu Wash- cles of vlue, suecced lu givrug 'the re iilue the. progressive metiioda till- a recently creeted branch of the reg- hurn Springs subdivision ta Wu1w0ff Aiesl tutai 117 Commander William A. Mot-1 ular Davy, sa resultod ln thérit.-nol- e, Bord, du Lac Bluffs subdivision fiastelp.a fott during bis incumbedcy as com- ment of '121 auccesaf ni applîcants. lnasu d section 4. Shields township, No. Ho vas tracod acronsathe caunty. mdant, as the Institution undor is vlov f the brief portadtthe campalgnl Chicago and 2 lots lu Weukegan Iu- lino tatu Lake couaty and then star.- b charge la , egau-ded as fourishing the bas been under vay tuis number of vestaent subdivision nortb Of Goif cd lu a vesterlydlrection but there m ill"t deoirable cia. and mot effi- enrolment a istaen as indicttag theo road lu Section 9 W. aukegan tram Chf thi trait ended and ail efforts ta la- t eiontly tralnod'recruîts'eupplied ta brenho f the service la destlned ta cego Tîtie and Trust Company for a ct h he eetutes tihe big Atlantic and Pscllflcgest. become a very popllar one with se&- nominal cinssderetiau and gave beci s. h tiCole rltei To encourage Uic recruits under tri- tering mon on the great laites. trust deed for $40,000. Th1ot bdbe ar .fr ab In Lake Forest tarc. on the NMlwliskce rondi Just th John Griffith bougbt a 52 1-2 foot lot ecrosasthe stae lice ta Wisconsin. Heo i wuva fixing the aaidcuffg about is on s'outh side liPruce avenue Just sait bed vorked for $16 a mouth and isa wris ylt, Leuis Arnao xplaned tât l*of Sheridan rosid tramn Edward Smth board ail sommer and agroed ta vorkti for nominal consideretion. a w3iI ôuld reveel the bootleggers' trust of ayBle ogta7 otlto for StEa month during tii. viter as Waukegau. eauth ide Vipe evenue fwLm George tuore vas littie or uothtag ta do. Itext SUL ER 0F CLIQUOR "Il give you the namnes of the men Fase ad : orsfor $600h aummer lho wee ta recelvo $20pe of Wukean ho avebee botle- Urs. hed Scwepe bugh th moth.He seemed perfectly netis- ging IL. If 1 muat go ta prison theitrs fHee edRed l .led witb the arrangement. ethe menshol go Thy ar asSbedd ostate on l14e lover evenuuqon T0fre u i iet h L ots Arno Faces Term in Fed- obrm.»otg.Te r athe Lake for nominal consideration. Tefre n i iefrwo n h W gultty as 1 am," said ho. William R. Sterling bought part of o&re wn vu Tcd> Ite ~ orl Pr8on~h~edWith "Before v reach Chicaga i viii lot 17 on eut aide a'ie avenue snnu, noOn. The Young fellow dii i h Revenue tamps-have e complote 'lt of Uic Dames of of Spruce avenue fromn Anna E. Gren- coe bu u lc n hnbtb Sm RvneSa p h nnAn at aepoe L; elfrnoia osdrto. ing up an aid bob-tail4hoe ta e AM ODeclares Ho Wil Re-thmoAnovnstexoe sfufrnmalcsdrtonbue t' passible tuaI warrants will hoe issuad Alexander Smith bougbt about tour waoorceddtaena. h viii Çoojlgge rus t nfor their arrest belte nlgbt," said acres at Southi cae corner lipruce atil us Wmukean-Hearing Is Set the. marabal. Wenono avenues tram William R. Ho tcok a shot gun, e rifle, 300 for Thursay. This la the iret ime la theo butor> Stirltag for nominal oonsidoration. rounds of ammunition, a hogo bIen- of tiie city that e Waukegeu ruan bas Lolita Siieldon Armour bought 429 ket. aIlitheecliver, seven boaves of Waukegan, Jan. 3. been arrestedl on e "bootlogging" fot frontage et southvest corner of bread, a cake and several other arti- Uncu Dm bs tkenup ii.proe- bare.Vine and Western avenues tram Hon- cles. t lo tbougbt lie stsrted out 't ixh ultloi "bootleggers" of WaukeganL. Thero lano question but vbai there ru' Veeder t.jr nominal exouslderatlaa. about 4 o'clcc'i. It was not until near- At o'loc 1h5 ateronDepty .J.arebunrod o bolleger i~ IbsIn Highlan'd Park. ly 8 p. m. thet the robbory vas dis- V -A li l oatistry De cf Cp. arehudclty.oleg .raI 1ths Charles F. Drekend vIte bengiitcovered. L * »aod Lois Al» n- der arrot Am-naconfesàed ta Thomas Tyrmel es 70 fot lot on Northi aide of lii Sheriff Stabi of Kenosha cunty vas tu vWithia0 minutestime the oyjng tia ie ovont ta Chicago and puchl place noar Linden avenue tramn Ru&- notified and succeeded lu traclug tho w vas lq * oacklod ta the U. . Mar- cd llquor-viiiltty-tor $2»,à0 akoeil Mott for nom i nal "deration. lad acroas the Làke county lino and I ing vas ouenratte for Ciicsge Ion, aud thon sold IL for 76 cents a Ia Astiocit. >arned that lho bad driven lu a wosi- he. at 1e a'lock Tburaday moming Piat. He- roallzed a profit of 18.50 a ]Imm&ansd Fred Kiomanu bougbt 10 erly direction tovard Antioeii, utîl o arrigne befoe ComIs' allonou th strots cfWuo .lIn l Bock'. addition ta 'the village Sheriff Griin's aid vas olite aer Louis F. Nian ou a charge When arrested Arno too Trrell.î ta of Antioch trram Louse H. Haber for sud a bouse ta bouse search vas ofeling liquor iu violation of tiie bie boardiug bouse ou sagilug tron nomnInal coasiderahian. made througb the northvoatemu part veau c. fcu itd A u il an urn ee a e.ta iî Douglas A. Lewis andi vite boughh f the countu'. Scores f DPeople ver. 0besot ta the. Ioderai prison et Pt. cf liquair vhich lhe vas holding tor the William T. Lewis praperty verrt roused tram their bede and question- vvorti. iKaonsas. for anc ta ton sale. of Milburn iu north' csat eection 36 ed, but tho Irsil couid nualbho ilcked 111ii break up tue booleggers' trust tor $5.165. up. Sheriff Griffun says filin Most -ToasTyrren, assistant cief of of Waukegau. but lu doiagng 1 muet n Grant. unusual tho cîrcurustancos for the 110of Wakegn andi Thiom"asibve thie blp of the geverument. Ar- Joseph 1. Lang bougiit the Bcm- tact that the horses taivas bobbedu ~ctoluanver sun~uodho e fcesa nc eartor inIeavon- baugh propert>' lu Mas'ble and Con- ta lisaif vould lho an easy meaus af ibe'. Louis . Masan, 1U. &l. orti sud thua clone aooild *prov o rs.subdivision on Niprak faite Identiication. t er for the ucrth district a varin' ta the aoliers visa are Dovw rmA . euinfo oiaacn-,________ Illipois t 10 o'clock ta totifY for sgo ali1.the business bre," salddor . ehio nd arl .Grde id tiIoII Statos lu the pro«ecutiOlJ Tyrroll. ..Scl u Crol .Gidc'BldC 0 CO. fl Y, Lowe 18Au-n. Aruo vas anr-stodl on the saline a subdivision o! land ta section 13 on J .,~.- o oerIgrand jur la In ses- charge tuat Unclo Sem saisen the Long Lake ta ho mayan as Wrbreezo Md thor lan question but "-moonshlners" o! Keuhicky on He subdivision lnt 64 lot. TO QuETBACK TAX wJ Ià ndiatmont vili ho rturued la charged. vlhb sellng liquor vhlcbb ,&Aalîot tii YOUIng M-11. If 1he la COu- dae net carry the U. 8. reveu lI3R i aIÀ PO RO IE S3 R uotdh vill ho seut ta thse redorai ;temps. H I sOlà R I H E R anios.sd ho eanuot escape a toronm otisethn » er f onicee cog tHlm thlb. léAgent. IJIJILA A irsMt. Auna L. Soars, 3726 Sheridan0 «sI lthe- Ù. B. DoPuty MMrsIra n Carol, sied tçe, whiteonthlber grand o-__hcao,____oRcarW " reporter. 'pa's store, vas very much Interested erof hias o. vdowcf RiChmaW. Z4ýUts Arno vas ama~ted on thie dli lu a traveling salesman aud a suisîl Portland, Ore., Jau. .-Goldie's Noe. r fDas obc epn' é.0mber, and on tue istu of D,> case ho carried. Looking up ai hMIhaieai Beaut>', a 3-yoar-old Jersey muet pay $216,331 taxes on ber par- I hoplaedgli>'l acareIntontly @bshid: "ls you a doctorT' cv. ovned b>' Clifford F. Reidd <, souci proponhy Iu Cook eunI>'.- Hef I le lqae uol dy htachrygeHo De kept vory quiet vben hoe nid Portland, vas proclaimod today tbo attorney, Charles S. Cutting, bâti ask-t D iqu i r ertr.H "Nô, until hoe pcked up bis case ta go, rl'chminbtefapod dtebadofevwofCkcu- 8e 100 and 0omis. Wtua SIX tison @sie nid vitb mucb exciiement, wrds Iaponbterttpade dtue band ai oiov maa i ok un 1eaThOmaqI Tyrreli recolved 'Dof eso if b ables?" ing cov, accordlng tea ILmeâage ne- tynaslu th .etbaru.adera istako tem &lie iederal jlrdges tu Ciii- \ ___________ceived tram tbe Americen Jersey' Cet- in asnetrsa irsdeto.Caosserttags te liborte Amnountil tue>' An orinance asking tho Chicaga, ie Club, vo nd ashenotreresd entetCea ceni' told of thse ac .Nortb Shoreoand Mlaukee Electrie Goldie's record bas been taedaTebadrfodTedy ~uygo te Leavonvorth. sud rairoad ho grented sun indefinite ex. bahf pounfis cf butter ftl a day for an It le roiçled that Mrs. gears vas1 tiaIf b. 4M0e Ia otnll foortn-4atUrui entire yoar. Tise previaus record vas torcod by the courts ta psy bsck tax- le akii a t eu o- f 1091égagie t O thq:oug ih - uda1that asud vas -hbeld ei- b.ec 9lu 1 - amut-4 St ie4lao LLus Seeuiyf>ronr H c f 0terni. Iate Close ta 18100.000 motiy vutm aseoM taIsl0*. tisetest vas conduetào hrougist 1tu ethée tovuhiotIP- UWarrep viiaber1bot relecla eAalstwine< MED NURSES TO CARE ffR ERYSIi. ELAS STRICIRN MEN eoor Farn C ;ýttee of the CountyBadt Be Asked to Take ThiPAction. SITUATION CUITE SERIOUS. Feared Sevral More Deatha Witt Take oee Uleas. Stops Tho malter of employing nurses et se Lake county poor tenu ta take ire o! Ibose vbc aro 111 o! erysipebas ad ho proveut. If possible, a tnrthor &pead of the disesee.lasth be proient- ed ta tb. membors o! the count>' tarin Dummittee of the Lake countu' board :f supervisars and tuoyy wll ho as'ed o cure tbe services cf nurses vith- oht seckiug tbe retification of -1he bard vbich daenat moot again un- Li Ma-cii. "The members of the counîr tarta cmmittco ane periect>' justifiedin l hIring nurses durtag hua eidemle ad thor vculd ho comtnondod for tklug tuis action- itl I anonces- sary for theru té watt unlîl theocan- ty board meota." a Weukegan super- isor aaid today. Anathor Waukogau oupervisor cxprossedi imsolf lu a sil- an manner. Botb sald tuet no tima sould he osaitn socuring nurses. Thc situation eithtie county ai reains uucbanged. éuPerintendent Appley la dalng aiu that 1h la possible for hlm le do under thiefrcuaimtauc.o but ho ls iandicapped aorely and ad- mita that hoe is not able te care for tho patientsas ho vould like ha. Iu addihion 10 sendtag nurses IthIe count>' tarru Il las tIt tat somotuinq ,hould h o ns, If possible, tlaIsalats the cases ta prevent anotucn oui- break wich migit ho iuully as fatal au thei one existing aittse »Vieent. To' la this It mîgbh ho necessar>' te erec.t a tomporsry addition ha tue paon farm buildings. URNES SCiIOOL WAR TRAJNIN4i FOR CATIIOLICS 0f U.. S. Bishop Shahan of University at Washington Sproads Propa- ganda-ot Training. Bishap Thomaa J. aau, rector of the Catholle University' of Amenica at Washington, islu ELCicago ipreadins the propagande, o! comPulsOr>' miii- tary traluisg -fan yeung men lu Catis- 011c universities, colleges and achools iu the United ESaxos. "Prepareduesa" in tue subject af lise biabap's outerences vîtu leadts clergymeun, educators and laymen and tbe vark vilI go farvardOutil e miii- taru' course la taciuded ln the curri- cuuum of ail Calbolic educatianal lu- atituhIaus. He said: 'Wo b'oleve lu unîversal milIter>' trs-Iing for tue yonth of Amriea. "Wheu tihe vanid ver ta over tIre United States vihils veat veelti, Industries. rav matenialis sud ahilt> ta feë th le world, yull be subjeet te atlack. W. yuli need prohection, And the ouI>' va> ta bave 1hita train tise youug mon. "Wo shouî4 bave et l.aot 40 greet ireniag camps visereOaur yeithseCaui ho taugisl tue art et vab'-vicb lu reahil>'ia the art 0f peace." "AI the. Catuolic univeroit>' vw * adopl milltary treaiig At tue opelift ai tue sciscel year. Our ihlilAIl over tue country are falllng tan iitr the Ide&. Ailthisla i. hing doue Mn der the voluntcry milttary lralniag bill. Wo belleve aucIt training vii ho made eainpilsory vithin a short lime." - CAN INCREA&K R. R. RATES A declaratien liai the federa cutt la vithout juriodiction te chanetlhé rulîng ofthlie lutershate caOMM" W=bgmmbaln.Iat 1Bh"in la tratats *. sunger ratesnis>' le Inrm«ede 12 ta 3 1-4 cul dileva &<um SJ3NDDPTI TO0 QUELL STIýJ FOX Lwee JAn. 3 (Special> a aâ vestars ln theWmploy o! tue KhsLc'e hocker tco Company, at Fot: Lake,' veut on a struke et neon ioda>'. sud Fox LAeobas caliod on Sberiff Dlviii PR I J. Grilliu te send doput>' aberiff les the. communit>' le prevest hiood ahel,' 4 The tce barvostors, il la alhged. c os el-e cemped about the city of! Fos; ommauvet Lake ind nome ai thoîr number have Làkea, gone ta Chicaga ta brlin abacs. for wu .- thoso on guard et the big tee bouges. ls i~ If tii. men arrive wlitb tue lîquor it ls TIc îà- feared tual sorlous trouble vitt, b3 os thoe resuit. That erganisers cf the Induatrial tueb WOrkersocf the Wonid hreugiit on theseu00. otrike in tiie conclusion of tue fore- Siieit mon et tue bg lee bouse. It in kuovu anSvo04d that Organiser« appeared ou lb.Icaicomr « field$ Ivo days mgo, and mucb lit- tue f810 q' 'oraturo vas circulated among tue an 1tes mos. One circlar bad tii toe dy: effort wvil b "Lîst wlntsr when you worked TU.MM from 17 te 18 houres a"y fer a- je*to bave bseau au la centes adheur,,mie". le ae'meêW. bro» am0~ -teef,t h.bunks loey. Are ieu gains aghiM IM tg subtimît beuch conditiona? hbeauUS»Mr "Are you mules or art you ment ecrl>' ."Y' "Witt you organite for th. followng recied ts Y conditions? ofthte UMm $2.50 a day, clean food sud cdean -a uhld 0* bedi. Bîgbt boums ta, coastitute a deys ý ihcae t- 10* vcrk. PrI-keand on-balf for aIl av- paid off Vort' ertime and tom Sunda>'. hi.WW-. "Our Mttc la 'hum work for hum I asl-0p This circuler vas distrtbuted amct o mi; i0 koii tb. mon by the -otaaiwrset thb. JYW. 1 U4f~ W.. Aind itlolanid liai over>' barvest. or cg the -le. Jciued lb. I. W. W. ho- 16, Si fore tb. etnk i»hewaocaed. - «t i ;, îsS5 Shaniff Griffu in Wllinveetigate cn-. ti'45, . 9 ditians et FaxiLake, and If ho deSMo TomaMb lu necessarv ho vilI send ta Wauke- ver. oIrgot4W t, MM gan for deputy sherilfa. The cein- oft h* V4 -1 pany's praportyte isboing Marded b>' tue buikgUiS<b4 beau armed mon nov. v .The big tee lnduatmy cf 1Laeo oun- NORTH psAiin t>' bas been pcralyzed by rasnc *Not Fil ibis strike, and it la feared. tuat or- Vie4liuer aad u#4p"# gantiers ai the 1. W. W. viii appeer ini tue Pr-bb ai tise othe,' lac camps ln the couit>'. On »Frida>'. Jaaetr e ',~ Yeuterday 27f) mon emplcyed b>' 'The iaUie tnlg&- Hary Ulvir eah te bousos of the bean uffeeflg WU Teev LavIer Meo Compsany' on Tiî laeOs pait fev do». lu Konosha, struck. and laid dcvi tue Air. ]B. O. melvile Iras t0015. on a busiessfl 119.,,- Sherif Herrmann as eu ndeput- lMm. Geore0 onseil les veut ho Tvin IAie froux Kenosha undervelut an.AouP$tlou$W ta quelI tue stike. ci la- rdbiiI1 These lig tee cempanies of Lake sud agate.-, 4 XenoahA counatie. have tison la ufear iUr sud Ir* ay Pri~g Of troubhb 0e1tubth e s .d vft "Unce 4a nmber ci blone id1em4 s vork ct Slilng th*. big bouses epeed Tod7 ad t 14 4eclared liat lier. bi- b8su. Phillp Oould latnbup ý m1tter>asofidsomtent et sevrmai of the Pott«Vie 0 vMb.o tise lates. Ts e'îNih~ii A varike attitude ha. heen aasum- camp No. 144, vil bI 1 ed b>' nome of tue mmu vho laid dova nsiattcu ut Rurasei HoU oM i tueir 10015 toda>'. asu tteuspt wvl dey.Jaui Or>th. b. Mode o b Ic>'tte oipruent of liq, W. Id. Ojople>' and faUy «.C u nto the .neighborbood. hîd.:' bave beon spendirg téi d It la declared tuat agfitators ha" et tuhem, of8. Ba Cropbeot iIM boom vcrkiug ameug tIre mon oves'rO] mice thufrt cake vtasoul. At aIl AMr. MatFarlane pester et M humes .tue Ica bouse ork vas hotag Prarie . . e curci Ibas ou.iw ruabedas ai ttas possilbibt tbehome la Masaauetts for le companles declaffliitbothy ver. li ays. He oxpects te returu bg' ahi, ta gel mon u tektae me >JIthaar>' loth. vork sud at al ietIrhe lk. tue force.s______ veme smallnr tien normalMe ta seslèye t ee 0Os i ale*«m it Isai senoîble. "Moan bas ove ceQnsce," greu W. C, Pualmer,,,"bt wnoaitireni telle hlm vii>' sroniu vauts tu n- o hua then kt 4oen't nce IV," HI-Us uneOf Gev«hffont, MIL.'a litil. boy l al>' six Ymer old. but khm otuor Iral Ul.4 te lt"I -.iimemo lhilasaboulie *gov«»e affe nO Wa&IOMa 'bithd*Y sIrt VaU teilag it b the. rsI ice lo à C!11 lorions ociqcuvocltb de~ la àîr. WAakhw"te?"b s.laui .-l'beumale .xp"e.4tist ftAw bat ti h. govworSOI a Hlm uo tuIm 1,10 te [110 tIraI the vermumutg Ma rsident lua 1r,Wsiqle' ne m a sol Iom O 1 eloeg lb ate, 0e a ubt ý15 acre, tI ba *«ot$Mo, sai. Tgrela à&NO or f u it oI gg pou«ii louA l SIelIilimo.w 'Ot'. OMO beesu. "i W, ft-i m16 ** = 1