)AY. JANUARY 18, 1917. . mai wus t tar<dt the county feramhave It remaved a mile more or les 'or*1Y S Twbere ho 41.4nuit day. There can from the general vards. In la en- I -,ble littie don'btt that 20-mile e tireiy possible ha ave i under tue j ý» tyi.tde= net - m Sfn e vson Libertyvile. January 15tit. lu sera veatiter bastefed hiei end. eame roof wlth the rest .ÂA a mat- 1 0 STa thte Edtos But Whv inluit. aeceasry ta turn the ter ai tact, lilai.usually lu lb. main nffiavm Ta~etatav The loch or facilitiez for cering for a"ekgr dylng &**y tram thte county building but aa remote irom tiche n .contagions disease case.e a .L4keg .î »4 wiio in responsîblu for oral varda as tie Plans wyul allou'. No, COMU a tal bas been fliy dis' ~dtg ~ mk ii noces, modern institution for tie corn of Ai r ~ ~~~~usesudmedd n1 ura ltefilus a Dow and aupposcdly lte &tekand inflrm ta complets vlth- ana the t0 Isat iew v eeks. But lu ail titis dia- m*fl h 4 époiened ta te pub- out such yard, and t la unabeiievable wate Mdcuaglan 1 have net as yet huard or Uc *11îi1= 02o than a year aga. titat airy aaciitect worthy oiflta; coun ro ce ruai à aingle word it os 0 ta lie Wiie dvsa "e6 ut- acounîy generg al flicwotld omit t tram ticeitoapital! a ah s orotofte ate.hogpWtal t6ep tiLs odIt) in tiis. or Plan% unIoun o lnstructed. Furtiter- 3.. wau droat*sthe un fter kwý le any ,a tlailuthe Uo? MW@,e, êadditional costaof thio'moat o and'nr4ttv shrualcu bernaI? One tiingameId cari 1W W &" & Il vito need care, mat *Sed 60 per cent aifvitat t H. sUdo q pi'ilo ctea.tai Labocounty bas5an hos- vititregarît ttei disuase or dis- yUl coot for construction aofte sep-ai tt pat t* *"No 1w ~ U liifaiite forlitandllutg cnta- blt' a very modern hoapital. arate building et a Inter date. The cd t the màâ ou. t U*8 w~su ho V* ib. fous disebsc. Titis tact 1 la -eipublie or pivats. u inte city of M.i-big question la: Was au isalatiot outi ilth u er pof nation-vide, devt isînce an ej-yapelas patient tram cago and elseviiere itas its isolation "ard lâcluded Inte originalpan Mi value b th e i.coatyfarm vas refuscd admit- yard for cotaliottu cases. It la flot fitcLk any opsI ohand of Vüulb. o the ta c tu. anyioapital as not- t ail necesaiT ta have a separate WiY flot? 'nant ~ d In Thte Independent. Tic poor aid building for It-fo .i ecar IIE.a * ~ ~ o ak I e <miii adlthe frma-t jcatohel tà m oa u wfn athe rodton o r.4lf ~ isI is seaer vo ore o .iJarnuary Cleairance and~ luattut aretisr. fr-t 1.1 bo IbÉlia d'fPA ft Mrs. -John Oartley in Improvin9 NomT anc6 icely. _______ lra. Turpin la home from the hon- The Preabyterian aid .oclety met pital much improyed. with lirs. Out Scbumani3Ya Thuus- CHANCERtY NOTICE. d"a fteruoon with a large nuinher Stnte ofI llinola. County of Lake. sa. Circuit Court ai Lake County. March la &t#.aodance considerlng the weath- Term. A. D. 1917. et. A compet reportaofte sup Rose Elizabeth Pritchard Ys. Evaai - ,~ ~ i-r--aPrtebar,. la Cliuioerr. No. tt »e cet procoeds wre oretha The requisite affidavit havlng becs Ont, oundred sud A"t dollars. Exten. lIed in the office of the Clerk of said sif. plias were mae for neat y.rs Court, notice l therefore berebY given woViuwadMesdmes hompon ad Evan Thomas EPritchar, defendant w«ký*d Medamis Thmpun and a oresaid. tbat the abovi named C. Oaitey were apponai[d a cani- Complanagt hanetoiere ied ber SU mitn ta buy materlal for work. Re- Of ComplaInt In sli Court On the treabaets were s.e>i bth ot- Chancri ade theranf. and that a sum- mont thereupon lssued out oi aald tenU **or whlcb the meeting adjouriui coat%^esut the above nawed defend- e4 to neet wth ias. Blanchard luaont, ritui'nabie on the iret day ai thxe 1ebruait terr a ofthe Cirit Court af Lake County. ta b, held et the Court Houae _____________ in Waukegan In MMd Lake County on the l'lrs Monday of Mardi, A. D. MOU~l GffiYtPflUR~ 1917. aa la by layr requirpd. and wiel L suit la sti11 pendlng.BRCWY LLW P 0. BROCKWAY du 1 w Wakegan, Ililnois, January i5th, A. Mdbml' f M l .1 17. and bamaýLe . KHendee. Cam plainant'.sa. a by hlq t edj 0 rilcitor. MI "Bod by Sut.wkly Jan. 18-2 Feb i-8 Un eré:àried n You office snd prafesa1a men - -r-0 -ore«eS rw6wa o ~-mmvAy IM' wnsr odi woehuJlé eFarc angeu.(pic AM ujoeialand wvor.tmanhip arc supcrior. il Whyte n, frmnols. ND SIIORTAIIU- )F $Z,029 IN CITY BOOKxS AT AURQOI Lumoas Ill., Jan. 17-A report ai.- audit ai terecords ai lie cily ter deparlments given te lthe cityj incil cominittcc on finance shows &hartage of approximately $2,029.-1I This was dicovered n a mae ia.nged figures. 4ayar Harley annouticed that A. Larue, auspmnded suPerinteadent bue city vater -works. han ar-ang- ta make gaad thc shortage with- lona ta bandsmen. dayar HarIci said ttituun a t id vteli a city manager sitould lie ned ta laok aiter ail clty purchaz- and conservation ai city finances. Noithasat -Çcwsur WniiWtW' go""»e teete Open Sundy-10 t. Io .M -White Saifr WîÎ i I BrngGreat 'Urowds Saturctay and Jvonoay This sale is proving a brilliant stîecess because of the genuine economies it offers. Winter merc-handise*is radically rcduced in p»rice, and (risp, new White Goods is marked at marvelously low prices.. A Disposai of Wintçr Coats Grouped in Four Large Lots Nearly ail our winter coats f< oi-Nîneîî aîîd misses are included iii these four isjÎIndid assortments. Latest iiiodels, elegantly tailor- cd of the popular matei-ials. Coato that forperly sold up to$7 5 $16.50 nov redueed te......... £ Coats that formerly sold Up te $u 75 I22.60, now reduce4 te ...... L_ Coatsa that formerly sold up te <si 'qf $2950 now reduced to ..... Coats that formerly upld up to$> .7 $8500, nov reduced to ....... w - For Any Suit Formerly $15 Sefling up 30 Lrge and attractive is the assortrneýnt, and decep is the price reduction. There are suits of broadcloth, poplili. aîîd wool velour; distinctive models,.inîany fur trinîred, $15.00. Girls' Coats in Four B~ig Lots Ail sinart, youthful fashioîîs made of serviccable inîd ftaslîioi- able nmaterials; ail sizeà, -$6.0 0 Coats at, $3.95 -$9.95 Coats at $6.95 -$7.95 Coats at $4.95 1 -$13.5O Coats, $7.75 -I Gowns and Petticoats '7 The gowns are dainty sbipover and V-nec' styles, made of fine nainsooks aid l a1n1rico,.lMcl cmbroidcry and rose-bud trinnrid. The petticoats are neat styles of miuslin and cambrie, with cmi broidcry and lace flounces; choice 714ý- Muslinwear A 'nSpeçial t W This assortiment includles' Gowns, Vett'- eoats, Combinations and Chenms exquisîte- 1> ~ ly trimi-ed with the fixiest lace&t and enibroid- cries. Materials are fliýe pai»sook0 and igus* lins. Dozens of styles; speW84 pv iie4 at 9se cornbtugg4inat $1.1q dp tlalnty undergarmeumts of sort, nv'w, plaea B.Ieautlfully embeffllaed viti flc, ebç~*esdp5 and blue emnbraldered madalllonh. ExiWet I I IueeMt r 20 awdli$1.9 Stylish Corsets at Haif Price. -IIclu<1C(lare the- ""American Lýady-" and "'Lyra" Corsets Thç-se corse(ts were salesroom saxples, and for that reason w cre saîd tg us at onu-balf the piou et regular stock. Tiiey are modelaoio the lateut iaah ion.'including pink andi white bracaded effecta, as weli as pliain coutil and batiste. -$1.50 Corsetg .... 75e -$.00 Cornets .... $1.00 -$3,00 Co$sta. . .. -$8.00 conoru .... $400 -$10.00 CorSts. $50 Remnarkable Values in WHITE 1GOODS Lncluding Muslins, Sheetings, Linens, Bed Spreads, Etc. rard Wlde "Hope" Ilualin fru t-of-the-Iaooin Muslin Fine Crochet Bed Spreads Heavy Bleached Biseetin -4t12lC aecetbe redinan- yard8 27 27c 5,00o yards oai siasplendid bleached mualin ta oeil apecial at 9%c; frm quaI- ity. perfect weave (10-yard limit); Per yard 9%c. Yard Wide 3jualisiaI 71/c Extra heavy full bleacied muslin; close weave (10-yard humit>; yard 7%c. 42-Iuch PMlow Tubing, 151/2c 1 ull bleacied pilow tubing-ai stand- ard Quality; Yard 15%c. 45.Incis PIow Tubing, 17%c The Bedding Sale Wool PiniohWd Dankets-Large, arin, attractive >[enkcts in grey, tan and beaiu- tiful plaids; the usual $2.00 sort, Pair .........................6 Wo&WrDkot 3.75 C orforters at $239 BndIplaid blankets jHanuame comiarters ai of@i s an d warmth; jtic finsal atkoline; putre prettY oolointsa: sben jCotton fllUng ,large siffl stitched;. per thlia$3.00 kmn ......... Titis la a remarkably 10w pricu, con- sidering present market conditions. Yard ,vide; full beached (10-yard limit); yard English liongoloth, Yard 15C An excellent qualty for general Pur- poses; fine Arm and soit ln finish; per yard 15c. 17-Incis Toweling, Yard 10e Union Unef tnm'ltng of beavy ibsorli. noality <1ffl U imity ;fper yard 10c. ber of attractive patterns; inged, scal- ioped or rut corners. sale price $1198. Heavy Huck To*eli, Bach 19o Extra large Bize iaweils ai i0avy quai- lty htck; a lmited number ta Bell at, £,ach 19C. Hgeavy Linen Crash, Yard 17c Steven'W pure lînen crash. for gencral purposes; very absorbent (10-yard limit); yard 17C. Fiîne Mocha Gloves sale l f h Price $] 1.49 Pair Geniîîc îîî ocha gloves of fashioiiable ecnt; perf 'eet fitting and niceiy flnislîcd; black or' brown; values to $2.00, pair $1.49. 25e Pure Linen Handkerchlee, 15c Menae and woine's landkerdibiefs of pure Unfl1. neatly item*attchud,;' sligttysoied (ram diaplay; formerly Ir- 9/4 Bleached.Bheetlng, Yd. SOC 10)/4 Bleaohed Shoetigg Yd. 81c Fine Huck TowIS, Each 15C pull ala, e. bsilbed buch tavela. with red bardera; a r*emarbable hrPiE' uach 16c. 10-Yard Doit LOgd<CIOJI,$1,19 soit ouedefinish longrloth for ifin. un- degaritentB5 Yard vide; epfciaiy PriCd, 10 yards for 11.19. 0 nt. ___iu e - -- -- .- - 1 - osiry- --g Wome'sRose-Fine gauge seaniJ.cs c4t-. tonî hose; shapely and reinforced; the hcst 19e values, at, pair ...........I5 Pull fuhiaoud b s i moroet1iMd lisie; ribedo plain top; formerl h and 35c; a* - Black'Coney Muifs 3.95 Fine, large mufs of beautINI ut o- trous skins; made in the haif-barrel shape; nicely lined; $6.00 values; sale price, $3.95. luàkir £~zeBeet~S'oOn thel>iri2s i MMdl House Dresses, at 1.00 Gingham and pereQe houst *mues; atttactively madle àa ixoômy iù "iz;' light,' medium and clark coteri; self or braid trimxned, $1. il ff à )loue, -. -à b