The Entire Stock of - Closed Tlmrsday and PiL. Mark DownEntire Stock!_________,ers Wne Pxn WANTED-Te SIepoe at CUASED -BYe teState Law of Illinois) -Theentire. stock was purchased by us (Lasser Ô'C.)'at 57c othdlirand.we will offer this up-t-date stock' ofishoes to théepublic at theésaexpice EnitireStoezk Must be Sold With'O10Day SALE BEGINS Sat.,fuary 20, 17 -at 9 a. m. Doors wIil be -ocked until the big sale starts* i - IFixtures for Sale Loti1 ConsMIten o!ank y bl ade eMt leathers.manyof the»s loes were marked regularly at $9.50 and $3.00; SELLINGOUT PRICE- Lot 6 Ladies -Shoes Ladies' ifhoes; high-grade ox- fords, comin a lot of shoes and oxfords tht wiil range lu price $3*50 e.0 a.nd 14,10-« ail sixes and ail kinds ! ood styles; SELLING 01T PUIE- It.ot I Mepn's Uress Shoes .TIhese are the, very fineat dres shoes obtaixabe at any price and .tre wOrthupto $5.0&-apar atthe aid prloogrZZLING OUT PRICE 1 ook for the F ed Signs! ! Look for the Eil 221 -6 a RSt.ed Signs !! lFixtures for Salet lot 2 Men's Shoes' Thes& are anl hlgh-grade shoes that were neyer meant to seil un- der $2 or $3, wlth a few odds and e4ds of $5 sh6fm lncluded; SELF- 1KG OUT PRIOE- Lot 7 MIen's -Sh>oes Ail a sand styles of broken lots; values that camiot b. dupli- cated in worlc aboes And heavy \weights, SELLINÇ# OUT PRIOZ 1 -99 Lot 12 Lâdies' Bigh Shoesi Ladies' high-grade, high-top lasts; 1% 16 and 18 button hieht ln lace aid battons; sold regulaiiy by all go tres at $7, $8 and $10 'Lot3. Girs' Shboes Ail kinds and sizes of high de gls' ulie that sold for ~5 $2a0àd $250, aiso oxfords and alippers o! ail kinds and descrip- tions; BELLING PUYT PRICE- Lot 8 Misses' $hoes Shoesfor th yoiglais i 13% =q 5;sreable caMusiaand ki ee;rlr sohool 'heels and 90aly ,dat$00 anj $350. UM300NIOUT. PRICE- Lot 13 High 'Grade Shoes LI"' high-grde t'w*tone real high tops; such ag black aid White t«ps, chainpaigmnesd gray- top and Havana browns; $8 and $10 valus; SeI]lng 039t aloý price Lot 4 BOYS' Shoes A =pda lot o! shoos that repre- sent unodvalues in the. uhoe lUne; prices going up all over town, but down hure ;. values to $2.50; BELL- ING OUT PRI(E- Lot 9 Oiér-shoes Men's overshoes; good qualty rubber - S&LLIG OUTl PRIO-' BOYS,'RUB- BERS-SE]L~i OUT PRICE- 4- Lot 14 NIens-Dress Shes men's shoos, sflch sas yu have been payhf' $5 and $6 for, iii al theswel EliUh toes; the. beBt of leather and work~anabip; al eus-, tomn made; SELW(NG UT PR!OE 10-1 Ladies'* Slipper A great big fâne lot O!faippeTS in felta and soft soles, so leathOr slippers and oxfords. Thesb vere marked up to $10», but mut go at the SELINMG OUT IPEICE o!-ý Lot 10, Babyl $hoes" L1tte bysicoesl ilti Choice o! oi Out4 i 4* of. meuls, ladies'7 6hidren ap houe; vauu S o2c (Incorporated Under Do ndt miss this wonderful opportunity to buy shoes at such a remark- ably low Price. This is an opportunity that cornes only once in a 111e- lime. Don't miss it! Corne early and get the choice of this great stock. ~ No izoods will be sold to other mnerchants! sale - 1 ý