Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 25 Jan 1917, p. 12

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'0 M~Y tUED 1. reatmient is said to, Be Re-' stonng Menallty of tGordon -Bahling, Aged 17. TREATMT IS UNIQUE. Body Is Stretohodin Muh thel SanieWay as Was Dm lin the Inquisition Tîme. The rack, usod ixtemslvelZ dUrlng the Inquisition aud BarR AÂges aU one 0f the mont brutal forma 0of torture i tiat humnan ingeuuity coulA îvsi lo-ag' e was nlegated 1 te idl pint tha1 civilisation la Inying 10 for. get. in 'Waukegsu, id similar rack bas bien constructed and It put laktO OP- eralion frîquetly. Tires lMes s week a 17-yar.ld boy la plamdilau tbis naci. the strapi ame tjustiAl. i lever la turned and bis hody lu drava tot and hild thereiftonasoin. tUme. Unliki the relic of hsqbae ti5l t Nae in not usîd as . mias of tor- ture, but as a mens of niitoi'àliol tai he.ith. Itlal opersted by a me» amkilI-4 id lu )ta use, andl the results are nid ta be uilUe sborl 09 mhrsUWM -s.À boy vbose cenditlon bifoe lreencent vs. cons deed 01mai51.If t c u- pteli bopleti. inieiug iStoi beaith and, mentalify l1n4 reuarkably shorttlime. Dr. J'F. Romir la thi eam vbo lu - eicuring sucb vooadinft'males ith ti aid f ti "rac." Te boy vho is bing benfittid by lthe "tuent la Gordon UbUme. vo'mp 1tueh tipie hi vas givec trotetut apni- gsrded as almot bo"ehssy mintalli defective. what lthi Rack la To funLÎIhA btlterIs 0 f ;wbCt the Vrx t a, lthe Soling dellaition o! the rack ne"d for torture purposu. la taai» by'sn eécycloeicdla: "RC.napporabus for thieiii- ditai torture of riminels or sespect el portent. I cousisted 0f e large. ope. vonden frame, vithia wieh the offender vasnlid ou ltbiiauRa'on the. fo, viti bls vrlsts snd enRaIe fatenil by Conm 1 tvo reliersa i. the enonf liai trame. Téi» roler vire the«ndm"v»or uovel fa oppo- alto dretia Un iithe body rose 10 a level villa tii trame, and thei bonis et thei suffîrer vire tocil tfrou the bleidius tesay lthe davice uhlcb Dr. Rooai us ing la griaty modl lied. Ils pupoiî la te, strfehtchei opne and nemovo pressure vrbich re- tarda mental developmnt by provint' tuga a Oopin nouisbrnint .ni bb nervis îeading tiithebrala nt. NTIid Bshing Boy Fuor liielesttfv emra nJudge Pe- sous and obir court odicera have* bisn disoounaed vilth tii record if Gordon Bialing. He retuaed te at tend ecbpol, vould b-unaaî yand perfonma other acte vhich made il nicessay te adopt corrective mes- vas sent t the tiiM. Orla 'ichool for boys but after remabalia ,tere Ivo yeas re turned te Wauki gu ulmprevel. .18 vaided eAthat ii vas feeble -mlndid for altuonbeh vas Il jyean of agi iii appeared te hi deiclent miemtaiiy. Drm. J. r. Boumer anA IL Hf. T. Neiltvira appolntid asa commIssion by Judge Pensons te loRa Intois case. The resuIt of the examination vas v ~ryj w ~', ,~. y '~, - J~mMUatIei IusjttIRifset the Bt ms e i.rtO 21 usiasla i eis tMIAwbll «LA» enothearlgf burs troopï,b.twom the Dd.t ai'wleth, a. Couaautat Chicago, Mlwaukee and St. Paul rail- way. JIMIJ3Nit lrs. Archibald Enduo,.Chicago. IL .Mexcr e bîcal. H "I*Xkiua, Chickto. teewho ttnk the brakfflsa "I eled at the rate ot 3 13 miles per It la Amusing to Se. th Wide hour are: Vadanc BtWen AfSWS E. Bennett, Chicago. Being Submnlttd Samuel A. Gold. Chicago. Misa Matlda D. Clark. Chicago. 110W FAW 010 HE WALK? ODther antwers were as 1,10V4o: Unlos SomeOn. Sops H mi les per bour for neveu miles Of He WiII Continue to WaIk onl Seymour Bakiman, Chicago, 3 miles Uke the Wandering iew. in 18 mnts - C. A. Karpenstuln. one miles in 20 The ZMOn City brakenaan etill l minutes. waling and no oue seems able tu ohnOI T. MeCue, Chlcbgo, replies wlth a question to wblcb thieager stoip hlm. It ia remarkable tu se e iai o»d~y in hatwhn the.train left dlvrslty of opinon on tihi distance Zion Cty the cabooii vas at, Zion, ho traveled andl theaPed at vhlch and the engne one mlle*beyond. And b. covered the distance trou Zion vwhen- t reached Wankegan the en- Cty t0 Waukegan. Friderlek Sta-. guni vas at Waukegan and caboose a Univeisty of Chcago prof ifio' one mlle behnd. cently ied 'for lapan. if he bad________ stayid at home hi cold havi spent N RI C bis gsre time lu aofvlag Iis brake- uzw aY UMa pusle. Hers la thei proposition that la iuz. Evelyn Sharvin, Tala KamsPl, Bas, Sing so many:.jtrice Jackson, Irons Hasina»ki and A frelght brakîman startid ou a Jene Jereb. 11h grade. southbotind froislht train t rom ZIiEn Flfth grade-John l.arenlk, Man vaaSteblay. John Makorec. Fvsnk PodbrY Ctytu Waukig#n. The trin!» a u ad LuAlvig CaJkowskL. mile long. Hi va4%ed the vholi Mrs. Northirop of Kenosha who bu lengta or the train, arrtling astuehein the guet of Mns. Willimam ci front end just as it puled Dito Wau- ma la at prisent lu Lake Tonst I% The distance belveisa the tWO She yUll retiaru bore latin and vint oîUtulasix miles, 'andl thi trin Wasother friends. golng 20 miles au hour. How fan id Rev. Payne ot the Prembyberli >the brakeman travel and. ai vbat ehurcb gave a Most excellent mirmei 0speed? Sunday evenlug ou "'Wbat thei Churel 'Pu Thre la âo doubî In the muid of ShonlAl Mean to thei Communlty.» H W. M. ZitI. Chicago, about thl5 In- staîed that a chunch should not bai nue. itfori s main obhect a large membe lit EL a j oe as that it vas tound tbat the nervi cen- tin's In the spinal coînmnu vine l u au lmpovernlbdd condition and lnl- stead 01 bavlug lbe mental diveini>. ment of a boy of 17 young Bahling bliedte saeu.biainas a boy f il. Or. Roimr'i Ofîer Dr. Roimer vas upch lntînested Iu th Case and offeredtu, gvi the .^o a trie coue of treatuent for Ibe Zitt Delles Worid ,rThe brakiman, travehed esvcu miles at a speed of 2 4-7 lminutes P« Mn*1 or 23 1-3 miles per ltoir.,' qtrtl Mi. Ztt4kA 4wid'e izimple. 1 osu- von ipy * 1 uertaei thatanuyDi auen£ive." Tbilpg An" @sudà Ito sohi The train miRais Mr -1mles la 18 minutes sud the Mua moa one-Olttka as fast as lhe train le goint, Or tour miles an houn. vhlcb le 15 minutes. Arthur Conner. a.14 yeux nid boy :)f Ciao. Juinction, Wis., nesponds tins: "As the Irai» la oui mile lcog, tie ingine lu Ove miles from Watmkegau. vhile ltai cahoose lo aix miles trou Weukiegan vhen bhe train'starta. The train rue tb WaOlan ù ïi 15 Min- ute.* The brakeman rides Oive miles sud vaîkse uimale ln 16 minutes or on an average of 20 miles '"Per boum." A F.w Mors Agree. The ansee of 24 mUHes pin boni toi monthe. The court acceptid thi of.'la distance of sex miles travelid. ouei fer. Tat vas a naonth ago. Even on foot andl ,ve hi the piogrens of Judge Personas iielf la amazed ov- the train. vas receivid from H. J.»WiI er the esulte. mi, Bintou Harbor, Midi; r. Pl The boy's mentallty basnimovel E. Mderriog; George Biai, Jr., and 10 a remankable exteul. He bas giv. J. H. Valentine, ail of Chicago. en -up bis wayvand habits and lustesd Those wiio consider thalt ti brake- of mlaying "hookey" trou achool he man traveled -7 miles et an aeriage applie-Al 1 Misei Paîmatier, principal rate of 23 1-3 miles pin bomr are: of the McAlister achool, asking pen- Hngb Hemm, ChicaMo miseion 10 attend echool. He evîn CaneB . B81b, Mayvood, 111. bas requested Miss Palnateir in di The toveruan it Toer A-4 on tii "etI bis stmdy' ouaide of scbool se_________________ Ihat hi may make ni> al the lime ne lt. Judg Personasoyae hi ftilà rtehln l ghtly and nemovIng divelopiug lotoa modii iunugstel tii pressure on" tieiervebetveen aud hi fouis certain that at the cnd 1betverebrai. or the tires menthe' Ieatmint the By muions of sprnge aacbiél b boy viii bu normal ln cviry respect o diai h. isabli b till Imst i*av man>- Whit Treamint sa pounde of pressure-r appled. Thbis The boy la piaced lu the "racR" bis enables hlm te hucniase l tnom lime let ein but sappeAl faut 10 the bot. te lime. An Immense electric ilgt tao. & aIrai> hia sdjsteAl on bis biad globe la paced niai the boy'& body »etui ALimîdéage il ,»0 lise«et ii.1 ao aide the ciculation drig t»o e*UL Vw,«U & thLeq-i' ednvu stretcbing proces. Tboiàe etnilua t enI)~r Xeb~ reveiva j e",am. z erUtres limes aveiRaý 4». ~!ut ~et ul tght-emierIl, St id, bas bud volàdMsh iôê * inubia., scces villttihedevice. ry ait an on q' ahi> or a perfect financial conditIn The value of a chunci ho stuked. vwi Its service to the commumitv. and tibs cbumlcb abould hi tilt hi iverir raumber of the counanalty. Litlo- John' Oartley vwiba bu ien on th ic me lt foi a number of days le inaprovint.* At thei meeting of the Gils' Anal. lary liaI evening plans vieenmade tor'l the couing vaudeville. A numben of the library club membens vire pris- sut and bbîy yull assist lu pneparing the costumes and lun ober vais. Mnch suthualasu lae bing shovu and 11w public lea Àsoued of as ual Ineat lu thei comig enteitainuent. The cat tu composed of somi o fthe beal tal- ent of tii ciîy. The Chistian Endeavor of the Pr.s- byteian cunch have elected the fol-I Ioving officers t%( tbe coming year: Piesldent-Hubert Henry. Vice prnident-Mise Ruth Amii. den. Secretary-Luther Henry. Ticasuer--, McLearu. The society la napi'dly gnoving lu i aumbers. Hov viii il Àsem tu havi elictilu lights in front of our Nortb Western depot? 'Fuàerai ftlngs.î "l'uneiraIrings," or "men'orial ringe mee argeiy madie la the seveoleumth eenuny. Thpy contained thi nana. et tbe person sud date of deatb, enanaiel in blaRa andl white. a" w voe ottem viny elabotati ln tonna. A 1 nCora- ona design vas tint et a àkeleton biout long tb. hoop, holding a coffn, vhiub formed ,tie bisel. Agneed With Hlm. Feyrmer (tu autolat vinbai mstoppam aAla niamiug bis i»AcudbnoR)- elbalt* M.9& ffit? ai . . M 1 1 - sEcrREDÂYS ÂQO Misa Mae BarmntSosoomes Bride of ffl Lo tus Of * Graysak.,'ofty. BRIDE IS SOHOOL TrEACHER. IL M ganant *ek Friemis in ; .efl8f4 WIII Be Home in a Week. 0n one or the early morning tins *Mise Mai Gainant, daughten of Mi$. Ada Cannant otf618 Madison striet, i aud Uan Lottus, ion Ot a wealthy taîmer lvng at Gnaylake, allpped out or Waukegan, and 'tls salAl that Peorla la the point of destination. This much ls knovo. The Young coupe are to be marled tndlay. They wll bot returun 10 Waukce fOr. a ves'<r, and the exact bour that the lm- am portant avant vill hi solemànhsd le not knowunj. luith Imm«VwmLe It la sald, hovein that the Young ~t flSriêhl fira man procured a a siage licensi ut Wsigis uth Mwmw. ,Geesmitah. Piol. aeral day. ago. g.; WCiM ie. lt Teea hi WtOm.. WiII give you aIl the racts to- icniw ii i os la* by telegraph tonight," vas the nl =vinuathai»t lirt l' j comment wbich Mr». Cernant 1v o lud hlm *- .e âd iad u mae oay oesp .Tu ut aeont sdvance. R s The Young couple vre lien O=îut nooiug2.pu &~~ or Cicag thi mori g.and Imme .nt~c oe Sibr fracts Ulbt ction for a >v du".' vacation. And hoS.»rainiug witb laisftther Who le ugapPanhtel oUn f aaâ% t le ail. hhat rais tpW W5i 0flof Itt bout kuovu ma M«t1 tes n t i o nmdt>$. "a not neoee.y. 1855G1>cb as:thieuof3 bfgusst aAmm riOisble achools of Wankegau and North C <ib lni- fiU ota0f Oray$alS a friide1ot. O9ietti desu..luthe iuIlireUSL cago ae oedtdibeceuse of the Miss Cannat. il lu asid. wttre 0li position la of special import- i. sic-'fr sua er poitionas auahoOllasob" anus U*t th#sseitu invew of the say that Iberi la oue scbol ,t#.berinJue, and viii go t 71 "0t liparlâcet Pffogrm f retorm loglila- who bas more to do Iodai Ith! to lîi. l ttUa *p» 44VOClYh the =asusure for attend a teaching Instituts. it la a kwovl f ad t tm there A"e s0 'oiiluipiConvention wvihl b Miss Garnant bas lautihto1>ooletai ve àsOoolt0ibers Of Wu. =lao tr 4a today. Sbnitietfin North Chicag for a fev béerst,and are Planning to taxe lUp boq ;sukh eoW6o#t t* I the one man hest fitted ln regardid as no f Ihi utra 1mont wtb the Dnt six montils, Mad .06es. by 4.#1m ec and tatul dliouacy isienteil and best loved Young ladies. of the Young ladies la a iseiber ot toui lîi thsteering body. Mr. Lotua lu ingaged ilu fsning and note. WAN1E'I'oIii fS smgenirui i vt. Tbmre. luaf1=f0y. 17 p- Moi Goge =Herrtk.30 Ckvool av- FOI OULU->2Rai' e ut 0» O nMs tai rumif tih-clop bugile D. N.L Cimrffl114 wateeostritWat l'.N" I. Pbmoe SMSW-it, at the Pncsofriled nowlsoud iot gonhdd For the man who is acquainted with clrrent conditions knows that the end of rising prices for nýeaqyevery commodity is by no mèans yet in- sight. That is why the man w1ho buys a suit or overcoat now NWIl pocket a neat profit over the prices that our bound to prevail next season. We céie now coffring u fis stock of Overc oats in distinguishied styles for;men and young men, at, Overcoats in a wide variety of colorings, weý,ves and patterna; belted styles, snug-fitting styles, loose and boxy effeets. Suits for young men and older men in ideaa new in style. -Big range of novelty snd staple fabrica and colorings. Light weights as well as heavier gredes. Il.,.' id l :A& / I '_____________________________________ y I.. Just Received-a shoe of fine style, qgt $6 and $6.50 'Aipe1e quélily aitbeie low prices. Browu vicd-kcid Ma b 1c gi metai velour wcuift e of thie uew cota - bination laSt-oiat with nazrw arcli andl bcd. Soeuid t tyle and eep)iaIy good values at $6 & $6.50 rio air ý 25, , ir JO av 40M, .11 1 1 MU, 1 1 1 Extent Oft1RobbrIWII et "Wft TiltFam*s-h'. PolIo. WouIchw .Gold coeur gant lma v ue b iaeDMme 6*11 bom lm -ta 1 lIra sudbis',p have bien lo0t& IBora fail are awiy. Ji .mndb the ddibtumdi sai vili not hi »«va"tu thlle fime netun and.-be an inventanT. bunglanle; vuecieplW day night by CbnsJil the à* er. A broin vindov fa4 1 &Ms »Woi'led ta am Iaetlg I~. ti dIsulosed the »moiR f lthetkIut1 but- ,auiaebed eariî cviii roml 1hç tvo houme. TheliR> Fuetpolkca Mid ti bad nledîno ti siveroplatla 1 homes bad bien n emovid, i at vacit lu CbleuaO beforei b. fant depente. Ths "pou*à@eqs u 'ale ilint. tathe millea. 'iiy arc posed ta be lus souib.

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