Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 25 Jan 1917, p. 4

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ru '~'u %*Nc.llefS 1.1matte .NieIdanl ager, phttlog"c1 4s updy mgys t*e Laite C.,ity enerl ooeiMhtm bavhi It la Chur *tiIlis *erof oçuiporvm a whole-or in par ta lova vM'm ltke In te docloru bo )uow ugti.f *ewôrk of th "0iteaoe unsaos trm nezot 7pou1a ioshalat to "te-on *0Ite" Imuet Amot t b.LUlpnrf40Mttl lm'. eeh*mExhbit n w bae .lueto ros ù lbtof -0. V.fl vdlt b.' ovr loq> tl a relalvp ofi K a, '~»oaiUwoy au~ you .14 acces-avetmt»p ;;;à o'*e replulngté -mi bis ltter buiufomwru, meberu of fie sy. o W asli e pea %oflie *89 EZOat'. trney Ds4y bas mdaeBt or *mu limeu ,« Mo &«* l m ebta nthé pla.. i d~oeimgfrondeai.8 or 'ttle &.f theap Il o I lat Eeryod 11..a od louter For ma higit I hmeUÎo wbat abugood Tlouer . foerD8$u ubeenire ON~ by a dltom pu»pubmit - ws-....n Imm. m . . . .... . ....... . .. ............... .................... lfed If ZX-Slate's toruey Dady bas buis for a $25,000i Stae muit spinl Thé Dally ESun for vhat ve bave unidi M04, 1ev mucb ie amgcoud O=uut Fiysiclan, Brou»t tij dimM it Dayor =lieG eIfor wvitl4t 0,s1d about hlm? Il would ri Intoe uMiiousi It Ï.»tr s uommcutIm t thlie oly lav rm lu Waut litb s evhm hOe« whIlg 10 b. retained bstart 1 u it *aia he Dm117 8 ug i mer, tu Ik% i erh s eti O-çoWd«be suit*" bave been ped- d *W PleGdled umy lime s r, but lte average MaI r*e bai ddemud *in .Il liau away. euded by Cookn,q *é f ~Popebelnx lte ouly ctS wOlg t10 "rike otba,'i wdmis t ocf liehe ." ThiiIsfm's cia..conction ~ Perceooeinregurded au'"t't epove1 -'tbf *»e on luntht. muât recmt Insauceo!flte ne ' ut. Efsh1m lu lqe ircelua Imteduil .$41«ertm .ve premme Job» sad Borer vo on, uytbng m'P-.of bwda- »M in of thte de. - I' the EUilcIM us aenots cÔ~uiIydolor; vue Ouenaa liteivocuus astccledaadba --- lderOCnr c aclcarge, ti hi a endeavor 10 lielittie an,. positio 17ugy-tàe omwucld tV l onutchre adh n lte communlly antons ail in pr b ý mty hyscii Dr.A. c. rolm- vasw peniing lte payment of a fine frienîs. WaitTUE ONwui E8L7 lula. imer UiCkReu lu ainountins' 10 85.40. "Thusla hquite apparent t U08Ua~s M UTflWqP VAefAGO- Ivjg before te vitctirtewole ai-tie] ' inlenlat evenlng'a Guzelle aboi mon ms cotia IçpIallu ait coily) Ibt ste iev juI~jI 114 jj~~me vas ltaI ai ane lime 1 ha etnaanmd z». wueUlier u a privaIs oroounty doc- Ur t~ " yphol lavyer h a vs lgi - yearuS a e~re tIare ever va 1cr but itaDr. XÏ1> lgt Y dovnher I(IberT&ÂT ?eae un t ompital. In ineli v? botgim* -fA It e= Arow- sOsUN la F oMie andi my Mo-e iyla a * Ch. £ÈE preclala Il If you viii lt=e di Càoo awswiYg ler ba a niitae factoama i-ne ombr wtoi* m m-ltntevanla's Gaoelle."- thé ed1oal cobe epe o te1crset audi so iai O sb. Ro oeln ytl e as sp _________________Wh, 11585710eiil*lI it~p~adCOl5leValOR Do~~a e vas ont an on ie 4fdliee mon- motte vite by tli *9svê t he bOvf.mImis t# lg su ed epl o pir m efô laithe maI. 0Yie a. F IÎI UtMd, o 81 PU" lUp amilCeuf l AndIAUBO. b. ssai pi y1ns' tebs hmeH.C.- M ooud b. Dr.tvovbw Dli f"agivel. b. anti bisâ= MIle. *ML.,aver.u Phone Bu2neRof the Mos Who ýYZ # Of%, O&Mb«-.Vilitmi-l ad ol layeaulte niai@ lbe- b.W 1peofecte;maames tmayflus b.n, ftI A b'e-- ~ds iePiOSlieG ad p4~urd SUhit VU u 110 O lieY gaceue to an en ie 1anou210 Pld 't "aw i t le èWmev ae >TitrayeYoI-llg. t ni aie - et. eote H. aC.Tabu h0t diuteli e and'ule 10 nbte . T'riPhonesG»b 11WSt O'WH m 0ftteOi ias b tee Ma mIgarreiid n litasene r on i Itin -bu iloteeve bride ibm tan io-ing b.I mittiso, 1915,n nc ceeutaaIs b "Chrcag Imiceu vdov jil io~Ip ta à ounl gkd eavi vn bohlts os upna- vildr. r..0. 1a"y bnoty' menber. ay an aIn ht out %ad ht "as ,ce de- l URR Boston Ferns Begonias go and Nor'th> Short RaUvýay Aat . . - . . - - . . . . . . - . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . - - - . j -~~~- iV, or »».wpacoa. a m w agm , Sear w*dé"agO1o'locmk. -" fàaXuKoo "a4 or Ptaosbbn Nviohis Mat Sundar morn- j tagmgv»be"sllaplovs: Mmmgu i ci f » m i veetI oloclt Se'. T. 8. Beau i ii I 8b uEi& s ia "*b"la *butvmigab. the vu Hg PWLU SB lte aubot of igosemuonvlli bu. -"otI Titi asilits011r LU" Spola muge C.,tyPhyoçotasA. E fsI e poil ~bp lteeWor anMes. ryial elnt vin T .StiU.0utYm nen-au M d t iéLaiote fisns' a solo. 'lTsepublic la coudlaau oft <dboulo. *e I 10111KalbTau,*S.d *Il ho hms" 1W b i me luvtted. dayWb" sg e tieml a Mig l~ or MWieuDty dnt hin10- -à Batil1LU Orsa Whole UtS-Wtb?" OeUif stOY en*4fl8f se i gqbuMi'Snwmpyto ue maltiose Ibel etMt mm na Wl» be lsc o eEpvortb Leeffe parti U5t~Tb'. principal Mat, fletWb"ieruthee mi ~.'u~..~esuai, evnîn' ei.4 tl lier*éfrMeutoithe it roray.sun iè i jup notIoIo" NiO ugs b onspeopi le. qitw;Lo.axastt u efbiféNv8.51m, V.* r 155 tnder, i. m ILFollette. Ai c0f aaff i o, ta10 N tti u t ei V tqalleI- obm 0 Iitt "Thur t.n lte rnd bmtrc fio e affom board. Ail members ni-gaito alttenud. reeM"ont i . pissentdistrict. . aah«MIsaiftlf1or it n onme aywsc. d NiaI Wednesdey Jan- 8i, lb. PraYet SUjOOND-The organisation of lte This artlil, bi expene, te prfld dd meeting aI 7:80 tiI la l.9llu t e its 511111e ço'Çttoutalde of tthi luhiion S1un contnue te itorraithemaltolsue AU te of "'AiIltse Su.ay Ichool" 1Officers, districtto eue otwItuýlo ht.& *as tuo "rt"a , Ignore, and w tueolers and ioimni aere urged ta "«TIS ttcpropestlons ver. imbat. nol 15 attend. SupL 9,8. Folilete 'il»epal lee'qtviruy f M. impnttotLAOHR'WTT 1 I et thtimuiez ~ UW' vmuflo aopinion until r bave 1.001lis ftAKED..11l'LET ff*uim dta7. pubpmoiers b ery e. a-Gaet. Cbo r e aneel o n Saturdoy seaing f r, % % ap é t e a il n (hatetre 0f lite » U . »t780P M *âdm.pp of hme ew ~iatmIe prisethei csIm bon. SuudytervW S-4ndayubootli0a.m. 11. seafr tlimhmprnat bal« teovm Boy Wrlb,Snpt quit. ;;ý ividea. . W Ua» ___ pit15 Dinm e uaforthe place thILt»algis ulation by ltsesMate .la& te efolottl Icient! - orulug i@"vlc ie.1 SSU'Communion Isialtu e ted uibut vo vini té ho mb. I Ia coomtion vîit nmondes Service. eti azldjoae ltai wè get titi, riait On tb. WortBide la Wanbc. ChniatianEndeavôr at 4:4&. iSimia 30lg l.U"a roua i main £gITIse srvies ait7TM. Opeiôi mue "Thc tuttion law bar bien discas mgese*mor"e The buaband by the oboir. Sole by loi. Waugbs. id fur MSat iaté, and freonlli 11re ieesnted ber iarly tlaheIbm us maIls Udwisk Pray-r Meeting Wedniniay éou m s0taton for a change. of tituir narrled ltf. . 7:80ai b. huici filoem leTec the am ie t* hemttrA oripitibaby van borm. and TralulugClai. lIt I IosanIf vi tonhi Cet iomese. purt litlIer phtysiqute vas 1mai, Ladies'Aid met miel. Oeil Tie. Ulion-t IWVt."ndl bin bealti t llte boutbut da,."b lot. ber molter love vwu stronganad r Our 1ig ,>U ÈLq' flite laboréd bard nul long 10 beep ""lea erf.Mntais«,lcometa u. msur'm i sr lte firis of lits bumi&' eerveei Cal A Motaus, aate. aa~a~aw ~AS a renaît et ber efforts, ber St. Lavftee i pisefl. AbudJ~ teth lanally broke, andi eho b . .S. White, Pimt lu-cbarge. TE'c ab i, 10 sy phsln leve V.flirvine viii b.obeld lu tb. Village HEl I1,tâtTATI&1V ountyanttorDutle s eld lte outlitormber notice. À]RA »REA I Itoll 1r vho la petit 3,000 a sar for RVcmuinxcp ist unDat 'lookins aller tito n a ucit con- * lu mout 7:3l0 a. m. Mtib smotoriste ame up a aunp 80caaila.aliepprpeon X_ B* Communion.' lit and Si-oSn. te aimaL.The lava 0for th gsten. Themediclin bhoprescribod deiys 11:00 a m. quiri lites ta ,appiy fon Ibeir 1917 iH - i u lneu aclly 10 lteé citoins AU Mornins'Prayorotb.nSuudayili e. om 17 anuary 10, cls ttey-ay of tbm patient,.aMd semingly lii Chai-cl Sebool 9:45 a. m. t11me95i«Tieilblete 10pr.Iicltlon.Anl nt havi the beut cfici. n Mme i.,of lIe a t 1tucompiy vlt Ibth av AJtersocin. la pea cet borins t-but tber caa'ibecause snotarionsa ouething' more benelcalo. n ~ LE I ~PAI TOet theeIaIt&ttrOugit vbmm tbOY tured in sus'gest chtange. muni LU BRE ma'"Biappitllcallan anot gel 81w on Poeroay. BtheLn*PnA bTalEt.TiteMre ilte Titecounlr physiclan poi no Son otorst -n unble o coply iti hq attention 10 the requat of lhe Accordins' 10 annoncimeuts iu the law. jvan Utile vouai, but la a brutal *4e Chilcaopapersol lI tSund"iabLouai One et thé chef resens vby lte and cuit usIner, saI: 8 Comupany, b.veras@ bottions of Chicago' blinbs are uisot 1ehibas lae railnt "Beggaiscan't b. ctoo.ems" vI. lit a fet montbi go pureitaeed tbe..lnonsnm a te inotr rvea vébeittula The remari cut lite rouas'vo, 13.? UliMit i"thle pont 1ev yman. Ao- mai tu lhequiol andi et once. .1- iiCrystal Springs properti ville, 1conins' 1te0 SunmncoMpfl h1e fortwv aduie by ber 10 chaige l e tlug mueady 10 buillia large bott4ing secetaioy Le *h1 p te Noveamr1. »hyWciin.____ r3iff pamnie r iimosg htcb inlocaledti iere ver. aimoul a qurtr mMlion le oar the Foud'&i NlltingCou. aulonobiles antimolon ItbWXla inte SA LE tccordlong 10 tbeaunouncement thlb t. u itou dubl nnteaaiastaer Z LT DW , JoaiCompany boanIor many Jears pes wo re ov uld lasla u t neo TN ITIAV N » mcaiettescarbontai beverage itouLakel cara of 1917. IIU.èl1RUl1E BER41IN- air_ Miciigan valet, vhleitbaille obp.etlou- IThmoffice of tIbm entary of niae ff- ale tentures. For mauy years lil. com- in SPrtnfieid bn benu dslugei by ,tg p"xba bentriin t tnda prig'PPictiusfiou ail ovel tie tisate TO STRE ,CW i a erenoIug ta Sud toe spigl l te- paît tan îays for lt e n umn-TC AR E m aa sreogtI ea a e aers, Il ho masonable 10 mupone It tmOsn - Of teu 10 matee itaiIt uthir opera-! lb.ebl ans llndtrlhuted and ,ta t Oie isnArrested at Midnight oftiuus. Tb@ campeur now uoletaitItovins' 1 the rushaInadlte change of After Kenosha tiquor te fioely bai Iound ocb aepringlinLiberty. administration. tbe Officm of lte sc BU.vilenadtht t wllercta mde pain rtay f sate han bain bard pu toFires His Brain. mu-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~spl vil a bti iiaa oe li ~ lte excessive demnanda.- bers. Il hProbable Ibat the local police Waikogan. .Jan. 22. lu $eialng Of lb. quliltY Of lb. valet vi111 nol rigidir enfance thl iv vere O1e Oison vent ln Kenoaha Salur- fouud la Libertyvilie George Lomai, the -th etai-lt cam @»w IthI.hlaà1191 day in gel a drink. He dldn't gel a bybrelieut aI tb. compauy, »eysin lb. 10 blame. a¶i, but b. gai leveaiIof baSn. At ng annuonenet: -"I bave bai au analseidnight viten hb etturneid t0l@i « stade id 1111. @prion w atet hy Prof CARDO O THANICS home on Jac'ison street, hote anul- Watet B. Baine". amie Of lb.forimoit We vIit litbant omit maud frieudo ai itis vile aid theu Irove ber into -ebemieta luntitis conuty. Dean of lte iand neiglibors flrtWta -kindneas, lovai-i, te Street. 8h. aumiponei lte po RomI Meileai Collme.Laitotories , vto nain tiumn Of trouble. aiea th@ mauy lice aud 01ievas taloen talte polie P5,- prnened Ils Purs a valet anse h anbeanîtul floral uffettm'gts. itation vhs-i e vasuiokaila a ceil 'Ce- I ThtiAptty Famlly satii 9 o-clocbth,$mmming the Hia canewvancontiudiniaste Sor .Bo long autuly Jim conhe. bis houpital tak oarvi ftec'pann ry- D- BrOB, JM Xùlq and thonho cm lack u t Arriva iutes oaler9nant. k r* îry- . Brvu, ame.Klngaid ther, li eauke Oison cev inte.aolie ~cha.x Sly 11Uold, bMcUsem e» 1 k.BrDIM and King have broad Oison c it le pole chIe ani Dlt mah ti'UAd, ..bey bave a broad amile sud lhey are of the ber nhushaud. lot world enough.to1 conude i te isource and ausme lte aI. .'l vont appear an a wîîneîn agatnet ace, lilude oM "let hlm rave." BUT, whon Ibis mmesal ut di..s- yhushand." sai Mrs. Oison, en Oie fLci, trbutor lu Wl*Mg, au wae don. Thuuuday evenlg, to vas Oneti13 andi coila. Med 111e0an Innocen1t Vldow ho MAires her living 84d ltaI of Oie carne $5 a day aetlte vire mili. and her two ebidron by inanial work lu the>bÏt h omesof. li e lias promisedto bslny Stay han ank.: wh b.niclrsu ow ste as lsultd 1 troas Kenosha in lte future. pi la esaseon vilittce p*enitt ginly lenomli oipilw ha»itm te W te My atueltab" «biseor lth e m vli.bltardorsem awnpper oune kfper w.nMplaç I&M itetvs t Md sies e DeIeor .wor ftitut ogor. 1 my i oune rtoyll, gw. stbtNe. gr orlulis er l al* os ghitim peitaluete mmre.j tella n0 refuos. Aitgé « tça~lmy 11s'Laithe t f tae Cw1v Gasme tetp sud poIdr mIefl horewlit sel Uotre tiidmaMt Th preta itaI V t Il THE WIDOW'S STORY 0F '0 tir. Joumpitine Anderson, of lbe North Bide, a vi» bnavn Wb"&- gai vouti vio bas vaeflelilata ma" rof thebat bouesofetlIcai communt aid vito la bidiré-ne i gardihomae etcf er lalegeal- maci anti le persistent imetre te tabo caneofthersait aildbhr vo hb abildnen, cned the Delly Mmn office 1mih 'ornsgby, phoneaM. A. yul frequvent, se aslno doubt toera usins' lown ber citeubo, r' ahe told Ibispitilul starr ai sy Mas.. Icephi» ns adrso.) il i de oltal"e lte Gatte, but 1 vas itova eàc-My or It thi morains la vhlcb a tietallil réeu. Pi once la maie to me, ursn Joue tc phin. Antiennes, tella a&bout cer el tain alclaean1I ave bai' &bout ur fasllr, etc, ami about nesleel vblcit Dr. Brovwtnithotolte ntd. Ho thle etiltor of taeGazette abould pint oach an unqIualifdî unjuet ant i cons alatement et lacis, and 1ev b. couid lavoiva me la liaeacitrevenrlla more titan i1cunude»slza.t i do flot hnov Woodmmsndmil bave nover bai amy conversation viit Iuls.1 work bard for a liv- tu & aid eavor 10 legsp ur famil tageLber aid a»body hanu a»y reazon Ion seins anytlns' of Ibe liai ttai appoelul ltse na.Sette last nigît. Itla t ra. i au poor but ieth sane Ume IsilakmanboumaI liv. l las. Hevever, 1I-bave not itoen a ogitay potion% and the endeevon in connei us vitit Dr. Brown la titis salicloa, Sauner la so-et tIsan 1cai compreheni front asr- body vIe de.lrmn 10 heinlath- least fair, lThe tact le,. *bout elat yearse I t an niek tit i l- phoil lover but etltaI linte ai ion vii i-eem itehre wasnoeLaike county hospîtai, ltereforu 1 could nal bave Zone 10 lite Lake c>mmnt bompiltU if v antai te snd Dr-. Brovuwn a al My doclot. iMy loctar thon vas Dr. Knl'bt anl I vas taken cii- ofai aIthe ilcAi- Ier hospitlL au Dr. r,,2tlsudmi lthe nurses vW atleat. Tisnpopet, lte Gazette, pis- lu-es me an bains' a destitute va. mal, and doesneua give me crei- Il laor tikins' cire of misait an 1 bave bien. doing& Itltaio say$ I have e crlppled cild viicit la fot a <ail andti b ey trcould con nect se vitit sur instance ubers Dr. Brown refusai cae" 1 a nidk persanla moe.titan I cmn union 1 stand becauem i have never had Or. Brown lita aodanco upen me or any anamber a« My 'f$mily. i have DnetlaIes lite malter Up v ilI Wooisan ef the Gaztellf o- the simple reann biaur nymai vit otuti pit anytitins'0f ltaI liai te my talidla Dot to-lt talkla t. l'ho artleoses tu concèlusion Ibal Dr. Br-otn said ta me thaI "bes'gara could not lie cbaoaers.ll la the first place be coula not say thle te me beceuse be bainovai- been la altandince ai sr bouse as a deotrant inb thescond place b. coutd net very veti ionestir claie me ana, Cbesga4r titan 1Imsate an itoneit living lu the vay i do andlu inthe way ail sy friands luot i do. . '"1t la e plty lthaI a person an- deavoring tolaiae a living as I amn, eubmt have to put up vllh sucha mai..l..,....attc .da 1 AS ROUHTTO TRIS MY Tha Lg as BaMoe Wau'ccgs. Je& 4& A gaolne apeeder came rua M,- o bh. M.J. and M. frelgit de@* M 'alkm ar-17,Uaturday m.t, ber. verstwo paauenaera o )Do van lthe oliliov, lb. OUM Min teo Bruneil, oe4 8si,£asectimsa Ll b.rtyvllls. Thte lattir 11114 b6 Ljirei ltt tudy aet-ruoa Md 1vas decided that theicti êcb f o i brins bis 10 Waumn Vas M me of the spedere Brune» vau carrYlgi. a ba111 - v9 wige s sacidmI nt - i. He Blpm o te lo metu caUins' thit. p or pib« esfM11bis anlle., A itaty milami m*m- ed blé frieuda ta* hb. ld 0u ' abroklmu M uIlvau dacih41»t ho roqulrei lnimet et a_ bo1001I Word Wa teoptstd te tbauw liste itompitai aMd also te IlsOum md and Wea.l uetabllsmut » 11 « ambulaneo misâtt e la valM aM the local «J" depa. .Bh»M Umi p van bunile a Md Vie os thé speedr aMW lits te Wanum aavuanrte& i" go- q wtea 0f % tl11e Mgsaolin #M not k.w lhoy bmdly trui e vuà%- >Mi »d no hoe*Mie" Ie tu t&0 s10rtîmt pomaibis space o et.. 6& M ambulance wuvas atins qSanirmedl w"i bouli tethe bospit&L ThitlnJufmMme wun "Oum es , sVer* ltit * as nms lImeboom the nianr et a nurWr ouli be de- that the lalury oosbtedmoinryeti $Mvt @PMI& .BruamnM» i ue. to eaire the bospiW lta a 1ev doI« leiafflndent lieds *Il T'0O LAIE TO CLAM8FV FOR SALE-8-16 tNomul trset-r. 1916 niodei. ho-en ruuulotul2mOo,ilaood plindition. or viii îr& folorm 'gv en tor. Inqulro atlndependffî liOMm iPR FOR SALE OR TRAVE-qmIgall a talla db dairy terni of 975% acrm .Wlsl al or ttà,ds'lor fîtiit tlim "#rtaag.m. lPar ilufther particulars, -11 i imdi.peadn ITHE FROLICSI Electric Power is avajialti day aMd Dight ut evdry lmp socket connected to, our service and Electric Power is off intimate inter- r est to the owners off evcry piece off ia-; chlnery gn town b.- coude of ità ecouimy and its effici.ncy and likewia. inevery houzebold because t will take- over te heaviest labor. W. ea rsadiy deuoutvte titis. PubhicService Co of Northeradinuois waul.P.,ier,"e.c u.osn tat1e. DEPEiDENT recel, 16.010 csa r (ARD ENS qlGE &ditSON Dymend Ro.d-Libmetyuilhî I

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