Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 25 Jan 1917, p. 7

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- LBU~V1tXJ1UET1~1TR l~Â,3ÀUXY2 1917.- ýOW l gd hi .4.O U CJE Ph qa.e Il 1 Î4 blby bol, .f W. and Mm H enry. Bd Wagnhr attonded tl.i.amp ema, WMm. Dx Phalpu Kt Uak Mutas (fililnge ie vsliog ber tmber aIn Chiago. êtr. Percy (Gray' of Chicago, apet Mmmd.>' aet the home of lber parent@, Mr. end Mra. Ed Iapple. Bel ponr îask for the rs allbai t lhe Boxait 8kire. W. bave a niceI l»m.V Dr lrg CO. Mia.. Edna and Mildred Kappie of Wankgan, @peut Sondai> witb rlative@. A. T. White traniacted hunu ta t Waakegan Tuee0a>B. Kmkry. aBSuaibt cf Libertyvli., .aI& u"Blairelaàvéeaber àMoiday. t dr. jfou P.trviititdber pari* ti t àv.ursit ok of Chicago, &peut Bondal ehit hiepatente. beade lot lat week for Waoraa gall, her. the ,lil attend B Ostriva iIaciioui. Cha». Shuts o DeoPaine., Wai a S plamuantcalter lhers Tacda>'., Eau>'art planning to attiend élimI. wa boalas tb. Opera Roqua. rldar .vonfng ivea hl the. Myotlc Worketa. John Ballard and u'ilpand W r. Bullard'. simbr Ver. Chioivisibora Tueida>'.t ,»eoidutdaughter of Sir. and Mr@. IAvi Wat@, died Sunda>' wornlng. The fllem wap beld Wçdne.daby. Zoom. Cha. and Frank Fenlon and W. Sprlnger attended the. Ski Mie00.,ae gry.111 ', lat Suda>'. Cha". Crar>' ap.*t ithe week-end with frMode lu Hamtphire. Trony Scîmear and i wîe atteuled the f.eral of tbe forinr'w falloir t Ham p- ablire,[Il.,lait Tuedy> dr. Myrti.. Bey aied at lbe (louerat hoaplwal lent M)daf. On Jan. 20, a nmeetinlg of themenut*rb of Ilii orayolak. local of the Millk Pro-1 dmeu. Ausoiationi w.. beld in the vtimge hall. C. L. boolistte and Hora(ee Kapple were eli.cted preident and acre- tary. Wo. Doolittie and W. C. Board Vil choint e p renost heO tilocal t tha Osuaty Meeting of the AsiatIon t Liihrtyvllle Juin 24 Au dblestate@ ta *a invntion at Cbicago on Fob. 6t1,, Atbur Long, Claire bouîliie und Ed Ilarron Ver elted. On Tbur..dav aiternuon a% 4 o'clck ai b. Euiernpel v'liona, Grancd aveue >~ Wackegan, .ccurred Vie mârrlaxe tof P'amo('ii)w f (rayNlake tu Mie-si lertrude ( of Kei.îîîha. W.., M.@ Vberres Gie.r atnd Mlike (0..eid her ancd brotherui thie -bridje, att..ufidtbcrn. Thre happy couple 1.fti u»u4Jiat.'i3 for a tri [9ÂGE's LAKEj Ma Veki, rZaLrdt eini saturdar. »3 é tuntda' n i .c tcrtv t lie ith ie .r 60ain. lCarolini. Butt rtirl.l John AI ucc .simbilthinuimlofrtur ta ti il itoue a etraw tacli laxt Morîday rn&tur- tac eeeral ibe. He la geîtiicg alorg Okeliymois. E3lHarris and W. Hawthorne were <Jblcaga vietors Saturda>'., There wa@ nu ilhurel, e.rvic" .lat banday Wts.aimeeof lthelavertorai. Un Tneaday. Jati 1(. orvurreil lthe &tb of. Mire Thoniau Clapharn afier a abart lle.. h.. eav.- ta u urtà lier loes faur Poanv suttwa dauwtrti-ri flueral wag tii.r Ith. bor.-ire rita>' .lteriourc. arrai r 'Nrr.'! r-'n>tc.'r Ai s Brha Fruik ir rer irilp.1 Iame.rarre thir. we.k Faitr-r aeral daym vinit wtth lier rrp. M neyraI day. in a van.frun cîii ite priFt wek. The W aBlîvtfarii i tram qrtatatc ir,.-on Sat, Ti-« v bave h.'en qrarnurtired Inree Nrremiîr afOibih.caus, of varlet leve.r Bov. Artior Br-g-c.r. i eip-lit F rîda>' and itaturda>' .'alitrg ina hie a'.rrr. ima dMlred ICapple of, Va. thumuit of Ilism Phls Ames. neeraI day 1"" W""k P3UY NOW!l While you can get a 2 quart "Flo-fast" fountain yringe for $.1.25 Guaranteed for one year E tFREXALL. STORE Store Tlt Save You Money" DRUCE DRUO CO. Graysiake, 111. LAIE VILLA& »&ani.Mr@. Wàmrniuton ai Round Lite vlîlted Ibéir danalhi r. Idra Le@ OherVood Wb >Fridsy Mr.. cgis of Wbllsmrter épent a iliors ilm lasit ek wtiibaWdaughter Mi.Carl MîIllr. E.J. Labom m i.renbl>' purcbaa.d of J. IL. Crubli, a part of the (Crlbb fars, whici adjolinid tiaI of Mr Leiiman. H. buaic aiapurchaad liai pari of tie Thorm fIm VblCb la>' letîeen the ppul- lia tid «d ii rai lroad trak. II. b. Waid, Ur. Shiaban end fHenry At"l ei V tuS la V kegan on busines luit Thurada>'. y. M. amIflnwVuln theiicty'on hui.- wum lat Thureada>.1 Her>' Atseilibai cld hie boua., barn and toit acre farmt taMr. Sheeban ofI Mnnapolis Wo la taklng laimedilate pcmamion* Tii.McKeuieieI milIy ia havi bealiving thon. are muvlng luit lie Wlt:)o cottage recentl> vaeated b>' la Driscoil. Mr@. C0r0 Bornic' liter retnrned ta ithe cit>'thb. ral ai the, usmk ai tir a tVa viai Vtb ber aiter ber, Wr. NtglSmthlt bai rotoh>ned frrnt a thft.. Co ia II itihWe.kegan rein.- Mr. and Mr. Rndolpb Weodland enter«. tlied Oshm"500" club ai thhir bome lait1 Salurda>' iveninig. Mr. and Mn.é. P. M Oira>' ci Chcaga Vae. Bda>' guete oaIdr.*aid M ra. S. KappkLa Tii.chien.> f tii.Wm Bucker bau.. hun"aonecarly buaaiSaturda>' evonlng, cauulsg owe al but bo IvL,4y cf help Wai on haai and I uw cu àezlin« Tho. achool la planning a basket esial1 te h b eid at Ith eool boue. Fida>' evenlng, Foeb 16. A reader anti a pianaot bave boeuen mraged ta bolie tp hle pro. gram and il'a ar. to b. g.od Mie. Maths.e, Wi-@ WrNamoirs andi Misa Pa Potter attod ti e aliied baaar la Chic-agooanc evoung lait useet. Ounr teachore atu-nded the b-acier.' inetîngi ai Waukegan, lHigbland Park and Lake Forpot tibi, w.ek Bocten onda>'. Jan 15, a laghtertot Mr. suid ira Niet oLuir. 'Ibru tqakes evngirl. sied c.a.. boy rtc the frârily. Bcrrnte), Mr. and lr, . arîcu.l a FOon unsaturdaý. Jan 2) Dir. Jamiscu bas Iren lairiup a Veek Vinh tbhe niope aîcd onaiie eta attend hie patients. Dr. Palmner aif Graywlak., ase a huai- Dem visulor ln Milîuorîîti. »pa.t reet. Mrn.Catlpirn.. liciaict. lnt been Ill seversl dasea% ltb l*«urqip* Mir«. Lui>' larali. haît a meêr. norv 'to. shocli Scida ' Beyý A W. tiafirrrel a, air..te, it op a litîle tie lait oI the-iW L u~. Kapit.g a'nd Mnr. ocîi Tic>' met agaînu thiti week aI 1fr. Sene' retitience Raonsirgive the lo.laitIan at lire. C. k)l'Ole ha an >trveu.- paaecaear ut lbe bositîras rua by Mlin Carosa inthetc. Straàtton tuldtîrî Mr. atndi r, Earl ILuebuiore npent the. a'aat.nd luiii Lhego r Saturria> rght tii-y aiteided ut tire higiesaccd irgb auibari, an aluinai bîanqo,.1aItic Engle. Woo Jati cIof ici 1( 1 Utble 117 living uîetubro. ail but two aers present or *eutineceagel. lira.iusuure .a8 al muatier uI liaIgraduateiui lam., aii are proud tu telI truat Principal Arw- stnong, of laent)-tiven iatservtce uI the E.glewoad, af. tbear pilutipi oeytàetîui-ei atu ag.. lMr. anti Wr,. Iulhior, raturned Sda> uruuigt, ar- rtving ut 11:30 insttio il 7:30, becaumu ui tihe dila> îu train ,-rr[te u thloeâne. seeriaIfiight cars lai tue tract bura tit State Lise arîdeu whOtirough pac..a-ger train, wre.. lianti.ired tàrautici b>' Carias aid air extra tratiu icitou ult,,.i l-LA... tiror theil iciai.' suirc1%, ibut tic- ni,, m tolviilc SHOLmO. lti utc 101' lit,,1 ILOLNO NA , andtMcc linIlJ t.iiiiîr ratict t-eri' iiTi.-, aart realidi. aie Brîtî,l. re.Ml lla trtc vi-ilcr - aturdcy wgii ci î i, c ori-w a cc 4. - are evi-itltgiccrd tir cnîiîrt iltîcr f 100iii> î'I.ît a Mn.alatîcu e. rc-ii el.î id re i. E i vaclu., ' -cc cciiia icc.i-ail ugraitiriier iriiiai al tii-nIa!t ftrLa, paîc' ,c iiii i îi.îîcLwiu of aithe bail th.. arilte lie p-.rt . cik s-rer.iah rale tcau.C.c--, icfir Tbi. lateh- nil d iit et-rfriMair. atît j lîgîr rtarki- acro er.-.e-ciic . m uprtiur lire tNni Cec-liccl rlitlr r -f Mir and ipi-pi. oni earir>ut 1.-ir ut a'r ail pi.-dgu.d Mr r, i L.vcWait r f Lcci-iirclak. vicùii h tootiriîteiithi- i t icil i iiaiea dii .tiScnda> ticr tri n1 'îlrtAge Tic nAît [ciraI- i iii geaar&Pbî lia.' > arc. F utwia C, b> le iceic'r g ac j ccl u ni ii y WiniClevelardeMipti-v.rai laca rttcit ci lvsaceerec-lulnenrti rnliter a liii dauhler. lirse Lvi iait., relurnîltcg cari-fui iu>ci-i cai-cri -rirtiî I- lhi. nîe ia îîîîioccforcIi-lii- iat ne.e and OBITiUÂRY gra e cuI Mc lIci icthluintalc ail Rlachel .iîîcrcc y o ni c rcutiîiîc ir-t pcac'e cet11 i Etîiaiîd. Sipt 2;, 1847 lt-il ci n17, u i cm' iccr ii- irt agtlculture il, 1917 a rll i-i lt.MI 1. 1 n ,l'1- 1 sc ,!...r '-i cic rcAfie, i i 1170 i- il, icij - i.., c.' ici rît m i acar icî ncic ci ti - . , iaet1.11 - fln-ceci ru C ccîcîv '.ic., lî, 1872 ci', sîi f.i le b' i i oni cl- -lic ,ec le.1 ich iat ici inranga tiTt ...ii c- pcîrunit, t t ch.'e 1 ca i, -c-ci c.. ý ' ' Upiti tn.. u.irrir ir icc-ie c- -c .rn Ail Icci bu-c il icinlt l Oui a.- 1c1.îicei cori tîre, i. hlerg :11. cii,- rasc ilccc cari- ci c Icic.-, il. lro t. ' - iii d'ic cîîccrrtî lier -ei~ - cc-, trc i u.cJý rnrr i. l-i c.... iici--' JlictrujýIs-ni _Ca. iiil.- 1c1, i c,% i.m i c,Lt.r> .irrA î.am nic - c i. oi -iiil % i-n. uc - ,tîcen;A,,ýela n .,i -aoucru cirIl., (l)iiwho he b'iîî,i iîr i. Pliiccccpin, . 1 lor-.i, t-nîî i- lctia.-m Ool hiîeîî i- tîrlîi-icisud 'Urcir"t O-r - dciigcr i.-rivc- GOii ch,, fil" e.vr cii-icc-icc. ercn ai liif citic, o c. iiiicîc i(lceti ttt i e Icîte crioui Un with punmi.iiuicl viiiftirg Fciig ar .. ithgi c , na'-a lu peiniciac-i. mt iI .tauli et tba dcutaicli' A uj ittel(. l i i t loei...crM. ieai-i.giailtir -1îîctii.w aticilojoos e u flou thccu Iltà ni-i-t pran ir ai tich, îri -rlu-. ..btccliwiMe.tortglicI Rem.aib-r al a. hirusa i,-.,tire , 1IarIîuaiiac9 .e - cec e rumVý>. ned.y. Aht aliiiare , n.ibr i-rai- Ncu t i re ,cc...1 A, Icu. -1116.t'.11 iceri. Play, lt, or e hî.- aiaa-ho L ie". nu(t-litctacc..rt creioccecu ihave j If man> anrct -h t I. r. -beuv ui>rigocgu.tî; c.- îc' itoa- ic Tiroiri fan tIi, ,eif liîre ii-e iii.tcarct ii. i.O ci c "rIi adtc-,but A blart.trg u egges'a rmiuiki-c i mini 1-icUir.. Amiitîllcnî ttît catît p tiirir t àdlcu.ii 'liriiritrii-..-.1iAc. cmre cI Ti.-great recl-cîti-r'.,i. st, caîlrrantric,.'sk-.tciatac84. iia,i. Or If 'lie r.deircil Iii- Theamtîccci i.ion î - irîc-i -1-ci rgetir It. oolitude tiip, aàý- tucîrd tiicite- i I. . . 1,iirl ir Sicauid brîi.î titruwhltn r-ie c.'thoe . wbîce tic' cicre .1 '*(tivtcc" atîi setI ooen liai.,tii, r-loc ccci ri, wttliW o l ol.-.1- 4 W Shah iruaci tIr' iriciic' - 's. i ilrgar.l air-i b' ,iic Lit'-.. are. titii r %Tirit.rîîeellîl iat ciprovînt Ctlueriiriac1>% icirii crii.c - Saturciatr, CARO 0F THANKIL Oui -'ittîle ,. ici.rcicatuib We nilu vu;r-m 1111.îr1-îc c-r . rîa lit- ciîitceg ilirecol 1 J.,- c-. har tri tha frleii îlat a cc. r- r. r scîaîr ti.I. riliiei-rr. .a' tcett boînirra *.Id lier tih. l i -rt t kî.ic i f îc-Ilitti rsetta or idean titc,,l1iti-rîciàte . r isae î qutsu-kitsa. lndepenoenl. More rmiem lit ii clîuet a,. a n aile T-r jc.i0-. 1 eoonî>' ei îît.tioiii.,-ci Th-ie Itr.-tt.ttii.r« u f à .ciaîrd raide- Ingledde la tbrough wtii tbm aiiial ice eoîtini and fillng of letu",hnsand the local dealeri conaldertbtemwielv Tory fortunate, eapeclalljr sînce Bonday'a itorm. Work ai Long Lakte andi Fox Lakte lae gaglng @ue of. theb.local ocen nase. At bath a1ti ho places laborera bave bleau carce sand no Illinw could b. accomplîshed Sonda>' or Monda>' ao vcrk WinI lait for over a Vikek Itii. lenat. Boai orthetuemesuarem IVînt>' luche., bui lb. retient @Dowe stanD brînga the packlng thîchuema dowa tu about eîtei loche of excellent le.. Mr. amhmora haa bonin lWaokesan errlnif on the. petit jury. Ntehlas Grenier la.rving on lhe pettjury whlvh is bting handleti by Slats Attorney' X«i. Wecb, Amang îbeattendantmat tiie ldeer>' Ahgrculturel Fuir satorda, were: Mia. X. McCrtnlck. Heur>' hhalen and Lir. Uliet ai thia vicîn1&y' Tii.>'v i@b alilaf thiir frieuomecruld have etjoyeti eeeîog tbm excellent diepîsya and ai*a the races on tbe, river. Mctlenry bad nian> goueta and pro ved tbemaelvesabale boita, lfr. auna Me. John Welcb apeut Stitur. dity la #çklenry at ibm home utfthe forumi'* ler. Lina. Bajle, sWhorecenîl>' reterned frutti tfii. Pont (radoate boipitai, Viere ah. onderweant an opera- tion. Mr.. Louia FUaIa bas returnmd 1mw a monti'a *Say' silli ber dangbter ut tbe latiera home la Chcago. Thi gave Mies UIIIas a chanci to-borekeep"I Theii. dlnngrOanI cf tii. 'lfllnafsbî ea the icene oi au enthualamtic card party lait Tuend.> nlbt. AMaURg the nuern ber of the. Lîquoar Baiera Assocation preient wrVer.dia mrii. Kaeth, Hueby,1 "e, DeProft, Padeloup, Hnu el, Ewrg, Kapiog, Jobnoeu. Gotl and Ln The. prisem were Vonl b>' MMfDeProit, li. Ilugbe.>'and Wr flouwebey.Cia bolation prixe. were &wa rded to Mr. Mrm. B. Turum af Fargo. N. Dakota, seaa the guest of Mdra. B. B. Kreie ie paset week. Mr.. John Carolan and M ime G race rere the weet-esd guee of tie MI"e.-@ mar- garet anti Grue.Carolon ofiCic-go. Miîa9 Eleanor Neyer Vas thi. week-end gueêt oa i"Ie ernice Jac-k.ccrî01 ak i Park Tbe K. K. bo>'aeutertained at a mîeigh. înýg part>' Monda>'evniiig, fcIicwed by hupper at mimscien Scbi til-, risiîme Thé net proceeda ai tho prrcctremmcve diumer giron b>'the P. T. A. Saturday ereuarak Ver. $25. Borrn tauMr sud)Wre. Lbi.. Ott, Jan. 8tica barby bot. ^ c I8n-nje.Marehoome of lieu-i an, Ws , wu@ the rSuda>' guetaf lice.-Era Pttîs lira§(io. VoIler af Chicagor. idi pend- tng the reèk dii hbet loter, gr@ A. H. muhik'e. ý.Misesa ofle aud DBoss u tnS> ae pending the usInIer at Abuquerque, N id CRUSIIESMAKE 0F PEPARES INDICTn 0F fIeIIIT1 Alvin Mieyer rai awarded a milver livinfg rop fur Vunninjg tiroi place ilu O T R O bora. udgaitg aud an zxpert live #tueck juoilea îertilicate a aecito-t ai the A IInM j i~ r Lise Souck tredrsacitcc itllnae AIIJ IEIFISHiEIR ield atit b, Uriverail>' of licîcccc, ian il. Mi@Ariitu. Blelimbi etirrtartmnd ai a cbcrp su.> upper Tutday evenutg. DIEIN ul MN~iïnSOÏ lir.. F' H li-yer eutettaliied thi. Mair-I itary aaciets of tii.-î - Because Peter Flaher ras frmer teriai i huci. aInt Tioreda>'. A %ec> count>' auperîntentient of Lake coon- inter.-vltioizprîuraut ras given i. r, t>' anbools anti becaus. the faml>'a' Bi..-.e Prcvcditrfi tht. Huaftrd ai .ili,- relateti ta the Thains anti othere ai giisîis.~îclaied. taltiun tIti lcci.'Milburn. Lakte cariaI>, the followlngl laineer, it-r cIlielà a epeçtal ol'-i icgitem troin the. Kenoiba News oi Jan. ras takeri icîc rie 'îiruitaluieerm. Lttb ill be reati 'wlth interest in lire. S. P.liHui(cicnaand Urin> itc Lakte count>': Kuaat attici ia cii ehas-er gcvicti ciiTelegranus receivet inluKenosina i i. th.. tt.îccdl - ntr'cei Hoon tircca day atîaounced tb.. death of Mrs. Ju- M.- 1 or~trirrctitf Waickngaacisephone Fisher Lesmnan. nt fa ul Cast, ie i. A l c-i ait J au A nthir-''rî Leeman, vice çresident of the First sr National bank n Minneapolis. - Mns. tIi.,E'îîc S irs riSernevili. .îî'Leeman tilet early toda>' tailownlg ait a gunstia 1i l: home tof %aNiltuiScbiijtd-er operation fon penlîcultia. %wre.. Lot llîîi>and ici icc'dai man waa rlioly knooru lnKeuosh'..ý M"i,,Haz.i lIl i fighlatid Part, Su. Vas a t!aughter ai Mr. anti Mrrý aa tieM k.'iiii cisca Acacta rot- Peter Fisher of Park avenue anai a naite. asmen te District Attorney ' Peter Fsher, Jr. Her father anti maîhen hati been calleti ta Mnneapolis e>'- RUSELLeral days auto on account ai't er fil- noie and Mr. anti Mrs. Peter Fisher,d Titi. caceti ari Uri Sktt% lu" ras Ccii J r., reacbsd the Leeman home eanlyt atleidnd Triw tieetitég aili ire at Ibis murnnng. Jouie Fisher, as thie lire almericriyoung roman ra wieiy knowa ta .4ritufi.- rt, i.itt-ititner, aima iit Kenomba. ras for nian>' years ans ai erutNri lc 'rau-ce lat frdta,. 'of the be st kauwn of the younger no- tIns1 I cI îiîcic îteta e . man In Kenosba iocieiy. She hllt Itii-ril'iat ailR.-ilicg raa iarle. speni muci of, berIlite bere, ras a graduais oi Kexapen Hiall aandbati Tiihý ic.ict. r .ttnirri rr. l aitn an active lterest b in>' yKo- 4c fi c. fii fi lic c ,lcc uldaytilcci nosaaorganîzatons. She ras 01cm- Tire dic M c i re atteîrdrtcg ticrieldto I cr. Leeman 13 years auto andi tartirer'n rnrriii À ýwent nîîb him te Miunealcolls. Tàey tlaîirtNii. 'c.-c--c qîtli ret cii ad no chîltiren. The remaîns will lu. t ma-iii, n .iriaecttanpia.iburleti aI Minneaponlis. Hew.% andrle -'ci atrtanin>'-peu't 'Mlilut tint 'C MEON uVmtR; 1 tir, H F. tti--io c reciverilag frînîn ber1 -peli.g cia.-nri.' ual a tàp-rft-ktCei n -p'ligcg Tt.,% arc: île, îckîîi- Waieh. Dav-ii AWi'd> r '-1 Vcni <fC kr-A WE ARE MRIED PARENTS SU CKD N. B. C. Graham Crackers ara lacomparably th re tion cf gram ndnt thocough preparatiouf, wgt j"Bt *0 ritht proportion of lemerti tgWA"ako homaim at '- andi anc that la tho most p9natble and apptlufaiIlof i i.& Try N. B. C. Graham Cuackoui for tholr dellaloe m utJlb flavor andti aky crispocue. lise theti regulatl at maI11 am between meaaIoca>mm» tho> a"raàadl-i"." a» thoy ime nor'nlhifg. SNATIONAL BISCUTQPA"Y PUBLIC, AUCTr Havitkiz re'nti'-d rnyIio efirm arn goiug ()Ut of thé dat biisinétt.ê i wiII griil ai prublic auctiosi at rny plave 8SiA.le îîorth West of L.ilwrtyvilit, 1 mile etiîh of Gages Oowr nefs Hîad Î imi e ecaci of Pliiiiips Pltttfortu un WEDN45DAY, JANUARY 31, 1917 at Iii telock 8hî iri h-folloA iîîg tiscrib '>1 roirt y towit: 126 Head of Live Stock 126, COWS ,HOGS 10 ner tuctkîrm, ciCcilves hy thaîr >i-t ii-s.> .ci bu acy sîîrîîivee. 2-2 ti earlîaî ge. If) m uar iw.. mtîîi ly Ilîrletteun. I Holst-in lîcil, 2 y afiod, 1 Iloltnîtu h, 1 ysarv iold. 3 tirad aliiene. 4ts b ad bogit, average nI. 170 22 lira d Scias dite May lut 23 litrrr. HAY, GRAIN, CAJ48 30 lune brt5hl timuhy b4l in 100 i4brîtkî4tv't)a t,. lfe u.' lia.nter nheal., lîo tibu. ioi .1,ug whot.., f. frîîtnfoui ai.-d. t'u.-~~~~~ ar1n e.rri tr heodi îîl"Hello, ima: corne ovén;r:w'i=&r m bn. Dut tuo e cree S. I46 iltîlk catte* mei-at e a r. eira tîcaae tirai en- ieti anti bave gone keeping boute," ileavtprcd ta ttcahc up i)rn tie otbu-r tm o This startln-, message aven tIe tel LUNCH WILL BE SERVED AT NONf il>,f fIrle I.istcar mechtaal et-k aid spione anostnced ta Mu. andti u,. TR*0 AL-'e i > lll)atIo'-".ir. i ilu >- ai-Lt aelt c di s1..1,0 use baveShrîrn. Hensel ai Lake FoesatMonda>' nfgbî ittrittilit aicrcdial1 iii c,rh- Wincli ce ltiteni 'ici iaitkaile,tl- 6%L feintaro.. icaet ir lu- disv.a-artiu tv .' ta-tîsthemaniage of their daugbtler Mary soile t t.i reineacl 011 -9uli.l lo, - d-.tieetinrt i.a'i heitaili- Viii, rk fq4 ti The parents objectedti bMiss Han- Tia ntemicer. cc fie éei.c4 and thirîtisml keeptnýgotpasy nlth Mr. Waft. F_______li P op wra-m are Itccr.cliicg tha corit lu t l1 riI . .She is Il and h*rla 21. a0o on ~ . - ~ -- -elctna r-ad c.. arî ilm t ue lîtcofaiMonda>' thi.costale eope4 toA-Mk.~ -iittabiig ri- tr-l rak. ri ihrtiga ani rrernarleb> Inlîc ~ Theodora H. Durait. Presitient, W. B. Smlth. VIce Praiuio. gralie ituit- it hI nsintîr thee bn thur> ue'tgnm Itf 14k. l'rsFWCucIScrtn n aae Eleuît fiealler. Prniiry tttrièn thoîr borne'li' 14st aven se raÏ F W l.uc-1,ScrtîadMaae lu readines, rE E HO ES tlon coi-i madet.fou enjgyment, an, eIopie unI. a vFstir ee, . S cTY T T E & R S tb rnd ras filuet! nilli lIngp wbick NOV thatv'I e8rb t yoo sel enJo>', unlsa >'ou 4ft ton le furgivan Jnd I apUiî~n ABDIRNMCL.i3OF TITIE TITLE-S GUAKANILfP~ prend 1t e, pleastiyti >'leu; or ton ter," salit! Mue. Wk, e.. . i$15OO guaalpins ta cane for wbalyopumandeiCapta $1n00.c to 10 ller accouaI 1bhm* derir h llgt.RukA. ddltilltieutlOir c -4ît, ai A KE - n 9 1 Mi,. Iliabél Bledstarlt rîf [ighland Park, wam the gunt oi ber parents Sun. dur. Odr. and M@,r.PIlp Carrroll ofiChîcairo. wei thi tii.wii>.td guestm î I Mr. andi Mns. Fred flaggl. Mr and Mm Frank Sopi.. and daugl'. ter DalotbyoA i AumLoC, were film. guëwie at the guppwedm farci lait - k Go. s»ger Ct hlm thumbi, irt Thurm. dair wben a gai radlalor telil on it Jam. Kemia lot Monda>' fcr O'iaona Bkec, liorlda, for the wlnter. MnUi.Wm Bondée of Cirago, epent Sonda>' and Monda! ai tile' hane (Il C. J. Davisý Mima Aonne. johntrîn &rtî ded a muscelanoui abower grv.'n b>'lire Luther oa i GInvew, for Mism. Birdie Rom enlait lhumrda>'. Pupile oi lbeaavteth aud i.cltli graie.l had a slighls part>' Tupsaa folo wed b>' a loneheon ait B. Supple'> Mn iBechel, Jr, gtave a iarpwell lanîrbteon T"uaifor 1r@.. Sr.enJarvia, wbo leaves for dalambiirg Sulrdav TIhe 010,sf Chie moieta laturda>', Jan 27, at tbe Preeyerla cburrh. Mr. ané Mm.. J.A. Mapn of ruPrairie Vise, wVe te ii ek-end gorrts at C . Esetcn'a. Xr and Mue. John L. Vtter are the proud parenta of a baby girl, borm Jan. 22ad. À Il YFAR OLID BOY MI3NTS;_JURY IRE' Miss Mec ay o 1i1ý five YearsRsdnoCu- l George Crockett Who Lives Judge Edwards Dismisses the ty, Dies Sunday. West of Gurnee la Pinned Jury to Give State's Attorney wib l,,pasalng ave>' on Hard Under Tree Monday. ime to Do Mis Work. ai lhe count>' bospital or Ml ima y' RESCUED BY IS FATHER. l rie htWaikegan jan. 19. Ray of Gage's Lake vlethilty )Âk, In rde thL Sates AtoreyJa.i.coonty 108«. a tnSOU Who lied 1#"d Wchmy have trne ln which to fn the. county almoat costlmuoàil# w Newton Sullivan of Round Lake prepare htheandl.tmentm. Hon. Claire about 75 years. Rer lIu41liW *Iboi -Victim of Similar Accident C. Edwart. Jotge of the Circuit.Court marks cthpe .nni f amI> iy éà * l Is Impro'Jinq. Ject to calî. a i, tia> r IOcildren. cone.-oflb.-m 1> a9 "Itma b aw*ek l my e woGeorge Druce, for >ear:ia F e George Crockitt. aged 17, residi»Ig seseks hofore you ViII hi. asîcci tu knovjn resient ai Druces Lakte. 17 with hlm parente on a farm about v. tiura 10 your labors in the 4.rand 1h mile~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wett ons aio c I uyro, atiM.Wlhl drs er brothers andti seters llved h ise crWeti sGuenousl> ona>' aisry ng(iery. lb.. rsWlc i drssth ast or in Wisconsin. i feetéruhedserousy Mnda afer- It evelcps tbat evidence of a sen- Miss Ray' bad liveti for nmre timas noon ubîle helping bis father chop national nature ban benu collecteti b>' ith ber niece, lira. Walter Bealt ' down trees. He rai ruekied tou th ,the jury, andti (at eholesale irremts Who lîves oser, Gage'. Lakùe. Ate 1.a'ie count>' general hosptal wherù wlll foalion the returnîug of th.- n-lu, he a le bsng caret! for. dictinentm. 'alx reeks ago Mien Ray, becasie t W» Thomnas Quayle ras seen ilu se4 a aresult of adivancedi age and aise "a The youug man, riib hls' fa ther, Attorney -Welcb's office thi. aiteriton nemnoved tu the general hoapital niare 7 Vas cuttil dors a lree. Wben the: and At te belleved tbat the Ian %îl or- Il ras kuownuber condition was ssci trie ft11ll theboy neglectedto etder lbigue mac bas been condu-iifng iitaf the way and the Ires trunk tel n . avs tion et hI int it vai a mute t ero!mut a f it anSI amy. Sorry can't £l>'e >0w.k bfr teeu!mu.coue. aeroma hie foot, plnning hlm dora. I nne, Bdl.sRe tarnl -Yu a ta. ouI>' aller nmre difficult>' flint seho rusheti visîtar.after vîsîtor t coeeiîi reailr' 88 ONo4 the ltbor succeedoti la eeriicatlnq of ie is e ths afternoon._________________ hlm trinltsposition. ' The osy peraomn wo ras glven n of,- ____ the state's attorners tin. diii aiter- Veterinarian Returns Frosi Taxal' ~xamastln a liehooîtal~" oon was Mr. MilIer, foreman of fice vealed ithe tact tht tie foot rai grand jury. He rai loseted nllth te mitgcunlld Aprsrviefer Ihm crusbeti qulta badl>' but Il nUll ot. state's attorney for aver u an on. gcivirnmit.cti.îth.-lrdr I1ve r.- b. necesair>' (oreaort tu ampotatloa. 1Wbsn the grand jury dois rettirn te openeitni>' irfHfet aILake Zurlch 4Ail The ccient a te scondof heia. wrk, the etate'sa torney dli pro- cella givea prompt Attention. Tho ccientla ie scon 0!theduce nltneiiem. ant i Al aak ltaI an kinti ta occur sithin la wesk. the oth- Indicîment cbsrging Loufa Taikalos. Dr. E. J. Sieburg, Lake Zurich. 11L or being (lie accident that bei 811 New.aillas Louis Smnith, irt mulyder. Phone 11-M ton Sullivan wbo hvei on a farin I The. members of the grand jury ne- _____ i torneti to their homes ln the vanlous i near Rtountd Lake. Sullivan w as cbon- j parts of thee dont>' at noon Yda'. n d ~ I~~ plng a trie dora a 15w cays ago. Tihe l ebelvti(atian' an'dy pull the tree ln anotbey direction was, report 1u the circuit Jotige. KI unable ta do thbl anti Sullivan ra..lFOUNDeD 1867 nal able ta gel out of tle raý uhen The lndupetr.dent lu thse uunty on.-erehtsar'o hie fiend gave hlm a wrnnng cry. ly 12-page wiîltly-thal's why even>'. eent an' in4t N...stie r*. Citcaff. One tjLM et The leavy branches mrucit Sullîvani n"Ody toke. t W 8tin r tîcc. Ot'OAt'i' iiuâ eboulder, crusblng hlm ta the. groanti. r- He ras 'brought to tie McAlister ho&- pitlI where il ras founti lis breast bons anti riba Itad been inactured, huctuing bis lungm. ln apite of Ibis tact lits condlition tbis mornlng was reportet! tii h qulte favorable and bis chances ai recover>' are ver>' favorable. 1 1

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