Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 25 Jan 1917, p. 9

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j~ LE INPEPENI)N'. LAKE <'(f)TY »EPENDENT Lk ànysBgTekyWAUKEGAN WEEKLY SN .. OL. XXV.-NO. 4. PART TWO LIBERTYVILLE, IL., THUR9DÂYIJANUIRY 25, 1917. FOUR PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADV6I mRVDO HERO MEDAL p~, NDICMENTHLUrGH gIL E- MAY SE RETURND IY THEE GRAND JURY Reports Have It That This Number of lndîtments la VeryConservative. USE- MANY SUBPOENAES. L W. E. Miller, Foreman of Grand Jury, Admits That Investiga- tion ls Golng On. îf U A D Tbat the. grand jury vbtcb atjourn Iil I1 .1 R!Moted mhat This May Be cret Investgation of crime. viii re- DoM n nOrder That Thosin f, m tUW aut tt50 ludlctmeiits, la the M I~.,a A.aif 18 vbIch bas been cireqiatetdr 144th lt f cw daye..ln tact50lI JOM t vUi > tI R IiIWI . MM t c aacouervative estimaIst gii, rIu ueci SOME MAY PLEAI) OUIL~~ ~Te mVOrk lof the grand jury ba'tfJJJj~Jf~JI> If nT OUd - been conducted i vtb the greatest pas Prlove % gAdvantage. te contitiona ln Waukegan anti lake - ttegadJuywlb adCOiaUt la betng continctoti by the I N NEXT FEW DAYS tu all t r.pgra n C"v«ib.asheti ymeMbers.althougb they are net nov tamae iarpot u a..aieayla meesion. lu tact W. E.- ilier ba .Carner"W IMM o Commission tuvetlgatati ithin the nert fardays «M or fthe grand jury. e id gt to bave Coroner Taylor Says He WilI Has R»eThat Medals Can- la the repart which vas receiveti by attteti Wednestiy atern= thatl Not Permit Further Delay not ae *,Waded for Heroism The. Sun l te h 15 atronn. & t bro iih prob la being ai. 8lason.t e I q e t In pi W Re 1ationship. At Prn4çen lier. are seven or elgut did tbat the adJourmineiIt wuatkeii ' menn uth@. county laul avauuins action becaume of the bellef tht better re1R.M DL OTSIF.AT tS EDN Of tiie grand jury. The. couneti men ule cotldb ti . wued ilu ht mn. RSON SPUR 0F M. CT 1 8T -E O E NT bellee tiie grand Jury sholi maile Ber than by remalingJn sesin. ONèr "OFMOM NT ies report on their cases Su that. If Asn a rernt af tii. investgation 18Hé Physician H ad Asked De- tii.Y choose. theY Coniti pleut guilty la »Id that a large ambiiut ai.1 lay Pouding Her Recovery Interestlnig'Statement of Facts aSt laginthet sentence, If mon . iAtaTbean u m*& r. Wlei FrmmShook and Wound. Received la Answer to Re- l.apood. centRà' tThatHeroism The grand jury la nt assemiaiet at ue ome ak . ft ofth. Within the. next liree tiys the. six of Girl ewarded. the court h- onaet.ayanti has otqeabe M li l itb tour smmme..Ho mn -avtorulua8tu Inqu Ire lt. the- benfrovridy.I nudi iso cuwud many beide til sdur- deMtiiOf fdtriMad"ole, tanner vho ira*t4î.h -crodgr Blon for ete«a re ss 1 a mtue- g the.lest severai tdeys. tileti n a bnrniug bouse, vIii hM.o cati-is te1 3yer-l gr tandlec niaidete fior are natiupto ,B"»Miootkmn la tbat 'tt« th e'ed together by Coroner J. LU Taylor %wbo riaieti ber lite lunOttier ta a"', ta ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P«' cecevtecfoprmutiuc upooabave beau lased th th rn Jrr ndta he Ilgrand WuY viii renouvelle anticallla tu hear-the evidence of vitnesea. liai.of htlti rtir nims theorgrandhejurys nti at ey tiie ita.saeovWhobavA been auj>-I 'iPropose tao îti the -inquât I brUilluthr ndae rae por t e ta ti.ur as soonasthey p9enaed. -i the next fov days. PO.51b17 on Bat- tare In the lire au tihe Usdol farm hav cznleet teirlu.aigtia. Just boy long ti preiimlf'vo urday. The inqiaest vas postponed 18 ay e avee orperap.tvaor iiitai laproleitic5i bui ~~jta enai>ie the juron t. bear tiie evi- uorthwest of LibertyvIlle receutly. three veeka before the detective Wii seme 8<> he concetietiquit. 1dneo r.Usil4hbabn ho able ta male tuacr report., ant iahle grand uyvi stm 1 cnaecu lu Wankean," explain- viilnot receive a CarneUHeoe-M an il report iintiitme ti, ltu Fol>- utDr. Taylar. Several of tiie grand jurffl beleve ruary. The county boutd appmrpiat- Etivrt Ud010 met <!eth ueay d- the ciaim of the pisoners avaiting et $8.00 tu ensile the. grand >»Mz <to mauMM Mago.Hl c arrti d.] conduct a tharough Probeantithse ruins of a farm Hadishe risietiber lie lu tbe vay trial lsa ajust oan. i 8lenposible oe nd law tken fr ao a artiiod tha Cicui JugeEdwr& gy Bkpertai fa ercbiug luvettg&tW&n bos veat 0f Lbertyville at 9 oclocitla hiciielle titi la th.endeavor t. thae Jurit-Juot i tin thesmay aupsusi tionthe4aa. bjuyani, e h"t lu the. narnlug. it vas roportati by maye omneiotiy viivaset a roin, 8hjuy t rpor vthi ti. ea te ipaslby ti.~grnt juy lgt Nre. memberm Of the.tamily that Madole 81,0 tu her, the chances* are ahc tiny*. Jutigo Etiards at prenanttle vené long euough t. retura indIct- bad attemptedto ?Ê11 ie bis l.fe a i il ln orscbamdl iiPldig court lu Rociorti aud today menti lu tii. case of prisouers nov shoo1tint, anti that alter carrylng ber *MbInUefrickamdl It vas announcedth iat tste'a Atter- derarceatetilu the conty "lau liO' Ilut. the, yard, ho bat rturnde t < he leeitrc tl eo ta b.d vlth h tuseveboume anti ater 'iring'»18hai h Thfraet il oftippna rtan-e uoy W0eh LA con finai tu hie be h e1 sentences at once or Stand triai hifuell.Ilbdst owre &Uhecipn eta. 1an atlck aiftU Grippe. Ixnmedlateiy vithout being put inthle irs. MgdJle vas rusiiedtt the jane lut t. tuis heroic act t. the Carnegie n.c.solty ai reWitntng ablesil au qu- licAilater haspital at Waukegan. aihe b enacommission lu Pittsburgh vIth at ladu b mThan .!. bBuail l . aci nesoiariiylong time but '18 amemié80as sufforingftron a guahot wvounti .réqueot thadt ber ecase hogven at hm tiii 1 Tbrmds, oe 18la pShe b.genera'l bellef that the grand iu the. bajeot, but atnt me 8 wa0 s, MOM teul considetutian, Bible that Jutige Etivarda viii asi jury yl Saiish up aill is teltbera- ber condiltion regirtiet as criticL. th. grand Jury tu report on thcsestuons berone malng a report au the Iltiovelepedti 8h18one ar the ch»-. 5 h ete ili ac'pne nuaniier aei vated ect Prday etdreni " ArmovO etiti.bat fromJilhe.eclipjulng adthle ýçl»pl ta em- air.a n-slgtl et-rtiytucrtrbtigo and hie ut .no doit, me,- selvon reati thro«kh b! 8he com- Batu~dy, SCIOOL TO IVE PRCWM c1 d hlntboM@s nite. .The detectivea emploreti anti vok- I'ýrs. Hadale lanav wliving at h *leslseocre&"ry ni ait reinlly le tu. ae To he ul a bean .M ac ho me borneaier sister Mns. Lewis ,J. uItme*vident fram . t oue of tbe atney anrtidrecoàto eI n ,CIon p r . give msclatibitS-Lyon, on Yrauàkilu Street. letter vhlch thua paper bas r.- ga Écao riia vlg, br~y 2 At IThe iluest viilhocbelti at liberty calv.d lu responme ta ils reueet tiia gan ta&ay.the WaOtimnu hall. PragUrisbogiqti1 ville, anti one or two of the. Matiole h.r case bu tabou up for Oonsigl _____________- at 8:15i. Tiero viii b. tlncy EOyOI1 5chfidtren vii Dec - keti 80 testify. on -m ate puplis andti yledg.tin Praceedtils b uetfar Grafonola rec-. i.lte rm i.Crei ou EMJ1N PLANS À od u ob o ba>.- PUT MILK PRKE issonpiainly statu unl.pos1ii~on the KaTanrof awar-il Marous to CoIT lY BEAUTIUL Elgin ban a Cty, planning commis- glan anti bas eumed . H. Benutt conmulting anchteat of tbe Chicaga plan tu prépare a comprehensive cty sciieme for river front improvement, establisbment oi a boulevard épatat, parie. paygrauntis anti a citoe con-j ter. A complets system o zanlug, parai- leling aifnairoatis andthé formation of an ludumirl district yull b untier- taien. P'ands for the movemelit yen ob- laiued thratagb Carles H. Huîburd prirednt of the El19a Watch cona- pany. The plan coumissianvii cou-1 étt f 50 memberesud viii b. a pet- munent organisation.1 Attorney A. Y. Stearnu of Imié Bluff but tonipely ai Wauieg*lul mate detendat lu a suit ai $2W01 led by the Hotel I*saiIle ai Chic& 1 go. The suit laflledl lnCountr ourt.' Il la reporte t at tearus cantraeled1 tli &heUt ludebteduess. titI i1 VA* £ -blkmbi o lie stale 411g910a9- *M0 Thec aat chargedt t la l fiai 10 be for mcmi.,lodoint anti a Vocal Sla-Mns. Jaseeb Dorfier. Piano Duel lins.Bri' Bitta. Mns. DvI*bt iJoph. litgb Ichool Cadet Marcb-Orai- Vocal Sla-Mns Carl Cook. Batleshlp Cnnecticut Mardi- Vocal- Sla-Miss Marie Petrici. ViolUt Sal-Gir. Dvlght Dolph. Reiding-Urs- Orpba iHardng. VOM ol Belals Consels Lindie- Quartel-Ifessrs. Carns, U awium, Charls Dolph antiDvigbt-Doelb. Vocal tolo-muis Irene Coak. Mises Jesie Simpson 4toacher. EX-TRA ANOTHER DADY 'PNOSacu. TION" ISLOWM Up BY'TIE AP- P!LtA1r& COURT 0F ILLINOIS.t Statae.Attorney Welch todyidis- mise eti.lutilctment againat Walter Krause charget i wth sllIng Uquor ou gunday ln violation of the state law. Tii. Appellate Court had rêrpi ud m mmsandedthetiieuea.andi therewu Aoth- lng loft fr the. stateWs attorney te do T»,oemm* .las" ueto bavebeen ta kmu lnu.tbp loba oeiirlnm pi.anti wiii bor"mm soo a eti i «at«g.rg là SITU4 OCNu tbe AppoUate CoWt. TOO LGW, IS CLAIM MiIk Producors' Proteotive As- sociation to Ask Buyors for -a 165,Cent. Advance. MARCH iILKCOMES HIGH. Elgin, Jan. If -The Miii -Produe esAsoaion tit! not figure bigh enubvinth., et le.nce a milki ton Uarth, thei,at=month i *ix manhh' contraot vblcb lie>'foe.c ad buyers te accept lent tali. Tiley isked81-85 a huntret pounts. Tb"i bave tilacovereti tbat, ou accaunt of onaditions vbici tbey titi nat fore es tbey siaulti bave mad tie$28 Sgo, acorting to Diretar Calci H. Pot ten, lie> are goingt.easi te ativanoe tb. Pries 216cents, $*y@ Buyer*u*luat Puy 'Wbat If sbey vout puy 18?" be vas maseti. The linaducersviiibave ta live up ta their contract, viii the "If tbey von'tgrant th. request v. will figure lu th. Increse an 8ho suiuifr cOltraet puoe." b.1 ho ai4 "Til.1lihave te psy 18 thér Utsbt aveWoupMy lluaUarcb. oahesIs etf fle i.higiier lia a»A Mr' ide corie>'vald, b&.'h taener «Mot el aferd tb ihife il &; iJJi IO . LA FG AT CAPITOL SITED U 'DRY' FOREVER. BTL OKE TO ~ ~ ~ ýWÀ ( 6AE6UEAN WUEA DRY" j Introduoed Bill WhktiRlPro- ive llesoftation. Mil hlM ie ott iqon. ASI(S 4-MILE DRY ZONE BILIL. SMi, If Passed WiII Forever Make Wauke<jan and North Chicago'Dry.' The now meneplor from thi*, the. 881> diatrict Who. et Springfield Tueeday lntroduc.d a i iln th. sonate prOvdding a. five-mile'dry zone &bout goveramont rernerva-, tiensaumch au the naval station. Il passed this wili monn that Waukffan nover agal>, even if the people wish, will b. mable te vote the saloons ln. NAME EMERS 0F111 C1NTENNIAL EL.E* BRAT.ION LEADERS iudge Persons, County CIerIc Hendee and .3. Other Officiais Are on Commlttee. MWAY ORGANIZE SHORTLY. kHoped That Centennial Cole- bration in Lake County.May Be Represeintative. Pirat steDa toward the participation by Lake caunty ln the state vide cel- ebration ln, 1918 of the 'contennial ta- niversary of the admission af the cstate of Illinois ta the union, probaie iy wUl be taken et Waukegan witii- ln th1e very. near future as other acaunty gseaiaready have tabou t480 lea in lu the matter. Under tbe qs* 8kmn of the Illinois Centennia Coin. mission the tallowlng Lake county men vill compris. thie comnintteo that aviWihave charte oa the arrangements andi plans in this couuty:, Caunty Jutige P. L Persoa, Wauke: gan. Superlutendent County Boardijis L-Kng, Liike Feonat. State's Attorney James G. Woecb, of W.ukeiau. Coanty Superintendent of Schoom T. A. Simpson, Waukegan. Oounty Cienk-Lew A. Hendee. of bWaukegan. The. county Jutige, chairman of tilt board oaf supervimors, state's Attorney I canty guPorlntendent ai schoole BMi a county clerk ln each county omprio xthe clmintteee ln each of the. coUs lia. va hve a*feme healobeen matie îy the Centeunial Cas. MUh. The viole lettOr sIo" aht msin tàm eommlnlmion coamderoti vitb ti@ TiieLaie caunt>' committeo are exý utmult are every reforesace te Ums pectedti t meet in a hrtt bine for Lor» ansd apparestly the commis. the purpose af organinaapn. 18 l4 Mmtenegr hï f&Wyeptconsîtereti quite probable 'bat a pub regc~ eirissbiityte ullic mass meeting viilhe boIdtli bor luaaI$ tber umeaiy coneider spring or ealy lu the sumTa.r th ,a klug smah an avait. give the peopleofaithe, ebunty an ep Potunity to tel vhat they hin>k MI» lýorna'm hereasu ceneout- 1shonîti be doue In the vay ofai scelo Bd. lteeacope af the ceinmiou. Ia irain. ether varda, tuee*p.misulenmd"to Illinois vas admitted ta 8he ant> drav lb.elUneoaoueyiiei5antheb.hooti, Decemier 3, 1818. The cela vole vas aotdta t bra tion ai lie event rit many countipo adopetitha il CWI* -khwever, viii b. -durlng thoeannu b u*OUIY viienbeMesiM le diPlayr of 1918, o that out cf door exercieg le d s teaperS eanriolW .oaebody oau b. belti. Itila bellevet thtb plat * M fet teti vitb liem anti ivasedo- viii be tollavet InLu ake cauntyr. * ls lai tot carrying ont any pise et yogivwhich inlaluihsmor hier lino.DO may h llîeisivu iIl 1atlv.inp.lushort.,r if mutala>-persan pentarmlng lie st vluhte 9- pgnci tu, recu. 40 peiets, according riakd ieti lm vulie lu avlug. g.' a te te apoition taien byCM malutemPtlug ta avle, ho 1litfAale laon ho vouldn uascie Illa iste belng; anti oniy 80snb ctFotýiÈ bInd as bave be.n = dormtby etI carnegae commlassiatlu'h *U soostiienature a o c. i2MW follovlng tuefr regu U octos led Èo Theo 1.81er tram the cemmlisu ot ueccairlly requise hem te. peu ge vbieb puis a qulatats Ch oMas fonu sucbsige. Y chances ai gttinâa **eualfoilova.* This grl's act, 1 regret ho sMy, I ualot fachanacter t. brlng II;iuis Mn ., lttsburgbh . Fa, jeu. 14. lthé acoPeetaithe. Font; ae, tliais fa teOr .J mih,.the Commission bas not saen le w î. diot the Sun aid Intiblendent. etear te nive favoalmil omtaft Ur My ar Bir:. -- t; s.ctà vbh ar rmuateti h* TOurletter o eugow mp.u, im o OW c<>àfjbty or o e" ce oiattention ta an tïépfmt 0 rIieny. '- ta . .whzM?~ Mer Sodne.y B, Swift, of Llh.5 Sl .ch If panoot b> thesn i ad ipproved'b>' theRIE WADD "f I nsure Wauk.gan te Uthe" cie ea tarnity. ý Bwrr ILL PROVIDES, A FINE OF $100 TO $500 FOR 0U14JNG UIQUOR WITHIN FIVS MIlUIS 07 ANT BÔUNDI8Y LI"E OF AN" LAND 0F ANY UNITlt U1T4TUS NAVAL TRAINING STA- EN -w TION.. ThleJutent ofthe bll ato poique the i1e , iMdueatuu i« uor 1GP PA0MEUés l -si nui fIve Iiles of the. Great Ljles Naval Traintang Station locateti on the.aoshffl r>.umlh-J& MIL af Lake. Michigan, mat tve ant ibe& okHoS-'.e bal mle. outh of theheuart of 8h.e dt ~IfeF,7 business distrct af Wsanu. lm.m à TbIs ve mile liait voniti covor aIl of Waukegsu t.wnship a part oeThe MMnauaî c showievb0d i w Warren townsip; s part ai Liberty. tie aéi1.oay vile tovnsiehp anti ali fShielde 0ilb township. ow5eb&li *It veit mai.e be e.t lieue. lbbaàamu 4wWsebfe lu Wsukegan. part of qeu . &teL. W.:B. Lqoi oseo Rondoul. NorthiChicago, liii. é * of j sthe Bluff, ad Laie Poc-eet. .__ At this bour a"mile 04 oil-- .thrta t* oul4gbli bill expected 'vhtoh Ore dtiçee' of- o~bt P hibità th. sale oaIintoxicants vii b a bv h a, part of North Chicago. @iî 18 la the beliefof aipolticians liaIteno~~ e Ib15 bill vili h. passei by the lelilat. abo, 0$0B0-M M S ur. lu an attempt to tave off the . f0.o, PidayfaW liio@aois wao ide local option bill. A ue6" ii Ii- WUiiam Jenings Bryan, . o oat.e cor, bulor. 8"utW"o* grave uic. ame, la at the stat. cap- four ciiaeiio lasul a îilth liiivmeiurglug lie passag. ie fty, M féliovi: , a billvhicb vilprobibit the a*t es UermrcuW. Intoxicants In 8he atate. -hubit - «X oe. "Yo« shqil not bury leth u fi.A.l4Wi,-V t Je iiarty lu a druniart'.ave"- 1n lu -~ Wi"lia Brygu Tuesay so pars.« ioi>, % biaeisum "rown of tiiorns anti big A. Wmiol Avue.è erae 0 ot" speech lu 1896 anti Pro- k.>' euiVV«au -prise.,o ducet a. dliriura of dellght fl-om S.- B5. 1, e sownsngla e iu 00. 4IJI4 leDemocraiîs 8h18 see w twviuors Of qi bo PeumeM ofaIintense politklai ag- clovqi .ddam I l vere avoardut hie 18 vas bis peroratiqu toc speech nov gwACa , d e a luwihMn. l*yau snunced a ne'- ai. Wv .udlug flgbt. so long as hotieivet.. aO lu 151Mke the Demooratio Party dry lua, ul ur .i. V*«Ople anti dry lu organisationa. Ho Wilcex 111e * euMed t w8iti a plot tor goberai sut- *ligie .usy ville «9> "W. rfand sudniv.rsai peace. plumes, JOhn ]ILL e. I'Let Do Mau question the value of0f"8lwite COIC-14L.A Brovn, J. M. . asut s vapan suffrage ta 8he D.mocratic fl cr eiiusi-LU »#W*l,- »id Mr. Brya. He gratet D. H. Miâto, .R *le le tievoues af lie West full cro<¶lt Buet tuaOa, *nY id-b m er't i4.lectlon of Presideut l WI- A.HiNb@qk son. H. matie the speech tthle' 26bos of yeliev ora-U A. I UIlinoisDemocnatu. They bave com. 25 omm -white Op-jebs Uhwo1M, -lut r.markable numbera ho the. capitel OeuaWibnor. rtram a&U over the stato. Lamge, viite-Y. Éuiob. a là 8 Tumtiay night Mr. Brysu initilto . Lbom"u liecimuig l Spiugleti o mie Larmeyeuiev-G. W. Engaea0o thecàm*WnIn priilleldto okaVioury, W B. Aue& the state capitol dry at the Apri l - gBUshtite-,. Bq$*$ F ection. For bath speechies tie ibg aoli Y"UpKORU"se gd, ,F k eata arsenal vas jammeti vîth Men Grand e=p5aaieO anti vomies. Wen Tuesdaythe Ilinois legislatur. ha4 Wintevbeat-E- lilo& , -Opeaed operatlonm tentilug ta tara lieeuoae , M tS. I . .'L' i~ e, saeuesïtst luthle dry coîlun. b Sen%1çý Charles I.. Wood, ot Jour- Camta ct iI 1e. ou county, lutroducoti the tate-vide -L A. Huohocil Prohibition ibi liat vili couvert lieifO Bs tato uteanU-ma o ritory No- Ot 0w >' O*M veimber lot. 1919, If aie bill le passet Bout iiuetuMW W théli genoral ai.mbly, sud lailsiealou' - * 4q9ped by referendum vote at the »Ad CWever- A'gàstrk. ~ pgbr1918. eleclion, ,abc. D . 11ehlo. - mi~erii vs utodc the ii.alo ,»M 3 ., tii bouse dry conitte., The tutti (ConUllod M pa",êI > dry magaure bill vuslie oae pausaI- 'q ad by Souatar Roduy B.,vii, a j EIt AI I« S14*rtffle, vbo reproeneal thé edistrict. Tite AiSezu-&aboin W NewmPoloatPs4 a beo 49" et *1l1a1Amies*TUIw8o '. Vie7110 poqtu, mm vina« sa

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