a19 Md of the vu H ver-lt4 for Hie wIfe m Uhadlt aaMlll ii W"F' I dld nett ae 1'%f*oSM'or n isI**it'&imiJta1 . lu têiV ié LU boyagoIte-c # j d1ht, A13 h RgIMqOI pP1 i04B iegtb 1113 adboeéefot tvo cir anent o crtU*ta1, or rb. i r ée pi the JSUMOMWO ArhUr i nq5ew Ic '4' ~ 4i~ Hefiqt- n ,Iii1 ~~ ber,, but ont>' the 1001 of Mebody's afrbwsh t m uda' 0'u.eue~p~ti ou l am ,jr, f â8tea frune-up. f4* Jo iss ers -tene »MnoÂr:! 1êéI. A ît1 010l elle qp.jStftît a Iiê* I*nuIIho' <bm f ti htÂ4 kbwïbei.i dWS modeuin a t p o ul for ber b 1Ois f uc - e lrti4o Sn a shpge la uILubi..., ...,bl.aa6ý or acrnng liquor lb m' , y" tterttiT. st b rP o UY iP S .~ S !~ li u tOO tic fo t ba obaf tàr l-h" eH.deappeared ln Pbllo&C ourt. laaded No' lb tégiai tee i. oa oca rà am .jltî,md ý14; fneamoautng 4> Iiil*tii o P f<l'tpiebI ond Ves rî@diithii ILuxuuU ~ ~ ~ 4~f~ *1* Tin ieltà HiIw 5f but chs Uiabu iarme 0i"14 de s ý«w; - pimS liUBS. w: --i p". .lto ot Chinom iotd aa u>poew dieu80potae, mUd'f ood. Obb a&UIM dosn oup for gn. tant for 1 oss nd W5I5bOd.>Ut Si jouais 0Mtr, Oat~b mtwa to he Mo]Mot Mb IW1oéa afsuds É OMaS etmi apApg repite.,vkq Osi ojetl.8&m ri. eurs a, b o f s, q f . -oia&re aterissi ri SB>'.'l ii>'etithe ticflbe 67 oo ii. "détearr 1 Lltoulcating UIquoga. la. orlis Citiag ruam c11 and brîcg beipte lyene lbarn itoduitr, >0OPAIj 9 M od uPO iifSiot ebuat ni an vl rratbe5 pstint utiss #AS PS10 4r O~Wufatitulb daseter. bave m", vAhPqmt tee-ber iibq»dlm et:- ~e~~, meent a W&A eizaVbeComplot$ 'f. '7 Lu uc I s'*id lxt.Wai4 he gand e fef bisCompleum loudf-," TwiMUImUw0 jetOl:lie croula ta tturE n lbdlborneS alie>t Fum Hol tfl5 * *M ty sutWM 0"*At it is i ciUiiB-"lfir a e i sier014rregt bad tloiSs f titug meul or; nation»_ ~s%~iMose abou t t cwo Ha m4a>' .ail Ou robes ta*lb 'f - - Thé nw, luis faani flwtgnnei for ~1ig LAnhprOqr .afct of - lsuuitu& ~1l Tê damin cotfd lb iy« dulb< thecptict.feU «i itlm TO IVKE ,AID '0F GOVT., If PWÀUM on m tsamatodtme thi pft rivr. birmï;Immada to lt lake, USeIII>cnaWgSI1Ofor boM *fnuikt oaa ~ ni -1 ~avomeINVOq a~~~~u teib5 t wosaU nim ola mia ~ 1" i ta l fiee shape. clsu*toe<licVosriver. 1ist.. Lme..la mind. h. o M& mient t p> b om, ie ol 'hOmmSeUS aUnsbW11i, ale omi by t' Use rway commttee4" - People living ia thc Vox river d4W *lrctl louWeUveobad loewlb li Ibis. uhom t4t*J% i lmr'wonld i arnte untli ot Ahag'tmàh« U tp~~~~b mut e:td mid mwapsr ý'dmercloy rfor- the dopoeag ef ý, laMe: m .an vmît thormu' "y*iYWvoeu Wdangrer aof beauagolng 04ponmd.' on op -8 .Mthe l poè«4»l att. s arc p~d pdduaareigi n the môi'h. Mt tlà' We are sell,88(g rw -Pt 40P0aç,e. iv lp~rc efltrl né $s*athp, n tm<or atuim0a. tour lb tehsuti rn a iilS a City af 20,00, fMt ONLY THIR ftYFIVff-OOl.LANS AN ACREK # Tii terra am , o>, $» amkand tic baaascont to toes v ai0% '9 stt u tYnorelit.- SOutbhetttn'Lotliabub liie ottl etliate. Ufid abtue, no drought, mltd WlntifM.IWé'a~Im V~êê tui'ui Vf0la*11 vinter. 89 sta kgg but nots hot u a bt» c Bêf l 'CThere 18 a good aû Uvn.csfr.hAlth a41d Wealtb inu 4' GROWINS 00mW4, CATILE AND HMO SNo saction or ther vrs«yaicrt.1W botte pitaffl speolit= v ti-tond sod onlyt>'ji*« alln,~ nd cuittr'atÀ. Bitta go and «e i t. ExcttritOUU P%151 an md ThIrd Tuesdays ot eadi montb. Ai for Iiitormnton. W.aie neteto 'W ~' %H f~i l la .M&, f" 4t'tn, ýw4Uè4 qltt im os awm. t ONsS"dsmetaf a" lb tmt luis lo ~Ai8~JI~t1'PI~k lcil o b,6ofhou wive w) bo.a*sbeen planing 'fThisew -hune gwesUkç% euoeeMs Ï&i.vawity o«r umual,,*owing, ad 8pgêiauy uotewoithy 1er its seleetion of oiigLu'mù d attrac - tive pýtterns,*'nti the wide bsortment iof beautlidil ou'tigà. Curtulu Your Wim4w with * "QakerNets te" mm«a ui ;« n.ffi h eoeinwhte'91mBUiO6U Vl it I. . ........ t.