ed Savings-Ask For, and.Save Te* Crack! Smah Ban The Sale Starts orLýUa YL o iuuor Rçgardless of Their Worth or ___CoheC er NeM" i Th crpntrswil e er T MO RO t 6art the alterations which will make this the most beautiful-and finest store irý the state. You nowcarentrs akea geatdea ofdfr an dfstthe ned onsiderapi1e room to work in, so in order to save our -merchandise from being pldadton r>u o the worknen, we havé instituted this gigantie sale and will give the greatest barpaIna youeverheard. of. Our store-has corne to,_be known for miles &round for the high quulity of the too& ecari*&d Md tÈe reasonableness of our prices, so this announcement will literally PACK the store. Net foy, years' to corne,. and probably nover agam, 14 in yo u have a n opportu nity to secure such wouderful valued. Aîteration Sale9Ai Coats!, si0.50 W$-o $âlo Coati Inctui And nowcornes the BIG AXE - the fPlNMLOUT that wilrnake historyl ÇQAT SALES. H ee ae ail ]à tief. saotsimta FORviS fto 1ail kiwis of 00515 ter *dl& med pliss. velOUK5 brmO- dotha. Sana eeiba. ta. boIt- ed. 100e an#ut iazu lU ste-o «s accorinste oPim. eoats Up to 25 Coûts Up to *$27-50- Coûts Up to $40,.00 Some Wonderful B3rgains! 75C 6 RASSI ERES-Beautiful- ly tri isred w1tit a protuaion of l u nd em broiderv 43 9riced ...,.......4 c $12 AND $150 SILK COR. SET COVERS-Of ine crepe de chine lunal i ses; extra aL speciai t .............5 CHILDR£N8 500 GOWNEI-. Of hravy flannelette, blunsise l 12; sot aod warrn, t...............435C sud chIldren; cornes in.al lic sises; specal at.* 35,- FLANNELETTE DRISS. ES-And rompera, for' chiidren; good colora.. 21~c $1 SCARF A14D CA/ETS- lua ot iruabed *ool; aU eoiorngs; long acars saI. é 82U8 KNITTEO SETS-Kos cilidren. conslatlng of cap und little sweater wth colored yra 00, ......ry............10( 60e FLEECEO VEIITS, AND PANTS-For celtdren. 6 zles to12, t......26 ]WENNENS 1lic TALC POW. SKIRTSI Tioe Swértlamre hown la ev i aed $bss ud 21sy fbl $10.0Oskirus su kor vo kral isandsome" Plested and shlrred effets; KUl co- ors and izes $12.50Os"It BeaUtul @trip es, large plaIdé. plais col- or$ and mixte a l isIk orewooL 1i Coverali "'RONS Dresses to $ (Sizes to 14) ____ CHILDRINt DRWIShS In maRY PrettY 5~I plain colora U1U , checks. etcla in ete 141, spocil iat $ 10-50 Silk &serge Dresses Il i£04 assotment of pretty Ma1 popilu'sud serge dessl stu colora anid taiml. To $1650 811k and Serge Tu *16.50 61k and Sorge ORESSE-lIncludlflg PrttY ORES$58--laborat6lY trim- Many pretty styles lu Sa. party frocks. are included la med villiprofty color*ded e nu, vool csalle., voilea sud this aaortment. VarlOua broldery. BEs.*saddlesuna osrges; aimota t lses,, a styles are eh? m A F pouaob h .thes o Atation *t beautltully a:l-u_ »sahe$., iel - 1 Lsale Value. up te UD broldered inaUal II lams, ae. ! s-1 . L jJ pecw at ai (a.O colora and ises. UBU ca ____4m____1_ AnyýTrimmed Wft.te Hatto $10 Volvet snd gold lace. satin and vol- $F -vet and tur t ndi ment priced up te ,$1. Black and col- ors t Velvet and Satin Hats to $3 a"is velvet goid lace and fur trlm- .med sallors; al colore. 5C New Ifat$.to .18. N E.W gprpg i5tyles, eabo-tally trlmmed, ln cv. er colO onil Disconînued Numbera n- 9 c This lot of world famed corsets embraces the late styles, some of which the înanufacturers have discontinued owing to a revision of their linos ont account of the rising cost of materials. 1.50 Corsets 11 2.25 Corsets. 08 $1 White Petticoat- Womens musin petU' Coatii iln nw tlles, pref- Uiy trimnxed; I l syll t>1 c $5 Sflk Crepe Petticoat- Womens dainty ulk crepe de chine pettîcoats wlth eiaborate lace trkro ___ 2,75 Corsets 3.50 C orsets 'IM ta$1 $3 Batbhroi- Wornen'a lstbee f Q heavy, wvarf matelala q8 good, colar"; aimcst- Aal Batbrobes.to $5 at *2.98- Wornen's hayblankot ~ hslthrobes a a handocl-2 9 orings; ail aIse. EXTRA Special Bargamns -Wornen's Raincoats i n; odstlsad ses,$2.98. -Women's Raincoats to $9.W lal y'olon;*698 -Wornen's $1.25 UrnbleBla; fancy haudies at 69,-. -Women's $1.75 and $2 Umbreila; metal t--m 11. -Wornen's $2M 0and $8 Umbreila; bandsoms 17 I Alteration Sale $19 $2.00* Waists ati Here it la! The big sale-the deepms OUT in pricesever offered on. new eanb waiste..BEmbroidered m a etmud Waîsts to $4 biany bafd*ome Opat. tmten lu atrpo tub du" mla u m mssa" coloe; posa t Wslsts to $5 90Be autlu 1ko oua colora; h»Awdeo5l finlshod wltb «mlWp eMy sud lace. s Fu~Less Than Hall 'Price 1%ereanre my handsome nets and single pieces offered in our AMt. Sale et rsely aenatonai reductlinn. 'çhe foloving prtce amreslmil>'t you au sp of wbat vo have'. Lare0QoaPaca.8 ul to $rat. $269 Gollsi lo to $10 at $5 I Muffs to iOào îd.....$5 Scuarf te 2250 at.... $10 I MUfti to $20ut ...$10 Scarfu b *$27.50 at. ... $ý5 MUfti to $ff.50 at $14M5 CWidren's FURSETS. 1to -$&98 -a t $1 Cildron' fur sets lanvisite and, or. 0ng,éoglymade and very "ou' $t.50-Petticoats Womewspticaae sateen and hlghymrete ltabisn nsPretty styleos, aulj 1.25 Knit Petticoats Womns oolhai ettiO tIal iesd C Altération Saleé,4 Suits tolS HIere is your GREATEST suit opportumity. Don't let it yls colora ad mte. tle so» t r tdmed are l- clude4/5't!2!te l ta price. StjÇ'to 52Z50r at- Sifs Up to $40, in the Ffnest Styles I Sae M.Aerchandise I' 28 SUITS 23 COATS VALUES TO $15.75.. Women's $7 Dresses J lite are pretty wasb dresses la voilée, law,"*, __ aU-wool chailles In ail colora. Aiso good-icoktng Wom4,'s $ M I Women's $2.00 Grepe Kimonas Iath Robes Sweaters to $ womens white ail vool sweaters llghtly soled from bandIus. Aiment auleh"e. speota 250 Woren's Waists Ùoù to S.u WoniesPure Brassiere up tlo59c, at p ot bSc "lu - uai& n ~dom 1 orfrflde* '~$1.75 :Cree. QWMý Varlet oratyle., elaboeately trbuseii au lma ,Womett's $1.75 mulInPetke ~see St., 'j, p!w. chasesof $S or