Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 1 Feb 1917, p. 6

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!NT. '1JTnTH SY. IPRRRTTAY"1.1917. UAB-K. uwa~*um 7ê.~10.~ PEAUrLNCKLACE CASE 0FSPINAL DAUWITER DES bo a- IX COlipAItD MN!iTIS I3OUND SOON APTR]MR val ST EXITINIi IN CITY *MIOTIER'S FI]NERÀ Â bleWuhobalte«or*s- amarting Waukefan, Jan. 26. lira. John Gflynn, foritirly Isabelle 11-e1 t«yt f 85,te îhs ttle Wlllard Fonter ma!Che ol. 51ko i ednt ofso la rte0f6.5. sebghstPoi'Oce G F ostr, .S . !Wue for about ton Yoëm», bav. ai Sae lie aoy o! the Cty, an investi- 906 ,z)rtb avenue. hbacotractel spi- tng movel ftrucmbore tvo YOM rs0ago d glaln ae..Usa th reidets ! 1aualeniagiis and at thua heur bis after ber marriage, .110 Thurnday, ori $pin,, ia bolng puactured and l'Fi- ary2 ,a oai !Uea jtw etbo ftiUOSinathe stalle .111 hOo n" vt, eram la beiajg Injected ln an'at- on effets o1 an operation fer mu- ab c080laupon te pay an even Iigier tempt to gaovebic lire. The boy Ia but bld. tes rai. hi m-y o îlhIconoltin.eighi yeasuOf age. jHon deali ok Place lu St. An- hal rýae. hismoybe ligt cscltiO, I develoPa5 that there are tva thony of Cauda Hospital, Chicago-. W butil.11 o orn a la-t. cases o! tiIs dreal hluease ai the lb vas on Nev Yeara day that Mns. laf Grei LkeaNaal ralla ut-tinGlyna lefi ber homo la Chicago te go f A OOIOrionof the tax rate onand hth caaeu developed at Use sta-' te Campbelsport te ithomtinv oeer $10 a-a-eeod alutionlu lio la boys ib ave reached man- Mlra. Wibi!red Doyle. She caught cod îl *v foosesell.uto i 5tsuI hr ad If vos deemed necessasiTfr ber lvi Cition, ta uu»ois, Places Wauhegan Bo eder a! Dr. J. C. FObey 'a strict te harry back to, the cly here hor n ' ude," wu. fi tou lu Use bigla rate of quinatino la beina hept at the Pos- condition are. vons. aid Use Oera'--1 t&xollOS Tige blgheat rateïs ti I Jol- ter homo, vblcb la la Use mids of a-Ition was lecilel stityrea-idence district and the PO- Mother Dicse Ue Day jet d l gln oer dolarhiger k,,arebaisucod te pretent earoue Il wue ra-Uer singular tiel, on tbe wv là" lit ia bore. frout breoking qu-autaine. veny. day Il, vas decided te operate lac 80àSus f Qinypay the lowee;t Inasmuc asulter. lanDo lelephone on Mis. (flynn. ber motien lied Ila ost vic l $.54 Pe ehevna lu Use Poter home, policeen are Coapbellaport, Win.ta la $554. Te folo at Inte he benevce a dar te re- W%,en lira. Glyni weni te Use hos- of OOPU*MOf o!rates la diffesent cIlles Colle Use grocra-nd meut ordors plia-i ahe d14 net'know ber mother "t-I b*otiang te a»Y the lst, a&bda-ad te c&rrytUe food tans 10te l' os tla a citical Biai, and il vai pi ~ Salto food for thougt: home. wble hbe wva- gettlug ready for the fr joulet .....................0.îo. ~An attempt l. helng maie 1e trace table thait the parant pa-siel away. hb Use seurce o! the diseuse. This macb lir. Glyna beaves a boy of IS h Imm et. »Ioul............... 10.37 bas beca dIlacverel: mnthts a-ad ber hitaband who la ira-ns- W-ou*esu .................... 8.0, Tvo Cases of spinal menlngitis de- fer manager atte F'or tone. Chica- Aeyll.. ..................8.08 veloped ai. the Grea Laites Naval sta-- o.r a. ye ht nti a 0 eaoInI .. ............... 8.',tion neurly a ve'a-go. as f das pa ravile nurseav 7.6 A remdaya aller Uetrh e o! I actel , a traanel aura.. l O S~lIed.. .........~..... ite 4rdre diseuse davoloped at Use lia.flya a .. .......................--7.57 training station Chile!rPle Offi1cer i lra. John Daylee!Wthgi hs I .. ....................----7.40 Pster teck bis eight-year-Old son on bubal met dea-Us la Use North 317.27aa anjnaspenion tour or Use station. IShore Electnie accident on SpnluS ]te*ililmi.. ............ Il la fored Uai Use littho fellev streot. nome years a-go. She, louleu lPtm .... ..............6.91 Suuef Uste lisese ille on thot] airbrother, a-ad Uree siaiers. Le" Ubugmtleoa.................. 6.81 tour W<es! l ie ion. -lDoyle o! Chcago, F. U. Doyle o! Pond leCluhbt .....................49 Upon votlgaln Use San tourna du Lac, James ofPiMorence, Win..; ipeesi.. ......................fà7lia-t Uera sO a s u e« of spinal Emmett of CaunPbellaPort; Lawvs-nce 4lolohug................0.24two ecsss o! piemola-: and Joseph. The sisterus m: Mm.Ce- ..................... 5msta-tio. îIsin " that tier are 113 truIe Blackmoro, CampbflmsPori, Mlnm 11» ilUier tex rate tiI year la a-t_ patiente la the e piautle t e ra-Anna Sellonr, West Bond, Wi.; Lau-W * Isbull pallyla le ld 101. ho a-g tAtonrance. Jo.peb and Leu are 5an Nos-th 'ta tualeM1011111 igieth »L aan ve bonesw oe awu, ftarmatlus1 as morulna i Camp-A L*e»wle the cO»aby ta-s la blgier sud am ky giiak 0f ploalmenlasglll. The bellsport viere hurili 11tairo place t tie mabol ta-i »heip s obs0mûp «mm us ve ot regardel e asnosta« beile ber mother. I the lrotal. go tus-as the ta£ n os u tIO » IL inregasdedoas hblkbly pregaly for City purposea alouel ts e ing loto Use opine aa srat vieb cwail "ite oas» e ichth"U vasu isu.toied bly a- moe a me Z GA IAMY AT but Z?* or eaioussa810 o Th oie leost os ndthe sja DELVIERE M s-ODi CM Usha e h blgher lez rate TeFotrchIlI lies lna acomatoise ING LOC R CLUBS I lieuw o ho. Condition a-t bis parents' home. andI ______________ tiers as-e io doclrinlacontait - Wauegau la net lbe otly city vbers AI LO TWAKGA. t sgneInanilacolri the locher clubs a-ne unden Inveotigu-a AM - AUKGAN Ne mi-c li Inantle araysl-tienaby lhe grand Jury. Wble the I -3----- ~ scoe l Wnkean aveUsemoii.Lake coanty grand jury- la ceuducting bïso*ity fût' 'es8iol of o! lhe cty beeu se alarmed,.and It a thorougi probe lot local conditions, i. Dred tiat the ollendse utBthUe fildevelops 1h01 the Bonne countyP Vice CcfU ea'SNeW WiS- achels.111 auffer a drop osa-m olt andjuryincenîucing a almllar Ila. oorU State Law. o lhe developusunt of!thUs pnua vestigohlon ai Blvidere. The laeles t ______meuflngitîs couerneaM 0 Nos-tbh 5 ued aI Belvilere are rolovol la Wou-t W*okega amy loue conaiderabe nus. hegan. Reilonta of the former City popularfty a a Grena Green If a pro- are avalting the grand Jury report poéd ishoeent n Ma ilwaukee i. put LU IIIETJEjlvth cenalderable anticipa-don.Frn -lite effeet. lTe Mlaue Socety ~ILIL1LA >acoaarcle rn otdseI I vwould appear liai lhe conditions tiére for th. Suppression o! Cousmerciallel lfgà'anjfA~ O d laWaakegaa-ara qute aunilar no Vic je cousldrng Use advlsa-lIty fF IL'EIM D IDON far as lnchter clubs are concerned. et us-ins a, stete la. vhlich vo1ud Bob. la wbat lie Belvidere Eepuh-c elaesity mars-alenataile o! Wecon- ~ UfhII lican soya o! lbe grand Jury Investi- elabaiWen prin. ivrce leLhER D BjMLU IiU IIU gaioeit Ua-I dît: af btwenpesoa______ es ta Have yon bal yeur littie $seon a year as bgamy. According te A. H. wtb lie grand Jury: Bartet,vice-presldent o! lb. aaclety, . Waukegaa:. Jan. S. Il la cnrs-eaU>' rumored Ibat lb. la- ose a- la. - voul pravent Wisconsin Wîlh tI ua-ute guide temu, qulatorial bondy is Ielving more or leue diiceesu from benz umnnriel lu Wau- Thomas Tyrreil, police chie!. and bis leeply lisntcoe mattprsa; a-Id ramer kega beore bei yea o!grac laofficers. raide au allegbI "blind pgt a s hOita-tâIl la18an effort tu find eut kegon lia-netthtre tea-tof g'cle lawe.u- vhetber likker" in belniag esei eut oves' and lieu rturniug te Wls cou- oMakt3re t1.'cc a-t éome o! lb. local club.. and If t l8 aaL .nday aflurnean. being accus-e, unler Juat wha- con- As nasna, tie propo..-d legilation iThe borne raidel va-o Iateof Prou- litions. The aforeal rumor alse bas ciska Kopoiez on lMarket areot alIt uaieat Icast 6o wllnesseu bave la 'Jmita ai Wa-uhega-u, as Mlwaukees!olowlng Ibis voma-n's a2t'ot aie been scummoned te tell the grand jury- iasee ebhamet iis cty for a-l the was bell lu bonds of $3.00 by Pa- amea mat wbat lhey knov about il, troubles- ariaIna between couplles wbo lice Maistrale Taylor peallng ber mol that there bas been a slea-ly Pro- bea-ing vilci yull be hl on Bet-I cession lu a-ad oui. anad lu and out. elope bere te wel. urday mrniag ai 9 o'cloch. Mrs. Ko- The aforesai rumor al'oaas l that Il va-s only recently- Ilal the Minis- palca- bas employel Attorney William the vitesases a-ne askel, 'Do you be-I tenu Associa-tion o! tie "Creant City" 1A.' Dean. la rapreeent ber, long te Soandso's club?' If lie wit' held anInignation meeting aut which Suveral laya ago John Kpiech. 0Of!1neas be. happen te beloag l la ne- te arIthe mslemlavro 912 Maretl .1001, rata-nsI te bis,. lael thal other and a- tlimes emb4r-à y ela vilci v el rve n laivae o home In an allegel Inunhen condi- raiiing quEtions are asiel. Just1 a lw wichwold revntMilaukelion. Hia- vif., daims liat h. bout vbat end hua beea ruacied may b. Coupleatrulom eloplag ta pointa oulile JPer mont unfenclflly vti a broom learnol bY lomorrow. - proviing the3 lb. slote, pas-tcularly Wauhegan, a-ad bondIe, and black aid l bIe spots grand jury gela tbroUgh vlth ls largeE igettng marie&were foual on her body by a local number o! vltaesu by that lime. -' 511115 ~ octon asubstantiate ber daim. Stâtistica vora tiuoed te show liaI Koek 1011 Use police tual ta hoaa a- majorty ef Ut. divences rosulte bugit bilsIlquor Ia Kpnosia.I J I fs-cg»a&pemets te Wauhegan. It The case va-a continuel pouding a M ID nit Voui» appoar Ibat lie alot i l nvstgation. ms- uw Mllwahoea-adWlsoaul aganat Teterlay Thtomas Tyrrei l tMr&. 1 lErtvK G V »waaee ad Wsconýtl.i:,IntKoaeck and ber tve cbldrea-botb o! 94eI N V R6 V elopomntatabora la growing stronger viom ara anler 9 Ysear$of! andau aIL thc Umerned1Itla sexpectel liaI teck tUsem Io Use offce or tates At- halos-e tory long p la. .111ho b. tWtoreylJmsra.lielice chioIandM IFT A CENT estla se oigs- lat~ iic .1 m-le lieasatatosney eOea s eelonel Mil*ukee: lira.Mary Smth, agel Il a-t te Imposible for couples 1e lie vou»a-nd ber Ivo elaldren. 25 yeara, a nurse vIse seconed a do- tif ee'"11ure, me eaM>g9« lie betge at'l-ilîr ILaisge licou»e recorda bure show Irasc-a hbe. lie moud the chi u- dioce lacse . Ibis morau Gai £slly as many Milwaukee as Chi- <elufor- ft." silI lis-. Koceck front Jalge Turner, leelurel thal ber -The olîoechiee! toVi lie lv. Chii-buoband, mossu Smith, on aubine-1 cage Couple gel manuiel bore. Muan- Iran by theonaud asakol tiem te ble truck driver, bai net given ber0 rffg Justices vould reeSive a baly secort lm turead*Wo sbu..'lbm onikl neTh";W-keau a- 1kw if hbIasomurSeto!revenue v.10 I1as4.IUs"Aoa woetiy e buaunce Mâed tto tthePOI1 iot e tale risSe on Deconther 11,191." a- ____________ Place vhos-o tie boose vos e iUte l ueautomobile" vas Use oui> borneà , Wos'Ïs 1Coulb s-ba rfot e 01Th--aiTy-fi t tla- il* h ores-bolprovided." elie 1011the1 Y «eti ou l onthesaoonrefrmCollaier s-bm ho loqa- i v focs--gai » la ut Sps'igleldon Wedueady lton uan eo " ic.m a-*ae , Th*court, and ber attornaey coulfnot ne- w» ill fit th le iouse calculated te conta-inesm -man ir e, b,« me du m ienlg If It as flt a- - Xl imrsugq 5oOd the gratlag d 0e ftoah5yvue oi. lis-i. Iiailhsadali se vau ud ulps I a Sathe ftures. I 'i5AKPI OS 15 yfl "i lie SistvOU- dEee«t"la lu iIof 1915. They alvays 'Idslby Joseph Placck. aa sute O eet *àlle Chl 4u lie eIlew e limIer the tes-ss éci-IgOMesceheo OMe i*Va-I*d ocnble-ilvvl e - - k Ga~al ccn f <! John IL Cousml tour sii à VI% me i ataon. tirougb Atorney W.1 AT ÀLLEID BAZAAR NUTRY FANCIIRS §EAR AÀ,10MD TALI 0N RISING FOWLS .Wtuhegan, Jan. 25. The poultry meeting held lait nlghî A~ former Waukegan girl la the pos' aitheb Y. M. C. A. itadar tb. JOItt' usor of a 11,600 pearl dog colaer auspices of the Parmora' Instit t sd ecwice irhlch ahe won at the Ailbi e tbusiaber offomemrce proyod te t aur la Chicago on a $2 ticket. b. one of the moat uatèeo.llg Moet-8 Mien Duiy Evans. 5565 ilmberb lnge of lits nd ever held ln Wauke- ciaoe, vu the lucky Young w9mal gon. rw beld tb. check wbich won Ibis Allboagb thc attendanco was flot as aluable pionseorf'jt'welry ln costae'- large ausinight bave been expected, on witb Use big bazaan la Cbicago thase wbo beard Profmao J. P. <311' Li wek bort, of the Corbondale Normal sehool lia Bi&=ui. weil known lu Wau wore amply repald fer 1hoI1 attend- ega, bavlag livod on Cory avenue once. Professer GlUbertt proVed telDe us st o1 f Stoole court a year or ual enly a tory lnteresting seaker,t a go whosj ber faiher was employebaitus te homoly iratho wblc beh bas 4 bhesa.r rflnery. Thibs Pearil tught. .iili regard te, the ralaing of g colair vwu raffled off by the Ain- fowla were prantically demoustrated ri funu for the 8\Cencb woanded wltb birds whlch voeeaupplicl by the ),otb. Ber @bare or number waa local pealtry fonciers for the par- hov to De413. Mine Evans lsa apose. W. 1. Lyon wus chalrman of eaher o! Use Kenwood school and the meeting and Iatne<iaced apeak- mrdly knoww hot te say lait night er. when & reporter for a Chicago paper The speaker lea a trong bellever nfores-eber of ber gond fortune.. ln tbe prodactîveneas a!fthe ludion Sihe aald, tbougb. ibat she vonld Runner dock and explained hie ex- si Use iscklace and consider Il a perlences witb them. as compared ta nlit)' gitatlal rewand for' ler tu- tho. Ineot bras" of ho%. over aà pe- usimeat e! 82 to aid the wounded lu riod of more than 10 year. Practicai .rnce. - methodu o! Judglag the vortb o! a .The Chicago papeno Ibhis mornlg fowl for a given parpose wes clearly >rInted ber.picture lu conuection vlth explainol, and eacb metbod was sup- 1al o!flira. C. G. Moore, a Chicago. por'tail b Most praetîcal remouns. Two antan who. won a $10.000 peari neck- Young rooters vere dalonlzed by the ace. speaker, for the benefit of the au d- lir&. Moore and Misa Evans ver. ence, la aime manner. ]By caponla- te real big violers lu the entire ulsluIg, a great Iea' la the poultry busi- DfPrises put up ai tbe bmzaar.. ne... may be curbed, and Use demon- The, Evans were well known Il atration wlll ondoobtedly do mucb Wau'cegén and Misa Ev'ans' many gond bore.. fiends w111 bc delighted Il bear of Profeaaor Gilbert speaha ast the Ylb- er succema and fortune la wliug s; rtyvlle meeting. lcday, and many ibis 'raluable token. Of Use local Chamber of Commerce membere vent ovor til morning, lu lls Ev'ans and ber twlu sister fine- lime for tbe luncbeon at noon. The uentiy come to Waukegon as the meeting annoanced In ho bell la gueats of Dr. and %Ira.Pitt of Cor.), Waukegan toniglit bas been ca-ncelled venue., c wing to the fact that ibere woie sev- An R SSBA H ON eral dates cnflcting. IRROCOST; ARSON <i<LDE ALVEA FR1SON ATTK E WINS SIL VER MEDs UER ON ACK OME AL CONTEST SUN. Wsauhegaa. enterta-inul at dhumer au 'riday, lira. Victor Rossbach o!f-Los Ingeles. vho bais been lu Chicago vIi-, Itmg for conasv>'ehs. ins. Cumminiga anvitedlnlafrienîs o! NMn. Rossba-ch .n tie persoaso! ',Ir. and Mmr. Joba F'ulton and lins. Gem>' o! Waukegan. anl lir. a-nd lir. A. K. Bain of Mill- ,Ire. Rossbach sud ber son James leave Chicago on Wednesday for theirý home iu Gailfornia. The son, who. some trne &go qsatned a badifait wbich affected bis body very serlous- 17 and later necessitated a delicato operation, bas been at St Lu'ie'a boa- pital for some weeka. havlng beeu brongbt un f rom California to be treated at the big Chicago hoapital. He la considerabiy lmproved now but etili bas 1.0 get about on crutchea. -Mr. and Mns. Rossbach ued to live in Waukegau. lira. Rossbach was bora at MUlburo and was a sister of 'Silent James" Henry Smith who up on the death of nie oncle, George Smith, inheritfd $50,000,000. At the death of ber brother whle he war on bis honeyrnoon In China, Mr&. Rossbach inherited a quarter o! a mil- lion dollars. The famlly moved back L0 Californiea afew ye" s o. BRKHIER 0F uncrDR. PITT DIES IN NEB. Ti-tegra-ni reaciel Waukega Frilay moruig tig Viouaiug tis heali la Duuniug. Neb., on Tbursay, Janu-1 ar>' 251h. of Dr. Heur> M. Pill, O! Cory avenue, Wa-nhegan. No letails accompaniel lie tlegrain vilci more ly said lia-t Dr. Pitt ha-I pasel ava>'. Dr. Pt as a dentist a-nd ton ma-ny years ad a-danauoffice vIthbils broth- er. Dr. William Pit1 01 Wa-ukogau. lu Chicago. For lie poil 1.0 years hi. boa-thibal been sucb lia-t ho could net continu hle practIco anI lait1 Jane bé wenl vest, le Nebs'aeha-l- tie hopes Ibat a change o! climate vould botter hilscondliton. Il ImProt-i el at varions lIme. but laiely b. bal a gel-bock al a- tolegERai a COUPlo daysa go vannel bis relatves Usa-Iho j vas la a vory senons condition, Il vis la-t iane Ihat Dr. Pt'a feilît utovol f nom Iake Bluff le Nebraska- aid they have Blivol lieo iflO, Tic Plut famally ha-I liv tIla- 1 Bluff aboutlt1 years andIne famlly1 vam btter inowu tien lbeY vol'.. UsIdes Dr. WiI Pt e! Waukegan, Dr. Plut ln sarvived by hlmstliree broth po, A. E. Pt afChicagoadlFrad Pitt o! Chicago; and C. P. Pltt o! Ne- bras.Hi. parents MIil a couple et yea-nî ago. No doetl have boca recaivel about the tunes-a. Tie tuaina-Iof lie late Da,, lenrY North Pitt vho lied la Duaulag, Neb., tari veei, va, bolBula-y froin Use homoe o! hi. brother, Dr. William Pitt, et Cary avenue, burla- giu aLake Poneat. Rev. (erleoetWaukegsui ad Rov. Edvarls oft Lie Poet 0»- ciated. Dr. Pit1 vas horst at t--tmg- hamo. Engla-ul, Dec. 7, 1M, MouI>o ticel Icutistry la Cifl30 >0550. Ho wass ambis'of tIse 14200010Or'- Ier and a- Bs-lnus-. uffvt e" RO llvee oie: the .iàov, lira. Lus* *y* s-y Pitt, aad tire. hllrm-N@s-lfa, Kateb.r n d johe. Wauhegan, Jon. 29. Misa Goldie Alyez. o! Wauhegau, vas tie aucoeaful contestaut for the Womo-' Cirillan Tmperace Un ton. The coatest vas bell st the Y. Il. C. A. Sundoy aflernoon. uad thon. a-ese seven contestante. Gurne4, vas represeniol by lires contestant*, and Waukegan ad North Chicago by 1.0 ine Alyee rucied "Ouly a Littie Pop Can Girl" un a most prala-evorti> atanner. aldthe Judges axpericacel no ars-ea trouble lu naming Use vin- mer o! the autos- trophy. The othon cealestants vere Iran., Nottngam, Marjorte hMisleand MazzIe e laugi- lin. c! Ouno, MUldrel Gartley o! GantIey o! North Cicago, and Horace Wright aud (baille Alyea of Wauke- gan. 1%ise Griggs sang a solo, sud recit ed "The Daugitor a! Sacrifice," a plece viti vblcb she yen a-aeilver modal but a tew laysaogo. The conteat judges vere lins. Ed- via Gobrechl, lMns. lcClanahan, a-nI Mn. William Whyte; ail o! Wouhegan. GRAND JURY PROBER 1RETURNS TO CHICAGO. Joseph Pypraîz, who la employed by lie grand jury lu Il. crime Investiga- lion, sud via vas baken critlcally 111 la-tFnIda>'morniug a-ad ruhel la lie Laske Counby (boieraI hospitl, vas ta- ken to bis home la *Cicago Moulay lu au automobile. HI. vife carne la Waukegau 10 accompany him on bis ttip home. Il ls thougit lie deteclîve was "dopul" wvile coilectlng evileuce a-gainaI allegul ilindplg keepuns of Waukegan, but ho refusel Io discuss ii alkuesa. lb la sa-Id bu plua an- allier vîsit ta akeaawilhln lýu day.' time. Thu ipolice are aearcing thcecil>' for a min via mîgit ho termol 'the mea-neal man lan linois," for bu forgel a check for $8 sud gave lt 10 a voan- via conlucla a boardlag bouse ta ma-ko ber living. ,The checki vas for but $8, but lie womnan canaot afford lb loae liat Rom. Thvoman, lira. Munson, keeps s boaring bouse on Morion .treet. Tha mon teadered lie checki for room, roui and recelved nome cash la change. lira. Munson tba h Ue check toa motion 1man and-ad ati ca-shel. The transac- tion muant a lois o! aven $10 b lins. Muna-en. The check vas madle out to Nets Nolanler a-ad bore bis endarsemeal. it cars-ete bfongel uameofo!Oscar Sa-ndstroi nda-ahiis jornlng visa Contractor Sandmtrom learsaed a labar or bai use blu'iame te coîsset money Lho gave Out lie statement, that ho veulî procctte hlm te Use tirait Il ho vere placel unIe-er raist. lira. MangeLa&aufus-ulabed tie po ige viii a gond description cif.the checit forger aluavlte hunt il ouk ýfor "the meanoot man vie ever it -TUe ilepSmdmt IslaaILe& aE~,,atw?~ exponted thot 10 'celoc thils mornulg but due toa a misua4ersaing hitghle attoeYs for Mockus diII ualarrive ln lie cil>' un- MRCURY DROPS It vas 2:15 befone lie Jury. constat- IU 19 lAIV lU JA-s a! ofthe !ollovlaîg men' a. vswivra la. 'rua.Jury: MANY RELIABI ('bharba çKendall, Fraah Creenlea-!, D. A. Weale, U Russell, Fred BolIer f hmaîihJaur 5h v ald L Ltcifiell TheY ve-roaccept- Tusa~ iil-or 5h a cd by tie clty attorney' wlbioutawihuqesonteclp ig f groatdealof qestining .lie yean la Waukegananadlin Laies Atorney Maines o! Chicago, a- S& -coualy. 1 ciis.worapreeenual Mockus, quasi- Reporte vaynl rainrom16 ta 18 le- ulael the prospective jurors asi l a efo lloe hecut their religions belle!. ad blucîr b- a-nI anc juan bal lis' nenvo te say Il lie! o! lie Constitution a! theVUited was 17 below.I !lb aa~ea States vilcihoaclainma permili frnee- Thms yrëlote a*gn police force says be sa-v a rellable dotîs o! religous speech. iubermometon show 16 hlev. George Etur>' juron mîmitel baving read .Spaulding, o! Spaulding's Cerniera. about lie case lu Tise Da-lly Su. .w51o! Wauhegan gasys lb vas 18 Tic final Juron accupte vaa <'lia- belOv aithte coreros. les~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~in Kolîl odelre .ba parts o! the county tiers les Kndal. Hedeclred h badno 1 'èresîmilar reports no tiene la no churri affiliatiani,. timI ho eus a Meuh- f unlier argument.Ilb WAS the col- odiat-althiougi "a poor one." est nîgit o! the yeuxr. "'Weil. tiey ia-ve't sesu fil la tara yau ouI yel. lba-eeyas"" ashel AI- .Josephi Pypraîz o! Chicago, wbo la toarney Malues. emplayel by lie La-he county ga-ua "Nnot yut l. mllaugi 1 îou'î aI- Jury ln it. pregent 'crime linvesa-- lion.' vas tahea sick tbsia ms-ig tend regulanl>'." ruplied Kendl-l. aldIo nov a- thleL.a-ke Couly Goa- . Rusaell sai!bu bal been a meut- ena-ibompilal, ber a! lie liethodial ciorci but tiat lnquiry nt lie bospital as te ila he hd nt aetndd fr oer 1 yers.coalition develapel lie fa-ct- tliah be~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~l ha a ttdlfroe 6yas sver> citicai but. Ibat theonature o! 1). Weale expla-luel ha vas not aObi siclcneii-bas nat yut beei Ioter;eï- chanci meuthors, although ie isIe ald mcd. bis moblier were t)apUlt or membens WbVt 1IV la difficuit ta ascentala juat o! lbhenalran Lutheran chonch. via-t Pypratz bas enbn o i (rui-nies! amittel 'ho vas an grandîjury. the report la lia-t ho ha-s houa 'collectlug uvdeace." A sensa- EpIscopalia-u a-ad ln gool standing. tiouaI report came out about lie cour j'ou uudensta-ul. Mn. Grueuloal, thot bouse thia a-f ernoon lia-t is candi- tie C'onstitution of ltse United States ion at pruseut nalgis ho due te bis guarntes t (ývi*yne reednt n 1havag bt-en doped vile ln same plnce guaraneeala -veyofu teedistlu iene he believeci lie waa unauspect- religions bellots, do you fnot," ashulcd yul lieenus bu aougbt ta sulrap ;counael for tie defease. venu "on' aad enleavoruda 10 "gel" 'Yes. I do," nepled Mn. Greenleat. hlm. "And you respect aldchuisi tbese14 1 prncials" pesised he atorey. The fa-uil>' of lierman Kohis, rte- "Yes, 1 do," respoalol (reenleaf. elova e! Stnhomos. ha-IaIlbi llh lin. Litcbfield uxplainel bu vas a to! bodSers aîlu9lie tWesI on Tue- ' im mber o! tie Congregatienal cburcb fbre i n h eto us 3a-nd that soins o! lie mombera of!bis i day aIgh us ba ter 1 o'elock, vjuoa, 1famlly a-lîunded th. Baptiat chuasch. liMr. sud lis. Kohîs ad heir tiree ' l'in a member e!ftisa Germa-n Lu- daugitors vuroe tvctims o! a loue )lieran ciurei, but my vlfe and ciii- banhit. The felle. pushed. bis vay bren are ('athica" oxplained Mn. BOîî- 1 mb tie bouse a-nI cevering the mem. or. 1bers o! lie tamny vlti & revolver ha 3 "Yeu bellovu lu the princuple o!f res forced the vIfeof o!Kbla te go leva . spechdo ou nt?" ske Maie IOe Use antl>strang box and gIs-e Lbefore Boller vas accelatel ai a ion- fom $22ealgu oeyremany entis. lin.e 1or. Ho replieI ln lie affirmative. &i OVnsfrm y ot.u. The t ireI vilassa sa-Id lochua ha-lh olsla a a-srbage colleterla Ka.- -. Z- _ý tt.ddtha ae-ýmsia-. Ihat ia-ny ail Joseph bal not been mannlol ald liatthere vas no ressort vi>' bbc>' houll mmm> toavSe dIxil- drea. Tva Catbolic priesas re amaag tie spectalors. There ver. ca.sete 300 Pensons present and o!fliaIatnm- ber fulI> halt vil b. avora la sa vIt- nessesa, il vas atatel Ioda>., The case yUl ha on. la viîch Use witneases fer tli e hfonbo .111contra- diet ald bs-al as taies eee mate- ment of thes vilaoises fer lie prose- cation, Il la 1414. - Thc attorney for Use lotense laid grs-estreme ça thelb fila guetenlu jrynesia-i li te Coustitution of tbé United Ut-i$s-suie la aQl rueoma o! speech i la <ohmreligon, &mdi la l F. BMIRSTOW Marbie and Granite Monuments cemetery Worlk of Every Descrlption CorWepofldSf lo icited fi HEUlC lOW no ku ebebased on'this prIncîple ofJes MOCUDTUEDETYtrial might end ln a rot. To « ____pncePoice__efTynrei lela Waukegan, January 30.the courtrocum. Itl a aknowu h" Wltnesses bang thein hostie lu that tbere are prenant piogent Wh# shame, spectatol'5 curtedl the curItotY bhave tbreatpned liochkua, but this ai. WhIh h d c use 't eir pre enc ln ernko on ho wa s oe lwtY a aNron d I ft'icbhadcaued'thir resnceluthose who froid his boliefs.,Tyrrel the courtroom, and the Interpreter ooCUPles a chair wlîihn eh reoe* etuttered badly la the bandling of 10f the wltaesses and tbe,'dofendujt. word. wbiéb wene offense, profane and, The casele 1p0310in whlch the clty chacne hen ichel . Mokus al charges dlsorderly conduet. Corporg. ,bscne wen Mchal X.liocus, 1i'lion COunsol Bulkley,. who roproSeol leged blasphemer o! the Christ, wu the clty la the progeoution, esplalae placed on trial ln Police Court ibis ta the jury ianabi opening aflernoon and wben temale tultnesses that the clty seeha convicti on oa tbld how he bad vlolated file ordlnary dlsordorly conduct charge and ibat ho cannons of decency la lecturlng en* ezepecied ta prove that lioeku M user! obsoone. profane an" offnlv* llgi.on bof ore a Lithuanian audience language ln addrosng a Boclaliat &%' at Liberty bai Ion the ulgbt of.January dbence. whlcbh hd been aprnklod WUt loth. soute members of the Catbolic fath. lira. Bezanawagswa" the first wit-* Mru. Stone was the second witao.. nems called ta the stand. Shs repeat- SIc teatleà as foliows,: ed word. Mookud are alelge to bave "There le no God, and we ahouli nser! ln hi. addrea which would shoch flot believe ln a seul; that wa Can de aocloty and wbich mlgbt cause a big as we please ln uhîs world. '1'befc 10 ulphoaval in the Chriatian .0590were no sdniv'a thing as religilon: they 10 become generaUy known. "The priests openiy siaried reigica This woman sald Mockus haît told go ibey could have a business lor bis audience that priests dfdn't wear themnselves:' blistens on thein banda through hard liShe declared Mockun sai: "Them work and ihat the. only worh they dld priesîs ha-ho dumplingg on pancalkqs was ln 'enterlalning thelir househeep. ansd give tireur to the people and malm ers," etc. thpem helieve it'a a part of O&d wham "The 'alsters' don't know anythlng Il ineana nothing more than a nickela -ai 1lthey do lm 10 play wlth the chu-iva.îoxo castor oul." dren I' dy Afd "'Iluterpreter asked: 'la Ibal soT") shte îuoted Mockur, as living remark- " Haucaitot God!" replipd lhe wtt- The courtroorniw., pachefi the door. he declared Mockum saitd there Huuddstood ou tîptne, the botter ouglit to bc no law. on anarniogo; th01 to hear and Thene were .&ho-: brother. andimitens sbouid livt .0 lies, Nîhillatsanmd Protestants present. gether as mai and wife and that lawu The jury tr'ina liochus la a Protestant shouid not provenu sucb a cours. one. The neareat Il hMages 1.0 Caibo' *He maie me alck, no 1 dldu't "Y litesur ilu lnred Boller. wbe la a Gber- long," declared the witness. man Luthenan, but his wlfe aud chil The thîrd wituea was lira. Skapoky. dren are members of tbe Catholic Sbe said subsaatiaiiy the mas Ibth faith. liethodînsaare ia the maJonltY others, addiug, howA'er, 1Ibat ah.obod on the jury mlthough the Baptist ando Congegaiona chrche ar al"re:heard Mockus refer 10 the local IMb' l, ureatonlcunhsar no Tep uaulan pripaI as, a "bUDch'bOckOd resenici.dronhard." 1 tu aner noon. 1 v 1 .11- -.A.1 -fr-1 1- th. 1 Iti jimdil j

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