tir a rma Mm Udar Adamsu ad HaBlýElm.o 01Ciaicago, re e Bo Sn- * i.Patrick, Cor. day aueste of Mm embaa Ad. US..ths"rohca a 191' W crucied lu a toiler at the Aaeu brick 191" *&yardé Saticrda.y. m*w Md mdhroda>', Feb. 14 and 15, Umaenot Moyer rwu the gucat of okmb~*ev1iue Auditorium. Mrs. Barry P. Thotue <of Forest uOW, àam a Puioaof Beaver Dam, Wi., Thureda>' Md Frida>' ~ ~t m lon, o Mr. id uc. C A. imigiiu. tg7kàr of CiS«ao. viltad iS tIm5atr. Ias the home <il bot brother, J. A. iliryker qalteairwol tiieyonngpeaple attend- IFia> mdBtra' ê* oi SSilooplUit>' Lt Rem aieFrib"ciof M.dlnd, 0h10, vlited fflas'ss'Mlc. Ail report a fue lm".. iativu. iheme lut w«.î X[ 'linu I h dier of Wfft Chicago. Ralph b Ptacon'.tertained Lt dinuer qq aidaua ttheboie ofUtrad foloed by a clegiride Sanda>' alter. W. ~ ~ »ni. T'Pi mt.ot-towr usgat. ver.: Ont Ji" ùs ir M edi.all, Elisaeti and daylui hic ldeuH,InkgttéMm ckelolOng o.dan for', aa tb nào t e ci. undernent an a. M. Vant are aIBO on Sbe mck li. ff .*" at li erma-Ameicai hb- J* A,. Btjer vlcted at tic bomne o1 #NLFîieclo aieglad tu hear eh .le nais Fabry o! Ermaaton. Sonday. 10 %pvbt laglly A W. 84" 0 Us cdotmlk seminar>' fcophsmyoni Albet*, ndaaboe.la echduthe. Pm.bstetan cinreh id Copl a! Ibeta.Caiaa, ~ iunday morstug and eveulng* quBe 5 dan. ber.. Mm Alert Claper of Chicago. ras ]ar. end MEt.. m Ruemeli @Peut Mou- tic weekend guet of ber purent.i. Mt. 16,ga..aid Mis. Heury' Sgert. A.ishaiMd Lake luff lu a basket Tic M. W. A. entertalned the &RN. A. baiIPO. FrIun utailgt. a t an eystarsmjpper followed bpythe joit Eau. Joha Wcih ru caled tuo cUMInsinutione o!t oladga. A pleslng 'jomflhatoti.tmotierholsver7 lIL ptogrmadsclboifooed Un Droti' Uocom, nb hasli n ThuMsay aiternoan at 5:80 oclock IÊ bisem the put month. ft Wed- Auna Marie, oldest danght.r of Mr. and nomy nmrig fot Colgate, . iDakota. Mtm Peter Peterson. ras unibed in ecg. isheces Holcomb vsiied nthriallewit Chrit. Dentier b>' Bev. esu, Gliaii atHighland Park tii. neek. ende, o! th@ St. Paul'@ Evangelleal Dr. 624 KWr.. Xonnagand daughet churcb. Miss Ameil. @inter af the. bride 1 B odspea8unay rith Mr. Mud Uts. atteuded the bride as maid-oil' hoai. JOie UMb.Tic groom ras atteuded b>' hic brother, ieaada Boa.. pame aaey Suuday tj Loi@ Menset. The Soung couple are Mo bome oflaie daagbter,uns. J. T. living iu their er home on Derfield -. mi W p., . The. rmain. --Ave. bon» h *d tihe fourn asMhld JamneH oward Kehler ia lu New York iNoa, ahwioon at tie home of hie onlbumsime c,my ois. Rom, e t I'cloek. 1nWe- >The folloriug haie entertain.d for mm l iamout Lai.ecameter>'Mm,.. oneceJarvis, MUt..Richard 8upple - 8saisg ofsuit nt * landhon on Tburmday, lMrm.Charle. Vis.aa men paya- for niaS ho gets. Johusionon Monda>'. Mm,.T. L. Kas Urubeeli geS rat be pasli. lt. et difer on u eedmIrand Mm. Moor aon chaasa P P Md aiTalloshg. IWdce.laj .vealcg. * à. san lâm i. W. Mise Dloroti'By lebelt rwu the goumiof tion Maimla amaoChcago. Frldaji Vas. iorablue tibbonand a IM W JIR VIEV $5 sa kumbrelis ou a ingle ear oaiteus uns et LltaetjviIlacShmnemi. ~-m1i.LUau a$&OlWb l Misartheab an bttaind- et s dé» M D»dMd his al. * =-bd«ehumopart>' lfloweoli,'souoper. Illa M&dM U O! et t *gtaadutistMm bm B.a ThomasMacma Roberti PO%" metija,. o! Lliealyv%,ere.thei.guta of IUr.1 8L CL. flode a m ib aHutCl IL . ettoui.Wcdueslajr. wm M e"sr lhsr.ou. de> l u ek. MmUt..goutZeman of Rveett enter-i ux Ma* spt S. .Wlou.Iy 11, tail e .dh A"'AMdoi ths St Peu'@ wIOad~j, bage a<.eovry. raccellcal chinait Thoteda>'. *Wan ~mE. J. A. Ilases viisd la ler 'Pie R. N. A. gave Mrm Dlek a store $lqéàatka ovrateraisg vba DeerSeS, cionoFrida>'. ime «t i« iChb, . a ios. lUn..J. A. BeldbeIt, Jr., ras the guest -- Od ** um aras lo en mmof Ms . .Van Côn mWi$ a1Chicago Fri- OeIl vWW the. AflbIBsa laey. -imoWULmm. Wuo. Steth aentersalued the. Pire £4dêUahrvisUel bis gadmotier undred Cuh Tuda>' aternoon. «A toun u Scsuri*8 a tarmone. -Mb éJeaule Karci wuafafl! et a eî . II Ui b.M ,ai Mlaaeaeohie le carl party girea by "tU IL. N PtgàW W" ilé b.mb or Mm flpromet. Alumni Saturda>' aiajuoneaithie Audi- »r 0" "ma Ms Baker .atuetammdi hW torum Rotai. 1 bi*WUdouber oves' Seada>'. Mln>TO LOAN. W. .ol thlu - Is M M4 »an ttmilieht epent a quit>' of tic.. ds.Sing ta horiow mon.>' 06wdffleS4I aparvllls-on Faims orotietlmptoved LaieCount>' 1QB4WU Sceompacled Ilsv. Umbaci Rosi Ettate. Pirs National Bank, tu tb*1maM Park MMeS onds>ar behoUtertyvllle, hllinole. 5e1 rVU as"sibiselu amutIn aofmeetings. -Ibsie, mAwidnulmut nltii Mm. MfétO lbVhwAuIa . lfeb. 8. P DAmO!41>LAE Wom srr t ctc.cal hed" ofi gamalP# Roues no pemed ana>' 8u.m i.adUc F.kJhso !Wu *Wa uhermoon. Services ncre heIn t ", $Pet Sodayt B Brtt'aL t ioum.p! hi. sOU Robert, T Mr.da owTic lan aChalgo et>' nIlé MfUWoa ai 1 'clack, Uts. MitchellTh imnLaeColécetwi "e "orhal>lie.tte, ympathi .attbean trtainmnet and basket coelai "ai ioomi at u ieiï terea et. the church brodaj.eveuins', Feb. aStb. Ur.mSaucifi b r'i'the ck An amusing prograobsbe regd - ~is su oniretrnlg i Wacan The Olai Fasbloned Donation hheld ati O b. Maflinnis i. .expected ta .'cda H.lartihtt'o lart Frlday waà nel speaer eré8onay . M-o aeakon tt"dedand $96 wae§ taken in. Idau>' quai. br. and>' A M.io pea anthanis tu the donators. V ~J. Sauer and Vitor Jr, were Prair- Geu> Wet aud Mies Mary West o! le Vien calIes hunda>'. Loda, ill., are vimting their cousin, (jeo. -Wiý 1kvetaiGrams churcb as U&Ual. MIteel. Tbey eae to attend thie bukdm>'Bcool 10 A, M; vrenching at fonerai of 1.B.juse, IL N. P. A.?7 P. I; preacblng 7:30. liOM Wehtenberger ras on the ackjfILME 0"mi dII>' spt a ferw daye t home. Mas.A. ltzeuihaer vieted the. Bled- tlunlomulr ah Wbeliug and Jake Wolf,& uat pbti.e t neek. JMssLaoua Brock mari and ber grand. maMn FedBrx-kman, vsls c -M~sou da lat a ee 11os7 Uhhe le xdi.gng a reil for Buai »Aibrght. liM Galter bas mîivpd ta Buffalo ~ro. ner.hebac-e.ledabougesand W* 84 iehlfuture Ime, '--itdWluI leaxn--n. g 1ev. Uubaeh *~ ~ ~ ~~o bo.loe, etiro!e. Fan Mol.amela W nt 1hl..homeof bis 4a~soluW~e.qseMildayumornlug. **111Dy Conrsgarional Chmrch ser0e. 1 o el. mnTb@ subect î.lthi" se 11f I.,.talleu up ncxt mmIght, v«'eS8 n ethfe Bal! Day ~A ,larme - uigbe of more. luises. liiI 0. --d letilluchrato 5 14>' enrefi,.luvlted. 4M58.0>t atthe. ame of tme h.',Iureda>' lqi. 8. t em ~e«" Pea& r ve. Wbeatan o! Wheaton, i., called on the . .Cook tamnils' the pasi neek. Walter and Paul Conooer aîtendeda bîrthday part>' at Deeplaines Suaday. Mr. uncan of Batavia, Ili., Who is chie! eugineer o! the Ke. & Cbapell tlaary Ca., 18 Overhauiing th i hlmer plant.. Mime Elma Pattes<o! Higbland Park, ha& been vlsltiug ber mntlaer, mrs. E. Pott$ a fer days. Mrm. I. E. lierrmn ras a Chîcago vlitor Tuesday. Tb@eIMomrs. Heur>' Wehep aid lita. Fac. treâted twent>' yqung peuple tuaa bob sleigh ride ance eveniug lasi neekr. An enJOYinh iIme nas'reported b>' ai. Sunda>' evenlng, Fob. 4tb tber. nili b. reular Englsh servie ai t .Mathen's Lutheran church. A. G. schnerun & Ca. have lusi recelved a shippmnent o!fiii applea Came a&ldueo then. 0 Mise Martlia 0bnai$peut fbet Wed- n04W .tahWankcgan. E4Bd gioldha. r.ovr.dtrom bis rems llsm. Irask R-elsIasd famil>,of aio, aptmuOPWIV a lie WMIon Faria. epmet everai dey. tic pu asi rua b hibuo. Alfi lANCE lPOITENT North Chifago man Receives Word From Washington Patent la Grantod. IS AN 'INGENIUS DE VICE. la Dilffrent in Many Respects From O)ther WIndow Wash- ing Devies on Market. 7Word ba, bffm recsived berstiat GeorgePMllp et Northa Chicago bus lust beoa graited a patent en bis wn- doràbung devica. Applicatiou for the patent ras Sied ln Washington a litr. emlitai a year ago. The de- vice la one ce the moet unisual of the ktnd on the market. Pblllp bu heen assured tiat tbt.k 1device wnul meet uNih instant fayot. once it t. Introduced geîerlly.fit le 1 B constflicted that the. handle la hol- lIOn. ta permit It toelie fllied with 'a- tut. Instead of baviig ta di p a sponge oobi'ush luto wrater and tien appl>' It ta the N~indow icb *ls to be nashed, the ratet lna tht. nlndor-'rasber le enaltted through perforations dbrectly ta the hrush sud 'rmndow. savlng mach of the labor. Samewbat eiMllar window-washlng devices have been placed on the mar- ket in the. past. but ln the majority of case. the>' bave not proved Xery satisfactory. lb t. clalmed that Pblllp. bas overcame the badut eattares of oth- er 'ritdow-'rasbern aid bas applled principals 'match should popularise bis devîce. A lechulcal description fol- Ions: 'AWn elougabed holar e9toýk for a nindow clenng appliance ostruet- ed w1ti an luterlor chabsrqihex- tend e i. oIe leugtaof thle stock, wltb an iniet nack to sait! Itterlor eiamber. tprined ceutral>' on luit! stock.,wnu a socket-.leeve aluo ferrm- el centraill' on saId stock and ln lie- modiste lateral relation to sald inet usci. niti a rub extenling ih lengtit 0f sait! stock and lu an luclimed p(p- siticun iti relation temilla Ilat neci aid uait!soviet-el.., , avins a squeegee grove extendlng the. entire leugli of Laid rib and a ebouider at thue ofs..et ib, provided ribl aa ssii., of trunsversel>' artangel lis- charge hale. commiuicatlug at thiîr tuner endsa niti said! interlor cluber aid exteaIng lu lateral and approxi- matai>' paruile]. relation te a Bide of salI tub." HAS MONEY IN THE BANK. Mi. France Nolan of Lake Forests Askv Io Have Hus- band, Restrained. Asks That Lake Forest Bank Be Restralned From Turn- ing It Over to Husbmnd. ECxtremo aid repeated c-tutY. ta- gether niti habituai drunkeuuess, arm the charges In a divorce bi lfilet! la Circuit Cout tala>' by Mre. Frances Nolan of Loke Forest against ber baus- band, Eldward Noltat. Mrs. Nolan nets forth that ebe and ber buesbaad wne .marrled at IAke Ftorest Feb. 27, 1906, Some Urne alter tbetir maralage. cha s4ys. ber hushaul -began te drink lîquor tae ecess aid bas beenlnbalcated ou manY OCCaA§- tous. Wbiie aider the influence aIl liquor Nolan, accordlng ta léife .lt quarret.inte and lltreats ber dam.- tuil>'. on Jan. 1, 1916, she says. ber baus- band etrmmck ber lu the faci rîth hie fiat. On Jan. 14, tis year, h. pushed ber and agai astruck ber, the billre late,. lire. Not..u asserts ber busbaud pas- sesses property in1Lke Bluff and ha $2.000 eu depogit ln a Lake Forest liauk. Bbe uase ecourt ta Issue ni injonction, restrailut hber buibaul fram dlaposlng of his propertY Or ritb' drawng bis moue>' from the lianIi Si aie aes ta retrai hlmfrtramil- terfering w'rtb ber lu ai>'nl>'. itle aoks that the Lake Forest liank ho eu- Jolned trom Iruig themoue>' over to Nolan. The w'rue aoseratalimon>' and a share of the property. Mer suit 'ras lIed b>' the Iaw Irmn of lieydecker & Heydecker. Mir@. Fred 0benauf entrý,alud lier anather, Mie. Weldner o! Louag Gros., tihe firet of the reek. Mdr. and Mesx. Jos. Titui o ee leffnry callem lut'Wednecday. Mr,. and Mis. Frank D.>rflr and cbuld- BIi OCEÀN FI45SOODAM. LItfiR IXPLOWES ME SUIT IN CUT Eric ooo, on Way te Visit. Seek to eqôa ae'UtII~ m K f Brtèr-îius, of Wauke- From tIw o Waler1 oun, Perishes at Sea. IKrause, bt haofitte lu hu Sa. Coïncideat wîtthie deathInluW&U, jstepio, a nies au Watt,Er ause- koffl a.fer dau1 " ago of julfus John- Iboti e oth a i mplaeg, u. aI .i I ifiweW tÇ Î WUou n i lSue bed ta an ait* t fjdefendaaule Jan. 3M lat 5.00 d fin vN 16 0 IAVuSe. E V typioN l tar, a letter vas aecelvel suit I51. b>'Ui, Florecce Kaa Tiursday' afternon. about the tUme bar tour' chldren, LAU1a4 lra S _l _q.nw~ usbelug held. telin?, li, dr4Bsso nSs the dett oti bisbrother.Brid M '.1 l 'il . 'qt Umoo rio la Ne cIne F" pgefit lui Thom Iade soi. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~% e uOp s a'tWuUaJevl e54$ i eecela fe Poet iTaste, Grace. syo.-R"umeo tat p> iW -'lLBrio ZiJn Deil:e% ouw y sa.cmetlePu U .l'u lbedl a &e MoitiSi. .4zalie eblp Att.rn.7A. V.,111111111% bo ba salnoaie44 , oM 'dt l:ho :*aa maille tritp a réputation utiat its go~ fOf 'flsWll isUE. fiai asa bisrecuIt of beliig renm >4 Ys.OUtOq f lnag uisnt ols MaMifcur. aerful boilier exploeion. Many live. h ntiooeg l h te i110ga1 liquot wre icet. 1trame. thingreclybfoe i.Terra- For a long Urne the tva broIthers,! A.ýw.k Or tue* Lgo Bozla ras ar p lu f-ilaep lHugene 6. Etic and illus bad beeî in contmu- retel atter ho liad driven fitjamily Grace, Posident of the. Bethlehemn ulcation 'lt eacb otier. Jullus nork. out of lie ion". ruile hb. rua un-Rile!Compter,'. nid lu part: ed lu the Hardwarejaandr>' at North dorthle lflueliq of lUquar. Teslmoz 'lu a Pecultar ceuse Betleemu Steel Clalcago. lie put the mont cf thse rau1to te ffelit tat h. trtietd s serv«e. ,AniolttcaiPoople. sain t hle hbait. Tien- he sent al failY scliinetlli>' and several lImet For exemple. thougi ne bave beÉn atutasilp ticket,'ta biielrotier aid - bd been tniéeolu charge b>' lie p0- 1able tae btelu la jlutope aimoit au>' anked hlm tu vlsit h lm bore.aseurlng IliCe- 4 cadourla lu tie C«1117 Jail Iprice, ns have adiered, Inctr charges hlm ba 'rouid se. that ho got a good ras lhught ta b. the let remedy. 1teith Unitied States Oovetnwn.t ta Pamlion. Brie tepllod tht ha nould Walter Krauae conitut. a grocar en> i.hasie of Prim m.stbllhsdbitura come and l u th e ftime ofbils deati tore. Baio testifi.l that'be0 lied thewsr begsu.- JullUS vas,-araitlug li comlpg nihl Puiciane l iqueo f im. :W gcd-fleGvruet ol keen anticipation. He *ondered ni>' - segdo i plansor ea nt-l he dld not arrive. H. beatd about charge.stithaïbethuibail .«rendl01 maie armor for Our Navy al ceca thte blowla>' up of the steamship lu a neei salar>' ail ras abl.e.io pre. AGerasmffîîmtl o- the Northt Sesbut refueed to bellve vide for Sale famil> util ite bossa t ioth vwm iei Mg Cn that bIebrother 'ras an board. pationia. tic place canduefl B>'iefa lir. .la tact relatives la Svedeu dld natI Krause. $hea Rys h. becano a bh. - OBt orduance plant& are' Lt the dia- boer cf Eric'$ dentbanit].inorn f tintaidruikard, iquandened hie mon- POMI t0f -hnation Lt A fair operating the 81anVIVOrs sent nord home. Thon C>' and ptoperty. heomme lmpove-isb- eOut, Plus a email margla, Ilium savîna a letter nus dlspntcbed la jullua lu od and uuiible to provide foris famt. the Goverumeutl lvesiment andI de- Waukegau, tellagim of the auj-i.ly. Stephen Lana. la'- made a de"1 preciatiou. - dent. Tic eMissive arrlved a feu days fendant beecmee. be anis bbe buiud- alter lis deati bat! taken Place. lng oecupel b>' Walter irause. One of the apeclal Demeaof the. ian Relatives bu Sneden bave not >'et Davy' i. ulxtteei'inch suas-guis sixi>' learned of, the deabh of Jullus " tif M it PhT ' ee ogsidcpble ofburttiiig a wil be a double sbock nben the>'t-U IIi1'A LnIî 2000 Poundab coUli ach paner aind Celye'lite lêtter item Waukegaii rel- E ' C O N 'o ogad"p tie.tehtg f lsdetb T eIsu vre*ý* LOCurLO>'as ta bit a 50 foot squam'e ta r- i.ene aOne of the strangest tFver I'uIu A I'~t I* gtffeimlsaa' bu ldInth ityb>. r M W. have aidottakren volunnail>'tu -~ wsrrvoeuÈAarcoomtuci. att-fr-.mOt of 34,OOOAO. a Eu am iO 15 sVLEuD plant fitti. tabulld slxte.li gtuis. COMMAND NT AT LîIIL 1 SK Vder' n cancelvablocmdaac ------feau oaleru nbhci e May' recelve for CAPTA PL A NE Charles Parrai of Highland tii-li p> vuaair r.tiii ou Waa Fakly Treated. opon the. tact thât a ntisbmanuma ( l Tof $269OOO -fuareu etir bWl Wu. liaiAmnouan Charles Pariali of Higitiaul Park. maiufaetune, for ouixicen ad four- Cut.- Mofet Wans Apro sikea for an injonction agaluat his teeii-IiiCishelS foi the aavy. . Capt.Moffet Wans App'e p r Ir ialaC(orso, lu a bill forI' aievaable te staie tus bals ImPe péïatio n lcrased From l aonuting Sud la ie eollice orfthenilci the BUM iita W» ¶ "-a? Il $000te $1 26,000. circuit cierktue afteraoou tiabouc a s foemr ce, hc cellth at. WUI -limMogoett, commandant prrl rl tesiat on Juy 10. 1910 pln of whiich ar. being sent over for Ing for $128,000. conduct a fruit a"l vegetable bout- TVa >'ears ago ne tok an order for Approimalel>' $10,000 bas berna ap- nece. The capital ras to be 3l'2M120 foutteeu-lucIl aruar-Pietcing bielle propriated b>'tic goverument fot de- ad'heras rbp «tu, crier ît t cnract price. of97118,11W, bo b. fraylag the. operaîlng expeuses of ltnhle an. .deIbreel nti a certain imue or ne local station, but non tint the Grent riv.ears uniens.terminatel b>' e h al ta p.>' a large penalty. tae. stationl bas been Made one of er up<iu 90 deys- notice.gTheas cl>' specAfiatona for maklng the finit claie stations ai the Unted HeBaya ha gave a aote for $I.tiOO lieue $hel.*are liaI the>' saolte Statea Commandant Maffett vnts payable lua 20 mouthsaia the rate or of a certain, lus sud muat pierre mh or L $5e'rt hm- aery~30 a month. ïîcworplaie et a' certain velocît> où li- tic roi-k. ti tegvemn e aahovst rcl Ioapact. I lateImpossible bu forete)litiie H.R beloieesat If Ibo gevearoeb H ae t u arcev 3luaexact conditions of the tente. nilappoprate312,00-aiaxaro-monlhInluaddition 10 aliter profits, W. bal made lafge quantifies ofobielle «tlon about equai otatairecelvedl rnstead of tuh e aye hie partuer lu tic put nhicli hal bera accepted& by'li Annapols statloi--then tf Great Laies station wil boPut Oald not live np ta tite agreement, anc Bai la placiag tii. partSeular order the competittve huanltitlb. grm an on October 28, 1914, eected him from Depattuet altsreml lie angle et nhieb tien ou the Atlantic commt. thIe oilice aud abuce tht tAme bas pie. the tusted. %belle muet pierre armot- Capt. Moffett ma>" apeul a 'reei or. ventel hlm from r 'urna plate 'Tie recuit, borever, ha beau tou days lu Wshington, aud Ifta o-aboite Icabilit>' ou our part te Pro- hIeved the naval comimttee 'rIl lite LF is i.billhaiteas for ,a.alniunc- duceu In anyquantit>', als hi h lchnl to i isand give hlm aud hi. aide. tloi u it de tht ho Ma>' get tic ment lie ovel tests. Iu fact, ne au opportunît>' to d.monstrat. the sumi ai mon.>' ducim and aal»kinwcf uO Proeas Of Projectl-ak- great goad the etra 346,000counhbe rnts lis patiner rcctruiued froua lus tirough ricb iflai possible ta pro. put ta. making collections ntif fUattier arder du.. la quaititie shels nwhlch Il I!t i. said bbab 1000 apprentie ses- o or.cfrat»h eur-ns nwlgoInta training et thecalaiéof court.__________e no on thaI leo i received. Mr. liclai ls.ofl-'S A Cftri~I actuel oprubig expeutse$78. n clâig as chief executive affluer lu hveben .ialxd ornondeivr> the absence of Capt. Moffett tram the $495.744., a total Ofcf3..O. nitb nO station. ___________BAN ER'BAR FJI recîpt 'IN HANOS OF THE SKERIFF - Such 'rai bbe eiperlence lu ltiglat Cor IsesEec- IN MEDLEYS, PLAN orcfwblch we wre .caled pnrelt Suprene Curt ssuesExec- lyta bl<l for slxteou-iuch obelîs. upreme________ Ve bld on thonselet t approxi- tienAgaist Drand for This Step Has Been Taken in, Moatly the cm aele omdu UnpaidCosts. Chicago and Other Big Cities 1 roeya aouo hc the Goc- Waasiegan, Jan. 25. ef United Statea. I erament awarded contracta. A4n echo of the aid botand mouth' - dis ease epdemic in Laie caunt>'. ai,' If the copimisaloners ai Wauiegan We bave not the liglateat Idea uhat a reault ai nblcb the $80,000 bord Oft1 iollow the example set b>' the aider- profit thore nLU be LU the makIng of prise Guernseys, belanglng ta, Mr" hs bls ed o nwta Scatt Durand of Crah 'Troc tar in, men of Chicago no langer nil the thoetr snhlîs . W ere no cerntaina- Laie Bluff, uere ilaugiterel b>' gav-lias band is blita close a rag lUmae e 'Uha1 ouY. Therossibleno rtain- ernmemt oafflicas, ras board ihors ta- 1medie>' af air 'ribla abar îrom the delle t il lilhMenpassiblefus t a day rhen Sberiff Grilliu - iec.liveil "Star Spangled Exuner" Forofier aselta utth e vytest. m trait Charles W. Veil, lerk of the o fiesl teNv auam Supreme Court alintae of Mlinois At Chicago an ordinance bas beau that an>' bld made under aucb coai an executian dicdèd agait Scott Pouned makbug Ibis net . punishable flions lal'exorbitant!' t. utterîrnftait. S. Duraidad d Mra. Grecs G. Duraul. b>' a flue ai nal les ian $100 ad W. bld an tlae ner battle-cirut The execution la for lie nci-pa>'meut there are man>' cltlzens of Waaio- euma wbieb Navy department experte. of Supreme court Costea aouting tou $Z3.26.gainiah believe tiat tIs stop ahould alter examination offaur lbooks, round The actionvaslakton et thIn- lh asa, r. oula. yleld a profit of leus Iban ton stance or Oliver S.,Dyson, state voter- The ordînauce paesed ni Chicago pet cent. W. agreel t.assUume 1 184 fusaua. and R. W. PatttOi, Ba J. vus tatbored b>' the Llod Weao forjaacresaed.cati of mateials andlàl- Stanley' sud L. V. Brown, COMPrImAig bar, that made If Possible that tilous lie etate board ai liv. stock comII pont of Veteraus a16 Foreigni nars of contracta mîglat rield no profit rbat- sicer.the United Piates, sud It tarbis thoe ver. Altitough detalîs of the Matter ne,. playing ôf the national antbeM lu The moch& ruil baroud the, a-ant ap- net forlicamlug It 4s a esuied flintj public except as an entire sud sep. propristel b>' Consrscs on the hasls of lb. execution ram a Oseuel t. lhi&ate composition or number, 'ih- the tout estlrnate made a >'.ar ago. sisaghter ai the Durant! cathl. bafeout embelishments o!fa, oal <>.And because sblpbtallders col not the state board cf live Stock Commis-: ntonltr alter lie inexorablecoet facts and te- eloueru wre Instrumental ta laavlng- ethel- melales. .duc, bide la0emrly estimates of the the cattie lalu. 1Ths ordînance alun provIdes' liai Nay Depatment. tbe prieu are calle 'Pie aiumptiou us that lhe Durands muelcissasd atbers should tise "exorbitant.' dcsét o LuI th te eOutui rstinren the natioanal nntbem la playel. it noouldhoa alsiadvantage tu bo Costaand hat te 1 elived of tilenaval eonstruiction. Tb@ deemel necesmar'. VleWthtc ir emb.rs of the <G. A. R. post of profit ftrmfhcannai poeslil>'amouit cemstances the $hoe laIsgivon fl sWuiga may tather the arluance l ah n.lersosbll'l nr citgalte-i, ellitdrtmereipcol!eetlticlbusuau Durandsor realte lu i me il in: akegnu. tb: repeatedly the Clv- mou&,hv eemnolt u u Dn for b' lts.Da l almIiletos uim rie.l oeues a'yrs uhatoie u n3 pa li aselit il - r t.th t,î reu 1hala non ap.la>sle ov rmn>asitbout 51*h- MENTINIYmk Waukegudlt.sand aohs ms MMos * raekiu hou liai.. for a e th*IU -onbrakema problimmi oe.nslmpdehul. ftir puo ta d-, tivç nt à dolait. sob"tone fa the origial aceoga1the ti.be*p tew oil'weeiist Wauk.gaa = e, te uilag: A brukoaau siartad on a .oUU- bound f relht taiL ftos USa.C* et Wauloegan. The U»» la r gàs udie weLg He waikd me wlig.3sUmgg luit ais It poulati. WalU&u. Vlu distance botothie tro d«Ms J& six mlle. ad the. train resl 9 mUe, au iipur. How for dld the. irak. man tavel sud Ltai at saoul? tt là accumel tbht the. aboos, ras Lt the Zion City' stationa rhum ei train etarted and the. enibla ai h. Waukegsu station rien tihe na stopé. ha sibmltt.d one or the.mont 134 Lnsweài, rhicii la as follors: -lIbave seen by the Daly Susatt a nimber of peope are trt« mgte noivte iproblerp-of b er thte. UMm City' braiemaît trav.led. i1La, ho waik.d the fulli length of htii Uoa ic isi.one mile. And tht ao a.&u- ed one mil. là elghteeu minutas" B. Taylor 0f Rural Route Ne. 1, of Wou'oceLII.bas rorbeai out iimm b>' algebrs. Ris anarer la that the. brakman travel.d Seh mil«e t lthe rate ot 24 Milii.per heur. Ralpi J. Janoric of Wambacpa opilhes tht the braheman Unaoi orne mli. in fourfoon minue. Mur., a Ohalg.o H. Christo»foeon a a ra,S 'Tie brakema tra,.lcd six maos st the. rat. 0f a M"l..Ca ho~. i rlU prove fttte ayonn.. James .. 1Crois, a civil enlaer Lt Î MIon Cl> ity hnlgucd il oct I" Bthe. trakuaz, travols s,.$.umile ast the rate Of 21 1-3 mile. au hain. Gny Froomcac. osent.for the. Ià» Boat Ula Waukegaa ljeols a m» aiume« l aio uiii. m ycie>'ubi. h c»Ys Il makes a diRai... niehior the, traintuWi"ome mil.e lg rhus standing stiior nWb% rucmalu V et W»a a mile lona rua M itmasW bo says the. slmCi hoea -fe rould mai. it more tb« a *mil. çmg wile rmaaniaga"d komigc«»sthe. brakenian te rclia Ulis hfor. M is. Lll a Ma ris.0 15 y o Tii. suhlond laiter rua vlttmhy Notth avenue, Ciucao, Mad Ob&" h*r excited nomepeople ame Iogu,. las over the perfecti>' barluspvob. lem: "De leu rant te do bomc goal? Vo kens, comene fe omin pes. trahm Pealtâciue aad .from a pcdd.d «»? âtindi>' publial thesauaver to' the Mion City puzie. Ail 1 iuar frem the. rihle fanly for beadcAat, lunch a" dianer la tiai braiteman. Why won net that train deraledd Itih aiit brahemau kuled before the. tufn tart.d o0f. and ne would ail bave nothing te worry &bout? .'ly people haèe sono e eorLai -t IL>' tiat ai uiiould .xperimet b>' zld- lng ou a train a mu. long from US.« City' te Waîzkegao.This bruaht ba benugoins tois our mles oat bour up te 28 mil.sLau heur and we. are soius be. Wioe? Crs.>' et course." Chathamn, Fanrnng Mill THE BEST MILLON nE ARME for Sale by f R!D CLALJSING AREA. Lake County, Illinois Phone 280-14.2, LbrIyvillc. 67w Y Will Knigge Licensed Embaihior and» Fuigral Dir.ctor stoe. Pion. 248-w. Reldmea ce udNight Phc~ 238-Rt AREA. ILL. Masqueradè Bail EVEREIT SOCIAL CLUB et Everett'Hall. Feury ,17