Zahu OMIUY's Big weei ~~~giIwWiéhn.GoIkiWAUKEGAN, WEELY SUN r VOL XXV.-NKO. 5. PART TWO l'l; ]VME LL., THURODAYFEBRUARY 1, 1917. É)tJR PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR IN~ Menomlsées. Mlc. Jan. 0-iiir II3Aut LTI ooWonWitbdUn atatl boa Vlannlgan tuis roraiug donie. the meqeetheP "No u»& of Atorey eore Pwerfor he e " h» otid"ýaveevealag. ebruary Sth, et &S:30 <ciocM tli. of th. re Power fsurttua ceul oit-u 'ae ~PIucky Litile Sohool Girl May thé r. I dsoiagi 0 ti *060W iat mti Gomn mbEfféoi Tomorrow ttffl by Mises Prank Gray Shaver of Have 10 Undorgo a Second ces aaiMaiauthc.. Who ihave as* Highland Park, 411.,*aalaient the. ira- l Dferred for Time. Of tSSo.s h far ateltW é nues Van Pallandt van Ede. Inamedli tiit tu.7 ii.<d a very enjcyable time. Atuly tollovlng the " cIion et the RAILROAD IS OPPOSED? TENJRY1NO HALN. he commfttee lni chu"Igcfthe ban- a Court tue defense besoin te place Its ulavrseeteusethdtas vns ~sesRporedon tffches DàNo q orany s, bt Il la ?tuaii.d taha Rep«ed hM Ofiok DoNl an Effort te SaVOe U fe it %ilil. affalvit] surpasa any of the et- FÀR1113R, Look Kindy onthe ProposedtaeH rmb lh . Ti.anut hldlti.ntet <iItNE3 ncraseinRats.May Be Neessary te Ampu! taistv e oooe t te membera tMd thei& empI6j'u. I~iIIThe.propooed Increase ln tare on hou br pe teb iteadt qebyIoea émnte Râ y M s theChicago, Nort Shore &. Milau- -btanq hn.apas ab tt. t ud t i . bsavydeni. t change tu the Condition of Mins Be,' aqe ii iSSCO Hin Dath sBeld Chs. A-Be IA %unROflCURSuc ctrie ralirouil. vhtch vas te jury Freos Michael X. Mookus, th Hldnthie 1-year-old Barrlnstoituedy HisDath Bd, Chs. An HEÀD IrITO CR R have bicorne. effective tonorrov. hau Alleged Ohêsphemer, on Dis- girl vwolaad ber 11mb amputatei t adonFbAoN»o derson onfesss 10 Ebez- -bien suspended. Wiiethen -the eu$- ~ ydeily ciuct Charge. the. Lakie County Ginorai hoapital ",e . A NTIS L >Noo zlement and Prays. to Lve The. annual meeting of the Lake pension viiiho permanent orConty orsVdais go as Ui. reuit cftaJpe COuatY Mlii Producer%' ABSOCLI11loD temporar>' la nett maya but It le HE DEMINES tHE CHARGES. ilm riceîvediin a coatlng accident on D Y I C U T R CUT OR lAt so He Can Make Good $Mdt-wvas eld ln thq ubirtYvi:: ow notha t he in on iompn eelfort tdUedyhA C ~ 1 hm t*~ age -Emlployçms Dlar bal Weitnesay, Januar>' hiat, ai nw thtterrasgn orhNewvaVir',Day, ber relatives Md DNSU IoNE t e Death0" Thy whNite scu~- over 10membrs attonitedIt. etheuminrOffice M NRecvoer Part Of Th*ek m h ,varlou mnlk tticna of the th. new achedule lnto affect. fgjý t Things. lion, very cOuly. Tii. Anti Baloon Leagve sufia out Loss.couty were prisent. Tis vas a ver>' An effort wua made today ta get Thsis asait on their puet la miu" the foiiovlng Item Whih ub l th e tii. M mfsma b« lof lreattédanc. ait shows thei. mur- mloto mnunîcatîcu viti »kj.Bock, Wgk . January 31. b tithefact that the i lurimb 14~poieo tuîai atIk~cn- il cnM dopi ei -Mth ir. mur pducers of th* 9uotynt.uperltindent cf th* . imBibt n- Michael X. Mokurs. allegMeutbs- net healint a. s 4ily a- tier vi I $ o On vhat 19 bellved ii prove ilean lpare ls~ g tu»a )i5otttm U. asislin"sa iWaukean. la ondnie mi fl.Obit l otvoaslke lmay ~.*d. . f10cr cf eri bqWeet D»2 uui deatiibid. Chrles Andersou. for 12 The. officers eleteit ver.: tUata fullepauaion eculd, hW mecr- muae.m tilSiIba14hpsagofheIYOU*7aei"ante years thre tnnted baokkaWoer @. e Pris ant-ar IM& aum e i. e.but Ilc* "Id net tbc dulocatos fdoecyedm.uaed1mbmii a aba h4 ii Piiii ftu ?6miedy femeataààie àus <Iuigln"ansd msîuoi t han sls.s14 oit eaU,.sousebill te protect tuee Qut taiesnesity sbove& asie diMiUý "iW Dow Manoaeetary-Company rer-tanrI ndIe>' oMcW ireport bas t.that locturlng on S , h" iefore a LAtltt he toufr that poueM t u it hO aval acadiMY i vlImajSke ou&U arai îemorzbags DosManfaturngCoupo et cfUbeityvihiêpouedtschedule ofari. vas arr atnulibl'Ti tac- vus et- neCýsary to perform anotuer amputa. .,dry" forever and provint tiat et*- s .n atbosl tlh inprayng thei. loy m>'protonsgbis nan abl i iee . ý lT ofsifartetneo.t r Rbâlideela -- ~, ~ * Mr. Floocdhait bien electeit tenapor- 4 iitie taiseutilittes commission. tblbi %&ik f i rtsat o.cttig off tie 11mb a fev tu- lit.sno tâ onpt bit bande toai>' chairtian cf the. meeting ait ils 0clals of the rallroad cèompany, it who foe or uea ,son rha aîe.filet ovin the "vît and dry question»" uh iti staOai to ; phm, %i4i honest vork la an attmnpt te iepoLy election sa prealdent of the. ounoty la satl, opiaooed auch asacheitule, as to wtnosuea itWr vitaîsa for ad Dr. A. E. Broya vha bas chaige of eveilivo 7iars undor the locaVoption on a fsrm a M d a lait Isnlbsé at as apat f iie81,00 bliiOrganisation va. mate unanimous. ai- tii>' realizedItlit ould handicap the &againa (*1 the eu, gays it la impossible et this lav. , . ,UbertyvMie au yesrs $ec b*I'ý ho.-bas tefaultei tfrona the.Waakgauogsuenn.o eeHkenfn a optnfvtli Nrh tva nBthat the one objection- urne te Pridiet the. outcorno. NH. , 'ie pousse of an à-ont occOM sDr. cnv lina vithin the pnttefîv Tm. wv&ase amentioce<l a. a lkely ban- Western raiiraa4.Tii. Insistent de- able word vbkb Moces wqas' ageit libes otiiegirl ha. about an ev* Wi n wtathe.legisiature ta is atinmi vie sbeep esIlgi"M,4! Notoutil ho vas stricirea iti penu, didate. manit of rosit officiais tint thi ebedtetohave uÈS eit bsdiscours. va. tit hne o eoe>.TiIaui> monteansaithiesaystemn, lang sappeilby Tii. meeting voteal te itvie tua nie bc auspendeit la saitetahave bien biglishi z tous af the Lithuala restera circulation mný th ure d 3mb, ventins the.abmnt ciftiquer trom preneemouber'. fI.oravages o a enrcuioossrobbeit County lnto tire. districs, notIb, cia- vbat Caunnt the.order te bo sont out. longue, aa«fat tat. the on. word ha sais. la rospoasIbi orthe àto lw'vt' territonyi nto 'dry' vitiathe. elle appeareitte.ho la tbmic ' hlm f the necossan>' rcu 'Poratve P<>w- rai ait soutii. It va. thon tecideit Tiie tact that the. aciedule ha. bien Coutlthaveébesâ tnanslated tram ltii leg off cf flsi. Ev. poesible effort ecsslIs.escf the atate. viii remey l inbalti Tueday - mrlga or va. the,' siortage ln hie Bcouts te .loct tva telegatea frous eacii diauspendd dos net mean that tiiore Banian mb nàlih andt coutltien la bains mate te avoid tii. neceesit> largo messure the blind plg nuisance. Wcieî about the itle4 i»~ diseucvereit. triet ie attend tue BsanaIconvention increase ln ratas, but ît have tood fc.' oe of thre vorits la of a second openation. for It la tours*iThei. recent 1declsion of the. SuDroellac It Vos Juat as s0e WU It fei toethi lot of Misa Ruthir oU' f the sorti IUnota district of pro- dosentethat tiiere vili ho severai disllîuse la thi e unonb'sieking cous- thehock of sucii an aperation nagit sicrtari' of tii.concern. te maire theducerse t boIt i n Chicago on Pib- ChangseafrOn th tusiedulo v wilcvas tric..-b o icifrto illabrv %n~ f the.Unitedt States spboing te ieaUber huabeaitfor-, osl tlscovoy whilch migit bave pavot tie ruai-a' th. Tiiose eiectod vire: te have bacomo effective tomornov. Until 12:12 11M mornIns the. Juror n eitcondition, tue contttaati t rthi ebae 0 dueputdépi. . ~ roadvay ta ti. pealtentlary for An- North-E. AX Wlton. W. H.Dn. RagtOffias are sait tahvi object- isard evidn*f> lO. tc tOkthem Jiait Misa Helton vas laJuret vies ýtb» . lav wwhlo Mesnuitr'sa *i iuiat. en-Nenk 4ii-aOoint e. et treauusiy teth@ progleolt f 1 iue IIUti0f'!" h m osla u Tirougb tii, years h. Isioret Be55 ta . LWoSdiù, R. Thomas. deossanua 5 0.0cents i.te RusatM leUokua . bu sad.aill ilidoit With a boeW *nK vtit testate, vini havt its M.îi asbra5 -1180111= ideusesgàaied u-t -Sot--i. T. Putana, H. C. Meyer. or $1 round trip, viion people banu10 eXpwlslte a ý fâ4tà ié huit tesupot nce on ol. hethe passage of couai- bilsaccount recorda vti vatcb- The imetIng crriait & motion mite t» Chicago trainWaukeffl Mdi netum vnatUeIWO' Itad ait> n& wuvasosins at suci a teriomsi"sMa 5106oe fui îye. NHi hoit thent Close te ibis hi Mr. Gidi.'tiat tu. county asua. for thi sae fane on tue North-Wst- Priday in httu iecttep noti gu'5 ", r as eems ili isrtoeny n, etat O u basomandsaitebs mpioyors.ailtona, If cdation a.k the. Chicago meeting te re- ucm rairoad. Tii.>'ari saidtetohave lMackus testilled t t ,ho made thia 11mb, savernn tii large artery. wiavîch iliienatale &»Y>' psrtjyirenvire boraIot tielI"' ever. bit an opprtunit>' te chec ils ise the constitutioan nothagt a anam- pointot ont that sncb a tare vould, Woststment BiShevasbrossat to tue couti ban- qaisilei officer to go inte, asy public parents "are doitbut taui -os accouais. Tha' nevîr questioneil bis bit of unsattatactory points viii bW ruinons. Why worabip itp a d -inaof -ptai vieri efforts vire nasde taesmve place viere iha.uaasuspicion tbuat ltir. Is. Bernam nt dam0hse 4 iionestî. se tbougt itte or nothlng takea cars of. a. regards ithe metiiot Reports are te the effect that thse Chrtt'a nationatitr 58d et Cinist's the. 11mb but tuisvas touait t o bi mIn.liquor 1a baing soitait coaflacteit. csge, andsta iu'otiirs. Thoe q about thi e uions manner in vhich of vottng. etc. achedule viii hi gone over ver>' cars- cieanlinoss. vien ttieê ue ticusanda possible vies gangrene itevelopeil anit W. areaiso aftr a county option iav Andrson stand irait aver the. Col- Chusmiait of Prairie Vîew urgit fuit, ait It viii bi t editl usi viii-. of men of bis natbt, alvée. ~meaaced the ipatient% 1fe..Tii. girl e-t~p,~i~~o~t~-are Hermon. Paul. WIaM smai 1 panya records. the .importance of raîsîng a tuait il vouit Wo attisai. mte mair t-d>? - ehrnentit. ii.opur tepermiton eques vtio on e to a-Of Chicago. mut Chu$ M"qsM A fev viii. ose, hoviver, Paie ae- oamons tue proitucira for the . posecreaes over the prient rat«.. H.eas..adinitteàt dstgrernarbsitNaturall>' h bas von-ut ber mucb te lie ii.ilix, wv illviitek the îegiaia- Micigan Cita. lait voalot bis croaked tactics. Pneumonie of propini>' placing thoîr position on tint tie foodstuffs taX lofcmmemkom mv oy ube la gons tbroughIlite ture-to give te tbe people of Illinois Tiq fuaea'aol.eica sent hlm to whit le thouhbt viii piove iikmations bitor. tii public. ovenraia.oate hlt jI*8et 00ou- wt Cot.. i. h a o palw emtigarfrnanonth té ànyr" & tf hilsdeathbiit. When ho iXtsk If I t iecnao neciasar>' ta uy a nova- W I N m L iunienà miana teomos, Mtuelilving qultobravîl>', bovever, andi t ln tula mdoeaquestion te the e t tfh~. ta>'atterbco ami lanter a e sîc It fit te the lot cf mise Dov te vpaperor perchae suiable spaCeln " tita tutana' oties' l< aiona.tact vilci causes the. ttending ph>'- tate.i-1eih atilsin ue' taie over the iiookkeeping for tie the Chicago aevrspapers. W s.Mer ician teansaert tint ai. bas a liguit- There la eviry lniatlac tomit aoi flra. . It didat taie ber long te dis- The caunt>' association seasteh IL R N R R Ç oksamtehaw lnsmti;cneàVroey.fti ogsto CnbBrM fl bua ýcover tiat accounta hait bien pattedinla s î'ryflourisblng condition s Rpand ii diteth vsl yn-lgchnetq'rcvey ftus ogsisla c Wa seuset or alrunk ta enable the bokeeîter thi emitbera ditiplayet naucu lateresat FO U NNiE JJEtue lateRobert 1l , . andi vhen 'Pnw-otseîe. mu as mucia aa i vli-tie great bue ta uies int hcobmeong a toule. ti«ialatimeeting. sat f e dbilt a Christ i -- A.5 n gpoha ui t iO- i ,eicnpoî cà u Company andithtus afford is pleasures .gilet: boys te Pick amuaberrl.m vas quite saloon or no &RIOMn. kepssot lnls iich n nsaoa 1. 00b- o sadw -r oyfrHomuse Dlungina fn 'M LX.. "I dc't inov whetier Christ ives. Sa]uo aprotict tisenatrou me-..Tecuce fLk uIy A EI keeers aii- coit out.vokei fr s.anl o i. oi>'fo ---De you?' quitoes. mnoiru bat voile ade ste ttie Sloenam fed a Wthilna tev tais usua la the -lain ov," 9sa <saaDov. on o081LepfpAv. Io Flred Th. triailvas one of tue meet sn-dovm ro" tb)r%'eck. The baya vm eboit 5M5Antl.aonLau tI a L L shop burt ofthei. tics Nxt Andesla. wi t the.home of lis ntoa .d1 * YTh aytâie O i kno Mwt dm pekr.aeeyC>lt Ilwtva et a awarrant wvms the&iýin Bvanston. Pev, If an>'. of - litisatian priest vas CM bondt te tr- thr îtounait ta wer ie noulae opmrtîng ciiurtetoSunda>', Pois.-7 te tac isued for Anderson% ares'i-rela utives knov that ho in'*bont" ODPRMET ALDec i oeset tis quto tathat 1.ieiti, ait aimo hbsIa tu. " AIl viabelleve lbgted Oit- fisys passed, bovcves'. ait no warrant i hac u ctis iti bis .mployers. t tue Soclalistic fntwE Weta vlch tira i ela'ten.T*st be ton laW" sbdp]a e ureit mssatte iueion êS a wa. procureit. Tii attitusd asumedit Ms. Dw, A vomal anadt ais'two cildu'ea vi e tMocins te.o egnwà te 'oeio. ptte "uiletles g'the iten lantheatr t on tmessagets 'M wiT~ * Tcdaa' tva $un representatives con- ber sons andt tagitern t ic mat- reocueit tram a bomats uhliding Tue& prsont to reaiter the "Free Thtakee'l- 'ieeit i nnhscati llg -Iflt oS~ tii-ro tht menbirs of tie Dvwfana- tir proves conciulvli that the>' are day nigit vies the. tvo-tora' fram&. thîlu- sqpport. Ily. The>' refusui tetagive eui an>' net tue type of people vbo he;asisttestructure ai tii coi-air o Linox ave- Ia ciosg biisaditreso te the jury les bis sittreste the.jury. "This Sl- SpringfieldlIii..3ma.0 statement until tiey a' bail itan cP. Of sOrow n an>' rotier's huirt hi- nue ait Tiatb treet va. ignitdt hum Commissioner Orvis, wvic maitet lna atrioc cuniry'! Freetoofscfhii î A l'mention of driama." a colonial Deavir of Chicago tatrodtlei portuatta' te conter ii Robrt Dow, cause Of the mliteuts of hon son, an overiîatedit stve. The Pbnnisia the.prsetsiton, bhomme 5» uyclted ls on. of our biessinga. irsetona of reeltinci On a actu es tate. osDoa vice-prsiteat of the compaoy, via The ovni-s of the Dow Maaufacturing voman andt her chiudrea veres asie.;that ho accietnilir strUots a voran religiou billets bulît up Our naton avenue. useaz Sheridan rosit, la HIg- bis raclng billtisai falleil tWe 7*0 wu vanl Cicago oa business. Couspany' loveit. ispectei ast trnstet on the sicond 40cr oethte bttlidigla the bniast, aitdaotier veneasdtek yi aou ta troc Mookus efthis~ Pr.~ ekn aavoar g-I stbili .sae'â t Proiecute? Neeyr," saidtheitiAnderaon. Tu>' vint ot of thoîr viien tif. lire vas itslovred, but thuY became iysterical ait - sîmost euCharge." ~rird oolt aaepesi omsinsi zrst oms~ young uýmnrfacturer's mter. waa' la attenapta te beip hbin atimîs vere cmrlid te place of att>'by iovs upen ttop of Police ChieftaInail il vitneases yere calet b>' crislti ai tuetweliena ltu e M g ens te hW mat> trougai lie Ile hogit a giet ieal of Char- of slcknes. Tii>' trusathlm a. a nelgibors vie tlSovered the ire. Tyrreit. City' Attoraney Artiiur Bulkley; la a sive structure asdthticsur-ouMn t fmachinett il krW& li a Intact,otui nagreat dea1 of brotior and because of the on. bis Tue irat alarm et lire vas reMilved Tue triai hugas at 2 c'ciock in the. mcst vulgar manner 'e ii.vtn, estatai e.rc sm tecgarons i b>pat- Cmutel sysdemsor btau , ilm ncv. It vas moi-el>' acase of sonIov tuat h. mat, n lite, lte>'do hi Station No. qOn &a .South iteiternoon. A rêcesm vas takel for relateal viat tii>'hait iierit atitheutî,terotgnnsanO. Cmpeocfoltais- miapaital on n d wat e vI iot'pa-opose te prossente him und thns Wauikgan. Capi. MUCM nd sitils spe,,tte ii ugjrlv Mer etr.Te> elri (0 door tireater nd sait mmintPOI oe ait et %il traoksvest stant cur lose vîthout cne wvoetbng mrrov ta i agît motion misa vire et thei. saveral lmto- yers, vitensses. andtspectatora ratura- us hait usoit yrds yfleh wvre viii- O.ltramsfatr fteEetcommlesiof et tiueem complaint. Wo vouit ratier that sot- Andersonla Is eli inown ta Wauke- IuteB bitoretii tremea of Nrth Chi- ed te the. station lin ! tes.Tiers gar, offensive andstoacie. homo la a compe ts tner. itu ala tue brastinesor ta" 4é, Inas as salinlathe papur," sait Mrs. san. For'man>' yîars ho mate 'Wau- cseairivet ad tue von <of' 300 spectators la the court- Thîn 17 vitaîsses took tu, stant stage, acoeten. boxes anit Ohictiidali thi.evwursblp rais 7 kM. Dov. preaitînt of the. Company'. keganhilsborne. H. tirât stsppet in, cal Iliemen savet lbo building trom ro. ad deteletue allegations. tn renter' sîstoa. "Tien are 32 f0055 tantte Poeror cfappoauct et iw i # "We voulit nover havi canad ite othe nev&aapr lmeligbt ef Wauke" complut.destructio.OM. LMuflOR -MO*UUtook the vitneus tandatd lng their verdict the îur>'men vers a lon atnau>'1 Md50 nisoeel veet i arrgtt, evea tiougi vo itlunt recevea-lian aeverai years aoes ils vite aitbis meniatatminatetattue laiea la a usait empiatlc masser sienleultoi-ced toeecdo titis question: bouse 0f 15 rauM,4bulît at a Ouit Of ant tu tonnaet C>» l on. cent," sait Frank Dow. atteusptod suicide b>' taing carbolo ihomeoutil ttir ie wuva. eiguiset, cvlng madeiremaria vilci couit bW "Dit the Il vitaissis fortCicty' ,Q0andt occuiiet b>' the Boehe ayftro., BachmMsbkî * "Sec iiobert-he ta the.-mas via acit. hie vas toudai tabt afimneit mMd, vorkbohndtla ibad vlt tue lire - qtuned ai offenaive, bee. ta ci-tie 17 vltnessis for, Mcias sueur vleterlre os a ne- asoala uslo dos htii nlg for our i-t=i."'sait tabhoaata'lng condition et the 1Huasey mon et North C~iag. Jbingon vulgarlsm. as ébuaiaa- faisel>'y nT"cls or.rc.muloih MisaelRuth Dow. ltomber yards, Cerner of Sprit an d ose site et tihe buildinguvws burneit lsedL, It ta ovietthte juil dit net la> -.TiIV mucta Io knova: Charles An- Claîton treits, lionrinouti hait bean Outait thé Ire loes 1 tlum Ie _a d tttko vas Met&anexpon- grat stress on the statemeats 0ft ~~tihe meemoatt. ie 0.0pemitteit t éva. deinon la "short' 'la hie mecunts, go badi>'bsrao4. b>' tue si acit oe WUv 4ros800 te scim . uhii io*m p ohrcIîs insss orMoksv. e wtl h oc lenctaenese-t ctli etai;u