Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 8 Feb 1917, p. 1

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LI BER TYVLL IDEPENDENT MeMMr Iàac2=Wee'sly WAUKECZAN WEEKY SUN V0L.~~~~~~~~~ UX.-O-6.I FT pB [jRy1Jy, 44K ~8,1917 MÔu TO EIGHT $1.50 PEU R 1M !NATOR SWIF LAUDS LÀTE Â. Je MION IN SENATE Sucoessor ta MoHenry Cowilty Sonator-On. of Most En- thussastlc in His Praise. IIELPED RAISE MILK PRICE. olares Mr. Oison Wai One af the Frst ta Give the Farmers an Advance. la onectian wlth the memorlal ser- )"e Senator A. J, Oison, on aur aftb, ]gr. Olon% succeesor. Senator veî tt gtribut. ta hi. predeceamor wiieù. aecordlng ta the Illinois sénate officiai repart of the proreedings for sthat day. ho' said: a-» word ta, speak of a trait or "M of Senator Oison vblcb have net bees suffIientiy brougbi eut. *OmatSo ison vasa a rind of tii. eMidacen. The children 111.1 him. And if ycm want ta lknow re.lly a man@j hert. ."i ltat man whcm thee cu-' due. knov and love, l e hboffiS lovsaumi the chldren knew lm and b. 1mev tbem. 1 bave tboeghtthbat t un bi eariy lie cf hardabp and toil guai mnde him appreclate theieJlilI. y*«bmw of the extrame hardahtp h. ..Omd. of tics. early days as a mer., be %pcn a ortieru Iula daièry; kan. Up ln the mcrning. workftg' ma* cf the. day. UtUie Urne for schcol wW eborctet nlgbt. UUnIl ce Of Imb pbylqm thajihb. oul have hemn wm eutimd diuoted- He toffla eM dutag Ilf.. ne fcmght hie. flght, a 1wu lm i be lockhtoiwaium *mm tbg bat~. m oftotent t &.ty thei aieme .man mlluntu the cova*POU 111J(RAIMM TO MINE CENTS~ Ilpite the fat tbat succesaf the GerMaitbociAde againat lled cOuntie, I vau declared roday that vithin tbre. mantha rne Milk vould "i for 10, If flot il cants a quart. 111 predfiet 10-ent miii,*" aid W. 1. Kittie, ecretary cf the MIII Pro ducers' Assocation today. Mrt. KittIe vot4dnt ay when h, - peed the, adymuce in price. Orf euh and eam at Waukegan, but declred the price wouid b. advanced in Chii- cago wtbln 60 days. Borden & Com- pany of Chicago advanced the. price, f creamn 2 cent. per quart yesterdaY and it la deciared the ccmpany wil adl- rance the price.of milk aconf. No advianc* in the prtce -ofili la expected until the farmera sigen rew contracts vitb Waukegan dairymen,l but as that event take. place within a WILL (OLLECT ÀAMILLI4ÔN AND A 1IALF 0F TAXES 0f Ibhis Amouitt Residents of Waukegan WNI Pay Consid- erably 0ve' $300,000. TAXES ARE EXTENDED. Books-WiU Be Turned Over to Tax Collectors Withln the Nexi Very Few Days. limployes of County Clerk Lew K. Hende's oMfce bave completed the work of ,xtendlng the taxes fcr the year 1916 and the tai books vill :h. turned over to the vartous town col- few monts,. it la expected that the etrwtinheexfwdasTe advance in price wili came at thati etr'itntsent1vdyaTh lime. i total &Mount of taxes tu be eolleete Mi11 ,,seilina for 9 centsaittis lo 155,61.Addlng baek ta, trne, but local dealers cdaim that tbey the tbtal aunount reachea 151.7.7 must advance the. price if forced to'The total tai ;or thse year 19151 a pax tà igher prie. te thse farmera. $1,446,936.40. TbJ. niîcatet. a ahi big Increase for 1916. Te total tan. for Waukegan this INITEOF H M NTY yearla $301,636.09. 0f the total tax M T JImÀ ITY agai o n at t e vriOf ns19 rail-2 FD M ItMEDICINE la Laied ccunstt. e u m 819,60.2 roala, sitovag tier pax a bg propor- flDE~ ~R.WT. LB'tion aoftetax, la façt. tbe railirads DRO R;W 02L &tiiemmelvea asertt tht ti.y are as- - - - - - - sesel 26 per enst higiser than mxy Is Given T» rams of Mth. er's Milk Every 2 Hours by a Tralnied Nurse. The tknieut mte cf iiumapity lat tii. wend la Baby Nelen. aged 51v. day., v.ght tl pPound$, ite lablMe ai viti great lmetpcve,, m Sau b. attéatel by the. otiier patienta ta the nursery at the Lake Cocnty Oneral Baby hlen lvas bora lm tWednea- day. fibe velgied lea than two cther dlma-or prcporty-ta the cou.nty. Tiie toW ""n" ee e aaton I Lke couaty la 836,M1,917. Tie folloviaffiguraslltov te aummotm xs that malt be paid by tii. difoteat lU. and villagea ta lsIe coualty: Bentou ............... 8 Mion ................. New.port.............. Antioc---------....--- laie villa............ Grnt......... 22,84210 89.265.U 24,7510 17,124.66 EKPEcT MANY BILLS. May T* Several Days ta He bt idence of Wit- ftêIsCalled. The aDue Grand Jury which bus been buy leking into conditions througlseut the. county to determine t. vbat etet liqutr te .old lllegaly, yUl dMnvene tomerrow te renew the. pet.. It is sald a nom- ber o fwtaaeWhave been ubpoen- ed to appear ami aire testimony sas ta what tiier kno'w about conditions. Just boy long It 'till take the grand Jury to complot their woe' le not known but théP belle! prevail, that It viii take aevdral days at Iea.t. Reporta are bu the effect that a num ber of indietmoifta may be returned. Just vital. eC"es the grand jury ban bad le Its investigation isî not keown as ne reporta, have beun fortb>com- Ing. Nohilng pf a definite nature will be knove tintIl atir the report bas heen aubWitted. PASSPSRY ARODMD IS THE SLOiA JERE, "ilH Pai My Bis So You Can Pay Yemt.ý'--Merchantat Tak. Pull.Movement. ."Pay-up-WW ea.ah year bas taken well throuob*t the country and it la nov a nationa habit te conider lnaa business way the-iImportance of a "pay- Up-weekL" W. aUMiit ltothbe habit cf bavlg things &0 r"It, aconveaitr and handy. eq4. w. feel anotiier day 'te viii have %j êmcney and Our bill can eaaily be',»d later. 'lTe reason «"pay-*-week«'. to» n o veonla b.- cause It bas bee», feuni le inestim- able belp &Aitihe Wcrd of credit. OBSERVE ANTI*SA. LONFIELD DAYr Rev. Geo. MoGinnis, Supt. of Anti-Saloon League of Dis- trict, Speaka' PREDICI S DRY LEGISLATIONa Thinks Five Mile Dry Zone, County Option and Other Bis WiIi Be Passed. <'hurches ef Waukegail and Lake Ce>uoty held an Anti-Saloon League fieldl day Sunday. ln a number of tbe cc-operating cviurcbes there were fspfeakers from the Anti-Saloon Leagnef but in ether churchesathe regular pastars gave sejinns along t-nmper- ance lines. Rer. <Ceorg.,'MeGlnis, upt. et the Anti-Saloon league af the northern district, but former paatar of the FIrst Baptist chureitaat Waukegan. spoke at that cbnrch le the evening, iiavlng spoken at itev. Bryant'@ cbuvcb, Moan City, lu the mornlng. That the United Stateavil bave nation-vide prohibition hefore 1920 If this country go., b vwar, va. the predletion mmd. by Rey. MeGinnis. He told bew the Anti-Balace league la backlng tise five mile dry zone bil wbicb vill put a zone around the Great Laie. Naval training ccSl forever removleg tise ml*maus ram Waukegan. The league. he sald, aise la warklng for tise county option bill and thie statevîde reéerendum ta 1918. Thse live mile dry zone bill la nee that. teflgUBOfl keabave bee wok'king for for the. laMt %Wvyeama Tiie county option bill voul give eatire ceunties Ue ic nit te Vote on wbetber or not the saloons shoéd be wiped ont. The state ,efseSiui wGuld put to a vote of the. DeoDie the 010$ A SOM-PROOF CEU.A ïFre'd Martin, ageil recluse living nemi Brueside station, vblcb la just at tiie Lake-Cok coanty border, south H ih- laiid Park, will break Metiiusalems recordé'if hi. caution does not wane vIt the paslng years. Martin reail the mornlng papers Sun- day. partlcularly the war news. Then he recalleil the note, cf several day. itas oentionIng the scattering of 600 submernes "made in Germmy." «"rm too amart fer 'em," cogitated Martin. "They're &ýgain' t' sueak: thenm subinarîners' intuh Lake Micbg'an % hombard T"Ig.'hom city feliers c'n walt fer 'em, but l'm fer 'sifety once.'". Wberea iti. Martin spat on i hands. seizped the oid shovel flrmly, crawied. underneatbfle bouse, and ai 4 o'clock Sunday atternoon had a six foot bombproof ex<avated under hi. home. "Tbey laffed at Noah In Bible day.," be told jokesmitha vho Investi- 'gateil, "but se fur's Y lin recaui Noah dad thi' laet glggle. l'm th' Noah of Braeslde, 'n don't yu fergit It. -JOHN LIMERRY DIES AT li010 f, SISTR ON ONDAYI WelI Known Ubertyvud fls- dent Is Viotim of an Attack of Pnemonla. John Llmberr a itrerof Maucia Lhnlberry of LibertyvMheisi Monday et i: %0 e'Clock at tise home or bu mister la DeaPimias. Mr. 1n. wus veli mcvi ta LibeutyVme, biv- lus couiut"Ob hm so*etiaatof tise village for m--y yearm.nehave" tiser viii bb.-met pie r abt Ieath mometime ano an m oulau living uhere aloue. ilvws aboat'four tbét tsroi, but blccilitttowMrdb the pounda viien bore. and today viien Avon .....................8,421.42 1 "o'a TrO 'tiùnwll show --- vesaob euedfouT buhju stt foli'ted from vokie mIaM ue, beal nurse at Uic boa- War'ren ..................."'947M w vat a splemdd m e IlU p y m ieeh a eno ii n ho inev. until be finally bulded 8ia lplaced thsetmits of buonanlty Town of Waukegan ...... 6907S.13 bills se you eau pey youra" ealy a saln theouhl 19h. vorentait s Iiwe oarvdbr.Lt banbeas, local and vbcleaale. sudi'P' onte sales, Baby helen Uppéddthem City cf Waukegme......3AU.09 Hcw msuy timon a singi, dollar may 9Rv e nsepesdotriM pneumonie. developed and hobe cm teudins net euly ovet tte a<the t e ai y tvcitounds. Town o! Shielda----------- 112 ,06.16 tmm over leana s i ayl 'Rer. MeGlenis exprMethon optwuide- sut of lhiea.but tutu the surroiiid- hîraculous as h may soeur, Baby LakeForettanShilds 188,104L76 You may ove tise butehar a dollar. state senate la "dry*' and can h. de- cidel tiat ha, abould go bu bis @inter meg "ta-a. lelen I. enjoying good beaitis. For àbetyvWe ........... .0014.19 and tise buteser ove tise baker a dol- ne pnt as n r eil-at Dam Plaintesna, thatah. m4ght move- ebli of br îhe omacaes iiremontpende2u.onten larnytryeleisia- aleecre ofhlm.tHhventtiser -Wiien there vas a determined oe-àchl vo elegiti@opotsesI 20 ..... .. . 48.2lr iebte is rcr iegee ion, Tise boue, hé slid, appear. intair aeo i.H et h mont linnrberu ilinola for Uth bt uperhumai treugtb. mltbougb the la Wauconda .............. .7.22 ' thse furniture dealer, the. furiture man b wV yasraturinadtead for a 'teck pont bad bean vSry totuen of tiseman on the faom. for an net trong enougbt tu nurse at ber Cuba ....................27M64811 may oure you-se Yom get yonr dollar dre "orebysa l magingud Utheie k =dUywë t noac tbleeaed prie. inthe i.product cf the. mother'. breaat, Ela ............ ...... ... 7.06libck and 'that a lot ot dita bas been upeglmmastaeie r e-mét of bis dat1icar»e on Mondar tom moier, Albsert 3. Oison vwaone Every two houri Baby Helen lattes Vernon........ ....... .. psitby thia single itou. upegdm. r oea r o-evening bis broth« enrdamawuva Rt et the ftrot men who met tirit do- of nonrlhment- liil la pumtped West er ..Iý.......... 50,354.40 Every persan 'tis cm. tiini reaitzes The speaker sai the 'dry" farces ~mon lolsilnlefib tesai fer an teramelprie.. sud hW îrom ber mote'î breasta every tva I)emeie..... ............78,788.19 thse part credif playé la Dmodern com- e46 0serstePefeo v. beaubecauze ho bâd roported ettanent tvait. Me formera nedi t' bur-and tiien Misa lcCune vitii Highlandl Park ............235.769.158imriai and thte remait cf unpd ald wIhwllpoii teaim that bis brother 'tam le a very ct- ______blls. Credit eemetinfee la a very gond 1w vl0viipohbtlo ispe tisae lettve the children episade eut. by tise chld ivo drames of Uic llfe-glvlng $1,5.279.87 tbing., epeclally wvisoneflfies t Im- <"'rYfndaloa vet î a er iure no M.Lmer a t*o 'that the people h e dait wlth tboiitht food. Twgo drame ta exactly ivo-six- 'The.fo1liwlng figures sho't the di& passible te alwaysbhave change vitis r"a nd alce ahe serch annd îelzurea et hIil.Goa totos0" svieeteentiis cf au ounce. 1 tibutten of the. taxes for tthis year: thoran. but the amali, débit 800e sineunt a.thae no Inemm an md asut'Lierty -t bail bistacthoesvter h. g -aThi 'is performance-is repeatel tX-tlState 1............ ...... $ 194,016.18911p. and are let lhem rita. tee long and . mwvwville He isatlivel .beréabontiAUl ed tise products of thse far-, and 1 ours of the day and at nîglit. i ... ...... 174,S25035 every business man sud citizen feelsj 5Tli CAS~ %Ff~ i 1ead hr r e oepp tbcae men vere aUl bis friends. He i'Te chilI 'tilI ilve., The ciildas Town.................... 13,6616 ltise- drag of heavy crédit he la forced wuedmaaLs ular men In te cmmunntY tissu h.. toieI toward tise belght tisai 'e catii mother came te tise Lake County Gen- Road and Bridge........ 137,039.16 te cai'ry, ET rWTCElIJJTiseloucerai services oftheb.laie Jobn 'ncpîand ite reached It, but a ho eral boaptal tram Lakce Fiorestand, 'ra vel.......... .........-~658.90 etsal " crbi.ntional "pay- MEI N611 1TUII LJIIU Llutberry waa held at tbe t. .loRepi's toile h. neyer fergot le tend a help-! nacish tis e cblld la rought te ber High Sehoal ... 209,620.86 ,iiP-w-'t.. Colc huý,rch ihýitt ,i ïiizigai he ieg band te the mon linbtheand tat'bedside se begs to be permitted to, '1fr and village .... 195,618.1A A A T TO ean eaIr)àlt wefo e va, tPl'ind hlm In the difficult road ,fenîle brol fpig ilyBn .. ... 8,037.00j BUSINESS MEN 1MET' AT NAVALnSTATIONx,'ClO,'knRtr. Mt. of ii-- p li0l of il l 1f,. rl [egret- The rnother's face blosmoms in'Cit) Schaol ...... ........146,220.101 LÂSIT TURSIDÂY NlIIT Condition GrOWS Aiarming - ry,'. .enietrvwity ganvauo fuIttlngteni o!IlaI bay a roubtteDistrict School .6.,3...73. Due Precautions Have Been ne vas juat about ready te go arer brbisd e bekasSper or North Shore Sanitury DisI 0,952 The lietvlýhmnf n )tfm Take n o mnat one thse other stide, ta descendbInta te jdiener or at the lunch perlods, and If Lisrairy .. ...............14,877.291 inîi rui uîî.l ---rifrîîm rtriaic beom anan. NAVAL LaDs 60 roaI 'there lts flnally closes, down the i there ever 'ta. a happy, happy mother Park Bond................ 1122.16, the second ofii .-.rim of meetings ladt Tedvlpeto it case plAaantwaY oftise ownhil ide of that mother hi thîs Lake Feresf t o-'Park...........19,424.67 Turdayeein nteLbryRma- s tteGet A T R E R SI litai ho bal tomises tiem, 1an- mn hs] . ""*" 57 at tamxadlmeeiof sinal meninglfa t tseGr flot biat reel that there la a compensa-- Baby ifelen la cet an "incubater Boa............2,263.00 te two bu.inps-. men lrom Edgerlon, Lakes Tralinn Station on Nfonday tion in Ibis: that there muet beho me-baby," 5h. la perfect In tormu, and Wi.give faîte ('11tise vomkîngt a01ilîe breugisi about more rîgîl miles Ine ÀAWIDEN EM thmedut s itallthtratl ivete @ociatlon l inte tise iandlng of men receiveil at tieDEM Vt II hiin bisndutai tsa viitie apoaeess itise mont ieautiful pair of j Total 1936... .........81,545,765.318 Welt aoes in astationefor training. Tise martial atv îaaplm're in Chicago hlmn that whiicis ho bas lait. because A Ibbeoyez ode ever bohehl. She i ack Tax................. 2,501.33Wicnn ty mous viseconldo so Maeyn dly in neezes. cries snd drinks as 'teS as! intareat on Back Tax -- 3.008.21 Theeeîawsteeebvpct. iefiicaeesInl elglsltnlldtdyL.'o!plcna acte 'thule he'tas talinie for i. ove a cild ofsix mentheandmltise nuse .cally ail ibose inierested ln uuch an develaped ai tise station tve 'teels afrmed aitte army recruitilutoffice& succes'tould have beefinimoft klndly at ts siia r rn ftirer Ttal----------------.81,651,279.87 association for Lhertyvulie mnd %rem. aga. PIx laya later a Young men cf wite tarafro.ute Great Lakei naval sais 11e'as passint eut ie me 011 patient-tise amalest patient they Tisegueste aitliýi.-eeting vere Harve-y 19 year ilavetno i.dsae riltsainIvdlts opt age" tppluse) aveeve atenel VE DIC Raymond. preaident ai tite Edgertan Bis romalns were farwarded ta Seat- atimulate enliitmenia in their brancis âg .- pp au e) in r. h a esv r tcied atuon, ad F. W . Jeesen, ie,@ rîce. N ebr., for hurlai. Y est rday tise o!f the service. Oison IncuîddSenatora DalieY af PPO- D jEN 'lI UINRIf) j'ijIBAR secreary of tise usoi TleTsy gav, iti ase devloped and another corm- A spécial train toek 150 "Jacklea" ria, German, Barbon, Deifrir andlBal- LBRY IL IBAY 1. A XB RÎEC go.,1 talkî,s inI i,w tise business men îofpany e frecruits 'tere put In anar-jtuie tise clty tram the Great Lates win o! Cook coucty, Je'tell. lFulton 1ETVILELBRJJ e AU0tieir homne towîî assit tises. wortisy oi antine, station hils mornIng. They seatter- ceun!, arra! oue. Slii ofSan Tis Alha lubbasarrngei fr to Icredit and how tii-y help othjrs 'tisho ure One case of tise disesetexiste In el titrougitise loap, many o! Uiemt gamon. c onîcert@ to hie givi.n In the- Aditorulm Meeiomtaee. Mîcis., Feb. 3- i a littie 14x siion get le the habit of mis-t- Wauukrgan. A boy of 17 la 111 if being sassîn t ieeaed st for thse becefit of thle LlbertvWeL]brary. FakGryI ero igln ar, lgeir obligations. ibus doinat tieiri spinal rmenfrIgîtis ai the home of!hie ions. Tbmy bore placards urting en- REAH FANC mNSAFTV Vie frat 1atb11n.. plaintif unla a8106,000 suit against 1goqdanmd help as-b Persons provide for pari-nts. 906 North avenue. V'nier llstment ln tise cary. and acteduaua Word 'tas recelvel at Waucenda ta- Aliterfo Salvi. barpisîî.1Helen BarosteBa= Van_ Ballandt Van BE otier mlistramnolIprovn I selis ntlign dpmiet o miviii day that JosephsMass andl fmmllY O e d oprano, aul Elîtis Barris, pals.mno'Ince, 'tas a'tarded 113,514 by Precident iRay appitel a committee but tfi-i fearri ibat hao'tîlI ho a eeugbt information about. care. tiat~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~i'Z 1îia rie aerlePac 7t' cn, aeS oarne a aJury ta the. Circit Court. lent nlght. a sixta 'ort oui placefor tise forma- cripple for life.vie on Jantiary 10. Mr. and lirs. Hana Francs Allen Wiseler, baritone; LaIiTic Jury 'tas ont seven haurs. Itti0 0 enaunanorganisation home. Dectori. at tisetraining station daint, "WItb* navY var imPending." said a" son vent te France tu brlng home lisovu, pîanlst and Wierton WHIe~jfui es, claiitîngtotehave &cot4er meeting and dhîner 'tll ho 10 have tise situation vehile insand Capt. W.' A. Mffett, commandant of Mr. Hass' Ian-hier Yvonneviho ba" valinâi. ,Tseeare mueicians of ,xeep- been securel - bY the baroneas, vas bilat the Lberty IleteuraDt tOnlgiit.and thev lo net bellove that sey these tation, "an enlmatment Intahéi beca there for the lest tee yeara.Mr. tiansi atiîlîîy and viii afiord a rare treat obtained vîthout the plaintifs buovi- nt vblch meeting It la belevel tite plans more cases viii îieveîop amtong men navy ue thé most patriotie act a citimen qmns la a Justice o! Uic peace aet Wauw tatihse. vitetar tisem. e uge bc ns contents. Io rit hoformation aift.e»W Organise, whe w Pro exPased ta the. disease. TX eau pertorm." mone. a. Isfriands vere glad t tireu Lbtyiyvll. -la IndesI fortunga stc T 's' fvesoparto aountsithe Pîaitit tIeO ultlit4e i liste e pnîen Ofonana dmi tiiaîtihe Tise cary in nov more tian ».Mo tut the. journey acrama t e cean.bad« m oeu s s ttlotsand In làhopol that tiffvw» seekbnaAttorney SavYer A, camp&lin i. maieé*euocsa dry Iiiease vas eared tutc the station sort of Dpesestrengtii. end 43.00 tise towun a 111 lshow tiaItappt.- ld ve, 3800. 25.00. $16,.0jelapreiiccd by tic ud"-fore&, vbo iroi sôme ane fat Ocf? state..short of 'tar strengti. 'Tise.Sn hou maie In samely. et mX'n -.Adt 1u hti o ,p ci. re*1oo êahoaethtT0pes.,20 oemore tis.. 1,200 recrulle et thc Uta pu.aaI Othier oetlira.M. O .t etp0~wu.M. 'i Fï bon*5 cfW ~elg-a l e-ay by tld ol ,a ouon Wvisenare raady te b.MPiM tE -flits Gre UvnU bat au ba.W b P"mol lumisatoceeh le ac.len ats t iatonmit li4 aeeloci li. Ne l a agreat man: who bae e. puthe . aboard for ervice jid 400 mie" 4h' oltrsSueay ni briher W 10 o uble #te,0*11.0 logeI te bave ne4 trou&M I u'.o" la s e ple. 5Ê ie rys Pl-an 1te ls f-heo gruat. vis Me. isestrmining viiib. flcikdwfg mi t#" 'matoc e e*baur mi eN be miilerMs,4lioù"lbLotmnéimaloi foelie r.n test plan n sd k~g~ aciWtii e oi ev b aNti lupaM~~k4ff Ur-ce .;- w-" " a4ta UU1p. Drnntnteil. ,a wu a uifflfor ù I. w and ie- l a -unbw Wi*m t--ooommm*» aniff fur he gr STRUCI 1y George Tmenus o Deaa'efliePoýf ;s Meteor ndyEk, i ,DESCRIBES THE 0E~' SaysHe Was Within TuFoi i of lt-Býrother Confbw w 'yFlash of Ligt From SIcy, fa WHAT A METERO11lBM y. A mrteor-a lurnîncua b.ê it ngtransiently ln the aley *aaOq lx ng or deacnding teot"i"ïar 15 ehootlng suar. On claar nlghin e loniimeteorammy b. a».. Iqé le mont beIlliant dlaplay. s quéib ïé Li ln Novembr-ano*h.rdf ih On. 01 a numbbeo @ml# biwmqb it eing Uiroagh *pa. u e od« encount.redby th.e.auth m, ft bitai path. That a 'monatrous mettor hast self trom'ti.he avenaand BlimWié on som f maM ut aOuhh e road and midftetv..n ' and a point a mile veuci station, tu the. flu allâti et .b Woinvetitafflthe fabb ieg a terrifie e rbus àtéb Monday evuing a Mt Tiiat It vas ile mer vn- housse.. Mttle ddIMêM more miles. i. Si. firma ~tee a ias i é ash mm .el, " *&J thuv »Vo e h ili.-r -Ta nuc a tou%*.*aiSet mius latwar by ' fo rae teat-tii. ho e or ly fleita »é te gviat tbir ad honta utsà MI-- lterifelelped, tvats 1e4,té4 mntslauteprtaa t bytli «eced, camefothwu lg i aoun Thioas. n tot-nada o the hmt ae t raint ethe ue r aybM l. varne, tLakeig Sttin-N. Sui e sky. bafithe IMAve beebnrt f q Ks e mh Plasb , f ligite lvid lugted tely. flelleel sontu explosedpodrlat ait MO a* peas, amet Prth rlAiI quthé asNo lîlos frmreta Maybe laceouîe vrecked i Sa't somethent9101t1; t. . m111 be flethur Weeormabe j. Grat.ellgSat oming Um*,ý acroas thavelibe l)up. of IWO Keoulala.shofetht "41,ci< acroma Uthe sly. Maeeeer. »ýa Wxlt e eportpant ut "-@Mm aeumdtangPrie.mAil viet thye arnblem ousf rntln t Wappe. TwiLspro. experLca eIerhue a u eda ste explle vIt b. athe Ge ereee ing.r~ s ein teln lit som ometi aUgB serose tevy ari be vmSÉl Dlnlghc..lsi tovard'Île seostet o ti. wo.s. a mtu ho.eerte b.awu*mor * seemcied tangible mi wi pis. tie tigure ont~ Thoas o a- etoaceIf. exeiec la-'- -- -- îý

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